#Dua To Fulfill Impossible
Dua to Fulfill A Wish Immediately
Do you have a wish in your heart which you want to make real? Don’t worry everyone has such wishes in their mind. Today we are talking about Dua to fulfill a wish immediately. Now people will ask does dua for hajat works. I don’t know why people have such doubts in their minds. If you too have any doubts about this then just ask yourself a question do you believe in Almighty ALLAH SWT? If you…
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bleedingmusk · 6 months
Allaah is capable of granting even the most grandiose and seemingly impossible requests. Rather than limiting your prayers due to fear or doubt, you as believers should pray with optimism and boldness, knowing that Allaah is capable of fulfilling your deepest desires and aspirations. Allaah is beyond human comprehension, and His attributes are infinite. He is not bound by the constraints of time, space, or human limitations.
Therefore, when making dua, believers must know they are addressing the One who has no limits or boundaries. The One Who is the Lord of impossible.
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ispeakmyhrart · 5 months
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Going through days which i never expected will came to my life. Heart is heavy from the betrayal of past, present is sad and future look hopeless. Everything single day is so hard to pass.
Today i manifest that next year on this day i will be calm, healed and happy. This time shall pass. Allah will make me go through this aazmaish so smoothly and with saber, like it never happens.. In Sha Allah. Allah will ease me toward ease. Dua that i’m scared to ask that it will keep me in hope that looks impossible will be fulfilled by the grace of Allah. I’m in state where i don’t know what to ask or pray. But Allah guide my heart what is meant for me, help me and make best decision for me and make my heart full and happy with that. In any circumstance make my heart fulfilled with your love and free my heart from فکر of those who didn’t value me and my love.
میرا اللٰہ مجھ سے بےزار نہی ہوا اور نہ ہی مجھ سے ناراض ہے۔ میرا اللٰہ میرے گلے سنتا ہے اور مجھ سے تنگ نہی ہوتا-تب تک مجھے صبر کرنا ہے۔ امید رکھنی ہے لوگوں سے نہی اللٰہ سے۔ میرا اللٰہ مجھے اس آزمائش سے نکالے گا۔ اور میرے لئے آسانی کرے گا۔ اگلا سال کا اپریل آج سے بہت بہتر ہوگا۔ میرا الٰلہ مجھے ایسے عطا کرے گا کہ میں خوش ہو جاؤں گی۔
آمین۔ انشااللٰہ۔
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quranwithsehar · 6 months
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And ˹remember˺ when Abraham said, “My Lord, make this city ˹of Mecca˺ secure and provide fruits to its people—those among them who believe in Allah and the Last Day.” He answered, “As for those who disbelieve, I will let them enjoy themselves for a little while, then I will condemn them to the torment of the Fire. What an evil destination!” [Al Baqarah - 126]
Ibrahim AS prayed to the Lord and asked Him to transform "the building or structure that was built by him at that time" into a peaceful city. It was a structure of kaaba, not how it looks today. It was surrounded by desert. Nothing at all in sight.
So, Ibrahim AS prayed to not only make it a city all around, but a peaceful one, providing its people with all kinds of food. It was all desert around him; he was looking at nothing while making the dua, but what an imagination. SubhanAllah.
While making dua, why do we limit ourselves? Why do we think, "Nah, Allah won't provide me with that"? Why? Look at the dua of Ibrahim AS. And yes, you might say that he was a prophet, so of course, Allah heard him, but here is a lesson to learn. Ibrahim said yes to everything Allah asked him to do, then he built the Kaabah, and then he made the dua which was fulfilled. So, what is it that you and I need to do to get our duas answered? Try to be like Ibrahim AS. When a command comes to us, we say labbaik to it. We say yes, and we strive our best, we do our best. We give our best. And once we do, once we are in the process of fulfilling Allah’s commands, make dua, ask Him for the impossible, and see it become possible.
He is asking to make the desert into a city, then a secure city, and then a city with a good economy. Safety and prosperity. Two things you need for a stable society. If there is no security, people will not come to live here and will not be safe if they do. If it has no good economy, no all kinds of food, which means no good economy, no prosperity so people will not have jobs to survive there.
So make it a city, make it prosperous, and make it for believers, people who believe in Allah and the Last Day.
Allah replied, even the one who disbelieves, I will provide him a little too. And after I let him enjoy, I will drag him to the punishment of the flame. What a horrible place to go back to.
So, yeah, even those who disbelieve will have the luxuries of dunya too, but their end will be horrible.
May Allah protect us from it. Ameen
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
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Look who has emerged from the depths of her own mind to write a blog post. I haven’t written in ages. I had planned on writing “Letters to Allah” (a sort of summary of the month and what I learned) in my journal after each month but I sadly didn’t keep up. 😕
It is birthday month! (No, today is not my birthday). I’ve never liked birthdays and I’ve never celebrated them (apart from treating myself to good food, donating or planting a tree) but if anything, I use birthdays as a measure for my spiritual, mental and worldly growth.
I feel like I’ve aged 50 years since the beginning of this year and I am definitely not the same person at all. I feel like two different people tbh. (I would like to think I’ve progressed mentally and spiritually. Lol).
It has been a tumultuous year so I’m highlighting 31 lessons I’ve learned this year before turning 31. Some are constant lessons and some are new ones.. I hope this benefits you too.
Prioritise Allah over everything, especially over your desires and whims…this life is for His obedience and to gain His pleasure. In other words, the deen of Allah requires sacrifice. We are already sold… Allah has already promised us heaven granted we place Him over everything else. Yani there is nothing more beneficial to a person than seeking and possessing the pleasure of Allah. If He is pleased, He will give you contentment in all your affairs, in this life and the hereafter. Guaranteed! In short, Don’t lose sight of the akhira. Nothing in this world is promised. The reality is that there is only one reality!
Take time out to send salutations on our beloved Prophet (ﷺ) and you will be amazed by the change you’ll see in your life. I am currently not in the habit of doing this daily but I’ve experienced its benefits. My aim is usually to send salutations at least 500 times daily and countless times on a Friday. The shortest darood shareef is simply his name. I also like this one: "صلى الله علی سیدنا محمد و آله و سلم"
Lots of people need to hear this: Please take your Salah seriously! What even are you if you can’t say your five daily prayers?? It is the bare minimum. They make up less than 50 minutes of your day! You are depriving yourself of not being able to enjoy the comfort of talking to Allah. Also like how dare you abandon the one who provides for you continuously and unconditionally?? How do you intend to have a productive day when you don’t start it with Fajr? How do you intend to sleep peacefully if you don’t end your day with Isha?
DON’T.STOP.MAKING.DUA!! It took me a long time to idk internalize this? Lol. Yani I went through periods of asking for something diligently and then not asking for it at all. Because you know your hope wavers. And that’s okay but don’t stop making dua. It’s like that quote, (I forget who it’s by; I think it’s by Umar (RA)) “if He has inspired you to make dua, know that He wants to grant you what you’re asking.” Besides Allah never says no to our duas. He only has three response: “There is no Muslim who calls upon Allah, but that Allah will give him one of three answers: He will quickly fulfil his supplication, He will store it for him in the Hereafter, or He will divert an evil from him similar to it.” (Musnad Aḥmad 11133). Pair your dua with tahajjud and watch miracles unfold!! ✨️ ("The dua made at tahajjud is like an arrow which does not miss its target. - Imam Ash-Shafi’")
Learn the etiquettes of making Dua (I might do a separate post on this) but for real don’t just start with what you want. I’ve been looking into this lately and this is what I’ve learned so far (briefly): Start by Praising Him. Call Him by His Greatest names. (Al-Rahman, Al-Raheem, Al Ahad etc).Thank Him for the countless blessings he bestows on you. Every.Single.Day. Then pour your heart out!!!! And ask. Please ask unapologetically and shamelesslesly? He is the Lord of Impossible. The Lord of Miracles. Who else even is there in your corner?? End the dua with salutations on the Prophet (ﷺ). “Du’aa’ is suspended between heaven and earth and none of it is taken up until you send blessings upon your Prophet (ﷺ)” - ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab [al-Tirmidhi (486). That being said, you can make Dua at literally any time.
Sit with the righteous. This is sooooo important. You need these circles that talk about Allah. The Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (ﷺ). The Noble Quran. These are your anchors for sanity in this world tbh. (Yes the internet lectures are good but if you have actual physical circles with real tangible people thats even better) These circles lift your imaan (much needed in todays world), keep you sane in the face of adversity; I honestly wouldn’t know how to solve or navigate my problems, if it weren’t for Islam. I am where I am today because of His religion. Its like that quote by Umar (RA) [can you tell he’s one of my favorite companions 🙃] “We were the most humiliated people on earth and God gave us honor through Islam. If we ever seek honor through anything else, God will humiliate us again.”
An attitude of Gratitude. This year has been a huge lesson in this. It made me be thankful to Him in every situation. Gratitude brings abundance, it unlocks the fullness of life. It’s the little pleasures in live (that we take for granted) a roof over our head, hot meals, the presence of parents and siblings that care and love you. A family that practices the Deen and has the same mind-set. Sunsets, the moon. Friends like family, your health, an unblocked nose. Our own existence as Muslims! (We’re from amongst the guided, imagine if we weren’t?) Just there’s far more to be thankful for than to dwell on that one problem(s) you’re facing. Gratitude needs to be our default position. This year I made a concise effort to become a person of Shukr and it has kept me anchored and has brought me back from moments where I was about to give up hope. 🥹🫶🏻
#PocketsofPeace. Sit with the Noble Quran, ponder over its meaning. Pick a surah for a year or go through random ayats. No amount of time with it will ever be enough. The Honorable Quran is like the ocean, the deeper you dive into its meaning, the more you’ll discover. Also this will build your faith. We live in end times and our resolute faith is the only thing that can save us!!! Faith is the only thing that has survived the test of time. It pivots you back to the one thing that will always remain constant in your life no matter how much the world modernizes; Allah.
Qadr Allah; Tawakkul. Every year I say I’ve internalized it and every year I struggle with it. I will say that this year this has strengthened in comparison to last year. Qadr is the sixth pillar of faith (not believing in it can take you outside of the fold of Islam). The thing with Qadr is that it is only appreciated in hindsight, or viewed in the past tense. Your way forward to navigate Qadr is through your Tawakkal in your Lord and your duas. The Prophet (ﷺ) said (on his son Ibrahims death): “The eyes are shedding tears, and the heart is grieved, and we will not say expect what pleases our Lord” (Sahih Bukhari 1303)
There is always khair in delay. “What is meant for you will reach you even if it is between two mountains. And what isn’t meant for you will not reach you even if it is between your lips” –Imam Ghazali
“But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah knows, while you know not” (2:216)
Define your boundaries! especially if you're an empath. Whether it’s at home, work, university, or even friendships. You are your biggest advocate! I have to say this though that learning and knowing more about my religion has helped me become firm on setting them and not budging from them or feeling guilty about them or thinking that people will think I'm weird. Define your boundaries from the beginning so no one gets to take advantage of your empathetic nature. You can be empathetic and still say no.
The other end of the spectrum is just as shitty (excuse my French). This one is a lesson solely for me. I wish to explain this one no further.
Log out of social media once in a while! It is refreshing. There’s less noise because you are only exposed to the lives and opinions of those immediately around you (as God intended. Lol). This might not be a hot take, but we aren’t meant to hear every thought, see each other’s lives or know about people’s emotions who we will probably never see face to face.
In the same vein, be mindful of media you consume. When I took a break and came back, it just made me realize how much none of it matters??? Likewise being always on SM we are constantly receiving information. Like Too Much Information. I don’t think were supposed to crowd our brains like that. Take at least 24 hours off of social media every week. You’ll thank me later.
Peace of mind over everything. Im a big advocate for this! “When a thing disturbs the peace of your heart, give it up.” -Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).” [al-Zuhd wal-Raqā’iq 1147]
You are on your own, you can’t rely on people to do what’s important to you. If it’s important to you, you’ll have to do it yourself. No one is going to step up. You need to show up for yourself!
Keep Husn Adh Dhan (thinking good of other people). Boy do I struggle with this one! People can be bone deep kind, loving and self-reflective but can still be selfish in certain situations. People can be well meaning, generous, sociable and easy going and still hold deep seated opinions that turn them into vicious little bullies. Every person is a kladeiscope and they will surprise you. (I don’t think you can ever fully know another person) You will surprise yourself too. It’s not a warning and it's not a judgement and it's not an excuse either. It’s also not a reason to stop trying or to stop trusting. (Even though I’m still struggling) it is just a fact! I understand the concept of Husn Adh Dhan, and I’d like to think this year I’ve internalized this a little? But I have a long way to go.. May Allah help make it easy to distinguish who is gold and who is gold plated.
Privacy is power!! A quiet life is so underrated! SM and capitalism and culture has put such a significant emphasis on the definition of success as fame, being known, having an accolade of worldly accomplishments and excessive wealth. There is so much power in anonymity. Your life does not have to be a grand spectacle for others to have a worth. You don’t need that kind of validation bro! Plus it saves you from so much Ayn!
Trust your gut. Vibes and energy don’t lie. If something is off about a situation or a person. It means it is off. Intuition is God’s gift! And women have it down to a science.
Cut music out of your daily life. I swear to you, you could be doing much better stuff with your time than numbing your brain with beats. Also I feel it opens the path for you to commit other sins and just look at sinning in a different light? Do I make sense? Lol. Replace that with nasheeds or Qur’anic recitation. You’ll end up memorizing a few ayats too (or a whole surah). It’s a win!
Not everything needs a reaction. Learn to walk away. Spent your energy and your time wisely.
Make Dhikr a part of your daily routine. Your heart is your most hardworking muscle but it needs to rest too! (please, Im trying to be poetic) "Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest." (13:28)
A Litmus test for choosing a spouse: the single most important decision you'll ever make as a woman is choosing the father of your children, everything else is secondary to that. If he is God-fearing and God-loving, you have a winner!
Learn the difference between people who are good in general and people who are good for you. Not everyone will understand you or has the same heart as you and that’s okay. Move on don’t keep waiting for the same effort. Some people are just meant to be acquaintances.
Pray for your parents. They put on a tough act for us. Pray for their emotional and mental well-being and that they get to see you successful in both worlds.
Respect and understanding over love. If some one claims to love you and doesn't respect you, they don't actually love you.
Reflecting on your own destructive habits and working towards fixing them is self-care. You have to work towards change; quitting that sin you keep going back to, looking at what needs to go or what needs to be added for your life to move forward. People usually assume self-care is about indulgence (self-worship) or doing whatever you want (selfish). I think it’s more about doing things that are healthy for you.
Cut out people who think you’re arguing or personally attacking them every time you try and solve an issue or express your emotions. It is draining and mentally exhausts you. If someone cannot tolerate you making an effort in communication (read ask clarifying questions) and sharing what you feel, distance yourself from them. No one is a mind reader!
Communication without comprehension is a waste. You could be sharing your most darkest, scariest vulnerabilities with a person and not be reciprocated even with words. I suffer from incomprehension sometimes (read come off as cold). I pray Allah makes me better at easing someone's suffering in whatever capacity I'm capable of.
Be quick to apologize when you know you've hurt someone. Trust me it will take nothing away from you. Even if it was unintentional, it’s so easy to just apologize and move on. I personally think it helps maintain the trust in any relationship.
If you’ve read till the end, congratulations to you!🤝🏻
Theres been a lot more changes, lots of things i started doing differently that have helped me grow as a person. I like the current me, i feel like i can handle certain situations better than i wouldve last year. Its the small victories that count ✌🏻
Hope you related and benefited from some of these lessons/experiences. May Allah be pleased with us and give us a beautiful end to our lives here. Ameen. ✨️
Love, Phi 🕊
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forgottenroisin · 1 year
Character Analysis
Character’s name: Roisin Malconaire
Role in story:  Hot mess/Supporting character
Physical description:  Emily Carey
Age: 21
Enneagram: Type 7 (the enthusiast), 7w6, 749
Zodiac: Aries
What is his/her greatest fear?  Being deprived and in pain
Inner motivation: To be satisfied and content: to have her needs fulfilled, to maintian her freedom and happiness, to avoid missing out on worthwhile experiences, to keep herself excited and occupied, to avoid and discharge pain
Kryptonite: Someone trying to control her (looking at you, Valentina)
What is his/her misbelief about the world?  If she just accumulates enough wealth and fun and experiences she can actually live the perfect, flawless, pain-free life and give it to her loved ones, too!
Lesson he/she needs to learn: Oops, that’s impossible and money certainly won’t buy it! (Just ask Edmund!)
What is the best thing in his/her life?  Her sisters!!  Her home!!  Fun and doing what she wants and exploring all the opportunities this life has to offer!!
What is the worst thing in his/her life?  Probably her stepmom and stepbro #gross No, but honestly most likely the death of her dad if she was old enough to remember him :( Her mom, too, but I'm not sure she ~does remember her?
What does he/she most often look down on people for?  Being controlled, being boring, an uncooperative spirit, a lack of vision, an unwillingness to help others (tho tbf her viewpoint on this is a lil skewed bc she often fails to see the things ppl need etc etc her heart is ultimately in the right place she’s just kinda spoiled and blind bc of it)
What makes his/her heart feel alive?  Adventure!  Laughter!  Inside jokes!  Exploring!  Riches and excitement!  A new frock!  Poetry that inflames her emotions (yes, she’s def rocking those Anne of Green Gables vibes esp when she was little – cue her renaming Goat Road to the Way of the Shephard or smth more poetic etc)!  Spending quality time with loved ones!  Etc, etc!
What makes him/her feel loved, and who was the last person to make them feel that way? Her sisters were most def the ppl <3  Being paid attention to, being supported and shown affection, having fun, quality time, shared fresh air and experiences, shared laughter, etc!
Top three things he/she values most in life?  Her loved ones, fun, security!
What’s his/her favorite book, movie, and band?  She’d love the Idylls of the King!  Ivanhoe and pr much anything by Tennyson and Scott and all the other Romantic Poets!  She’d also love Narnia and Pippi Longstocking and Amelia Bedelia and all sorts of fun, fantastical things as a kid!  Re: tv Bridgerton would be a go-to, and, speaking of regency things, pr much all Jane Austen!  I feel like the most recent Emma, P&P, and Persuasion would be her fav movie adaptations (and tbh she’d probs have more patience for those than reading) but she would loooove S&S just in general all editions of it bc she’d suuuuuper relate to Marianne and the whole sister thing would obv get her right in the feels, also Little Women esp the most recent Amy!positive adaptation too for similar reasons etc!  Gilmore Girls!!  Daisy Jones & the Six!!  Florence + the Machine <3  Fairy tales in general!!! dua lipa, ava max, fleetwood mac
Is there an object he/she can’t bear to part with and why?  She probs has, like, a bracelet or hairpin or smth from her mom that is hella sacred to her but tbh she probs rarely wears it, instead choosing to keep it in this tiny ornamental box where she knows its safe and tbh itll probs get burned asp and she’ll probs have a breakdown bc of it bc im mean <3
Describe a typical outfit for him/her from top to bottom.  This girl is O B S E S S E D w clothes and far more so than i am tbh so i probs can’t even comprehend of the sort of sick fit she’d come up w but suffice it to say she’s always glammed out and rocking the latest trends and probs helping to set them too lbr i also feel like she’s REALLY good at, like, taking her mom’s old dresses and spicing them up to make them ahead of the latest trend or like even making smth completely new out of her bedroom curtains like they might not have much?? since they got an evil stepmom?? but even if so she still living that haute couture life!  the best seamstress in the land tbh lbr! ;D  she ~will find a way!  and everyone will be drooling to wear that next week when she’s already moved on to the next look ;D
What names or nicknames has he/she been called throughout their life?  Rosie to her sisters, Rose to her friends, Roisin to everyone else thank you very much
What is his/her method of manipulation?  Lol, she’s the worst smh anyway that would be guilt tripping, judging you, annoying you
Describe his/her daily routine.  Only gets out of bed when positively FORCED tbh and probs kinda cranky in the morning whoops but omg she comes alive at night and just out there having a stupid good time, def the life of the party type, pranking!! joking!! leaving Brigit doodles of Valentina's face after the latest prank lol, honestly she’s not really someone who holds to ~routine bc that’s the bane of her existence and noT exciting (tho she does actually lowkey thrive on one when its enforced so she goes on jags where she holds herself to this standard...and then gets bored of it or distracted by smth and lets it go haha), but catch her laughing and flirting and dancing and teasing and planning outfits and frankly being impulsive af #facepalm
Their go-to cure for a bad day?  Pranking their stepmom w Brigit!!  drawing!!  whatever the medieval!fantasty equivalent of, like, eating ice cream directly out of the container while watching Gilmore Girls is, putting on her fanciest dress and going to balls and dancing w ppl who look at her like she’s the moon in the sky, probs actually wearing that bracelet/pin she has from her mom for once! making her sisters laugh! general escapism of every kind tbh, exploring awesome places everything from creepy forests to exquisite castles yknow!!  new experiences and having fun w her loved ones in general <3  the medieval!fantasy equivalent of going to one of Gatsby’s parties, etc
How is your character dissatisfied with their life?  Well, she’s an orphan w Valentina (fc: ANJELICA HUSTON IN EVER AFTER ;D) for a stepmom so…i feel like that kinda speaks for itself hahaha plus she wants to save herself and her sisters!!  and obv she hasn’t done that yet so lots to be bummed about :/  fortunately, she’s got a handsome prince on the hook so things’re looking up in that dept! and she’s defffff not considering the huge possibility that ~that won’t last since his ambitious parents almost certainly have other plans for him than some rando orphan!!!! even if she ~is technically nobility (actually she ~does know this but she ain’t looking at that too close up bc she’s a world class ignorer of truths she don’t vibe with <3)  Anyway, basically she’d love to be rich and just important enough to be consulted and included on fun things but frankly noT important enough to have to deal w the bad (but she doesn’t really think about that second part too much ngl) and have fine parties and intellectual but funny convos and be admired and adored by the glittering throng and make her sisters’ lives better w a wink of her eye!!!! but obv this fantasy existence isn’t playing out so!!! dissatisfaction!!
What does your character believe will bring them true happiness or contentment?  Wealth and importance bc that’d allow her to solve all her current problems!  of course, it’d also create a host of new and perhaps worse problems, but!!!! she does not consider this!!!  in her mind, if she were wealthy and important she could fix everything and then it’d be all happily ever after for everyone a la a fairy tale!
What definitive step could they take to turn their dream into a reality?  Marry Edmund and become a literal princess/empress so she can save her sisters and really stick it to her stepmom or, failing that (besides, it'd be pr cool to be bowed and scraped to and wear a crown and a pretty dress!) or marry pr much any of the other male characters so far that aren’t resistance members! bc she's looking to marry rich so she can save her sisters!
How has their fear kept them from taking this action already?  Well, she’d be pr tied down as the wife of an important person and she values her freedom greatly!  how else is she supposed to bask in her precious distractions and adventures?  she couldn’t just take off for the woods at a moment’s notice or prank Amira (she’d probs be executed for that tbh ;D) or smth, plus – and this is the worst one in her mind – lbr she probs wouldn’t be able to see her sisters nearly as much and, gods, she doesn’t know how she’d ever, ever do w/o them!  So!  her solution?  ignore all of this and just hope things continue 100% the way they are rn, forever, problems and all!
How does your protagonist feel they can accomplish their goal while still steering clear of the thing they are afraid of?  Change, of any kind, is anathema!  everything stays the same <3  failing that (bc inevitably that one’ll collapse around her and she knows this), marry someone rich and handsome and powerful who adores her and buy her way to success <3
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🍃🕊 An Extract of Dua Kumayl 🕊🍃
The most complete gift of God is a life based on knowledge.
The innumerable fools have made the learned very scarce.
The learned man understands the ignorant for he was once ignorant for he was once ignorant himself.
The ignorant man does not understand the learned for he has never been learned himself.
Knowledge gives life to the soul.
To respect the learned is to respect God.
Knowledge creates fear of God.
Practice makes knowledge perfect.
To teach is to learn.
Honesty is Divine language.
To fulfill promises is the highest form of integrity.
Truth means conformity of speech with the Divine mode of working.
Friendship is impossible with a liar.
Misrepresentation spoils narration.
Lying spoils news.
Enemity is the occupation of fools.
One's obedience to God is proportionate to one's wisdom.
To fight against one's own desires is highest wisdom.
The wise aim at perfection.
The foolish aim at wealth.
To separate oneself from things of time and to connect oneself with things of eternity is highest wisdom.
He is really wise whose actions reflect his words.
Humility is the product of knowledge.
Self-conceit poisons the mind.
Self-conceit impedes progress.
Pride mars greatness.
Humility is one of the nets spread by real greatness.
Boasting issues from small minds.
🍃🕊🍃 Imam Ali (as) 🍃🕊🍃
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islamicloveduas · 2 months
dua to make someone love you and marry you
Do you need a dua to make someone love you and marry you in 3 days? Want your boyfriend or girlfriend to love you like a crazy person? Do you want to see the outcomes of a powerful wazifa to make someone madly in love with you? Then you are in the right place.
Today, you will learn how to use dua and wazifa to instantly make someone fall in love with you. islamicloveduas.com
What Can You Get From Dua & Wazifa?
The Islamic tools of Wazifa and Dua are powerful. The dua and wazifa can:
 Can turn impossible into possible.
Can get your ex to come back to you
Can make your friend or boyfriend love you again.
Can get them to marry you.
Dua For Making Someone Fall In Love With You
If you think your partner or husband is interested in someone else, you can use dua to make someone love you. People read this when their ex-lover doesn’t want to be with them anymore. If your boyfriend is interested in someone else, he will immediately end the relationship and return to you. If you make someone love you again, this powerful dua will help. Everything will be fine between the two of you again.
If you feel like your lover doesn’t care about you, mistreats you, and doesn’t give you the love and attention you deserve, you can use this dua to make someone love you.
The Islamic dua for making someone fall in love with you will bring your relationship back to life and help your lover understand your importance to them. That person will love you again, and your relationship will grow. Things will get better between you two.
Tips To Remember Before You Begin Reciting Duas To Make Someone Fall In Love With You
Before doing a dua to make someone love you, one must first perform wudu.
Keep the Zamzam water close by and pray facing Mecca.
Then start with Salawaat, or welcome to the Prophet Muhammad.
Take beautiful names and say Alhumdulillah three times to worship Allah, the Highest.
You should now do Istighfar and repeat “Astaghfirullah” three times.
The Prophet addressed Allah, saying, “We praise Allah and seek His help and forgiveness.”
Please avoid using hate, as it is banned in Islam.
Is It Possible to Get Someone to Love You by Making Dua?
Every prayer in the Holy Quran helps us find love and peace in life. This is why every righteous Muslim should never forget the prayers mentioned in the holy book.
It is extremely common to have a crush on someone. But when this crush reaches the phase of one-sided love, many people become happy. The desire to reciprocate one-sided love sometimes takes away all the happiness in life. Many people are unaware of the Islamic dua for making someone love you to fulfill this desire.
To read the dua to marry someone specific madly as much as you love them, follow the steps mentioned below:
 Take a shower and picture yourself living a happy life with the person you love very much.
Take a seat on your prayer mat and read Surah Al-Qariah 11 times. 
Then, say Durood Sharif 5 times and picture being with the person you love for all time. 
Dua To Make Someone Love You Back
If you’re not sure about your partner or want to find true love, you should say a dua to succeed in love. You will find the right love with the help of the dua for making someone love you. It will make your soul mate want to be with you. You and the person you’re dating will break up if they’re not right for you, and your true love will come along.
Before you do anything else, you should talk to our Molvi Sahab about the dua for someone to dream of you.
You must understand this dua for making someone fall in love with you and the steps involved. If you really want something and work hard for it, Allah willing, you will get it.
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Here Is The Dua to Get Married in Three Days And Make Someone Crazy About You
The steps to execute Dua For Making Someone Love You are as follows:
Sit somewhere clean with fresh ablution and recite Durood Ibrahim. Eleven times
Then, repeat “Allah Hus Samad” 1000 times and Durood Ibrahim eleven times.
Finally, make a dua to Allah talah to make your beloved love you back and build tremendous love in his or her heart for you.
Insha Allah, you will achieve your goals in just 30 days.
Insha Allah, you will notice visible changes in your partner’s attitude. They will begin showing affection and concern for you.
How To Complete This Dua
From Friday night on, say this dua to make a girl love you.
Cleanse yourself, put on clean clothes, and sit somewhere clean.
Hold out a glass of water.
Say the Durood Shareef seven times and blow into the water.
Say “Surah Fatiha” 15 times and blow into the water each time.
Say the verse “Ayat-ul-Kursi” 15 times more, and then blow into the water.
Finally, say Durood Shareef seven times and blow into the water.
Drink this water and think of your partner.
Ask Allah Talah to make your lover miss you and love you very much.
If Allah will, your wish for a girl to love you will come true in 11 days.
How to Make Someone Dream About You
When a person wants to make their crush fall in love with them, they always try to catch their attention. To make the person you are crazy about always think of you, you should try an Islamic remedy we suggest. With the help of the dua for love, you will successfully get someone’s attention.
We all know that praying specific duas before Allah has excellent benefits. The most significant advantage of the dua to make a girl love you is to make your lover think of you. They will begin thinking about you more when they see you in their dream. With you always in their mind, they will start paying more attention to you.
Along with the dua to make a lover dream of you, surah to make someone love you, and you can also recite the dua to make a girl fall in love with you. The combination of both these duas will help you immensely. Within a short time, these duas will help you begin a relationship with the man or woman you deeply love.
To perform the dua to make a girl fall in love with you, follow the steps mentioned below:
 Make fresh wudu, then sit calmly to conduct the Tahajjud namaz.
As soon as you finish your namaz, fantasize about a great life with your partner. 
Begin reading the 18th through 21st verses of Surah Ar-Rahman seven times each. 
With a pure and honest heart, ask Allah to provide you with a happy life with your lover.
Dua to Make Someone Love You and Marry You
Being in love is the best feeling in the world. When someone is in love, they want to spend all of their time with that person. It’s important to them to spend time together and make memories. People also want to find love so they can have real help when things go wrong. Read the dua for marrying someone you love to make this kind of love come true.
If you want someone to love and marry you, say the dua. Here are the steps: 
Make an ablution before performing the dua or wazifa to make someone madly in love with you. 
Say the 11 times of Durood E-Inaam. 
After that, read the 23rd chapter of the Quran.
Say the first five lines of Surah Al-Muminun five times. 
Finally, ask Allah, the Almighty, to grant your dream for real love to come into your life.
 How Can You Make Dua For Someone You Love
If you have experienced multiple rejections. Then, the surah to make someone love you will assist you in having a successful love life. The surah to make someone love you will pave the road for you to find love. Who would love you unconditionally from the heart? Even if your partner takes you for granted. Then chanting the dua to make a girl love you will change her feelings toward you. He or she will become dedicated to you and make great efforts to surround you and make you feel special.
Which Surah is Beneficial for Marrying Someone You Love?
The Quran is a holy book that tells people how to live. According to some beliefs, many Surahs in the Quran have special benefits for love relationships. You can also get Allah’s favor by reading these surahs, which are more profound and essential.
Here are some examples of some of them:
Surah Al Imran (Chapter Four of the Quran)
To improve your bond with Allah (SWT), recite this Surah every time you pray, Salah.
Surah al-Muminun (Believing Ones)
This Surah is recited to strengthen a relationship founded on love and mutual understanding. This Surah underlines the value of a believer’s respect for their spouse.
Wazifa for Making Someone Fall in Love with You
If you believe that your husband’s love has faded with time and that he no longer shows you the same affection that he once did, then the wazifa to make someone love you will help you feel better. The wazifa to make someone fall in love with you will restart your marriage relationship and make your husband fall in love with you again.
Our Molvi sahab can teach you how to do a wazifa to make someone fall in love. He will suggest the best solution for you based on your situation once you begin practicing the Islamic prayer to read for spouse love. You will start to notice a difference in your husband’s attitude.
The following wazifa will make someone love you:
Keep any of your lover’s belongings in front of you as you recite the Salah.
Then, recite Durood Shareef eleven times.
Then, recite Surah Al-Ikhlas 786 times.
Also, recite Durood Shareef eleven times.
Then think of the person and make a wazifa to Allah Talah to make someone madly in love with you.
Blow on your lover’s belongings.
Insha Allah, during 21 days, they will develop feelings for you.
Final Words
In conclusion, the “Dua to Make Someone Love You and Marry You” presented in this post effectively makes someone love you. Thousands of individuals have tried this dua, and it is effective.
If you’re wondering which of the numerous prayers above is right for you, we’d want to let you know that you can make any of these prayers for yourself that seem appropriate.
The sole condition is that you pray with the entire faith in Allah.
For more information then stay update with – islamicloveduas.com
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quranicwazifa · 2 years
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muslimdua · 3 years
Dua To Make The Impossible Happen
Dua To Make The Impossible Happen
The world is full of miracles, and these miracles bolster the concept of hope and salvation. Miracles usually make the impossible happen, and due to this, it is always advised to never lose hope and fight for what you believe in unless it does not harm humanity. Dua to make the impossible happen can also be employed or chanted by people who try their best every day, but their efforts end in…
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duaforlostlove · 6 years
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islamicloveduas · 2 months
Dua to Make Someone Love You and Marry You
Do you need a dua to make someone love you and marry you in 3 days? Want your boyfriend or girlfriend to love you like a crazy person? Do you want to see the outcomes of a powerful wazifa to make someone madly in love with you? Then you are in the right place.
Today, you will learn how to use dua and wazifa to instantly make someone fall in love with you.
What Can You Get From Dua & Wazifa?
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The Islamic tools of Wazifa and Dua are powerful. The dua and wazifa can:
 Can turn impossible into possible.
Can get your ex to come back to you
Can make your friend or boyfriend love you again.
Can get them to marry you.
Dua For Making Someone Fall In Love With You
If you think your partner or husband is interested in someone else, you can use dua to make someone love you. People read this when their ex-lover doesn’t want to be with them anymore. If your boyfriend is interested in someone else, islamicloveduas he will immediately end the relationship and return to you. If you make someone love you again, this powerful dua will help. Everything will be fine between the two of you again.
If you feel like your lover doesn’t care about you, mistreats you, and doesn’t give you the love and attention you deserve, you can use this dua to make someone love you.
The Islamic dua for making someone fall in love with you will bring your relationship back to life and help your lover understand your importance to them. That person will love you again, and your relationship will grow. Things will get better between you two.
Tips To Remember Before You Begin Reciting Duas To Make Someone Fall In Love With You
Before doing a dua to make someone love you, one must first perform wudu.
Keep the Zamzam water close by and pray facing Mecca.
Then start with Salawaat, or welcome to the Prophet Muhammad.
Take beautiful names and say Alhumdulillah three times to worship Allah, the Highest.
You should now do Istighfar and repeat “Astaghfirullah” three times.
The Prophet addressed Allah, saying, “We praise Allah and seek His help and forgiveness.”
Please avoid using hate, as it is banned in Islam.
Is It Possible to Get Someone to Love You by Making Dua?
Every prayer in the Holy Quran helps us find love and peace in life. This is why every righteous Muslim should never forget the prayers mentioned in the holy book.
It is extremely common to have a crush on someone. But when this crush reaches the phase of one-sided love, many people become happy. The desire to reciprocate one-sided love sometimes takes away all the happiness in life. Many people are unaware of the Islamic dua for making someone love you to fulfill this desire.
To read the dua to marry someone specific madly as much as you love them, follow the steps mentioned below:
 Take a shower and picture yourself living a happy life with the person you love very much.
Take a seat on your prayer mat and read Surah Al-Qariah 11 times. 
Then, say Durood Sharif 5 times and picture being with the person you love for all time. 
Dua To Make Someone Love You Back
If you’re not sure about your partner or want to find true love, you should say a dua to succeed in love. You will find the right love with the help of the dua for making someone love you. It will make your soul mate want to be with you. You and the person you’re dating will break up if they’re not right for you, and your true love will come along.
Before you do anything else, you should talk to our Molvi Sahab about the dua for someone to dream of you.
You must understand this dua for making someone fall in love with you and the steps involved. If you really want something and work hard for it, Allah willing, you will get it.
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Here Is The Dua to Get Married in Three Days And Make Someone Crazy About You
The steps to execute Dua For Making Someone Love You are as follows:
Sit somewhere clean with fresh ablution and recite Durood Ibrahim. Eleven times
Then, repeat “Allah Hus Samad” 1000 times and Durood Ibrahim eleven times.
Finally, make a dua to Allah talah to make your beloved love you back and build tremendous love in his or her heart for you.
Insha Allah, you will achieve your goals in just 30 days.
Insha Allah, you will notice visible changes in your partner’s attitude. They will begin showing affection and concern for you.
How To Complete This Dua
From Friday night on, say this dua to make a girl love you.
Cleanse yourself, put on clean clothes, and sit somewhere clean.
Hold out a glass of water.
Say the Durood Shareef seven times and blow into the water.
Say “Surah Fatiha” 15 times and blow into the water each time.
Say the verse “Ayat-ul-Kursi” 15 times more, and then blow into the water.
Finally, say Durood Shareef seven times and blow into the water.
Drink this water and think of your partner.
Ask Allah Talah to make your lover miss you and love you very much.
If Allah will, your wish for a girl to love you will come true in 11 days.
How to Make Someone Dream About You
When a person wants to make their crush fall in love with them, they always try to catch their attention. To make the person you are crazy about always think of you, you should try an Islamic remedy we suggest. With the help of the dua for love, you will successfully get someone’s attention.
We all know that praying specific duas before Allah has excellent benefits. The most significant advantage of the dua to make a girl love you is to make your lover think of you. They will begin thinking about you more when they see you in their dream. With you always in their mind, they will start paying more attention to you.
Along with the dua to make a lover dream of you, surah to make someone love you, and you can also recite the dua to make a girl fall in love with you. The combination of both these duas will help you immensely. Within a short time, these duas will help you begin a relationship with the man or woman you deeply love.
To perform the dua to make a girl fall in love with you, follow the steps mentioned below:
 Make fresh wudu, then sit calmly to conduct the Tahajjud namaz.
As soon as you finish your namaz, fantasize about a great life with your partner. 
Begin reading the 18th through 21st verses of Surah Ar-Rahman seven times each. 
With a pure and honest heart, ask Allah to provide you with a happy life with your lover.
Dua to Make Someone Love You and Marry You
Being in love is the best feeling in the world. When someone is in love, they want to spend all of their time with that person. It’s important to them to spend time together and make memories. People also want to find love so they can have real help when things go wrong. Read the dua for marrying someone you love to make this kind of love come true.
If you want someone to love and marry you, say the dua. Here are the steps: 
Make an ablution before performing the dua or wazifa to make someone madly in love with you. 
Say the 11 times of Durood E-Inaam. 
After that, read the 23rd chapter of the Quran.
Say the first five lines of Surah Al-Muminun five times. 
Finally, ask Allah, the Almighty, to grant your dream for real love to come into your life.
 How Can You Make Dua For Someone You Love
If you have experienced multiple rejections. Then, the surah to make someone love you will assist you in having a successful love life. The surah to make someone love you will pave the road for you to find love. Who would love you unconditionally from the heart? Even if your partner takes you for granted. Then chanting the dua to make a girl love you will change her feelings toward you. He or she will become dedicated to you and make great efforts to surround you and make you feel special.
Which Surah is Beneficial for Marrying Someone You Love?
The Quran is a holy book that tells people how to live. According to some beliefs, many Surahs in the Quran have special benefits for love relationships. You can also get Allah’s favor by reading these surahs, which are more profound and essential.
Here are some examples of some of them:
Surah Al Imran (Chapter Four of the Quran)
To improve your bond with Allah (SWT), recite this Surah every time you pray, Salah.
Surah al-Muminun (Believing Ones)
This Surah is recited to strengthen a relationship founded on love and mutual understanding. This Surah underlines the value of a believer’s respect for their spouse.
Wazifa for Making Someone Fall in Love with You
If you believe that your husband’s love has faded with time and that he no longer shows you the same affection that he once did, then the wazifa to make someone love you will help you feel better. The wazifa to make someone fall in love with you will restart your marriage relationship and make your husband fall in love with you again.
Our Molvi sahab can teach you how to do a wazifa to make someone fall in love. He will suggest the best solution for you based on your situation once you begin practicing the Islamic prayer to read for spouse love. You will start to notice a difference in your husband’s attitude.
The following wazifa will make someone love you:
Keep any of your lover’s belongings in front of you as you recite the Salah.
Then, recite Durood Shareef eleven times.
Then, recite Surah Al-Ikhlas 786 times.
Also, recite Durood Shareef eleven times.
Then think of the person and make a wazifa to Allah Talah to make someone madly in love with you.
Blow on your lover’s belongings.
Insha Allah, during 21 days, they will develop feelings for you.
Final Words
In conclusion, the “Dua to Make Someone Love You and Marry You” presented in this post effectively makes someone love you. Thousands of individuals have tried this dua, and it is effective.
If you’re wondering which of the numerous prayers above is right for you, we’d want to let you know that you can make any of these prayers for yourself that seem appropriate.
The sole condition is that you pray with the entire faith in Allah.
For more information then stay update with – islamicloveduas.com
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lifeofresulullah · 5 years
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad: Exemplary Ethics of The Prophet: Slave of God
The Prophet (pbuh) served as a model for his ummah regarding servitude and worshipping as he did regarding other issues; his prophethood did not eliminate the fact that he was a human being; nor did it exempt him from the obligation of worshipping his Creator. Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) was responsible for all kinds of orders and prohibitions of the religion just like the other members of the ummah; he was even obliged to do more things than the other people like tahajjud prayer, which is sunnah for us but fard for the Prophet, and given more responsibilities.
Do not Exceed the Boundaries When You Praise me
The Prophet never had any attitudes indicating that he was a privileged person because of being a prophet; he said,
“Do not exaggerate in praising me as the Christians praised the son of Mary, for I am only a Slave. So, call me the Slave of Allah and His Messenger.”
Thus, he set a good example showing the consciousness of being a slave.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) sometimes corrected the expressions that the Companions used in order to show respect to him; once a Companion called him,
“O the best person of the universe!” He turned to him and said,
“It was Ibrahim (Abraham).” In another narration, he said,
“Do not regard me as superior to Jonah. Do not say some prophets are better than others. Do not regard me as better than Moses. I am weaker than Abraham in terms of having doubts. If I had stayed in prison as long as Yusuf did, I would have accepted the call of the king at once.”
Thus, he prohibited people from showing too much respect to him.
Should I not be a slave that thanks?
Hazrat Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrates: The Prophet worshipped at night until his legs swelled. I said to him,
���O Messenger of Allah! Your sins in the past and in the future were forgiven by Allah; so, why do you pray so much and get tired?”He said,
“O Aisha! Should I not be a slave that thanks Allah?” 
Through those words, the Prophet (pbuh) stated that he worshipped Allah due to his love of Allah and pleasure not due to his fear of Allah as some people think. That was the reason why the Prophet (pbuh) said he received great pleasure while performing prayers. He even said the following about the two-rak’ah sunnah of the morning prayer: “Those two rak’ahs are lovelier than anything else in the world for me.”
Lover of Prayer
The attitude of the Prophet (pbuh) toward prayer is virtually like love. He expressed it in many of his statements:
"Allah gave a desire and lust to every prophet. My lust is to perform tahajjud prayer."
The meaning of that sentence is as follows: "You pursue various pleasures related to your body closely; the signals that reach you related to those pleasures attract you and you follow those pleasures. As for me, when I hear the voice of my conscience say, 'Get up! It is time to pray!', that signal attracts me so much that I become entranced and I cannot help praying. The moments when I do not or cannot get up at night for tahajjud prayer are my saddest and most distressing moments. The most enjoyable and gladdening moments for me are the moments when I perform prayers." In another hadith, the Prophet says,
"I was made love three things: Women, scents and prayer (the comfort of my eye)."
Hazrat Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said the following about his prayer: "He stood in qiyam in such a way that it is impossible to describe; he bowed down in ruku in such a way that it is impossible to describe; he prostrated in sajdah in such a way that it is impossible to describe!"; thus, she expressed her inability to describe the beauty of his prayer.
He represented his slavery in prayers so profoundly that there was no prayer in which he did not shiver and cry. The Companions say his heart produced sounds like a mill when he was performing prayers. The yokes turning inside him and the heavy obligations of slavery turned him to a boiling cauldron. That state originated from his efforts to be able to fulfill his slavery in the best way.
Long Tahajjud Prayers
It is understood from narrations that the Prophet recited long chapters while standing in tahajjud prayers and prolonged the bowing down and prostration, that he meditated on the deep meanings of the prayers, that prayed (dua) after prayers, that he mentioned the names of Allah and that he asked for forgiveness from Allah.
Ibn Masud (may Allah be pleased with him) says,
“One night, I decided to perform tahajjud prayer with the Messenger of Allah. I decided to spend the night with him and to worship as he did. He started to perform a prayer. I did, too. However, he did not bow down though a lot of time passed. He finished the chapter of al-Baqara. I thought, "He will bow down now"; however, he continued. Then he read the chapters of Aal-i Imran and an-Nisa; then, he bowed down. I got so tired during the prayer that, at some point, some bad thought came to my mind.”
(What could that bad thought be? Did he think that the Messenger of Allah died while standing like Hazrat Sulayman (pbuh)?) One of the people listening to him asked, “What did you think?” Ibn Masud answered:
"I thought of stopping the prayer and leaving him alone in prayer."
Hazrat Aisha narrates:
"When I woke up one night, I could not see the Messenger of Allah next to me. I thought he might have gone to one of his other wives. I felt around with my hand. My hand touched his foot. Then I realized that he was praying. He was in prostration. I listened. He was crying and begging:”
"O Allah! I take refuge in your consent from your wrath. I take refuge in your forgiveness from your torture. O Allah! I take refuge only in you from you. (I take refuge in your beauty from your majesty, in your compassion from your grandeur) I confess that I cannot praise you as much as you praise your being."[12]"Being near you is great (a person who is your neighbor is a great person). It is great to praise you. Your army cannot be defeated. You never break your promise. There is no god but you; there is no deity but you."
Hazrat Abu Dharr narrates:
"One night, the Prophet performed prayers until the sunrise. (When the Messenger of Allah read the verses of supplication, he repeated those verses insistently; he turned his prayer to a mosaic of respect, awe and worshipping. There were many long supplications that he read while prostrating, bowing down and standing in supererogatory prayers.) That night, he recited the following verse until the sunrise and cried: ‘If Thou dost punish them they are Thy servants: if Thou dost forgive them, Thou art the Exalted in power the Wise’."
He never felt it sufficient to perform prayers; he could not reach a saturation point.
Abdullah b. Amr narrates:
“One night, I started to pray behind the Messenger of Allah. He continuously recited the following verse and cried, sobbing: “O my Lord! They have indeed led astray many among mankind: he then who follows my (ways) is of me, and he that disobeys me, but thou art indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
The Prophet Who Became Integrated with Fasting
His worshipping had integrity. He performed prayers perfectly but he did not neglect other forms of worshipping, for instance, fasting. He definitely fasted one or two days every week; he sometimes fasted so much that people thought he never stopped fasting. [18]Sometimes, he did not fast and ate like other people. However, the days he fasted were more than the days he did not fast.
He sometimes fasted a few days on end without eating anything (sawm wisal). The Companions wanted to be like him and imitate him but it was very difficult. Once during the last days of Ramadan, the Prophet intended to fast a few days without eating. Some Companions decided to do the same. However, they all felt very weak because of fasting a few days without eating. Fortunately, Eid al-Fitr started and they all ate and became happy. If Eid al-Adha had started one day later, they would all have been ill. When the Messenger of Allah saw their state, he smiled and said,    
"I would have continued fasting if Eid al-Fitr had not started."
Then, he told them that they could not fast as he did and added,
"because Allah makes me eat and drink in a way that you cannot understand."
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) worshipped all day especially on the last days of Ramadan. He spent especially the last ten days of Ramadan in itikaf (staying in the mosque with the purpose of worshipping Allah); he broke off all relations with the world and virtually became like an angel.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) fasted during the hottest days of the summer, too. He fasted in many battles. Sometimes, the battle became so intense that in one of those battles only the Prophet and Abdullah b. Rawaha continued fasting; the others broke their fast. The Prophet said,
"Fasting is an armor that protects man from sins."
He put on the strongest armor and protected himself.
Far from Going Extreme
He stated that people should not undertake heavy burdens with the intention of worshipping and that people should not take up wrong worshipping habits leaving his applications. He prevented the attempts of the priesthood (abandoning the worldly affairs and working for the hereafter only).
For instance, three Companions asked the wives of the Prophet (pbuh) about how he worshipped (Allah). His wives informed them about his worship. They considered this worship insufficient and said,
“Where are we and the Messenger of Allah? His past and future sins have been forgiven.” One of them said,
“I will perform prayers throughout the night forever.” Another one said,
“I will fast throughout the year and will not break my fast.”The third one said,
“I will keep away from the women and will not marry forever.” After a while, the Messenger of Allah came to them and said,
"Are you the people who said, so-and-so? By Allah, I am more submissive to Allah and more afraid of Him than you. However, I fast and break my fast. I pray and sleep at night. I also marry women Know it very well that he who does not follow my tradition in religion, is not from me."
I am a Slave among the Slaves!
Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) preferred being a modest slave of Allah and being mentioned as a slave though he received unmatched bounties and grants from Allah; he stated his preference for various occasions.
“Do not stand up for me as Persians stand up for each other to show respect. I am a slave that eats like a slave and sits like a slave.”
The statement above and the Companions’ following statement and similar statements about him indicate his modesty: “He rode donkeys, gave a ride on the donkey, visited the poor, sat next to the poor, accepted the invitation of the slaves; when he sat among his Companions, he sat in an available place without disturbing anybody when he entered a place.” 
“What Relationship can I Have with the World?”
He lived in the world like a guest. When he died, he did not hand down anything to his inheritors. He knew the real nature of the world and lived in the world as if he lived in a guesthouse.
“What relationship can I have with the world? I am like a traveler that rests in the shade of a tree and then leaves that tree and continues walking.”
The Prophet whose every moment is full of Dua and Dhikr
Hundreds of people brought the duas (prayers, supplications, and invocations) of the Prophet (pbuh) and compiled dua books. Those who have a look at those books will see that it is not possible to catch up with the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) even in duas. It looks as if he spent every moment of his life reciting duas. If a person did not do anything but recite duas, only his duas that filled his life could be as many as the duas of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) that reached us. The Messenger of Allah distributed his duas in his life and always walked on those luminous crystals. Dua was his word that he never abandoned and his invocation that was always in his heart. He never passed a moment without dua; he never put down that glass filled with kawthar that wetted his lips. He was a man of action and reason but he was matchless in terms of worshipping and dua.  
The Prophet (pbuh), who set an example of unmatched modesty, never stopped asking for forgiveness though his past and future sins had been forgiven; he fulfilled the duty of pioneering in both asking for forgiveness and repentance for his ummah fully. His repentance and asking for forgiveness were not due to his sins but an indication of his servitude to his Lord and his serving as a model for his ummah.
Abdurrahman b. Awf (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates:
“One day, the Prophet (pbuh) left his home and headed toward his private room. He prostrated by turning to the qiblah. He prolonged his prostration so much that I thought he was dead. I approached him and sat next to him. He raised his head and asked, “Who are you?” I said, “Abdurrahman.”He asked, “What do you want?”I answered, “O Messenger of Allah! You prolonged the prostration so much that I thought you died and I was worried. The Messenger of Allah said,
“Jibril came to me and gave the glad tiding that Allah said, ‘I will mercy any person who sends salawat to you. I will wish salvation for any person who greets you.’ I prostrated in order to thank Allah.”
Hazrat Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrates:
“The Messenger of Allah(PBUH) often said, ‘Astaghfirullaha wa atubu ilayh (I ask forgiveness from Allah and repent to Him).’”
Huzayfa (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates:
“I said to Messenger of Allah (pbuh) complaining about my sharp tongue, ‘O Messenger of Allah! I have a sharp tongue; I speak strongly to my family. I fear that it will send me to Hell.’ The Messenger of Allah said,
“Why do you not ask for forgiveness? I ask for forgiveness one hundred times a day.”
The Chapter of Hud Made Me Grow Old!
Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) worked very hard to fulfill what is commanded by the following verses: “Therefore stand firm (in the straight path) as thou art commanded!”[30] He said, “The chapter of Hud made me grow old.” Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) acted very meticulously in fulfilling the orders he was given and avoiding the prohibitions stated by the Quran.
Hazrat Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) asked the Messenger of Allah (pbuh),
“O Messenger of Allah! I see white hairs on your head. You grew old suddenly. Do you have a problem?”The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) answered,
“The chapters of Hud al-Waqia and al-Mursalat made me grow old.” He was addressed as follows in the chapter of Hud:
“Therefore stand firm (in the straight path) as thou art commanded!”
The straightforwardness mentioned in the verse was the straightforwardness imposed by God Almighty. He was asked to maintain that straightforwardness. In the chapter of al-Mursalat, it was stated that Paradise and Hell were separated for people and that people were terrified and bent double. In chapter al-Waqia, those groups were described. What is described in those chapters terrified the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and made him grow old?
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rohaniways1414 · 2 years
Powerful Dua For Love Back In 3 Days
Dua to Get Love Back in 3 Days is an effective method if you want to make someone love you back by reading Islamic prayers. This dua for making someone love you again  can also help you make your ex come back to you. Thus, Rohani Ways introduces the best Islamic prayer to get love back in 3 days.
Everyone wants love and respect from their mate. People want to live with their connections by heart, but due to several issues, their connections pillage which makes them lose their loved ones. However, our strongest Wazifa for Love Back is the stylish way to fulfill all your dreams.
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If you permanently want to get your loved one to come back to you, Wazifa for Love Back will help. There are several problems, for example, trust issues, comity issues and understanding issues. All these problems create disturbance between the mates and hence, the relationship breaks.
People in a relationship should always show their faith in Allah. If you do not want to stay away from the person you love anymore, read the wazifa for love back. You can recite love back wazifa in 3 days and insha allah, your lover will come back to you on their own. the wazifa will change the heart of your ex-lover and they will start believing in their relationship with you. They will see their life with you and will no way suppose to leave you again.
Wazifa For Love Back 
A lot of people are losing their love currently. The reason may be anything, be it modernization, misconstructions, redundant affairs, lack of collective trust or unbelief, overconfidence, social pressure or anything. Breakups because of small problems have become a common problem.
But after the relationship ends, couples understand the significance of love, miss each other, want to get back together again and indeed much more. People need to understand that it is not always too late to mend a broken relationship.
Indeed after a break up, if you realize your mistake and want the old Wazifa For Love Back in your life also, you're in the right place.
Most Powerful Dua To Get Love Back
If you want to bring your lost love back and you are looking for the Most Powerful Dua To Get Love Back then consult with our molvi sahab. Love can take space in our heart which is impossible to forget. Wazifa or the dua for love back is very crucial and gives great results. 
Love is a commodity which makes two people feel happy & enjoyable. It develops with the deepening of passions between two persons. As the passions for each other increases indeed love strengthens their relationship.
But what if you suddenly lose your love in the relationship? It's a veritably painful thing when you lose your mate. if you're facing similar troubles you need to find the proper result for it.
If you have any query for the Islamic prayers for love,  please contact our
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shishkhan · 2 years
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Allah says in the Qur'an And your Lord says, "Call upon Me; I will respond to you." Surah 40 ayat 60 . Ps : Dua is a means to ask Allah (swt) for the fulfillment of all our needs. Dua can make the impossible possible. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfobr0No07K/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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muslimdua · 3 years
Islamic Dua to Get What You Want
Islamic Dua to Get What You Want
Certain individuals say that it is your abilities and your persistent effort that assist you with getting what you need from life. Islamic Dua to get what you need Wazifa for marvel But, that is just a large portion of reality. Actually, in life to be fruitful – you need karma the same amount of you need abilities and difficult work. Basic hard word isn’t sufficient. Once in a while you need to…
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