The silvans drove Morgoth and Sauron insane.
See, the silvans physically can’t defeat them on account of them being a valar and maiar respectively. At least not easily without a shit load of collateral damage and a lot of rage.
So while the silvans (and avari) can and do have spies regularly stationed in either dark lord’s fortress, they can’t assassinate the fuckers (sadly). What they can do is play a little game.
They call it DuckStalk.
Lasgen created it in a fit of sadistic glee.
Basically, the silvans have dozens of bright yellow wooden ducks (kinda like rubber duckies) and when either dark lord isn’t looking, the spies inside the castle place them so that it looks like the ducks are staring into the valar/maiar’s soul.
And they regularly change locations too! Sometimes it’s in different rooms, sometimes it’s in a different corner, and sometimes (if the elf is really skilled) morgoth or sauron will look away for less than a second and the duck has moved closer to them by a foot.
And no matter how many they destroy, there’s always a new one within a minute.
They cannot escape. It drives them crazy.
The silvans might not be able to assassinate them but they can certainly drive them slow and steady into insanity.
Participating in DuckStalk is like an unofficial initiation for the silvan black ops members. Legolas had so much fun with it when he was part of this unit.
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Shoreclan moon 200-250!
Moon 201:
- Clearstar got head damage
Moon 202:
- Clearstar and Mistlehaze had a kitten! Tremblekit
- Goosegale is expecting
Moon 204:
- Goosegale had 4 kits! Applekit, Conekit, Fuzzykit and Shinekit
- Egretstripe is expecting
Moon 206:
- Graythrush retires
- Riverpaw becomes Riverswipe
- Basspaw becomes Bassdusk
- Berrypaw becomes Berryflood
- Hermitkit becomes Hermitpaw and is apprenticed to Riverswipe
- Galekit becomes Galepaw and is apprenticed to Duckstalk
- Egretstripe had a kit- Whimsykit
- Lowstep is lost
- Hollypaw and Harepaw- mad about not becoming warriors, accidentally worsen relations with Spruceclan
- Clawrush wants to murder Seedhaze and thinks about it on patrol????
Moon 207:
- Harepaw becomes Hareshade
- Berryflood went missing and died
Moon 208:
- Hareshade has been lost
- Bitternwhisker retires
- Hollypaw becomes Hollyfire
- Tremblekit becomes Tremblepaw and is apprenticed to Nectarpurr
Moon 210:
- Melba died
- Robinpaw becomes Robinface
- Applekit becomes Applepaw and is apprenticed to Gorgefade due to interest in herbs
- Fuzzykit becomes Fuzzypaw and is apprenticed to Goosegale
- Conekit becomes Conepaw and is apprenticed to Lowocean
- Shinekit becomes Shinepaw and is apprenticed to Blotchbillow
- Blotchbillow, Mistlehaze and Clearstar are ambushed and killed by rogues
Moon 211
- Hollypelt becomes Hollystar and recieves a life from Umbertalon, Mistlehaze, Crestedflare, Runnel, Yellowwillow, Elderhare, Stormpearl, Hailweb and one of the Yellowstars (IDK which one)
- Applepaw died
- Bassdusk, Ripplepetal, and Galepaw have been lost
Moon 212:
- Hermitpaw becomes Hermitfeather
- Riverswipe becomes deputy
- Whimsykit becomes Whimsypaw and is apprenticed to Hermitfeather
- Nectarpurr is expecting
Moon 214:
- Graythrush is expecting!
- Nectarpurr had three kits! Greenkit, Sorrelkit, and Stonekit
Moon 215:
- Grousekit, Tidekit, Stonekit and Swarmkit join the clan and are adopted by Goosegale
- Nectarpurr steps up and adopts the litter
Moon 216:
- Tremblepaw becomes Trembleclaw
- Graythrush and Duckstalk had a kitten- Comphreykit
Moon 217:
- Fuzzypaw becomes Fuzzybreeze
- Seedhaze and Lowocean died in a flood
Moon 218:
- Whimsypaw becomes Whimsystripe
- Egretstripe is expecting
Moon 219:
- Duckstalk retires
- Conepaw becomes Conenoise
- Grousekit becomes Grousepaw and is apprenticed to Hermitfeather
- Tidekit becomes Tidepaw and is apprenticed to Conenoise
- Stonekit becomes Stonepaw and is apprenticed to Rippleeagle
- Swarmkit becomes Swarmpaw and is apprenticed to Fuzzybreeze
- Woodkit joins the clan
Moon 220:
- Shinepaw becomes Shineshimmer
- Greenkit becomes Greenpaw and is apprenticed to Hollyfire
- Sorrelkit becomes Sorrelpaw and is apprenticed to Whimsystripe
- Stonekit becomes Stonepaw and is apprenticed to Shineshimmer
- Egretstripe had four kits- Finkit, Jaggedkit, Pelicankit and Brackenkit
- Shineshimmer and Swarmpaw have been lost
Moon 222:
- Comphreykit becomes Comphreypaw and is apprenticed to Robinface
- Woodkit becomes Woodpaw and is apprenticed to Nectarpurr
Moon 224:
- Comphreypaw is nonbinary!
- Hollystar lost a life in a flood
Moon 226:
- Grousepaw becomes Grouseshine
- Tidepaw becomes Tidetooth
- Stonepaw becomes Stonenudge
- The other Stonepaw died
- Finkit becomes Finpaw and is apprenticed to Hollystar
- Jaggedkit becomes Jaggedpaw and is apprenticed to Conenoise
- Pelicankit becomes Pelicanpaw and is apprenticed to Tidetooth
- Brackenkit becomes Brackenpaw and is apprenticed to Fuzzybreeze
Moon 228:
- Greenpaw becomes Greentail
- Comphreypaw is blinded by a hare
Moon 229:
- Woodpaw becomes Woodbloom
- Rippleeagle died of yellowcough
Moon 230:
- Silverfoot is expecting!
- Bitternwhisker died
- Sorrelpaw becomes Sorrelsprout
- Hermitfeather and Stonenudge died in a rogue ambush
Moon 231:
- Comphreypaw becomes Comphreywhisker
- Finpaw becomes Findapple
- Riverswipe died
Moon 232:
- Robinface becomes deputy
- Pelicanpaw becomes Pelicantail
- Silverfoot and Hollystar had a kitten! Gullkit
- Robinface has been lost
Moon 233:
- Brackenpaw becomes Brackenspot
- Hollyfire becomes deputy!
- Lokiwind joins the clan
Moon 234
- Clawrush brings a litter of kits back to camp: Coastkit and Leopardkit
- Jaggedpaw and Pelicantail go missing in the night
Moon 235:
- Tawnyburr joins the clan
Moon 238:
- Gullkit becomes Gullpaw and is apprenticed to Trembleclaw
- Findapple, Whimsystripe, Gullpaw, and Frosttooth get poisoned
- Hollystar issues a ban on hunting sick rabbits
- Tidetooth, Greentail, and Nectarpurr die in a flood
Moon 240:
- Coastkit becomes Coastpaw and is apprenticed to Fuzzybreeze
- Leopardkit becomes Leopardpaw and is apprenticed to Ripplebriar as med cat
Moon 241:
- Lokiwind died
- Leopardpaw got swarmed by bees (great job, genius)
Moon 242:
- Hollyfire died???
- Conenoise is promoted to deputy
Moon 244:
- Findapple died of redcough
Moon 245:
- Thrushpelt joins the clan
Moon 246:
- Coastpaw becomes Costshimmer
- Thrushpelt is expecting!
Moon 247:
- Gullpaw becomes Gulltail
Moon 248:
- Silverfoot and Comphreywhisker are both expecting!
- Thrushpelt had three kits! Crabkit, Ripplekit, and Pondkit
- Sorrelsprout drowned
Moon 249:
- Duckstalk died of snakebite
- Leopardpaw becomes Leopardsnow
- Clawrush died of sea monster
- Conenoise lost some hearing
Moon 250
- Hollystar and Silverfoot have three kits! Rookkit, Wingkit, and Slugkit
- Comphreywhisker had 4 kits! Blizzardkit, Mitekit, Willowkit and Riftkit
@residents-of-the-darkforest, @starfalcon555, @wills-woodland-warriors, @basil-writes-legends-of-tomorrow
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waipa96720 · 4 years
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Duck Watching or Duck Stalking??? From your friendly neighborhood Alaska Airlines Ramp Service Agent 808!!!✈️✈️✈️🤙🏽🤙🏽🤙🏽🦆🦆🦆 #iamalaska #iflyalaska #alaskaair #alaskaairlinesstrong #rampserviceagentlife #duckwatch2020 #duckstalking #awwwrite #cheeehuuu #debonairtraveler #certifiedcuddler (at Cuddy Family Midtown Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCZgEhslBhC/?igshid=uz0haq389g0d
0 notes
kiingbiing · 10 years
My friend and I went to the mall and played dance beat, unfortunately she is afraid of people and I was dancing and I was drawing attention and I made her stay there near the machine, she just told me she is afraid of people,if she just told me she was afraid I would have let her sit down and let her play with my phone, but other than that we had fun, we played a lot actually.
0 notes
Shoreclan moon 150-200
Moon 152:
- Scalepaw becomes Scaletuft
- Bouncetree was poisoned by a sea creature and died
- Whiteglare is expecting!
Moon 153:
- Elderhare joins the clan
- Iriskit becomes Irispaw and is apprenticed to Umbertalon
- Lowkit becomes Lowpaw and is apprenticed to Lilyrip
Moon 154:
- Greencreek died of Yellowcough
- Whiteglare cheated with Umbertalon and had 5 kits- Shinekit, Cloverkit, Wrenkit, Nimblekit, and Snailkit
- Hazystripe joins the elders
Moon 155:
- Stoatpaw becomes Stoatlily
- Ripplekit becomes Ripplepaw and is apprenticed to Melba
- Nectarkit becomes Nectarpaw and is apprenticed to Lightshade
- Swiftspeckle died
- Flitsmoke died of yellowcough
- Scaletuft becomes a med cat
- Pouncestripe, Conecrackle, and Breezetooth died in a rogue ambush
Moon 156:
- Lightshade brought 3 kits to camp- Rimekit, Shimmerkit, and Yellowkit
- Gooseclaw is expecting
Moon 157:
- Ashenstripe is expecting!
Moon 158:
- Gooseclaw had 3 kits! Shardkit, Seedkit, and Gorgekit
- Shimmerkit was killed by a snake
Moon 159:
- Ashenstripe and Quietshimmer have a single kitten - Weedkit
Moon 160:
- Silverfoot joins the elders
- Shinekit becomes Shinepaw and is apprenticed to Clearriver
- Cloverkit becomes Cloverpaw and is apprenticed to Stormpearl
- Wrenkit becomes Wrenpaw and is apprenticed to Graythrush
- Nimblekit becomes Nimblepaw and is apprenticed to Oliverspot
- Snailkit becomes Snailpaw and is apprenticed to Duckstalk
Moon 161:
- Lowkit becomes Lowstep
- Ripplepaw becomes Rippleeagle
Moon 162:
- Juniperfade is expecting
- Yellowkit becomes Yellowpaw and is apprenticed to Rootstripe
- Rimepaw becomes Rimepaw and is apprenticed to Hollypelt
- Gibby joins the clan
Moon 163:
- Lilyrip died of a broken bone
- Gibby died of redcough
Moon 164:
- Juniperfade had 2 kits! Goosekit and Ripplekit
- Nectarpaw becomes Nectarpurr
- Ashenstripe was poisoned by a sea creature
- Shardkit becomes Shardpaw and is apprenticed to Conestripe
- Seedkit becomes Seedpaw and is apprenticed to Melba
- Gorgekit becomes Gorgepaw and is apprenticed to Whiteglare
- Blotchkit joins the clan
Moon 165:
- Weedkit becomes Weedpaw and is apprenticed to Crestedflare
- Sapphire has joined the clan
Moon 166:
- Shinepaw becomes Shineleap
Moon 167:
- Cloverpaw becomes Cloverholly
- Wrenpaw becomes Wrenbriar
- Snailpaw becomes Snaillaurel
- Darttuft brings back a kitten- Wormkit
Moon 168:
- Yellowpaw becomes Yellowwillow
- Blotchkit becomes Blotchpaw and is apprenticed to Elderhare
- Mistlehaze is expecting!
Moon 169:
- Hailweb retires
- Rimepaw becomes Rimearch
- Sunkit and Elmkit join the clan
- Oliverspot died
- Gooseclaw becomes a med cat
- Clearriver becomes deputy
- Jude joins the clan
Moon 170:
- Quaildrip returns!
- Mistlehaze and Clearriver have four kits! Ripplekit, Waterkit, Frostkit and Yellowkit
- Ripplekit becomes Ripplepaw and is apprenticed fo Skystripe
- Goosekit becomes Goosepaw and is apprenticed to Clearriver
- Elmkit was taken by a hawk
Moon 171:
- Shardpaw becomes Shardfoot
- Seedpaw becomes Seedhaze
- Oddblink killed by fox
- Bitternwhisker joins the clan
- Coralchill joins the clan
Moon 172:
- Yellowstar 3 loses a life to whitecough
- Gorgepaw becomes Gorgefade
- Shardfoot and Milkweedstripe are lost
Moon 173:
- Weedpaw becomes Weedflow
- Wormkit becomes Wormpaw and is apprenticed to Quaildrip
- Shiveringnewt joins the clan
Moon 174:
- Egretstripe joins the clan
- Hailweb expecting
- Stormpearl joins elders
- Blotchpaw becomes Blotchbillow
Moon 175:
- Stormpearl is taken by a sea monster
- Goosepaw becomes Goosegale
- Jude died
- Sunkit becomes Sunpaw and is apprenticed to Irisbeak
- Lightshade brought 2 kits to camp- Sporekit and Lowkit
Moon 176:
- Hailweb and Whiteglare have two new kits- Lizardkit and Mottledkit
- Waterkit becomes Waterpaw and is apprenticed to Darttuft
- Ripplekit becomes Ripplepaw and is apprenticed to Lightcloud
- Frostkit becomes Frostpaw and is apprenticed to Rippleeagle
- Yellowkit becomes Yellowpaw and is apprenticed to Blotchbillow
- Waterpaw got poisoned.
Moon 177:
- Ripplepaw becomes Ripplebriar
Moon 178:
- Extinction! Flood kills Lizardkit, Cloverholly, Juniperfade, Snaillaurel, Scaletuft, Sleepy, Wormpaw, Weedflow, Irisbeak, Mottledkit, Wrenbriar, and Hazystripe
- Crestedflare is a bitch at Juniperfade’s vigil
Moon 179:
- Elderhare brought a kit to camp- Sandkit
- Ripplebriar is expecting!
- Coralchill died of snakebite
Moon 181:
- Sunpaw becomes Sunbone
- Waterpaw becomes Watersurf
- Yellowpaw becomes Yellowsquid
- Sporekit becomes Sporepaw and is apprenticed to Umbertalon
- Lowkit becomes Lowpaw and is apprenticed to Nimblesky
- Ripplebriar had three kits- Duskkit, Cloudkit, and Sagekit
Moon 182:
- another extinction! Hailweb, Gooseclaw, Quaildrip, Rootstripe, Yellowsquid, Umbertalon, Lightshade, Elderhare, Crestedflare, Quietshimmer, Sapphire, Sporepaw, Lightcloud, Darttuft, Stoatlily, Cloudkit, Rimearch, Shineleap, Watersurf, Sunbone, Whiteglare, Shiveringnewt, Sagekit and Nimblesky are killed by rogues
- Bitternwhisker is expecting
Moon 183:
- Melba retires
- Frostpaw becomes Frosttooth
- Galepaw becomes Galetail
- Yellowwillow died by dog
- Galetail died by monster
Moon 184:
- Bitternwhisker had three kits! Clawkit, Sparrowkit, and Dogkit
- Sandkit died of heat stroke
Moon 185:
- Yellowstar 3 fell out of a tree and lost a life
- Ripplepaw becomes Ripplepetal
Moon 186:
- Yellowstar 3 lost the rest of their lives. And so begins the era of Clearstar
- Clearriver gets lives from Watersurf, Pouncestripe, Yellowsquid, Breezetooth, Sleepy, Swiftspeckle, Crestedflare, Flitsmoke and Yellowstar 3
- Clearstar’s first act as leader is to make cats who have healing talents- regardless of rank- into med cats- the first are Gorgefade, Conestripe and Ripplebriar
- Graythrush is promoted to deputy
Moon 187:
- Duskkit becomes Duskpaw and is apprenticed to Ripplepetal
Moon 189:
- Lowpaw becomes Lowocean
Moon 190:
- Clawkit becomes Clawpaw and is apprenticed to Gorgefade as a med cat
- Sparrowkit becomes Sparrowpaw and is apprenticed to Egretstripe
- Dogkit becomes Dogpaw and is apprenticed to Graythrush
- Skystripe and Conestripe are killed by rogues
- Mistlehaze is expecting
Moon 191:
- Duskpaw drowned
Moon 192
- Clearstar and Mistlehaze have a kitten! Riverkit
- Melba and Egretstripe are expecting
- Sparrowpaw died of yellowcough
Moon 194:
- Melba had a single kit- Basskit
- Egretstripe and Seedhaze had 5 kittens- Berrykit, Harekit, Robinkit, Pearlykit and Hollykit
Moon 197:
- Dogpaw becomes Dogstripe
- Gorgefade has a vision of hail pounding the ground, a snake eating its own tail, and skeletal trees against the sky
- Dogstripe has been lost
Moon 198:
- Riverkit becomes Rivepaw and is apprenticed to Bitternwhisker
Moon 199:
- Clawpaw becomes Clawrush
Moon 200:
- Mistlehaze is expecting
_ Hollypelt brought three kits to camp Hermitkit, Galekit and Weedkit
- Extinction! Runnel, Pearlykit and Weedkit die
-Basskit becomes Basspaw and is apprenticed to Blotchbillow
- Berrykit becomes Berrypaw and is apprenticed to Duckstalk
- Harekit becomes Harepaw and is apprenticed to Egretstripe
- Robinkit becomes Robinpaw and is apprenticed to Ripplepetal
- Hollykit becomes Hollypaw and is apprenticed to Mistlehaze
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@residents-of-the-darkforest, @starfalcon555, @wills-woodland-warriors
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