#the silvans slowely driving morgoth and sauron insane
The silvans drove Morgoth and Sauron insane.
See, the silvans physically can’t defeat them on account of them being a valar and maiar respectively. At least not easily without a shit load of collateral damage and a lot of rage.
So while the silvans (and avari) can and do have spies regularly stationed in either dark lord’s fortress, they can’t assassinate the fuckers (sadly). What they can do is play a little game.
They call it DuckStalk.
Lasgen created it in a fit of sadistic glee.
Basically, the silvans have dozens of bright yellow wooden ducks (kinda like rubber duckies) and when either dark lord isn’t looking, the spies inside the castle place them so that it looks like the ducks are staring into the valar/maiar’s soul.
And they regularly change locations too! Sometimes it’s in different rooms, sometimes it’s in a different corner, and sometimes (if the elf is really skilled) morgoth or sauron will look away for less than a second and the duck has moved closer to them by a foot.
And no matter how many they destroy, there’s always a new one within a minute.
They cannot escape. It drives them crazy.
The silvans might not be able to assassinate them but they can certainly drive them slow and steady into insanity.
Participating in DuckStalk is like an unofficial initiation for the silvan black ops members. Legolas had so much fun with it when he was part of this unit.
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