gender-mailman · 2 years
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A gender related to being a dumb and a bitch; a dumbbitch !Not necessarily sexual!
some pronouns:
no pronouns for this one
Coined by me. Requested by no one
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p-redux · 2 years
I normally ignore the haters, but I just got a DM letting me know one of the biggest Sam haters, as well as a Purvsessed one, is  spreading a BLATANT LIE about ME with regard to the recent Tobias source info I posted, so I'm going to address it
The LIE that I am my own source and get my info from the Internet has been spread by Extreme Shippers and now disgruntled Ex-Shippers, and assorted Sam haters for YEARS. But anyone who has been in the fandom long enough KNOWS there is NO WAY I could have gotten ALL the info I’ve posted through the years if not for REAL SOURCES. But haters, of course, ignore PROVEN FACTS.
Here’s Lesley H. aka cant-resist-temptation aka one of the most insufferable bitches on the planet ONCE AGAIN spreading LIES about my Tobias source info. Oh HELL to the NO...I’m not letting you get away with this one. 
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Weeellll the Anon is an idiot for sending something that can be so easily disproved and CRT is an even bigger idiot for posting it. How can the Anon be the person who gave me the Tobias juicy info I recently posted when I directly communicated to an IDENTIFIABLE PERSON WHO WORKED WITH TOBIAS? Doh. 🤦‍♀️ The person I talked to, I talked to her on her account where she is IDENTIFIED. It was not a sock account. It was her REAL INDUSTRY account. I was able to verify the project she worked on with Tobias and KNOW she is the REAL PERSON. And she sent me pics of her with Tobias. And she gave me other info I haven’t posted yet, but I probably will at some point. There is more, much more.
So this CRT ANON straight up LIED to CRT and she posted it without verifying anything...unlike ME who ONLY posts things I can corroborate as TRUE. Please know that anything CRT posts about me or any of the haters that are part of her mean girl crew are LIES. And this Tobias one is laughable.
I was not “fooled” by some Outlander Anon, ya dopes, I KNOW WHO I talked to. And she definitely is a woman who worked with Tobias. I know everything about her and I talked to her on her verifiable real person account. I LOVE debunking this type of bullshit, so if haters want to keep making me happy, then keep being your usual idiotic selves.
And CRT continued to post hate directed at me, which will ALSO be thrown in her face. 👇
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Um, hey geniuses, think LONG and HARD about the reasons WHY I would have to wait until next week to post the identity or identities of WHO was with Sam at his meal at the IASG restaurant in the Blythwood Hotel in Glasgow. There is a REASON. And once I get the info, I WILL post it and I cannot wait to watch these dopes choke on some big fat juicy crow. 
Think of HOW MANY TIMES the haters have gnashed and frothed “Oh Purv doesn’t have any info, she’s just making it up, or she doesn’t have any sources!!!” and then BOOM, I post insider stuff no one had. Or things I said AHEAD of time, then were proven to be true. Tony, Mackenzie, Abbie, anyone? I, Purv, broke that news and MANY OTHERS. Just do a search and there are HUNDREDS of insider tidbits I’ve posted through the years, that I could have ONLY gotten via insider sources.
So, sit the fuck down, ya dopes, and prepare to be PROVEN WRONG...yet again. 😘
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The yearly selfie for that singular moment when I don't have horrible dysphoria.
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gayannabeth · 2 years
Idk what I'm doing lol
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fdxii · 10 months
Aint nothing pretty but her face
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imtomiee · 3 months
I like my men working over time, miserable, and have no will to live :3
For example:
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chucktaylorupset · 3 months
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out of context lines from my renga wip 3/?
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softgaycontent · 1 year
protip ladies. if you love an artist's art and she doesn't post much anymore, just make her fall in love with you
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63883728 · 8 months
i need to be one of those boys
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cloama · 1 year
"Omg, why am I so fucking nauseous??????"
A. haven't eaten since 7am
B. stress cleaned all day
C. It's 90 satanic degrees outside and I didn't adjust the thermostat
D. All of the above
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Mostly gay feat Bart tweaker scribes n femboy whiteboard
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gayannabeth · 2 years
Ok I figured something out probably maybe aaaaaaaaaaaa
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Everyday I miss the rosemary artists who were really active in 2016-2018….. I miss you dumbbitche and rose-ebottles
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shotmrmiller · 5 months
toni i have dumbbitch-itus. you prefaced that your soulmate post was gonna be mad angsty and i still got my feelings hurt 😞
if it makes you feel any better, i put myself in my own feelings after. i had to take a shower with sad music on to process what i just went through.
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nedhardy · 5 months
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