luftnomadeaang · 2 months
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some taang for the (my) soul
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yikes-kachowski · 3 months
art of the taang kids??
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here they are!! og post this is from
1. Anons, I have your asks, I'm working on them. You guys all asked things that I want to make sure are thought out and detailed
2. PLEASE please understand that asking me to design, draw, and color characters takes a long time. So if I'm doing it for free it may take a while. I love atla OCs but it does take a lot of time. I have set up kofi so you guys can tip for your draw asks to get priority :)
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ziezii · 3 months
taang's kids headcanon where they have twins...
one of them is an earthbender, the other is an airbender
that's all.
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stitch1830 · 5 months
I would like to ask several questions regarding Taang, which would be much appreciated.
First, what would be the headcanon for the Dunebabies once all of them reach adulthood?
Second, what would be the headcanon for each member of the family (Toph and the Dunebabies) in regard to their interaction with the new Avatar?
Thank you in advance.
Hi Anon, thank you for the ask! It’s been a while since I’ve thought about my Taang headcanons, so hopefully these will be suitable haha!
For context, my Dunebabies are Lin, Gyatso, Suyin, and Kenji. Boys are airbenders, girls are earthbenders.
Okie dokie! Let’s get into the question.
I haven’t really thought too much about the Dunebabies as adults. My favorite parts of ATLA to explore are the mysterious years between ATLA and LOK when the Gaang are in their prime. Still, it’s hard not to think about the next gen becoming adults, starting their own families, etc.!
For Lin, I typically have her becoming the Chief of Police for Republic City. It’s an emotional day for the Beifongs, but Toph and Aang are very proud of all of Lin’s accomplishments. Not sure about who she’d end up with, but I imagine that she’s in a happy relationship, perhaps with a kiddo or two 0-0. Lin’s got a more lighthearted personality than in the show, but she’s still relatively stoic. Aang jokes that she gets it from the monks lol.
For Gyatso, he really falls into the role of being the airbending master after Aang. He manages the Air Temples, works closely with the Air Acolytes, and is a free spirit that’s flying around all the time. I’d imagine it would take him the longest to settle down with anyone, but it’s a possibility! He’s an absolute sweetie so he’s a catch <3
For Suyin, I see her being this adventurous, city building matriarch. Not sure I headcanon that she’s with Baatar, but never say never with my AU LOL. She definitely gets started on having a family the earliest, from the start she wanted a big, loud, rambunctious family (kind of like the one she grew up with). She loves bossing people around and being a leader/trailblazer, so I think establishing Zhaofu is a great career for her haha!
For Kenji, he’s a bit of a mystery for me. Very similar to his parents, he has trouble staying in one place for long. But since he leans more into his Earth Kingdom heritage/earthbending tendencies more than the Air Nation/airbending tendencies, I think he tries to fight the thought of being this figurehead for rebuilding the Air Nation. He wants to create his own path, and so for a while, he’s out there trying to compete in pro bending tournaments, Earth Rumble events, creating new fighting techniques and all that. Kenji is very close with Toph, so I think he’d turn to her for help/advice, and when Aang dies, he’s always returning home to check in on Toph. Like Gyatso, he wouldn’t settle down quickly, but I can see it happening if he finds the right person!
Tbh, I think all the Beifong kiddos could have their own families, especially because they grew up in a very close family.
When it comes to meeting the new Avatar, I think they all spend a few moments with the Avatar Korra, but they find it so strange because they see/notice bits and pieces of Aang in this little kid. They still miss their dad so much, so noticing these details makes them a little emotional. But, they’re glad that Aang’s spirit lives on in Korra, and they want to honor him by doing what they can to make sure she gets the proper training and is ready to take on the role and responsibility.
Toph knows this is the new Avatar because she can feel all the similarities, particularly with her heartbeat. I think if Toph was emotionally available/able to help with the Avatar search, she would've found Korra pretty quickly just based on the heartbeat.
It's a bittersweet feeling for Toph, and she takes some time to come to terms with it because she misses him so much, but I think when the time came, she would find Korra and train her in earthbending. Partly because she wants to, and partly because she knows it's what Aang would've wanted.
Plus, she'd get to yell at Twinkle Toes again, and she never minds doing that haha!
Okay! I think that's all I got for these questions. Thanks again for the ask, Anon! If I missed anything, feel free to stop by with some more questions. Hope you have a great day :D
Send me asks about ATLA, LOK, or anything, really! :D
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acutemushroom · 3 months
what abt toph x aang??
Hi, sorry for the late answer.
The truth is I don't really ship Taang, if anything I don't really ship Toph with anyone at all. So, I had to thing a bit about it.
I guess that the dune babies would be hyper energetic. "Hyperactive kid overdosing on party cake" level of energetic.
That and Toph so wouldn't let Aang favor Tenzing over his other kids. And she wouldn't let Tenzin feel like he needs to rebuild the air nomad civilisation. He's only one person, that's is virtually impossible. And what matter I'd that he is happy in life.
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omegansamurai · 4 months
What style of karate do you practice? I like to think that the dunebabies bending would resemble Goju ryu.
LOL! Nice! And I practiced Taekwondo! :) It's been a while, but I got some moves in me! X) I honestly don't know what Goju Ryu is, so I might need to look that up. :O
Thank you for the ask! :D
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rllymilerlly · 2 years
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Redrew some Dunebabies yesterday bc I missed them
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starry-nights12 · 2 years
Sometimes Toph and Aang will host game nights at their house with their friends. They would have to bring food and The GAang would switch whose turn it is to host at their house.
When their daughters, Lobsang and Gyasto II Beifong turn 16, Toph teaches them how to gamble.
Aang's cool with it. They let them stay up to join them on game nights. He thinks it's a fun bonding moment with three of his girls.
Additionally, since 16 is the legal drinking age. They would buy an alcoholic beverage of their choice.
At their party, Aang would cut them a slice of cake and the girls would have their first drink with their parents.
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ladybugsart · 7 months
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@steambabyweek Day 5: Unexpected
Misu receives a little gift from Bumi (my Taang baby) and she’s not sure how she feels lol.
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luftnomadeaang · 2 months
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oh, oc babies, how i've missed you
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yikes-kachowski · 3 months
what abt toph x aang kids??
I like Lin and suyins story too much to change it tbh, so I haven't thought about taang kids.
Here are some ideas though. Since, as we know, they perfectly balance each other out, I think they would actually somehow stumble into being very good parents. Where toph is firm and not enough loving, aang is loving and not enough firm, you know?
I think three kids would suit them nicely. Earthbender, Airbender, and then Earthbender.
Let me quickfire some characters here:
Kipu would be their first. He would be happy, like his name implies. I see him being very spiritually inclined, but still very grounded and even overly skeptical at times. I can see him thinking things through very carefully and being disciplined. I feel like bending wouldn't come as naturally to him as it did to his parents, but once he found his groove in his tween years, he'd be on track to be a master. He would grow up with the most strict childhood because Taang feel like the kind of parents who loosen up their rules with every kid.
Tashi, the airbender, would definitely take after his mother. He'd be smart-mouthed, but still think before he speaks. He'd be observant and quiet until he has something sarcastic to say. But he's definitely the most considerate and empathetic of the three. He would be raised with a strong sense of leadership and responsibility that makes it hard for him to have fun. A nation rests on his shoulders, as well as the eventual training of the future avatar. The death of his father hangs heavy over his destiny.
Anyway, on a lighter note, Diki is all the fun-loving prankster chaos you get when you combine Toph, Aang, and being brought up with two older brothers. She's tough and tomboyish. She laughs in the face of danger and is extremely overly competitive. Anything that can be made a game will be made a game with her. She's also very good at reading other people. This makes her as considerate as it does manipulative. But she uses her powers for good... Mostly.
Anyway, I hope those concepts satiate you! I like to imagine next gen characters in the context that the krew meets you, so here's a bit of ideas for that.
Kipu is a metal bending teacher in Republic City, taking over his mother's role. He helps teach Korra and does his best with bolin. He's reserved but very sweet. He tells lots of stories from his younger years of travel and training alongside the two greatest benders of all time. He and his long-term partners are elder gays for the krew.
Tashi is jaded and always seems exhausted from all of his monastic, government, and familial duties. He and his family train Korra in airbending. He's hard on her and a little offensive at times, but he and Korra become very close.
Diki shows up for some sort of big-fight and absolutely comes in clutch. I can also see her giving unexpectedly profound advice. As a woman, her relationship to Korra would also be very important. Gals gotta stick together and I feel like they would have some deep conversations, and give advice to each other.
These characters are completely free to you to use in any capacity. Ty for the ask, and, again, I hope this is a good enough answer for you ❤️
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su-univeralai · 1 year
Buddy buddy su how’s it going??
Taangy question for ya… How does Toph tell Aang she’s pregnant?
Hope your day is great!
Ope. It’s been probably years since you asked this stitch, but here goes nothing. *snuggles into couch to get back into my chaotic Taang universe feels*
First, in my universe, I’m making it so that when someone’s pregnant, they become a super bender (if the kid is going to bend the same element as the mother) and their bending is damped/weakened if the kid is going to be a different bender than them. If they’re a non-bender then it’s just a normal pregnancy (maybe this whole pregnancy thing will be a separate post). This is also in no way accurate to anything, I’m just making things up as I go along lol.
Since it's been a long time since I've thought about my dunebabies ideas, I'm just going to start with Gyatso.
Ok, so I like to believe that since he’s an airbender, Toph becomes kind of clumsy and bumps into things because her seismic sense is a bit distorted from the pregnancy. She obviously feels the heartbeat too. Aang notices her clumsiness but doesn’t mention anything about it until Toph brings it up.
Aang of course doesn't know about these symptoms because they're pretty young when having him. So, they are sparing one day, and he beats her. He's shocked but proud of himself because, let's be honest, he rarely beats Toph at sparing. So naturally, he teases her relentlessly. Toph can only handle the teasing for a few short minutes and yells back in annoyance that the only reason why he beat her is because she's off balance due to being pregnant.
Aang immediately is excited by her outburst and attempts to touch his hand to her abdomen. Toph swats his hand away and flicks his head yelling, "I'm not an animal in a petting zoo!" Her exasperated expression softens and she murmurs, "You can sense the baby with earthbending."
He closes his eyes and focuses on Toph's form and senses her and a faint extra heart beat.
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stitch1830 · 5 months
Hiya Stitch!!! I hope you're doing well!
Who would have the more chaotic household, a Taang household or a Kantoph one?
Hi Ronin, thanks for the ask!
Good question…
With Taang and Kantoph, both couples and families are pretty chaotic. Aang and Toph like to wreak a bit of havoc together and always bring out the fun, “immature” part of each other out. They’d both prefer to just have fun and enjoy their lives. They instigate one another (in a good way), so it creates a bit of chaos.
With their kids, I’d say Toph takes on a more responsible role, Aang is the playful one. But that’s not to say that Toph isn’t playful! She just tones the chaos down just a notch.
With the kids, they have a very open, slightly carefree style of parenting. Their kids explore and go on lil adventures, Toph and Aang try to just let them do their thing and not rain on their parade. Of course, they get nervous sometimes, but they trust their kids and their kids know they can call Taang at any point.
With Kantoph, I think their chaos is a little more tactful. Pointed. They’re not really the pranking type, although there are a few occasions where they’ll instigate something. Usually, it’s them running off to do their own thing away from the crowds. And despite Kanto being pretty mischievous, he’s typically the one that mellows out Toph for the most part.
And with the kids, Toph is the calm, chaotic instigator. After work she typically tries to rest and relax with the kids, but if they’re ever wanting to train or do something that’s a little crazy, she’ll be all for it. But Kanto is trying to be the responsible one and it is a Chore. He freaks whenever the girls nearly get hurt or fall, and he just panics at the mere thought of them hurt or in pain. And the girls think it’s hilarious when Baba is Stressed Out, so that’s just chaos on its own. All the girls are doing crazy little things to get Baba to freak out, and it’s turning Kanto’s hair grey, that’s for sure. Whenever he tries to call Toph over for backup, she teasingly brushes it off until she decides to put her foot down and stop the chaos. Usually, though, she makes Kanto sweat it out for a few minutes longer haha!
My Taang AU has four kiddos, and my Kantoph AU has seven. A little more firepower from the Kantoph side of things, but don’t be fooled. The Dunebabies know how to wreak havoc. Gyatso and Suyin are the “troublemakers” in particular. And Lin typically gets roped into things. Kenji is the baby of the family and can do no wrong ;). Although when he started flying around the city and Toph couldn’t find him… that was a stressful day.
If I had to choose one, I’d say that Taang is a little more chaotic! They have a more open style of parenting that sort of leaves the aunts and uncles stressing out about the Dunebabies. Toph and Aang worry, but they do it in a way that still promotes their kids to be adventurous and curious.
The Kantophlets tend to get tracked down by Kanto and he frets a lot over them (hard to not freak out when there are six baba’s girls running around the city and he’s trying to keep track of all of them!). Because he’s a little more protective and worried, the family’s chaos is pared down just a little bit. I also think I tend to think of the Kantoph household as a little less adventurous? They’re a beach vacation kind of family whereas Taang they travel all the time and go to different, a little more dangerous places. Not saying Taang’s day-to-day life isn’t dangerous, but I think as the Chief and Deputy of Republic City, the danger feels a little more targeted and tangible. So, they try to keep their private life on the down low.
So, there ya have it! Taang family a little more chaotic than the Kantoph family :) Would love to hear your thoughts though, Ronin!
Thanks again for the ask, and I hope you have a great day! :D
Send me asks about ATLA, LOK, or anything, really! :D
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theotherace · 2 years
might rewatch atla and breathe some life back into this blog once i’m out of hospital.....
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lala2100 · 6 months
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#kuzon #dunebabies #taang
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rllymilerlly · 2 years
Would one of the dunebabies have a romantic relationship with either a steambaby or a beyblade?
Yeah! I have Tae having a relationship later on with Kya, Zuko and Katara’s oldest u_u
They are very in love and truly the power couple™️
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