omegansamurai · 3 days
When you say two shots from the enemy team because the next two seasons of the Netflix Avatar adaptation, what do you mean? Because if you’re being negative about the adaptation, then I will say…
I don’t think we need to worry. I have a REALLY GOOD FEELING about these next two seasons. XD I have a conspiracy on what’s gonna happen and everything. ;) I wish I could tell you, so maybe I can tel you in DM form? :)
(Also, Bryke ain’t on that adaptation, so I want to see them cry like waa-waa babies. XD )
Is there something in the air today that is making the fans go nuts?
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I checked the Zutara tag over an hour ago... not a lot going on. I come back and
Holy rusted metal Batman!
It's like the same comment over and over by different blogs...
'It's 2024, and yall are still going on about Kat*ang and Zutara? You guys are delulu!'
We aren't. Actually Zutarians just want to be left alone in peace, but nooooo.
It's the Kat*angers who refuse to let us do so.
Here in the year of two thousand and twenty-four... we are actually exhausted. I mean yes, there will be another (checks notes) two? Yes two waves of shots from the enemy team because of the next two seasons of the AtLA Netflix adaptation. It's not over.
So why are yall complaining?
And if you don't want to see it...
Keep calm and scroll on or
Mind your own business!
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Also, for those of you who are announcing your departure from the Fandom like you're hot stuff... this isn't an airport.
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omegansamurai · 8 days
An Avatar: The Last Airbender/IT Crossover Story.
Chapter 4: An Omen
Rated: T
Summary: Zuko tries to live through the predicament that he and Katara made. Things seem to be going fine...until Zuko sees someone that he hasn't seen in a long time.
Ships: Zutara, Taang, Sukka.
Got this updated! :D Yay! Now read! XD
Thank you all for reading, and give me a review when you have the time! :)
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omegansamurai · 15 days
A Batman/ATLA Crossover Story!
Chapter 9: Reveal
Summary: Robin and Batgirl meet a strange cop who is for Batman's cause, while Zuko and Katara explain their situation. Meanwhile, Batman (Bruce) reveals himself to Team Avatar...
Ships: Taang, Zutara, Sukka, Bruce/Selina, Dick/Barbara.
Not much to say here! Just a little chapter to get things going in our story! :) Please tell me how I did! I want some feedback, yo! :O
Thank you for reading! :D
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omegansamurai · 18 days
Okay, as a new Silent Hill fan...
...some of y'all got to calm down.
I hear people complain about the trailer and the gameplay trailer from the SH Transmission of Silent Hill 2, and it's like...why are y'all complaining? I may not be a video game developer expert, but I enjoy video games because they are fun and engaging. And if it has a good story, then I'm all for it. But I see people giving out videos on YT saying that Angela's face looks wrong, or the jank that the framerate goes to, or the hitting animation is all weird. There was even one person saying that the first enemy that James encounters was 'staged' and it worried him...it's like...what? People, it's okay, I welcome any change. It doesn't have to be a big one, but they're blowing things out of proportion on what they saw, and it's like...I never noticed any of that? I mean, I thought it looked great! And this whole remake looks interesting, and believe it or not, as one who doesn't do horror games, I actually PRE-ORDERED the physical copy of the game! Cause I wanted to experience this story again they're telling, with me as a new player for this series. Come on, people, they'll keep the story intact, it'll still be SH2. I think the remake looks fantastic, and I welcome any minor change in this, even the storytelling aspects of the characters. Not the story, but the CHARACTERS, just to be clear.
I mean, sure, Angela's face is the only thing that looks odd, but even then...it's not a big deal. She's a girl in her late teens, 19, and here in this remake, she looks...young. I feel like people forgot that? And Maria looks great as well!
It's like the live-action Netflix Avatar The Last Airbender show all over again. You get the people complaining and whining about how they handled the show in live-action form, which I think was actually pretty well-handled, and you get the SH fans whining about how the SH2 Remake looks...I don't know, good? Seriously, I feel like Bloober Team will really do a great job here. They sound passionate in the SH Transmission, and I admire that. I mean, can't you just be happy that you got a SH game after all these years? You'll make yourself miserable if you nitpick every single thing. I just can't wait for when the game comes out in October. And I'll be ready to play it too...when I see playthroughs beforehand...or something...I mean, I'll get through the first bit of it, but...look, I haven't played a horror game at all, especially a survivor horror game, so it'll be different for me, okay? XP
Listen, I really think Konami is trying their best to win us back, and yes, sometimes they made the most stupidest decisions, but...well, it's been years, and I feel like this group is trying to find a layout for Silent Hill. I feel like they're going on the right track, I would say.
Look, I'm excited, and I'm glad some people are excited for this game. I think it'll do really well. I just don't want these so-called 'fans' to just gripe and moan about every small, tiny, little, insignificant detail about this Silent Hill 2 Remake. It's just a game. Yes, it's an important game, but I feel like this game is in the right hands from the right people. Just relax. I bet it'll be fun and meaningful all over again.
I'm excited. So please don't ruin that excitement for me. Seriously, this will be my first horror game that I pre-ordered and purchased. And I want to walk through James' shoes into the town of Silent Hill and experience the story all over again. I wasn't even hesitant to buy it until I got a proper release date, and now that I do, I was ready to buy it. And I did buy it...soon it'll ship to my house on October 8th, and I will experience the psychological masterpiece that is Silent Hill 2. As James said in the remake reveal trailer...
I'm ready.
(By the way, if you all want to read my SH crossovers of different franchises, go to my AO3 page! :D Search 'The_Samurai_Prince' and choose which one you want to read! Tell me what you all think! :) )
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omegansamurai · 21 days
Say it out loud to the people in the back. 😆
“this ship is not canon” babe, they’re fictional characters. they’re not real. they’re literally dolls we play with. we don’t care about whether or not these fictional characters’ love story is canon in this piece of media that is also entirely based on fiction. I mean, sure, canon would be lovely, but it’s a bonus. it’s not necessary. what we care about is the fun of talking about these 2 idiots being in love.
we don’t give a fuck if they didn’t kiss in “canon”. they had raw sex in thousands of fics about them though. and I’d say that’s more than enough to make people who ship them happily ship them even harder. happy shipping!
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omegansamurai · 24 days
What style of karate do you practice? I like to think that the dunebabies bending would resemble Goju ryu.
LOL! Nice! And I practiced Taekwondo! :) It's been a while, but I got some moves in me! X) I honestly don't know what Goju Ryu is, so I might need to look that up. :O
Thank you for the ask! :D
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omegansamurai · 25 days
I'm telling ya, if Zutara is canon in the Netflix Avatar show, there will be riots caused by the KAs...
...and I'll be here for it. Black belt in karate, I'll be fighting them. Let's go. X)
(Also, why KA? What about TA? Why NOT TA? ...Toph/Aang for those that don't know. XP )
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omegansamurai · 1 month
A My Hero Academia/Silent Hill Crossover Fusion.
Chapter 13: A Matter of Knowing
Rated: M
Summary: Ochako and Jasei experience a detour, so they go to a bank to somehow progress their search. Tsuyu arrives at the McDonalds, only to meet up with another person. However, she soon finds her clue.
Ships: IzuTsu, IzuMomo, KyoShou, KyoTen, slight KatOcha.
Okay! So, I finally updated this! :D Tell me what you think! Or if it's your first time reading this story, then please do read from the beginning and tell me what you all think! ^_^ I love feedback! :D
Thank you for reading! :)
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omegansamurai · 2 months
Okay, @trials-of-a-spirit-worker, you are a hero. Tell it like it is, just like how this guy posted his thoughts.
I just hate it when they sugar coat Aang’s behavior. I too would go into an all out rant about this and Bryke in general, but I can’t really collect my thoughts too well at this moment. But I will say, that at the end of the day, the die hard ATLA fans(who are just Aang-stans) that think this is okay, as well as Bryke, just need to suck it.
Actually, I will say another thing. Be glad that Aang in the live-action is a much better interpretation of his character than the Aang in the cartoon version. Cause cartoon Aang is nothing but a little bitch.
Yeah, I said it. Come at me, ya stupid Aang-stans.
The reason I'm so vulgar in regards to Aang's crush on Katara is that his crush on her is very superficial. He thinks she's pretty and nice, but he makes no effort to get to know or understand her. He doesn't accept the parts of her that he doesn't like.
We get the male gaze from him a couple of times at Katara. He clearly finds her attractive. Katara is confirmed to be considered attractive in universe. She gives him emotional support. And then...that's it.
Aang doesn't care to find out what happened to Katara's mom, one of if not the most single important event in her life. He always gets surprised when she gets mad at something. He hates the food and culture that she loves so much. He doesn't respect her boundaries and kisses her twice without her consent. He keeps trying to talk for her when she's angry. And he expects her to do the work for their "relationship." After he kisses her, he's upset that SHE didn't talk to HIM about their "relationship."
Just because he kissed her without her consent once, he thinks they're exclusive. He's a literal child who doesn't have the maturity to handle a romantic relationship.
Aang wants the beautiful image of Katara. He wants that pretty face, those big blue eyes, that body, those long legs, those hips, the chest, and the hair that is just so manageable.
He has no interest in the complex, strong, hurt, angry, and caring person that Katara actually is.
I'm calling it like I see it. Aang doesn't actually like Katara; he's just really horny for her. There's a difference.
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omegansamurai · 2 months
Yeah, where the OG anime at!? Come on! XP
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omegansamurai · 2 months
My Fave ATLA Ships as People.
(Just something I want to do to pass the time. :) )
Zutara: Mature, level-headed, passionate, determined, a little snarky, but kind, can be sarcastic, born leader, fierce, and sometimes awkward when flirting.
Taang: A little shy, but can be very opinionated, also can go off on someone when they deserve it, a good dancer but doesn't want to make a scene, and a natural romantic.
Sukka: Funny, laid-back, sarcastic in a humorous way, likes to dance as well, respects people's spaces, very loud and opinionated, goofy, and a little cocky, but not so much, as they are shy when it comes to being flirtatious.
Other pairings (that I don't care for) like Kataang, though...well, I don't want to open that can of worms. ^^;
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omegansamurai · 2 months
I wish.
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This is the money Marge. Reblog for good fortune
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omegansamurai · 2 months
That’s literally a great reason, and I’m all for it. XD
Taang is the superior Aang ship because it could have given us the best thing ever, which is Bumi II being an earthbender like his namesake
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omegansamurai · 2 months
LOL, what did I tell ya?
The Animated Avatar Movie is delayed until January 2026.
Seriously, what is going on with this studio? This is hilarious.
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omegansamurai · 2 months
An Avatar: The Last Airbender/One Piece Crossover Story.
Chapter 19: Urgency Back Home
Rated: T
Summary: Back in the Avatar world, Ursa and her new family, as well as Hakoda are warned about the battle. Azula and the gang urge them to evacuate everyone in Capital City. Meanwhile, Iroh talks a bit with Ozai's crew. And Ozai...is starting to feel a little different...
Here's a short chapter! I hope it'll tell you a lot of what's happening on the Avatar world side of things! :)
Give me a comment when you can! And of course, a kudos and a bookmark if you enjoy it! :D
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omegansamurai · 2 months
Yeah, when I saw that post, I was like, NAH. Blocked that fool. XP
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idc about the repetitive zutara vs kataang ship war garbage but here's another example of aang stans who don't know shit about buddhism using "buddhism" to criticize aang hate, as if aang's very existence as a character isn't seen as offensive to actual practising buddhists.
aang is a monk who is a strict vegetarian but he isn't celibate for some reason even though celibacy is a way bigger deal to monastics than vegetarianism. the dalai lamai has publicly denounced married monks and the thai government bans depictions of monks doing drugs or kissing, etc.
and let's not forget that the buddha said that monks that have sex are damned for hell:
Worthless man, it would be better that your penis be stuck into the mouth of a poisonous snake than into a woman’s vagina. It would be better that your penis be stuck into the mouth of a black viper than into a woman’s vagina. It would be better that your penis be stuck into a pit of burning embers, blazing and glowing, than into a woman’s vagina. Why is that? For that reason you would undergo death or death-like suffering, but you would not on that account, at the breakup of the body, after death, fall into deprivation, the bad destination, the abyss, hell.
the irony of getting angry at people calling aang a white self insert because you think he's a "buddhist" when he's a caricature of buddhism made up by ignorant white men who claimed their biggest inspiration for the air nomads was fucking shaolin soccer.
it's not just aang ofc, all the air nomads are based on shallow western perceptions of buddhism since their society is based on the shangri-la trope, a theme park version of real-life buddhist nations. the worldbuilding for the air nomads makes no damn sense and is easily the weakest of the four nations due to bryke's shallow reference pools. their entire culture is monastic but also nomadic, and they practise sex-segregation...yet they still have sex.
bryke just wanted the aesthetics of buddhism without actually understanding it.
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omegansamurai · 2 months
Man, if that’s true, I hope karma will bite them in the ass so hard. That’s just low. They have no right in doing that. What a bunch of pathetic dweebs.
Queen Shit
Imagine being one of the Kataang shippers who bullied Christine Boylan into deleting all her tweets and unliking all the Zutara fan art and posts publicly, thinking you won… only for her to become the new showrunner two weeks later.
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