#Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Party Product Review
grailfinders · 4 years
Fate and Phantasms #61: Elisabeth Báthory (Halloween)
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Welcome back to Fate and Phantasms, where we’re bringing every servant in FGO to life in Dungeons and Dragons 5e! Today we’re building the Blood Countess Elisabeth Báthory, Halloween Edition! For this build, we have three goals:
Part-time Dragon: Because of the Báthory crest, Elisabeth is part dragon. This means she’ll need a sonic breath weapon, and the ability to fly.
Part-time Torturer: She may have been waifufied in FGO, but she still has trouble treating people like people, so she’s going to have plenty of ways to not only fight people, but make it hurt
Full-time Idol: As the pop star princess of Hungary, Elisabeth needs plenty of ways to frighten charm and drive to madness enthrall her captives audience.
As usual, a spreadsheet for this build can be found over here, and a full explanation will be below the cut!
Edited due to fitting casliz better; will be remaking lancer liz in a bit.
Race and Background
You start things off as a Dragonborn, giving you +2 Strength and +1 Charisma. Some people would say this is leaning too far into the dragon bit, but if we want that Breath Weapon, this is the race we need. Pink dragons don’t exist in DnD, so we’ll say the Báthory family is descended from a Red Dragon, making your breath weapon a 15′ cone of fire that requires a dex save of 8 + your constitution modifier + your proficiency. On a fail, creatures in your way take 2d6 damage, or half on a success. This bumps up to 3d6 at level 6, 4 at 11th level, and 5 at 16th level. You can use this once per short rest. You’ll also be resistant to fire damage, which is pretty cool since it’s a common element in dungeons and your stage productions. 
You’re also a Noble, giving you proficiency in History and Persuasion. A complete lack of empathy for the poor is not mechanically enforced, but appreciated nonetheless.
We use the standard array around here, but feel free to roll if you want to. I’d say keep multiclassing minimums in mind, but if you can’t this build isn’t going to work out for you anyway. Put your highest score in Charisma. It’s literally one of your skills, and you need it for most of everything you do. Next is Dexterity, you don’t wear armor, so your best bet for not dying is to not get hit. Follow that up with Strength. You don’t look it, but you can fly while carrying people, so you’re actually pretty buff. After that is Constitution; those dance sessions need stamina. Next is Intelligence, you don’t need no education to know the pointy end goes into the peasant. Finally, dump wisdom. You're so easily distracted you’ve accidentally wandered into the wrong servant class twice now.
Class Levels
1. Sorcerer 1: As a first level sorcerer, you are proficient in Deception, Arcana, and Constitution and Charisma saves. First level sorcerers also get their first spells. Grab Control Fire, Green Flame Blade, Create Bonfire, and Burning Hands for some offensive spells, as you won’t actually be able to use a spear all that well for a while. Also grab Friends for some early charm points and Jump for your first foray into flight. Don’t worry, you’ll get actual wings later.
Don’t forget about your Sorcerous Origin, which is appropriately enough a Draconic Bloodline. As previously stated, you have a Red Dragon ancestor, which at this level gives you some languages you already know and doubled proficiency when dealing with Charisma checks against dragons. You also have Draconic Resilience, giving you an unarmored AC equal to 13 + Dex mod, and you get an extra 1 HP when leveling as a Sorcerer. This is great for you, as idol dresses are not known for their combat protection.
2. Sorcerer 2: At second level, you become a Font of Magic, having sorcery points equal to your sorcerer level. Currently these can be used to make spell slots, but they’ll be more useful in a bit. For this level, grab Charm Person for your spell, bringing innocent bystanders under your thrall, if only to make you stop singing.
3. Sorcerer 3: You now have Metamagic, giving you customization options for your spells. Grab the Subtle Spell option so you can cast magic while wielding your spear, and Twinned Spell, because every good idol knows when an encore is necessary (the answer is always). For your spell this level, grab Shatter for reasons that are totally unrelated to your singing.
4. Sorcerer 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement for a higher Charisma score. For this level’s spell, grab Mending, in case your dress gets ripped, and Crown of Madness. The latter spell forces a wisdom save for one humanoid, otherwise they become charmed, and a must use their action each turn to make a melee attack against another creature you choose. If none are available, it can act normally. You have to use your action to keep the spell going, and the target can roll a new save each turn. They’re just so excited to hear you sing, they can’t keep their enthusiasm to themselves!
5. Sorcerer 5: Fifth level sorcerers get 3rd level spells. Grab Fear to force creatures within a 30′ cone of you to make a wisdom save or else become frightened of you for up to a minute. During this time the only thing they can do is run away from you as quickly as possible. To tell their friends about your talent, obviously.
6. Sorcerer 6: Sixth level dragon sorcerers gain an Elemental Affinity, so now whenever you cast a spell that deals fire damage, you deal extra damage equal to your charisma modifier. You can also spend 1 sorcery point to gain resistance to a damage type you’re already resistant to, if you really want to waste it. For your spell this turn, grab Fly, so you can finally spread your wings (for 10 minutes, at least). Make sure you keep track of that timer, because we won’t be getting feather fall for a bit.
7. Sorcerer 7: Grab your first 4th level spell Confusion. Create a mosh pit in a 10′ radius sphere, causing all creatures within to make a wisdom save or be affected. Affected creatures must roll a d10 before taking their turn. On a 1, they move in a random direction. on a 2-6, they can’t take actions this turn. On a 7-8, they attack a creature at random, or do nothing. On a 9-10, they can move normally. Crowds for top idols such as yourself can get a bit rowdy, so it’s best you get used to this now.
8. Sorcerer 8: Use your second Ability Score Improvement to grab the Dragon Fear feat, giving you an extra point in Strength, and letting you convert your breath weapon into a sonic attack. Creatures within 30′ of you make a wisdom save, using the same dc as your normal breath attack, or become frightened of you for 1 minute. Also, grab Charm Monster for those rare occasions where you actually sing well.
9. Bard 1: Now that we finally have your proper breath weapon, lets get to work on your idol abilities. As you multiclass into bard, you gain proficiency in Light Armor as well as one skill of your choice. I’d recommend Performance. Bards also have spellcasting, so check the multiclassing table to figure out your spell slots. Bards also also have Inspiration Dice, a number of d6 equal to your charisma modifier that you can hand out to friends to help with pretty much any roll of a d20. For cantrips, grab Minor Illusion and Prestidigitation. Your songs are so beautiful now, people see things when you sing! Hallucinations are a good thing, right? For spells, get Animal Friendship to help you deal with any deerlets you find, Dissonant Whispers which you frankly should have gotten a long time ago, Faerie Fire for some special effects, and Feather Fall. You are now free to move about the airspace.
10. Bard 2: You become a Jack of All Trades, adding half your proficiency to non-proficient checks. I say this a lot, but remember that this includes initiative rolls! I think this also is affected by the draconic ancestor bonus, but don’t quote me on that. You also gain a Song of Rest, enhancing your party’s healing during short rests with an additional d6. Turns out you sing really well when it’s for someone else, who knew? Grab Thunderwave for some more musical mayhem.
11. Bard 3: You graduate from the college of Glamour, giving you a Mantle of Inspiration and an Enthralling Performance. The former lets you spend an inspiration die to give a number of creatures up to your charisma modifier 5 temporary hit points (8 at 5th level), and those creatures can use their reaction to move up to their speed without provoking attacks of opportunity. The latter lets you charm up a number of humanoids up to your charisma modifier, causing them to give you glowing reviews and hinder those who oppose you. This lasts for an hour, or until it takes damage. The feature can be used once per short rest, and you’ll need to perform for at least a minute beforehand, so start brushing up on the lyrics to Akogare Tion now. 
You also gain Expertise in two skills, doubling your proficiency bonus for them. Pick Performance and Arcana for better knowledge involving songs and spells.
12. Sorcerer 9: With your idol career well underway, let’s head back to sorcery for a bit. At ninth level, you get your next spell Synaptic Static, a blast of white noise which causes creatures within a 20′ radius to make an intelligence saving throw or take 8d6 psychic damage and have muddled thoughts for 1 minute. For this minute, whenever it rolls an attack roll, ability check, or concentration save, it also rolls a d6 and subtracts that number from the d20 roll. 
13. Sorcerer 10: You get another Metamagic option! Grab Extended Spell to keep the party going for twice as long. Also, grab the Gust cantrip for a more powerful singing voice and the Wall of Stone spell to recreate Castle Csejte when you pull off your noble phantasm.
14. Sorcerer 11: Eleventh level sorcerers get a 6th level spell. Grab Investiture of Wind for Fly with benefits. You have all the movement of Fly, plus ranged attacks against you are made with disadvantage, and you can use an action to create gusts of wind around you. Any creatures within a 15′ cube of your choosing makes a constitution save, taking 2d10 bludgeoning damage on a failure or half that on a success. Large or smaller creatures are also pushed up to 10′ away on a failure. Now all of Hungary will fear the beating of your wings! Just keep in mind this also lasts for 10 minutes, and is a concentration spell, so keep feather fall handy, just in case.
15. Sorcerer 12: Use your Ability Score Improvement to buff your Charisma for stronger spells and higher saves.
16. Bard 4: Use your last Ability Score Improvement on Constitution, for more concentration, more health, and a stronger breath weapon. Grab the Thunderclap cantrip for another source of thunder damage, and Magic Mouth, so you can leave your mixtapes lying around for the adoring public.
17. Bard 5: Your inspiration dice become d8s, and you become a Font of Inspiration, regaining expended dice on short rests. Grab Tongues to make your inevitable international following easier to manage.
18. Bard 6: You now have a Mantle of Majesty thanks to your superstardom, letting you cast Command as a bonus action for free each round for a minute, with any previously charmed creature of yours automatically failing the save. You can use this once per long rest, and need to have concentration available for it. Grab Blindness/Deafness for your spell this level. With music this good, they probably wouldn’t want to hear anything else anyway. You also gain Countercharm, giving advantage to your friends against being frightened or charmed. Nobody gets to warp your deerlings’ minds but you!
19. Sorcerer 13: Grab your final spell from 7th level, Power Word Pain. With just a word, you can wrack a creature with less than 100 hit points with incredible pain, reducing its speed to 10′ and giving it disadvantage on attacks, checks, and non-constitution saves. Whenever the creature tries to cast a spell while in pain, it must succeed on a constitution save or waste the spell slot. At the end of each turn it may make a constitution save to free itself. It should be noted this is the only way to end the spell, aside from effects like dispel magic.
20. Sorcerer 14: Finally, 14th level dragon sorcerers get proper Dragon Wings, giving you a flight speed equal to your movement. The loss of speed is made up for by not requiring concentration, and not having a time limit. It’s just a bonus action to make them, and a bonus action to dismiss them. The one downside is any clothing you’re wearing needs to be made with wings in mind, otherwise you might cause some wardrobe malfunctions. That’s not too big an issue, though. It’s really just free publicity. 
Pros: Thanks to your draconic heritage you’re surprisingly sturdy for a mostly caster class, with just over 150 hp if you use the nonrolling option for health and resistance against a common damage type. You also have a lot of flight options, as well as plenty of reach weapons, helping you stay out of the front lines. Finally, you have an arsenal of different spell saves at your disposal, letting you handle many different kinds of enemies. You mostly have wisdom saves for charm spells, but there’s also Constitution saves and  Intelligence saves, so you’re not completely out of a fight against a monk or ranger.
Cons: Fire is a common damage type, but it’s also commonly resisted, meaning a lot of your combat power might not be that useful. You also need to pick which concentration spells you’re using, as most of your charm/madness spells as well as flight options require it. 
All in all, just keep your chin up and I’m sure things will work out for you. Just be ready to beat wings if you need to.
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everyaccentthesame · 4 years
Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus A retrospective and review of a completed campaign. Part 1/?. An introduction.
‘Baldurs gate: Descent into Avernus’ (BG:DIA) is a module for Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition, produced by Wizards of the Coast, with Adam Lee as it’s lead. It has a number of interesting ideas within it, and a very cool setting. That’s probably the most praise it’s going to get in this series of posts, however, and a significant portion of that is simply from it’s association with D&D 5e, a very robust and fun RPG, and the high budget for art and design WOTC obviously gives its designers.
The module professes to take players from levels 1 to 13 over the course of its 256 pages, yet one wonders why they bothered, when it’s clear only the last 8 really mattered to the designers. But I’m getting ahead of myself, let me explain why I’m writing this screed.
In early October, 2019, I started a new BG:DIA campaign as the DM, aiming to conclude the campaign in a satisfactory manner within a year, after experiencing too many other campaigns, either run by myself or others, that had never been able to finish satisfactorily. Playing as a Student and with Students often means those you play with and your own priorities change year on year, and there’s always a risk of your table hemorrhaging players, never to return, once post-exams celebrations finish. I succeeded and was able to finish the campaign in early July, 2020, largely thanks to the UK lockdown freeing up me and my players schedules significantly.
I feel the manner in which I approached this module is also worth mentioning. Apart from the self-imposed time limitations, I also was studying for my Medical degree and attending placements in various hospitals, running a Dragon AGE RPG campaign and organizing a fortnightly independent Adventurers League event. I was relying on the module to, well, actually give me a campaign, rather than a nonsensical mess that I had to crudely stitch into a facsimile of a coherent story-line.
As should not be a surprise to anyone with much experience of all but a few of the 5e modules, BG:DIA is a mess, unfriendly to new and busy DM’s alike. It’s plotlines are meandering, the villain seems to change multiple times, it’s themes are discordant and the first 5 levels of the adventure seem simply to be an excuse to get players to level up fast enough to get to the ‘meat’ of the adventure. Even when they get there, however the ‘meat’ of the adventure isn’t exactly a prime-cut, either, filled with meaningless choices, fetch quests, and opportunities for players to miss vital story beats and details for no explicable reason.
Please don’t get me wrong, despite my frustrations with the module, me and my players managed to have a lot of fun. I do feel, however, that this was despite the module more than it was because of it.
As it was, the campaign that I ran was saved by three main virtues:
1: My players, a group of creative and confident storytellers unafraid to tell the stories of their characters collaboratively with me.
2: My willingness to go off the rails and use 3rd party supplements to enhance the adventure, to compensate for my lack of time to customize the adventure personally. (I will be linking to and shouting out all of these supplements in future posts, but I primarily used the products of Eventyr games)
3: Many of the themes, and the central plot-line, do have a seed of something compelling and awesome. Zariel’s fall and redemption, the Mad-max theme of Avernus and the moral quandaries of the blood war, and I was able to nurture these seeds enough to give them a life of their own in the adventure.
During this series of posts, that are inaugural to my blog, I will be discussing what I disliked about this module in more precise terms, in chronological order, covering each ‘chapter’ of the adventure one after another, as it is meant to be played. I will also be discussing how many d&d adventures have fallen into the same traps BG:DIA has fallen into and how amazing it is that the designers have failed to learn a single lesson from past 5 years of 5e modules and combine every single mistake made in the past, into one module. I’ll also be highlighting what I did to improve upon what I see as the modules mistakes, what the module got right, what I wish I’d done better and what those running adventures set in the outer planes can do to ensure their campaigns are fun and thematic right off the bat.
I hope you enjoy this series, and hang around for more in the future, as I’ll be talking about a lot more than just Baldurs Gate! I have a lot of opinions about a lot of thing’s in RPG’s, and you can be assured, they’ll all get posted here.
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iamtheancient-blog · 7 years
Review for Jetpack7's / Conceptopolis Gods & Goddesses 5th edition supplement
Those familiar with 3.5e edition of D&D, can recall one of the books written during its time was “Deities and Demigods “. This book was a supplement that detailed dozens of god's, giving their statistics, suggestions on creating your own gods, and even information on how to advance your character into god hood. This book was a wealth of information. One which I still pick up from time to time to read into when making and developing characters.  I'm excited that Jetpack7 / Conceptopolis developed a 5th edition supplement in the same vein as Deities and Demigods. Some information on Jetpack7 is they are responsible for some of the great looking art in both the Dungeon Master's Guide and the Monster Manual, also their art can found in several other locations and popular products such as League of Legends.
This book is laid out as follows. An introduction, and how to use this book. After this there are 16 Gods & Goddesses. Each God or Goddess has a page dedicated to who they are, dogma, clergy and temples. As well as who worship such a god/goddess. Afterward is a great picture of said god. A stat block of their avatar, then a Cleric sub-class and a paladin sub-class. After these pages are an appendix of companions to these deities. Some wondrous items from them as well. New spells, boons that deities can grant in this book, two new weapons and a couple NPC stat blocks.
Now will move into the distinct sections of the book.
For each page about these deities it goes into depth on who the god is, their dogma, clergy and temples to said gods. Also who worships them. These pages are great, and get the imagination flowing when reading these pieces. Reading through this book, as a DM it gave me ideas on how to incorporate these deities into my games and also inspired me to make characters who worshiped these same deities. These sections are great. The pictures afterword give plenty to tell your players if they ever meet an avatar of the deity face to face.
After each deity is a stat block of an “Avatar” of that deity that the players could face. All these deities are in the Challenge Rating 30 range, like Tiamat in The Rise of Tiamat. What worried me most in reading through these stat blocks was the wording and placement on them. An example would be, when comparing the Goddess known as “Baba Yaga” to a “Ancient Red Dragon” as far as placement goes. It lists in Baba Yaga’s stat block that she has a Frightful Presence. The stat block lists Baba Yaga’s Frightful presence as a feature, like Legendary Resistance rather than an action. The wording is correct on it but it is not clear whether her Frightful presence is something she can do at will requiring no action, or if it requires an action as normal.
Listed under actions for Baba Yaga, are actions like her gaining a fly speed. Mention of a pestle wand she uses and it acts as a wand of war mage +3. It is a bit odd that her fly speed is not built in, but requires an action for her to use. As well as the mentioning of her wand of war mage. Another odd thing on this stat block is mention of “Baba Yaga makes 4 magical attacks per a round”. It is unclear if they mean she can cast 4 spells or if her attacks count as magical, and she can make four per a round. Other unclear terms are such as Elemental Immunity which states, “Baba Yaga is immune to all (including magical) water, earth, wind and fire damage”, It might be better phrased as, “When Baba Yaga takes damage from a magical or otherwise elemental attack, she instead takes no damage from the attack”
Moving onto the next big part of this book Cleric and Paladin domains for each of these deities. A lot of these Cleric Domain and Paladin’s oaths feel a bit rushed and unoriginal. Before each domain and oath is a paragraph or two describing what a Cleric or Paladin of this deity would be like. This gives a great deal of inspiration when you’re sitting down to make a Cleric or Paladin of this chosen deity.  Going back to the rushed and unoriginal aspects of these domains and oaths. Some of these domains / oaths take existing material from, or magic items in general. An example of this would be the, “Domain of the Devious Spider” as a 2nd level ability they can spend a use of their channel divinity to displace themselves much like the the magical item “Cloak of Displacement” in the dungeon master’s guide.
The difference being the effect lasts for 1 minute in the Channel Divinity. The effect does not disappear when taking damage. Another example would be the 6th level feature from “Domain of the Wise”. Is the same exact feature as of that of the Nature Cleric from the Player’s Handbook. Also the “Champion of Baba Yaga (Paladin Oath)” its 15th level feature is a copy paste of “Relentless Endurance” from the Half-Orc traits in the Player’s Handbook. Other errors I picked up were feign death as a 3rd level oath spell. When Paladins don’t get 3rd level spell casting till 9th level. In another instance a paladin got True Strike, which is a cantrip as a 3rd level oath spell as well.
These sub-classes need to be looked at more, especially because of these simple errors. While I understand you cannot reinvent the wheel with every single subclass put into this book, since there are two for each of the of the 16 deities. More work should have be put into making them more unique. I make take on a project later re-making the sub-classes presented in this book for fun. To better align with the deities presented, at least the ones that need a bit of reworking.
Looking at the companion stat blocks to deities already listed. There is nothing glaring on them, and look fine as is.
Next in the list we have a few wondrous items, all which are on the artifact level because of what they are. The only issue I have with these, is when comparing these items to the ones in the Dungeon Master's Guide, the formula for artifacts in the DMG (besides the effect of the listed item). Each item also has those effects and a minor/major beneficial and or a detrimental property. Besides not following this formula the items seem great.
In the next section, there is a list of new spells. I am assuming these spells are  for clerics and paladins. There is nothing to specify who gets these spells on their spell lists. Some of these spells go beyond the spell casting capabilities of a single classed paladin. Yet some of these spells are on the domains of both clerics and paladins.  Looking at these spells and comparing them to others of the same levels. Some of these spells are weaker versions of existing spells. Such as whisper, a 1st level spell that lasts 10 minutes, extends 10ft, and gives a +5 to stealth checks, acting like Pass Without a Trace. Otherwise nothing seems crazy about these spells but they would need some play testing to be 100% sure.
The boons of the gods seem fine, and a lot of them seem inline with what is existing in the DMG.
In the NPC stat block section, it describes each of the NPC’s, a bit of history, assets, flaws of the character and how the NPC would interact with the party. There isn’t many errors I saw besides  forgetting the weapon of one of the NPC’s. You’re not sure what the NPC is attacking with, but you can find the information in the Players Handbook due to the damage it deals.
In closing, the book should have had some more time put into it. I would have rather waited longer for the book to be a 100% ready than coming out with so many glaring errors in the book. The first iteration of the PDF was missing the 17th level ability of the Cleric ability for Baba Yaga’s domain, comparing the first iteration of the original PDF to the new one, they have fixed some errors but a lot of others still remain.
I also got a hard copy of the book as well as the PDF, and it’s a bit sad to see the 17th level of the Cleric ability missing. As well as these other errors I pointed out before in the book. The hard copy of the book is right around the same size of the Player’s Handbook. The quality of the pages and book itself seem great as well.
If I had to give a review on this book out of 5 stars, I’d give it a solid 3. The artwork is beautiful, there is a great deal of inspiration in the book, but the many errors and thrown together cleric domains / paladin oaths bring the quality of the product down.
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playmasterhd · 5 years
DRAGONFANG - GAMEPLAY / REVIEW - FREE STEAM GAME 🤑 Title: DragonFang - Drahn's Mystery Dungeon Genre: Free to Play, RPG Developer: Toydea, Degica Publisher: Degica Franchise: Dragonfang Release Date: 4 Feb, 2020 DragonFang is a story-rich tactical rogue-like RPG. Summon and level up your ally monsters to challenge bosses in the dungeon depths! ALL REVIEWS: Mostly Negative (27) RELEASE DATE: 4 Feb, 2020 DEVELOPER: Toydea, Degica PUBLISHER: Degica Popular user-defined tags for this product: Free to PlayRPGRoguelikeJRPGAnime+ Single-player Steam Achievements In-App Purchases Requires agreement to a 3rd-party EULA Dragonfang - Drahn's Mystery Dungeon EULA Languages: Interface Full Audio Subtitles English ✔ ✔ Japanese ✔ ✔ INTRODUCTION Although it is originally based on a popular mobile game in Japan, we have optimized it for PC, including : Rebalanced dungeon difficulties for PC play, requiring more skills and play tactics. Now in full HD, we added fog of war in dungeons and better inventory system. A brand new home screen and world map, optimized for PC. Fully localized in English. ABOUT THIS GAME DragonFang is a story-rich tactical rogue-like RPG. Summon and level up your ally monsters to challenge bosses in the dungeon depths! DragonFang is the story of a young dragonian in a world where dragons are slowly becoming extinct. Once upon a time the dragons, mightiest among all, ruled the world with their godly power. The seemingly everlasting dragon era has come to an unexpected end, and the world is in turmoil without absolute rulers. As their days come to an end, dragons create labyrinths and hide in their depths out of time and space to quietly draw their last breaths. Thus no one can misuse their tremendous powers as they sleep, for they love the world. Why are they passing out of existence? Now a dragonian boy, Drahn, and his trusty fairy companion, starts a journey to meet with the remaining dragons. He will need to unlock the powers of the Dragonfang to discover the truth! DragonFang is a story-rich tactical rogue-like RPG. Mystery dungeons Adventure into a flame swirling dungeon, sky piercing Yggdrasil, and the solemn shrine deep under the sea. You will face mighty bosses awaiting deep in the dungeons. Randomly generated dungeons can be played over and over and still yield new loot or dangers. There will be lots of really challenging dungeons and bosses so get ready! Dragon time Time is stopped between your actions, so you can analyze the situation and decide to attack, use a powerful item or fang skill, or even run away and heal to fight on another day. Each action depletes your Dragon Time, which will heal you unless you re attacked or poisoned, and you can replenish by discovering new rooms. But beware, if you run out, each action will also deplete your health! Over 150 monster fangs to train and equip. Summon ally monsters and employ their special power and skills to defeat these evil bosses. You can select and equip up to 3 monster fangs to borrow their strength in your dungeoning. There are over 150 of them, from cute to cool and unique ones, all with different skills and strength. Choose your favorite and level them up to become stronger. Enemies may decide to join your party after defeating them! Are you going to stick with your old pals? Or you want to build a different squad with new friends? It’s all up to you. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM: OS: Windows 8, 10 Memory: 2 GB RAM Graphics: Support Directx 9 DirectX: Version 9.0c Storage: 2 GB available space DRAGONFANG Gameplay,DRAGONFANG PLAY TROUGH,DRAGONFANG pc free games,DRAGONFANG game,DRAGONFANG steam,DRAGONFANG review juego de steam,DRAGONFANG lets play,DRAGONFANG how to play,DRAGONFANG analisis,DRAGONFANG review,DRAGONFANG no commentary,DRAGONFANG link,DRAGONFANG trailer,DRAGONFANG multiplayer,DRAGONFANG full gameplay & review,DRAGONFANG f2p,DRAGONFANG pc,DRAGONFANG free game on steam,DRAGONFANG juegos gratis de steam,DRAGONFANG 1080 60 FPS, key steam,DRAGONFANG free game steam 2020,DRAGONFANG online,DRAGONFANG steam store,DRAGONFANG steam pc games,DRAGONFANG steam free download,DRAGONFANG steam keys, free steam game,DRAGONFANG gameplay ESPAÑOL,DRAGONFANG free pc game,DRAGONFANG free to play steam game,DRAGONFANG good steam games,DRAGONFANG free games to play,DRAGONFANG game keys,DRAGONFANG best free games on steam,DRAGONFANG steam giveaway,DRAGONFANG top steam games,DRAGONFANG good free games on steam,DRAGONFANG cheap steam games,DRAGONFANG steam free to play,DRAGONFANG steam free to play games,DRAGONFANG new steam games,DRAGONFANG steam games online,DRAGONFANG cool free games on steam,DRAGONFANG steam f2p games,DRAGONFANG all free games on steam,DRAGONFANG free pc games to play,DRAGONFANG free online multiplayer games for pc,DRAGONFANG best free multiplayer games on steam,DRAGONFANG freesteamkey,DRAGONFANG steam gratis by PlayMaster ✮VARIEDAD&DIFERENCIA✮
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fic-dreamin · 7 years
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Great update for a great game! I find myself using both 1st edition and 2nd edition rules when developing my new campaign here in late 2015. I am a big fan of the game and enjoyed playing it for years. I prefer the older game where the story made up more of the enjoyment and not the mechanics. In my opinion the current versions are too dependent on individual feats and actions and less invested in the group dynamics and long term campaign development. So I will stick with older rules. Go to Amazon
Five Stars I love slaughtering innocent goblins and orcs! Go to Amazon
Sword and Sorcery at its best Goes to show that what was good back in the day is still good today. The capstone of fantasy role-playing has never been more enjoyable and cleverly composed, and this book brings together all the dreams of individuals who reflect on the past and relish in old superstitions that arose from past periods where ignorance flourished and filled our ancestors' minds with visions of unseen demons and creatures lurking in the murk and mire of things yet to be discovered. Go to Amazon
AD&D has to be my favorite edition of Dungeons and Dragons to play AD&D has to be my favorite edition of Dungeons and Dragons to play. It expounds on the original in only good ways, while remaining light enough that it isn't daunting to get involved with like 3rd edition was for me. Go to Amazon
Excellent revision The organization and text thoroughness are what drove me to purchase this book for a friend. I do not personally have this revision of the Player's Handbook. However, I had to review some basic information with my group of players about alignments and found this book invaluable due to a simple picture of the alignment wheel. My players are all novices and can easily navigate and find the materials they are after due to the simplicity of this well written product. Plus...its 2nd edition! Go to Amazon
The best for the best. Where, oh where, to start? Advanced Dungeons & Dragons is a RPG in a league all it's own. When I first started playing RPGs I started with D&D 3rd edition and it was okay. I always felt that the rules in it were too much like a video game and put too many limits on my characters. Second edition is completely different. When AD&D was created it was during a time when you still needed to be creative to play a RPG. The rules are perfect for creating vast and wonderful characters. The game also keeps in mind that your DM is basically the boss. He decides what happens and where the party goes, it doesn't say you should put up with a jerk but you shouldn't be one either. This book is the Player's Handbook. It contains all the information and rules you need to create a character from the basic classes and races. It also explains the rules for combat, healing, equipment, magic spells, and everything else you need to play the game. It works best if you have the Dungeon Master's Handbook and Monstrous Manual with it. Go to Amazon
Present I got this for my boyfriend and his happy slightly nerdy friends. They all babble about how much they like the book and they use it every Thursday when they play D and D. Pretty sure they would recommend this it's cheap and hardcover and has tables and charts they didn't have with the 1st edition. I could even understand more of what they were talking about after reading this :) best $12 I spent on him. Go to Amazon
Three Stars Was ok an usable but had rips on the cover. Go to Amazon
Four Stars great book Player Handbook Kittens! Better than a PDF Classic Role Playing Good quality, no issues with it being used Four Stars Great book For a 2nd edition PHB this looks Great!! previous owner spilled a drip of coffee ... Five Stars
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