#Dunya Magi
babymagi · 5 months
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so correct me if i'm wrong but i believe Dunya's name comes from the arab word which essentially means the physical world we live in/the present time/worldly desires? which i think is really beautiful and well-fitting name 🥺
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selev-shirogane · 1 year
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Dunya 🧡
w/o filter:
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pan-magi · 7 months
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Happy Halloween!
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whalehouse1 · 11 months
It’s always weird to me when ppl don’t multiship. You can enjoy so many more potentials with the shipped character, for example, me with Yamuraiha.
Dunya: Interesting politics, enemies to lovers, the freaking interior design would be amazing, and one of the few Yuri ships I absolutely adore for potential.
Jafar: Sweet domestic bliss mixed with, let’s be honest, probably two of the kinkiest of the 8 generals. You could go from them just getting a nice cup of joe with friends to smut and no one would blink.
Sharkkhan: Was anyone against this? I don’t think this one needs an explanation for why I would want to ship it.
Masrur: Okay, some days you just want your favorite character to get wrecked by a Fanalis because let’s be honest, they are all hot.
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shandy-k · 2 years
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Best members of Ithnan’s team and Judar, because Judar is omnipresent.
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aacelya · 1 year
liest du koran
ey random gedanke stellt euch mal vor an laylatul qadr ihr seid so moschee ihr betet so dass er euer nasib ist auf einmal ihr hört nur das mädchen neben euch sagt seinen namen und betet für dasselbe auf einmal ihr heiratet ihn dann paar jahre später er nimmt sie so als zweite frau einf gebete wurden erhört aber iwie ich würde denken allah hat mich jahannam geschickt obwohl ich noch dunya bin und außerdem würde das passieren hätte ich sie bestimmt erwürgt und schwarze magie auf sie gelegt naja
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daily-judar · 2 years
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faulticode · 7 years
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Magiverse Inktober Day 10: In Memorium Sleep well princess 👑💐 I liked Dunya a lot as a villian. Her fight was pretty nice and her backstory got me good.
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sunshine-alibaba · 2 years
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cupofteh · 7 years
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Dunya from Magi
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Dunya: Your fate has been chosen for you.
Aladdin: Oh! You gonna let us go?
Dunya: Yeah, I'm letting you go... You think I'm that stupid?!?
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mustasimsfallen · 3 years
Writing Sample
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I curse this fate and the world that took you away from me...
Dunya could still remember the day her world was turned upside down against her will. The scream of her father as he was being murdered by the  Magnostadt's students who began a revolt were still loud in her head. She was just a kid and yet they thought she had to die? The little girl couldn’t understand what was going on or why the people where after her, but she knew enough to know that it didn’t look too good for her. They were going to kill her just like they did her father and there wasn’t anything she could do to stop them. 
Isaac acted fast and didn’t hesitate to take her shaking hand in his as he pulled her along in an attempt to save her life. He had always been there for her as her knight and as her family, but she didn’t want him getting hurt because of her. Dunya didn’t want to lose the only person she cared for all because she was apart of the royal family. Things would have worked out better if he had just run away and left her behind to die along with the others. Though she thought this she couldn’t help but stare at his back as they ran with a small shimmer of hope in her eyes.
Everything would be alright as long as they were together. Even if they both died Dunya wouldn’t have been angry because at least she wasn’t alone. She had someone she loved deeply by her side. 
People were cruel. The world didn’t deserve Issac and his kind nature. Those magicians took everything away from her and what for? Because of something so silly as fate? If that’s what fate was then she cursed fate. If she were fated to die by the hands of such filth then she would have been dead already and yet she was given a second chance and she wasn’t about to waste it. If Al-Thamen was going to give her the power she needed for her revenge than she would take the chance given to her and carry out whatever orders they had for her. Anything if it meant completely destroying the ones who took her Issac away from her.
Dunya’s face showed her anger the more and more she thought about the events of that day. Her eyes finally scanned the area before her blue hues landed on Issac’s back. It was different than back when she was a child. Looking at him now she didn’t feel the same warmth she felt from him before nor did she feel the same sense of security. He wasn’t the Issac she grew up with from before, but he was all she had. 
She took in a deep breath before walking ahead of the black haired male. “Let’s go, Issac. We have work to do.” Issac was dead and without her magic she would lose him all over again. This time around she wasn’t going to watch him die. 
Not again. 
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pan-magi · 2 years
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Black & White
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whalehouse1 · 2 years
I know Magi is over and blah blah blah, but I will always stand by that I believe Yamuraiha does so god dang much work around Sindria that she needs to just be given, as Katya and Trixie call it, the dick of death. I mean so much so she is not capable of thought for at least an hour after it is done and over with. And also the fact we got screwed over that Dunya died because 1) I ship it hard and 2) even without the shipping aspect of it, think of how interesting that relationship would have been.
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I was thinking about the Zagan arc recently and this line caught my attention. Dunya fell into depravity after her surrogate brother was brutally killed, and later in the Alma Torran arc we see that Ithnan fell into depravity for the same reason.
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Ithnan was probably ‘partial to’ Dunya because he empathized with her loss. Another nice detail from Ohtaka.
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vivimagi · 4 years
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Dunya Musta’sim & Sailor Neptune - Crossover
Amino saw it first
Composition? Who is she? But yeah, this is my entry for @magiamino’s crossover contest. I think this turned out quite nice :)
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