#Dyidet Peixes
ask-kindstuck · 5 years
So what do you guys think of earth broadway? And if you have a favorite musical, what is it?
They’re a bit old timey for us but we do like some of’em. We may not link straight Broadway Musical versions but you get the jist of the types we like.
♈: Beetlejuice
♉: Wicked
♊: Be More Chill
♋: Hamilton
♌: Cats / The Lion King
♍: Hadestown
♎: Sweeney Todd
♏: Heathers
♐: Frankenstein
♑: Jekyll & Hyde
♒: Count of Monte Cristo
♓: Moulin Rogue
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ask-kindghb · 5 years
Hey Orebon, got any childhood stories about you or Vlad that you can recall?
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♒: So, there are few factors you should know first. This happened when were pretty much still “kids”. We were in legal age but none the wiser... And, Orebon and Mairea... They were part of the whole gang before the “incident” that made my big brother lose his left arm... Because of Fureur’s actions and happenings.
If I recall, we were around 9½ to 14 sweeps old... So, we were really young. Fureur wasn’t known of his... “chill attitude” he harbors now a days, and we didn’t gather up all that much together unless Cortex threw a party. We all had different quadrants filled back then as well. Mairea was Fureur’s Moirail, while Orebon was his Kismesis...
Without anyone’s notice, Orebon and Mairea had started to hit it off at some point. When the jig was up, and they announced that they considered each other perfect for one another for all quadrants, there was an uproar. Fureur had harbored red feelings for Mairea and another crush behind their moiralige. “Friends with benefits” turning in a bit more for him due to Mairea’s calming nature. But Orebon had pointed out Fureur’s “just take”-attitude and had grown sick and tired of it. For both himself and Mairea. He thought Fureur wasn’t treating her equally. Not to mention the fact, that Dyidet had hots for Orebon as well and she didn’t like this revelation either, which caused tension between the ladies up until to this day. They still aren’t over it.
The whole thing was a mess for us highbloods... I stepped the fuck back so I wouldn’t get too tangled into the mess and lose the trolls I had grown up with. Even if their antics were horrible sometimes.
I remember hearing Fureur order Orebon to leave Mairea alone one night... They were in an alleyway Fureur usually conducted his “businesses”. Herman and I waited by the alley entrance since they wanted to take care of the situation by themselves. Mairea wasn’t present at that moment. We were waiting for... Her and Fureur’s other red crush since they were friends. Herman also had hots for his other crush so, yeah, we had a surprisingly tight pack of drama there already.
I couldn’t make out what they were talking after Fureur ordered Orebon to leave Mairea alone since their tones were mere hisses, but the fact that the next thing I remember was my brother, screaming in agony, just as Mairea and her friend came from behind the corner of the street to hear it as well. It was harrowing. Not to mention, a rogue lusus holding my brothers severed arm, running out from the alleyway after Fureur had just laughed abouy my brothers agony mere seconds before that, was something that turned Mairea’s stomach easily after running there with her friend, while I was just in shock. Mairea’s friend knew blood magic due to her magical-medical studies and rushed over to Orebon, healing his shoulder shut without thinking too much about it afterwards...
Mairea ran over and hit Fureur with all her might, only getting herself hurt while I stood by the alleyway entrance in horror. She yelled that she was through with Fureur before helping Orebon out of there with her friends help. Herman was torn with what to do but instead went over to Fureur to check up on him while I went after my brother once I snapped out from my trance.
Since my brother was in a weakened state after losing his left arm, Dyidet sent him into Kirdania once it was inhabitable to run an orphanage where he still works to this day. Once I got my own business running, Mairea was the first I troll recruited as my personal assistant. Just to keep her safe and close, for my brothers sake, so he didn’t have to worry. It was the least I could do.
I forgave Fuerur little after the incident. I didn’t have the strength to keep him away. Mairea also forgave Fureur, after a long period of time, but I think Orebon still harbors hate towards him for what he had done. I don’t know for sure.
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dcldraws · 6 years
Kindstuck Cast
♈: Katara Megido
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♉: Cortex Nitram
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♊: Picolo Captor
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(Without Glasses)
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♋: Kalkre Vantas
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♌: Rawlin Leijon
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♍: Rosett Maryam
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♎: Otrixa Pyrope
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(Without Glasses)
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♏: Mishka Serket
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♐: Herman Zahhak
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(Without Glasses)
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♑: Fureur Makara
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♒: Vladir Ampora
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♓: Dyidet Peixes
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ask-kindstuck · 5 years
For the RMG au. What is everyone there for the cast?
♈: Cemetery worker - Peasant
♉: Fire Golem working for The Dracula
♊: Inventor - Peasant
♋: Priest - Peasant
♌: Fur Business Owner - Aristocrat
♍: Draculina of other continent - letter friend.
♎: Police - Peasant
♏: A Sailor Captain - Aristocrat
♐: Water Golem working for The Dracula
♑: The Dracula
♒: Sailor Captain of the ports -  Aristocrat
♓: Business owner - Highest of the Aristocrats; Crème de la crème
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ask-kindstuck · 5 years
0h my glub! Can I ask miss pexies what her fav0rite cake is?
♓: Why you most certainly can~. And my favorite cake is Raspberry Delight.
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ask-kindghb · 6 years
0-0 Hiiiii?
♑: Heeeyyyy~~ ;o)
♈ & ♓: FUREUR!!
♑: Pfft, coming!
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ask-kindghb · 7 years
who was your first kiss with? ;)
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Ah yes, my first kiss was the biggest “Fuck You Motherfucker” I could’ve ever given to a highblood like Dyidet. :o) Also stole Herman’s first kiss. :oP Damn he was tilted for a while because of it. :o( But it’s understandable, I should’ve asked for a permission first… Oh well. ¯\_ツ_/¯
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