dcldraws · 30 days
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It's been (a bit over) 10 years since I started the @kindghb ask blog (16th of August 2014) before moving it to @ask-kindghb (1st of July 2017) to allow more interactions with the fandom's wonderful creators. Due to C*vid and my own mental health being in jeopardy from the added world wide stress, I had placed the accounts on "temporary" hiatus until the world would feel better and I would be more stable. Who'd knew it'd take this long and still linger with another crisis coming right after. I am currently much more happy than I was few years back but these blogs were my everything while I was unemployed and struggling to keep things together. Now a days I am happily employed (for now at least, though it looks like the company ain't letting me go that easily) as a Quality Assurer. I miss my lovely lil Motherfuckers, but I'm afraid once I finish up the comic (that I started right before C*vid became a thing), I might close up the blogs. Possibly delete them. Or restart everything again. You never know. Still, I'm thankful to have had Fureur by my side for the past 10 years as my "Depression Troll". :o) (Legit drew him when ever I was down in the dumps on critical levels ya'all. I highly recommend you to get a comfort character to draw/doodle to lift up your spirits!) It was an emotional journey to even draw him again as I remembered in what kind of a mental state I was then. It was daunting. And I'm so glad I had him and then friends of the fandom to keep me somewhat grounded, even if it wasn't real nor solid ground, it felt good to be able to know I had a place where I belonged. (Even if I was a horrible brat at times, I apologize for that, but thank you that you... stuck with me.) ;o) Love DCL
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ask-kindghb · 5 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day~!
Fureur: Alone on a Fridaynight AND it’s a Valentine’s Day? That’s alright, I understand.
Reufru: Why should you be sad for being alone on Valentine’s Day? You’re alone every other day of the year anyways...
Furehr: Sweets & Treats & Heartbeats, ready to put on a show... Not for you though.
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ask-kindstuck · 5 years
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demoncatlady · 6 years
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kindghb · 7 years
You’ve all earned a place on Kattis project video;
Left Brain, Right Brain.
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bee-pup · 5 years
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Merry Christmas you jolly purple marshmallow~ Mistletoe kiss with @ask-kindghb. follow them for the original stock image
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moonierandomdraws · 5 years
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Anubis smiles and leans up just a bit to peck the Makara’s lips “there you go, brother. Horus would give a kiss too but he’s taking a nap right now.”  Original drawing started over in @ask-kindghb
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asksometrollians · 5 years
*Quietly eyes the odd adult with puppets from a far, having an odd urge to adopt them and not understanding why*
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TT: ??? :o? 
TT: :o) ! 
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ask-the-jester-buds · 5 years
Hey, motherfuckers... Keep up the good work. ;o)
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yOUr grEAtnEss!! y-yOUr hOlynEss!! hIghEr thAn mE, hIghEr thAn All! It’s sUch An hOnOr And OUr plEAsUrE thAt yOU grAcE Us wIth yOUr prEsEncE In thIs OUr tIny, InsIgnIficAnt blOg!
[She bows to the ground in the presence of the all mighty grand highblood.]
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Oh sir please pardon her, she is just a little too excited… but We are very, VERY grateful for your praise!
Is there anything We May offer you? A drink perhaps? 
[Gicommo DESPERATELY wants to ask the GHB why do they have a naked face… but they don’t dare, to question the GHB would be rude!]
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aov-comonndor · 5 years
△ Marina; How badly did you want to bone the GHB when they were on your ship?
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"Not very secretive. So i guess a 3 on ranking?" The Captain giggles "as for the question, wanting is only half of what happened while Fureur was on the ship. I can never say no to him~" she hums and had a smirk on her face
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dcldraws · 10 months
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Unamused - 08.-10.12.2024
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ask-kindghb · 5 years
Fureur, Do you ever have night~ where you ~imply cannot ~tay a~leep no matter what becau~e your brain refu~e~ to quiet down? If ~o, do you have any mean~ of beating it? I've woken up over ~even time~ tonight, and it'~ driving me mad. - Maryna P.~. -Your cu~tom weapon~ are coming along ~wimmingly, ~ir, and I ~hould have them for you within the next week. I apologize for the delay, I've gotten a ~upri~ing number of commi~~ions in the la~t month that have kept me quite bu~y.
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♑: But to give a really quick answer; Yes I do. and take your time, working for money is more important sometimes than for just doing stuff for others for free.
D: As to how to win against the restlessness in your bed, if you’re not sleepy enough and can’t fall asleep soon enough, I highly recommend getting up from the bed and doing something productive or calming, depending on your mood. But don’t just go passively watch video’s on youtube, and cut your time on the web short near your bedtime if you have trouble sleeping. Also, keeping your electronic devices a bit further then right next to your head might also help.
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demoncatlady · 7 years
It’s 1st of October, here you go, as promised!
#kindghb #Left Brain Right Brain #Bo Burnham #Homestuck #Grand Highblood
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dcldraws · 3 years
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Fureur Makara - 06.12.2020
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ask-kindghb · 5 years
Motherfucking Judgement Time
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“Hey lil motherfukers, daddy’s home. Missed me?”
(Reblog and add an OC or two under to be judged.
Alternatively, ask something from this absconding motherfucker. Except how he’s doing. He’s fine now that’s he’s home, thanks for not asking.)
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ask-kindghb · 5 years
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(( I’m sorry for being so inactive but I’m seriously having troubles with the comic + I’m more interested in drawing skeletons at the moment anyhow.
Have a tiny Fureur as an apology. Hope ya’all doing fine. Take care of ya’self.))
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