#Dyn Jarren x Reader
For the Love of Horror
(Dieter x horror-loving female reader)
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Summary: The reader is totally me; I love horror films and I usually watch them on my own as most of my friends are scaredy cats. There aren’t that many fics where the male character is the one scared of film and Dieter seemed to be the perfect fit.
Warning: no use of y/n, mentions of scary films, Dieter being scared of said scary films, slight euphemisms, saucy suggestions, lots of adorable fluffiness
Notes: I sort of ignore the ending of the film. In fact I wrote my own here also check out the masterlist for more of these two here
Dieter Bravo loved you, but you loved horror films, and he was the biggest scaredy cat in the world.
You’d first met the strange but handsome actor as his makeup artist for an indie film. On Sap of Justice, he played a man hunting down his wife’s killer while slowly being turned into a tree. He won a SAG or something for that, he didn’t care, but it required hours in the makeup chair.
You showed up on the first day wearing a bright yellow jumper, an even brighter smile and a Tupperware full of homemade cookies. He was instantly smitten.
His latest rehab stint actually worked this time, but he ended up developing a giant sweet tooth. While the rest of the crew did not appreciate your delightful treats, Dieter ended up consuming more than he should have, usually while he was sitting in his makeup chair, making a bit of a mess.
You then came up with the idea of giving him a piece of chocolate to slowly melt on his tongue so he could sit back and let you do you work. You’d slip in another piece onto his tongue when he ran out, it was probably the most sensual thing he’d ever experience.
He was happy to just sit and listen to you as you babbled on about films, most of which he’d never heard of. You knew a surprising amount, more than most directors he’s worked with.
He couldn’t help but smile at your bubbly enthusiasm and he just wanted to be around you. But that tiny colourful you had a dark interior: your love of horror films.
The first time you invited him over to watch a scary movie, he thought it was a euphemism for his favourite activity and he was excited.
But no.
You put on Hereditary.
He spent the rest of the night alone in his room with the lights on, his eyes never leaving the ceiling.
The following night he had a nightmare where he was stuck in a dollhouse with naked people.
He was so relieved when you wanted to have another movie night. He suggested maybe a romantic film this time round.
So, you put on Candyman.
Dieter couldn’t look at himself in a mirror for at least a week.
The third time he suggested watching a comedy film.
So, you put on An American Werewolf in London.
This time it was less scary as he mainly spent the time looking at you while you enthusiastically explained in detail how Rick Baker achieved the first transformation scene and how horror films lead to your career choice.
That was when he fell in love completely and utterly in love with you.
And he needed to come clean about his horror film phobia.
Thankfully, you didn’t kick him to the curb like the piece of garbage he believed he was. You apologized profusely for taking over film choices with your favourites and it was definitely his turn to choose his favourite.
Dieter shyly suggested Beauty and the Beast to which you sighed and said it was your favourite non-horror film and immediately put it on. You put your head on his shoulder as you watched it.
“So why is this your favourite film Dieter?”
“Well…I like to think that if a beast can fall in love and get a happily ever after, then that gives me hope”
Your reply was a hug and kiss on the cheek,
He could certainly get used to this. It was nice.
Eventually, you both found a compromise with your film watching together. No horror film before dark and not every time you got together. You hunted around to find the least scary horror films when it was your choice. And you suggested he watch Dead Meats Kill Count which helped because Dieter could at least anticipate when the scary parts would happen beforehand. You always made sure to turn the volume down when a jump scare was going to happen.
In the meantime, Dieter worked with his therapist to uncover the reason behind his scaredness of scary films. He suspected it was that donkey scene in Pinocchio was the cause of trauma but there was still work to do.
You saved him from your guilty pleasure films such as Snakes on a Plane and the Final Destination series, so you instead only subjected him to the good ones: the really good, critically acclaimed, award-winning ones. He finally watched The Shining and Get Out which ended up not being as scary as he thought.
Dieter discovered he had missed out on a huge amount of great films. You were both sobbing wrecks at the end of Train to Busan and he absolutely loved Willem Dafoe’s crazy ass monologue in The Lighthouse and immediately had to learn it himself.
You discovered that Dieter had a huge love for animated films and would sing along to every song, every time. Of course he knew all the lyrics to Under the Sea and Be Our Guest which you couldn’t help but smile at, he was just that adorable.
And you were roped into a duet of A Whole New World. Dieter was just a big romantic at heart. It was a side of the actor no one knew or cared about.
Whenever a new horror film came out at the cinema, you were more than happy to go by yourself as you were used to that. He survived watching A Quiet Place with the volume down and praised your bravery and madness for seeing it at the cinema alone.
But when there were times when you really wanted to see a film not in the cinema and Dieter didn’t want to be alone, something to do with his love of cuddles with you or something. This would be when you’d watch it with headphones one and Dieter would be hiding his head in your lap. Most of the time you’d run your fingers through his hair, and he’d fall asleep.
He liked this.
He could get used to this.
Two years later…
“Honey cakes, I’m home!”
You practically skipped across the hallway to give your boyfriend Dieter his well-deserved welcome home hugs and kisses.
This was the best part of his day.
You were now living together in his huge house, and both couldn’t be happier. Dieter was happy to wake up next to you every day and you were happy to finally be able to watch horror films on his huge TV.
“How was the meeting with your agent?”
“Not bad. Got given this script for a TV thing to read through.”
You perked your face in interest. “Oh? Thinking of moving away from films?”
“Well, I’m told this is a pretty good script. Written by some guy named Mike Flanagan…”
You promptly screamed.
Dieter almost flew across the room; he’d never heard you scream before. And he thought he did a pretty good job in the bedroom.
“Mike Flanagan?!!!”
“Is he good?”
“Is he good?!!!”
You proceeded to grab the collar of his shirt and started shaking him in excitement.
“He makes Stephen King good, that’s how good he is!”
You’d never been rough with him before, and he liked it. A lot.
Your tiny body was bouncing around like a jellybean, you were that excited.
“You remember that film Oculus? The one with the mirror?”
“Is that the one with the hook hand guy?”
“No, that was Candyman; the second film we watched together. Oculus has that one big mirror and Karen Gillan.”
He was surprised you remembered your second date.
“Oh yeah, that one”
“And Gerald’s Game was amazing!”
“I still occasionally have nightmares about that tall man”
“Aw, I’m sorry”
You immediately hugged him, and he rubbed your back in appreciation.
“So, you think I should read the script?”
“If you get to work with Mike Flanagan, I’ll marry you!”
But you had bounced away at this point. Pouting, Dieter immediately pulled out his phone and called his agent.
“Hey, that TV thing you gave me the script for: I’ll do it, sign me up”
“You’ve already read it? That was quick”
“No, but I have it on good authority from an expert that it’ll be good, so I’ll do it”
“Alright then, but still read the script”
“Yeah, yeah of course. Hey, um…are they needing any makeup artists by the way?”
“Probably. Are you recommending your girlfriend again?”
“Well, she’s the best, and if she got to work on this job, she’d probably have my baby which sounds…nice”
Dieter was lost in this happy fantasy until his agent interrupted him.
“What was that?”
“Nothing. Gotta go. Bye!”
He quickly hung as because you had returned by then and you had that look: the look that meant he was going to be subject to a new horror themed piece of media.
“Now, I’m thinking you should at least watch one of Flanagan’s series to help with your decision and we should definitely watch Midnight Mass”
“Hang on, I’ve heard of that one. That’s the one everyone on set wouldn’t shut up about”
“Because it’s good!”
“Hasn’t it got vampires in it?”
“Yes. But it also has monologues”
This piqued his interest.
“I like monologues”
“I know you do and there’s lots in this one.”
You got up on your tiptoes to give him a kiss.
“Now, get in your favourite comfy clothes. I want us to fit in a few episodes before it gets dark.”
“Yes ma’am!”
You gave his small butt a playful slap as he walked away.
He was going to have to get out that engagement ring from its hiding spot sooner than he thought.
Films referenced: Hereditary (2018), Candyman (1992), An American Werewolf in London (1981), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Snakes on a Plane (2006), Final Destination (2000), The Shining (1980), Get Out (2017), Train to Busan (2016), The Lighthouse (2019), The Little Mermaid (1989), Aladdin (1992), A Quiet Place (2018), Oculus (2013), Gerald's Game (2017), Midnight Mass (2021)
Lovingly tagging @cevans-is-classic
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helaintoloki · 4 years
Can a request a Mando x reader where the reader is being very protective of baby Yoda and she ends up beating someone up and Mando is just like “Wow I love her”, I know it’s kind of a weird request but I love your writing :)
a/n: first mando request of the season! i hope you enjoy
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A night in another sleazy cantina full of more seedy characters was not what you wanted nor how you wished to spend your evening, but Din had been promised information on the whereabouts of another Mandalorian, and so you found yourself seated in the very back of the room with the Child while he worked. You kept your gaze low and kept to yourself, the baby nestled into your side as he chewed hungrily on the beads of your bracelet.
“No, that’s not food,” you chide gently whilst carefully removing the beads from his mouth. The foundling lets out a whine of protest in response, prompting you to laugh as you carefully settle him into your lap. “Hungry little thing, aren’t you? I think we can fix that.”
Shuffling into the contents of your pack, you produce a portion bread neatly wrapped in cloth. The little one’s nose scrunches in disdain, and you can only let out a sympathetic sigh in response.
“I know it’s not much, but it’ll have to do for now,” you say, but before the little one can so much as reach out for the bread a grimey hand swoops down and snatches the portion from your grasp. “Hey!”
“Thanks for the snack, kid,” the perpetrator laughs, and you watch on in both anger and disgust as the Twi’Lek before you chows down on the only piece of food you had left in your pack. You’re quick to rise from your seat, the child letting out a coo of surprise as he still sits nestled in your grasp.
“That was for the baby,” you hiss through gritted teeth.
“Yeah, well now it’s for me,” he shrugs, turning to walk away only for you to tug him back by the collar of his shirt. Your eyes are fierce and hardened as you glare at the thief.
“Say you’re sorry,” you demand lowly. The Twi’Lek laughs.
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you’re not going to like what happens to you if you don’t,” you warn. The Child, not used to seeing you act in such a manner, burrows himself underneath the fabric of your jacket.
“Listen, little girl, I’m not going to stand here and take threats from someone like you. You don’t belong here, so why don’t you sit back down and mind your own business before I-“
The man doesn’t get to finish his threat as you swiftly deliver a hard blow to his nose. Nearby patrons gasp at the sight before them, some laughing and some watching on with interest, but all seem to enjoy the way you deliver an uppercut blow to the man before following the action with a roundhouse kick that causes your already stumbling opponent to back into and flip over the nearby counter— all accomplished with only one free hand as you held the Child in the other. Drinks and bottles go crashing down with him prompting the bartender to begin angrily shouting at the Twi’Lek in a language you don’t understand. With no more entertainment available to them, the onlookers go back to their previous conversations, leaving a pair of big, brown eyes to slowly peek up at you.
“So much for keeping a low profile,” you say with a huff, blowing away the stray strand of hair that had managed to fall into your face. The Child begins to reach for something behind you, and it’s only then that you notice a silent Din standing right beside you. Though you can’t see his face, you can almost guarantee that there’s a small smirk underneath that Beskar of his. “What?”
“I came to see if you needed any backup, but I guess you had it covered,” he notes, the faintest hint of amusement in his voice. He’s glad you can’t see the way his eyes must be gleaming with pride and admiration at the sight of you. You may be pretty, but it’s the way you always seem to pack a punch that has the Mandalorian swearing he’d give up everything just to have you.
“I know what you’re thinking, but I don’t regret anything,” you state firmly. “No one steals food from a baby, especially not my baby.”
“Your baby?”
“Shut up,” you scowl, face heating up with slight embarrassment as you push past him towards the exit. “I’m going to look for some food.”
Din thinks of telling you to be careful, but he knows he doesn’t have to, not when he knows just how capable you are of protecting yourself and the Child. You’d become rather attached to the kid in the short amount of time you’d spent with them, and though Din had warned you against doing so you had failed to listen just as you always do. Yet, he couldn’t deny how perfectly you seemed to fit into the protective mother role; it was as if taking care of the baby was your calling, and he wouldn’t be surprised if that were the truth.
“That’s some woman,” a man at the bar notes with a swig of his drink. Din remains unmoving with his gaze longingly glued to your retreating figure.
“Tell me about it.”
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iamburdened · 3 years
Reader’s Masterlist #6
Not my stories. Just my favorites from other writers. All credits and support to the original artists.
IMPORTANT: like and REBLOG all the fanfics you read to support the writers, please.
If you liked the fanfic, tell the writer. They will be in cloud nine with your compliment! Show support!
* = NSFW
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Link to all my masterlist (+Din, + Marcus, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Draco Malfoy, Loki, Shawn Mendes, Tom Holland, Peter Parker, Angus McGyver, Newt Scamander, George Weasley)
Your gentle touch   @certifiedskywalker
Summary: Dyn is forgetting his old ways but, with clear eyes, he finds something he didn’t know that he was missing out on.
Hopes and dreams    @certifiedskywalker
Summary: She’s literally a pure angel and they’re in love with each other. She holds the baby and he says mama and inside his helmet he’s thinking about marrying her.
Dating Din Djarin would include    @certifiedskywalker
Summary: what the title says, baby
NSFW Alphabet *    @no-droids
Summary: ya know
Touch it softly    @dindjarindiaries
Summary: When you invite Din to play with your hair, you both get a little more than lost in the moment. (iamburdened's note: it's so cute you will die)
Everything I wanted   @dindjarindiaries
Summary: You’re trapped inside a Din x Omera love triangle, struggling to get to your lover who’s entranced with your new host. (iamburdened's note: we all have read some angst shit with Omera, so I assure you this is worthy your time and the pain it will make you feel)
Masterlist    @dindjarindiaries
Summary: this is paradise, bitches. Jump in head first!
The War    @thisisthe-wayson
Summary: Din, baby Yoda and reader in a snow ball fight? Sign me the hell up!
The Ghost    @evendeadlmthehero
Summary: you are a blind assassin who was sent to capture a 50 year old target. You then become the target’s number one guardian, protecting him from bounty hunters like The Mandalorian himself. (iamburdened's note: you HAVE to read this, I don't even care! This is the most badass reader I've ever read.)
And he is one with me    @softpedropascal
Summary: soft shortie one about the face reveal we all love.
Hold me while you wait   @ohwaitimthewriter
Summary: Din is in love, Din is the best, blind!reader, first kiss. Have I convinced you to read it yet?
Masterlist   @ohwaitimthewriter
Summary: absolutely amazing!
The Artist    @no-droids-allowed​
Summary: Din is after a bounty, a force sensitive artist. When he finds her, surprise! All her painting are his face. Turns out they are soulmates!
Untitled omega!Din x alpha!reader *  @mikeisthricedeceased​
Summary: this is a part 2, BUT this is where the spicy stuff is so I am recommending it. Come on, it's omega Din Djarin. You want to see what happens. 
Gone and fallen in love   @propertyofdindjarin​
Summary: Din being a cute dad, accidental confession.... if I tell you I think about this from time to time will I convince you to read it? So cute!
Cyar'ika and brown eyes *  @thedevilwearsbeskar​
Summary: din’s always had a nickname for you - and thanks to your new friend miggs mayfeld, the mandalorian now has one too.
Everything I need   @thedevilwearsbeskar​
Summary: din has to rethink his life plans how that you’re by side - not that he’s complaining.
Mine   @thefanbasewhore​
Summary: Din says goodbye to reader and Grogu but once they are reunited Din has mixed feels about the situation, jealous of Luke.
Mine part 2 *   @thefanbasewhore​
Summary: Din shows you who you belong to just to discover something life changing.
Masterlist    @absurdthirst​
Summary: I recommend everything here.
More Din Djarin recommendations here
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Get used to this gif because it's one of the only 5 we have of Marcus and all fics use it!
Just say yes *
Summary: (note: you have to be logged on AO3 to read!) LISTEN UP! This is a MUST READ! I am pretty confident that the internet was invented jut so ART like this could be shared to poor humanity. I wish I could read it for the first time every damn day! No, it's not a proposal fic, the title has other meaning (super cool also). How to summarize it? Marcus goes on a vacation on Italy months after the Lisbon disaster and he finds you. Go read it!
Dreams *   @absurdthirst​
Summary: this is the classic "I had a sex dream about you and now I am awkward" BUT the way it's done makes it perfect. God, I think about this one more often than I should.
Apples & lattes *    @forever-rogue​
Summary: 7k words of pure fluff with agent Pike. First meeting, first dates... oh, to live a cute life with Marcus....
Missing Piece    @aerynwrites​
Summary:  baby talk with our favorite FBI agent. 
A love in bloom   @opheliaelysia​
Summary: The flowers mean ‘good morning’, and so much more.
What's in a name?   @ficsilike-reblogged​
Summary: The five times Marcus Pike tries to learn your name and the one time he actually does. (iaburâened's note: so cute and amazing how they progressed and Marcus nickname for her???? Just kill me already!)
Apple Pie and Chai   @artemiseamoon​
Summary: it's smolders and it is precious. Marcus being insecure and getting validation is what we need in this fandom. 
A good thing   @mellowswriting​
Summary: cute pregnancy reveal.
Masterlist    @dindjarindiaries​
Summary: I recommend absolutely everything here. 
Little things Marcus loves    @dindjarindiaries​
Summary: things you do that Marcus loves. AKA Marcus getting the love he fucking deserves.
Gold    @uselessbiwrites​
Summary: Your favorite mornings were always the ones where Marcus woke up first. (iamburdened's note: artist!Marcus! I repeat! Artist!Marcus!) 
Heaven   @mellowswriting​
Summary: dad!Marcus, happy!Marcus, getting what he deserves!Marcus. 
We'll always have Paris   @fromthedeskoftheraven​
Summary: sap moments with the cliche romance thing king. 
Like magic   @mellowswriting​
Summary: Marcus being showered in love (ha, did you get it?) just how he fucking deserves!
Ring *   @say-al0e​
Summary: Marcus Pike really enjoys being married. One of his favorite things? Seeing the ring on your finger. But what he doesn’t seem to realize is that you’re just as happy to see the ring on his finger. (AKA literally just smut that involves fingering and rings.) (iamburdened's note: this is the most canon kink for him, isn't it?)
Masterlist    @absurdthirst​
Summary: yes, again!
The portrait of love   @writings-of-a-hufflepuff​
Summary: When Marcus takes to you a work gala for the first time, he just expects a nice night chatting with colleagues and being proud to have his partner on his arm. He’s in truth a little bit worried that you’ll get bored hearing him talk about the latest art recoveries, truthfully, there’s nothing you enjoy more than listening to Marcus talk passionately about something.
As time goes by *    @absurdthirst​
Summary: After Teresa, Marcus is hesitant to jump back into the dating world, so you propose a friends with benefits situation that works, until it doesn’t. (my note: 7k of Marcus Pike. Paradise)
More Marcus Pike recommendations here
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kyloxox · 4 years
The Bounty Hunter (Din Djarin x reader)
Summary: You’re a mechanic living in Mos Eisley with Peli. You stumble upon a lost child not realizing it belong to a mandalorian.
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You were walking along the crowded streets of Mos Eisley. It was hot and dry as always but the sun seemed to unbearable that day. You entered a cantina, unable to walk along the sun any longer. Not sort after you sat down with a drink the room went silent. You turned your back to see what had entered the room.
It was a man plastered in shiny expensive metal. Baskar.
You immediately turned your back towards the bar not wanting to draw any attention to yourself. The bounty hunter walked up to the bartender, only a few inches away from you. You couldn’t help but glance over at him. He was almost breathtaking.
“I need a mechanic.”
“Do I look like a mechanic.” The bartender replied and went to the other side of the bar. The bounty hunter stood there for a second before he turned his head towards your staring gaze.
“You can find one north of town.” You quickly responded, looking ahead, not daring to look at him. He stood silent for a minute.
“Thank you.” He replied. He moved his hand over to your drink and placed a coin next to you. You just nodded in response. He then turned and left the cantina. You sighed a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in. You quickly swallowed your drink and grabbed the hunter’s coin. You looked around to see he was already gone. You got up and exited the cantina to be met with the two suns setting.
You began to walk along the markets, beginning to think about the hunter. What was a man like him doing in Mos Eisley. There was nothing here for miles. You rounded a corner between to buildings, taking a short cut. It probably wasn’t the safest idea but you knew it would be shorter and you just wanted to get home. Walking along the slim way you heard something behind you. You turned and watched a pot rattle.
“Hello?” You breathed out. No one answered. You continued to walk but at a faster pace. “There’s nothing there y/n, you’re just imagining it. You’re just imagining it- Ah!” You let out a loud scream as something attached it’s self to your leg. You frantically looked down to see a little green alien at your feet. Your heart warmed at his smile.
“Awww hi little guy.” You said as you plucked him from your leg. “You almost gave me a heart attack.” You said giving him a soft smile and he giggled. You looked around the alley way to see if anyone was coming looking for him. “Are you lost? Did you loose your mommy?” You spoke in a baby voice and all the child did in response was grab onto the fabric of your shirt.
You looked up and realized you were on the other side of the alley way. As you walked into the streets of the now quiet market you kept looking at the child. You literally couldn't stop he was just too cute to not. You continued making small remarks to the child before you realized you bumped into someone. Before you even looked up you were face to face with baskar armor. Your heart dropped but you looked up.
“I’m-I’m...” The man’s arm immediately moved towards his blaster and you panicked “Please I’m sorry!” 
“What are you doing with it.” You looked up at him confused until the creature in your arms cooed. You realized that he was talking about the creature
“I-I-just found him in the alleyway I was trying to find his parents.”
“He’s mine.” The man’s hand moved away from the blaster as Mando began to calm down. He didn't want to scare you, he didn’t even mean to move his hand towards it, it was just instinct. You looked down and saw the child’s arms extended towards the bounty hunter, trying to grab onto him.
“Oh.” you whispered and held out the child towards him. Mando grabbed him from you and placed him in the bag he had around his shoulder.
“I’m sorry for scaring you.” You were trying your best to avoid eye connect and you felt your eyes glued to his chest.
“Oh it's alright. I’m sure it’s scary having your child lost and in the hands of a stranger.” Mando stiffened at the fact that you called the child, his child. 
“Thank you for finding him. And thank you for directing me towards the mechanic.” He remembered you from earlier. 
“Of course.” You looked directly up at Mando and your eyes sparkled in the moonlight. Mando felt something in his body unravel that he never felt before. Under the helmet he blinked his eyes a few times to try and free the feeling. “He’s adorable.” 
“Huh?” Mando looked at you confused but then the child giggled “Oh yea. He seems to really like you.” You looked down to see the child look up at you with bright eyes. 
“Oh thank you.” You awkwardly glance away from him. You didn’t understand why this man was making you become flushed. You can't even see his face. “Well umm I'm happy you were able to find him.” You smiled at him and he nodded. You turned and left into the direction of the mechanic base. As you entered you saw Peli working on a busted looking ship.
“Peli did a bounty hunter come by here.”
“Yes. Why?”
“Well I directed him here, so you’re welcome. I think that free advertisement should give me a raise.” You teased at her.
“In your dreams y/n.” You smiled and make your way over to his ship. 
“Maker he’s flying this thing?” You said to her. 
“You should have been it 2 hours ago. I think I did pretty well on it.”
“I’m surprised it flies.” You and Peli both turned your head to the sound of the door opening. The bounty hunter you had just spoken to 20 minutes earlier just walked in. 
“Well I fixed your ship. Now I need you end of the bar-” The hunter silently walks up to her and drops a bag of money in her hand and shuts her up. Mando walks up to where you are and stops as he reaches you.
“Pre-empire?” You ask him and he just nods. You feel a hand grab your leg and you quickly look down to see the green creature at your feet. You smile at him and pick him up. “You know you should probably keep a better on him.” The hunter harshly turns to you but his anger soon melt as he looks at your face and the child’s. 
“You’re a mechanic?”
“Of some sort.” You reply. Inside the helmet Mando’s lips twitch up. 
“I could use a mechanic. To help out with repairs. Lessen the need to stop from planet to planet.” You turn your head towards the man. “Maybe help out with the child.”
“Oh I’m not sure-”
“I can pay handsomely.” Your lips part. You debate the options in your head. 
“Ok.” You reply. The hunter nods his head.
“We depart in the morning.” The man then takes the child from your arms and walks up his ship. You smile to yourself your heart fluttering with excitement. 
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Greef Karga:
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The Child/Baby Yoda:
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bumblebeezer · 3 years
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dyn jarren....
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Don't @ me I know y'all are thinking about it
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certifiedskywalker · 4 years
Your Gentle Touch - Dyn Jarren (The Mandalorian)
books-with-tea-with-a-record-on said:
Sorry if request aren't open but if they are may I have one with The Mandalorian with a s/o whos not a fighter but a healer/nurse and she's very sweet and motherly and one day he sees her with baby yoda and is like "crap I love her". And one day they get ambushed and he tells her to go hide but she sees baby yoda in danger and risk her life for him and gets injured and after the fight, he runs over to her and helps her up and confess how he loves her and never been so scared before.
Dyn is forgetting his old ways but, with clear eyes, he finds something he didn’t know that he was missing out on.
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Dyn Jarren was not a true-born Mandalorian despite living the earliest days of his young life within the Mandalore system. He had lived on the outskirts, on a planet tuck behind an atmosphere of Imperial pollution and asteroids. Once the Trade Federation brought the war to his home, Dyn fell into the Mandalorian’s arms. They took him in without hesitation. They raised him; they trained him; they even tried to teach him their native tongue, Mando’a. While most of the intricate sounds and words of the language were lost to him, Dyn was pleased to have been taught.
Above all, the Mandalorians gave Dyn a semblance of belonging to something greater when he had virtually nothing. 
As grateful as he was to the Mandalorians for giving him shelter, Dyn had found something better. He had found a family. Family was something he thought he had lost, something that he could never truly build for himself. The last time he had a family, they died. His mother and father had been cannon fodder towards the war. His parents, his innocence, had been an easy price to pay for cruelty; but, now, looking at the sight before him, Dyn Jarren was pleased he wasn’t a full-blooded Mandalorian.
If he had been born into their warrior culture, Dyn imagined that he would have never found this his new family. That thought alone was enough to make the bounty hunter shudder.
“Not all at once! Take little bites!”
Dyn cocked his head to the side as you instructed the Child. His small green hands were wrapped tightly around the hunk of ration bread you had given him. Part of the portion was already in his small mouth. Happily, the Child gurgled and bits of bread flew from its lips. Dyn heard your laugh, in all of its pure lightness, and smiled from beneath his helmet.
“You might choke,” you managed to get out through giggles. 
The Child, seemingly unaware at the possibility, proceeded to swallow the rest of the ration bread. The creature swallowed, a horribly loud sound, and let out a little belch. 
“Feel better?” Dyn felt his chest ache at the teasing in your voice and he wasn’t the one you were talking to. The Child gurgled and you, with more grace than Dyn had ever seen in his entire lifetime, scooped the creature up in your arms. “I bet you do!”
Dyn watched as you made your way towards him. There was a tender smile on your lips that made that ache in his chest return. The dull pain grew worse when you looked up from the Child and met Dyn’s gaze. In your eyes, the bounty hunter saw everything he ever wanted.
“I don’t think we need a trash compactor with this one around,” you joked. Your path had landed you standing right in front of Dyn. Even through the beskar, he could feel your warmth.
“Good to know,” Dyn said softly, almost as if the words were a passing thought. In reality, that was exactly what they were. He was so completely enraptured by you in that moment that everything, including his own body, ceased to exist. 
“We could save on some credits with him,” you continued, “but they might go into feeding costs.” The Child chirped and you smiled, turning your gaze back to the green being cradled in your arms. “He likes the sound of that.”
A stint of silence passed with Dyn watching you watch the Child. The tender slope of your cheeks pulled him in. He had to force his hand to be still; he kept his arm at his side despite wanting to reach out to you. It was then when you looked up at him. It was then when you both realized how close you were to each other. 
You cleared your throat and took a step back. “He seems healthy; no wounds or bruises. You did a good job getting him out of there.”
Dyn nodded silently, still too caught up in your presence to speak up. He watched you place the Child in the seat he had made while you were checking on the creature’s vitals. It was an ugly thing; the cradle was made of a few boxes and sheets of metal he had bent into shape. The structure would do for now and, for the most part, the Child was safe.
“There we go,” you pet the Child’s head soothingly. “Get some rest. You’ve had a long day.”
The Child, trying to speak in its own language of chitters and chirps, made a series of sounds. Dyn watched as you smiled down at the creature before turning away. The Child’s big, dark eyes followed you as you walked back over towards Dyn. 
“You too,” you said as you stood before the bounty hunter. Dyn shifted trying to not lean in close as he had before.
“You’ve had a long day too.” Your hands lifted to Dyn’s shoulders and you pressed down on the plates of beskar fastened there. “Now it’s your turn.”
“I’m fine,” Dyn began to protest. It was a feeble, half-hearted attempt to stop you; and when you continued to push Dyn into the nearby chair, he didn’t fight back. You were right, after all. It had been a long day and there wasn’t enough strength left in him to combat his longing.
Once he was seated, you wandered back to the cot where you had checked on the Child’s life signatures. Dyn watched as you gathered your medical supplies. When you had all the bacta patches you could carry, you started to make your way back to him. Quietly, you set to work sorting your tools and preparing gauze. After you spread out a large section of heavy fabric, you turned back to Dyn.
A silent question, a question Dyn had heard you ask before, was balanced on your lips. Knowing well what it was, Dyn began to unfasten pieces of his armor. Even within the context of a medical check-up, removing the beskar was an intimate process. Carefully, you would take each portion of armor and set it on top of the heavy fabric you had laid out. The process continued as Dyn removed more and more hunks of metal from his body.
Dyn felt truly exposed. He was left in only his clothing and his helmet, the latter of which he never took off. At least, he never took his helmet off in front of you. No, that would be too much. That would be crossing a line carved in stone; a step that Dyn could not come back from.
To distract himself from the temptation, Dyn watched you as you pulled a seat up for yourself. You were now sitting at his side, careful hands already reaching for his arm. When you hands gripped loosely at his wrist and elbow, Dyn fought the urge to melt under your fingers.
“You fell on this side, right?”
“Y-Yeah.” Dyn had hoped his reply would come out steady. Instead, much like his heart, his voice faltered with you so close in proximity. 
“Your arm feels fine,” you gave Dyn’s arm a slight squeeze. “That hurt?”
Dyn watched you carefully as you set his arm down to his lap. Each touch was tender, laced with a softness that he had never felt outside of your presence. Nothing had ever felt so comforting to him before. When he met you, when he offered you a spot on the Razor Crest, it was like a new world had been opened to him. A world outside of the Mandalorians training and cold shoulders of the bounty hunting realm.
“May I?” 
Your question broke Dyn from his thoughts. His eyes focused on your face than your hand which hovered above his abdomen. Heat emanated from your open palm, warming the flesh of his side even under the shirt. It was as if some unseen force was melding you both to each other; though that wasn’t rational and Dyn blamed his lack of sleep.
He nodded wordlessly and your fingers hooked under the hem of his shirt. Your gentle touch, the barely-there brushing of your fingertips stirred something up in Dyn’s chest. It wasn’t ache from before; no, this was something entirely different.
“It looks like,” you lifted Dyn’s shirt a little higher, “that when you fell...the beskar bruised your side.”
“So much for protection,” Dyn muttered. As he spoke, your hand splayed across his stomach and Dyn had to keep his breath from hitching. Your palm was warm against his skin, soothing in a way his brain failed to comprehend. 
“You’re not dead,” you said as you pulled away. “I would rather have you bruised than not have you at all.”
Dyn cocked his head as you lifted yours to meet his gaze. That feeling returned in his chest; that feeling he could not describe. There was not a word in the common language that could label the tickling in his chest and the twisting in his gut. Almost like an echo, a word in Mando’a resounded in his mind: chaab.
Chaab, fear.
“Here’s a cooling bacta for that.” You raised Dyn’s shirt once more and pressed the cold patch against his skin. He watched you work, watched every little movement of your fingers as they hovered above his skin. 
Yes, it was chaab. He was feeling fear and it’s tightening grip on his body. Dyn let out a shaking breath as the cold bacta soaked into his skin; at least that was what he blamed it on. He knew it was fear...but what was he afraid of?
“Just rest now,” you sighed. You stood up and wiped your hands on your pants. Dyn’s eyes never left your face. He was still trying to figure it out. Dyn wasn’t scared of you.
“Thank you,” he murmured, the helmet altering his voice in such a way that hid his confusion. You smiled at him and reached to squeeze his shoulder.
“Wouldn’t want you to disappear, would we?” 
The feeling returned with a new vengeance. That was what he was afraid of and that was a world without you.
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“Well, look who’s callin’ the shots now, Mando!” Toro’s threat fell on deaf ears. All Dyn was focused on was the Child caught in Toro’s arms and you, kneeling on the ground before him. Your cheek was red and swollen, the beginning of a bruise blooming on the side of your face. On pure instinct, Dyn curled his gloved hands into fists. 
“Let them go.” Dyn’s voice was steady, much to his own surprise.
“Do you know how much is on your head? I could fund my membership into the Guild and then some!” Toro pointed the blaster in his hand to the Child’s head. Dyn’s heart lurched in his chest and, as he found himself stepping towards them, he saw you. At first, it was a blur. Dyn saw your face then your hair, then a blast.
You crumpled to the ground, unmoving and all Dyn felt was that twisting in his gut, how it mingled with a dizzying lightness in his chest. Fear had planted itself firmly in Dyn’s heart when he watched you hit the ground. Everything after that was pure anger. 
Dyn didn’t feel himself throw the phaser. The blinding, blinking light did little to hinder his movement. He strode through the light, guided by his instinct and his yearning to find you, to save you; to protect you. But he saw Toro as the younger man regained his vision. Without hesitation, Dyn raised his blaster, aimed at his chest, and fired.
Then, Dyn found you. Smoke, in a small plume, rose up from your chest. Dyn fell to his knees, seemingly not seeing Peli, the engineer working on the Razor Crest, holding the Child in her arms. His sole focus was you; it had been since he met you.
“Y/N.” Carefully, Dyn reached out for your shoulder and turned you on your back. Your body was mostly limp but still warm as your arm fell into his lap. Toro’s blaster bolt had shot through your right shoulder, dangerously close to your neck. “Y/N?”
Your eyes were pressed closed and the rest of your face horribly relaxed, too peaceful for his liking. Fear told Dyn that it was too late for you but some primal part of him, a hopeless ache in his heart, drove him to try. He reached for a pouch attached to his belt and pulled out what medical supplies he had on him. It wasn’t a lot and he was not trained in the art of healing as you were but Dyn tried. He lifted you up, cradled you in his lap and pressed a bacta patch to your wound. 
Peli had never met a Mandalorian before. She had only heard that they were fearsome warriors, Hell-bent on killing whatever stands in their way. Peli would have never guessed that Mandalorians were capable of such softness as the one before her now. The way he said your name made Peli hurt; the Child seemed to sense that too and let out a whimper.
“Y/N, I need you.” 
His voice was trembling as he spoke. Chaab, fear, it gripped Dyn so tightly it was squeezing the air from his lungs. His family was slipping through his fingertips. Dyn did not want to be alone again, he couldn’t. Not after he had a taste of what family could be.
Dyn lifted a hand, trying to be as gentle as you were with him, and traced the side of your face. He began to shift, preparing himself to a new harsh reality that entailed leaving you behind. As he moved, your arm lifted. Weakly, your fingers wrapped around Dyn’s wrist and held his hand to your cheek. 
“You need me? Never thought you would admit that.” Despite your teasing, your words came out hoarse. When you fell, the wind had been knocked out of you and your following breaths were incredibly shallow. Dyn tenderly brushed his thumb along your cheek, the on side of your face that wasn’t bruised and battered. Although the sight of your wounds renewed the sense of rage buried in his chest.
“Yeah,” his voice broke but he was too overwhelmed to care.
“Where is he?”
“Dead.” At Dyn’s reply, your eyes widened. “Toro, the Child is fine.”
“Thank the Maker,” you sighed. Wordlessly, Dyn tucked one of his arms under your legs and the other beneath your neck. He scooped you up in his embrace and turned to face Peli. The moment you saw the Child, it was like you had found a second wind. “There you are.”
The Child cooed at the sight of you, reaching out from Peli’s arms and toward your face. The fizzy haired engineer smiled and gingerly set the green creature on your lap. Dyn, whose blood was still pumping wildly, did not flinch at the added weight. If anything, he felt stronger with his new, little family in his arms.
“You take them inside,” Peli began, “pay me later.”
“Thank you,” Dyn said quietly before walking up the ramp and into the Razor Crest. 
With each step, the anger left him and he was suddenly tired. Shock and adrenaline were wearing off, leaving Dyn with you in his arms. He would have held you longer if it weren’t for the discomfort spread along your features. Carefully, he set you on top of a storage box. The Child gurgled excitedly with the motion and wiggled in your lap.
When you were sat and steady, Dyn kneeled down in front of you. Still giddy, the Child reached out and slapped his small hands against his helmet. Dyn watched as you pulled the Child back in a restraining manner. Yet, you never scolded the creature. 
“We should give Peli more than we owe,” you said seriously, looking into the eyes of Dyn’s helmet. He nodded in agreement, bringing up on of his hands to rest on your knee.
“I will, but you need to tell me what to do.”
“What to do?” Your brows furrowed in confusion and you shook your head. “I’ll be alright, Dyn. It just needs time to heal.”
Dyn trailed off, lost in his tangled thoughts. There was too much he wanted to say, too much he needed to tell you. He wanted to speak but the feeling of wetness, tears falling from his eyes, drove him into silence. It was only when you set your hand on top of his that he found a grip in reality for himself.
“What is it?”
Dyn let out a shaking breath, “I was scared….I thought I lost you.”
The words were as unfamiliar to him as the feeling of dread. In his time with the Mandalorians, Dyn had grown around a code that barred the intimacy his words implied. He had taken the title of bounty hunter, as gunslinger, and worn both with pride. Now, he was a mess. His composure, his mask, was failing him and it was all because of you.
“You didn’t,” you whispered, your hand moving to the side of his helmet. “I’m still here. I’m still with you. Bruised, but not dead.”
“Bruised, but not dead,” Dyn echoed. You gave him a half-smile and he felt his chaab melt-away. He would not be scared anymore.
Slowly, he lifted his hands from below his helmet. Your eyes widened and you lips parted, ready to protest. But there was no stopping Dyn when he set his mind to something. Even when that something was blasphemous to others. Before your words could find purchase on your tongue, Dyn’s helmet was on the ground.
There was no hiding, not anymore. He wanted you to see him. He didn’t want fear to control him any longer; Mandalorian customs be damned. You were his family and he needed you to know that he was there for you.
Dyn didn’t care that showing you meant you seeing his red-rimmed eyes or his tear-stained cheeks. You didn’t care either. Instead, you reached and let your trembling hand rest against his cheek. You took in the sight of his messy, dark hair; you met his sharp gaze and deep brown eyes. There was something in his eyes that you had known for years.
“I love you.”
Those were the first words you heard that were said in Dyn’s true voice. Each syllable rang in your ears like a small chime. Dyn did not feel chaab, all he felt was love looking into your eyes for the first time, unhindered by his helmet.
“I love you too,” you replied. Dyn felt his lips pull up in the smallest of smiles and, as if he could sense the joy in the air, the Child chittered. “So does he.”
Dyn looked into the Child’s wide, dark eyes and sighed. “Little womp rat.”
The hand you had rested on his cheek moved and brushed through his dark hair. At your gentle touch, Dyn lifted his gaze to yours once more. In that moment, there was just the three of you, safe and together. Dyn found, in that same moment, that this family was all he would ever need.
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forever-rogue · 4 years
The Mandalorian Masterlist
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Below is a masterlist of all my Mandalorian/Din Djarin works. Enjoy!
Request Guidelines
(Main Masterlist)
* = Smut
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Step Into the Daylight (indefinite hiatus)
When You Get Injured During on a Bounty Hunt
Mando to the Rescue
Why Do You Know How to Get Bloodstains Out?
Din’s Birthday
Prison Break (and Reunion) With Mando
Flirting with Din
When You Try to Keep Mando Safe
Taking Care of Din 
Arguing with Mando About an Action Plan
Did You Do Something New With You Hair?
It Isn’t What It Looks Like!
This is Everything (Part 2 to - It Isn’t What it Looks Like)
Catch Me if You Can
You’re Beautiful (Din x Mandalorian Reader)
Mando Meets Rebel Princess
Overprotective Mando
Intel Gone Wrong
Let Me Protect You
Lazy Morning with Din
Cleaning Up the Mess
What Comes After?
An Unexpected Surprise
Do You Trust me?
Dad Din HCs
Dad Din during Labor
When You Get Hurt
I Got These For You
I Think He Knows
I Can’t Feel My Legs, My Love
Din Gets a Broken Arm
Will You Dance with Me?
You Saved Me
When You Get Sick
One of those Days
Help Her!
The One that (Almost) Got Away
Are You Sure This Isn’t Hoth?
We Can’t Do That!
You Put the Stars to Shame *
You Are Beautiful to Me
Bubble Bath Time
What Does Cyare Mean?
Pleasantly Marked
Din Gets Scared
Protective Din
The Not So Secret Candy Stash
For Now - Run
Mystery Pie
Take it Off
Cleaning Din’s Armor
Only a Child or Riduur
Reconciliation (Part 2 to Betrayal)
Rainy Day Cuddles
First Kiss
A Moment to Breathe
Douse The Lights *
I Have Always Loved You
Talk To Me
Knocked Up
Please Don’t Go
Stutter Something Profound *
Does He Know?
Rookie Mistake
Fresh Start (Alternative Ending to Betrayal)
In Which Reader is Clumsy
In Which Din Has a Nightmare
The Mandalorian
Only if You Mean It
Gorgeous Girl
Not Moving
Flower Crowns
Home is With You
New Friends
Matching Capes
Green with Envy
Those Eyes
Here For You
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whirlybirbs · 5 years
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summary: affections are shared. rating: i just wanted from tooth rotting fluff ok. pairing: the mandalorian x reader a/n: i wrote this in twenty minutes in my notes, nothing is capitalized, i am so sorry
like the hearts of two dying stars, you both implode -- the inward spill over of months worth of tension is hot enough to burn on contact. at first, there’s nothing tender about the exchange -- it’s heated words after a call too close for comfort, a blurted admission of weighted concern that breaks into splinters of shameful adoration.
“-- and i don’t know what i would do without you,” you finally breathe, shoulders sagging as you slip the facade of fearlessness from your face.
the words steal his heartbeat away; they peel away the glimmering, beskar armor there and claw it from his chest. you could devour his heart whole, then, standing there between his quarters and the piloting cabin -- he’d let you, willing the sweetest death he could imagine in cycles. 
dyn reasons this would happen eventually; him, pulling you by the hand and cornering you in the place where he sleeps. the weighted danger of change hangs in the air -- and when you look at him, eyes all wide and wondrous, he thinks that he could throw away this life before him all for a kiss. 
he could. he could show you his face. then, he could kiss you senseless.
but at the end of it all, when the glow dissipates and when the shame creeps in, he wonders what good it will do -- to throw away the life he’s built for himself under the guise of his religion and devotion. 
so, he speaks curtly.
“close your eyes.”
“you heard me.”
and so you do. your lashes kiss your cheeks gently and not a moment later, there’s a hand in your hair and a mouth on your own, pressing you greedily into the shelf by the dresser. the kiss is like a hot poker to the chest, spurring you to whine and collapse a bit against the hearth-like heat of his armor. just like the heart of a dying star.
you understand then, why your eyes will stay screwed shut for the time being. 
“dyn --”
it’s muttered between the parting of lips; there’s stubble that brushes your cheek, that darts to your jaw as you grapple with his shoulders -- the hair at the base of his neck is thick, and you wonder what color it is. 
(you really could never picture him as a blonde.)
“promise me,” he mumbles, stealing another kiss and then another and another, “that you won’t open your eyes.”
you swallow thickly and nod, words flush with promise. “i won’t.”
“i’m... i’m sorry.”
“don’t be,” you breathe, moving to kiss him -- but, you miss. you catch the side of his lips and he’s smirking; it spurs you to laugh, like stardust glittering in the sun. 
(you can’t see him but he’s glowing, happier than he’s been in cycles -- you’re beautiful, standing there with your arms stretched out and knotted in his hair. your eyes screw tight when you smile, prompting him to lean forward and kiss your brow.)
“i am,” he says, quietly with a breaming amount of adoration, and you realize how warm his voice is outside of the helmet. his lips meet your temple as you card your fingers through the thick tufts of his hair, “i -- just, not yet.”
(maybe he could be blonde, if you really thought about it.)
“do you trust me?”
“... yes.”
“then i won’t open them,” you say, fingers moving to find the curve of his jaw and the jut of his chin, “and i’ll just poke and prod until i’ve made some sense of your face in my head.”
your fingertips brush his lips and a kiss rises up to meet them, his hands sweeping you close -- you tumble into the touch happily, awed at the bubbling affection that comes with the absence of his armor. 
you wonder, as you kiss dyn jarren for the first time, if that’s the point.
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jiracheer · 4 years
Mando, taking in baby yoda no questions asked:
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emzalot · 4 years
When the Mandalorian steps into the cantina flexin the fresh new armor
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evendeadlmthehero · 4 years
The Ghost (Headcannon)
Mandalorian x Blind!Reader
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Summary: you are a blind assassin who was sent to capture a 50 year old target. You then become the target’s number one guardian, protecting him from bounty hunters like The Mandalorian himself.
Ultimate Masterlist
Note: this character is inspired by my girl Natasha Romanoff and my man Matt Murdock
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-you were eight when the imperial army had dropped chemical substances in your village.
-on that day, you lost your parents and your sight.
-many people have taken advantage from the fact that you were blind and vulnerable. Many people have, except for one person; your Master.
-he taught you how to see a different way; through vibrations and pressure change in the atmosphere.
-at the age of 16, you were a master assassin, taking down notorious figures. You were known as Ghost, because everyone knew you existed, they just didn’t know who you were or what you looked like
-or that you were blind
-you were stealthy, mostly due to your ballet training and the black skin tight suit that enabled you to blend into the night
-you were quiet and did the job with no mess. All of them assigned to you by your master.
-you preferred to fight with knives. The only time you liked guns is if they were big guns
-one day you were assigned a secret mission by your master; to extract a certain individual.
-he never told you who the target was
-but you did as you were told and followed the tracker
-it took you to a village full of fighters in the middle of the desert
-instead of fighting those individuals, you quietly sneaked inside the village; jumping, flipping and bending your way into the room where the target was
-you made your way into the room where you felt the presence of an individual who had yet to see you.
-you quietly ran up to him before striking him on the vagus nerve with enough force to have him go unconscious
-you caught him before he could fall on the ground. Yes, indeed you were quiet and stealthy. No one ever saw you coming.
-you then followed the beacon to where your target was. But it was odd, because you didn’t feel the presence of an old man like your master had said
-you only let the presence of a child
-you lifted your arms up to feel the target, hearing a soft coo when your fingers brushed against it’s pointy ears.
-that was the day you betrayed your Master.
-you tried to convince the village that you would protect the child.
-It took them a while, but after six months of fighting bounty hunters and successfully eliminating them with barely no effort, you became the child’s number one protector and earned the Village’s trust
-this resulted in an even bigger bounty on your head than the child’s
-then one day, when you’re feeding the child, you heard a ruckus
-you hide the child in his little carriage before you yourself hid on the ledger near the ceiling
-a mandolarian and a robot entered. They chatted for a couple of minutes before the robot lifted a gun at the child.
-your child
-you grabbed the knife that you hid in the strap of your thigh and threw it directly in the back of the robots head
-the Mando quickly turned around, grabbing a gun to point it from the source; but there was no one there
-he was confused and turned around to look back at the baby only to see you standing there, holding a knife to his throat
-he was confused. The infamous Ghost was just a really gorgeous girl?
-did he emphasise on gorgeous?
-and that suit? Oh god that suit
-no wonder no one had caught you yet. You look innocent, vulnerable, no one would expect that you were an assassin
-“If your kind wasn’t almost extinct, I would have killed you now,” you whispered to him, venom laced in your voice. “So leave before I kill you.”
-the child tugged your thigh strap, making you distracted for a moment
-and in that moment, Mando electrocuted you
-he took you and the child back to whoever had assigned the bounty. He had placed a mouth guard around your mouth and bounded both your legs and wrists.
-it was a quiet ride back, you wouldn’t even make a noise
-when he had finally completed the mission and dropped you guys off, he felt guilty
-you could’ve killed him that day, but you didn’t. Because you respected the Mandalorian clan. And the child? The child was so little and defenceless, and without a family.
-so he went back to break out both you and the child.
-he found you with multiple bruises and cuts littered around your body, unconscious. You were in a white dress gown, which had blood splatters across it
-god he felt terrible
-he put you in one of those bed rollers and broke you and the child out
-he also grabbed your black stealth suit along the way. Didn’t want you in that god awful gown
-and he thought the suit was hot (not that he’d ever admit it)
-he was steering the plane when he heard you cough
-he then stood up, walking towards you
-“wh- where am I?” You spoke as you furiously looked around. This wasn’t the cell that had put you in. No, you were on a plane. And you can feel the child in your presence along with another.
-“you-you’re blind?” Mando spoke in shock, as he watched you look around. He couldn’t believe you were blind when you could fight so well
-“you,” you spoke out with hatred, grabbing the pillow that you were previously laying on.
-you ran up to him, sliding down on your knees before quickly turning around to use the back of his knee as a leverage
-you then jumped from the back of his knee, before wrapping your legs around his neck. You then tried to suffocate him with the pillow
-you then felt your hands being pushed away from the man’s face. You looked up to see the child, using his powers on you to stop you from killing him
-Mando took the opportunity to grab you off his neck and forcefully, yet gently, place you on the ground
-“I’m- sorry,” Mando apologised, as you looked at him with anger, your breathing still quick. “I’m sorry for- taking you and the child. So- I’ll let you use this plane to find a safe haven for you and the child. You have my word.”
-your eyes were still filled with anger until you saw the child hug onto Mando’s leg. Mando retracted a bit, not used to affection.
-if the child trusts him, maybe you could too?
-“fine. But if I sense one ounce of disloyalty I will kill you,” you promised.
-he then took you to a place called Sorgan, a quiet little village
-you felt how tired he was based on his voice as he walked inside the hut that you, the child and Mando were given
-you then left the baby to play with the children whilst you carried two plates of food into the hut
-“I bought you some food,” you spoke as you placed the plate in front of him
-“Thank you,” he replied back. He watched as you sat down and begun eating. He didn’t touch his food, only watching you eat
-“are you doing to eat?” You asked him, as you realised he wasn’t eating. “I’m blind, remember? You can take off that helmet of yours.”
-Mando was taken back. He hadn’t eaten with someone in years.
-last time was with his parents.
-his hands shakingly went up to reach his helmet, ready to take it off. You heard the soft hiss of his helmet, before a metal thud near the table
-his heart was beating loudly and you could hear it
-“Mando if you don’t feel comfortable with me eating here, it’s fine I can leave-“
-“No!” He interrupted you, his voice more clearer now that he didn’t have the modulator. “I- I just haven’t eaten with someone in- years.”
-your heart dropped slightly, feeling bad for the man. Now determined to eat with him everyday. “Well now you have a blind friend.”
-friend, Mando had kept repeating in his head. A word so foreign to him.
-and everyday after that day, you made sure you ate with him.
-and everyday after you ate with him, he’d always reply with a small ‘thank you.’
-“you don’t have to thank me everytime I eat with you, you know”
-“Yeah well- I want to.”
-you guys were eating dinner in Tatooine as the child slept in his room
-“Mando?” You had asked him as you finished your food. He let out a soft hum. “Can I- Can I touch your face? You know, to picture what you look like?”
-Mando was taken back, red filling up his cheeks. No one has ever touched him before, making his heart pound against his chest. “Y-yes.”
-you moved over towards him, your fingertips grazing gently against his chin, his jaw, up his to his cheekbones
-your fingers then skimmed against his eyelashes, down to his nose before reaching his lips that were breathing heavily.
-“I think you’re beautiful.”
-he gulped heavily, studying your face. His trembling hand then pushed your hair back. “You can call me Dyn.”
-“Dyn,” you whispered, testing the name on your lips. Dyn felt blood rush throughout his body as you spoke his name
-he didn’t know how you could have this effect on him. He was a bounty hunter, a Mandalorian. He was fearless and showed no emotion
-but as soon as you said his name, he had butterflies
-everything was going smoothly, you and Dyn fighting side by side as bounty hunters tried to find you guys and the baby
-until one day you were all surrounded by stormtroopers
-and Dyn experiences a massive blow to his head.
-“I-I’m not going to make it,” Dyn groaned as you cried. You shook your head at him.
-“No- no I’m not leaving you, you idiot!”
-“leave me,” he spoke, a hand grabbing your cheek as he slowly caressed it. You both knew that deep down you liked each other, liked each other more than friends. But both of you never acted on it. “You make sure the child is safe.”
-“Here.” He spoke, giving you a necklace. “When you get to the Mandalorian covert, you show them that. You tell them it's from Din Djarin. You tell them the foundling was in my protection, and they'll help you.
-“I-I can’t leave you Dyn,” you shook your head furiously, streams of tears against your face.
-“I'm not gonna make it and you know it. You protect the child. I can hold them back long enough for you to escape. Let me have a warrior's death.”
-“I won't leave you,” you protested.
-“I- I love you Y/N Y/L/N.”
-“I love you too Dyn,” you spoke, you then looked at Cara and the rest. “You guys go, we’ll catch up on you.”
-Cara nodded before leaving with the child
-“Y/N, this is the way-“
-“shut up,” you spoke before taking off his helmet. You felt the back of his neck, warm liquid in your hands. You then closed your eyes, trying to focus on the vibrations and pressure. “You have slight damage in your cerebellum. Nothing Bacta spray won’t fix.”
-you then sprayed were the wound is, both of you quiet. Your tears now dry against your face, your nose still red.
-you were furious at him for wanting to die that easily and leave you alone. And he knew
-you interrupted him, your lips against his.
-his heart was pounding against his rib cage, this being his first ever kiss. He didn’t know what to do.
-but then slowly he begun following your lead, hoping that he wasn’t too horrible of a kisser
-you then pulled back, your forehead against his
-“if you ever tell me to leave you again Dyn I swear to god I’ll kill you myself,” you spoke, your voice shaking. “You and the child are the only good thing I have in my life. Please- please don’t leave me.”
-“I won’t.”
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dayasbabz · 4 years
I made a thing and I hate myself for it
(Please credit if used)
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cptnbvcks · 4 years
salt berries (mandalorian x reader)
summary: the mandalorian likes berries. he likes them more when you’re the one feeding them to him.
warnings: finger-lickin’ mutual pining and sexual tension. gut wrenching fluff between two touch starved people. 
a/n: i had to get up and take a walk after writing this. the idea came to mind and i wanted to write a short little piece with the most soul crushing pining and sexual tension i could conjure up. hope you enjoy! rb & leave a comment and tell me what you think the mandalorian’s kink is 🥵
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“What are you feeding him?”
You startle at the sleepy drag of the Mandalorian’s voice, deeper still through the synthetic warping of his helmet’s modulator. 
The orange summer heat of Sorgan must have lulled him off. If not the heat, you were sure his battle battered body had finally relented to its own exhaustion. 
You wonder how long he’s been awake as you turn away from the cooing baby, finding him still in the same position he had fallen asleep in, arms clasped loosely over his stomach and his body slack with relaxation against the wicker cot. 
His helmet was still facing the sky and you wondered if his eyes were even open, if he was watching the smattering of translucent clouds as they drifted in the vast ocean of the planet’s sky. You wondered if he was watching you instead from the corner of his eye.
“Salt berries,” you respond, itching the top of the child’s forehead as he babbled in delight from within the straw basket filled with blankets. You dusted your skirts as you stood, leaving the child to observe as you approached his pseudo-father, “Omera’s daughter just dropped some off.” 
“I can smell them,” The Mandalorian says, his head still unmoving as you lowered yourself down to the floor beside his daybed, stretching your legs out before you. Amusement plays on your face as you bite back a teasing smile, setting the bowl of vibrant purple berries down on your lap.
“I didn’t think you still had a sense of smell under that thing.”
The Mandalorian’s head shifts and now you feel the warm heat of his gaze, hotter than the evening sun on the back of your neck as you unsuccessfully press your lips together to hide the grin that threatens to spread across your face. You wonder for a fleeting moment if he was smiling too.
“Sorry,” you apologize, but even the word comes out on the bursting bubble of a laugh. Lowering your gaze, you pluck a berry from the bowl and slip it past your lips, hoping that by keeping your mouth busy it might spare the bounty hunter from your sharp tongue.
The berry was plump with juice and sweet bursting flesh. The thin skin of it textured with frosted dew points that left a small brackish tang on your tongue. It tinted your lips sunset pink.  
The Mandalorian was still watching you.
A sudden wave of timidness washed over you like a sun-warmed gust of air. 
He watched you a lot more often these days. You would pretend not to notice, but you always caught the quick turn of his helmet in your periphery when you glanced back his way. Nervously, you pressed your lips together as your tongue swiped across your sticky lower lip. 
You noticed a falter in the steady rise and fall of his chest. 
Had he been holding his breath?
“Salt berries,” he repeated, testing the words on his tongue, “I’ve never heard of them before.” 
“Do you want a taste?” 
The silence that falls after your question makes you want to swallow the words right out of the air and kill them before they reach the Mandalorian’s ear. Your cheeks match the berry stain of your lips and your brows cringe together with embarrassment. You open your mouth to apologize again but the quiet suddenness of his response squashes the words before they form.
His voice is heavy through the modulator, ladened with something that made such a simple affirmation sound like both a demand and a plead. He doesn’t move from his position and you realize that he’s waiting for you to come to him. 
Your eyes search the vacantness of his helmet’s visor as another beat of silence passes between you. Slowly, you gather the rags of your skirts and shift on your knees until you’re beside his cot. 
Still, he does not move. 
You don’t know why you do it. You don’t know what compels you. Perhaps it’s the stillness of him, the quiet docility of his position that almost reminds you of the temptation to pet a sleeping beast that only looks friendly while it’s unconscious. Your hand lifts towards the underside of his helmet. 
The speed of him startles the breath from your lungs as he catches your wrist. His grip is firm but he does not hurt you. He never hurts you. Your eyes flicker to the visor again, assuming where his eyes may be. All you can see is the reflection of yourself in the glimmering beskar steel. 
“This stays on,” the Mandalorian says. His words are firm. No room for argument or negotiation. Still, a softness lingers there. Quiet, but loud in the words he doesn’t speak. The desires he would never voice. 
“This is the Way,” his voice trails at the dutiful repetition of the Mandalore chant.
Even through the warbling of the modulator, you hear it and it pulls apart your heart.
You nod. His fingers loosen, hesitating a moment longer around the cusp of your wrist before releasing you completely. The profoundness of the Mandalorian’s trust is not lost on you. 
Your eyes follow the path of your hand as your fingertips brush against the rough protective cloth that rose over his neck before disappearing beneath the headgear. You hope he can’t feel the small tremor of your hand as it slips between the gap of his helmet, your palm resting meekly over the curve of his jaw as your fingertips find the edge of the material. 
You can feel his breath. Unsteady. 
The Mandalorian was nervous. 
Slowly, you pulled the loose fabric down over his mouth, his chin and jaw. Stubble scratches roughly over your knuckles and the humid air of his unhindered exhale felt just as comforting as the mid-summer atmosphere.  
The moment’s glimmer of surprise danced over your features as you pressed your palm to the warm flesh of his cheek, bare and vulnerable and oh — so human. He exhaled, shorter than the last breath, and you felt it on the inside of your wrist. You couldn’t see his face, but the hazy image of him grew a little clearer now.
For a moment, you couldn’t feel the weight of his stare. Perhaps his eyes had slipped closed. 
“The berries,” he reminded you, his voice soft and coaxing. Careful as he broke you out of whatever quiet thoughts you were having. 
Your cheeks burned redder as you drew your hand back, averting your gaze back to the bowl of berries. 
“Sorry,” you apologize again, shaking your head slightly at the flustered realization that maybe you had been too forward. 
“Don’t be. It’s... alright.” 
You looked back up at the bounty hunter as the reassurance seemed to hesitate in his mouth. For once, it seemed, the Mandalorian was at a loss for words and it wasn’t because he had nothing to say. On the contrary — the Mandalorian, all at once, had far too much that he wished to say. Things that he knew that, once spoken, could never again be unspoken. 
So he fell into his silence again as you picked out a supple looking berry from the bowl. 
You dipped your fingers beneath his helmet again, trying your hardest not to drop the small fruit as your fingertip bumped against the soft texture of his lip. 
He was watching you again. 
Gods, you could have whimpered as you felt his lips part for you. Not enough for the berry to slip in easily. No — he only parted his lips just enough that you had to press the round body of the berry until he caught it on the tip of his tongue. 
Your mouth ran dry as the warm wetness of his tongue dragged over the delicate pad of your finger. Against your own volition, your own tongue brushed over the plush flesh of your bottom lip before you caught it between your teeth. 
His lips closed around your fingertip for just a moment longer, nursing the berry juice from your skin, before you drew your hand away. The Mandalorian may well have burned you from the way the warmth of his mouth drew an incessant awareness to the heartbeat that thrummed under your skin. 
You felt breathless and dizzy, warm all over from a heat that wasn’t caused by the mid-year Sorgan sun. This fire was solely the Mandalorian’s. 
Behind the beskar, the man watched you — seeing the way your berries stained your lips and wondered if his lips were stained to match. The berries were named aptly; salty and sweet, exploding all at once on his tongue, though the taste of your fingertips lingered beneath. Salty sweet. 
He imagined that your mouth tasted the same. 
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hobiiwan · 4 years
the mandalorian with a pregnant s/o
⇒ pairing: the mandalorian x reader
⇒ summary: pretty self-explanatory
⇒ warnings: brief mentions of some nsfw spicy times
⇒ notes: based on this anon (thank you!) thought the gif would be fitting. this could potentially be extended into dad!Mando (although that’s already kind of shown in the show👀so let me know if yall are down for some MandoBaby bc i definitely am) also i kinda went overboard, but who am i if not extra
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you’re not quite sure how it happened
i mean, okay,,,,
you knOw
but you can’t seem to fathom how one day you were just you and now you’re you’re carrying a little person inside you
it comes as a surprise
even though the signs were all there
the other day, you’d snapped at mando for the tiniest thing
twenty minutes later you were practically on him
not to mention the morning sickness
thaT should’ve been your biggest red flag
yet you simply chalked it up to the fault of questionable cantina food
however, now with the pregnancy test in your hands with the double red lines mockinG you straight to your face
there’s no denying it
you’re pregnant
you hate that your first thought instantly jumps to doubt
how are you going to raise this baby?? your life was not one for a child
you would never want your child to grow up in a constant state of danger
and what would mando think??? what if he doesn’t want to keep the baby; what would you do then?
you haven’t even seen his face, how are you going to raise a child together
will the child be raised a mandalorian????
so many questions
but under it all, you were happy
you’ve always wanted a family of your own
not that baby yoda doesn’t count as your child bc it totaLLY DOES
although this isn’t exactly how you expected it to happen
you’re determined to let your baby grow up surrounded by love
you just hope mando is too
when you tell him, it’s not a big occasion
it’s another day, he’s checking the ship’s controls and you’re curled up on the seat next to him
he instantly knows something’s up
because for once, you’re quiet
you gnaw on your lip as your knee bounces up and down
the anxiety is radiating off of you and it’s starting to get to him
never one to beat around the bush, he asks, turning to your huddled form, straight to the point
“what’s wrong?”
taking a deep breath you force the words out your mouth
“i’m pregnant, mando.”
your throat burns as your eyes well with tears
he goes absolutely silent
even the usual rhythm of his breathing through his moderator goes cold
his helmet is turned towards you, but you feel as though he’s looking anywhere but at you
the second the first teardrop spills down your cheek, that’s when he finally moves
whatever was on hand is dropped as he goes to take your hands in his
“i—” he starts, continues with a waver, “do you want this?”
his voice is gentle, more so than you’ve ever heard it before
mando’s thoughts are soaring
he can’t believe this is real; you’re real
he takes a moment to thank the maker for gifting him with you, and now your baby
he swears all the planets align when you nod
you’re smiling now and even with the tear tracks drying on your cheeks, mando thinks he’s never seen anything more ethereal
his hands tighten around yours as he pulls you close to him
“but what about—how can we raise a child like this?”
at this moment, he sounds so vulnerable; so open with his fears that you can’t help but love him a little more
you press your forehead against mando’s helmet
closing your eyes, you know he does too
“we’ll find a way.”
it’s in the way that he allows you to place your hands just where his helmet meets his shoulders, fingers brushing against the sliver of exposed skin
the way his own hands are heavy against the small of your back, keeps you grounded in this moment of euphoria
he doesn’t have to say it; neither do you
the words hang in the air, unspoken yet heard
you know your baby will be loved
mando ups his protectiveness to the goDS
not one haiR on your pretty little head will be harmed on his watch
he won’t let anyone get close to you, and his awareness has been tuned to a whole new level
it’s to be expected; you know he’s just doing this because he cares
but,,, manz forgotten you can take care of yourself just fine
the first few weeks, he’s a little paranoid, to say the least
but once he sees you slam a slimeball who got a little too handsy into a wall, he relaxes a bit more
still, don’t expect to do anything on your own bc for the next 9+ months, mando’s signed up to be your new butler
most days, he’ll have everything you want on hand; whenever you have cravings, back pain, swollen ankles
he’s got u
on the days you have terrible all-day morning sickness, he’s right there holding your hair up and rubbing your back soothingly
when you slump against the toilet, you swat him away because you don’t want anyone to see you right now
he doesn’t give a flying damn
cuddles are a biG thing (which surprises both of you since you’re both quite reserved people)
most nights you’ll fall asleep to his hand tracing over your growing bump and not gonna lie,,,, it’s kinda great
unTIL your bump really starts to grow and you can no longer reach down to pull on your own boots or sleep on your back
that’s when it really hits you
by the time you get to your third trimester, you’re ready for this baby to be out of you
you can’t say you particularly enjoy feeling bloated 24/7 and not being able to frequent your beloved grimy cantinas
but you’re also really excited to meet your lil baby!
you wonder how he or she will look; like you or their father?
what will their name be? 
you probably should have planned these things out by now
but since when were you and mando known for planning?
eventually mando sets up a little nursery on the ship; baby yoda’s going to have a sibling very soon
you have yet to discuss the whole helmet issue with mando
hell, you don’t even know his real name
what you do know is that you want your child to know the face of their father
but you also know how important it is for him that his face is kept hidden
mando knows the conversation is bound to happen one way or another, yet he’s still a deer in the headlights when you bring it up
he sighs heavily, and tells you he’ll think about it (despite that usually being a half-assed answer from anyone else, you know his to be genuine)
you don’t bring it up for a while afterwards; you don’t want to push him
until one day,,,,,
you’re chilling with the Child (not your own) (yet), who’s happily cooing in your arms, when the father of your actual child comes stomping in
you blank, eyebrows furrowing in confusion; the Child mimics your expression with full emphasis on the eyes
“come again?”
he sighs, (a common occurrence nowadays)
reader, you’re exasperatinG (but in a good way)
“my name,” he tries again, “it’s dyn. dyn jarren.”
your eyes widen comically as it dawns on you; that is noT what you were expecting today
he would’ve chuckled at your expression but this was noT the time
“dyn,” you breathe out as a smile grows on your face
you like it, it’s suits him perfectly
that’s when he decides he likes his own name, if it means he can hear you say it again
you lean up to press your lips against where his own would be under the helmet
“thank you,” you murmur with a softness he still hasn’t gotten used to
suddenly mando feels ready to reveal his whOLE life story to you
this is a hugE step obviously, and you can’t help but still call him mando from time to time
force of habit :’))
but when you feel that first wave of sharp pain piercing your lower back, his name is the first thing that escapes your lips
after the first ‘oh shit’ ofc
he’s by your side within a span of ten seconds
you still manage to tease him about the cacophony of clanging metal as he runs through the ship
but then the next wave of contractions hit and you’re 200% sure you blackout (mando tells you later that you didn’t)
because the next thing you know, (6 hours later, mando says) there are about 4 medical droids around you
they’re telling you to push
you didn’t think you had it in you
mando didn’t think he had it either, as you crushed every single bone in his hand
you’re also mildly cursing him
that’s a lie, obviously
there’s a pause as you gasp for breath
you’re knackereD
suddenly there’s a little cry
the droids clean your baby up and they hand him to mando
it’s a,,,,,,, drumroll please
girl !!!!
his heart stops when the baby, your baby, meets his eyes, or rather, his helmet
at that moment, mando knows he’d do absolutely anything for this little person
he’d take his helmet off a thousand times if it meant he’d get to love her properly, the way a real father should
that’s exactly what he decides to do
within the next few days, you’re back home
one morning, you wake up, suspiciously well rested
that’s weirD,,,,
you realise your daughter never cried last night
you bolt upright as quickly as you can in your state, alarmed
motherhood is wiLD
you stumble outside, eyes darting for your baby when they land on something that makes your heart stop
there he is, dyn jarren, the mandalorian, holding your baby girl in his arms, bathed in all the glory of the binary sunrise
but that’s not what gets you
his back is turned to you, and you can see the back of his head, tufts of unruly dark brown curling around warm, bronzed skin
there are tears welling in your eyes as he turns to face you
your gaze meets his own, not the reflection you’re so used to
but his eyes, rounded and dark; the ones you see on your daughter
as soon as your face breaks into a grin, he knows he’s made the right decision
your breath hitches as his lips curl into a smile; it’s a little uncertain, a little nervous
but it’s one you know you’ll never get tired of in this lifetime
he’s taken it off.
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