#EDG Viego
notoriouslydevious · 2 years
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EDG Viego by 蛋费鸡丁
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aurelion-solar · 2 years
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EDG Skins Early Concept Art - Oussama Agazzoum
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ruined--eclipse · 2 years
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Shenanigans from when EDG and DRX played Aphelios and Viego against each other in their game 5. It was a wild time you had to be there
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hokage · 10 months
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collection of viegos :)
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leagueoflegendsna · 2 years
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EDG Icon Commissions by 吉良jyamu
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k-ttie · 2 years
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꿈 ๑ ꒰ edg 2021 icons ꒱ !
𖹭 𓂃 ❨ psd ❩ feerbell on DA; @noirpsds
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meyousing · 2 years
𝓥𝓲𝓮𝓰𝓸, 𝓥𝓸𝔀𝓼 𝓐𝓻𝓮 𝓢𝓹𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓷
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𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽:  viego + prompt 6 “I’m not going to leave you, and you’re not going to leave me either.” + prompt 16 “i’ll destroy anyone that gets in my way, anyone that tries to get in between us.”
𝓼𝔂𝓷𝓸𝓹𝓼𝓲𝓼:  senna and lucian were able to save you from viego’s captivity and keep you safe, far away from him. but a world that would rob viego of beauty is a world that deserves destruction.
𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼: yandere viego x reader, brief nsfw, kidnapping, manipulation, murderous implications, possessive viego (aka normal viego lol) 
“Lucian forgot to buy honey the last time he went out, hope you don’t mind” Senna shot you an apologetic look as she slid your mug across the table, the dark tea inside sloshing over the edge from the motion. She cursed at the sight and you thanked her quietly, letting the porcelain’s warmth thaw out your frigid fingers. Shaking off the cold of the Shadow Isles proved to be a tough feat, so as long as your tea was piping hot, you didn’t mind it lacking any sweetener. 
You watched Senna grab a cloth and drag it over the spill, a chill jolting you simultaneously, goosebumps flooding over the expanse of your skin. You couldn’t help but look over to the window as if this chill was caused by an external force; from out there, and not the easily explained reaction of your freezing palms coming into fast contact with the heat of your beverage.  
Your nerves were at an all-time high, but could anyone really blame you? This was the first time that you were anywhere near free in a long time. When Viego decided that you were his, that you would be his queen and bound you to his side, your freedom was instantly stripped away. The only daylight you were permitted to see or fresh air you were allowed to breathe was what you could glean from the castle windows, and the only alone time you ever had was to use the bathroom, albeit time that was limited since he would begin calling you back to him if he felt that you were taking too long, rushing you. Other than that, you were always glued to Viego’s hip. Senna and Lucian rescuing you was nothing short of a miracle that required extremely hard work and months of planning. You were so grateful that it worked out, feeling eternally indebted to the couple. You had expressed this to Senna but she would always brush you off, saying that you owed her nothing for simply returning your freedom. 
Your eyes were still fixed on the window, but not really seeing beyond it. You observed the scenic, bustling street and the shining rays of the sun, the gentle rustling of the front garden’s flowers as if they were all a picture; as if they would be flat to the touch if you reached out. As if they weren’t real. Was anything real beyond four walls? Despite the immense gratitude you continued to feel towards Senna and Lucian, you knew that it would be a very long time before they would let you leave the house or be seen outdoors by yourself, for your safety, because Viego has eyes everywhere, they would tell you. By that logic, you couldn’t help but wonder… were you really free after all? How could you be free if you still weren’t allowed to stand within those bustling streets, or to bask in the shining sun’s rays and smell the flowers' sweet scents? If Viego had eyes everywhere, did he know where you were right now? Was this even worth it?
You had begun to space out as these questions plagued you, the view of the outdoors not soothing you much despite how unchanging it was, which should have done nothing but reassure you; made you think that you had all the time in the world to experience nature if it remained the same for so long. 
But then the scene did change. A figure deviated from the crowd in the street, adjacent to everyone else who was hurriedly on their way to a destination far away from this address. Being preoccupied with your thoughts caused your eyesight to blur, you were unable to make out who this figure could be as the sight became larger and larger; they were coming closer. 
Did Viego find you already?! 
A jingling sound was muffled from outside, you blinked rapidly to try and desperately clear your vision, whipping your head to the doorknob to watch the lock turn. 
He was coming in. He had a key. 
A creak chimed out, the once dimly lit dining room now much more illuminated from the sun as the door opened and revealed Viego’s silhouette to you in all of his glory. You felt stuck outside of your body, paralyzed and only able to utter incoherent sounds equivalent to small gasps for air. He stopped moving in once he had breached the doorway, looking over at you. Your sight was still impaired, but with a few more blinks and shakes of the head you cleared it quite quickly, and your heart dropped in relief. 
“You okay?” Lucian asked, his eyes mirroring yours when they widened. His eyebrows raised as he kicked the door closed behind him, his arms too full of shopping bags to do it instead. Now that the sunlight was gone and the regular lighting of the room was restored, you could see him much better. It was just Lucian.
Right. How could you forget Senna mentioning that Lucian wasn’t here when you woke up because he went back out to grab items he forgot from his last shopping trip… such as that aforementioned honey? It was as if your remembrance of her words had summoned her, she was at your side right after Lucian spoke, gently taking your shoulder and watching you with concern. The pressure of their conjoined stares made your cheeks burn in the embarrassment of your mistake. Not to mention how you never liked being the centre of attention; something that made the obsessed spotlight that Viego cast upon you feel that much worse.
“I am, I’m fine. Sorry.” You didn’t feel the need to explain yourself because, above all else, Senna and Lucian were two of the most understanding people you had ever met. Their patience for you was unmatched, you were well aware that they appreciated your situation and didn’t expect you to elaborate when you didn’t feel the desire to. You were sure that they knew what had happened just now anyway, their expressions becoming cognizant rather quickly following your silence. 
Senna patted you before walking over to take a bag from Lucian, hauling it to the counter so she could begin unloading its contents. You watched her and sipped at your tea now that it had cooled down a bit, the mundane task that she was carrying out bringing you comfort from its regularity. 
“Did you get more honey?” she asked, having finished her chore faster than you could register when the now empty paper bag tipped over on the counter, and she turned to rest her back against the edge of the surface, arms crossing over her chest while she glanced at Lucian. You followed her eyes, watching Lucian place the other bag next to himself on the ground so he could lean down and slip his shoes off with free hands.
“Did I get more of what?” he responded nonchalantly, not bothering to look up as he did. That caused him to miss the instant droop of Senna’s expression which you were happy to have witnessed, stifling a laugh from the interaction. 
Consolation began filling you at the sight of such a silly exchange; as you realized that you really were okay. You knew that everything happening to you right now did so for a reason. You were going to have to stay inside the couple’s home for a little while longer if you wanted any future freedom at all, and that was okay. They were willing to protect you for as long as they had to, and you just knew that they would save you once more if a time ever came when Viego did find you again. Of course, you also knew (no, you didn’t actually know. But you dearly hoped) that Viego never would be able to find you again. Besides, if they were able to save you from him in the first place, then he didn’t do a good enough job of keeping you away. 
Feeling so comforted, so protected, you decided that today was going to be the first of many when you would finally live for yourself. This was the first time that you were anywhere near independent in a long time. Why not start making the most of it? Chugging down the last of your tea, you stood abruptly, chair screeching as the force of your movement pushed it back on the wood floor. The duo looked at you at the same time, Lucian now upright and jumping slightly at the sound of your empty teacup slamming down onto the table (you mumbled an apology, not meaning to be so rough with their possessions).
“Let’s do something fun. Do either of you have plans?” You placed your hands on your hips, taking on a strong stance to show off just how strong you were after everything you had dealt with thus far.
“None aside from watching over you” Senna shrugged. Lucian nodded his agreement, waiting for you to continue. With a deep breath and a smile, you did.
“We are going to bake some treats. I’ll even teach you some recipes from my homeland! Did you happen to buy any jam?” you turned to Lucian, joining your hands with index fingers pointed at him, ever-focused. He perked up, seemingly delighted at your sudden liveliness. Senna must have felt the same, this was the biggest show of enthusiasm that you had to offer since getting here.
“I don’t remember buying any… but we probably have some here already!” Lucian returned your smile, slipping past Senna to the refrigerator so he could check, careening the door open quickly and creating a cracking sound which caused Senna to scold him and roll her eyes at his sheepishly mumbled apology. A moment passed before his hand raised, showing off a half-full jar of strawberry jam. You shimmied in delight, listening to Senna’s warm chuckle at your reaction.
“What else, captain?” she asked, more than glad to entertain your newfound ardour as she opened a drawer containing various baking utensils, like patterned rolling pins and spatulas. Sparkles formed in your eyes at the sight, the prospect of making delicious, fragrant pastries already making your mouth water and your excitement become unbearable if you were to dally any longer.
You were finally reminded of what it could feel like to be home. 
With droopy eyes, you wiped some sticky jam off of your cheek as you swallowed the final bite of your cookie, feeling drowsy and content from such a long day full of baking and devouring delicacies. 
“I almost forgot how good these are, I haven't had one in years…let alone the entire plate, sorry” you chuckled shamefully, slumping further into the couch as Lucian picked your crumb-littered plate up from the coffee table. Could they really blame you for eating every last one? you haven’t had these cookies in years because there was almost nothing in the Shadow Isles, aside from remnants of some alcohol and limited foods Viego brought you from a long time ago in Camavor, food that was far past the point of decay. Indulgence never happened for you anymore. 
“I’ll remember the recipe” Lucian grinned before turning to bring the dish to the kitchen, and you let your eyes close peacefully when the sound of the sink’s running water began. You were only able to doze for a moment, a gentle nudge to your arm stopped you from getting too comfortable just yet. You peered an eye open to see Senna standing over you. 
“Why don’t you lay down in bed? We’ll clean up, go get some rest somewhere more comfortable.” 
Good idea you thought. Senna was always full of great ideas. She also blinked at you, mildly perplexed as to why you had yet to respond. Oh, you hadn’t said that out loud!
“Good idea” you repeated with the evidence of your fatigue much too clear as you ran a hand over your face and stood on wobbly legs. Senna gave you a sympathetic smirk, classically understanding what just happened as she said nothing else and went to join Lucian in the kitchen, leaving you to your own devices for the night. It really was unfortunate that the activities of the day had worn you out so quickly, you would have loved to spend more time with the two, but you also knew that catching up on rest was equally as important, if not more. At least the small dose of caffeine in the tea from earlier had given you enough energy for baking at all, and what pleasant memories you were able to make as a result!
Upon arriving at your room, you closed the door behind you, domestic sounds of the post-baking cleanup now muffled to your ears as you trudged to your bed with heavy steps. You had decided to stay cozy today, having already worn a nightgown since the morning. Unfortunately, you couldn’t let yourself rest just yet within these pyjamas, because they were now covered in flour and stained with small flecks of jam. 
Worth it, you told yourself as your eyes fell shut, feeling too sleepy to keep them open a moment longer even as you unbuttoned your gown and let it fall to your feet. Stepping out of it, you decided to take the lazier route tonight, leaving it on the floor rather than placing it in the hamper as you moved to search your drawer for a new one. I’ll clean my room tomorrow morning.
 Being left in your undergarments as you blindly felt around in your drawer, the room felt much colder, naturally. Though it was bizarrely cold, the temperature today had not been low enough for you to be reasonably feeling goosebumps rise on your skin right now. With some restraint, your eyes opened and your hands stopped moving. You began scanning around your room, feeling slightly unnerved. What exactly were you looking for, anyway? Maybe your room just felt chillier because it was on the second floor, it took longer for the heat to get up here… right? Just as your chin met with your shoulder and you could see what was directly behind you, a sigh of solace passed your lips. 
Your window was open.
Now everything made so much more sense! Regarding the temperature drop, at least. While you couldn’t recall opening your window at any point this morning, you also didn’t want to think too much or for too long about it, scurrying over to close it and warm yourself up once and for all; to be rid of the constant chills that kept running marathons on your flesh today. Reaching up above your head, your fingertips met with the lift and you wasted no time in pulling it down.
As the window closed with a resounding thud, freezing-cold hands grabbed your hips from behind. 
Paralysis was imminent, your last motion being the removal of your own hands from the window, unable to move them anymore once they fell back to your sides. Perhaps if you had kept your eyes open when you got here, you’d have noticed the lingering black mist submerging the floor.
“My love,” his voice was trembly, breath frigid on your neck as you felt him push his front against your back, bodies glued together once again, like all of those times before.  
Viego found you. 
You tried to say his name, but you couldn’t find your voice. You wanted to acknowledge him, get a response, and ensure that you were not dreaming and this was real.
Another thing that you regretfully noticed and solidified how real this was, was that he was hard, slowly rutting his hips against your ass and gradually pressing you further and further against the wall, your cheek squishing into the glass of the window. You already felt utterly violated, so exposed in the minimal clothing you wore and the lewd movements Viego made against you. This lasted only for a moment, but of course, it wasn't over; he flipped you around so he could stand between your legs, to grind against your clothed pussy and move his hands to your face, holding your cheeks with earnest, his eyes glowing in the darkness of the room as they bore into yours. 
The friction of his cock against you had started to numb your body, thighs beginning to tremble as you swallowed hard and grabbed at his forearms. As if that clutch could manage to give you any kind of control over this, something you never had with him.
“How did you find me?” you managed to get out with a voice that was almost inaudible, but your words never went unnoticed by Viego even when you tried, no matter how quiet.
“It wasn’t difficult.” His thumb brushed over your cheekbone, his eyes following the motion, a quiet whimper sounding in his throat. “Our souls are bound, we will never be truly separated forever.” He was so close. You felt his lips brush against yours with every word he spoke, heat rushing to your face and a familiar feeling stirring inside of you. You had to distract yourself, to think of something else. This could not escalate any further if you wanted to have any kind of power here at all. Viego knew your every weakness.
“A-are you going to take me back to the Shadow Isles?” you asked quickly despite the stutter, and as your voice broke when you spoke the word shadow, Viego’s eyebrows met in concern. His motions ceased, though he remained impossibly close to you. You really didn’t like how calm he seemed. Any time you acted out of line he would lose his mind, giving you punishments that he claimed hurt his heart to inflict but that it was entirely your fault. His display of the polar opposite reaction to your misbehaviour was something to be afraid of, and that you were. You couldn’t help but wonder how he managed to get here undetected, even with the proof of his mist filling your room. But then a horrifying thought came to you. 
“What did you do to Lucian and Senna?!” 
Viego shushed you too swiftly after you spoke, soothingly dragging his thumb from your cheek to your lips, pressing on the bottom one as he put his forehead against yours. 
“What they did is unforgivable, condemnable. How dare they take what is mine?!” His eyes screwed shut in anger and his thumb pushed in a little harder, but not painfully. You noticed that he must have been trying to stay quiet, his words were malicious and enraged but his volume was just barely above a whisper. He took a deep breath before continuing. “One thing I noticed was that you were not scared. You were not upset with them for the atrocity they committed. As much as I wanted to make them one with the mist, I did not want to be the cause of your upset once more.”
This caused your brain to stop. If you heard correctly and were not relying on wishful thinking, Viego was admitting how he was… aware? Aware of how much grief he caused you in the past, of how any time he thought he was making the right decision for your sake, he couldn’t have been more wrong. 
“If you come back with me now, they will be spared. We will leave now, leave no trace.” He looked into your eyes, hopeful. 
You weren’t dumb enough to think that the chances of living a life free from Viego were guaranteed. You were hopeful too though, hopeful that you could have had a bit more time. Two days were not enough. The closest you got to enjoying the fresh air and sunlight was during the walk from the wagon into the house on your first day here: ten seconds, if not less. Before you could stop yourself, a small sob wracked you, tears forming in your eyes as you stifled a whimper. Viego looked like he had a heart attack when you did, quickly pulling your head to his shoulder and embracing you tightly. 
“Shh, do not cry. I will keep you safe from now on. I’m not going to leave you, and you’re not going to leave me either. Never again.” He cooed these words into your ear, his tone awfully sultry as he stroked your hair and squeezed you close. All they did was make you feel worse, a full cry leaving your lips as his caresses suffocated you, his body on yours (that was still so naked in comparison) making you feel immensely claustrophobic between him and the wall.
He continued on with soothing you, ineffectively at that. You couldn’t handle anymore, inhaling shakily as you started to resist, trying to push him off of you and create some space between yourselves. For a moment you thought that you had succeeded, as he pulled away and placed both his hands on the sides of your head, fingers weaving through your hair in pause. 
Then, after grabbing fistfuls of your hair, he leaned in and kissed you, hard.
If suffocation was a mere phantom sensation before, it was full-on now. He smothered you so intensely and so vigorously that you forgot to breathe, whining into his mouth as you grabbed onto the collar of his jacket for some kind of grounding, dizzying stars appearing behind your eyelids. The rise and fall of your chest became brisk against him, you truly began to worry that he would kiss you to unconsciousness. His eventual pulling away was slow, something you would consider romantic or passionate if this were any other scenario, but the sharp inhale you took through your mouth right after was a definite mood killer. Well, it would have been to anyone else. It seemed you could do no wrong in Viego’s eyes. 
“As saccharine as honey,” he whispered, tone low and sweet like the very substance he mentioned; one you regretted not asking for in your tea this morning because a return to the Shadow Isles meant no sustenance or special treats like that ever again. The thought of returning to that dull, prison-like lifestyle sent more tears to your waterlines, which soon streamed down your face. Viego watched them fall, grimacing.
“Your tears induce my own” he spoke brokenly, thumbing at your cheeks with the utmost precision until they were dry beneath his touch. 
“I’m so much happier here than with you” you managed to sputter out amidst your snivelling, already knowing what damage those words could induce but still needing to speak your piece either way. Viego seemed legitimately frozen after registering what you said, his movements ceasing slowly. 
“I gave you everything. All that I do is for you.” He looked down, contemplative. “How much happier could you possibly be here than with me?”
“I’ve never wanted even half of what you’ve done for me, Viego” you cried, trying not to let the way he looked up at you shatter your heart when you saw how sad his eyes were. Instead, you tried to interpret his expression in a different way… in a way that proved you were getting through to him and felt encouraged to push the limits.  “Please, just let me stay here. It’s what’s best for both of us.” You tried shoving at his chest to create some space between yourselves once more, and to your shock, he moved back a step from the force. You shivered from the sudden separation, hardly realizing how much warmth his usually frigid body managed to provide to yours with how bare it was as of now. He was certainly in his own state of shock from your words, even a “heart” as cold and dead as his could feel a pang of hurt from the ugly truth. 
You took advantage of his reaction and used the surprise that you felt as adrenaline to get moving. With eyes blown wide and completely focused on him, you began to step away and past him, intent on slowly walking to the bedroom door and throwing it open before making a full run for it, so you could alert Senna of what was going on and be saved from whatever future Viego intended for you. 
You only made it a couple of feet away before he spoke.
“Until you return to my arms, all will be brought to ruin.”
You paused, dreadfully looking at him from over your shoulder. He was looking at you the same way, his back still visible to you but his eyes piercing.
“I will not lose you again. I will destroy anyone that gets in my way, anyone that tries to get in between us.” He turned to you fully, making your breath hitch as the room started to feel a lot stuffier, the black mist thickening immensely. He approached you through the fog, taking long strides that you tried to back away from but met with the door of your closet after one measly step, effectively trapping yourself once more. Stopping just before you, he raised his arms with upward-facing palms in the falsest show of submission you had ever seen, one that felt like a mockery. “Come back to me, Y/N.”
You remained motionless. Viego was many things, many brutish, despicable things, but never a liar. If he was intent on destroying the entire world until you were in his grasp once more, he would do it hundreds of times over. Despite knowing this and fearing the worst, your desire for freedom still called to you from the back of your mind, a small voice on the brink of defeat, yet one that still held out so much hope. 
“Please don’t make me.” Weak and dry, your voice was so broken. Defeated. Even Viego simpered vilely, both of you understood that this was a desperate last effort and that you had no chance, that this effort had failed.
“If you want them to live, you know what to do.” 
You were crying again. Not a theatrical, loud cry, simply hot tears that impaired your vision and swelled your throat, making it feel full and suppressive to any words you wanted to say. With a shaky breath and a harsh swallow, you managed to communicate just one. One that you dreaded saying as it would be a form of confirmation, but you could not let this continue, you could not leave Senna and Lucian at risk after all they had done for you. 
“Okay,” it was a groggy murmur, with a tone that would have been so obviously averse to anyone else’s ears. But to Viego, it was an instant victory, your wholehearted agreement. You looked at his smug expression while you trod to him heavily, so slow with feet that felt encased in cement as if to stall your impending doom for as long as you could. Viego was not a patient man, but you knew that right now he would let you walk to him for hours longer if it guaranteed your return. 
His shorter wait in reality certainly was a guarantee, you found yourself folding in on yourself against his chest much sooner than you would have liked. While his hold was something that you usually dreaded being in, right now it brought a soothing sense of familiarity as you felt his arms envelop you like a shield, protectively. He pulled you even tighter against him, your hips touching and reminding you of the state he was still in even after all of this. He then leaned down until his lips were right by your ear, brushing over your lobe. 
“You know how much it pains me to punish your wrongdoings, but I cannot let your abandonment go undisciplined. We will discuss this further when we get home.”
You tried to look up at him while the mist began to engulf your surroundings, your sight becoming more and more narrow until all you could see was Viego and his utterly heartbroken eyes, classically so, because the topic of him hurting you just seemed to hurt him even more. Somehow, the view broke your heart too, regret filling you as you never truly wanted to upset the man who loved you so much. Before succumbing to the darkness, all you could think of was how glad you were to have the peace restored, to know that all would be well between you and your Ruined King once again as soon as you woke up. No more false happy endings, no more delusions of thinking that you were allowed to live and experience silly things like nature. You would be returning to the truth and stability with the man who would do anything for you, and that was all you ever needed. 
© meyousing 2023. do not share/export my work on to any other platforms. do not translate my work. 
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saey707 · 2 years
Mi Querida
✿ Prompt: Your needy boyfriend is a heavy metal musician ✿
♡ champion focus: viego ♡ tw: none! ♡ Gender-neutral reader
Author's Note: Honestly I haven't been in the mood to write anything serious (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈) So these are just some (cough, self-indulgent, cough...) headcanon blobs for if you were modern Pentakill Viego's partner! Also! This is not my first time writing Penta Viego >:3 You can check out a longer one-shot that I wrote right here! Hope you all enjoy! (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ.゚
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Viego isn't the most admired musician, especially because of his temperamental attitude and massive ego- But you know when he's away from the cameras and lights he is a completely different person. He may be rough and tough, doesn't give an eff Mutaris the Dissonance on stage, but with you, he's just Viego.
Viego cusses out his laptop screen whenever people leave hate comments on his new singles and you always have to calm him down
You're the only person he allows to help touch up his hair dye. Sometimes he'll put some of the dye of the current colors he's using in your hair so the two of you can match!
No matter how many rings and accessories Viego bears, the one he keeps to match with you will always remain on his ring finger
Viego loves pre-show cuddles and pep talks in his dressing room
If he sees you in the crowd during a performance he'll always toss a rose to you. And he will most definitely start focusing most of his attention on you while he sings (even though it pisses off management)!
Hell, when Viego has the opportunity to, he will get on his knees and crawl to the edge of the stage so he could hold your face or hand while he sings. He knows exactly what he's doing and the effect his stage presence has on you every time he does it
When you're both out in public he will always protect you. Like hell, he'll ever let anyone get too close to his muse!
After performances, your nights together are often spent eating take-out, cuddling up to one another, and watching all of Viego's telenovelas he didn't get to watch live. You always have to hold him and wipe his dripping black mascara when he cries
Epiphanies for new songs consist of you constantly refilling his coffee cup and giving him occasional kisses while you both do your own things in silence
Despite the fact that Viego is a heavy metal musician, it won't stop him from writing love songs for you
He's a hopeless, pathetic romantic! His love songs are always in Spanish because he claims it "comes from his heart, home, and soul". It's how you know Viego is his most authentic and real self with you!
He loves the way your eyes light up when he starts to sing, the huge grin that shines when he begins to strum his guitar
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jyang030107 · 6 months
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Soul Fighter Kevin’s niece
Yap time ™️:
They did Kalista so dirty 😭😭😭 so I took matters into my own hands lol.
I liked the colour scheme but the skin was just human Kalista in a tracksuit??? Amped up the edge a little bit to give y’all a gladiator dullahan and turned her spears into ribs.
Also ik each sf character has their own little metal symbol but I thought it’d be cool to change Kalista’s to look more like Viego’s (tldr: I’m lazy)
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notoriouslydevious · 2 years
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EDG Viego by 白菜君ALTX
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silent-dragon · 10 months
TWST Student OC Profile - Duane Lovato Bardales
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Theme song
Personal Info
Name - Duane Lovato Bardales
Stage Name - Wraith King
Physical Age - 21
Birthday - ??
Gender - Male
Species - Wraith/Half Fae
Height - 245cm/8ft
Orientation - Demisexual
Marital Status - Widowed
Homeland - Miseria Islet
Family - Renata Bardales+(Late Wife)
Number of Cousins
Twist of Viego(Pentakill & Canon)from League of Legends
College Info
School - Hourglass Station Academy
Dorm - Legothrylos
Year - 4th
Best Subject - Dark Artes,Monster and Animal Culture
Club - Occult
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Occupation - Rock Guitarist & Vocalist,King
Other Info
Likes - Gothic Aesthetics,Necromancy,Fire,Demons,People who Sew,Brunettes,Gothic Fashion,Eyeliner,Rock Music,Guitars,Creepy Subjects,Death Symbolism
Dislikes - Children(sorta),Being Told Someone is Fully gone when they are gone,Mundane duties as a king
Unique Magic - Dark Love Sap ~ The dark mist that snakes out of his chest hole can leech the life force of others who have even a sliver of feelings towards him. He can suppress the mist so it doesn't always happen but needs a bit of life force to feed his mortal side.
Personality - A man of stubbornness but has a soft side to his half dead heart. Raised to be a strict ruler so is rough around the edges but that's evident by how he looks. Into many things that may unnerve a lot so best to keep aware of that when encountering him. Appeal to his softer side and he will treat you well but annoy him and he will inch his long fingers around your neck…metaphorically..mostly.
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Duane picrew for ref & his late wife Renata
Bio - The ill-fated king of a series of islands now plagued by darkness. Once was a decent softer man married to the love of his life til misfortune happened because of him and she perished for it. Since then been on a violent dark path trying to resurrect her but instead doomed his entire kingdom making him the king of an undead kingdom. Currently he has taken a leave to pursue a life to better himself from his pain but still harbors the yearning for what he lost. Became a rocker to express that pain though song and to keep himself from going fully crazy as now stuck between living and undead he needs an end to his suffering broken heart.
Other Things
Usually responds to people at 1st with a creepy smile but he means well.
His title as king and homeland is not known by most of the public his rocker persona is all that is known.
He speaks 3 languages with Spanish being his 1st so speaks the others with some fluency but may have some trouble. Uses the universal language spell so when he sings its clear.
English,Spanish,Italian VA ~ Antonio Banderas in style of Puss in Boots
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(Homeland and Band Lore coming soon)
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mythologiae · 1 year
@funisforlosers said: Gwen and Viego - Family
Gwen visits him, sometimes.
Not that she tells anyone, or that she really plans it- but it happens, and keeps happening, until eventually she just begins to make it part of her schedule. Where this particular trick came from she's not sure- whether it's a side-effect of her temporary 'death' or one last gift from Isolde- but all she has to do is twist the mists in the air and a portal appears. The throne room is a ruin, of course, coated with dust and grime and inhabited by small creatures that scatter to its edges at the sight of her. At the foot of the throne's dais, Viego remains, his final, frustrated scream still writ across his now-pale face.
Setting down her basket, she spreads out her blanket and pours herself now-lukewarm tea as she plucks a small sandwich from what she's packed. As she eats, she speaks to him; regales him with her adventures and the lives of those Sentinels she still keeps in touch with. Complains about the wraiths still haunting the formerly Blessed Isles. This time, the visit is calm, like a child dropping in on a parent as a surprise. The first time...
The first time, she remembers, she'd ended up there by accident, having had something of a terrible day. It was rare for her to get frustrated, but fixing the damage he'd done to the world in the millennia since his death is no simple thing. Sometimes, it barely feels like any progress is being made at all. So when she'd turned, ready to trudge back to her temporary sanctuary for the evening, only to find herself back in Camavor, back in front of him—
It had been a tirade for the ages.
She'd ranted and cried until her voice was rough and her eyes were sore, frustrated over all that he'd left for her to do. Some legacy, she remembers spitting, for the last King of Camavor. The worst part was how foolish she'd felt afterward, however. Not just because she'd been yelling at someone who likely couldn't hear her, but because even if he could, she doesn't think he would care. That he is no longer the Viego that might have. The Viego that, if she's honest, she was more fond of than she'd ever care to admit.
The Viego that it hurt so terribly to watch become The Ruined King.
But it had made her feel better, she'd realized, to talk. To let out her feelings and frustration. It was something she wasn't comfortable doing around most people. Around the people who knew her only as some eager ingenue, leaping into battle with little more that joy, hope and a trumped-up sewing kit. And she'd figured if anyone could understand the frustration of not being able to accomplish the one goal you had for yourself... it would be him, wouldn't it?
So now when she finds herself spiraling toward a bad day, she retreats here. Settles into the dusky silence of the remnants of her once-home, and speaks to its once-sovereign. There have been no more outbursts since the first one, but sometimes her voice is bitter, and brittle, breaking balefully over sullen syllables as she lets the complaints and the irritation tumble out of her. Today, despite her placid expression and careful comportment, is one of those days.
"It would be so much easier," she finds herself murmuring at last, fingertips tight around the tin of her traveling teacup, "if I had some way of handling some of these things. Or- or stopping them from going where they'll only cause more harm. I am loathe to say it, but without you, all of it has become almost untenable. Uncontrollable. And I..." Her voice falters, tears dripping into the soggy dredges of tea leaves at the bottom of the cup. "I just don't know what to do-!"
And of course there is no answer, because he's trapped, still as a statue though somehow still alive- but then... but then—
Mist swirls around her, flickering with that familiar, sickly green glow. Gwen's teacup slips from her fingers, clattering to the ground and staining her picnic blanket as it trembles to a stop. Viego still hasn't moved, but the mist persists around her, swirling into her lap until it resolves itself into a familiar, slim form.
Sanctity, the blade of the Ruined King- the blade of the royal family of Camavor- hovers over her lap. It calls to her, the sibilant hiss of its magic swirling around and through her. Gwen's fingers twitch at her sides, eyes flickering from the blade up to Viego's still, screaming face. She hesitates, wonders what in the world it could possibly mean for the blade to come to her. She has no royal blood to speak of, and the magic she wields came from Isolde. But Isolde had been queen and Gwen her only creation, the closest thing to a child of the royal family that remained. Perhaps such semantics as blood meant little to a blade like this. Her eyes rise to Viego again, teeth pressed against her lip, fingertips hovering over the haft of the blade. Would the semantics of blood, then, matter to him?
They wouldn't have, to the Viego she remembers hazily from before. The one whose life and love revolved around her creator. Her mother, in at least one sense of the word. She came from Isolde, was a part of her, in a way. To that Veigo, perhaps...
Slowly, her fingers take hold of the blade. Instantly, something lashes through her- not quite pain, but not quite nothing. It feels both agonizing and like a gentle, familiar hand at her back, pushing her forward. Light and shadow swirl around her skirt where it's gathered around her legs, but only when the sensation passes is she able to move again, to drag her momentarily half-blind stare from Viego's wrathful countenance. Down to the softly glowing blade, now throbbing a gentle blue in her hands.
"...oh," she murmurs, soft and breathless, uncertain how she should react. Still, her fingers remain tight around the sword, much lighter in her hands than it looks as though it should be. "I..."
Composing herself takes a moment, astonishment making it difficult for her to gather her wits as swiftly as she'd like. Even when she feels less as though her whole world has gone topsy-turvy though, she still has no idea what to do. What to say.
This is the blade of the Royal Family of Camavor. This, the blade says, with a sensation akin to muted disdain, as if her uncertainty is laughable, is now her blade. "I don't know if this was you," she finally resolves to say, looking up at him, Sanctity resting across her upturned palms, "but if it was... if it was, it doesn't make up for what you did. What you've done, all these years. But... but maybe, if you can manage to let go of this..." A deep breath, palms closing, and the blade shrinks, strung onto a piece of mist-made thread and braided securely around her neck. Her fingers touch it lightly as it dangles between her collarbone, the vague stirrings of its authority making themselves at home in the rest of her powers. "Then maybe... maybe there's hope for you yet... father."
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// It's hard to explain, but the Vladimir updated on WR is both better and worse than what we have on LoL PC at the moment.
Like Objectively it is better than what's on PC, no doubt about that. His design is more coherent, his animations more fluid, the silly onion hair is gone and the Camavorian style jewelry he has connects him more to Viego and the land he came from.
But as an Update it falls flat because...like what is the update? Vladimir is supposed to be a dandy character, borderline gaudy with his aesthetics, refined and bored looking like 90 %of the time. Instead he looks young, his aesthetics fit exactly in Noxus, he's covered in iron and/or silver instead of gold, and I'll be honest he looks like one of his followers cosplaying as him.
If you are going to update Vladimir, then update him. Don't sand off his edges.
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ohnoitstbskyen · 2 years
Lunar Beast Viego is just... some guy
With only two skins to choose from (this was written before Viego got King Viego and EDG Viego), picking Lunar Beast as the worst might not seem like much of an indictment, but I really do think this skin is kinda... bad.
Granted, the Lunar Beast skin line isn't really directed at me as a market, maybe it serves another audience, but for me, this is just... some fucking dude in streetwear. Like, in a high concept like "futuristic city warriors battling magic monsters for a moon ritual" skin line it is bizarre to me that all that that apparently looks like is some dude in grey pants and a really basic crop top jacket.
The only visual points of interest are the magic horns and moderately interesting hairdo but other than that he just looks like... an NPC, frankly. It's like his visual language is trying to tell you not to get too interested in him because he only has two voice lines and a fetch quest. I don't know why the skin thinks I should be engaged by him.
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livikattt · 1 year
to celebrate the end of ruination station here are the descriptions for the which ruined summoner are you quiz
After a short break, Baolan has returned to the Summoner life alongside Ning, one of his old teammates when he won the World Championship. Even after winning it all in 2018, Baolan wasn't sure he was worthy of the trophy or the crown that came with it. He desperately wanted to be of help to his teammates, and with JackeyLove already lost to the Mist, he was a prime target for the Ruined King.
Despite being a fox shifter and needing to feed off others' life forces to survive, Chovy has never directly killed anyone. Similarly, despite being one of the best mid laners in the world, he has never won a championship. Years of defeats and the loss of his ex-teammate Keria weren't what did him in, though—it was his own hubris when he attempted to kill the Ruined King on his own.
With a Summoner name like that, it's no wonder that Crown was corrupted. Despite doing the impossible and ending Faker's reign in 2017, Crown hasn't been able to find the happiness he desires so fiercely. Such weaknesses only made him an ideal target for the Ruined King.
After joining the now world-renowned DRX, Deokdam found himself in a tough situation: he was left trying to live up to former DRX AD carry Deft's legacy all while having... disagreements with his new support. The Solari and Lunari have been at each other's throats for as long as anyone can remember, and Deokdam and BeryL are no exception. Strangely, even the ruined Deokdam holds no ill will towards BeryL, or towards anyone for that matter. He simply seems... tired.
Finn hasn't had the easiest few years—after leaving Rogue, he suffered through loss after loss with CLG before returning to Europe to join XL. Though he and his teammates managed to escape their seventh-place curse at long last, they lost a close battle to FNC and failed to qualify for Worlds. Years of disappointment have only made him a better soldier for Viego to control.
JackeyLove is not a monster. He is not insane. But if that's what everyone thinks he is, if that's all they're willing to see when they look at him... it's not like they'll miss him anyway, right? Right? The Ruined King has found uses for JackeyLove's signature ruthlessness and his unnerving ability to control the creatures of the Void, and in turn, JackeyLove has found someone who truly appreciates him for who he is. Or so he thinks.
Having gotten his powers from the Ruined King in the first place, Jiejie was left with only one option in the face of the Ruination: join or die. At least being both a champion and a servant of Viego has its perks: Jiejie isn't just another ruined knight. He's a prince.
Keria never wanted this. He only let himself be ruined in order to save someone else from the same fate—Faker, a Summoner the world can't afford to lose. Keria's unique sacrifice may be the difference-maker in this war. Even now, while he's supposedly under the Ruined King's control, a part of him remains to fight back. He just has to make sure none of the other ruined Summoners figure that part out.
For years, Meiko has served as the support of EDG, one constant in the ever-changing environment. He's seen ADCs come and go, some of which include the world's best like Deft and Viper. But after suffering alone in silence for so long as his teammates leave him one by one, Meiko's final straw comes when Scout and Viper leave EDG. Now there's nothing but hatred where his heart should be, and he will stop at nothing to rip those who dared leave him behind apart.
It was Spica, alongside his four teammates from 2020, that inadvertently freed the Ruined King while bringing Doublelift back to life. In 2020, Spica was left as one of only two survivors of TSM's disastrous Worlds run, and although he's gotten all his old friends back, the hole in his heart hasn't quite sealed. Which is kind of an issue when that's exactly what Viego is counting on.
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hokage · 9 months
For the expression game: A5 with EDG Viego (that skin needs more love fr)
you’re so right it’s one of my favorites… also i got this exact expression and skin twice LMAO
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