cristinabcn · 6 months
COLOMBIA: El FICCI celebra las miradas diversas en su edición 63 y anuncia la selección oficial
COLOMBIA: FICCI celebrates diverse perspectives in its 63rd edition and announces the official selection El FICCI celebra las miradas diversas en su edición 63 y anuncia la selección oficial Del 16 al 21 de abril, el FICCI 63 llega con 170 películas entre largometrajes y cortometrajes, además de una robusta agenda de Industria, Academia y Cine en los Barrios. Bajo la dirección artística de…
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chelseeebe · 1 year
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been wanting to write a menswear inspired lil ficcy for sooo so long n to celebrate the fact that i will finally hear it live after 9 years i thought this was a great time
a/n: i just wanna write a disclaimer that i am british and tend to britain-ise my writing so if it seems off for an american wedding don’t bite me x it’s ovulation week which is the only way i can explain this if i’m honest
summary: meeting steve at an old friend’s wedding could really only lead to one thing, couldn’t it?
18+. smut. alcohol and drug use. steve is a mess. no use of y/n!
steve’s still drunk from the night before, his tie crooked and one of the buttons on his shirt is uneven. he looked even more disheveled than he felt.
he hadn’t been keen on the idea of going to the wedding of his ex girlfriend and the man who essentially took her from him. not that he blames jonathan of course, he wasn’t exactly the gold standard boyfriend. he had his faults and would quite happily admit to them.
but still, it was confusing and weird and he’d tried to get out of it but robin had quite frankly insisted that he be there or else he was a terrible person.
so, as all sensible people would, he got absolutely fucking blasted the night before. he hadn’t meant to get so drunk but catching up with old friends and the kids he once looked after, had lead to him being carried off to his room by his best friend who was mumbling a bunch of profanities under her breath.
he still stank of booze, christ even he could smell it. it lingered on his body despite the twenty minute cold shower he had forced himself through this morning. there had been an attempt to style his hair but it mostly hung around his face in limp strands.
did you know the best way to beat a hangover is to keep drinking? hair of the dog and that. at least, that’s what he was telling himself. nursing a double whisky at the hotel bar at stupid o’clock this morning.
he didn’t have robin to hang off today, left to his own devices as she’d been recruited into the bridal party. her one track mind focussed on nancy and not her absolute failure of a best friend.
the venue was nice, a tad unorthodox and not where he’d choose to get married but it fit the strange pairing in a nice way. slinking up the cold stone of the aisle, trying to find his reserved seat among the crowds of people.
max pulls him into one of the rows, shoving him down on the empty seat with a small scowl on her face. she’d seen him struggling from her seat and had so graciously gone to help the poor man.
‘thanks.. max,’ he groans, nodding at the girl a she settles into his seat, honestly just hoping that the service would go quick so he could resume his pitiful drinking.
he sighs, thumbing through the programme. smiling slightly as he reads the officiants name, el hopper. they had just had to make this the strangest wedding he’d ever have the pleasure of attending.
‘do you know the bride or groom?’ your voice speaks from beside him, it’s the first time he’s realised that he’s actually sat next to anyone and he’s actually not in his own little world of misery.
‘huh?’ he asks, looking up to meet your eyes.
you’re smiling, looking as spritely as he wished he felt. clearly some people hadn’t got wasted the night before. amateurs.
‘do you know the bride or groom? sorry- i don’t really know anyone here,’ giving him a shy chuckle as your cheeks flush, maybe you would have to dip after the ceremony.
‘oh.. oh no, i know both of them.. nancy’s my ex girlfriend,’ he wants to kick himself because what on earth had compelled him to say something like that.
‘oh wow..’ you laugh, ‘not awkward at all then,’ kissing the back of your teeth.
‘it’s actually not.. not really,’ he shrugs, shuffling in his chair to face towards you properly, ‘i mean, if i had a choice i probably would’ve skipped but.. what can you do?’
‘right.. still, i don’t envy you,’ smoothing down the creased material of your dress, a deep green to match the earthy tones of the wedding.
‘d’you wanna know my secret to weddings?’ he smiles, leaning in.
‘mhm hit me.’
‘you just gotta get as drunk as humanly possible and they’re actually not so bad..’
‘isn’t it like..’ you check your wrist watch, ‘it’s noon,’ breaking into a giggle.
‘and that is why i started last night,’ tapping his finger on his temple, he was a genius really.
he wasn’t new to this game. having been forced to a plethora of fancy weddings with his parents and the wave of weddings from high school friends, he was wise to all the tricks in which made weddings bearable.
‘well, i might have to join you.. i don’t know anybody here,’ looking around at the hordes of strangers milling around the large room.
‘why are you here then?’ immediately wincing at his choice of words, ‘shit no.. i meant, do you know nancy? or jonathan? or have you snuck in?’
you giggle again and it’s music to his ears. sat next to a pretty girl who finds him funny? maybe today couldn’t be all that bad after all.
‘i know nancy.. we were roommates at emerson, she’s like.. the only person i’ve kept in contact with.’
he nods, going to speak but is abruptly interrupted by the sound of the organ chiming. your cue to actually start paying attention to the ceremony at hand. he turns his attention to the alter, exhaling heavily.
‘i’m so sorry.. i never asked your name,’ whispering with his body still facing the front, but completely leaning his shoulder into yours.
oh this wedding was about to be so much fun.
you had taken steve’s advice, who’s name you had now learnt, immediately downing a glass of champagne when you got to the reception. hey, if you were going to have to meet a thousand new people tonight, you’d have to be a little buzzed to do it.
it’s no surprise you’ve been shoved onto the singles table, finding your name on the board and slinking off to your corner of the banished. steve already sat slumped over at his seat which was suspiciously next to yours again. he totally hadn’t swapped out stacey’s name card for yours.. never.
you slide into the chair, ‘we have got to stop meeting like this,’ gently nudging his elbow with yours as to not alarm him.
‘huh,’ he smiles, eyes glistening, ‘it must be fate,’ swivelling on the chair to give you his attention.
‘must be,’ raising your eyebrows ever so slightly.
he’s nursing what must be his fifth? sixth? drink, this time opting for something a little more socially acceptable with a beer. if it weren’t an open bar he’d offer to buy you a drink but it seemed a little cheap.
‘so, where are you from?’ he’s utterly intrigued by you, desperate to know everything there is to know.
‘denver and then boston.. for college and now i’m in cincinnati for my job,’ you shrug, feeling immensely coy under his gaze, ‘i take it you’re from indiana like nancy?’
she had spoken about how people mostly stayed in their small town, they’d meet someone in high school and fall into the suburban family life without ever realising it. and then before they knew it, it was too late and they were stuck there. she was determined to not do that.
‘yeah..’ he sounds deflated, thinking of the place he called home, ‘but it’s home i guess..’ he taps on the table, ‘what d’ya do for work?’
‘i’m an editor at a publishing house,’ his expression says that he doesn’t entirely understand, ‘i work with a lot of writers and basically tell them what to do,’ that was the very basic premise of your role but you’d gathered that he probably didn’t actually care much.
‘oh wow.. so you’re boss lady then?’ swigging on the now-warm liquid, he’s listening intently to whatever comes out of your mouth.
‘hah.. not quite,’ fiddling with the tiny name plaque in front of you, ‘one day.. hopefully,’ you were never a fan of talking about yourself, ‘so what do you do?’
he rolls his eyes playfully, ‘work for my dad, i didn’t get into college soo.. he gave me a job,’ eyes wandering to the guests now joining your table, ‘but really i’m just a glorified assistant and even that’s being generous,’ playing off his disappointment with a small laugh.
‘well that doesn’t sound too bad..’ picking up on his demeanour, ‘shall we get another drink before we have to sit through the awful speeches?’
his pretty pink lips curl into a smirk, ‘i like your thinking,’ standing from the table with his hand offered out for you to hold.
‘i-i’ll say a couple words.. c’mon,’ he grins, stepping up towards the small stage, hopper reluctantly passes the mic over to steve, watching apprehensively as he climbs onto the stage.
robin sighs, this could really only go one way and she sure as hell did not want to be in the room to witness it.
there’s a chance that you two had slightly overdone it with the free bar.. you wince watching him up on the stage. the opinions of these people meant absolutely nothing to you but quite obviously did to him.
‘as you all know.. nancy is my ex girlfriend-,’ there’s a collective groan from the audience, ‘but.. but no, that’s not what i came to say.. i wanted to say that-,’ he hiccups into the microphone, ‘that the first time i properly spoke to jonathan, he beat my ass and fuck did it hurt,’ chuckling to himself, ‘but that ass kicking actually.. and you won’t believe it, but it made me a better person and y’know what.. i’m really happy for you,’ he thrusts his glass into the air, ‘so, please join me in a toast to our newly weds.. you deserve it,’ turning to face the cringing couple at the table.
nancy gives him a small smile, it wasn’t exactly shakespearean but the sentiment was nice and he hadn’t embarrassed himself or fallen off the stage head first so she was going to take it as a win.
‘thank you, steve,’ jonathan nods, steve’s sure he can see a tiny smile on his face despite the lousy speech he’d just given.
hopper claps him on the back as he gets off of the stage, taking a mental note to keep an eye on the boy for the rest of the evening. the free bar may not have been the wisest decision after all.
steve collapses into his chair, immediately leaning into you, ‘that was good, right?’ taking a sip of his drink.
‘uh.. yeah, maybe didn’t need to mention the ex girlfriend thing buuut.. i don’t think it was that bad,’ you laugh, watching as he nods in self satisfaction.
‘good, i’m glad you approve,’ his eyes are narrow, glossy as they look back at you, he tilts his glass for you to cheers.
‘cheers.. to a not-so-bad wedding,’ you say, knocking your glasses together.
‘and to new friends,’ he adds, that same grin you’d now become accustomed to after only a few short hours.
‘to new friends.’
you and your new friend had sorta maybe totally took full advantage of the free bar and the tiny bag of magic powder steve had kept in his blazer pocket. it wasn’t something you’d usually indulge in, but the champagne had gone to your head and the party was getting dull so..
‘i just wanna say.. i don’t do this shit all the time,’ using his credit card to push the powder into small lines on the edge of the basin, ‘just for when i need a little pick me up..’
he looks up at you from his hunched over position, he’s half-smiling as he pulls a ten dollar bill from his wallet, fiddling around as he rolls it into a small cylinder, offering it to you.
you’re cramped into one of the tiny cubicles together, your back pressed against the cold wall, ‘mm hmm and me either.. just to clarify,’ carefully placing the half-empty champagne flute down on the sink.
‘ladies first..’ hand brushing against against the small of your back as he stands up, mere inches from your face.
you oblige, bending over to sniff the powder, wincing as it stings on the way up. holding out the note for steve to take, his fingers brushing against yours as he takes the note. perhaps it was the copious amounts of alcohol but you could’ve worn you felt your heart miss a beat.
he stands back up, holding his nose. eyes still very much refusing to leave yours. they’re a beautiful chestnut colour and you’re sure they looked even better with a sober mind.
‘ready to dance?’ you ask, raising your brows.
his tongue peeks out of the corner of his mouth to wet his lips, ‘in a minute,’ your heart pounding in not only your chest, ‘fuck- can i kiss you?’
interrupted by his lips pressing against your own, eyes fluttering shut as his clammy hand finds your waist, pressing himself into your chest.
your arms instinctively wrap around his neck, his tongue glides over your bottom lip, mouth opening for him, as your fingers thread into his hair. he tastes of beer, cigarettes and the mint he’d not-so-sneakily shoved into his mouth before bringing you in here.
it’s all teeth and tongues, his hands getting grabby as they begin to roam around. you so desperately want to jump up onto the sink and let him fuck you into the porcelain right here. pressing your thighs together trying to satiate the growing ache.
you don’t, obviously. his lips chasing yours as you pull back, clawing at the back of his neck, the thumping music of the reception getting louder as someone enters the bathroom.
you put your finger on his lips, willing him not to say a word as the stranger locks themself in the cubicle right next to yours. he’s smirking, pupils blown out from the substance you’d shared. it was exhilarating, pushing his knee between your legs, fingers digging into your sides.
jesus christ, it feels like you’re in this position for eternity. waiting forever for the mystery person to vacate the bathroom. growing impatient as his fingertips dance around your hips, teasing as they tug on your dress.
eventually, they get the fuck out and steve is on your lips again before the door had chance to shut fully. moaning softly into his mouth at the sheer feeling of his thigh brushing against yours. you were a mess and he’d barely touched you yet.
‘shall we.. go? i have a room upstairs,’ mumbling between kisses, not wanting to let go of your lips for too long.
there’s a banging on the door just as he’s managed to slip your dress off. you clutch the material to your chest, covering your dignity in fear of intruders.
‘steve? you in there?’ a woman’s voice calls through the wood.
your eyes widen, absolutely certain that he’d had some hidden girlfriend who was now positively fuming that he’d disappeared with you.
his head slumps as he breathes out, hair brushing against your face, seemingly relieved with whoever was outside, ‘it’s rob.. let me just..’ he clambers off of the bed, ‘she won’t leave until i answer.’
steve swings open the door, met with an unimpressed robin. she’s been scouring the party for the last hour trying to find him. only to find out that he’d last been seen with a girl no one had ever seen before.
‘heyy rob.. everything okay?’ he asks cautiously, well aware that he was shirtless, belt hanging from his pant loops.
‘is everything okay with you? you just disappeared.. what’re you doing in there?’ eyeing his disheveled appearance.
‘ah shit i’m sorry.. i couldn’t find you,’ lies, he hadn’t even looked, far too interested in getting you back to his room.
her eyes narrow, glancing down at the hastily removed heel in the doorway, ‘d’you have a girl in there?’
he frowns at his best friend, ‘wha-? i’m just, going to bed..’ following her gaze to the shoe, ‘yes.. there is.’
you try not to giggle from behind the door, watching as he kicks your shoe backwards into the room.
‘ew,’ she grimaces, ‘why’d you answer the door, you freak.. i’ll see you in the morning,’ scoffing as she walks away.
steve closes the door gently before making his back to the bed, ‘i’m so sorry.. she woulda called the cops if i didn’t answer,’ climbing onto the mattress, sat on his knees in front of you.
‘oh? and she’s your..’ slightly bemused as to who that even was and why she seemed to care so much.
‘best friend,’ he leans in, tugging at the dress still pressed against your chest, ‘so where were we?’ devious smirk painting his face as your grip begins to loosen.
he presses forward, connecting your lips once more, nudging you into laying back, hovering over your body with one hand attempting to wrestle the dress from between your bodies. it lands on the carpet with a soft thud, his hand now free to roam the length of your body, fingers softly brushing over the waistband of your underwear before settling on your thigh. it’s cruel and teasing, you’ve already wasted so much time.
you move your hips upwards, chasing his touch. utterly desperate to feel him again. groaning into his mouth, not bothering to hide your impatience. steve smirks, walking his fingers up toward your hip.
his fingers slip into your carefully chosen panties, choking for air as he pulls back from your lips, ‘holy shit.. you’re soaking,’ still lingering around your aching heat, not doing anything to satisfy the growing wetness.
‘shut up,’ you grumble, pulling him back onto your mouth. rutting your hips to signal how desperate you really are.
he finally gets there, middle and forefinger travelling between your slick folds, rubbing pathetic circles around your clit. you’re grateful for the long awaited release, detaching from his lips to moan.
‘ohh fuck,’ he mutters, feeding off of the delightful sounds coming from your mouth. his cock twitching against your thigh.
‘please,’ you whine, unable to take any more of his incessant teasing. it had gone on for what felt like forever. you blame the various substances for your neediness and the subsequent lack of embarrassment for it.
‘keep begging like that and you can have anything you want,’ rescinding his fingers to tackle his own belt, hastily unbuckling the metal and yanking his suit pants down. boxers coming to rest around his thighs shortly after.
your eyes widen at the sight of his leaking cock springing up. you had felt that he was big but holy shit, this was something else. your surprise doesn’t go unnoticed, his veiny hand fisting his cock as his other hand comes to rest beside your head.
‘i’ll go slow,’ he breathes, eyes hooded as his chestnut eyes gaze into yours. he was used to the apprehension by now. your clammy hands grip onto the back of his neck, feet coming to rest on his lower back. nodding quickly underneath him.
he slides into your cunt achingly slow, his mouth falling open. a strangled sound rumbling from his throat, ‘fuck.. you feel.. so good,’ staying where he was, assessing your reaction before making his next move.
it feels like he’s splitting you open but it’s good. burning desire filling your veins, ‘fuck me..’ you nod, ‘please fuck me,’ becoming accustomed to the feeling of being full, pleading for him to just move.
you don’t have to tell him twice, an animalistic growl escaping as he begins to thrust his hips. he’s still holding back, you can tell but it’s oh so much better than his stagnant pace of before.
your eyes struggle to stay open, eyelids fluttering as he slams into you. hitting the sweet, soft spot you’re sure only he could reach. back arching off of the mattress, sweaty chests colliding, chasing that feeling.
‘oh my god,’ you moan, loud enough for whoever is staying in the adjacent room to hear. it’s filthy, lewd and desperate. the sound of his balls slapping against your supple skin, fastening in response to your encouragement.
‘yeah?’ he pants, reaching his hand around to brush the wild hair from your face. ‘been waiting to do this- nghh.. all fuckin’ day,’ relentless with his tempo, pubic area perfectly catching against your throbbing cult, hurtling you towards your orgasm.
‘fuck,’ you grit, eyes screwed shut. it’s disgusting how the sounds of your cunt fill the room, even worse that it was encouraging him. pounding into your hole ruthlessly, grunting as he nears his own orgasm.
the familiar sensation twists in your stomach, mouth hung open as it’s useless even attempting to muffle yourself. ‘steve..’ you mewl, more as a warning that you were fast approaching your release.
he can feel it, the way you clench around him and the utter mindless babbling coming from your mouth were all too familiar. ‘you gonna come? huh? you wanna come?’ struggling to keep his own composure.
you can’t even verbalise your response, nodding maniacally while your legs squeeze around his waist, keeping him deep inside as you begin to tremble. stomach flipping and your head becoming fuzzy, the tip of his cock nudging against the spongy spot as you come undone around him.
the pleasure is almost overwhelming, tears pricking in your eyes as you writhe against him. ‘shitshitshit,’ whining breathlessly into his ear.
‘oh fuck,’ he barks, beginning to lose his rhythm. hips stuttering as he fills you up, thick ropes of cum painting your walls. pulling out far too late and collapsing on top your sweaty body.
chest rising and falling in time with his as you try to regain your breath, still clinging onto his neck while he buries his face into your shoulder, arms wrapping around your back.
‘oh fuck is right,’ you remark, giggling at his pathetic demeanour. fingers running through his damp hair, his wet lips pressing against the skin of your neck. your mind still too hazy to truly comprehend the implications of him coming inside of you. something for tomorrow you to worry about.
‘i’m sorry,’ he mumbles, cocking his head to finally look up at you, ‘your fault..’ attempting to crack a joke.
‘oh it’s my fault?’
‘oh yeah,’ shifting off of your body and onto the bed slightly, still holding onto your waist. ‘i’d have a baby with you any day,’ wrestling to pull the blanket over your bodies.
you narrow your eyes, resting your head on the soft pillow, choosing to blissfully ignore his comments. the toll of the long day starting to take on your body as your eyes begin to close. snuggling into the side of his body, tangling your leg between his.
‘i wasn’t joking,’ he murmurs sleepily, fingers brushing your back softly.
‘shut up.’
you’re wary of even waking him, wondering if it’d be easier to just slip out unnoticed. maybe you could leave a note on the bedside table for him to find.
no. no, that’d be rude. most one night stands you wouldn’t even be contemplating it, you’d have ran out of there the second you were awake. something felt different with steve.. like maybe you shouldn’t.
you nudge his arm, leaning over his body.
‘steve? steve.. i have to go..’ you coo softly, coaxing him awake.
he jolts, snapping his head in your direction, ‘huh? what?’ squinting as he comes to, head already pounding from the copious amounts of liquor he’d ingested last night.
‘i have to go..’ smiling at his sleepy demeanour.
‘what? no.. no no, where are you going?’ voice heavy with sleep, a whole octave deeper than it was last night.
‘i’ve gotta check out out of my room and drive home.’
he sits up agains the pillow, stretching his arms out with a stifled yawn, ‘now? it’s so early,’ his fingers wrap around your wrist, ‘stay.. ten minutes,’ gently trying to pull you back into the bed with him.
‘it’s a long drive.. i can’t,’ you mutter, standing strong despite the overwhelming urge to just get back into the warm bed with him.
‘let me walk you back then,’ the smooth pad of his thumb tracing along your wrist, ‘gimme like.. five minutes and we can go,’ dropping your arm as he springs out of the bed.
‘you don’t have to.. really,’ you persist, watching as he shimmies into a discarded pair of sweatpants, frantically searching for a clean t-shirt in his suitcase.
‘well i’m going to,’ he pulls it over his messy hair, it had been neglected the last few days and he’d been kicking himself for not looking his best for you.
you simply smile at him, nothing you could say would change his mind so it was easier not to and you weren’t exactly averse to spending more time with him.
he emerges from the bathroom looking slightly more put together, ‘okay i’m ready.. let’s go,’ grabbing his wallet, nearly empty cigarette box and his room key from his discarded pants pocket and grinning.
it’s a comfortable silence on the way back to your room, steve nodding his head at a few wedding guest stragglers who were either doing the exact same thing you were doing or trying to get the hell out of there as quickly as possible.
the atmosphere is pleasant, almost natural as you walk the halls. arms brushing against each other with every step.
‘well, this is me,’ nodding at the basically untouched hotel room. you’d stepped foot in it once to drop your bag off and hadn’t seen it since.
steve’s biting down onto his bottom lip, ‘you really gotta go now?’ sounding a little disappointed.
‘i’m back to work tomorrow.. i’m sorry,’ trying to disguise your own disappointment. realistically, you probably wouldn’t see him again. just a one time, crazy wedding story you would look back on fondly in a few years.
‘i’m not,’ he offers, trying desperately not to let this go. dating in hawkins wasn’t great, and he wasn’t sure that he’d ever find someone like you even if he searched for his entire life. he couldn’t live with himself if he didn’t at least try.
‘oh?’ raising your brows.
‘yanno, i’ve never been to cincinnati before,’ smirking down at you, ‘i was actually thinking of taking a little vacation there.. like, this week?’
the corners of your lips twitch into a smile, ‘you know what? that sounds like a great idea.’
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sssm68 · 17 days
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Lea mi artículo y vota por él!: H.G. Wells, La Guerra de los Mundos y el nacimiento de la ciencia ficción como género pensante - https://peliplat.com/es/article/10023078/H.G.-Wells,-La-Guerra-de-los-Mundos-y-el-nacimiento-de-la-ciencia-ficci%C3%B3n-como-g%C3%A9nero-pensante
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ujjinatd · 2 months
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La FICCI enumera sugerencias a favor de la tecnología blockchain antes del próximo presupuesto sindical: detalles El gobierno indio tiene previsto pr... https://ujjina.com/la-ficci-enumera-sugerencias-a-favor-de-la-tecnologia-blockchain-antes-del-proximo-presupuesto-sindical-detalles/?feed_id=695893&_unique_id=6697621c3b3cb
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leschiquesdelmonton · 3 months
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Toda una Vida de Ficción - Sinopsis (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1456504557-toda-una-vida-de-ficci%C3%B3n-sinopsis?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=clemsinoxigeno INTRO Toda una vida de ficción es una serie de tragicomedia, creada y escrita por Clem Sin Oxígeno (nítidamente conocida como Juliana Ramírez Plazas). Es una historia basada 93% en hechos "r34L3s", con algunas 4n0m4L14s de ficciones. SINOPSIS: TODA UNA VIDA DE FICCIÓN Jules Anyways es una joven de treinta y pico años, que vive entre las ficciones que escribe, con un humor muy literal, soñadora y enamoradiza de los detalles. Pasa por una crisis vital tras no lograr durante muchos años que sus historias se hagan realidad como ella soñó. Y remata cuando su productora le dice que ya no pueden financiar la 2da temporada de su serie Les Chiques del Montón. Es shock le provoca una crisis nerviosa y al otro día despierta en un nuevo mundo: WE ME LAND! En este pueblo conviven y transitan los personajes de diferentes historias creadas por Jules en la vida "real", el problema es que Jules empieza a vivir allí sin recordar que son sus creaciones. EL PROPÓSITO DE LA VIDA REAL En la vida real el propósito de narrar esta autoficción es tener la oportunidad de compartir todo mi universo creativo, ya que mi sueño es poder crear una experiencia en un mapa interactivo donde les personajes y las historias se conecten unas con otras: en un multiverso. Narrando de esta manera salgo de la quietud (miedo/pasmo a volver a visibilizar mi trabajo), ya que durante 15 años he tratado de compartir mis historias y todavía no logro que se mantenga el ritmo de trabajo porque no consigo la financiación de esta maravillosa historia expandida. Mi objetivo es lograr revivir nuestra serie Les Chiques del Montón y llevarla al siguiente nivel y que antes de mis 40 pueda rodar mi primera película: La Guarrior. ¿Qué te parece? ¿te sumas a esta aventura?
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escribirsiempre · 4 months
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Ha muerto Maradona - Una ficción elevante (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1447899205-ha-muerto-maradona-una-ficci%C3%B3n-elevante?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=NicolsGuglielmetti ¿Cómo se escribe una vida después de la muerte? ¿Desde dónde se relata la vida de alguien que ya no está? ¿Cómo se cantan las gestas de quien solo queda en el recuerdo? ¿Cómo se responden esos interrogantes cuando el que está ahora ausente es (o fue) un D10s? Estas preguntas son las que parecen recorrer el décimo libro de Nicolás Guglielmetti. Preguntas que, desde la incertidumbre que da la pasión una vez que se calmaron los ánimos, y desde la recuperación técnica de una poética noventera, buscan ser respondidas abordando la mayor cantidad de aristas, afrontando el mito en su complejidad misma, y gambeteando (si se me permite el verbo) entre la devoción, la polémica, y las imágenes con las que atacan los paganos. Así, entonces, Guglielmetti, se bifurca, se duplica, se hace un yo y también otro. Escribe, por un lado, como un relator: como un biógrafo que va recolectando postales, escenas de Maradona vistas en tercera persona, desde los ojos de sus fieles, de sus devotos, que se quedaron con la memoria de su paso por esta tierra, repitiendo la oración de sus milagros, guardando con cuidado los talismanes desperdigados, y celando la proximidad sanguínea de sus descendientes y familiares. Estos textos, también, son los de la escena pública, la de los bares, las playas, las canchas y, por supuesto, los diarios y la televisión. Son los de la voz citada, repetida, divulgada.
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usuallywisestarlight · 5 months
“Estar en un set de rodaje es para experimentar las emociones reales” 
Foto hecha por: Nikole Ramirez La casa de papel, Física o Química, Sky rojo, Toy boy y Zorro son algunas de las producciones que ha dirigido Javier Quintas, invitado al Festival de Cine de Cartagena de Indias (FICCI) en su edición 63, un espacio creado para compartir experiencias y conversar con el público presente.  Javier Quintas, inició como asistente y con los años empezó su carrera como…
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whileiamdying · 5 months
El cineasta Asghar Farhadi: “el cine hay que hacerlo con el corazón”
El director iraní estuvo presente en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Cartagena de Indias donde aseguró que muchas películas, pese a estar bien logradas técnicamente, “no tienen alma”
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Asghar Farhadi en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Cartagena de Indias Especial
EFE EN CARTAGENA 20/04/2024 14:07
El director de cine iraní Asghar Farhadi, ganador de dos premios Oscar y un Globo de Oro, dijo este jueves en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Cartagena de Indias(FICCI) que “las películas hay que hacerlas con el corazón del artista” para que conecten con el público.
Farhadi, uno de los invitados especiales del FICCI, aseguró que muchas películas, pese a estar bien logradas técnicamente, “no tienen alma, no tienen corazón, no tienen sentimientos”.
“Si el realizador de la cinta no hace el filme con el alma entonces no se genera esa conexión con el público que determina que la cinta trascienda o se vaya al olvido”, dijo.
Este cineasta iraní se ha ganado un lugar en el cine mundial porque en sus filmes reflexiona sobre la condición humana para lo cual confía en su sensibilidad para captar situaciones y crear los personajes de sus historias, la mayoría muy relacionadas con la cotidianidad humana.
“Si uno no logra sentir a los personajes como personas, si uno no puede decir que tal personaje le recuerda al hermano o al padre, parece como si hubiera una distancia entre el observador, el personaje y la película”, agregó.
Durante una charla en el Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española de Cartagena explicó que son las pequeñas decisiones, las que puede parecer que no son relevantes, “las que pueden conllevar a grandes problemas y dificultades en nuestra vida”.
“Así que con base en esta idea yo procuro en casi todas mis películas que la primera complejidad empiece con algo pequeño, una pequeña decisión o una pequeña frase”, apostilló.
En España como en casa
Farhadi (1972) recibió los dos premios de la academia a Mejor Película de Habla no Inglesa por Nader y Simin, una separación (2011) y El Cliente (2016).
Entre su filmografía también está Todos lo saben (2018), A propósito de Elly (2009), Beautiful City (2004), y su ópera prima Dancing in the Dust (2003).
“El objetivo de hacer películas fuera de mi país era permitirme conocer otras culturas y a otras personas de todo el mundo, y una de las culturas que me encanta es la española porque me parece muy rica, muy emotiva”, destacó Farhadi.
Aseguró que en España se siente “como en casa”, pues “los españoles a nivel emocional se parecen mucho a los iraníes; son muy amables, cálidos y familiares”.
En España vivió durante el rodaje de la cinta Todos lo saben (2018), interpretada por Penélope Cruz y Javier Bardem, y pese a que estaba solo se sintió muy bien porque descubrió que “las relaciones interpersonales entre los españoles se parecen mucho a las relaciones de las personas en Irán, que se unen mucho en ese ambiente familiar”.
“Rodar en España fue una muy buena experiencia porque al elenco y al equipo que tenía les importaba mucho que todo saliera bien, realmente me la pasé muy bien allí”, apuntó.
Este cineasta, del que el director artístico del FICCI, el alemán Ansgar Vogt, dice que es un “maestro del desarrollo de personajes que crea empatía con su audiencia”, recordó que una de sus más maravillosas experiencias fue haber trabajado con la pareja de esposos Bardem-Cruz, “ellos realmente se entregaron completamente a la película”.
“Ellos fueron más que mi elenco, se volvieron mi familia, yo estaba solo en España y ellos se acercaron a mí, me apoyaron muchísimo y son unos increíbles profesionales, me encanta trabajar con ellos, seguimos en contacto”, aseguró.
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Libro de Sueños: Cuentos de Ciencia Ficción y Ficción Especulativa - Datos del Autor (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/914608797-libro-de-sue%C3%B1os-cuentos-de-ciencia-ficci%C3%B3n-y?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=VictorDLopez&wp_originator=yhFYwezKd7AXK6YCVgTYCvQ6AEKOlm8rqTCfwE7CIj3rMdLbyWElEUIYZGre7aOlT2gadWZLTDqm16Bx6QNOaQWSx4co8Qs9h1Nqz%2BIk4UaS38EbF%2FqzE2nxEcqVbtwu ¿Qué precio pagarías por volver a una encrucijada en tu vida cuando cometiste un error terrible que te cambió la vida? ¿Renunciarías a una vida no satisfecha por la posibilidad de conseguir la felicidad virtual en una realidad alternativa generada por computadora? ¿Sacrificarías todo si pudieras alcanzar el conocimiento absoluto? Si es así, ¿podrías vivir con el conocimiento que obtuviste? Se dice que ninguna persona es una isla, pero ¿qué pasa si incluso el ser menos preciado entre nosotros es un dios por derecho propio? Si un visitante extranjero te ofreciera una vida repleta de salud el regalo de la telepatía a cambio de un pequeño servicio, ¿aceptarías rápidamente? Si la conciencia utiliza solo una pequeña parte de nuestro cerebro, ¿qué función cumple realmente la parte más grande, supuestamente no utilizada? Estas son algunas de las preguntas exploradas en esta colección de relatos breves de ciencia ficción y ficción especulativa que investiga la interrelación entre los sueños y la realidad, la naturaleza de la realidad en sí misma y los peligros que conlleva la búsqueda decidida del cumplimiento de deseos con consecuencias inesperadas. La mayoría de los relatos cortos publicados aquí se escribieron y revisaron durante un período de más de treinta años (1977-2011) y, con la excepción de "Dormir . . . a Caso Soñar" no se han publicado anteriormente en la edición original en ingles. Todos estos cuentos fueron escritos en ingles y traducidos al español por el autor con algunos cambios menores.
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alejandrisimalunar · 1 year
El universo está demasiado ocupado, ocúpate tú de tu existencia.
Marzo en mi primer ficci
En mi primer viaje de amigas
En este viaje
En esta vida
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chrancecriber · 2 years
1.FM - Chillout Lounge Radio (February 12, 2023)
23:59 Ficci - Edge Of The Night 23:53 Puff Dragon - Lava 23:49 Karen Souza - Do You Really Want To Hurt Me 23:46 Urban Phunk Society - Spring 2 Summer 23:41 Arrojas - Didascalias 23:35 Jazz L'amour - Summer Dreams - See The Light Mix 23:29 Royspop - Mid Summer Nights (Luxury Deluxe Del Mar Mix) 23:23 Ohm-g & Bruno - One 23:17 Soft Wave - Plenitude Part 2 23:11 San Martino - Es Cavalett (Piano Dream Mix) 23:07 Autopilot - Seen It All 23:03 Mel. T Waters - Glass Reflections 22:57 Bedroom Surfer - Make It Happen - Meet Her At Costa Del Sol Mix 22:52 Jjos - One More Night 22:46 Joey Fehrenbach - Particles 22:42 Ben Leela - Dreaming A Dream 22:35 Chicane - Low Sun 22:29 Soleil Fisher - Beautiful Nights In Ibiza (Tribute To Cafe Del Mar Mix) 22:25 Omega3 & Guitarigi - Food (Original) 22:18 Rue Du Soleil - Troya 22:12 Night Traffic - Rain 22:09 Gabriel Le Mar - Seaside (Original Vrsion) 22:04 Sinan - 99 Reasonsfeat. Omenzeter 21:57 Sven Andersson Iii - Journey To Your Soul (Cosmic Cycle Buddha Lounge Bar Mix) 21:53 The Weeknd - Earned It 21:45 Rediophonic - Desert Wind 21:45 Costes - Stéphane Pompougnac - Green Tree 21:40 Sam Swift - Wonderful World 21:35 Kitty The Bill - Cabriolet Tour 21:28 Sin Plomo & Torsten Stenzel - Sweet Suffering 21:22 Bright And Beautiful - Night Rains (Sound Of Ibiza Mix) 21:17 Rhodescreen - Peace System (Original Mix) 21:12 Solanos - Shameless 21:05 Joey Fehrenbach - Edison Cylinder 21:00 The Essence - Serpentine 20:55 Remote - Postcard 20:49 Night Loungers - A Little Lazy Morning In Paris - French Kiss Del Mar Instrumental 20:44 Miro - The Cure 20:37 4tunes - In The Middle 20:32 Moon De Lounge - La Mer Se Calme ( Mounier Oriental Sunset Dub Mix) 20:28 Five Seasons - In Your Town 20:21 Alex Paterson - Flex-e-fun 20:16 Mirrored - Stand Still 20:09 Laid Back - Sunshine Reggae (Peter Visti's & Stella Polaris Remix) 20:04 Green Lemon Feat Magica Fe - 11 O Clock (Pure Beach Cut) 20:00 Emapea - Laka 19:54 Sweet Velvet - Recalling The Rising Sun 19:48 Blank & Jones With Jason Caesar - Hideaway 19:42 Maricopa - Sun Scope 19:37 Listening Deluxe - Guitar Dreams (Short Aqua) 19:33 Andras & Oscar - (I Know) What You Want 19:29 Afterlife - How Does It Feel 19:21 Chilloutlounge - Track 3 19:15 Pusteblume - Cold As Ice (Beautiful Chillout Mix) 19:08 Salt Tank - Sargasso Sea 19:02 Jazzy Pecada - Slow Down 18:57 Rae & Christian - Still Here 18:52 Melibea - Lamento (Al Ponerse El Sol) 18:47 07 - Paradise Circus 18:45 William Orbit - Love My Way 18:38 Rue Du Soleil - Essential Feelings 18:32 Jjos - Let It Go (Remix) 18:29 Sued - Feel Me 18:24 Conjure One - Make A Wish 18:18 Lullaby Lounge - Chill Del La Mer (Blank Cafe Relax Mix) 18:13 Dab - Pure Joy 18:07 Joey Fehrenbach - Untouchable (Feat. Vi Flaten) 17:56 Pines - Tell Me (Feat. Water Park) 17:50 4tunes - Where Are You Now (Feat Hed) (Kandi Hotel Enigma Mix) 17:44 Good Chillaz - No Motion (Jazz Relax Mix) 17:40 Gelka Feat. Phoenix Pearle - Flying On Clouds 17:35 Ac - Meditarrean Sundance 17:27 Groove Armada - Inside My Mind 17:23 Pete Tong & Chris Cox - Ku Da Ta 17:19 Starlive Cafe - Playa Del Mar (Chillout Mix) 17:14 Gold Lounge - Only A Dream 17:09 Chillwave - Massage Del Mar (Beach Cafe Mix) 17:02 Moon De Lounge - Melodia Amore - Buddha Lounge Bar Chillout Mix 16:57 Shakrag - From Singapore To Ibiza (Tribute To Cafe Del Mar Mix) 16:52 Bay Area - Santa Monica Blvd (No 17 Mix) 16:46 Synthetic Substance - Unreal 16:40 Future Loop Foundation - Monika's Summer 16:34 Koolsax - Evasion 16:29 Coyoteeve Feat Saro - Tribastone 16:24 Merge Of Equals - Clear Blue Sky (Original Mix) 16:20 Alex Baratini - My Play (Chill Out Mix) 16:15 Noel - Chalito - Ibiza Chillhouse Lounge Mix 16:09 Miraflores - Waves Of Love 16:04 Atjazz - Storm 15:58 Mamani - Glowing Desert (Aloe Trumpet Mix) 15:51 Oxen Butcher Feat. Lisa Eaton - Love & Happiness (Original Mix) 15:45 Lounge Worship - Above All (Instrumental) 15:41 Sofa Surfers - Sofa Rockers (Richard Dorfmeis 15:34 Magic Waves Feat. Mirjam - Tonight 15:29 Triangle Sun - Beautiful 15:25 Bop - Enjoy The Moment (Unquote Remix) 15:19 Steen Thottrup - El Alba 15:13 Lemonjazz - Gypsy Woman (Erotic Bedroom Affairs Lounge Chill Mix) 15:08 Beach Armada - Ocean Eyes (Oriental Chill Groove Cafe Mix) 15:02 Freemasons - Love On My Mind 14:57 James Bright - Be 14:52 Peter Pearson - It's In The Stars (Original Mix) 14:47 Sleepingroom Armada - Hope (Feat Inocencia Comas) (Easy Erotic Groove Lounge Mix) 14:42 Manoa - Walk This Way 14:37 Alex Cortiz - Fingerprints 14:32 Coastline - Adriatic Sea - Dj Lounge Del Mar Vs. Milews Ambience Mix 14:29 Ultraviolet - Ready Or Not (Chilled Out Mix) 14:24 Saigenji - No Meio Da Chuva 14:19 Moorcheeba - Moog Island 14:12 Wharmton Rise - The Augur Revisited 14:09 Dr. Meaker - Need Love 14:02 Dj Disse - Walk On The Wild Side 13:55 The Man Behind C. Feat.debora Vilchez - Fluye 13:50 Gary B - Set Me Free 13:42 Space Manoeuvres - The Seventh Planet (Leama & Moor Mix) 13:37 Bright And Beautiful - Night Rains - Sound Of Ibiza Mix 13:30 Phil Mison - Lula 13:26 Coastline - Adriatic Sea (Dj Lounge Del Mar Vs. Milews Ambience Mix) 13:20 Blue Six - Love Yourself 13:17 Chris Malinchak - So Good To Me 13:10 Caya Levantado - Caribbean Daydreaming ( Jazzy Del Mar Cafe Lounge Mix0 13:06 3 Liquid Hz - Metropolitan 13:00 Pep Llado Feat. Antonio Martin - Vai Vedere 12:57 Claes Rosen & Natalie Peris - Stay 12:52 Coronado (Pianofly Mix) - Bay Area 12:46 Timewarp Inc - Epic Tones Feat Rxn (Sundayman 12:41 Phillip Ashmore - Luxury Living 12:36 Va - For Want Of Her 12:32 Aaron Bass - On The Beach 12:27 Cdm - Many Rivers To Cross 12:23 Amethystium - Calantha 12:17 Polished Chrome - Mala (Original Mix) 12:13 Jupiter Jack - Blank Space 12:08 Jeff Woodal - Silver Birch 12:03 Out Of Sight - Comfort (Afterlife Mix) 11:57 Paco Fernבndez - Al Lado Del Mar 11:52 Liedschatten - Seaside (Original Mix 2006) 11:47 Mahoroba - Faire On Tour (Jazzmatic Lounge Mix) 11:44 Lowland - Cafe Del Mar 11:40 The Angelica Project - Another Skin 11:33 Euphonic Traveller - Cafe Champs Elysees 11:27 Green Lemon Feat Magica Fe - 11 O Clock (Pure Beach Cut) 11:22 Jo Manji - Lazy Loungin 11:15 Matenda - Orphean Layback Remix 11:11 Ben Leela - Dreaming A Dream 11:07 Dreamscape - Electric Emotion 11:03 Vibraphile - Waiting For You (Instrumental) 10:57 Nimino - The Back Of Your Hands (Ft. Ashe) 10:53 Moon Tribe - Moon Tribe 10:48 Peter Pearson - Smooth Talking (Moonrise) 10:41 Jjos & Fede Garcia - Foolish Game (Feat Deary's) 10:34 Lux - So La Ra Dsa 10:28 Atb - Remember That Day 10:24 A$ap Rocky - L$d 10:19 Dj Pippi - A Touch 10:15 Triangle Sun - Beautiful 10:10 Farbor Resande Mac - Stockholmsnatt 10:04 Jjos - Lonely (Feat. María La Caria) Manu López-saxo (Lounge Mix) 10:01 Tall Paul Vs Inxs - Precious Heart 09:54 Fenomenon - Pacific Memories 09:48 Avalona - Empty Streets 09:42 Mobymusic - Whispering Wind 09:36 Massive Gold - Follow Me (Feat Jaywee) (Chillout Del Mar Cafe Instrumental) 09:30 Philip Aniskin - Evening On The Waves 09:24 Liquid Kings - Hang Up, Feel Free (Lounge Mix) 09:16 Ibiza - Ibiza Blues Swing 09:12 Flamingo - My Friend (Mercer & Gissal Chilled Version) 09:08 Lemon Sol - Beautiful Morning (Piano Cafe Chillout To Ibiza Del Mar) 09:02 Jjos - Heartbeat (Balearic Club Mix) 08:57 Lange - Frozen Beach 08:50 Bent - Swollen (Napoleon Remix) 08:45 Sunset People - Summer Madness (White Sand Cut) 08:40 Vargo - The Moment 08:35 Melibea - Jam In Dawn 08:31 Vio Beach - Piano Chillout (Ambient Dream Mix) 08:27 P.m F.m - Chinchilla 08:18 Little Big Bee - Searchin' (At Jazz Remix) 08:14 Roberto Sol - Miles Beyond 08:08 Afterlife & Kid Stone - Sleazebag 08:05 Synkro - Memories Of Love 07:57 Detson Engeneering - Wonderland 07:52 Orange Music - Islandlover (Monotonic Trip Mix) 07:47 Erotic Lounge Deluxe - Gimme The Night 07:42 Mark Gorbulew's Manhattan Groove - Dreamsville 07:36 Various - The Cure (Sunshine Mix) 07:32 Ling Ludd - Waterfront Dub 07:26 Nujazzy - On A Sunday Morning (Facebook Affair Mix) 07:19 Chillsurfer Armada - Relax Your Mind (Cafe Buddha Del Mar Luxury Lounge) 07:14 Mastermind - Wanna Give You Shelter 07:09 Kaxamalka - True Vibe 07:05 Bryan El - Ascension 06:56 Saint Etienne - Only Love Can Break Your Heart - Andrew Weatherall Mix 06:52 Fidelity - You Don't Know 06:49 Nouvelle Vague - Love Will Tear Us Apart 06:44 Thievery Corporation - Transcendence 06:38 Victor G. De La Fuente Feat. S - Tu Despertar (Original Chill M 06:32 Klangstein - Deep Dive (Original Mix) 06:27 Gary B - Set Me Free 06:23 Shakes Seven - Best Friends 06:17 Jjos - Foolish Game (Feat. Deary's) (Evolution Vocal Mix) 06:08 Tactful - No Fear 06:02 Alex Cortiz - Ibiza Trumpet Thing 05:59 Cold Blue - Underwater Love 05:53 Green Lemon Feat. Bernd Langer - Rauchy Stranger 05:47 Smooth Deluxe - Ibiza Sundown (Cafe Buddah Mix) 05:43 Va - Serpentine 05:39 Vibrasphere - Tierra Azul (Omnimotion Feat. Krister Linder Remix) 05:35 Synthetic Substance - Eternity 05:29 Lenny Mac Dowell - Zanzibar Feeling 05:21 Universe Music - Guitar Beach Lounge 05:15 Sly - Like Love (Original Mix) 05:08 Bong & Eddie M - Rain From The Suite 902 (Original) 05:07 Moby - Everything Is Wrong 05:01 Exit Mars - Gliding (Comfort Version) 04:56 Sunsea - Light The Fire 04:50 Cafe Del Mar - Leftfield - Fanfare Of Life 04:45 Flume Feat. Andrew Wyatt - Some Minds 04:39 Schwarz & Funk - Night Over Bangkok 04:33 Lounge Aura - Something (Geronimo Chillout Mix) 04:21 New Beginning - Another Day 04:16 The Sura Quintet - Lampedusa (Sunset Session) 04:10 Coastline - Adriatic Sea - Lounge Cafe Chillout Del Mar Mix 04:06 Jjos - Breathe 04:00 Sweet Velvet - La Realidad (Feat. Debora Vilchez) (Ibiza Del Mar Cafe Lounge Vocal Mix) 03:54 Dj Milews - Children (Ambient Del Mar Winter Cafe Mix) 03:48 Blue Chakra - Free From You (Half Tempo Long Chill Mix) 03:44 Vanilla - Dreamcatcher 03:38 Aural Float - Still Here 03:33 Scott Simmons - Children (Mediterr-asian Chill Mix) 03:29 Plasma - Spring 03:22 Martin Bro - To Lose Part 03:17 Sleepingroom Armada - Hope - Easy Erotic Groove Lounge Mix 03:13 Noise Boyz - With My Own Eyes (Keys Of Da Sea Mix) 03:07 Réve De Cabaret - Trust Me 03:01 Leaking Shell - After Hour 02:55 Balearic Lounge Boyz - Leaving Home (Feat. Guitaragi) 02:49 Peter Linski Experience - Everything Flows 02:43 Bedroom Surfer - Make It Happen ( Meet Her At Costa Del Sol Mix) 02:38 Lux - Head Centre 02:33 Steven Solveig - Boa Noite 02:23 Mysticage - The Lips Of The Sun (Original) 02:14 Joey Fehrenbach - Grandfather 02:09 Un Homme Et Une Femme - Une Rose Pour Emily (Cafe Hotel French Del Mar Mix) 02:04 Gelka Feat. Phoenix Pearle - Million Nights 02:00 Faith Hill - Love Ain't Like That 01:56 The Fairchild - Piano Colors 01:50 Phil Mison - Lula 01:45 Va - Majorca 01:36 Aural Float - Dreamer's Dream 01:30 Ohm-g - Relax 2 The Max 01:25 T Mo - La Ritournelle 01:23 Isan - No. 1 (Lent Et Douloureux) 01:19 A$ap Rocky - L$d 01:13 Pilgrims Of The Wind - Nothing Can Pull Us Apart 01:09 York - Bye Bye Baby (Chill Out Mix) 01:04 Chris Coco Meets Afterlife - Home 00:58 De Clive-lowe, Mark - Day By Day 00:52 Sangar - My Breeze 00:46 Vargo - Get Back To Serenity 00:40 Pacator - Tränen (Marcielo Ambient Mix Instrumental) 00:35 Jjos - Body & Soul 00:30 Riccardo Eberspacher - I Feel Love 00:27 K Vassiliadis Ft. Marien - Den Efiges Lepto (Dub Mix) 00:22 Limelight - Oxygene 4 00:16 Tosca - Mango Di Bango 00:12 Karminsky Experience Inc - Departures 00:06 Naoki Kenji - Bedtime 00:01 Luxury Traveller - Eagle Will Rise Again
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cristinabcn · 6 months
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(vía COLOMBIA: El FICCI celebra las miradas diversas en su edición 63 y anuncia la selección oficial)
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qeeso97 · 4 years
No soy de aquí, lo sé, donde habito la música mueve al tiempo, y la flora es empoderada, rebrota y avanza sin temor a ser conquistada, donde floto y me mecen, me sumerjo y aguanto, donde descanso es donde las aves no me tocan, abrazan, las luces te llevan, con la libertad de que lo gris, no opacara el destello decoherente que lo alcance.
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matososorio · 5 years
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Cancelaron el FICCI, entonces a leer que el #marzoasiático no para #Cartagena #SiPudieraCambiarlos #TorikaebayaMonogatari (en Cartagena De Indias, Colombia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9tv1DApNzP/?igshid=zwpyx4w167v8
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escribirsiempre · 4 months
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Ha muerto Maradona - Una ficción elevante (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1447899205-ha-muerto-maradona-una-ficci%C3%B3n-elevante?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=NicolsGuglielmetti ¿Cómo se escribe una vida después de la muerte? ¿Desde dónde se relata la vida de alguien que ya no está? ¿Cómo se cantan las gestas de quien solo queda en el recuerdo? ¿Cómo se responden esos interrogantes cuando el que está ahora ausente es (o fue) un D10s? Estas preguntas son las que parecen recorrer el décimo libro de Nicolás Guglielmetti. Preguntas que, desde la incertidumbre que da la pasión una vez que se calmaron los ánimos, y desde la recuperación técnica de una poética noventera, buscan ser respondidas abordando la mayor cantidad de aristas, afrontando el mito en su complejidad misma, y gambeteando (si se me permite el verbo) entre la devoción, la polémica, y las imágenes con las que atacan los paganos. Así, entonces, Guglielmetti, se bifurca, se duplica, se hace un yo y también otro. Escribe, por un lado, como un relator: como un biógrafo que va recolectando postales, escenas de Maradona vistas en tercera persona, desde los ojos de sus fieles, de sus devotos, que se quedaron con la memoria de su paso por esta tierra, repitiendo la oración de sus milagros, guardando con cuidado los talismanes desperdigados, y celando la proximidad sanguínea de sus descendientes y familiares. Estos textos, también, son los de la escena pública, la de los bares, las playas, las canchas y, por supuesto, los diarios y la televisión. Son los de la voz citada, repetida, divulgada.
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El limbo artístico plasmado por la IA para el Ficci 62
Por: Nikole Juliana Ramirez Ramirez Comunicadora Social y Periodista “La creación de los afiches ha sido un ejercicio gratificante, dada su calidad estética, cromática y emocional, pero es inevitable que esa gratificación esté cruzada por el temor a impensables destinos para la Inteligencia Humana y a la distorsión potencial de la evolución de la especie”. Se expresa en su página de Facebook…
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