wineup-es · 9 months
Bodegas Emilio Moro presenta la personalidad de la uva Godello con tres de sus vinos
La Revelía 2020, El Zarzal 2021 o Polvorete 2022 serán el maridaje perfecto para brindar este verano La mejor forma de descubrir la singularidad del terroir berciano con la tradición vitivinícola de la bodega vallisoletana   Hace ya diez años que Bodegas Emilio Moro se enamoró perdidamente de la godello tras el primer sorbo. En una zona vitivinícola con muchísimo potencial y una variedad que…
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o-estado-brasileiro · 2 years
Odebrecht: STF mantém travado processo de delatores que tentam reaver bens confiscados
Odebrecht: STF mantém travado processo de delatores que tentam reaver bens confiscados
Delatores da Lava Jato, capitaneaos por Emílio Odebrecht tentam, sem resultados, reaver bens confiscados. O Supremo Tribunal Federal tirou as esperanças dos delatores da Lava Jato que tentam reaver os bens legalmente confiscados, tentando se aproveitar dos pareceres do próprio STF que, numa orquestração entre a PGR, através de Algusto Aras, o próprio STF e um um grupo de advogados petistas,…
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filipinfodump · 3 months
Hi, I want to ask if you have any topics about the Philippine-American War? I have gotten myself in Philippine History and I want to know deeper. Thanks:)
I was thinking of many ways on how to answer this because this is such a large and complicated topic but I could just try to summarize some stuff here and tell you what I know and what I could find.
The Filipino-American war mainly started as Filipinos felt betrayed by their former American allies after the country was sold to them by Spain after the Spanish-American war during the Treaty of Paris of 1898 for $20 million alongside other Spanish colonies like Puerto Rico, Guam, and Cuba (American Historical Association, n.d.). This feeling of betrayal had come from the fact that the leader and dictator president of the Filipino revolutionaries, Emilio Aguinaldo of the Kataastaasang Kagalang-galang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan (en. The Supreme and Honorable Association of the Children of the Nation) or the Katipunan for short, actually sought assistance from the Americans in Hong Kong during the Filipino Revolutionary War against Spain which was happening at the same time (Kedmey, 2013). This is why tensions were so high with the Americans when they first formally colonized the Philippines.
Interestingly, the purchase also included some territories that weren't actually part of Spanish rule such as the Sultanate of Sulu as well as some indigenous territories which led to a strained relationship with the Americans moving forward such as the independent Moros of Muslim Mindanao later being forced to assimilate to the rest of the colony of the Philippines despite previous agreements that state that they will leave them alone, mirroring the way the United States government treated Native Americans (Gowing, 1968).
Fighting between the American army and the Filipino army first broke out when on February 4, 1899 after Private William W. Grayson fired at 4 Filipino soldiers who cocked their rifles in response to them ordering the men to halt which later broke out into the Battle of Manile of 1899 (Chaput, 2012). As the Filipinos and Americans declared war on each other, the Katipuneros resorted to the mountains to start guerilla warfare against the American army (Philippine-American War, n.d.) which then lasted until 1901 when Aguinaldo was captured on March 23, 1901, just a day after Aguinaldo's birthday actually with the capture being attributed to two of his men, Lazaro Segovia and Hilario Tal Placido who betrayed him to the Americans with his other men still being too relaxed from the festivities the day before (Ocampo, 2010).
The fighting continued despite his capture and surrender until the last of the generals, General Macario Sakay, surrendered in July 14, 1906 who was then later executed along side his men on September 13, 1907 despite the initial promise of amnesty by the American government (Pangilinan & Pimintel, 2008).
The war ended the lives of 4,300 American soldiers with only 1,500 having been killed in action with the rest succumbing to diseases, while Filipino forces suffered 20,000 casualties alongside the death of 200,000 Filipino civilians due to hunger, disease, and combat (Philippine-American War, n.d.).
The violence of the situation and especially committed by the American soldiers prompted a lot of protests in the United States to stop the war immediately, as letters of the situation had been sent back to their homes which describes in excruciating detail the war crimes that these soldiers were ordered to commit such as blockading and burning down villages, extreme torture of captured and suspected enemies, and much more. The most well-known of these torture methods that I remember being taught to us in history classes as early as 4th grade was the "Water Cure" where American soldiers would force water down the victim's throat in and force them to vomit it back out. This article has a detailed account of the exact nature of this torture method as it discusses the torture of Mayor Joveniano Ealdama of Igbaras, who, although no American troop was actually hurt in his town, was tortured with his town being burnt down by the Americans the very next day (Vestal, 2017).
I do have to be honest, I was utterly shocked at how little Americans really knew about the Philippine American colonial era and by extension the Philippine-American war especially with the sheer amount of brutality the Americans had done to Filipino locals as well as the large impact the American government and American culture has had in my country and I am glad that more and more people are starting to learn more about this but it's still rather disappointing.
Videos on the Philippine-American War
If you want to learn more about the Philippine-American War, I have a couple of recommendations for videos that you can watch.
This video by Crash Course explains the origins of American Imperial idealization as well as the wars that led up to the colonization of the many territories that America acquired during this time era:
Here's a good summary by history teacher Mr. Beat of the major aspects of the war as well as the American public's perception of it that you can watch:
Here's a video made with a Filipino-perspective by Jonas Tayaban on the topic:
Here's a summary in Tagalog. It doesn't have English subtitles though but it does detail more things about the build-up and the subsequent wars between Spain and America and later the Philippines and Spain and then America too:
Movies about the Philippine-American War
I would also be remiss to not suggest some historical movies that tackle the events of this time period and especially TBA Studios' Artikulo Uno films Heneral Luna (2015) which focuses on the most popular and effective general of the revolution Gen. Antonio Luna, and Goyo: Ang Batang Heneral (2018) which focuses on Gregorio "Goyo" del Pilar, one the youngest generals of Filipino history who died a very tragic death at a young age:
You can watch the full movie here complete with English Subtitles
Another well-known movie about this time period is Viva Films' El Presidente (2012), although I had heard people say it's very much biased to the controversial dictator president Aguinaldo's side with many people citing that as the reason why they don't like the film.
Here's a reupload of the full-movie. It doesn't have subtitles though.
I don't know of any American-made movies that focuses on this topic and I know there's several other films that focus more on the politics of the Katipunan and the Filipino Revolutionary War against Spain, but not necessarily the Philippine-American War so if anyone has other suggestions, please let me know.
I would also like to suggest documentaries but most of the ones I've seen are on World War II and the others are other YouTube videos by history channels that I'm not too familiar with made by mostly white American YouTubers. Not that that would disqualify their videos (I did reference both John Green and Mr. Beat here) but I don't know these history channels and their hosts enough to recommend them in good faith as of right now.
Books and Further Reading on the Philippine-American War
For books on the subject, I often reference the many writings of Ambeth Ocampo such as his Looking Back series, specifically:
Looking Back 2: Dirty Dancing (Shopee, Lazada, Amazon)
Looking Back 11: Independence x6 (Shopee, Lazada)
Looking Back 13: Guns of the Katipunan (Shopee, Lazada)
I'm also currently interested in buying some other books about the topic like The Hills of Sampaloc: The Opening Actions of the Philippine-American War, February 4-5, 1899 (Shopee, Amazon) but I don't really have any extra money to spare for it right now.
I remember that my father had some other books about this too but the names had escaped me and it's far too much work to try to sort out through his entire book pile in our house.
I hope this answer's comprehensive enough since the subject is, as I said before, quite complex and rather large so I can't really get into all the specifics right now.
American Historical Association. (n.d.). How Did America Enter the Picture?. Retrieved on 3 February 2024, from https://www.historians.org/about-aha-and-membership/aha-history-and-archives/gi-roundtable-series/pamphlets/em-24-what-lies-ahead-for-the-philippines-(1945)/how-did-america-enter-the-picture
Chaput, D. (2012). Private William W Grayson's War in the Philippines, 1899. Retrieved on 3 February 2024, from https://ne-test-site8.cdc.nicusa.com/sites/ne-test-site8.cdc.nicusa.com/files/doc/publications/NH1980GraysonWar1899.pdf
Gowing, P. (1968). Muslim-American Relations in the Philippines, 1899-1929. Retrieved on 3 February 2024, from https://asj.upd.edu.ph/mediabox/archive/ASJ-06-03-1968/gowing-muslim-american%20relations%20in%20the%20philippines%201899-1920.pdf
Kedmey, D. (2013, June 13). Exiled in Hong Kong: Famous Company for Edward Snowden.Time. Retrieved on 3 February 2024, from https://world.time.com/2013/06/15/exiled-in-hong-kong-famous-company-for-edward-snowden/slide/general-emilio-aguinaldo/
Ocampo, A. (2010). Looking Back 2: Dirty Dancing. Anvil Publishing
Pangilinan, F., & Pimintel, A. (2008, September 9). A Resolution Expressing the Sense of the Senate Honoring the Sacrifice of Macario Sakay and all other Filipinos who Gave Up their Lives in the Philippine-American War for our Freedom, Senate Resolution No. 623, 14th Congress of the Republic of the Philippines. Retrieved on 3 February 2024, from http://legacy.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/83927584!.pdf
Philippine-American War. In Britannica. Retrieved on 3 February 2024, from https://www.britannica.com/event/Philippine-American-War
Vestal, A. (2017). The First Wartime Water Torture by Americans. Retrieved on 3 February 2024, from https://digitalcommons.mainelaw.maine.edu/mlr/vol69/iss1/2/
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gregor-samsung · 9 months
“ Attilio ed Emilio Bandiera erano figlioli di un contrammiraglio della marina austriaca, di cui essi stessi facevano parte, l'uno come alfiere di vascello e l'altro come alfiere di fregata. Non volendo servire l'Austria, dopo aver preso parte ad alcuni moti rivoluzionari, essi si erano ricoverati a Corfù. E in quel contatto con altri esuli in terra straniera; in quel comunicarsi continuo di aspirazioni e di speranze, più rincresceva loro l'inedia che l'esilio. Ond'è che decisero una spedizione arditissima, quasi folle per ardimento. Insieme a Ricciotti, a Moro e a pochi audacissimi, pensarono di compiere uno sbarco sulle coste di Calabria. Ivi avrebbero cercato di far rivoltare le popolazioni calabresi e, se fossero riesciti, di mettere in fiamme tutto il regno di Napoli. Nel 1844, nella notte dal 12 al 13 giugno, i due fratelli Bandiera partirono per la spiaggia calabrese. Era in essi presentimento di morte. Quasi al momento di partire Nicola Ricciotti ed Emilio Bandiera così scrivevano a Garibaldi: « Se soccomberemo, dite ai nostri concittadini che imitino l'esempio, poiché la vita ci venne data per utilmente impiegarla; e la causa per la quale avremo combattuto e saremo morti, è la più pura, la più santa che mai abbia scaldato i petti degli uomini; essa è quella della libertà, della eguaglianza, della umanità, dell'indipendenza, dell'unità d'Italia ». Erano buoni e sinceri: aveano soprattutto la giovanile ingenuità senza di che non è possibile compiere né tentare imprese come quella cui essi si avventuravano. La sera del 16 giugno il piccolo drappello sbarcò sulla costa calabrese, alla foce del fiume Nebo. Il luogo dello sbarco era tristissimo: ma la terra d'Italia parve a essi sacra e la baciarono all'arrivo. Il piccolo drappello, mal guidato, inesperto dei luoghi, aveva anche nel suo seno chi dovea tradirlo. Gli esuli speravano di trovare al loro arrivo popolazioni desiderose di rivolte: e trovarono l'ostilità e la indifferenza. Nella valle di San Giovanni in Fiore — paese già sacro alla leggenda religiosa — circuiti da soldati del re, dopo disperata lotta in cui parecchi morirono, dovettero arrendersi. Un mese dopo, i due fratelli Bandiera furono fucilati, il 25 luglio, in quella stessa terra da cui avevano sperato partisse il segnale della rivolta. Mai nessuna morte fu più compianta della loro. Erano giovani, ricchi, di alto casato: avevano rinunziato con serenità superumana a tutte le gioie della vita. Aveano tutte le qualità per destare negli animi il compianto, e la loro morte fu una delle cose che più nocquero a Ferdinando II. “
Brano tratto dal saggio breve Eroi (1898) raccolto in:
Francesco Saverio Nitti, Eroi e briganti, Edizioni Osanna (collana Biblioteca Federiciana n° 3), Venosa (PZ), 1987¹; pp. 18-19.
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newestcool · 10 months
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Ami Paris s/s 2024 menswear Creative Director Alexandre Mattiussi Models Liu Wen, Saunders, Craig Shimirimana & Emilio Ventura Velasquez Fashion Editor/Stylist Carlos Nazario Makeup Artist Adrien Pinault Hair Stylist Benjamin Muller Manicurist Alexandra Janowski Set Designer Obo Global Casting Directors Piergiorgio del Moro, Samuel Ellis & Guilia Massullo Photographer Filippo Fior   Newest Cool
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ask-emilz-de-philz · 2 years
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Emilio: "Is England a part of MILF????" :O
  Mindanao: "Obviously not, kuya." :I
  OK SO IN THE PHILIPPINES, these terms mean the following:
The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF; Arabic: جبهة تحرير مورو الإسلامية‎ Jabhat Taḥrīr Moro al-ʾIslāmiyyah) is a group based in Mindanao, Philippines seeking an autonomous region of the Moro people from the central government. The group has a presence in the Bangsamoro region of Mindanao, the Sulu Archipelago, Palawan, Basilan, and other neighboring islands.
The Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF; Arabic: الجبهة الوطنية لتحرير مورو) is a political organization in the Philippines that was founded in 1972. It started as a splinter group of the Muslim Independence Movement.  The MNLF was the leading organization among Moro separatists for about two decades beginning from the 1970s. In 1996, the MNLF signed a landmark peace agreement with the Philippine government that saw the creation of Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), an area composed of two mainland provinces and three island provinces in which the predominantly Muslim population enjoys a degree of self-rule.
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moro_Islamic_Liberation_Front
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lamilanomagazine · 2 months
Bologna Marathon 2024, domenica 3 marzo scatta la terza edizione
Bologna Marathon 2024, domenica 3 marzo scatta la terza edizione. Domenica 3 marzo è in programma la terza edizione della manifestazione podistica Bologna Marathon che prevede quattro percorsi tarati su diverse distanze: 42,195 km per la maratona, 30 km per la "30 km dei Portici", 21, 097 km per la XX edizione della Unipol Move Run Tune Up, storica mezza maratona di Bologna, oltre a 5 km per la corsa non competitiva Tecnocasa Bologna City Run, all'interno della quale è contenuta la Run5000, la grande squadra del Terzo Settore. Il percorso, con partenza da via Indipendenza alle 8.45 per la gara sui 21 km, alle 9.15 per la Maratona e 30 Km dei Portici, 10.15 per la 5 Km, prevede l'arrivo in Piazza Maggiore dopo aver attraversato la zona est della città e il centro storico. Dopo i primi 8 Km che si sviluppano interamente nel centro storico di Bologna, il tracciato uscirà dal quartiere Santo Stefano, verso San Giacomo fuori le mura. Qui gli atleti affronteranno circa 20 Km caratterizzati attraverso i quartieri Savena e San Donato - Vitale, per rientrare, infine, da Corticella e lungo la Bolognina, verso il quartiere Porto-Saragozza e il centro. Legati allo svolgimento della manifestazione sono stati adottati specifici provvedimenti di traffico con divieti al transito veicolare che riguardano la fascia oraria 7.30-15.30. Dal divieto sono esclusi i veicoli di pronto intervento, i veicoli ufficiali di servizio al seguito della manifestazione e i veicoli accedenti alle proprietà private. Le chiusure saranno coordinate da agenti della Polizia Locale. Saranno sempre percorribili le seguenti direttrici stradali: da sud: Via Murri, Via Molinelli, Via Castiglione provenendo dalla collina fino al viale, Via San Mamolo da est: Via Altura provenendo da San Lazzaro di Savena, Via Emilia Levante fino alla Rotonda decorati al Valor Militare a Viale Vighi verso la tangenziale, Viale Lungo Savena, Via Po e Viale Lenin che garantirà il collegamento con la tangenziale e le altre direttrici percorribili, Via Massarenti che garantirà il collegamento con la tangenziale e le altre direttrici percorribili. da nord: Viale Europa, Via della Fiera e Viale Aldo Moro fino a Via Stalingrado, Via Stalingrado che garantirà il collegamento con la tangenziale e le altre direttrici percorribili, Via Di Corticella che garantirà il collegamento con la tangenziale e le altre direttrici percorribili, Via Marco Polo, Via Zanardi da ovest: Asse Via Marco Emilio Lepido, Via Emilia Ponente, Via Saffi, Asse Via De Gasperi, Via Togliatti, Via Tolmino, Via Sabotino, Via Don Sturzo, Via Andrea Costa, Via Saragozza. Saranno sempre percorribili in entrambi i sensi di marcia: Viale Gozzadini, Viale Panzacchi, Viale Aldini, Viale Pepoli, Viale Vicini, Viale Silvani, Viale Pietramellara (da Porta Lame a via Milazzo), Viale Ercolani, Viale Filopanti, Viale Berti Pichat, Viale Masini, Viale Carducci (prima delle 8 e dopo le 11). È garantito l'accesso al parcheggio Kiss & Ride della Stazione Ferroviaria da Via Matteotti, Via Tiarini, Via Svampa. Trasporto Pubblico Domenica 3 marzo, quaranta linee d'autobus saranno soggette a modifiche di percorso dalle 7.30 alle 15.30 per effetto dei divieti di transito previsti in molte strade cittadine in occasione dello svolgimento della manifestazione podistica. Le modifiche in vigore domenica per le linee di trasporto pubblico 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 51, 52, 60, 68, 81, 86, 88, 91, 93, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 356, 671, 677, 826 e 916 e per i servizi sostitutivi, effettuati con bus, delle ferrovie Bologna-Portomaggiore e Bologna-Prato sono già pubblicate e consultabili anche sul sito di Tper alla pagina www.tper.it/marathon2024. Per ogni linea sono riportati i dettagli delle deviazioni per fasce orarie che tengono conto del transito delle diverse competizioni in programma e comportano provvedimenti tra cui la suddivisione delle principali linee urbane in due rami per impraticabilità del tratto centrale ed alcuni casi, più limitati, di temporanea sospensione del servizio. Nella stessa pagina del sito dedicata alle modifiche alle linee Tper, sono riportate anche le mappe delle fermate più a servizio del centro storico che saranno attive in concomitanza con la manifestazione: si tratta di quelle posizionate nella zona della Stazione Centrale (piazzale Medaglie d'Oro, viale Pietramellara, piazza XX Settembre) e nel primo tratto delle vie Marconi e Lame. I provvedimenti adottati rispondono alla necessità di iniziare le deviazioni con congruo anticipo in modo da liberare le strade interessate dal transito dei podisti, all'esigenza di garantire per quanto più possibile i collegamenti con il centro città evitando al tempo stesso troppo cambi di percorso delle linee durante la giornata, nonché ad assicurare una pronta ripresa della regolarità dei servizi non appena sarà consentito il ripristino della viabilità ordinaria. Si consiglia all'utenza di programmare in anticipo i propri spostamenti tenendo in considerazione le deviazioni dei bus che Tper ha già reso pubbliche attraverso i propri canali informativi per contenere possibili disagi. Domenica 3 marzo inoltre, gli iscritti alle gare della Maratona di Bologna potranno circolare gratuitamente sull'intero servizio di trasporto pubblico del bacino metropolitano di Bologna (ad esclusione delle linee a tariffa speciale) dall'inizio del servizio fino alle 16. Per fruire dell'agevolazione i partecipanti dovranno esibire, in caso di verifica dei titoli di viaggio, il pettorale attestante l'avvenuta iscrizione alla manifestazione. Gli eventi collaterali All'interno del contenitore della Bologna Marathon, sono previste numerosi eventi collaterali. BANDA BO porterà 10 bande musicali provenienti da tutta la Regione a esibirsi lungo il percorso della maratona durante la gara. Inoltre, nel weekend della maratona sono previsti 3 tour gratuiti, pensati sia per chi vive in città, sia per chi la visita per la prima volta, organizzati da "Succede solo a Bologna", tra cui un tour speciale sulla storia dello sport in città: un itinerario che ripercorre la storia della Maratona e altri eventi memorabili che hanno visto partecipi grandi atleti, tra tanti la concittadina Ondina Valla, velocista e ostacolista olimpionica. La mattina di sabato 2 marzo sarà dedicata a bambine e bambini, con la prima Tigotà Kids Marathon in programma alle 11 in Piazza Maggiore. Ma la festa per i più piccoli inizierà prima con gli speciali allenamenti di Cecilia TataFitness e i giochi di intelligenza emotiva di Six Seconds. Mascotte di questa festosa mattinata i pupazzi di Luna Farm, accompagnati dalla musica di Dj Lopez di Radio Bruno. Il pomeriggio di sabato sarà un susseguirsi di presentazioni, incontri, momenti di intrattenimento, musica e perfino allenamenti collettivi, che si chiuderanno alle 19, ora in cui, presso la suggestiva e vicina Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista dei Celestini, si celebrerà la messa del maratoneta. Sport e cultura si uniscono in occasione della Bologna Marathon, offrendo alle sportive e agli sportivi diverse occasioni culturali grazie all'iniziativa Marathon + Musei 2024. Presentando alle casse dei musei il pettorale, fisico o in foto, di tutte le competizioni del 2 e 3 marzo 2024 - Bologna Marathon, "30 Km dei Portici", UnipolMove RUN TUNE UP, Tecnocasa Bologna CityRun e la Tigotà Kids Marathon – le maratonete e i maratoneti avranno diritto ad alcune facilitazioni per sé e per due accompagnatori: - Visite guidate gratuite in italiano e in inglese - uno speciale servizio di accoglienza nelle sale nelle giornate di venerdì 1, sabato 2 e domenica 3 marzo in 7 sedi museali - l'ingresso ridotto, da venerdì 1 marzo fino a domenica 30 giugno 2024, in tutti i Musei Civici (oltre ai 7 musei la riduzione è valida anche alle Collezioni Comunali d'Arte) Partecipano all'iniziativa coinvolte il Museo del Patrimonio Industriale, il Museo civico del Risorgimento, il Cimitero Monumentale della Certosa, il Museo Civico Medievale, il MAMbo - Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna, il Museo Civico Archeologico e il Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica. Fortissima anche l'attenzione sulla sostenibilità ambientale e sull'impatto ecologico dell'evento che ha portato all'individuazione di una strategia di riduzione degli sprechi, raccolta e differenziazione dei rifiuti e all'organizzazione di un vero e proprio Green Team, che coinvolge attivamente LF23 - l'Onlus La Fraternità. I ragazzi della Onlus, saranno impegnati anche nell'iniziativa #TiraLaFelpa col duplice obiettivo di ridurre gli sprechi e dare un aiuto concreto alle persone a rischio emarginazione. La felpa, ma anche altri indumenti indossati dai maratoneti prima della partenza per mantenersi al caldo, potranno essere gettati nei contenitori appositi posizionati sulla linea di partenza, per rientrare nel progetto di Economia Circolare "AND, A New Day", che intende valorizzare gli abiti usati.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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lightdancer1 · 4 months
This is the first of two books on the most neglected war the United States ever fought:
In the year 1898, more than 30 years of war waged by Cuban and Filipino insurgencies against the Spanish Empire reached a Pyrrhic victory boosted by the military involvement of the United States, following an accident that blew up the USS Maine, which offered the pretext for US involvement in what became the Spanish-American War. In the course of this the United States' troubled relationship, to put it far more generously than it ever deserved, with Cuba took a new and direr turn that guaranteed the Castro regime or something like it stored up for the future.
In the Philippines, the subject of this book, the United States was committed to the one lengthy overseas Asian war the US won, against Emilio Aguinaldo's Republic of the Philippines and various pro-Aguinaldo rebels, and against the Muslim militias on the island of Mindanao, the Moros people who would later create the most unfortunately named resistance movement to ever live against the modern Philippines government.
This book goes into lengthy detail about how a vainglorious commitment to an easy war turned into a sordid sequence of atrocities from both sides, as Filipino warlords and their movements were completely unconcerned with human rights, where the racist arrogance of 1900s-vintage America meant an equal lack of concern on their parts. This was, of course, also meant as a subtle in the same sense that Godzilla is slightly large commentary on the then-phases of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, prior to ISIS conquering Mosul and the Iraq War flaring back up again.
It's a good, sobering look at the United States in its time of transition from the Gilded Age and the immediate legacy of the War of the Rebellion to the post-WWII United States, and showing how much things changed.....and how much they never changed at all.
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aureliablr · 5 months
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thehungrykat1 · 5 months
Emilio Moro Legacy Wine Dinner at Mirèio in Raffles Makati
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Raffles Makati Hotel had a special collaboration with Spanish wine producer Bodegas Emilio Moro last November 8, 2023 for an exquisite one-night only wine pairing dinner in celebration of Emilio Moro's legacy. The event brought together the esteemed century-old traditions of both institutions to create a very memorable dining experience for the guests.
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The extraordinary wine dinner was held at Mirèio, Raffles Makati's elegant brasserie-style restaurant on the 9th floor that has been serving authentic Provençal and French-inspired cuisine since it opened its doors in 2016. The Hungry Kat was invited to be one of the few participants of this limited private dining event so we were happy to be back once again at our favorite luxury hotel in the country.
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The Raffles Salon is a private VIP dining room in Mirèio that comes with is own separate entrance. This is actually where we had our very intimate civil wedding reception in 2020 when the pandemic restrictions were still in place, so we have a lot of cherished memories right here.
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Emilio Moro is an award-winning winery from the Ribera del Duero region of Spain whose accolades include appearing on the Wine Spectator’s Top 100 Wines as well as getting consistent 90+ ratings from industry-leading publications. The legacy of Bodegas Emilio Moro spans over three generations to Emilio Moro Sr.’s humble beginnings in Pesquera de Duero.
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It was the 4th generation, José and Javier Moro, who chose to begin distributing the bottles of the family’s unique clone of Tempranillo (Tinto Fino) by investing in a wine press in 1987 and in 1988, purchasing a cellar to create the winery that now boasts 200 hectares of vines. Emilio Moro winery today is one of the most prominent and beloved in all of Spain, and its philosophy rests on the three pillars of tradition, innovation, and social responsibility.
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Over 100 years of winemaking tradition in the Moro family has built what we know today as Bodegas Emilio Moro. The close contact with the land, the knowledge acquired over generations and the deep love and respect for wine are reflected in every glass, in every bottle, in every toast.
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I was excited to try some of their signature wines which are now available in the Philippines. Raffles Makati’s culinary team has curated an exceptional 6-course dinner paired with Emilio Moro wines to highlight their distinct and bold flavors.
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We started with the EI Zarzal Godello 2019, a light and refreshing white wine that is good to sip any time of the day.
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This was paired with our first appetizer course, the Citrus Tiger Prawns Salad combined with mesclun greens, fresh citrus fruits and peach vinaigrette.
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Our next course was the Red Bell Pepper Veloute, a rich and thick broth that comes with Iberico ham cromesqui. This was paired with the La Revelia Godello 2018, a sophisticated, structured and complex white wine with a bit of a spiice.
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The Saffron Risotto was our delicious third course. This creamy risotto comes with sauteed Chorizo Pamplona and topped with 36-month old Manchego cheese.
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This was served with the Emilio Moro 2019, Bodegas Emilio Moro’s flagship wine that represents character and tradition. It carries the name of the creator and is the inspiration of the winery.
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All our courses were meticulously prepared by the Raffles Makati culinary team led by Raffles Makati Executive Chef Béla Rieck and and expertly served by their staff and restaurant manager.
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The first of our two main courses was the Pistachio Crusted French Bresse Chicken with grilled vegetables and Madeira sauce. I loved how the dark Madeira sauce complemented the tender chicken.
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We also had our second red wine, the Vendimia Seleccionada 2019 which was created with the grapes from the Camino Viejo plot. It aims to retrace and honour the history and tradition of Bodegas Emilio Moro.
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We then had our second main course, the In Tempranillo Slow Braised Australian Angus Beef served with roasted root vegetables, melted tomato and creamy polenta. This was a masterpiece with its very tender beef plated like an artwork.
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To highlight our main course ever further, guests were presented with two different bottles of Malleolus Valderramiro 2018 and 2014. Planted in 1924, the famous Pago de Valderramiro vineyard brings this wine of purest Tinto Fino character with all its power, structure and intensity.
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Both red wines were served at the same time to show us the difference of the intensity and flavors between the younger and the older bottle. The 2014 had a darker and stronger flavor so it really depends on your own preference.
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We ended with the Tonka Bean Crème Brulee with red wine ice as our lovely dessert. The Emilio Moro Legacy Wine Dinner is a perfect way to experience the history and offerings of both Raffles Makati and the Emilio Moro winery in one exclusive event. We would like to thank Raffles Makati and Mike Sagaran for letting us join this unique wine pairing dinner.
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flavorful-futures · 6 months
Emilio Moro Winery: A Legacy of Passion and the Malleolus de Sanchomartin 2018 Vintage
Welcome to another wine edition of Global Roots Rambles, where we explore the world’s most fascinating wineries and their offerings. Today, we’re journeying to the heart of Spain’s Ribera del Duero region to visit the renowned Emilio Moro Winery. The Emilio Moro Legacy Emilio Moro Winery is a testament to the passion and dedication of three generations. For over half a century, this…
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acapulcopress · 1 year
En libertad total magnate corruptor de Odebretch
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SAO PAULO * 28 de abril de 2023. ) Canal26
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Marcelo Odebrecht, ex titular de la constructora brasileña, corruptor confeso que fue condenado a 19 años de prisión por pagar sobornos, quedó en libertad plena luego de haber trabajado en un hospital durante tres años para poder reducir su pena por corrupción, asociación ilícita y lavado de dinero en la Operación Lava Jato. Como parte de su delación premiada, el heredero del imperio de la construcción brasileña pasó los dos últimos años trabajando en el sector administrativo del Hospital de Clínicas de la ciudad San Pablo. El caso que revolucionó a Brasil Odebrecht fue el principal involucrado en el escándalo del Petrolao del que participaron
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otras constructoras, como la gigante Camargo Correa. El ex contratista fue condenado a 19 años y 4 meses de prisión por el entonces juez Moro en 2016. Como hizo un acuerdo de delación premiada, Moro le redujo la pena a diez años y el año pasado, el Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) redujo el plazo a siete años, ahora cumplido. La investigación de Lava Jato descubrió una red de sobreprecios y sobornos que le pagaban las empresas constructoras a cambio de contratos a una serie de funcionarios y empleados de Petrobras, dinero que también era utilizado para financiar campañas de partidos políticos. PIDEN EXTRADICION DE PEÑA POR SOBORNOS DE ODEBRECHT Ayer jueves, el equipo legal de Emilio Lozoya, el ex director de Pemex procesado por
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corrupción, solicitó la extradición desde España del expresidente de México, Enrique Peña Nieto, a quien acusa de estar al tanto de los sobornos de Odebrecht. "Creemos que, tal y como sucedió, con el ex presidente de Perú (Alejandro Toledo) que hace unos días fue extraditado desde Estados Unidos por el caso Odebrecht, también en este caso hay suficientes condiciones para que el expresidente de México Enrique Peña Nieto sea extraditado desde España", dijo uno de los abogados de Lozoya. Estas declaraciones vinieron tras una audiencia en la que la defensa de Lozoya y el Gobierno federal alcanzaron un acuerdo reparatorio por la compra con sobreprecio de la planta productora de fertilizantes Agronitrogenados, por lo que el ex funcionario deberá pagar 10.7 millones de dólares. El caso por el que se pide su extradición En 2016, durante el mandato de Peña Nieto, se destapó el escándalo Odebrecht, empresa brasileña que sobornó a funcionarios de diversos países para obtener contratos de obras públicas. Según los abogados, Peña Nieto estuvo al tanto de los sobornos de la empresa, por lo que debería ser procesado por corrupción y otros delitos. Lozoya es "testigo colaborador" en el caso Odebrecht, y realizó acusaciones en el proceso contra el gabinete de Peña Nieto, en un caso que ha llevado a la cárcel a un senador de la principal fuerza opositora, el Partido Acción Nacional. ) Síguenos en nuestra página Facebook.com/acapulcopress.news Read the full article
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carriola2 · 1 year
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Emilio Moro 2018. Variedad 100% Tempranillo (Tinto Fino, Tinta del País). 14,5% Vol. Bodegas Emilio Moro S.L. .Pesquera de Duero. D.O. Ribera del Duero. #tempranillo #tintofino #tintadelpais #emiliomoro #doriveradelduero
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pedrogil73 · 1 year
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Polvorete 2021. Bodegas Emilio Moro. Cacabelos, Bierzo (D.O.).13.5%. España 🇪🇸 • Godello 100% • Amarillo pajizo. Limpio, brillante. Recuerdos florales. Notas de pera, melocotón. Fresco. Acidez equilibrada. • Mi Puntuación 93/100 • #elcatador #bierzo#chateaulaguiole #chateaubaccarat #lapeñadelquijote #lapenadelquijote #emiliomoro #winelovers #wine #wine #instawine #brindoconelcatador #godello (en Dominican Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co8X-UurRcH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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artenthusiast-atx · 2 years
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It was my first time attending a wine tasting event hosted by @austintxwinesociety at High Country Market Bistro & GastroPub in Round Rock. The wines of the evening were @bodegasemiliomoro . We were joined via Zoom with the great grandson of Emilio Moro who told us about the wines and the vineyards. Wine Wizard Zahir Walji (@winesrme) led us through the tasting of the wines. At the end of the evening, I learned a little more about Tempranillo . #winetasting #winelover #roundrocktx (at High Country Market Bistro & GastroPub) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cipo2DruxQd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fecicopil · 2 years
Hilti pr 35 bedienungsanleitung siemens
           ACR 12.441/ALG Fan- Coil Siemens. ACR12.441/ALG BUML 35. C.E.I.P. ELETTRONICA. Calimax. CALO THERM AG LW80N-I PR-Regler Art. Nr. 401.01.1.112.siemens backblech liebherr aquastop saeco laugenpumpe durchlauferhitzer indesit Bedienungsanleitung geschirrkorb Keilriemen dichtung Thermostat Türgriff PRA 35 Bedienungsanleitung Operating instructions Mode d emploi Istruzioni Serien Nr.: 2Beschreibung 2.1 Bestimmungsgemässe Verwendung Der Hilti PRA 35 Siemens | HM 442200 N | Benutzerhandbuch | 2 FG9A Nationale Patente Brevets Parma (PR) (IT) N MORINI, Emilio 1213 CH PMMBI/FBDM/FBDM 13 Via A. Moro, 35 Verwenden Sie für diese Akkus nur das Hilti Netzteil PRA 85. Automatisches Ausrichten Das Stativ kann mit den Hilti Rotationslasern PR 30 HVS, PR 35, PR 300 Du solltest dir mal Die Bedienungsanleitung zu dem FU schnappen und deine Anzeige da kann ich NiMh Akku in einem Siemens Schnurlos Telefon verwenden? O Eli Gur Obermatterstrasse 35 8153 Rümlang (CH) N Eli Gur O Hilti Aktiengesellschaft Feldkircherstrasse 100 9494 Schaan (LI) N Olaf Bode Ringstrasse 33 07:35 Uhr Hilti PML 36 Kreuzlinienlaser, Horizontal, Vertikal und Punkt Laser Hilti PR 30-HVSG Laser Ladegerät, Akku, Koffer #1120808. € 849,90.
https://femocimoceh.tumblr.com/post/691550177686863872/weibel-mauerkasten-bedienungsanleitung-sony, https://nomiduqive.tumblr.com/post/691549792013287424/hud-handbook-200006-rev-4, https://nomiduqive.tumblr.com/post/691550209927446528/hp-psc-1415-handbuch, https://fecicopil.tumblr.com/post/691550183847329792/xy250stxe-bedienungsanleitung-hp, https://gupavocuga.tumblr.com/post/691549529281118208/pfaff-hobbymatic-917-bedienungsanleitung-brother.
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