pikahlua · 2 years
MHA Chapter 368 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
Chapter Title: 唸れOFA うなれワン・フォー・オール unare WAN FOO OORU Howl, One For All (Note: This verb can mean to groan or growl including the sound an engine makes, or it can mean something is about to burst.)
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1-2 まだそこに死柄木はいるのか? まだそこにしがらきはいるのか? mada soko ni “Is Shigaraki still in there?”
tagline 問いかけるーー といかけるーー toikakeru--- He asks the question---
3 何を言うかと思えば… なにをいうかとおもえば… nani wo iu ka to omoeba... “If I think about what you’re saying...”
4 死柄木弔だと? しがらきとむらだと? Shigaraki Tomura da to? “You mean Tomura Shigaraki?”
5 そんな人間はもういない そんなにんげんはもういない sonna ningen wa mou inai “There is no such person anymore.”
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1 2つが融け合い完全に統合された 2つがとけあいかんぜんにとうごうされた 2tsu ga tokeai kanzen ni tougou sareta "The two fused and were completely integrated”
2 だが長く生きた分かな… だがながくいきたぶんかな… daga nagaku ikita bun ka na... “but with as long as he’s lived...”
3 主は しゅは shu wa “the dominant one”
4 AFOだ オール・フォー・ワンだ OORU FOO WAN da “is All For One.”
5-6 君が何を考えているか知らないが きみがなにをかんがえているかしらないが kimi ga nani wo kangaete iru ka shiranai ga “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but”
7 全てが理想通りになると思うなよ すべてがりそうとおりになるとおもうなよ subete ga risou toori ni naru to omouna yo “don’t go thinking everything will go according to your ideals.”
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1 いや… iya... “No...”
2 そうは… sou wa... “That's right...”
3 見えなかったけどな…… みえなかったけどな…… mienakatta kedo na...... “I was unable to see it but......”
4 俺がデリカシーのない発言をしてしまった時ーーーー… おれがデリカシーのないはつげんをしてしまったときーーーー… ore ga DERIKASHII no nai hatsugen wo shite shimatta toki----... “That time when I went and made that comment without any delicacy----...”
5 まるで取り憑かれたかのように まるでとりつかれたかのように maru de tori tsukareta ka no you ni “It was as if he was possessed,”
6 突然めっちゃもんもん怒り出した…子どものようだった とつぜんめっちゃもんもんおこりだした…こどものようだった totsuzen meccha monmon okori dashita...kodomo no you datta “and he suddenly became super anguished and his anger came out...like a he was a child.”
7 "完全に統合された人"のソレにはとても見えなかったけど…… "かんぜんにとうごうされたひと"のソレにはとてもみえなかったけど…… “kanzen ni tougou sareta hito” no SORE ni wa totemo mienakatta kedo...... “I couldn’t see well if that was a ‘completely integrated person,’ but......”
8 皆が喰らいつく程 みんながくらいつくほど minna ga kurai tsuku hodo “As far as everyone could grasp the situation,”
9 不安定になっていってるように見えた ふあんていになっていってるようにみえた fuantei ni natte itteru you ni mieta “I could see he seemed to be destabilizing.”
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1 出久くん いずくくん Izuku-kun “Izuku-kun“
2 まだそこに mada soko ni “He’s still”
3 いる! iru! “there!”
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1 うわあ‼︎ uwaa!! “Waah!!”
2 御���はいいOFAを返して貰おう! ごたくはいいおとうとをかえしてもらおう! gotaku wa ii otouto (kanji: OFA) wo kaeshite moraou! “This tedious talk is good, let’s take back my little brother (read as: OFA)!”
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1 AFOこそ そっちこそ socchi (kanji: AFO) koso “The same goes for you (read as: AFO)”
2 全て理想通りにはさせない すべてりそうとおりにはさせない subete risou toori ni wa sasenai “I won’t let everything go according to your ideals.”
3 「黒鞭」に「発勁」を貯めて 「5TH」に「3RD」をためて 「5th (kanji: kuromuchi)」 ni 「3rd (kanji: hakkei)」 wo tamete Store up Fa Jin in Black Whip
4 強化捕縛コンボ‼︎ きょうかほばくコンボ‼︎ kyouka hobaku CONBO!! Enhanced capture combo!!
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1 「黒鎖」‼︎ 「こくさ」‼︎ 「kokusa」!! Black Chain!!
2 強化しようが きょうかしようが kyouka shiyou ga “Let’s enhance/strengthen, but”
3 前と同じ手はーーーー… まえとおなじてはーーーー… mae to onaji te wa----... “in the same hand as before----...”
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1 使えば最後だ つかえばさいごだ tsukaeba saigo da “If you use it, it’s the last time.”
2 5分以内で倒せねば世界の敗北が決まる 5ふんいないでたおせねばせかいのはいぼくがきまる 5fun inai de taoseneba sekai no haiboku ga kimaru “If you can’t defeat him within 5 minutes, the world’s defeat will be decided.”
3 決着をつけます ケリをつけます KERI (kanji: kecchaku) wo tsukemasu “I will settle [this].”
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1 2ND セカンド SEKANDO “The Second”
2 トランスミッション TORANSUMISSHON “Transmission”
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1 二速 セカンド SEKANDO (kanji: ni soku) Second (read as: Second Gear)
2 三速 サード SAADO (kanji: san soku) Third (read as: Third Gear)
3 四速 トップ TOPPU (kanji: shi soku) Top (read as: Fourth Gear)
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1 …音が遅れてる…⁉︎ …おとがおくれてる…⁉︎ ...oto ga okureteru...!? “The sound is delayed...!?”
2 何をされた⁉︎ なにをされた⁉︎ nani wo sareta!? What did he do [to me]!?
3 どこにいった⁉︎ doko ni itta!? Where did he go!?
4 先刻の光るエネルギーの比じゃない せんこくのひかるエネルギーのひじゃない senkoku no hikaru ENERUGII no hi ja nai It’s not comparable to the shining energy from earlier.
5 速すぎる‼︎ーーまさか… はやすぎる‼︎ーーまさか… haya sugiru!! ---masaka... He’s too fast!! ---It can’t be...
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1 俺の頃とはワケが違うぞAFO おれのころとはワケがちがうぞオール・フォー・ワン ore no koro to wa WAKE ga chigau zo OORU FOO WAN “It’s on a different level than when it was mine, All For One” (Note: Literally, this sentence reads: “This case is different from my time, All For One.”)
2 触れたモノの速度を変える異能 ふれたモノのそくどをかえるいのう fureta MONO no sokudo wo kaeru inou The special power to change the speed of what he touches
3 「変速」 「へんそく」 「hensoku」 “Shift” (Note: This is the name of the quirk. Based on the gears of speed Izuku uses in previous pages, you could also feasibly call this Gear Shift or Speed Shift to make the name clearer.)
4 五速 オーバードライブ OOBAADORAIBU (kanji: go soku) Overdrive (read as: Fifth Gear)
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1 今の緑谷出久は言うなれば いまのみどりやいずくはいうなれば ima no Midoriya Izuku wa iu nareba Izuku Midoriya as he is now is, if I were to say
2 100%中の120% 100パーセントちゅうの120パーセント 100 PAASENTO chuu no 120 PAASENTO [putting out] 120% out of 100%
3 兄さん にいさん niisan “(Older) Brother”
4 今日でもう きょうでもう kyou de mou “Today”
5 終わりにしよう おわりにしよう owari ni shiyou “let’s finish this already.”
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1 デトロイトスマッシュ!!! DETOROITO SUMASSHU!!! Detroit Smash!!!
tagline 叩き込め‼︎ たたきこめ‼︎ tataki kome!! Land a hit!!
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some-pers0n · 6 months
At this point I no longer want to talk with people who go on about how WoF needs to be more gorey and gruesome I'm straight up going to strangle them through the screen
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aeroblossom · 10 months
arlecchino becoming enamored with furina and sending her daily letters asking to meet post archon quest at her home with cakes and flowers attached and neuvillette mailing her money every month for groceries, luxuries, sending over books and plays and operas he thinks she will like, trying to make her come to the palais anyhow versus furina who believes herself to be undeserving of love and thinking they only do it all out of pity and guilt
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keepthedelta · 26 days
james vowles trying to escape the criticism of him as a mini toto by becoming um. christian horner and helmut marko???
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hymnsofheresy · 1 year
we make mistakes. we hurt the world around us. we inflict violence against each other. but despite this we still deserve to be loved and can receive Love.
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zetterbabe · 9 months
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stitched up (01.06.24)
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girlmisfit · 3 months
i'll never forgive d.scendants for robbing evie of her happy ending and instead of giving her a decent love interest saying well.... here's doug
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bullsh1tterz · 2 months
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To forgive yourself.
Most people have regrets. We all have to live with the consequences of decisions we wish we could take back. But what you regret is more than a mistake or short-sighted choice. You regret your very existence. Everything you've ever done is something you wish you could undo. You believe it is impossible to become the kind of person you want to be. You see yourself as a lost cause. You feel chained down by the love you receive, because you are sure you will only hurt anyone foolish enough to see something worth loving in you. You want to rid this world of yourself and feel trapped by all the hands holding you back. "I love you" is the phrase you most dread hearing. You wish that everyone else would hate you as much as you think you deserve. Perhaps you feel it would make ending it all so much easier. It's possible you have only stayed alive this long because you believe the only thing that would cause more misery than your life is your death. Either way, you are certain you live a life beyond salvation. And you are wrong. You have been made to believe your best is not enough, that your efforts have no value because you will always fall short. Perhaps too much was expected of you from the day you were born. I would not be surprised if the impossible was the very first thing you remember being asked to do. You can't stop regretting a failure that was always inevitable. You cannot forgive yourself for existing as the imperfect person you can't help but be. You believe you don't deserve forgiveness. But you do. Your human faults and limitations do not make you worthless. You have as much right to be here as anyone else. Your needs and boundaries are not a burden, and those who would treat them as such are the ones to be faulted. You're here to forgive yourself and the life you live. It will be difficult and it will not happen quickly, but it is a task that needs undertaking. Redeem yourself by slowly, gradually putting an end to your eternal atonement. Atone for the years you've lost to self-loathing by telling yourself that this existence of yours is nothing to repent for. You will not believe it at first. But you must try to treat yourself as you would a treasured friend, as those that love you know you deserve to be treated. Over and over, tell yourself the words that you can't yet bring yourself to believe, and one day you'll notice that they've started to feel as if they might be true, if only now and again. The love that chains you down, that you believe you don't deserve, it doesn't have to torment you. It can be a comfort, too. One day, you will be grateful for the hands holding you back. You deserve to know what it's like to be alive without wishing you weren't. Have faith and dedicate yourself to that.
+ this.
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Tagged by: @downs1de ( tysm! ) Tagging: @cranetm, @ofmuse (lee!), @dnangelic, @praynot, @queenmakoto + Whoever else wants to do this! Nab it!
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sarka-stically · 11 months
wow so ofmd finale is terrible? not just because of THAT thing at the end but genuinely bad tv?
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bunnihearted · 2 months
#i want to learn how to vent healthily#bc i have this incessant pathological need to like share every thought i have#and if i dont i get this restless uneasy feeling in my chest and i get restless and worried and like wtf?#whats wrong w me? maybe it has smth to do w that during my entire life i have never been listened to or been helped#like during my life i've asked for help repeatedly but when i have i've only been dismissed or not believed etc etc#so maybe that translated into my head to just feel the need to share it in a public space.....#bc i used to write rverything in a diary but i filled them too quickly and i cant afford the money or space to do that#so i started using twitter and now tumblr... but that has only resulted in me like feeding into it?#it's not healthy to feel the need to share EVERY thought or else u feel crazy. i also shouldnt focus or dwell on thoughts sm#i do have issues bc of my disorders and anxiety. plus avpd in swedish is literally called 'anxious personality disorder' 💀#so it is in me to be anxious and worried and neurotic#but still i want to learn how to not be fixated on thoughts and feelings (also a challenge bc bpd makes feelings feel all consuming)#if i think smth - that also can be totally untrue and only based on my worries -#i can just think it and let it go. idk have to dwell on it and obsess over it. (im trying mindfulness for years lol)#bc most of my venting is like me getting stuck in feelings and idk why i feel the need to express it constantly?#it isnt worth it. bc actually it has caused rifts and missunderstandings in multiple connections i've had online...#i do feel like venting isnt smth bad.. and i think emotions are PERSONAL and like completely unrelated to truth and other ppl#but i get it.. esp when u only know eo online and dont know everything going on in eo's heads#then u only get that as a full image when it isnt the whole picture#so like idk. i WANT to be able to get a healthier outlook on it.. bc this isnt working#both bc of myself and for myself but also in relation to others#and like. why do i like never see anyone else on thmblr/twitter that post EVERY thought like me???? (i dont think its wrong to do bc *i*#have a different pov on it and idc abt other ppl's vents but .. yeah idk why do i do this but no one else does it at the level i do?#so idk i've just been thinking of this lately bc yeah.. yeah i just dont know i dont know.... :///#i actually want to be able to not ruminate and get stuck in it but idk how to break free?#plus expressing positive emotions & thoughts is terrifying to me like idk why but i cant????#why??? i feel like im undeserving of good things that i cant even express smth nice bc im like .. i dont deserve to think/feel that??
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wellitsjustmeagain · 1 year
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Went to the Wilds of Eldraine Prerelease with friends tonight and had a freaking blast 💕
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newtafterdark · 8 months
Just as I thought my life was slowing down a little so I could focus on myself & enjoy what I got currently going on, it reminded me that no, I can't have that without an absolute horrid thing happening that'll drain me for at least a few weeks.
I'm going to recover because I'm a stubborn bitch who also knows I deserve better. But man is it rotten work.
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orcelito · 2 months
God I don't wanna go to therapy tomorrow. Sick of talking about my feelings in a clinical setting. I do enough psychoanalysis just by myself, and now I gotta sit through it with someone else??? Come on.
#speculation nation#i say as if i didnt submit myself to this and am not willingly paying for this to continue#idfk man ive always hated therapy. just kinda kept it going bcus i was so messed up about the whole grief shit#and i guess it's been maybe helpful. i dont know.#SHOULD i mention this tomorrow? i already know it's ass and entirely undeserved#if i did it'd mostly be another source to complain about it. theres really nothing anyone can say to make it better#bc it's bullshit and it already happened. and i already have the objective proof of yet another person losing interest in me.#... i dont know. i feel like it's inevitably going to come up. it's already taken up so much of my thoughts.#my every dream last night stemmed from it all. it was such a fitful night of sleep.#i can only pray that i dont dream about it tonight too. i want a fucking break from it all.#i hope she loses sleep from guilt. i hope she hurts every time she remembers what she did to me.#i hope she comes around tomorrow so she can see the face she kissed and she lied about loving#so she can remember im a person with feelings too. a person who opened up to her. a person who trusted her.#............ okay maybe i should talk about my blatantly vicious retaliatory remarks with my therapist.#i tried to reign it in but Bitch Mode definitely came out earlier today. when it was fresh. and i just wanted to make her Hurt.#i still want that honestly. i want her to truly regret doing this. to be filled with so much guilt for how she chose to do it.#i cant change her feelings. no matter how much i might want to. but i sure as hell can make her regret it.#i feel like im allowed a bit of petty bitchiness after this bullshit. but i also dont like the person i become like this.#anger issues. perhaps i should talk about my anger issues with my therapist.#easier than just rehashing the whole breakup. though i'll probably have to do that some too.#but better to have a goal for it. a direction to focus on. so that it's not just me complaining.#... it still wont be fun. and my ex mentioned coming round an hour after my therapy ends for dropping the shit off.#so Assuming she actually shows up (still not convinced she will after she flaked on me twice)#it's gonna be therapy and then seeing her right after. god it's gonna suck.#i'll try to do some homework maybe. and then maybe see if anyone wants to hang out later tomorrow.#my friends r the real ones. hanging out with me for 7 hours... they traded off between them but still#for 7 hours i was not alone. and that was very nice of them to do.#good things. positives! focusing on the positives. i am a healthy person with a healthy outlook on life. smiles.
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navree · 3 months
"if you use chatgpt for anything other than summarizing or editing in your schoolwork that's lowkey not great blah blah blah" stfu if you use chatgpt in literally any way especially for the work you are paying for the privilege to do you're a giant dork ass loser and you should get smacked in the head with a ceramic plate
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datastate · 2 years
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Even still, I won't forgive you. I refuse to accept you.
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cemetery-irises · 5 months
They're so ill...........
Andrew recovering and the other two being so relieved that it ends up cementing Andrew's view of them as angels because they really did save his life and care for him when nobody else did and ough. OUGH
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