rocket-mxn · 5 months
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Little man, little man, fly through my window~
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brattyfics · 4 years
“I don’t love you anymore” | Part 2
Summary: After making it clear that he does not believe in divorce, Miguel’s wife is forced to take matters into her own hands. The previous installment can be found here. I used the following prompt lines: “How long are you going to keep this up?’ “Yeah, I remember the drill.” “Do you even know what you’ve done to me?” | Part Three |
Pairing: Miguel Galindo x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Dark-ish Miguel, domestic violence/abuse.
Word Count: 2.4K
A/N: First of all, thank you to @my-little-wolfe​ for bouncing ideas back and forth with me, and convincing me to resolve this. A lot of you wanted the reader to have redemption. This is my idea of that. It’s not what many of you would have predicted, but it’s the most realistic version of events I saw happening. I’d love hear what you all think about how things shook out, let me know :)
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In the backseat of a sleek, black Mercedes s550, you sat on cushy leather seats. Clay red passed by in a blur through the tinted windows. The desert reminded you of how you felt inside; desolate. Spotty patches of green freckled the dry dirt, small but persistent life signs despite the harsh conditions. 
Nestor sat in front of you, eyes glued to the road ahead with the driver to his left. Next to you in the backseat sat your husband, Miguel. None of you dared to speak, save for Miguel asking for the ETA. Everyone knew a few simple words had the potential to spark a flame between the two of you. Almost a month had passed since your marriage had been irreparably damaged. You confronted Miguel about his infidelity. He made his position on divorce clear. You were no longer under any delusions of a happy or at the very least amicable ending. 
Security around the house had doubled. Multiple guards were with you at almost all times, inside or outside of the house. The only time you got a semblance of privacy was when you locked yourself in one of the guest bedrooms. He always sent someone to return you to your shared bedroom at night, but you were grateful for any time away from him. You spent dark, lonely nights on opposite sides of your California King Bed. The distance between you was not only physical. Besides a simple 'yes' or 'no' when necessary, you didn't speak to Miguel. He had you temporarily trapped physically, that much was obvious, but you refused to let him have the satisfaction of capturing your spirit.
The only reason you sat next to him in the confined space was Santo Padre's annual charity event. Miguel was obligated to attend, and by extension, so were you. Like the good little wife you had been groomed to become, you dressed and accessorized to impress. You wore a designer cocktail dress, large diamond stud earrings, and a full face of makeup. All of it was to distract people from the real picture. Your reflection reminded you of how things used to be. The bells and whistles were expected of Mrs. Galindo. What you couldn't dress up were your eyes. Gone were the twinkles that once shone bright. They had been replaced by marble--hard and pretty but ornamental.
"How long are you going to keep this up?" You kept your eyes trained on the desert as your husband spoke. He should've already learned to respect you weren't talking to him. Out of your periphery, you saw Miguel make quick work of his sunglasses, stashing them in the case. "You're going to have to talk to me sometime." He used the same condescending tone that made you want to throw things at his head. Your fingernails dug into your palm as you resisted the urge to spew venom. Stop talking to me, asshole.
It was Miguel who struck first, strong fingers gripping your chin tightly. You jerked back at the invasion of personal space, swatting at his hand as if it were a pesky fly. He took your fiery reaction as a challenge, snatching you forward by your neck. You clawed at his hand, but his grip remained firm. Nestor eyed the two of you in the rearview mirror. He knew better than anyone how vicious Miguel could be when provoked. The driver's gaze didn't stray once from the road. They were trained to protect Miguel and if things got ugly, even Nestor would not step in to protect you.
"I know the drill…" His grip loosened when your eyes met. "Don't worry. I won't embarrass you in front of your colleagues, Mr. Galindo." Your shared last name was said with a sneer. Miguel didn't appreciate the sass, but he finally let you go, recoiling back into the seat. He shrugged his shoulders, adjusting his suit jacket while you rubbed your throat. You had been wheezing moments earlier, and his first priority was to preen.
If looks could kill, Miguel Galindo would be six feet under. 
"Do you even know what you've done to me?" You growled out. The accusatory tone had both men in the front seat on edge. With bated breath, Nestor watched Miguel casually pick up his phone. The cartel boss tapped at the touch screen as if you didn't even exist. 
It all happened in a blur. 
Your hands clenched into fists, and then they were flying, raining down blows everywhere. The car jerked, then swerved, and eventually pulled over. Angry red patches littered Miguel's skin where your fists made contact. At one point, he had you pinned down in the seat. The entire thing was like an out of body experience. As much as you wanted to stop, you couldn't control yourself. He was whisked off to another car by one of the guards, leaving behind a trail of buttons and blood on the nude interior. Nestor claimed the driver's seat, riding you around in circles while waiting for you to calm down. You were hysterical, batting the bulletproof glass repeatedly and yanking wildly on the childproof looks. It took hours. In the end, your knuckles were bloody and bruised, throat raw from yelling.
For the first time since you got married, you slept alone.
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Several days passed without Miguel returning home. You didn't care if he was across the border or down the street at his mistresses' house. He could take an extended vacation to hell for all you cared. All you cared about was using the time alone to your advantage.
Miguel had carefully selected four guards to stay behind and watch over you. You didn't know any of them well, and that was on purpose. Since your first falling out, Miguel had gotten paranoid about you escaping. Anyone he thought had a soft spot for you was banned from the house. What Miguel didn't consider was that you could run circles around the new guys. You ran the household as normal, keeping them busy with errands and the occasional household chore. You were sure no one suspected anything. Plus, it allowed you the time and privacy you needed to execute your plan.
You received a call an hour earlier that let you know the plan could proceed as planned. Miguel could be home at any moment, and you had no more time to waste. Your purse was packed to the brim with essentials-- travel-sized toiletries, underwear, and wads of cash. You couldn't even fit a change of clothes, but you would have to make due.
With one last glance around what had been your shared bedroom, you made peace with never seeing it or him again. 
"I need you to take me to the mall." You instructed one of the guards as you made the trek down the stairs.
"Mrs. Galindo, I don't think—-" You paused at the bottom of the steps, cutting your eyes at him. The guard, Rick, was unsure of which order to follow. Miguel didn't want you out without pre-approval, but you were the one in front of him saying differently. 
"I wasn't asking." He didn't look convinced, looking over his shoulder nervously for back up from one of the other guards. "I have necessities to pick up. Do you want to be the one to explain why I don't have what I need to my husband?" 
"Mr. Galindo said—"
"I say." Your hands found your hips, preparing to dig in for an argument. Anxious energy bubbled up in your belly as another guard, Brian, approached. You could tell by the look on his face his answer would be no, so you spoke before he could. "I didn't want to get into details, but since you're determined to embarrass me, I'll just say it…" You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms for good measure, looking every bit the part of a spoiled brat. "I'm tired of fighting with my husband, okay? I want to pick up a gift for when he comes home, and I need it to be nice."
That did the trick. They all knew very well what gift was code for. What could a woman possibly get for a man that already had everything? Lingerie. 
Rick and Brian quickly discussed it with the others, and soon enough, you were in the car. The other two stayed behind to keep watch of the house, a decision they'd all regret soon enough. You spent the entirety of the car ride reviewing your plan from start to end, step by step. Any potential roadblocks that popped up, you had a tentative solution for.
Your heart beat intensely in your chest as the large building came into view. Each step brought you closer to your new life, to freedom. Slowing outside the store, you turned to face your guards with a sweet smile. "Do you really have to follow me everywhere?" Nods in the affirmative were your only response. You made a face.
"We'll wait for you inside, ma'am. You'll be able to shop privately." Brian gestured for you to step inside. You expected as much so it didn't bother you.
"Thank you." 
A saleswoman greeted you as soon as she saw you, her face lighting up like a Christmas tree. Like everyone else, she knew who your husband was and that your presence could mean a big commission. You declined politely, eyes scanning the store for the woman you had come to see.  
Ariana turned the corner at the perfect time, appearing as a beacon of light. She had been one of your best friends growing up, but over time you grew apart. She had her hand in the pot of illegal activities in and around Santo Padre, with Miguel's oversight, of course. You would never have thought the shoplifting pre-teen she had once been would climb the underworld ranks to be in a position to save your life.
Tears welled in your eyes as you hugged. "It's okay." She whispered in your ear, patting your back gently. "Smile." She instructed before pulling away. 
You shopped the store as if nothing was amiss, picking out different merchandise. Eventually, you separated, Ari sneaking off to the dressing rooms while you approached your guards. Your breath quickened at the scowl on Brian's face. 
"All the stress eating has finally caught up to me." You laughed, but he remained stone-faced. "I need to be measured." You gestured over your shoulder to the dressing room. "It'll only take a few minutes." You did your best not to overthink each step you took, feeling his intense glare on your back.
Once out of his eyesight, you bypassed the dressing rooms, choosing to step inside the door marked 'Employees Only.' Ariana waited for you there, shoving a full backpack into your arms. 
"Everything you will need is in there: a new ID and a passport. I even got a hold to a social security number for you. Memorize the information on your paperwork. You don't want to get caught up over something stupid."
You trembled as you processed the information, trying your hardest to breathe in and out deeply.
"Here's a set of keys. The silver Camry is parked directly across from the stairway on level three. The car's clean, registered with insurance and everything so you don't have to worry about being stopped. It has a full tank, and that should last you 600 miles if you're even going that far..." You adjusted the backpack on your back, squeezing the handles of your handbag extra tight. "...There's a cooler with a couple of waters and sandwiches so you won't have to stop." The large handbag hit the floor with a thud. You clasped her hands in your own to stop her rambling. 
"Thank you." She swallowed hard, and this time tears welled up in her eyes. "Don't worry, okay? No matter what happens, you did everything you could for me. I'll never be able to repay or thank you enough. I know you're risking a lot..." She shook her head, silencing you.
"You're worth it. Just do me a favor: live a happy life and never come back."
With one last hug, you were off, gaining a head start in the race against El Diablo.
You knew Miguel inside and out--how he would react to the news, and how he would respond. The Galindo Cartel had eyes and ears everywhere. Gas stations, airports, train stations, bus stations were all danger zones. All it would take is a single phone call for you to be caught. He would send men out to scour the city, figuring you couldn't have gotten far. While they wasted their time above ground, you'd be on the move underground.
Miguel would never expect you to use his tunnels to escape. When you had gotten married, he handed over a packet of papers. Among them were resources, numbers you could call, people you could trust if something ever happened to him, and you needed to get out. Also, among the papers were maps of the tunnels. They were hard to make sense of at first, but you studied them relentlessly. One wrong turn could spell disaster, send you in the wrong direction and right back into his arms but you had faith in your abilities. 
Besides human error, there was the issue of danger in the tunnels. People associated with him (and some not) used the tunnels to have meetings between shadowy figures or cross between California and Mexico. Smugglers used them to transport El Diablo's heroin. You could run into someone who knew you or worse someone who didn't. Without your husband's protection, you were just a lone woman making a long, perilous journey. It was entirely possible you'd meet your demise, and it'd have nothing to do with Miguel.
There was a very slim chance you'd make it out alive. If you were lucky, you'd eventually make it to the great state of Louisiana. You had friends there that would take you by boat to Mississippi. From there, you’d drive another car down to Florida. If you made it that far, you'd take the risk of getting on a plane. You’d fly to Europe where it would be easier for you to travel between countries. 
No matter where your journey ended, it would be well worth it. You wouldn’t live under Miguel's thumb any longer.
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@blacvenus @myakai13 @losolvidad0s @my-little-wolfe @karensraisns @krysiewithak @langiinspirations @veryfastspeedz @stitchesbystults @itskiranbitch @fanficfavesofthephoenixfangirl @thisobssessionofmine
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fmdduri · 3 years
a headcanon about duri & fashion.
word count: 1,223. about: duri’s experience with fashion, essentially, and how he’s gotten better. this mentions @yenafmd and @taejinfmd because they’ve been apart of the journey. notes: tbh i saw demi and maria doing this so i decided to plagiarize the idea just without the aesthetic. 2013 duri was also a projection. 
fashion wasn’t something that duri had fully paid attention to when he was younger. simply put, duri was paying more attention to music and his music classes to really focus on anything that was fashion related. he didn’t look at any current trends and just wore whatever was comfortable. he can’t say he ever had much of an interest in fashion during his younger years, unfortunately. 
as he grew older, this sentiment seemingly carried over a bit. he didn’t go online to check out the latest fashion trends or really pay attention to much of anything that had to do with fashion. if he saw someone wearing something he liked, he’d adapt the look to himself, and that was really it. nevertheless, he didn’t really use the internet all that much anyways, as he never really found much time to. 
as he entered middle school and his teen years, he wasn’t really any better with the whole fashion game. at this point in time, duri had been really into vintage sweaters, as well as styling vintage sweaters. his whole closet had been full of these vintage sweaters that he found at thrift stores and generally, they were everything you could really imagine. due to being oversized, duri still owns all the sweaters because he didn’t want to part with them - but, he’s better about not strictly just wearing those. though, he does very much want to wear that during the autumn and winter months, but that’s seemingly more acceptable than what he was doing during those years. 
this is something that came to change at some point when duri was in his trainee years. this was where he meant taejin, who ended up being in titan with him later on. taejin had started to take duri out and purchase him different items of clothing, all being designer - rather than those vintage sweaters that he would wear (truthfully, it didn’t matter that there were designer vintage sweaters from the thrift store, since they technically weren’t in season.) but, this had become his first major exposure to brands and the fashion world. 
taejin had been the person to really help him to learn how to style designer pieces and how to make sure something look good on you. if it weren’t for taejin, he would feel a bit lost on what to actually do with designer clothing, especially in the future. he’s a bit lucky to have such a good friend who had done something like this for duri. even if duri was a bit embarrassed to be getting gifts - but, that was just very much duri and still is very much duri to get flustered by such things. (truth be told, this also probably helped him a lot with the pasha de cartier brand ambassadorship and having him be comfortable in that space.) 
by debut, duri had gotten a bit better with fashion. however, due to it literally be 2011 and him still being a teenager at the time, his fashion outside of titan was still a bit embarrassing. but, that was inevitable. (let’s be real, earlier styling as well was probably a bit embarrassing, but again, it was 2011, so what can you do, right?” however, it could be a lot worst than it was, especially since he still had a lot of designer pieces that he knew how to style, thanks to what taejin was giving to him and telling him. 
2012 was when duri had gotten a bit more excited about fashion. this was due to the fact that his first solo venture came in the form of beanpole. this was where he really learned more about styling, especially outside of luxury fashion brands. however, it was probably still a bit funny, considering it was very much more so outdoorsy-esque looks. so, when duri took on that style thanks to beanpole, it probably was a bit painful to see. give or take a few outfits, most people probably wished that it didn’t happen. 
when the beanpole ambassadorship had ended at the end of 2012, duri had fallen back into what was comfortable and what he knew. he had given up that painfully weird outdoorsy-esque looks that were a bit in. however, 2013 seemed to be the year he discovered leather jackets and wore that trend to death. 
2013 was also the year of looking preppy and wearing stripes, so adding onto wearing the leather jackets to death - this was probably a slight fashion nightmare in one way or another. but, he followed a trend that was given to him and he really ran with that. it was really just the trend of the year, so while it wasn’t bad than, it seems like a nightmare now. 
the years went on and duri definitely got better, turning away from those odd and awkward trends - which was really just better for everyone that was involved. 
at some point, duri meets yena and becomes friends with her, which was really nice. they’re very opposite, but they found the things that they like to do together. one of these things ended up being shopping and duri would always call upon yena when he needed to update his wardrobe. 
yena is probably the person that had really made duri confident and comfortable with fashion, the person who really taught him how to be better at fashion. from the advice of making sure you can style a piece three different times, to making sure he had essentials, she had really opened up his eyes in that sense. duri’s really thankful for this because she really jump started the fashion love even more and what had helped him. generally, duri will always call upon yena when he needs to update his wardrobe. 
his cousin graduating with a degree in fashion and becoming a fashion merchandiser had seemingly helped duri a lot too - making sure that he’s actually dressing well. 
whenever he has questions about fashion, he’s either going to his cousin, yena, or taejin because he trusts their opinions. 
duri has become a lot better with his own sense of fashion, where he’s taking things and really just making things his own. he’ll tend to follow trends, but a lot of the time, he’ll just start his own trends and make them his own. he wears a lot of tight clothing, besides for sweaters (turtlenecks are left out of this because he loves a good tight turtleneck), because it’s the most comfortable for him. however, in the summer, he has learned that he enjoys the look of outfits that are bit more flowy because they keep you cooler when walking around the city. 
duri is no longer a walking, fashion nightmare. he’s very comfortable with fashion and styling himself. generally, he might even be able to take his own style and design clothing - even if he might not having anything special when it comes to his fashion, he still looks really good, and he’s considered to be very fashionable - however, that’s mainly because of the influences of his cousin, yena, and taejin. but, no one can see that he isn’t fashionable, because he clearly is now. even his active wear outfits have been considered to be fashionable in one way or another. 
all in all, call him a fashionista now! 
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darisu-chan · 4 years
whatever our souls are made of (his and mine are the same), pt. 15
Welcome back to yet another one-shot!
Hope you guys enjoy it!
You can also read it here.
See ya!
Prompt: social media
Summary: Each photo they upload becomes a puzzle piece which tells a story. Their story.
Ichigo, Rukia realizes, is not a fan of social media.
 Not that she had known what that was beforehand.
 She hadn’t realized there were more uses for a cellphone besides calling, receiving texts, listening to music and maybe taking a few pictures.
 She had had a more pragmatic view of technology.
 And it is not until she overhears Inoue and Arizawa talking about the newest photograph the former had taken and posted to Instagram, that she takes an interest on all the other uses one can give to a phone.
 “Ichigo, what is Instagram?” She asks the following day.
 She had hardly been able to sleep as she thought about that mysterious Instagram thing.
 Ichigo blinks and puts away the manga he had been reading.
 It is obvious he hadn’t seen this question coming.
 “It is a cellphone app.” He vaguely explains.
 “I see.”
 (Spoiler alert: she hadn’t)
 “What is an app?”
 She asks again.
 Then he goes on a lengthy explanation about the many apps and their uses.
 Turns out, Instagram is just one of the many apps you can use.
 You can even watch movies on your phone!
 Who would’ve thought?
 And Rukia gets the gist of it.
 Well sorta.
 She just knows that you can use a phone for almost anything nowadays.
 But he hadn’t really answered what Instagram was, so she asks again.
 “It’s an app in which people post pictures, sometimes with messages, other times not.” Ichigo tells her.
 “So people use it to share their photos with other people?”
 That sounded simple enough.
 “That’s the idea. Though attractive people use it for attention.” He adds.
 “Is that why Inoue has an Instagram?” Rukia asks out loud.
 (That makes him crack up)
 “So, to sum up, it is essentially a virtual album?”
 “Yeah, I guess.”
 It then occurs to Rukia that if Ichigo knows so much about it, maybe he has one.
 So she questions him about it.
 As it turns out, Ichigo does have an Instagram account.
 But he rarely uses it.
 It’s private, to begin with.
 There are just a few people that Ichigo had accepted, including his sisters and his few high school friends.
 He also doesn’t follow a lot of people.
 Besides that, he has only posted two photos.
 The first one is a snap of the river bank as the sun sets.
 There’s no description below and it seems unasuming, but Rukia knows the significance of it once she looks at the date it was posted on.
 The second one is just a picture of two very thick books by English authors.
 Again, there is no description, but she guesses those are a few of his favorite books.
 Other than that, there’s not much on his Instagram.
 Keigo did tag him on a picture with their other friends at someone’s house about a year ago.
 And that’s pretty much it.
 Yet, despite Ichigo’s lack of enthusiasm, Rukia is intrigued.
 She uses his account to browse through Instagram and realizes that he’s right, many attractive people, from celebrities to ordinary teens, post pictures of themselves, some in very suggestive poses.
 Then, there are other people who just share many things.
 Their pets, the places they’ve visited, their significant others, their children and other family members, things they bought, their food, concerts, and so much more.
 Rukia likes that.
 It feels as if they were sharing an intimate glimpse into their lives.
 She feels like she wants to share that too.
 She expresses as much, and Ichigo ends up installing the app into her own human cellphone and tells her how to use it.
 First things first, she needs a handle name.
 Rukia decides that doesn’t want to use her own name.
 Ichigo had told her that she could use a pseudonym in social media.
 She likes the anonymity of it.
 So she chooses a very simple handle.
 It is @krchappy14 and instead of her name, she just writes her initials.
 K. R.
 She becomes just a random Instagram user.
 And her first post is a snap of a drawing she had made, of a single white bunny waving hello with the hashtags #new, #hello and #bunny.
 That is just the beginning.
 Before long, her Instagram is filled with pictures.
 Rukia takes photos of anything she likes and posts them on the app.
 ─ Of sunsets, scattered leaves, the river.
 A stray snail, the white bunny she saw at a pet store, a hummingbird.
 Rain drops on windows, clouds, rainbows.
 A picture of her boots as she stands over a puddle.
 The highest tree in Karakura Town. ─
 There is not a single description in any of them.
 But Rukia uses different emoji under them and hashtags relating to what they are and what she feels about them.
 Soon, she gains a small following.
 At first just Ichigo follows her, and then Yuzu and Karin.
 Ishida, Chad, Mizuiro and Keigo end up following her too.
 Then there are two accounts that seem too suspicious to be just random users.
 (@greenhats4laifu and @_real_black_cat)
 Yet there are other people ─ strangers ─ who follow her for the photographs she posts.
 They like their simplicity.
 How Rukia lets them speak for themselves.
 There are, of course, more intimate ones.
 Ones most people wouldn’t be able to guess their true meaning.
 ─ Two coffee mugs sitting side by side ─ one light blue with a white bunny on it, another black with red accents.
 Two videogame controllers.
 A horror manga next to a copy of Shakespeare’s selected works.
 Pictures of a rainy day with sad face emoji underneath.
 Board games on a table.
 A plate of curry.
 A festival.
 A rooftop overseeing the town.
 The silhouette of a young man reading. ─
 Her pictures are not only about things she likes.
 Each one tells a different story.
 And as time passes by, they multiply.
 Eventually Ichigo takes notice and asks her about it.
 “Why do you take so many pictures each time you visit?”
 “Because I don’t want to forget.”
 She simply admits.
 And suddenly she feels raw as Ichigo stares at her.
 “I… I never got to live as a human, so now that I get the chance, there are many things, many moments I just don’t want to ever forget.”
 For Rukia Instagram is more than just an app and photos.
 She uses it as her personal journal.
 But instead of words, it is filled with glimpses of life.
 Each photograph is a brief moment frozen in time that she wants to remember for the rest of her days.
 Everything she gets to experience, everything that she gets to be, is there.
 It is a testimony of her own existence.
 “I just figured that if there comes a time I can’t come here anymore, at least there’d be proof I was here, you know?”
 That I lived, she wants to say.
 Ichigo smiles softly at her.
 “I understand.”
 On her next visit, she is surprised to discover that Ichigo has been uploading more photos on his account.
 It’s not just a few.
 His account is still private, and the same people still follow him, but now there are more than just two lone pictures.
 ─ There’s a snap of his university.
 Pictures of Karin’s recent games.
 A photo of the Kurosakis all eating dinner together.
 A picture of Yuzu focused on her cooking.
 Birds flying through the window.
 A stack of new manga.
 Just a simple picture of his closet.
 A photo of the new CDs he bought.
 A snap of forget-me-nots. ─
 And Rukia soon realizes why he’s taking so many pictures.
 They are not for himself or for other people.
 They are for her.
 Each picture is about something she had missed while she was away.
 Events and anecdotes she gets to hear from her favorite people.
 And that now she gets to see.
 So she smiles at each them as she sees them.
 She treasures them deep in her heart.
 (Now she doesn’t have to miss anything)
 Eventually, their Instagram accounts get filled with photographs that you’d need to see together to get the full picture.
 Each photo becomes a puzzle piece which tells a story.
 Their story.
 ─ Movie tickets.
 Two pairs of ice skates.
 Starbucks orders.
 Pink dresses and leather jackets.
 Drawings and crayons.
 Books and college essays.
 A sunrise.
 Black bracelets.
 Silver rings.
 A field covered in flowers.
 Bunnies everywhere.
 A kitchen.
 Chocolate cake.
 Two pairs of legs covered in blankets.
 Sakura trees in full bloom.
 Dandelions. ─
 And one winter day, they post their best pictures.
 Rukia’s is a simple one.
 She hadn’t taken it, though.
 It had been Yuzu who had snapped it when they hadn’t been looking.
 It has a black and white filter.
 And in the picture, you can see the backs of a man and a woman wearing winter coats.
 They are surrounded by a snowy landscape.
 And the girl has her head on the guy’s shoulder as he holds her close.
 The caption is just a heart emoji.
 Ichigo, for his part, posts two pictures.
 His are more straightforward.
 The first is a snap of Rukia grinning as she throws snow in the air.
 In the second one, they are sitting next to each other.
 As Rukia smiles and blushes, Ichigo is seen pecking her cheek.
 The description simply reads,
 “I’m still not used to the cold, but since she loves snow so much, I gotta learn how to enjoy it too. It’s worth it, though. Just to see her smile.”
 Rukia gets a lot of comments saying she and her boyfriend look cute, even though you cannot see their faces.
 Ichigo, meanwhile, is bombarded by comments from his friends.
 He ignores them, though, as now he is more focused on the girl next to him.
 “Guess this means we’re now Instagram official, nee?”
 She jests as he rolls his eyes.
 “Rukia, please don’t ruin the moment.”
 “You know you love it.”
 “Damn right I do.”
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morbidoptimisim · 5 years
Some Teen Titan Headcanons:
The first time she had a loose tooth, she worried it with her tongue until it fell loose, and crunched it without thinking; as a half-demon it turns out she sheds a lot of teeth, and she nonchalantly eats/swallows most of them. 
She is incredibly smart, and incredibly bored. Always. She will teach herself new things, show them off just to get a reaction out of her friends, then never touch that thing again if pressed to use it for any reason. It drives Robin bonkers, as he’s had to replan missions around that. Such skills usually pertain to her love of languages, such as types of dances and knitting.    
As a half-demon, Raven’s body is really good at digesting meat, but not so good at digesting most types of breads and plants; she loves sweet things, and prefers hard candies such as rock candy, over chocolates. She refuses to ‘give into her demonic nature’ however, and readily eats things like pizza and sandwiches, despite them not really sitting well with her. 
As a half-demon, she is actually stronger than most humans, but, as her magic is usually more effective & her pacifist upbringing still influences her, she tends to opt out of physical situations where she can.  
Sometimes she’ll stare at a spot on a wall or near the ceiling, and ‘track’ movement from that spot much like a cat; when questioned about it, her focus will shift blanky to whoever is talking to her and you can visibly see her blink back into ‘normalcy’. Her answer is always a shrug. It’s concerning.
She has a form of shapeshifting that’s caused by her power changing her body to better house the energies contained within; it was a conscious decision to change her childhood appearance to look more human. In her childhood she had several sets of red eyes and redder skin that terrified everyone around her, causing a deep-seated self-loathing and anxiety.  
She sometimes wears heelys and shoes that light up under her cloak.
When she moves objects, she puts a little of her soul into the object to manipulate, same for people; she can trace the ‘imprint’ or ‘impression’ of that action, and is really good at navigating the places she’s been for having used her powers to become parts of the surroundings.  
She can also ‘hone in” on people she’s used her powers on more quickly the those she hasn’t. She can still find those she’s never interacted with before, by following the emotional trail given off by the people who do know them.  
Places with stronger emotional residue call to her, and it’s not uncommon for her to shudder while walking with her friends, as a wave of the past washes over her.
She has a unique brand of humor; she’ll mix memes from Earth and Azarath, and use what sporadic knowledge she has of each to get her friend’s goats. She’s especially fond of giving Robin (Grayson) near incomprehensible riddles that usually end in the punchline, ‘and doves’.
Doves were the only animal she’d seen on Azarath, as they were the holy symbols of Azar. It was essentially illegal to take Azar or the bird’s names in vain. Raven had a complicated set of not-quite-feelings about them, as she did with the rest of Azarath’s purity based culture. 
The first time she saw a flock of pigeons, Raven stopped and stared at them, confusing her friends. After staring for a few moments, she whispered, “Stupid doves” just to test fate if she’d be smited for it, and Beast Boy spent the rest of the afternoon explaining the differences between all the birds that he knew. She never stopped calling pigeons ‘stupid doves’ much to her friends confusion. 
Horror movies scare her because they push into her face what she thinks other people may come to see her as, and what she may become if she doesn’t remain vigilant. Also, because there wasn’t t.v. or movies on Azarath and a complete lack of anything resembling a fantasy genre, so most forms of entertaining media were completely new to her, and she has little desensitization towards them.
Her music is a massive unseparated playlist of all her music, plus the playlists of all her friends, so most of her friends become terribly surprised they listen to anything with her when a track switches from something like a guided meditation narration to a deathmetal polka ballad.
Raven is an amature musisian. She messes around with writing wordless songs and playing them on keyboard; she has a small dedicated following on the internet, though nobody knows who she is since she never uses any bios or discernable names. She sometimes works on the music at the open mic night cafes she goes to, if the place is rather empty. 
She continues to mentor the Tot Titans Melvin the Magnificent, Timmy Tantrum, and Teether, and gradually adopts them as her own. Or rather, when they start calling her “mom”, she accepts the role, feeling both flattered and frantic over doing a good enough job of being a loving guiding force that she never grew up with until her friends came along. 
As a half-demon, her body is never happy with the temperature around her. Her skin gets overheated easily, but internally, she always feels freezing. This leads to her wearing outfits like her infamous leotard without pants while also sporting her iconic heavy cloak.   
She doesn’t sleep. She’s afraid to let her control slip for that long. Instead, she spends the time meditating; the calming rest-like trance allowing her body and mind to decompress while she maintains control. Or that was the theory she was raised by, at least. She also mediates for several hours during the day, as a go-to thing to do. It’s both her coping mechanism and bad habit. 
When she does sleep, she has terrible nightmares and visions, as well as a few instances of sleep paralysis. She’s also never certain if her father or her own demonic nature is the cause of such things. 
At sleepovers, she’s content to cuddle when everyone is sleeping, as she enjoys feeling the happy emotions of her friends as they dream. She’ll rest her eyes and do light mediation until someone inevitably starts up a 3am conversation with her, or drift into deep meditation until someone prods her to come to breakfast, if she’s trying to block out everyone’s emotions if they’re too strong for her to comfortably deal with. 
She can hear the whispers of the unseen, and hear the screams of the damned frequently. She forgets that isn't normal sometimes, but never speaks of it, and goes quiet if someone catches her mumbling to herself about it. 
There wasn’t any sort of mental health resources on Azarath; everything was her demons. Since coming to Earth, she’s made a couple of crude google searches of mental health topics, but never really dug into it. She is convinced that most things she deals with, are a direct result of her demonic heritage, and doesn’t normally share such things unless they’re directly impact the lives of her friends in a dangerous way.  
She steals her friends’ clothes. Robins jackets. Cyborg’s hoodies. Starfire’s shorts. Beast Boy’s shirts. Anything Jinx doesn’t nail to her closet. Raven wears them until they don’t ‘feel’ like her friends anymore, and then she returns them by abandoning them in the laundry room. If her friends start wearing them again, they run the risk of her stealing them again, if they were terribly comfy. She likes them for the emotional imprints of her friends, much the same way an animal like the smell of their favorite person’s sweater. 
She will binge-read wikipedia, putting every link in a new tab. she has hundreds of tabs  open at any given time. She never gets to what she wants to read because she stops to read each new page linked in the article ad nauseum. 
Raven often gets overwhelmed at grocery stores; not only are there usually a lot of people in bad moods with kids throwing tantrums, which grate against her empathy powers, the repeating arrays of small colorful items on every shelf actually make her slightly nauseous and disoriented rather easily. When shopping with her friends, shell tend to stay near the cart pusher, and focus on blocking everything out, leaving her distant, snippy, and dismissive.   
She sometimes humors Beast Boy by guesting on his gamer channel. She’s incredibly sarcastic, but is genuinely curious to see what happens when he messes with the game in ways that he shouldn’t, and lowkey urges him to break them from the inside out. One time, she actually took over for Beast Boy and played the game for herself; the playtime lasting for around five hours. That game was Sims City. She constructed a nearly perfect recreation of Azarath, (though no one knew it as such) and then wordlessly deleted it without warning. Fans were horrified at the loss.   
Raven is a fan of Vampire the Bloodlines, both table top and the pc game. In her first tabletop rpg before the death of her father, she played a Lasombra anti-tribune who diablerised their sire for their freedom. Since then, she’s played Termere, Catiff, and Salubri characters. As a playstyle, she prefers stealth and conversation over reactionary violence, but her characters are usually quite liberal about using force when necessary, if given any reason to. Sometimes, she lets herself/her characters have a bit of fun; on a whim, she once seduced one of her sessions main villains with a nat 20, surprising the party and their players, and then killed them for accepting her offer. 
Raven’s favorite video game is “Getting Over It With Bennette Foddy”; as a person who for the most part, does not play games, she was unused to the concept of ‘shitty controls’ and assumed her lack of experience was the culprit for the lack of progression and felt that the narrator’s words were heartfelt and reasonable. She spent most of the game zoning out and thinking over philosophies brought up by the narrator, and for the most part had a good time as she didn’t actually care about winning or not since she was put up to playing the game by Beast Boy as a gag. 
Her favorite game in general is chess, and she is quite good at it, though she has odd self-sabotaging tendencies that versed opponents can take note of. 
She isn’t allowed to play most rhythm games, as she runs the risk of going into a trance-like state and getting caught “in the loop”.  
Raven keeps everything her friends give her; most of her room was furnished and decorated by such gifts. She has a stuffed animal collection that starfire and Cyborg add to & Jinx has given her quite a collection of dead things, and other raw materials that she uses for spell work. Because of Jinx’s habit, Roven jokingly refers to the girl as her ‘familiar’ from time to time. She gives all the skulls Jinx gives her their own names and personalities. 
Raven rarely talks about Azarath; most assume its because it’s too painful for her to do so, but in truth, she simply doesn't know that much about its culture or history, as she had been heavily isolated in her society for her specialized upbringing. 
Thinking about Azarath also is painful, because a part of her resents her people for her lack of a childhood, even as most of her insists they were right and good in their actions and discretion over her.  
She had QUITE an adjustment period after arriving on Earth, though hers was more of a quiet integration than Star’s. Azarath ran on magic not technology, and she found it abstractly fascinating. She found Earth’s people to be extraordinarily sinful by Azarathian standards. Witch was equal measures a relief and nightmare for her to reconcile with. She secretly feels much of humanity is downright debased, but also feels that she has no right to judge anyone, as a half-demon makes her the literal worst of the worst there could be, according to her upbringing.  
Raven didn’t know what money actually was until she asked Jinx why she robbed banks so often, assuming the girl and her team had just wanted to disrupt civil services. Azarath didn’t have money, and the Raven had no idea how anything for the Titans was funded as neither Cyborg nor Robin ever thought to talk to her about it.   
Raven feels some resentment of normal people, for their ability to take their afterlives and emotions for granted, and resents herself for feeling that way. She doesn’t wish she was normal herself however, as the vain part of her, in some cruel self degrading way, likes having been such denstinedly important and resultantly steadfastly resilient in her aversion of it. She’s proud of her ability to resist her nature, and her father’s will.  
She would have 100% stayed on the planet where she was worshipped by the tiny bird like aliens inhabiting it, if Starfire and Robin hadn’t insisted they all return to Earth. 
She is terrible at most maths, but extremely keen on their uses, as she’s quite good at “guesstimation”, and many magic and social situations have some tendencies towards equations. 
College professors love her for her philosophy debates. She can talk tails around anyone, about anything, at any time; her mind is almost constantly wondering downs paths of philosophical quandaries. Her friends are often concerned whenever her mumbled anecdotes reflect too nihilistic of a thought process.  
Wild animals tend to be extremely wary of Raven, as they can sense her demonic heritage; most will simply avoid getting too close and will wander away if they get close enough to her general location to sense her. In close quarters, most animals will cower in front of her, and whine, though many animals will turn vicious, if the situation around their encounter is chaotic. 
While Raven has no pets, wild birds, more notably ravens and crows, tend to flock around her whenever she steps outside. Though she insists she’s indifferent towards them, she’ll feed hand them at times, and often pets a particularly plump corvid she named “Mr. Chubby Beak”. 
As an empath, she can tell implicitly if someone is lying to her, as she can feel the emotion of it in the person speaking to her, but as its not a mind-reading function, she can’t usually tell what the person talking to her is specifically lying about. 
While Raven can feel her father’s genuine desire for family, his cruelty and Azarathian constructed evil are so abhorrent to her, that she wouldn’t ever allow herself to join his side, no matter how tragic or tempting the situations between them might feel.   
As he was created by the Azarathian monks magically ripping out their unwanted feelings and instincts taking form as their evil incarnate, Trigon is not a normal “Earthly’ demon. Though he has desires and opinions, he has very little in feeling of emotions, and most of his opinions on matters come across as really potent binary switches for himself. He wants a family, but is incapable of feeling ‘humanly’ love, though he recognises it’s importance, and even banks on Raven’s ability to love, wishing for her to use her abilities that he lacks to unite his kingdoms for him. 
He considers Raven much as a toddler caught in their terrible twos; though he’s confident in her abilities and proud of her accomplishments to some extent, he’s ultimately waiting and prodding Raven’s path from afar to force her self-growth. 
As Raven is his only female human child, and is by far the most powerful of his children, he considers her an indispensable resource, and will run though most other alternatives before resigning himself to killing her.
While he feels compelled to commit atrocities and do evil, he feels no enjoyment from it. He’s a secret philosopher, and his views are morbidly nihilistic, as his nature is inescapable. His overall apathy to the suffering of others and his overwhelming burden of perpetual boredom allow him to disregard or rationalize downright sickening acts of horror. 
With his demonic sets of eyes, he can see an entire planet’s worth of people at one time in their heat-vision like capabilities, though he sees the people’s potential for his purposes, rather any actual heat of sensory data. He has no issues using this and his other abilities for his own gain.   
He doesn’t really know how humans, women, or children work, and it was because of this, that Raven’s mother, his bride, Arella, was able to convince him to give Raven certain leeways that she otherwise would not have had. 
He doesn’t understand Raven’s fashion tastes and is often confused point blank about her choices and terms of expressions. 
He has an almost uncanny ability to show up with the exact snack or food you didn’t know you were craving; especially when you’re upset or sick. Starfire is usually the recipient of such gestures, especially during her pregnancy (with M’ari), but occasionally he’ll bring food for his friends when they’re feeling down/under the weather.  
Spends several nights in frustration, sleep-deprived tears iminent, over Raven’s strange leading questions, as his paronoia insists she’s testing him to see if he’s really as capable of a leader and a detective as he’s been groomed to be. He doesn’t know if her riddles are pure curiosity, references to her homeworld dimension, jibes at his expense, or an effort to adapt to Earthy mainstream comedy. Or all of the above. 
Robin is actually not particularly bothered by Raven’s demonic aura, as he grew accustomed to weird and uncomfortable atmospheres in Gotham. He doesn’t know much about magic, or try to understand much about it, as he feels it isn't his place, but hopes his support and steadfast nature helps comfort Raven somewhat. 
After seeing a few vines of that one dude who makes holiday pole dancing videos, Robin learned how to pole dance, and sometimes makes similar videos for mundane occasions. Lacking a clarinet, he substitutes a recorder. His recorder playing is terrible. 
He’s terrible at dancing with Starfire, because she’s beautiful and he’s in love, and he can’t even. Starfire doesn’t mind though, and is content to lead her boyfriend as he bumbles his way along with her. half the time, Starfire forfeits the dance altogether, to float around in the air and sway a bit, which he thinks is divine.  
He enjoys learning new dances with Raven, as she’s one of the few who opts to take the extracurricular training sessions with him; he enjoyed their swing dancing practices the most, as it was one of the few times he’d seen Raven look a little more carefree than usual. They weren’t very good at swing dancing, but he’s the first to admit that he and Raven make a mean waltzing pair, and entered more than one dancing competition with her.  
He considers Raven something of a twin and a little sister, and then something of his first child by the time he grows into Nightwing, and will makes jokes to such effects on occasion, especially if Raven and Starfire are present. Similarly, he considers himself an uncle when Raven takes in the Tot Titans under her wing.   
He often forgets that the rest of his family, his Batfamily, doesn’t know Raven, and often brings her up during phone calls, leading to more than one occasion where he’s had to explain to his estranged relations that yes,Starfire was still his girlfriend, and no, Raven wasn’t his girlfriend, but was essentially his sister, and no, he would never date more than one girl at a time.   
He loves games like Portal, Fruit Ninja, and I Expect You To Die. 
By the time Robin (Damien) joins the Titans, he’s already heard quite a bit about all of the Titans from Robin’s (Grayson’s) phone calls, and beelines towards Raven, whom he expects to have the best dirt & embarrassing stories about his brother. (She does.)
Damien warms up to Raven perhaps the most, out of all the Titans he meets, though their conversations are so seemingly biting with each other, that the other Titans often think the pair actively dislike one another.  Damien enjoys the aura of calming Raven projects around her, and Raven distantly empathises with being raised to be weapon, and not really fitting into the definitions of what a “kid” is supposed to act like.  
Is convinced that most, if not half, of Raven’s problems are actually mental health based, and is horrified by the thought of Raven having lived this long without getting any sort of help for any of it that she thinks the girl probably needs. Therefore, Jinx spends quite a lot of time diving around the internet, looking things up and trying to find answers and solutions to hand to her for testing. 
Jinx finds things. a lot. Feathers. Bones. Tiny weird and neat looking rocks. She collects them and will offer deceased prizes as objects of affection, much like a cat bring their catch to a communal pile. But with less mushy parts. Most of the Hive and the Titans are unsettled by the bones, though they appreciate the thought.
Jinx is half really flattered and proud, that Raven often steals her clothes, seeing it as a sign of respect from an admired ex-adversary, and is half upset that Raven looks better in her clothes than she does, in her opinion. 
Her favorite type of music is anything resembling ‘rebellious female’, and introduces Raven to the witch house genre.  
Fucking LOVES watermelon, strawberries, and blueberries. 
She collects knives. She has dozens. She also has holsters for most of them, and wears servel of them at times, as a lingering impression of her Hive training. 
She likes to talk strategies with Robin; as a team leader herself, she has quite a lot of insight and ideas & feels comfortable talking to him about that she can’t bring up around Titans East, as she doesn’t want to accidently usurp Bumble Bee, during her time with them. After joining the main team, she continues to talk to robin about such things, as it's a comfortable go-to topic to discuss by that point. 
Fumes over the fact that the Titans don’t take her past leadership role seriously, or her past Hive team seriously, but bites her tongue because she refuses to give up the information that her team was always used as a diversion unit for some of the Hive’s other operations.
Secretly used Kid Flash as an in to the Titans, as meeting Madame Rogue broke her last thread of loyalty to the Hive way of life. She dated him until his promiscuous flirtations provided a strong enough out to respectful end things between them without risking her new position as a Titan. She found him a good enough friend, but was annoyed at how he, like her Hive friends, disregarded the parts of her that were ‘uncomfortable’ and focused on her ‘rehabilitated aspects’. 
She secretly has a few feelings of resentment for Bumble Bee, as the girl lied to her for years as an undercover agent, though Jinx understands and respects it of her. As much as she’s upset at her friend for lying to her, she’s also impressed by Bee’s resolve and dedication for never letting anything slip.
Considers Mammoth her BFF for life, her brother from another mother, her best chum and right hand man. Gizmo, she feels, is her snarky little brother whom she loves, but detests in equal measure. Her other relationships with the Hive students vary. She was actually good friends with Kitten and Angel. 
She knew vaguely about the cult portions of the Hive, but was never privy to much of it, for her use in other areas. 
She can play the guitar well enough to please a diner’s worth of people on open mic night or pop a smile on anyones face at a slumber party. Her bad luck breaks a lot of strings, however. 
Her bad luck builds up over time when not in use. Jinx has to discharge it frequently in small to medium doses in order to prevent serious harm to those around her; such accident have included burst pacemakers, car accidents, and buildings breaking down, and people, animals, and plants spontaneously combusting.  
Being next to her for long lengths of time greatly increases the chance of catching a sickness, be it something like a common cold, or cancer. 
She has many scars; the ones on her body are largely from her stints heisting and training, and the ones on her face are from the many torn and botches piercings she’s given herself over the years. Due to luck and proclivities, her piercings never stay in longer than a week or two before getting ripped out, and she simply pierces over the scars that form from her healing factor. She also has a body spreading scar from where she was struck by lightning as a child. 
Her lightning scar faintly glows whenever she flares up her powers. 
The back of her shoulders say “Bad Luck”, which she feels is ample warning for anyone she comes into contact with under any circumstances. She also has a stylized tattoo of a black cat on her inner wrist that she gave herself during a class once. 
She has a pet sphynx cat named Hex, and loves him dearly, even though he’s a scamp and prefers sitting in Raven’s lap instead of hers. (He enjoys Raven’s hotter-than-an-average-person’s body temperature, as he has no fur and chills easily.)
Jinx is morbidly fascinated with Raven, having looked up to her when they were adversaries; when they were on opposites sides, Jinx even entertained the idea of choosing Raven as her arch nemesis, which is a conceptual relationship she took very seriously, as all of the arch villains she looked up to growing up held their arch nemeses to high importances. This made becoming friends with Raven very awkward, when she switched sides, as there is no same-side sort of rivalry that an arch nemesis could easily translate into, especially as they had never actually reached the point of being official nemeses. Jinx tried to explain it all to Bumble Bee once, who considers the matter the equivalent of being “ex- almost-dysfunctional-girlfriends”.  
Since befriending Raven, they essentially became best friends, over shared bonds of magic, their unfortunate natures, the unfortunate consequences of their actions or not-actions, the way people regard them for being different, their shared interests in media and music, ect. Without meaning to, they starting hanging out all the time, and it becomes common enough to always find one of them by looking for the other. 
Jinx feels that even though she’s in over her head with helping Raven sort out herself out, she the best suited for the job and is determined to help Raven learn about herself and accept herself as best she can.    
Proudly plays Raven’s songs snippets in his car, when she shares her samples with him.  
Nicknamed the Tower’s mainframe ‘Karen’ after watching spongebob with Beast Boy; the name stuck and since the mainframe runs throughout the Tower itself, the entire Tower is technically named Karen, and it’s become a running gag. 
He’s the go-to Titan that the others ask about Earthly matters. Raven tends to ask him about technology, while Starfire tends to ask him about societal norms; as the resident Tower physician, he’s also the Titan to go to for ‘the talks’, which he gave to Raven (as she grew up in a monastery and was not expected to live past Trigon’s invasion) and Beast Boy, as for most of his crime fighting career, was considered ‘too young” by the Doom Patrol to be informed.  
Cyborg is Beast-Boy’s most frequent game channel guest, as he usually helps with any co-op or multiplayer games; he loves vehicle based games the most, such as racing games, truck simulators, and Rocket League. He also loves the God of War series and Skyrim. He has over 500 hours logged into Skyrim. He holds no regrets, and will happily tell anyone about any of his playthroughs and characters. 
Cyborg’s processors sometimes get overloaded trying to “load in” every item on the shelves when getting groceries. To compensate, he usually turns down his other senses to make more “processing power” for his visuals; which usually means he has a genunaily harder time hearing his friends at stores then when he’s at home with them.  
Listens to really obscure music genres and adds them to the Tower’s communal music files. 
It’s not only through lip contact that her species can learn information, though language is most commonly transferred through kissing; her species is actually as good at fighting as it is, because their bodies literally learn the movements their opponents use against them. This means theortically, a Tamaranian will get stronger every time they fight an opponent, especially if they are already familiar with it in a way that’s passively terrifying. 
She loves arts and crafts, to the point where she’s almost always doing two or three different kinds at any given time. There’s usually craft supplies strewn about anywhere she’s been, through any supplies she’s not using are usually sorted and in their proper places. She loves going to stores and picking up kits for different kinds of crafts for all sorts of odds and ends. 
She loves gardening. She loves her flowers with an intense passion, and messing up her garden is one of the only ways you can actually make her seriously upset. 
She considers Raven the sister she always wished Blackfire could have been; she considers Raven her closest friend and her bond of loyalty with her is practically incapable of being broken, to the point where Raven fears that if she should ever turns evil, Starfire would simply cease fighting and forgivingly allow Raven to do as she would without resistance, unable to terminate her if the need arouse. Starfire considers this an improbable situation to arise, and has vowed to ensure that such a future could never come to pass to begin with. 
When Starfire and Nightwing’s daughter Mar’i Grayson is born, Starfire names Raven her daughter’s godmother. 
Beast Boy:
He loves rhythm games; DDR, Audiosurf, Beat Saber, ect. He puts in the practise to be really good at them, but it is possible to beat him. 
He will not stop collecting stray animals. He can’t stop. He won’t ever stop. He at least, manages to find good homes for most of them, though there is still an overabundance at the Tower he refuses to part with at any given time. 
He loves music that references the ever changing trends and memes of the time, and loves introducing such songs to his friends even when they dont him to, or when he’s already played the song for them several times before. 
Out of all the Titans, Beast Boy is the one most affected by Raven’s demonic aura. He can smell in in her body & it sets the animal instincts off within him to be exceedingly wary around her, which he feels guilty about, and is why he tries so hard to come across to Raven as though it doesn’t actually bother him, and like he’s completely fine with her. Even with the ‘creepy’ bits; not knowing that his denial and good intentions, actually make it harder for Raven to trust him & feel comfortable around him, as it sets off her empathic warning bells. There isn’t much either one of them can do about the state of things however, so they try to ignore it best they can, though Beast Boy feels like Raven’s biting sarcasm and passive aggression is a silent challenge for him to work harder around her.    
She loves memes, but the more deadpannedly-absurd ones. She’s the one who would #Mood, #Relatable, #Same on images of pictures with really bizzare energy. 
She resents Raven ,as she feels Raven was given “special treatment” while having even “worse” issues controlling herself and her powers then Terra did; feeling that it wasn’t fair for Raven’s bursts of temper tantrums were simply brushed under the rug, while Terra’s unstable powers had always been shoved back in her face. 
She hates schoolwork and the drudgery of civilian life with a passion. She committed to keeping it up, however. 
She refuses to leave Jump City, under her anxiety fueled hope that if her powers get the better of her again, the Titan’s won't have far to go to set things right. 
Along with apple pie, Terra loves candied yams. 
While she isn’t exactly fond of gardening by any means, she has a rather impressive collection of tiny succulents in small brightly colored pots. 
She doesn’t have any favorite games, in terms of sentimental value, but her two most played games are the Sims and Overwatch. 
She can and has, poured energy drinks into coffee and made peace with the concept of her demise.
She can and will fight god behind a denny’s dumpster at 3am on a tuesday. She gives no fucks. 
Owns like 6 snuggies.
She fucking HATES dirt inside a house. She can and WILL clean anything dusty, as she can sense the particles and it aggravates her skin after sitting with it for too long.  
*Tot Titans:
Melvin takes the full hero name “Melvin the Magnificent” when she gets older, which was Raven’s pet name for her. 
Tommy Tantrum, like Black Canary can shatter ear drums. 
Teether refuses to eat real food, and can and WILL eat anything non-edible if he can get his mouth on it. This makes him an effective garbage disposal of sorts, but he’s been banned from testing out weather or not nuclear & chemical waste would be harmful for him or not. 
Tommy likes firetrucks, and wants to be one when he grows up. 
Tommy, as a kid, is afraid of the Snuggle Bear, the Smokey the Bear, and other commercial type animated bears on TV, because they seem like soulless imitations of Bobby. 
Tommy was the hardest child for Raven to mentor/raise, as his tantrums were, well, spectacularly awful, but after learning how to properly teach him that tantrums weren’t the best way to communicate and steadily working with him, Tommy took to Raven’s guidance with great intensity. 
Melvin is the most distant, as her younger brothers had an easier time growing up with Raven as their new “mom”, but she idolizes Raven quietly, in her own way, and wants to live up to whatever expectations she thinks Raven has of her. 
Melvin never “outgrows” Bobby, but reinvents him from time to time, to give him better edges and abilities in tricky situations. 
Most of Melvin’s imagination-creations are heavily influenced by Raven and the other Titans., though they remain loyal to her genuine interests and aesthetics.   
Melvin is quite fond of tea-parties. 
Teether loves trains & starts building models sets as he gets bigger. 
Teether’s first cuss word is “fuck”, and Raven will never forgive Beast Boy for it. 
Tommy and Melvin’s first cuss word is “shit”, and it was actually something Melvin picked up from crimefighting, as Robin sighed it under his breath after a villain made a run for it. The older teens didn’t know Melvin heard it however, so it was quite a shock to them when Jinx reported it to the dinner table after giving the two Tots a time out. 
Melvin gets away with cussing the most as she grows up, as she tends to use them the way Raven and Jinx do, making it harder for them to catch her at it. 
When assisting with tasks, Melvin takes the role very seriously, and usually involves a clipboard into the mix to keep track of things in an “official” manner. 
To stop the fighting, Raven gives Teether his own blanket, so Tommy can keep his.  
Tommy loves camping with a passion. 
Because of his suit, villains usually first assume that Tommy has fire-based powers and generally get knocked out by his super sonic screams. 
Because of the nature of her powers, Melvin is HIGHLY discouraged from watching horror movies, to keep any “Raven-Tower-Haunting” scenarios from recurring.  
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jinjikook · 7 years
Sugar Sweet | 3 | (M) [Discontinued]
word count: 5.1k
genre: smut + fluff; college AU + fuckboy!kihyun
pairing: reader/kihyun
summary: your best friend & roommate changkyun just wanted to help get you laid. instead you found solace in a pink haired man named kihyun who had a smart mouth with sharp words you weren’t afraid to let cut you, as long as he didn’t mind you hurting him a little too.
a/n: there’s no actual smut in this chapter, just lots of talk about it along with seriously suggestive things, but it’ll be in the next one! thank you so much for the support and love for SS so far!!  ♡ ♡ ♡
part 1 | part 2 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 
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2 days.
2 days was all you got before fate decided to fuck you over once more.
On one of the worst days of the week—scratch that, the whole month—you were dealing with too many problems at once. For starters, your alarm didn’t go off because your phone died halfway last night due to the fact you fell asleep watching Netflix and didn’t lock it. Clearly, that also meant you forgot to charge it.
But being late made you miss most of your morning class, to which you’re almost always on time to but the one day you weren’t, the professor decided to assign an important project that required you to work with a partner. And since you weren’t present, you were forced to work with Kim Taehyung, a notorious flirt and slacker when it came to work. Sure, he was nice to look at but he was useless in class, always relying on copying others to pass by. So this meant you essentially had to do the entire project by yourself within the next two weeks on parameters you weren’t present to know of.
Then, you went to get something to eat and after dealing with waiting in line behind what felt like the slowest talker in the universe, once you finally got your bag of hot fast food, this asshole behind you bumped into you and made you spill your soda all over yourself, not even as much as an apology left his mouth. He just gave you a dirty look as if you were the one who bumped into him.
Getting home was hell, half-chilled clothes sticking to your body grossly as you bit into the burger, even though they had gotten it wrong and gave you a different kind than you ordered. You couldn’t turn on the AC without freezing to death because of your clothing and you couldn’t distract yourself with your usual music because your phone was still at home charging. The radio in your car was virtually useless, every station always playing the same annoying and repetitive songs or disc jockeys rambling on and on about moronic families doing normal things that were always blown out proportion because they’re famous.
(For all the wrong reasons, you might add.)
When you actually got home, you realized your apartment’s laundry room was closed off. Apparently due to some risqué teens deciding to try and get it on in there and ended up breaking some pipe or something like that which ended up flooding the place. Damn horny kids and their inability to keep their sex lives in their respective homes. Not like you were one to talk though, if that little escapade with Park Jimin not too long ago in the movie theater was anything to go by.
So after changing into drier clothes; albeit they were just old sweatpants and the commemorative t-shirt you got from that car wash thing at the sorority, you set off to the local laundromat. It wasn’t anything swanky but it got the job done and it had enough security cameras and witnesses to keep you from being kidnapped from creepers who try to steal women’s panties from their baskets. You brought a basket with enough clothes to wash that would at least last you a week. It included underwear, some jackets, plenty of t-shirts and tank tops and of course, jeans for days. You threw in a load into one of the medium sized machines, relishing in the fact that it was relatively empty in the establishment minus you and a few others that minded their own business fairly well.
You had one side of your earbuds shoved into an ear, jamming quietly to a fairly poppy song as you poured in your detergent and softener, probably too much for the size of the load but you never really cared much about that. Humming along to the tune, you turned on the machine and fed it your quarters, watching as it hummed to life and began to fill with water and suds.
Turning around, you were met with a body blocking your way to the counter where the rest of your clothes were. You were about to open your mouth and kindly ask to be let past but then you watched as the man in front of you spotted a pair of your underwear in the basket, sticky fingers already going to reach for it. Your eyes widened to the size of saucers and insults and accusations jumped to the front of your tongue, ready to jump off and give this creep an earful. However, the face you were met with as he turned with the said article of clothing made you more flustered than angry.
“Dang Y/N, I’d like to see you in these.” Kihyun spoke, his voice slightly hoarse from what’d you assume was sleep. He eyed the pair of baby blue panties that hung from his grip, the slight white lace trim grazing his fingertips. You were absolutely fuming, how dare he just overstep his boundaries like that and expose you in front of the public like this?
(The public being the 4 or 5 others inside the store with you, all of which were totally not paying attention to either one of you. But that was beside the point, it was the principle of the matter!)
You huffed and lunged to tear the fabric from in-between his digits but he simply stepped back and made you miss altogether, smirk plastered on his features.
“Uh uh uh, gotta move quicker than that sweetheart.” You growled and tried again, a repeat of before making you lean too far forward and fall into Kihyun’s personal space. Too close for comfort, definitely. “Baby girl if you wanted to get close to me, you didn’t need to play this little game, just ask. Surely you know how to use your big girl words, right?” Kihyun teased, re-hashing the words you had spat at him the first time you met.
“Seriously? You’re being so fucking immature right now, just give me those!” You tried once more, finally getting a decent grip on them and tearing them out of his hands, angrily throwing it back into the basket with your other dirty clothes. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be, preferably a thousand miles away from me?”
He chuckled, his gaze falling to the floor for a brief moment before coming back to meet your eyes, looking a touch darker than before. “Bothering you is always my number one priority, don’t you know?” He ruffled your hair and walked towards your basket again, hopping up and sitting next to it on the small counter. His eyes caught the offending piece of clothing once more before you stepped up to him and silently threatened him to not even dare. He raised his hands in mock surrender but continued to smugly smile at you, like he had you right where he wanted.
“Why are you even here? Isn’t your place like, on the other side of campus?” You asked, choosing to ignore his presence by instead categorizing your clothes between lights and darks.
“Missed you. And a little birdie told me they saw you here so I decided to grace you with my face and pay you a little visit. Ya’ know, to brighten your day.” Was he for real? How does one person have so much confidence in themselves at all hours? You didn’t even dignify his words with a response, scoffing and shaking your head as you try and decide if a gray shirt constituted as a light or a dark.
“I can’t stop thinking about it, you know. That little shirt isn’t really helping me either, babe.” Kihyun pointed at the shirt you were wearing, a blatant reminder of the conversation you had not that long ago that led to having hypothetical sex on your couch with him. Your heartrate picked up slightly, skin already getting clammier at the sheer memory of the time you two shared together. It was thrilling, though you hated to admit it. Something about Kihyun made your libido spark up, in ways you just couldn’t explain. And here he was, on one of the worst days of your life with his stupidly perfect face and stupidly sexy smile, tempting you like a little devil that hung off your shoulder.
He sighed and looked around, watching people come and go around you two. He wanted to do something to you, with you, but something about this place just ruined his “game”. He needed to get you somewhere else, a better playing field.
“How long are you gonna be here?”
“I’ll stay all night if it means you’ll leave.”
A soft chuckle paired with his soft hands at your chin made your eyes meet Kihyun’s own, “Love, I’m not leaving here without you.” Your mouth gaped at his words, leaving you beyond speechless. He was simultaneously so sweet and yet so spicy-sharp that you couldn’t help but feel enticed by his every word. As much as you didn’t want to admit it, his words already had you trembling in his grip, anticipation boiling inside as you shakily answered with a soft and barely-audible soon that made the corners of Kihyun’s mouth perk up. It reminded you of something evil; dark and low down but you couldn’t pinpoint who exactly you thought of in the moment.
He offered to help and pulled out his wallet, unzipping the small pocket on the side and shook out a couple of quarters. Taking a couple of ones out of it, he stashed the wallet away and mumbled about getting change from the machine in the corner. The whole idea of him helping you wash clothes had you shell-shocked, the entire thing being so damn domestic. Surely, he had ulterior motives in wanting to get you out of here sooner, no doubt. But at the same time you couldn’t help but think that he didn’t have to go to such lengths. Especially not having such an affinity for you that his friends knew enough of it to tell them your whereabouts, just so he could come and pester you. It was peculiar to say the least, but not unwelcome, you came to realize.
As shit as this day had been already, spending some time with Kihyun seemed like it wouldn’t be the worst. After all, he wasn’t so bad and if all else fails, you can just give him hell and laugh at his misery and take your mind off your own. He returned promptly, asking you to help him load the washing machine next to yours with the rest of your clothes. After silently following his orders and watching him carefully measure out the detergent and softener, he realized you hadn’t taken your eyes off him for the past few minutes. Even after he shooed you away, telling you he knew how to handle the machine just fine by himself, you still sat back and watched in awe. How could something so incredibly normal and average look so beautiful? Even with his hair snug underneath a black beanie and an oversized hoodie on, Kihyun still managed to take your breath away.
You figured that’s what always made you come back to him, despite his toxic attitude and sharp tongue, his pretty face and melodious laughter made up for it. You finally had an answer for his question the other day: even though he was as rude as they come, he still was a beauty that suited you perfectly. The sexual attraction was based off your constant fighting, the tension simply from raised tempers. But the actual, raw magnetism he held in him was from his prince-like appearance, surely what drew most girls in on first instances. It certainly was what captured your attention once you looked past his filthy mouth.
“Hey, did you want to take a picture? Because it’ll last longer, trust me.” He interrupted your thoughts, bringing back the attitude that turned your face sour.
“Anything lasts longer than you, trust me.” You shot back, smirking at his obviously surprised reaction to your words, not expecting such a witty and quick response from you.
“Wanna bet?”
You raised your eyebrows at him, all those mushy feelings from before completely dissipated. Leave it to Kihyun to fuck up a decently nice moment alongside him. You shook your head and turned the volume up on your phone, the one headphone that was in was on Kihyun’s side so it’d block him out. Closing your eyes, you let your head loll back and the rhythm that pounded in your eardrum made your mind let go of its stresses just for a moment before Kihyun literally ripped the bud out, yanking on the cord and making your eyes shoot open and instantly glare at him.
“I asked you a question Y/N. You always say I’m the rude one but ignoring me is just as much impolite.”
“I chose to ignore a stupid question, for both our sakes.” You spat, reaching to put the bud back in but Kihyun’s hand stopped you once more.
“I don’t get how that benefits the both of us? Makes me sad when you ignore me like that.” Kihyun falsely pouted, mock innocence crossed his face. You didn’t believe it for a second.
“Tough shit, suck it up Kihyun.”
“I’d rather if you did.” Kihyun instantly retorted, leaving your side as the washers dinged and already signaled the end of their cycles. He sang quietly as the wads of moist clothes were tossed into adjacent dryers, Kihyun instinctively throwing in dryer sheets and already putting in change to start the machines. He turned and was met with your bewildered stare, eyebrows raised high.
“Why did you just do that for me?” You asked, seeing no reason for him to have gone through all the trouble of automatically putting your clothes to dry.
He shrugged, returning to your side in a few strides.
“Okay, let’s say, for hypothetical purposes, what would it take for you to partake in my game?” Kihyun brought his earlier topic back full circle, eyes still trained on the tumbling clothes in the dryers. You pursed your lips, a tight line in-between them as you thought about his so-called “game”.
“What were you thinking, hypothetically?” You indulged in him for a moment, curiosity nipping at your heels like a yippy dog.
“How about, after these finish up, we go out together? Hypothetically speaking, of course.” Kihyun began to share his idea, the thought of you two going out together already making you anxious. “Then, we see who really can last. Whoever gives in and initiates something first, loses.”
“And the hypothetical prize?” You asked, already getting wet at the mere thought of teasing each other in public. Exhibitionism wasn’t exactly your biggest kink but it certainly was something different and doing it with Kihyun sparked a low fire in your stomach.
This prompted a scoff from Kihyun before he finally turned his head and met your eyes, “Bragging rights, obviously. And maybe a favor from the loser?”
This game suddenly got a lot more interesting.
While Kihyun was already thinking of filthy things he’d have you do after he won, you had other plans. Sure, you’d have to swallow your pride and flirt brazenly with Kihyun but once you won, you’d make him regret it. Maybe make him wear a pretty dress and wait outside for a bus while screaming something to get everyone’s attention? Or possibly you’d make him apologize in person to every woman on campus who he’s slept with and kicked out, including yourself. This was going to be fun, already deeming yourself a winner. After all, you certainly had more resolve than him plus he was the one who had a thing for you, not the other way around.
“Okay, I’ll do it. Under one condition,” You began, trying to hide your excitement in making Kihyun eat his words. The other nodded, already accepting whatever terms you had since it’d mean he’d have you wrapped around his finger shortly. “You have to help me fold this stuff, nicely.”
“Oh that’s too easy. Plus, it lets me get my hands on whatever other pretty pairs of underwear you’ve been holding out on.” Rolling your eyes, you patiently waited for the dryers to finish and your little game to begin soon enough, already plotting serious revenge tactics once you gloat amply in the winner’s circle. Kihyun continued to hum along to a mindless tune, interfering with the one in your ear at the moment. You pulled out the bud and gave him a look, prompting him to smirk and raise an eyebrow, as if to ask what? I wasn’t doing anything wrong.
Gesturing to your headphones, you began to speak, “I’m trying to listen to something here. Maybe sing a little quieter? Or not at all? Thanks sweetcheeks.” You decided the little moniker at the end was aptly put, since he always seemed to use nicknames with you and think it’s alright.
“Sweetcheeks? I’m not even gonna dignify that one with a response. But if you have so much trouble focusing, how about you let me listen to what you’re listening to? That way if I do hum, it’s at least the same song.” He didn’t wait for you to answer, already reaching over for the other side of the headphones and placing it in the proper ear. Listening intently, he instantly recognized the melody and began to hum lowly to the chorus, favoring to harmonizing with the vocals versus just following the same chords. Your eyes were locked onto his figure, swaying softly to the beat as he let himself get lost in the music. His eyes were closed and the dusting of his dark lashes fanned over his glowing cheekbones, looking like absolute art in its finest form. A small peach strand maneuvered its way out his beanie, cascading down over his forehead and the tip of it landing just past his eyes, down the middle. Such a small imperfection and yet it still accented his face in soft staccatos in a way that stole your breath away. His eyes opened up to stare at the offending hair, cross-eyed at the task of focusing on it. Kihyun blew a small puff of air, levitating the strand and you watched it fly up only for it to slowly drift back down to its original position. He tried to blow it away once more and it only made the hair fly away more erratically before once again landing in-between his eyes.  
He finally tore his focus away from the hair to glance over at you, not expecting to find you so entranced with his visage. He smiled slightly, just a gentle upturn of the corners of his mouth as he reveled in your awe. Somewhere in his brain stewed a snarky comment, something that’d make you scoff or roll your eyes in an instant. But Kihyun couldn’t will himself to ruin the moment with his smart mouth, wanting take a picture of you in the moment and keep it forever with him. Why he felt that way, he wasn’t sure.
You finally noticed his eyes on you and you instantly felt your face flush with heat, tearing yourself away from his side and taking interest in tucking your hair fervently behind your ears. Kihyun found the motion cute, and most definitely not subtle. You gnawed on your lip in worrisome nibbles, making it turn redder from the irritation. When it popped out from in-between your teeth, Kihyun felt the air being ripped out from his lungs. Your lips looked utterly perfect, plump and pink and everything that Kihyun wanted to bruise; to ruin and make his forever. Now it was his turn to be taken by your beauty, though he had the advantage of being able to do so more freely, not caring if you noticed or not. He had verbalized his interest in you before, just not as intimately as he was feeling right in this moment.
Sure, he had the want to make you his in the bedroom—wanting to fuck and claim every inch of your sinfully gorgeous body—but now, he saw you as something more delicate, fragile even. He wanted to lay you down, kiss along every crack and crevice your body held, wanting to know the stories behind every childhood scar that dotted your skin. He gulped harshly, feeling cotton-mouthed at the entire revelation, finally feeling something other than lust burning in his veins for the first time in what he was sure was forever. The thoughts both scared and intrigued him, much like a jump down a pitch-black ravine. There was the initial fear of the plunge itself. Then the excitement of the journey down, only to be faced with the destination, whatever it may be. But what if where he landed was nothing like he hoped? Or worse, what if it was not what he wanted?
“Um, earth to moron? Kihyun? Kihyunnie???” Your melodious voice tore him from his thoughts, eyes met with your own as you were bent in front of him with your hands raised, no doubt you had been waving them in front of his face to try and get him back from wherever he’d spaced off to. “The clothes are done, c’mon, you said you’d help.” You tugged at his arm to get him to stand upright and after a small fit of frustration, he finally decided to cooperate and help you fold the two loads from the dryers.
Focused on properly folding a soft gray towel, you hadn’t taken notice of what Kihyun had picked out from his pile of clothes: yet another pair of underwear that you threw in to wash. This time it was black and lacy, a lot more risqué than the previous pair. The sight of it stirred something in Kihyun’s belly, arousal peeking in the edges of his psyche as he imagined the fabric clung tight against your body and hung low on your hips. He’d probably pull them to the side when he’d fuck you, wanting to keep them on you because you looked just so sinfully good in them. His mind was muddled with needy thoughts of you, wanting to hear you beg and whine all pretty, much like the first night you two slept together.
Not wanting a repeat of the previous time he ogled your panties, he stashed the pair in the pocket of his dark-wash ripped jeans, by the tightness at the crotch that began to bloom. He’d make use of them later, sure to bring them up another time and see just how red your face would get. Soon enough, the two of you had finished organizing the clothes and gently stacking them in your baskets, the entire time going well with no event, other than the stolen undergarment Kihyun had hidden away in his clutches. The silence allowed Kihyun’s arousal to wane off to a gentle buzz, a low hum in the background that he could tolerate for a little while longer.
After placing the two full baskets in the backseat of your car, you wiped your slightly clammy palms against the front of your sweats and turned to face Kihyun.
“Well, what did you have in mind for the backdrop to our little game?” You asked, choosing to not beat around the bush any longer. After all, you had menacing plans brewed in your mind and wanted to waste no time in your chances to execute them.
“How about the mall, love? Maybe we go bowling, check out some shops and grab something to eat? That is, if you aren’t already begging me to eat you at that point.” His smile ticked on, igniting the low burn that seemed to always be in your presence when Kihyun’s all-too glorious face reared itself. It would burn especially hot when he did that smirk thing, paired with a wink that sealed a kiss on your core, making it grow wetter at what was promised behind those cocky actions. “How about you go change into something a little more… I would say comfortable but honestly I don’t think it gets any more so than that, other than being naked. Which I’m totally okay with by the way, though I think that’d count as an instant forfeit since it’d be totally unfair.” A scoff made its way out of your maw before you even processed the words out of Kihyun’s, choosing to continue his tangent for him to save yourself the second-hand cringe.
“I’m just gonna go home and change into something more appropriate.” That was a more tasteful choice of words, but even then Kihyun still mockingly pouted at them.
“Aw, baby. You’re no fun.”
“I’m playing this game aren’t I? That alone should get me some points.” You fired back, already getting in the driver’s seat and putting your keys into the ignition, turning it and making the car’s engine roar to life. You watched as Kihyun tried to speak to you through the window, muffled voice making you laugh as he tried to gesture to you wildly. “What was that?” You cupped your palm around your ear, “I can’t quite hear you! You’ll have to speak up!” You giggle at his small tantrum, his hands furiously signing for you to roll down your window. With one last burst of laughter, you decide to pity him and pull the window down, giving Kihyun to opportunity to finally speak.
“God damn Y/N, way to be an ass.” Another fit of giggles erupted out of you, your palm coming up to try and stifle them despite doing a terrible job of it.  “I still don’t have your number. That’s kind of important given the fact you have no idea when or where we’ll be meeting later.” For once, Kihyun actually made decent sense and as much as you didn’t enjoy the idea of Kihyun having your personal phone number and the ability to contact and pester you at any given time, you figured it was bound to happen. Especially if he really did stick around to stay in Changkyun’s close circle of friends.
After a few grumbles, you begrudgingly told him the number sequence for your cell, watching as he proudly tapped away at his own, entering the numbers and instantly saving them under the name Baby Girl ♡ and quickly sending you a text so his number would register on yours.
Unknown Number [2:14 PM]: save me as “best dicking down of your life” ;)
You groaned at his text and was tempted to just toss the phone out the window by his feet and run over it multiple times but thought against it, not wanting to add yet another expense to your already growing pile of bills. Just to spite him, you went to the text and quick-added him to your contact list as Pain In My Ass, turning the phone to show Kihyun his new name.
“You wish honey, we can head that route another time; if you’re down.” He winked, disgust flooding your expression at the fact that he insinuated anal sex would be on you two’s agenda any time soon. Fingers already flying over your keyboard, you decided to just keep it short and simple, a good name that’d double as a warning should his name ever show up in your notifications for any reason.
Turning the phone back to him, you felt pride swell in your chest as his expression turned something sour, an ugly scowl marring his already too pretty features. The sight alone made you bark out in laughter, hand coming up to smack at the steering wheel. His new contact name was fuckboi #1, and you wondered if you’d have gotten the same reaction if you had went with the other nickname you had stewing in your mind.
(Cotton Candy was the other, but at the last second you felt it was too sweet, literally. He would’ve probably said he melts in your mouth, much like the pink and fluffy treat.)
“Aw babe,” You sweetly drawled, relishing in his reaction to everything in the moment, “you’re too cute. I’ll see you later.” Not sparing another moment, you drove off in the direction of your apartment; leaving Kihyun there both stunned and aroused at the nickname you called him.
You’d gotten home just a little while ago, a quick text shot to Kihyun telling him you’d meet him at the food court around 6 o’clock tonight. It gave you time to relax a little and get your game plan all figured out. Taking the time to write a cheat sheet on the notes application on your phone, you began to jot down all your dirty and sneaky ideas for the night. You’d wear something not too revealing but still attractive that you could use to your advantage. The plan was to have him drooling only minutes into your mock date, in a way that he wouldn’t be able to resist getting his hands on you. A few more bullet points down the line, you’re interrupted by a vibration paired with a name dropping down the top of your screen, fuckboi #1 flashing across the top along with the small green message icon.
Smirking at your all-too clever joke, you deemed your list ample enough for the time being and tapped on the notification, screen fading into the text message page for your conversation with Kihyun.
fuckboi #1 [3:08 PM]: what are you wearing tonight?
fuckboi #1 [3:08 PM]: since I want to make sure you’re not being a naughty little cheater tonight
A small laugh left you; of course he’d catch on to such an easy ploy for you to access. Tapping away quickly, your response came to life in no time.
You [3:09 PM]: wouldn’t you like to know?
You [3:09 PM]: for your information, it’s tasteful and hot as fuck
fuckboi #1 [3:10 PM]: so you are going nude then?
Seriously, this kid was too much for you.
fuckboi #1: [3:10 PM]: i stand by your decision sweetheart, can’t wait to see you
You [3:11 PM]: gross
You [3:11 PM]: I’d rather fuck a cactus than be naked with the likes of you
fuckboi #1 [3:12 PM]: wow baby, didn’t realize you were such a masochist
fuckboi #1 [3:12 PM]: i reeled myself a good one
You [3:13 PM]: fuck you
fuckboi #1 [3:14PM]: you’d like that wouldn’t you ;))))
You [3:15PM]: you’re so going down tonight
You [3:15 PM]: babe
Laughter filtered from your mouth as you noticed the sudden lack of snarky responses, the name calling probably already making him weak in the knees. Tonight was going to be so easy, you had it in the bag. At least, you thought you did.
fuckboi #1 [3:19 PM]: let the games begin
fuckboi #1 [3:19 PM]: baby girl
Maybe you were in over your head, more so than you originally thought.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: WTFock | Skam (Belgium) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Sander Driesen/Robbe IJzermans Characters: Sander Driesen, Robbe IJzermans Additional Tags: Episode 4, sander pov, Cheesy, Thoughts during the Pool Scene, Sander is unprepared for hot Robbe, Reminiscing about falling in love, Falling In Love, Could probably be G Summary:
Sander fell in love with Robbe immediately, but even so, he was unprepared to see Robbe without all the baggy clothes. Sander realizes Robbe is even more beautiful than he originally thought. As Robbe gets ready to jump in the water, Sander reminisces about how he fell in love with Robbe.
or Sander's thoughts right before Robbe jumped in the pool.
I was unprepared. So unprepared. I mean. I knew he was gorgeous, but I had no idea he was stunning.  So perfect. This may seem strange since I essentially fell in love with him at first sight, but my imagination could never prepare me for what was under those baggy, oh so unnecessarily over-sized clothes.  This physical perfection is a shock.
Looking back, I fell in love with his eyes first.  They were all I could see; well, that and his endearingly messy, brown hair.  He was wearing a mask and his big brown jacket, standing under a dim light, occasionally kissing my friend Noor. I passed near him several times and even snuck a picture from a distance.  I couldn’t take my eyes off of him.
I could see the smile in his eyes, that slightly overwhelmed look, like he was surprised to find himself where he was, doing what he was. His eyes were shining. My artist’s heart wants to say that the moonlight was reflected in his dark eyes, but my brain is telling me the moon couldn’t have been shining on him there; and there’s no way I could have seen much of anything from that distance.  
How then did I fall for him so quickly? Honestly, how did I even notice him when I could barely see him?  Was I drawn to his presence? His aura?  Though, I don’t really believe in such things.  Maybe his personality is so strong it shone through all the fabric, and I just happened to be in the right spot to truly see it.  Maybe Queen is right: “My heart cries out to your heart.”  Maybe his heart was calling out for me.  
Is it that I saw something deeper behind his eyes, behind the smile I saw in them? Did he seem haunted? Troubled? Maybe I saw in him a kindred spirit, someone who understood that appearances aren’t always what they seem and that much can be going on in the depths of our hearts and minds.  He seemed both happy and sad all at once, and I wanted to know why.  
Whatever the reason, my heart stopped, called out to him, and pulled me towards him.  I needed to see him again.  I had to see him again, and I really needed to find out who he was.
To my astonishment, not two weeks later my girlfriend invited me to a week at the beach with her friends, and of all things Noor would be there because her boyfriend was part of that friend group.  Her boyfriend? My boy? My beautiful boy in the moonlight with the deep, soul-bearing eyes?  Maybe. Hopefully.  It was worth a try.
I agreed to go on the spot, and I wasn’t disappointed.  I saw him first thing Saturday morning. I woke up early hoping I could speak to him before Britt woke up.  I needed to make an impression.
That day I fell in love with his smile in addition to his eyes. The look of confusion he gave me when I invited him to the store, and the little half smile he had while I was rambling about breakfast and booking.com were absolutely adorable.  I was done for already, and we hadn’t even left the cabin yet.  
His dimples. I could talk about his dimples all day. He has three by the way. Three. One would have been cute, but no, the man of my dreams had to have a charming smile with three dimples.  I’d been obsessing about him for two weeks, and I’m just now seeing his face for the first time? (To be honest, I was also unprepared for his dimples.) My heart was in my throat as I walked away, hoping that he would follow me, and he did.  
In the store I got to see his angelic smile, no longer quite so hesitant. He has so many smiles. A smile for when he’s uncomfortable. A smile for when he thinks something is funny. A smile for when he thinks I’m not looking. A smile for when he’s flirting. A smile for when he’s confused. A smile for when he’s embarrassed. A smile for when he’s truly happy. So many expressions on one beautiful face in one short trip.  I was besotted.  
That week I got to see so much more of his haunted eyes and warm smile, and based on how often I found him looking at me while sitting with Noor, I was starting to understand some of the sadness.  I could see longing.  For me.  Maybe.  But definitely longing, a longing to be someone else or to be with someone else.  This was a feeling I could completely understand.  There are times I’ve wished to be anyone else, and if my pining after Robbe didn’t make it obvious, I was clearly interested in someone other than the girl sitting in my lap.  I understood Robbe, or at least I was starting to; and if I hadn’t already been confident he was just as drawn to me too, I was absolutely sure when we almost kissed over the recycling. 
This is all to say that I was beyond unprepared for Robbe taking his clothes off before me at the pool.  Had I imagined this moment when I came up with this ludicrous plan? Yes. Had I thought stripping down would be fun? Sure.  Had I considered that Robbe’s body would blow my mind? Not in this way. I just thought it will be Robbe’s body, which automatically makes it amazing.  Until now, he’d been a boy with intriguingly deep, sad eyes and a limitless collection of smiles, a beautiful mind and person. Kind, funny, cute.  Had I wondered what he looked like? Well, yeah.  Of course I was curious.
Robbe was hot.  Super hot.  Oh my God Hot.  How had I not known this already? When he walked up to the edge of the pool still wearing his briefs I could barely form the words, “All the way or no way!”  Robbe had muscles.  Everywhere.  I thought he was a skinny skater boy.  This was not what I had signed up for.  Could I keep up my confidence act?  Would I be able to follow through on my plan in the face of such perfection?  I was suddenly nervous.
And then he jumped in and started floundering around in the water, dog paddling and sputtering like a ninny, and I realized he was still Robbe.  My slightly dorky skater boy who looked like he might either drown or freeze to death.  I could still follow through on my plan.
What I realized right before we took our deep breaths and plunged under the water was that I loved him first before I realized how physically attractive he was.  I actually fell in love with the depth I saw in his eyes and the kindness I saw in his smile first. Seeing him now and realizing how gorgeous he is is only an added bonus.  I didn’t need it, but I don’t mind it at all.  That boy is going to be my boyfriend, and he is hot.
I fell in love with Robbe first. 
I must be a romantic because this thought makes me really happy.
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