#EVA shell case
crazydiscostu · 1 year
Jsaux Upgraded Steam Deck Case
Today we're stroking this case and whispering sweet nothings to it. Join us at crazydiscostu.com
Picture the scene : You’ve shelled out a small fortune for the latest and greatest gaming handheld. You’re broke, but you’re happy. The only problem that plagues your now-perfect life is the lack of protection and portability of your shiny new Steam Deck. Enter JSAUX! Their Steam Deck Case is specifically designed for both the Steam Deck and ROG Ally promising to keep your new toy safe. Today…
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The Stupendous Alligator Snapping Turtle
Alligator snapping turtles (Macrochelys temminkii) are one of three recognised species of snapping turtle, all of which are found in North America. This particular species is found in the southeastern United States and the Mississippi Basin in particular. Macrochelys temminkii prefers deep freshwater, and is especially common in deep rivers, wetlands, and lakes.
The alligator snapping turtle is the largest freshwater turtle in North America, and is one of the heaviest in the world. Most individuals weigh between 70-80 kg (154-176 lbs), and are about 79-101 cm (31-39 in) long. However, the largest verified indiviual weighed over 113 kg (249 lb), and many others have been recorded in excess of 100 kg. The species is easily identifiable by its large, boxy head and thick shell with three rows of raised spikes. Typical alligator snapping urtles are solid black, brown, or olive green, though the shells of many older individuals can be covered in green algae.
M. temminkii is famous for its strong bite, which is most often utilised when feeding. The turtle's tongue resembles a worm, and at night individuals lie on the bottom of the river or lake bed with their mouths open. Fish are enticed by the bait-tongue, and when they get close enough the alligator snapping turtle's mouth clamps down around them. In addition to fish, this species may also feed on amphibians, invertebrates, small mammals, water birds, other turtles, and even juvenile alligators where their territories overlap. The alligator snapping turtle's relies on ambush techniques, and so hunters can remain submerged for up to 40 minutes. In some cases, individuals can also 'taste' the water to detect neaby mud and musk turtles. Because of this species' thick shell and ferocious bite, adults have few predators, but eggs and hatchlings may fall prey to raccoons, predatory fish, and large birds.
This species spends most of its time in the water, only emerging to nest or find a new home if their current habitat becomes unsuitable. Mating occurs between Februrary and May, starting later in the northern regions of the species' range. Males and females seek each other out, but generally don't travel great distances. About two months after mating, females dig a nest near a body of water and deposit between 10-50 eggs. Incubation takes up to 140 days, and the average temperature of the nest determines the sex of the hatchings; the hotter it is, the more males are produced. In the fall, hatchings emerge and are left to fend for themselves. Sexual maturity is reached at between 11 and 13 years of age, and individuals can live as old as 45 years in the wild.
Conservation status: The alligator snapping turtle is listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN. The species is threatened by overharvesting for meat and for the pet trade, and by habitat destruction.
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Ed Godfrey
Cindy Hayes
Eva Kwiatek
Nathan Patee
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total-drama-brainrot · 8 months
hi idk if this has been said but . pls hear my vision… lindsay and noah platonic duo. brains and the beauty. noahs the brains. lindsays the beauty. noahs like “jeez this girl is dumb i cn manipulate her or smth” but then he starts warming up to her and they like paint eachothers nails and talk about boys or somthing idk please theyre besties trust 🤞
(also noah finally gets a makeover courtesy of lindsay)
I think I might've mentioned this exact duo before, though I may be wrong about that. Regardless, I've had Many A Thought about the potential dynamic between Lindsay "reclaiming bimbo as a term of empowerment" and Noah "could be god's biggest hater but was nerfed with an inability to GAF", to the point where I have a few drafts exploring this exact concept.
Through the lens of my eyes (blurry as it would be, my prescription fairly strong), I don't think Noah would ever consider manipulating Lindsay- at least, not in a similar manner to the likes of Heather or Alejandro. He's shown in canon to be pretty adverse to the idea. Why else would he make those comments about Alejandro in "I See London..."?
Not that he doesn't think about how easy it would be to use her. But his morality wins out over his scheming thoughts pretty quickly- no one wants to be New Heather, after all.
However, he's also shown a capacity to explore sneakier options of deception and trickery; pretending to pass out during the 20k run in The Big Sleep, trying to excuse his comment about Alejandro under the guise of it "being a compliment where he's from", tricking the Sasquatch with his fake ball throwing, getting himself eliminated on purpose in Dodgebrawl. I'm trying to think of other examples In Canon off the top of my head, but I'm coming up short since most of his actual speaking lines in the show are 'zingers' and 'witty one-liners' instead of actual character moments.
And we also know, from the way he treats Owen, that he's a lot more patient and indulgent towards the... 'slower' or 'simpler' contestants. He very rarely gets mad at Owen's mistakes- see how he gently chastises him in "Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan" when he's disturbing their set, he'd pretty much gentle parenting him, or how he doesn't even raise his voice against Owen after being blasted by nose-shake in "I See London...". You could argue that Owen just has best friend privileges, but given the way he also talks about his dog I think Noah just has a soft spot for happy-go-lucky, heart-of-gold, kind of stupid people (and blondes). Sound familiar?
Lindsay would fall under this umbrella of 'treat with kindness' because of this, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't try to subtly nudge her in the 'right direction'- out of Heather's and/or Alejandro's influence and into his own. For her own safety, of course.
Not that I think he'd even like Lindsay at first. The two of them are opposite ends of the social spectrum; I'd take a while for Lindsay to break through his snarky exterior, but I think eventually Noah would realise that she isn't the 'two-faced airhead popular girl' he'd assumed her to be and quickly warm up to her (she's airheaded, sure, but there's nothing two-faced or nefarious/mean-spirited about Lindsay). It's a classic case of "extrovert adopts introvert".
Meanwhile, Lindsay would be dead-set on breaking Noah out of his sour little shell. Either because she overhears Owen/Izzy/Eva explaining how Noah struggles to make friends because he's "very shy" and "mixes up his insults and his compliments", thus she assumes that, hey, Noah's made fun of her a few times, maybe that was just him trying to be friendly? So she makes it her mission to reciprocate his efforts and befriend him (much to Noah's initial suspicion, and begrudging appreciation).
Or she gets the concept of a 'gay best friend' stuck in her head (an impressive feat, getting anything stuck in such a vacant space /j) probably from watching too many high school teen dramas, and sees Noah as the ideal candidate since he pretty much embodies most of the stereotypical GBF traits; a sassy twink who's defining characteristic is making snarky comments. If Noah ever caught wind of this, he'd either be mortified by the concept and avoid Lindsay like the plague until she'd eventually hunt him down, or he'd think the whole concept is too funny to pass up and gladly play the part- if only for his own amusement. (Personally I headcanon him as bi, but he's so canonically queer coded that he fits the stereotype anyway.)
Which is all just a long-winded way of me saying I think Lindsay would kindle the friendship without giving Noah much of a choice (again, extrovert adopting introvert) and Noah would just go along with it, being the lazy guy he is, and quickly grow fond/protective over her.
If he and Owen are the golden retriever and black cat dynamic, Noah and Lindsay are an afghan hound and a black cat; Noah has a lot of black cat energy (that's just a given) and you cannot tell me that Lindsay isn't an afghan hound- they're pretty, gentle-natured and renown for their low intelligence.
Plus, Lindsay's capacity for meanness (as unintentional as it may be) would be comedy gold to Noah. He'd encourage her to keep that sharp tongue and steel spine, if not for his own entertainment, then to ensure she doesn't become someone else's doormat again. In return, Lindsay would bring out a softer side of Noah, likely a result of her reminding him of his several older sisters.
She'd absolutely abuse her 'soft Noah' privileges too by roping him in on sleepovers where the two of them gossip and paint each other's nails (Noah's against the idea at first but Lindsay hits him with the puppy eyes and he folds like a lawn chair), eventually leading to Lindsay giving Noah a much needed glow up. He finds himself enjoying the pampering- though he'd never admit it- and Lindsay's just ecstatic that she has someone to use as a dress-up doll (Tyler wouldn't let her give him another makeover after Paris).
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santacarlatourism · 2 years
May I please request Kevin Khatchadourian, spending time together headcannons? I love your work so much, it’s genuinely under appreciated! Take your time ! <3
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Aw, I'm glad you like my writing, tysm!!! here are some headcanons <3
⮞ one of the quotes in the book is "kevin was a shell game in which all three cups were empty" and i think about that a lot and i think it applies here. the version of kevin you're getting can vary wildly, depending on how he wants you to perceive him, and there's not necessarily a rhyme or reason for the choice he makes.
it's likely if he's voluntarily choosing to spend time with you, though, that you get something closer to his authentic self. and i think that makes him question why you're choosing his company. you're not like lenny-- some loser who idolizes kevin and is easy to manipulate.
so it creates a cycle. he keeps spending time with you to figure out why you like to spend time with him, and the more time he spends with you the more curious he is about why you keep spending time with him.
⮞ you're still initiating most of the hang outs because kevin is not interested enough in most things to suggest anything.
⮞ tell him you need to grab something at the mall and ask if he wants to run over with you. he'll agree and he'll hate it.
however, you spot a sporting goods store and suggest you two dip in there, aware of kevin's love for archery. this... somewhat alleviates kevin's mood. archery is one of very few things kevin has an interest in, and as he peruses the equipment you can probably even get him to explain some of the sport to you and answer questions like what makes a good bow, are there different kinds of string, etc.
the more specific your question is, and the more they build off of previous answers he's given you, the more you seem to really be listening... well, the less likely he is to ask if you're stupid in response to one of them. and, admittedly, the more likely he is to decide that perhaps this trip was worth it.
don't get any ideas about buying him anything though, as a friendly or romantic gesture. something about that, especially so early on, is too easy to kevin. it's too transparent what your motivations are, and he'll stare you dead in the eye, "what, you want to buy me a little surprise just so i'll like you more? my parents can buy me this shit. doesn't make them special either."
gift giving, with kevin, should come much later, where he's less likely to see it as you initiating some sort of bribe or transaction.
⮞ i think i maybe mentioned this in another post, but i think a lot of hanging out with kevin comes down to parallel play more or less. he's on his computer doing his own thing, reading his copy of robin hood, outside shooting arrows, etc. and you're nearby, doing something. and while he looks like he's paying no attention to you, he's analyzing the situation. why isn't he as bothered by your company as he is by frank's, eva's, celia's, or even his ostensible friend lenny?
eventually, kevin realizes that the reason for this is that when he's with you, he feels like he does when he's alone. by this i mean... to some extent, kevin's actions with everyone are performance. this is the case with both franklin and eva, with his sister and with his peers.
but when he's with you he feels as himself as he does when he's utterly alone. except, perhaps, less bored.
this is where, if it hasn't already, kevin's interactions with you take a turn. his fascination grows beyond why you enjoy his company-- all though it's still a question-- and more on to you as a whole.
⮞ he starts playing hot and cold more. he wants to know how you react when plans with him fall through due to him cancelling last minute. do it back so he can be surprised by how displeased he is. it's going to be apparent he's testing with you, playing with you, but not necessarily why.
he may start suggesting hang outs here, but be warned, they're things he thinks you'll hate. he's curious to see if he's right, if he knows your tastes that well. but he's also just as curious to see if you're willing to put up with something you hate for his company.
while out you notice he's not enjoying himself either, and call him out on it. you ask if he even likes this activity. "nope," he'll respond, with a little smirk. you roll your eyes.
but honestly? he grows to find that he enjoys reveling in his contempt for people in your company more than he enjoys doing it alone. your sarcastic agreement with his snide remarks, the little light swats you give his arm when he's just far too harsh.
⮞ before you and kevin are really dating, people around you would have just grown to assume that's what was going on because your hang outs and time together had grown towards increasingly romantic activities in part because those were things you two simply hadn't done together yet.
in person or on the phone, kevin mentions to franklin that he's taking you to the movies. franklin teasingly tells his son not to do anything he wouldn't do and kevin freezes for a moment, realizing the implications, but it's not going to be clear how he feels about them for awhile. but it makes sense, kevin supposes: if you two are going on dates then you are, by default, dating. he's not too perturbed by it: dating isn't the same sort of romantic commitment as a relationship.
but even when it develops into a formal relationship much of the way he interacts with you is the same. for kevin putting a name to it is more so just to officialize what's already been going on for awhile. To keep you from getting any ideas that you can just easily dip out without warning at any time. Similar to dating, by the time it becomes a formal relationship you two will arguably have been in a relationship for awhile.
⮞ once kevin realizes he actually enjoys your presence and perhaps even likes you as an individual, he becomes more indulgent at times. he may show you how to fire a bow, or walk you through some of his computer knowledge so you can get your own to work better. share some knowledge with him in return-- if you know him well enough to know what he'd actually value learning.
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the-guilty-writer · 1 year
Criminal Minds PRIDE Fics
Well, it's the end of Pride Month. Thank you to everyone who entered fics, new or old (or both)! This was my first time hosting a writing challenge and the amount of love surrounding it was truly incredible. From the range of writers who participated, to the the types of fics, it shows just how broad this community spans. I hope all of you are well, and safe, and know that you are extremely loved ❤.
This list is not exhaustive by any means. There are many other LGBTQ+ Criminal Minds fics out there, these are just the entries for the challenge. If you have a late entry (I know I do) don't be afraid to send it in! If you sent in a fic and it is missing, let me know that too!
Please let me know if you have issues with the accessibility of this list for any reason (I used fun colors again). I am happy to provide you with an accessible format.
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(once again, my favorite CM Pride gif which is actually part of a set that I need to track down and reblog later)
Fics are under the cut!
Reader Insert Fics:
Note: I tried my best to indicate reader traits to make it easier to find fics. If you find any of these to be inaccurate, please let me know and I will edit it to be correct
Spencer Reid
(In)visible by @foxy-eva: (fem!reader, bisexual!reader) There are a lot of obstacles you had to face as a queer woman but you never thought that falling in love with a man was one of them.
Bigotry Kills by @staygoldsquatchling02: (trans masculine non-binary!reader) While on a case in Tennessee, Spencer and Y/N accidentally reveal that Y/n is transgender to an unsub who has made it his mission to ride his small town of people he views as “less than himself”.
Ocean by @cinnamon-lesbian: (intersex!fem!reader) The reader can’t seem to love herself. Spencer lets her in on how amazing she really is.
I'd Better Ask Emily by Gill: (daughter!reader, lesbian!reader) When Spencer goes looking for your school notebook and accidentally reads your diary instead he goes to the BAU bisexual badass for help.
Emily Prentiss
Freedom-Seeking Hearts by @/foxy-eva: (fem!reader) For how much longer will Emily Prentiss and Fem!Reader be able to contain their freedom-seeking hearts?
Jennifer Jareau
Somewhere Underlined by @railingsofsorrow: (fem!reader) jennifer jareau would be the death of you someday, you know that and you'd probably let her. surprisingly, you weren't aware that you caused that same reaction on her, too.
Aaron Hotchner
So Much by Gill: (teen!reader) reader comes out to their dad as gay and his reaction is not what they expected.
Character x Character Fics:
Aaron Hotchner x Derek Morgan
second chance by @masterwords: It's time for Hotch to tell Jack about his relationship with Derek. He's understandably concerned that it could go bad, but hopefully nothing some chocolate chip pancakes won't help. (Spoiler Alert: It doesn't go bad. There are some rough patches here but this is a story with a happy ending.)
Derek Morgan x Spencer Reid
Love can rise out of the ashes by @satchels-and-socks: Spencer is heartbroken after Maeve. Spencer locks himself away and becomes a shell of his formal self. Derek realized something and is determined to show Spencer that life goes on and how someone other than Maeve is truly in love with him.
Jennifer Jareau x Emily Prentiss
The Way You Felt by @andiebeaword: While on a flight to help Spencer, exes J.J. and Emily ultimately come to terms with their buried feelings.
Jennifer Jareau x Tara Lewis
Soft & Sweet by @/foxy-eva: A confession between JJ and Tara leads to a night full of soft and sweet moments. (includes smut, 18+, minors DNI)
Emily Prentiss x Clara Seger
I Felt a Million Things When I First Met You by @baubeautyandthegeek: The one where Emily finally comes clean about just how come Clara’s always so willing to help.
Spencer Reid x Aaron Hotchner
There Are Secrets That We Still Have Left To Find (on Ao3) by @starzzyeyed: Spencer Reid is seven years old the first time he comes out to anyone. Three times Spencer comes out, across three different points in his life, all with three very different outcomes.
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hopefully he loses the elections in may. are there any good candidates running for the rfef presidency?
ehhh, not with a great likelihood of winning.
the front runner is pedro rocha. he's an institutional rfef man who was appointed interim rfef president in the wake of the rubiales case. he just resigned yesterday in order to be eligible to run for the presidency on may 6. he represents more of the same old boys club.
then you have journalist carlos herrera running, who said that he wants to "clean up football." mind you, he's the same guy who is accused of millions in tax fraud using shell companies and then sentenced by spanish courts 🤦‍♀️
there's another potential candidate, eva parera, an attorney and sports law specialist from bcn, but she's a long shot to win.
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source: queensofeurope
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evita-shelby · 1 year
Tie your heart to mine
Chapter 6
Cw: mentions of recreational drug use, mentions of euthanasia
Gif by @damatheirin
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She has been here plenty of times and yet she is twice as nervous as she was when she came here for supper the first time.
There is a wariness Douglas hides as Tom calls her his girl.
Tom held her hand, kissed like he meant it and called her his bird.
Bird, she’d come to know meant girlfriend.
“How was your first day at your office?” Lois asked as she helped her with dinner, something Lois had found strange at first but then they fell into the old routine they had before they learned the truth.
She may be richer than God, but she is still Diane.
Something Douglas did not quite believe.
He is just watching out for his kids, she supposed.
He used to like her fine before it all happened, but then again Diane had been lying about herself.
“S’good, I think. No one rioted, it didn’t collapse in a day and by the end of the month, I suppose it will be up to Shelby standards and be ready to change gears at any second now. My mom says it won’t be long before the Nazis take Poland and France.” She says forgetting Harry is in Poland.
It’s nearly July now, her mom gave it till August or September 1st before the second world war officially began.
“Did she see it in the cards, like you do?” Lois asks, hoping she could pretend it wasn’t true.
But her words do catch the men’s attention, especially Douglas who knows Tom may be called to serve.
“Yes, but confirmation came from friends she has in certain places. Germany and Russia are gearing up for grand scale invasions because they know those two countries are not prepared for one let alone the two of them.” Diane answered, seeing Tom in a naval uniform as she set his plate in front of him.
The sight is enough to shock her but hides it because she can’t bear the thought of never seeing him again or him returning a shell of his former self.
“Your Harry will be evacuated, but he’s a translator and those leave when the Embassy stops needing them.” Diane is incapable of being comforting in a way that is not acceptable to anyone who is not a Shelby.
Shelbys like kind words, but also the cold truth.
Rip off the band-aid.
“When I met your dad, he said, ‘Well, at least you get to leave, but you will be fucked in the head like the rest of us for life, I am afraid’.” Douglas said trying to distract Lois who did not take her words as comfort.
Who would anyways.
“When I was ten, he euthanized my filly after it got a disease in its hoofs, he said ‘sweetheart, sometimes death is a kindness’.” She says not helping her case. “I am afraid your Tom has saddled himself with a girl from a family full of freaks.”
“If you ask me, I don’t think he gives a shit about it.” Tom brought himself into the conversation.
“Language, Tom.” Lois chastised playfully, regaining some of her previous cheer by pushing the bad news to the back of her mind.
“As if you didn’t hear her say worse when we all got arrested.” Tom reminds her with that same old grin of his.
Spirits, she is so in love with this boy.
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“She’s gonna marry him.” Eva tells her husband after he joined her in her very relaxing bath.
Made more relaxing by that joint of homegrown marijuana she just shared with him.
Better get him too calm to do anything when she has to give him news he doesn’t like.
And right now, Tommy’s only thinking about he’s needed this since their girl went to Manchester with the Lees.
“Yeah, he says he loves her and wouldn’t stop being with her for all the money in the world.” He admits, something Eva only half knew.
She knew about the threat he made because she had to calm him down before he wrecked his entire office.
“And he won’t, they will make a handsome couple, he in his sailor uniform, her in my old dress.” She said seeing them walk out of the courthouse looking so happy and knowing any happiness they have will be what warms them on the lonely nights to come.
“His dad is a pacifist, doubt he’d let the boy j enlist, let alone in the navy.” Tommy snorts before returning the ever-shrinking makeshift cigarette back to her.
“Not going to have a choice, it’s the Navy for prison.” Eva says with a bad feeling.
So much potential and the boy just threw it away.
Everyone told him he was heading nowhere so often Tom Bennett believes it.
A shame he will not realize his own potential until he sees the ugliness of war.
“I just wanted better for our little witch.” He said with a resigned sigh.
“So says any father who wants the best for their child, Tommy.” His wife said softly.
“Do you think our Diane hates me?” he asked hoping for a nice lie.
Except they don’t do sweet sounding lies in this family.
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“Got a job today.” He admits it was as if it were some big secret. “Mechanic, a shop with some of mates from school that’s by the pub.”
Just know this, even if you managed to get your head out of your arse, you wouldn’t be worthy of my daughter.
Tom could hear the fucking words every fucking time he was with her.
It gnawed at him.
Yeah, it is one fucking thing to know you are nothing but a bloody nuisance, but it’s another for a fucking stranger to tell you will never be good enough for a girl with free will of her own.
He knows it, alright, but Tom could bet his sorry arse that Thomas fucking Shelby wasn’t good enough for his wife either.
Just like granddad looked at dad the same and just like Tom and his dad know Lois is too good for Harry Chase.
“I’m happy for you, when do you start?” she asks hiding whatever got her give that frightened gasp this evening.
Gets visions or feelings about the future. Not always a bad thing, but if it had been a good thing, she would told them.
If it had been a good thing, Diane wouldn’t be holding on to him like he might die tonight.
“Tomorrow morning, I’ll walk you to your factory every morning on my way to work and that.” he answers tracing patterns on the arm draped across his chest.
“I’d like that, might even slip away from my office to see you, Tom.” She gives a quiet chuckle, moving even closer to him.
What in hell had she seen that her like that?
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overthinkingalchemist · 3 months
END OF EVANGELION – Opening Up to The Importance of Consent
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Essay. May contain: Spoilers for Neon Genesis Evangelion, The End of Evangelion, discussion of toxic relationships, sexuality, consent, abuse, mental health and depression
1. Shinji’s Internal World
The amount of works of fiction and literature about human connections, familial bonds, sexuality, intimacy, depression and coming of age is absolutely off the charts by this point. But to tackle all those themes simultaneously, with a deeply philosophical, disturbing, and introspective atmosphere, in a stylized world with mechas… it’s easy to see why Neon Genesis Evangelion is one of a kind. In the series, we follow the young 14y/o Shinji Ikari as he needs to pilot a giant “mecha” to protect his futuristic version of Tokyo from the terrifying monsters known as Angels. Shinji’s struggles, however, are never as much in the battlefield as they are in his mind. As he grapples with the horrors of the real world and his burden as an EVA pilot, what truly causes his suffering is his deep-rooted shame that brings him issues with self-confidence and intimacy.
“It is implied (or explicitly stated) […] that one can create their own reality through the way they choose to see the world around them. And in Shinji’s depressed world, every misstep or failure is a new load for his debilitated self-esteem to carry.”
With those psychological elements at play, the original series heavily emphasizes the importance of opening oneself up to others — but that entails being open to rejection, disappointment and hurt. It is implied (or explicitly stated) during the Instrumentality sequences that one can create their own reality through the way they choose to see the world around them. And in Shinji’s depressed world, every misstep or failure is a new load for his debilitated self-esteem to carry. All he wants is to learn what his own value and place in the world are, and he seeks to do that by obtaining external validation from his peers, mentors and, most importantly, his absent father. Shinji thinks that, by performing well as an EVA pilot, he can find his happiness through praise and approval. But when that seems like too tall of a task for him to accomplish, he is quick to question himself and consider giving up… multiple times. But it makes sense. NGA is tonally heavy and solemn, which perfectly encapsulates how our protagonist shapes his reality into something suffocating, oppressive. How could Shinji not cave when humanity fights an unfathomable battle for survival, and everyone hates him? Even if he beats this excruciating challenge, what is there for him to look forward in such a broken world?
As it turns out, Shinji’s views on his burden are indeed skewed by his lack of self-worth. People care for him, but through the thick mental fog that obfuscates his judgement it becomes very hard for him to see that. Since he fears others, the teenager isn’t willing to break through his shell and develop genuine interest in them. While not an element of this version of the story, Asuka Shikinami in the Rebuild version of NGA calls Shinji ‘selfish’ during one of his more severe depressive episodes, claiming that he shouldn’t be helped because he doesn’t care about anyone but himself. While it is something harsh to say about someone who is depressed, it has some logic to it; depression often leads to rumination and overthinking about one’s self worth while shutting the outside world away. It can be said that all that Shinji wants is to be saved by someone. He perceives himself as a victim, thereby believing he requires saving from a stronger and more resilient external source. But when that is the case, he neglects to consider the feelings and the rich inner worlds that each and everyone around him has — except for one case.
2. The Hedgehog Dilemma
The connections Shinji overlooks by retreating into himself are clear to the audience, but not so much for the naïve boy who has a severely negative image of himself. Rei Ayanami is a reserved girl and lacks the communication skills to externalize (or even understand) her feelings, but she is deeply moved by the times her battle partner showed her genuine care and worry. Shinji’s honest curiosity for her made everlasting impacts in their relationships that not even he was able to see. The moment Shinji hurried to check if Rei was safe, after she herself seemed unbothered with the prospect of her own death, was the most selfless and empathetic he’d been for someone. By the last stretch of episodes, we see that deep inside she has developed feelings for him and wants them to bond and ‘become one’, but due to her subtle softspoken nature, those feeling are never laid out in a way direct enough for him to understand them.
Asuka Soryu, on the other hand, is very similar to ‘idiot Shinji’ and, in many ways, they’re mirror images of each other. She is a girl with a complex past and deep-rooted issues with self-acceptance. To try to overcome her insecurities, fears, and haunting memories, she puts on a narcissistic mask by turning into an overachieving workaholic. Just like Shinji in his own world, Soryu’s focus is her own image, which she tries to sell as much as possible by trying to become the best EVA pilot she can be. Unfortunately for her, her strained relationship with her late mother affects her ability to pilot, making her fall behind Shinji and Rei in performance.
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Asuka shows, at many points, a reluctant adolescent romantic interest in Shinji. She teases him, calls for his attention and seems to care a lot about his opinion of her. But in his bleak world, informed by his perceived unworthiness, her rude behavior is just one more of the day-to-day aggressions he feels that he essentially has (or deserves) to endure. Asuka then becomes unable to keep this social mask on as she feels rejected by both Shinji and her mother, falling into a state of hopelessness much like the boy’s — ironically, just as Shinji is starting to find his voice and defy his father.
Lastly, Shinji has Misato and his school friends on his side. His friends go out of their way to check on him and show support, while Misato displays honest motherly (or maybe a “big sister” kind of) affection towards Shinji, protecting him as much as possible and trying to guide the boy towards his own path. Her approach to tutoring still respects Shinji’s individuality by allowing him to follow the path he wants even when it contradicts NERV’s mission to fight the Angels. But this freedom, to him, is almost a burden; he wants to be told what to do, to be given a clear identity by someone else. He rejects Misato’s love because, again, he believes himself to be a weight, an inconvenience, for being inexperienced. As a way to not feel the weight of expectations on his shoulders and avoid disappointing those around him like he feels he inevitably will, Shinji prefers to withdraw. Much like the hedgehog dilemma that Dr. Akagi introduces, the boy creates distance to avoid hurt.
3. Teenage Sexuality and Intimacy
Sexuality is a crucial element in Evangelion’s storytelling. While it’s common for anime to sexualize teenage characters in weird and uncomfortable ways due to unclear audience targeting (or just out of plain malice), Neon Genesis Evangelion is clearly a series aimed at adults that uses sexuality as a meaningful psychological plot point. At a surface level, many scenes seem to evoke the usual anime tropes and present camera angles that sexualize Misato when she is sharing casual moments of bonding with Shinji at home. Similarly, Shinji shares awkward moments with the pilot girls, seeing more than what he’s supposed to see and getting into uncomfortable, “wacky”, situations, with both Rei and Asuka.
The sexual tones present in some scenes is not random and not an element that is supposed to “entice” the audience. Rather, sex and attraction in NGA are presented as some of the deepest forms of intimacy between two people. Physical connection is part of the human experience, and for a young teenager, it will inevitably be something that sparks curiosity. Shinji’s (and the audience’s) experiences with sexual imagery serve as elements that add another layer to his mindscape of questions, doubts, and self-discovery. So, what we are shown when it comes to nudity and physical highlighting is a glimpse at Shinji’s point of view — much like how the oppressive tone of the series is also informed by it.
Some of those moments can be shown at times of levity or have comical tones. However, many of them will instead be quite uncomfortable and not played for laughs. When Shinji enters Rei’s apartment uninvited and meets her naked, he is only met with her usual cold response, which only adds to his embarrassment and shame. As he tries to soften the atmosphere and spark conversation with her, the girl slaps him when they talk about his father, since both have very different experiences with Commander Ikari. Similarly, Shinji’s curiosity and attraction towards Asuka reaches a tense moment when he almost kisses her as she sleeps, leaving the audience on the edge wondering if he will cross a regrettable line.
In this way, sexuality in Evangelion turns into one more piece in Shinji’s puzzle of shame. His experiences with physical intimacy confuse him, because his newfound desires clash with his internal beliefs that push him to isolation. Both endings to the story dive into this to different degrees of depth. In the original final episodes, Shinji simply questions what it means to be close to someone as he ruminates over the “mixed signals” from the women in his life. In The End of Evangelion this takes a completely new (and messed up) perspective, being a key element of the film’s arc.
On a side note, I have no idea what the sexual imagery is supposed to represent in the Rebuild series of films. It feels like anime being anime for anime’s sake.
4. Shinji’s Sexuality in The End Of Evangelion
If I can toss my personal feelings into the mix for a bit, I have to say that I didn’t really know what to feel for a large chunk of The End of Evangelion's runtime. If NGA has a dark and oppressive atmosphere to it, it doesn’t even begin to compete with EoE's utterly hopeless cynicism. There is somewhat of a clashing tone in the violence and sexual imagery shown here compared to the series, as everything is more graphical and heavier than before. It feels cruel, even. Does all that serve a purpose? Is there any meaning to the edge? I’d say yes; EoE gives me many reasons to believe that its direction is not random and indeed builds up to a cohesive theme.
The film starts with the very infamous scene where Shinji, after trying to plead for help to Asuka’s unconscious body, ends up accidentally revealing her chest and masturbates to her. Throughout the rest of the movie, this action torments the boy to no end, who feels ashamed of his own behavior. As a war starts to break down at the NERV headquarters over Gendo Ikari’s Human Instrumentality plan, Shinji gives up on his life, seeing himself as someone irredeemable. He doesn’t understand his own desires, and when he acts on them, he does it in a wrong way. To get close, to isolate himself… both options hurt him, so he doesn’t know how to move on.
Shinji’s mistake gets him into the deepest pit his depression has seen yet, which brings us to another highly contentious plot point. As Misato finds Shinji, she saves the boy from certain death as he drags himself despondent, which ends up with the tutor getting fatally wounded by gunfire. Knowing Shinji’s struggles with intimacy, Misato kisses the boy on the lips — an “adult’s kiss”, as she calls it —, to give him a jolt of adrenaline and perspective to move on. In a way, Misato shows him that intimacy is attainable, and that it is not “wrong” for him to want it.
There is no romantic arc between the adult Misato and the young Shinji. She wonders, earlier in the series, if he fears women, concluding that he is actually afraid of getting close to anyone else. Misato then, in the film, invades the boy’s personal space to spark feelings on him. There is an extremely morally complex conflict in the realm of consent. Shinji is a kid, and his natural desires are being used and exploited by a grown-up. But at the same time, his self-destructive behavior hinders him from allowing himself to experience new things, so this can be seen as Major Katsuragi’s last-ditch effort to save mankind. By changing her hands-off approach to his guidance into something invasive, but poignant, she lets him see what is there to this other side of life, pushing him to live, whether he wants to or not.
If everything seen in the realm of sexuality sounds uncomfortable, it’s because it is. More than trying to find a right answer for Misato’s morals or excuse for hers and Shinji’s behaviors, this distressing awkwardness fits the questions posed in the hedgehog dilemma. As the characters try to break through their’s and each other’s shells, they hurt each other when they lose sight of where one’s boundaries end and other’s begin. Shinji is desperate over Asuka’s absence because, as established before, he doesn’t know who he is, or should be, apart from the approval of the ones who surround him. Alongside that, he wants to be saved by someone stronger and more self-assured. In the same way, Asuka craves approval and acknowledgement, which brings them to what is ultimately an extremely dysfunctional symbiotic bond.
It's important to understand generally the concept of the Human Instrumentality Project. While the more complex details of the lore do elude me, the general gist seems to be that, with some divine shenanigans, Gendo Ikari and some higher-ups at NERV want to turn humanity into one single organism, where their minds would be interconnected into a single consciousness. The idea is that, without the barriers between people, there would be no more hurt, and no more pain would be generated from dealing with the uncertainty of what could be in others’ minds.
The original series ends in what is essentially a therapy session for Shinji after humanity has fallen into Instrumentality. It’s unclear whether the process was reversed or not, but the boy seems to find peace in his place in the world. The film will also explore the concept of one’s place among others, but using the uncomfortable violence and sexual themes in, arguably, even more abstract and less direct ways. End of Evangelion is less ambiguous in its theming, however, as it seems to be an overall celebration of individuality.
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5. A Celebration Of Individuality
A character we haven’t touched much on yet is Rei Ayanami. But that’s for a reason; Rei is a very mysterious character throughout most of the story, with light being shed on her past only near the very end. Entering a more fantastical sci-fi realm, her origins have her being a clone of Gendo Ikari’s (commander at NERV and Shinji’s father) wife, Yui, made with the goal of, somehow, starting the Instrumentality process and allowing Gendo to reunite with her after her soul became trapped in the EVA Unit 01. Rei is, for many intents and purposes, and as teased by Asuka, crafted as Ikari’s doll: a tool for his means, made artificially and treated like a machine, a possession of his.
Rei, then, carries an important weight to her character in the original series and The End Of Evangelion. To Shinji, she is like family. The favorite sibling who gets all the love and attention that he wants from his father. To Gendo, she is his obsession, his project and his only hope. As her maker and “husband”, he feels entitled to her body and her destiny.
Within the context of EoE, Rei’s arc is quintessential to build the cohesion in the theme of consent. ‘What would Rei Ayanami do?’ — for most of the story, the girl waits for her orders and for others to tell her how to act, not unlike Shinji. The boy, however, fears death and failure, so he can’t be the perfect machine that Ayanami can. Eventually, her experiences with Shinji make her realize that she has her own desires, and by the point Instrumentality comes, she rejects Gendo in favor of uniting with his son, leaving the commander out of his own paradise.
Through sexual imagery, the film explores the physical and psychological boundaries dissolving — quite literally. Ikari touches and invades Rei’s naked body, with his hands merging with her chest, as he takes what he feels he is owed. The girl, then, after never being asked her wants, severs ties with her role as a “doll” and decides to connect and become one with the boy that she actually wants. This connection with Shinji is, again, presented through abstract sexual imagery, as she is now finally able to realize her own desires and look for the intimacy she truly wants, merging physically and spiritually with him.
Ultimately, where everything ties together is within Shinji’s final decision. Despite suffering his whole life with feelings of inadequacy and a desperate need for the approval of others, he rejects Instrumentality. In the end, becoming one unified organism with mankind is a crutch: it won’t help him find himself and it won’t give him meaningful connections with others, because their individuality, what makes them who they are, is gone. These differences, these boundaries, are what give people their identities. And being truly interested in learning about others, embracing the discomfort that comes with uncertainty, and welcoming growing pains are things that give meaning to life. This is what he has been told during his conversations with his inner child and Rei during the mind train sequences.
“What is wrong with avoiding pain?”
And then we get to the final scene, Evangelion’s own beach episode. During Instrumentality, Rei ascends as a God-like being. Shinji and Asuka fight, with Asuka angry at Shinji for trying to use others’ approval to offset for his lack of confidence, instead of being genuinely interested in her. “Anyone would do for you”, she says. When both of them reject Instrumentality and end up on that fateful blood-red beach as what appears to be the last two humans on Earth, Shinji tries to strangle her to death. Asuka strokes his face gently, driving him to tears and stopping his aggression. Asuka then closes the series with the rawest and most poignant line there is: ‘How disgusting’.
What the hell does that scene mean? Some say Shinji did that to feel something “real”, to know that he was back into the real world as we know it. Some say Asuka’s line implies that she is angry at herself for liking Shinji and stroking his face. Supposedly the voice direction given to the actress was to react in a realistic way to Shinji’s action at the beginning of the film. So is this an ultimate rejection? Or just criticism directed at him in her usual snarky, but angrier, tone?
If we go back to theme of consent and its intersecting moments with the symbiotic nature of relationships, Shinji’s moment of aggression can be tied to anger at his insecurities and trying to exercise control over what he feels is a cause of many of them. Asuka left him feeling confused and inadequate, but she was still one of the people who could understand him the most. Torn between his admiration and fear for Asuka, while feeling irreversably intertwined to the girl, he decides to choke her, which would ultimately give him full power and control over her life. As Asuka strokes his face, she does something Shinji would never expect, perhaps making him realize that she is her own entity and that her body, her mind and her life are not his to own, control or take.
Its unclear what we can expect from Shinji and Asuka’s relationship moving forward, but either way, both are finally starting to find themselves and truly externalizing their feelings one way or another. Hopefully, they’ll find healthier ways to do so in the future.
Asuka’s last line, “How disgusting”, could be a rejection or it could be directed at herself for liking the contentious person that Shinji has become. Or it could be both. But more important than that, is the fact that it’s a line that exemplifies just how complex and nuanced human relationships are. So many unspoken feelings have been reduced to a single harsh line that brings up way more questions than answers. But that’s part of the fun: the fact that we can’t know what to fully expect from someone else, but we still have to make our own choices considering their individualities, their vast inner worlds and the uncertainty of dealing with those. This is what lies at the heart of Evangelion and it’s what could be the start of Shinji’s way out of his own depressed mind.
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mint-8 · 3 months
Inescapable. No Rules, No Rescue - My version
I saw Viveros's video about this game (Inescapable Is The Worst Game I've Ever Played & I'm Making That Your Problem Now) and I started to brainstorm how this characters could shine or be more interesting, in my opinion.
I came up with these ideas for the characters.
Harrison Finn Tailor
- A British Bus Driver. He is socially awkward yet gentle and polite, something that wouldn't change much depending on the routes. As the days pass by and he interacts with others on the island, he'll get more out of his shell and form friendships with the other contestants.
- He joined the competition so he would be able to move from his shitty home in one of the worst neighborhoods in London.
Maria Strauss
- A German Programmer who works from home to take care of her little siblings. She is bubbly and sociable, the opposite of Harrison, and cares deeply for others as an older sister would.
- She joined the show so she would be able to move out of her abusive household with her little siblings.
Annika Eklund
- A Swedish House Maid. A kind, sweet yet somewhat dumb girl (Think Lindsay from Total Drama). She finds great pleasure in taking care of others and finds most household chores as entertaining and relaxing. She is very strong yet won't use her strength unless absolutely necessary.
- She joined Inescapable so she would have enough funds to sue one of her clients for sexual harassment.
Daan Zoetemelk
- A Dutch Professional Biker Athlete. On the outside, he is very outgoing and positive and somewhat dumb. However, he tends to be very cold and cruel when it comes to anyone standing in his way or interrupting his plans, often thinking of very harsh decisions or solutions to simple problems.
- He joined the competition so he would have enough money to settle a case in which he brutally and 'accidentally' broke both of his competitor's legs who won first place in the last race he was in.
Eva Tamm
- A Estonian Social Media Influencer. She became viral thanks to her meme and since then has been addicted to the spotlight that came with it. She loves being the center of attention (so she won't be 'forgotten'), and it's a complete social butterfly to everyone around her.
- She joined the show, so she'll have enough funds to start her new life as a professional social media influencer.
Francisca Carrasco
- A Portuguese Mechanic. She is a single mother who takes no shits from anybody and is very confident and proud of her job skills. She cares deeply for her family, especially her little daughter, and is fiercely protective of anyone she considers close.
- Joined Inescapable so she would have enough money to provide a better life for her child.
Giovanni Lombardi
- An Italian 'Businessman'. A devoted Catholic who has very progressive ideals and worldviews. He is a passionate feminist, LGBTQ+ ally, and a kind gentleman who would never dare to hurt a fly unless it was for self-defense. He is a loving father and husband to his nuclear family. However, his relationship with the rest of his family is very strained.
- Joined Inescapable to get his family out of poverty after some of his failed 'business' ventures caused his family to fall into debt.
Valérie D'Orléans
- A French Heiress. She is the youngest child and the least possible heir to her family's business empire. Outshined by her talented sisters and brothers, she feels extremely inferior in her family full of geniuses and forces herself to appear confident and proud of her abilities in order to protect herself from other's scorn and ridicule.
- She joined the competition, so she'll become an independent entrepreneur to show her capabilities as a leader and prove to her family that she is a capable woman.
Sasha Smith
- A Hacker and Enginner from an unknown origin? It's difficult to tell whether their words are lies or the truth, for they mastered the art of lying to protect themselves.
- They joined the show to get a new identity after a nasty accident from their last 'gig'.
Lumi Ndiaye
- A Finnish Chemist. She is very introverted and somewhat emotionless. Some of it comes from horrible racism she suffered as a black woman. She is very close to her family and is a very passionate activist for equality of races.
- She joined Inescapable to create a charity to fight against discrimination in Finland.
Isak Ringvold
- A Norwegian Jeweler. Born into an affluent family of professional jewelers and with a natural talent for jewel crafting and design, Isak came to hate his gift due to the extreme pressures from his family and social circles to continue his family's traditions. It's been years since he ran away from his home to partake in his dream for acting in professional plays, for he loves the exaggerated and dramatic personalities he has observed on the very scarce free time he had before he fled.
- He joined the show so he would be able to fund his studies in acting and eventually debut as a professional actor.
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crazydiscostu · 1 year
Jsaux Steam Deck Shoulder Bag
The Jsaux Steam Deck Shoulder Bag has been designed for gamers on the go and has caught the attention of Steam Deck enthusiasts and handheld gaming aficionados alike. Its assertive promise of protecting the users valuable gaming consoles and accessories is certainly intriguing, but does it live up to the hype? Lets find out! Product supplied for review purposes Jsaux Shoulder Bag For Steam Deck…
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liightbringr · 4 months
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𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒄𝒌.
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@tr1ckshot asked: i don't like these people . but i like you .
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𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑨 𝑺𝑶𝑳𝑫𝑰𝑬𝑹 𝑹𝑬𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑸𝑼𝑰𝑺𝑯𝑬𝑺 all she has ever known, what is left? Does she still have her honor? What of her pride? When the tide swells && the waves rage against the battered coast, could she still stand between the onslaught with her banner high? Her heart still yearns to defend those that cannot protect themselves. && yet, now she has no limitations. Traversing the cosmos with naught to hold her back. && it brings her here under the arm of a rough around the edges cowboy. An outlaw in the galaxy that lives his life one shell casing at a time. Surrounded by a less than savory bunch that garners neither hospitality or a smile in passing from either of the pair.
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But old habits die hard. Teachings to remain on guard at all times remain at the forefront of her mind even as the other's arm reels her in all the closer to his side. Held taut by bravado && surety, she peers up at him beyond lengthy lashes in an attempt to gauge his disposition. Tucked into his side, she's become familiar with his quirks. Certain ticks && certain mannerisms; he walks to the beat of his own drum. Perhaps that's what drew her to him in the first place. There is no other like Boothill. Not even close. He's unrestrained && brash. A rodeo through the galaxy that cannot be thwarted, && an eight second ride isn't near enough to delve deeper beyond the metal he's primarily comprised of. She knows things; he's confided, && it'll stay locked away in her heart. Their steps carry them through a sea of stares && murmurings about the cowboy at her side. An assimilation of his accomplishments as well as rumors galore. Piecing together what they think of him && what their expectations may have been of him (some lesser, some of grandeur). && it's then that she rises from underneath her self-induced silence. "They're awfully chatty." In truth, Eva is a sight to stir bewilderment. A Halovian absconded from the chill of a dying planet to traverse the stars only to find herself so tightly ensnared by another. But it's the click of his tongue that raises her from the perdition of her thoughts && misplaced weariness. A cant of crown, locks of gold spilling over her shoulder like silken sunlight whilst raising her gaze to find his beneath tipped hat. && his words come with a confidence that brings about a sheepishness in her. A shy little smile, the chime of a laugh to follow. Reeled in once again by the cowboy's charm, so she follows through in turn. Allowing a gloved extremity to rise && conform to the line of his jaw opposite to where she stands. There's a gentle tug, a delicate coaxing that betrays the prowess they're both capable of, all so that she might conform supple tiers to the corner of his mouth. Sealing away her delight in a kiss.
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have-some-heals · 11 months
All we’ve lost: the team on enemies dropping candy…
“Okay but why do I have to wear this?” The warlock held the mask that was shaped like the mechanical dog AI the others had forced him to rescue from the doomed space station. His ghost scanned it and gave a dissatisfied chirp. Khione phased out knowing better than to argue about these silly holidays with the other ghosts and their guardian’s leaving the warlock to fend for himself.
In the distance Eva was talking to a few newer guardians who were clearly more excited than the warlock. He continued to look over the helmet and then at the titan who had brought it to him. “And you paid for this in golden age currency?” The warlock continued clearly dissatisfied with the whole situation.
Before the Titan could speak their guardian partner in crime grabbed the mask and quickly secured it over the warlocks head. “It’s rude not to use accept a gift! Isn’t that what you said when you found us and gave us our bows last year?” Sybll chimed straightening out the warlocks robes that he had finally let her restyle. “Plus with the new colors Veles and I added to your fancy robe dress it matches!”
The hunters ghost twisted in its shell before circling the warlock and, out of sight to the warlock, gave a nod to the hunter in approval before floating back to the hunter’s personal space. “Oh no… don’t get me involved in this mess” Veles said before he circled over to Nova. The two ghosts did a little circle of each other before fading out in unison leaving the three guardians in the tower.
“If you don’t want to wear it you don’t gotta…” the exo titan started. “It’s just that since my memory wipe incident I don’t really recall last years event… Ana said she was working on it but she wasn’t very optimistic…” Ardent-2 rubbed the back of his mental cased head holding a mask under his other arm. “I just thought given all that happened with Crota being resurrected and with Ace being stuck babysitting Immaru…” he waved his hand “never mind it was stupid” the titan turned away from the two and looked out over the city.
An ache washed over the titan but he wasn’t sure why. He’d always hated Tuesday because these meeting about changes and new battle plans and rises of old or new enemies weren’t his thing but today something else was bothering him. His eyes traced over the titan vanguard. The man that had trained him when he first made his way back from Europa… but now looking at him caused the ache to grow. Normally when he had these feelings a talk and tune up with Amanda would put him in check. But she wasn’t in the hangar bay anymore to joke about opening him up, nor to share a cup of hot cocoa. “I just thought we could use a bit of fun… I could use a bit of fun” the titan put on his mask and activated his ships transmat system vanishing without saying goodbye.
“Now look what you did” the hunter scolded the warlock giving him a gentle shove. “Put in the mask and meet us in orbit in 10 or forget about our little secret” she said running towards the side of the tower. The hunter jumped off the end of the platform and moments later her ship could be seen shooting off past the cabal ships through the restricted air space. An announcement rang through the tower a few moments after.
“Guardians are reminded that all ships must use the approved landing and take off zones. In cases of emergencies…” The warlock pulled the mask off himself and held it out in front of him with both hands.
“Khione… can you get the ship ready and set a flight plan for the Cosmodrome, where we first met? I want to see if there are any more clues” the warlock put the mask back on and pulled out the old photo he’d found where Khione has first brought him back. Each year on the anniversary of his resurrection he made a point to go back and spend some time there, hoping he might remember. The photo was worn, dirty, and he couldn’t make out the full faces of the other two people in the photo. The writing on the back had worn and faded as well but he could just make out names: his own shortened, Rowan, and, Kai.
He tucked the photo away and looked around the tower. Everyone was so happy and while the hunter and titan wanted to celebrate he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was about to give soon. There had been to many losses and the whiteness hadn’t even blinked at them… yet…
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okami-zero · 2 years
G-Witch, and Uh....
Okay, so Sophie the Yandere Earthian Witch proving how unhinged she is by telling Suletta to get her Gundam when she is very clearly trapped in viewport. More below the cut, cause spoilers and hoo-boy was this a doozy.
Okay, so Papa Jeturk decides to get off his ass and do stuff himself, since the Plant's garrison got wiped out. Miorine bumps into her Dad who, after getting her into a EVA suit, protects her from shrapnel and is hit himself. Old Man Delling starts doing the whole "am dying, will spill my guts about stuff" sentimental thing, but Miorine tells him sto shut up and taps him up to a stretcher (or flat piece of debris, at any rate). The taciturn Earthian Witch is wiping out all the transports, which has our Earth House folks on their newly purchased tub worried, so they are all hauling ass out the back, except Nika, who notices a shell casing floating past the viewports, and signals the Gundam about to blast their transport using the front running lights on their transport. Norea mumbles something about "ally of the Prince", and then floats away. She breathes a sigh of relief, until Martin, who apparently hadn't left or came back, asked her what she did. As to the casing thing - it is noted earlier that physical ammunition use is banned by treaty, apparently because it "pollutes space", and during the fight it is mentioned - Norea vs random grunt #244 - the response from Norea is along the lines of "You Spacians polluted Earth and then ran, so fuck you". So that is what made Nika take her gamble.
Meanwhile, Vim (Papa Jeturk) is going after the hijacked transport in his Dilanza Sol. A near direct hit causes the door holding the captive crew (Guel, or "Bob" and the mechanics) to malfucntion. They hear two of the hijackers mention there being a Gundam at the plant, so Guel figures it's Aerial (he figures right) and goes and steals one fo the Jeturk mobile suits in the transport. Unfortunately, this draws the attention of Vim, who starts mercilessly targetting the hapless Guel, who keeps screaming he's on their side (comms are not open, unfortunately), and basically just dodging (poorly) and unable to bring himself to shoot back. However, something shifts and he resolves that he isn't going to die here. So missing an arm and both legs, he charges the Sol, managing to dodge laser-fire and activating his suits heatsword/knife and stabs a too-slow-to-react Dilanza Sol right through the cockpit. And then the Sol opens comms and Vim finds the son he has been looking for, and Guel realizes he just killed his father. He opens hjis won cockpit, urging his father to eject (though from the video, it look liked Vim was missing at least his entire right arm below the shoulder). However, the suits float apart and we see the Dilanza Sol detonate from inside Guel's visor. And he screams in pain at what he's done.
Back to Suletta! Who found an evac hatch to get out of her predicament, and is heading for the dock where Aerial is being held. Just as she gets there, there is a group of hijackers around a corner. She hides, crouching down and covering her mouth, but some sound alerts them, so they start silently creeping towards her... and are calmly and efficiently wiped out by Prospera and her assistant. Suletta is understandably shocked by having watched her mom just ace four guys like she's doing taxes. And Prospera keeps using that cutesy mom tone of voice talking to Suletta (which one, creeped me out , and two, cemented to me that Prospera is likely not all there anymore, but is playing the long game a la Char/Zechs for revenge. Maybe). She gives Suletta a pep talk with the "running gets one, moving forward gets two" phrase.
Outside, Sophie (Yandere Witch) is fighting members of Dominicus, Cathedra's "Witch Hunters", who are able to employ Antidote, which nullifies GUND tech. However, Sophie jumps her Permet score from two to FOUR and is able to overpower them. The effect on her is heavy, and is shown, "But at least I'm alive!" she says. She also mentions that Antidote only works up to Permet Score Three. So she took long enough to clear the Dominicus suits before lowering the score again (presumably). Then she goes in after Suletta and Aerial.
Aerial appears, using GUND-Bits to deflect the Lfrith Ur.s gatling fire and, using some newly upgraded mobility gear, manages to take the fight outside. After fighting off both Sophie and Norea, during which she is talking to Aerial and it appears Aerial is responding, Suletta employs a new trick with the GUND-Bits, and it looks like Aerial has a new BFG, which is dodged (mostly, one poor suit got its legs melted off) and the attackers retreat as the patrol fleet shows up. Done.
After credits, we are back to Miorine, with her dad on his stretcher. She is determined to save him, if only to curse him every night in his hospital bed as he recovers. One lone attacker is left, and is aiming to shoot them both when Aerial busts through a wall and with a cry of "No you don't!" Aerial pastes the guy like a bug. Splatted from 3D to 2D. Except for part of his arm, which floats toward a stunned Mirorine, and spatters blood on her cheek as it float past. Suletta hops down from Aerial, sounding very calm. She slips and lands in part of the blood, gives a small laugh and stands, offering Miorine a hand that is covered in blood of the man she just unceremoniously squashed. And Miorine, eyes still wide in shock and horror calls her "Murdered".
SO... Holy FUCK that is a lot. Like, A LOT, a lot. Guel killed his dad (and is himself floating in a mostly inert and inoperable mobile suit), Nika's possible connection to a terrorist/resistance group (dunno which because one Earthians are the oppressed group here, but this was very much a covert "kill everyone" op, so...) is revealed, Delling's status is unknown, Miorine has been traumatized, Suletta is...either in shock or something about Prospera and Aerial has kind of messed with her head (she was horribly distraught about her mom just killing dudes, until Prospera gave her that pep talk).
Also, the visual of Aerial apparently responding to Suletta (shown as a "wave" of that Permet circuit pattern over the viewscreens is... well lending credence, perhaps to Aerial possibly having more than just highly advanced technology in it. Suletta still refers to the GUND-Bits as "everyone" (minna (sp?)), so...
My brain... holy shit.
And that's the end of Season One! <internal screaming>
P.S. - I did not mean for this to be a recap, I really didn't but there is just SO MUCH to unpack, holy shit. Really feeling for Guel, here. And we see that his whole "not dying here" is because he hasn't caught up to Suletta yet. So yea. Now, am I glad Vim is gone? Mostly. But when I saw how the fight was going, I kind of knew Guel was gonna be the one to do it. And that just... that's rough, buddy.
The BIGGEST thing, for me, though, is that last interaction. I thought she was going to put Aerial's hand in the way or something, but NOPE! Just... SPLAT. And so far as I know, I think she is the first pilot EVER, in all of Gundam, to do that. I cannot recall if anyone has ever been crushed by a hand like in Evangelion, but this... I mean, this show is not scared to show gratuitous headshots, and floating corpses with blood globules but... That was graphic as FUCK. Especially the arm bit. And Suletta is *totally nonchalant*. Like, her old self, as if she didn't just do that thing. Mika from IBO was fairly cold and detached, the Wing pilots kind of...didn't stop to think on it (except for a few times, and mostly Quatre). But this... oh this is a turning point. And possibly what gets us more answers in some way. And how will this affect the budding relationship between our two heroines?
WELP! Now we wait till Spring! <more internal screaming>
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Many morning papers, including Kuopio's Savon Sanomat, carry a review of a new survey by the Finnish Business and Policy Forum (EVA) showing that a growing number of Finns want to see more focus on cooperation in international affairs with other Nordic and Baltic countries.
Sixty-four percent of those surveyed said they think that cooperation with the Nordic countries should have more emphasis in Finland's foreign policy.
According to EVA's head of research Ilkka Haavisto, it seems that the Finns would like the Nordic countries to act as a more united front in foreign policy than at present.
"Traditionally, the Nordic countries have cooperated on many issues, but have rarely appeared as a unified block, because the countries' foreign and security policy solutions have not been aligned," Haavisto points out.
Slightly more than half of respondents were of the opinion that cooperation with the Baltic countries should be given more weight more in Finland's foreign policy, as well.
Greater willingness to cooperate with the Baltic countries is related to the Nato alliance and the fact that the foreign policy of the Baltic countries is increasingly valued in Finland, according to an EVA's press release quoted in the article.
"Russia's attack on Ukraine showed that the Baltic countries assessed Russia correctly," Haavisto says.
A similar annual values and attitudes survey has been carried out by EVA since 1984. This poll includes responses from more than 2,000 people who took part in a Taloustutkimus internet panel at the beginning of this year.
Danger below the Baltic waves
It is estimated that around 50,000 tons of chemical weapons and at least 200,000 tons of conventional munitions lie on the bottom of the Baltic Sea, the agricultural sector paper Maaseudun Tulevaisuus reports.
The weapons include bombs, artillery shells, mines, grenades and other munitions dumped by the Allies at the end of the Second World War. They are known to contain mustard gas, adamsite and an arsenic compound called clark1, among other deadly chemicals.
The paper says that studies have shown that toxins leaking from corroding ammunition casings end up in sediments and aquatic organisms. Hanna Niemikoski, a chemist at the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) says that small concentrations have been found in, for example, cod, flounder, lobsters and shrimp.
More research is needed on whether the small concentrations of toxins found in seafood affect the people who eat them.
However, Professor Paula Vanninen, who heads Finnish Institute for Verification of the Chemical Weapons Convention, told the STT news agency that the threat to the marine environment and consumers is real.
One reason that the the issue of dealing with World War II-era chemical weapons dumped in the Baltic is topical is the fast pace at which offshore wind farms are being built in the region.
Reining in onboard parties
Helsingin Sanomat tells readers that shipping lines operating ferries between Finnish and Swedish ports have taken steps to curb partying by passengers in cabins and corridors.
It notes that, for example, some of the ships have no plugs in the sinks in cabins. This is to prevent passengers from filling the sinks with cold water to cool drinks.
Cruise passengers are prohibited from bringing their own alcoholic beverages onto Tallink Silja and Viking Line ships. It is also forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages bought from the ships' stores on board. The consumption of alcohol is limited to bars and restaurants.
Viking Line rules says that any passenger who causes a disturbance in cabin areas can be ejected from the cabin and fined 120 euros.
Both shipping companies have limited alcohol purchases from tax-free shops on certain departures and the contents of some passengers' bags are checked before boarding. Among the items confiscated are not only alcohol, but also sound-system speakers and power tools.
Hazardous gusts
Iltalehti warns of increasingly difficult driving conditions in many parts of the country on Wednesday because of heavy rains and high winds.
It points to an advisory from Fintraffic's road traffic centre saying that hazardously high gusts of wind, up to 20 metres per second, are expected in Kymenlaakso, South Karelia and South Savo.
Heavy rains will also affect driving conditions in Uusimaa, Häme and North Karelia.
The Fintraffic advisory reminds drivers to maintain safety distances of the season, and to be especially careful when it is dark.
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xivu-arath · 1 year
in the "So my problem with most ‘get to know your character’ questioneers " questioneer, 1 thru 5 for oni and omen whenever u want!! i am Always thinking about your exos they just exist in my brain now in the background doing their thing
been sitting on this for ages for a spare moment... thanks eux!
(ask meme)
1) What is the character’s go-to drink order? (this one gets into how do they like to be publicly perceived, because there is always some level of theatricality to ordering drinks at a bar/resturant)
bright and energizing, but not weird (though she likes to request monstrosities of drinks when in a good mood). cocktails with a bit of a kick and bellinis
2. What is their grooming routine? (how do they treat themselves in private)
oni is finicky about how she looks, so she has a whole, very polished maintenance routine! she finetunes her systems, checks over for any dents or scratches, touches up her paint. she even has little toolsets for back when she did patrols, or now if she needs to fix something up while running errands for eva
generally the only thing she feels she has exact control over is her appearance, so she's... exacting about that. it's reassuring
3. What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go? (Gets you thinking about socio-economic class, values, and how they spend their leisure time)
fashion!! honestly she can't prevent herself from putting off big purchases and making sure she has funds to fall back on just in case, but she will shell out for fancy shaders or aesthetic body mods
4. Do they have any scars or tattoos? (good way to get into literal backstory) 
no, oni is actually very scrupulous on cleaning up and filling in any kind of scarring damage. the idea of looking at it and not remembering what it came from terrifies her. tattoo-wise she'll mess around with temporary designs, but never keeps any for long
5. What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances? (Good way to get some *emotional* backstory in.)
during the red war, when the light returned and she started picking up on vanguard transmissions about ghaul's defeat. she doesn't like to talk about it, and still isn't sure just what she was feeling more, relief or guilt or anger... it was just a Lot. most of her emotional reactions skip right over crying, so this was a big deal for her
1) What is the character’s go-to drink order? (this one gets into how do they like to be publicly perceived, because there is always some level of theatricality to ordering drinks at a bar/resturant)
...water? not that xe can usually be found in restaurants to begin with, but this would be xyr go-to if xe went
2. What is their grooming routine? (how do they treat themselves in private)
omen does not have one! at most xe will get rid of bits of dirt and debris, and wash off any obvious stains (mostly because boon would rather xe did this)
3. What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go? (Gets you thinking about socio-economic class, values, and how they spend their leisure time)
entirely literally, the only thing omen tends to buy is mixed birdseed in bulk to scatter for the flocks near xyr home in winter. xe also does not have much income to speak of (courier and retrieval requests are usually more barters than anything else, though xe keeps track of how much glimmer xe needs for the birdseed and will specifically get as much for that reason)
4. Do they have any scars or tattoos? (good way to get into literal backstory) 
does the tree arm count as a scar?? otherwise no, omen has been through a lot but it's all been repaired
5. What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances? (Good way to get some *emotional* backstory in.) 
good question! I don't think omen has ever cried (probably the simulated feeling of doing so is still in there somewhere). not that xe doesn't feel emotions that would warrant crying, but expressing them has always been something that doesn't come easily to xem
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meetmeatthezenith · 2 years
Flexible customization for cheap
One of the joys of working from home is you can personalize, get into the finer details of your work environment and make them as comfortable and pleasant to all senses as possible. To achieve that sweet ASMR experience.
That said, I just got into enthusiast mechanical keyboards. I'm so happy with my recent keyboard purchase I've been using for almost a month now. It's a pre-built enthusiast mechanical keyboard. It checks all my boxes and it doesn't cost as much compared to the GMMK pro.
Three things I look for in a keyboard: First, it has to be in a 75% layout because I don't want to get rid of the function keys or have to press a combination of buttons to access them as in the case of 65% keyboard layouts. 
Second, it has to have a solid, dense, non-hollow knob. The less obvious the gap between the knob and the keyboard outer shell the better. And the knob has to appear to be placed cleanly on top of the shell and not thru it (just my weird personal preference).
Third, it should be decent enough in stock form.
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It can connect to three different devices and switch on the fly between them via Bluetooth. Compatible across different operating systems Windows/Mac/Linux which I've personally tried and tested.
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The one thing I've overlooked and only found out later after some browsing is that I wouldn't be able to use shine thru key caps with it if I ever decide to.
Since most keyboard PCB LED placements tend to be north facing, most if not all backlit key caps are made to have top legends.
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Although south facing LEDs are much preferred due to not having the problem with interference when paired with Cherry key caps, the downside is it doesn’t work well with backlit key caps.
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At least I'll still get to have the option to use illuminated side printed key caps. Those are pretty neat too.
It comes in two colorways, black and white which makes it flexible enough to match with any type of key caps suited for dark or light colored keyboard outer shell / frame.
What's interesting about this affordable model is that it is just one of the number of clone models offered by the different brands that get their products made by the same original equipment manufacturer. Something that could work to my advantage, which I’ll get into later.
Epomaker TH80, Lychee G80, Keydous NJ80, Mathew Tech MK80, Tech Veil 80 and Feker IK75 Pro (not the V3) are all the same albeit with varying configuration, brand and packaging.
I got mine from Mathew Tech brand which I’ve chosen because they offer different options for the plate (brass/steel), foam (Poron/EVA) and switches. And theirs' have dual stage flip up risers. Yes, these materials affect how thocky, clicky or clacky sounding the keyboard would be. I personally prefer the thocky setup.
The advantages of it being a clone are if I ever decide to go with a different outer shell color I have the option to buy only the shell from Keydous which other brands don't provide you the option to. Then I can spray paint any choice of color over it.
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I can also buy different knob colors from whichever clone brand since they offer different colors for their respective clones. Feker also has theirs different from the rest since they are the only ones who have their LEDs north facing. This crosses another checkbox with customization (Hello shine thru key caps).
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You can buy the Feker brand just for the north facing PCBs in a different shell color from the one you already have then have the shell or PCB mix and match to your liking.
Edit: I later realized Ik75 isn't a clone (the exploded arrows and 4 right side keys give it away) but it's a nice alternative nonetheless since it ticks the first two check boxes (75% layout w/ a solid knob) I look for in a keyboard.
With Akko brand not getting their inventory restocked for some reason (the wireless units) this is not a bad alternative at all.
Not to say that I have the time nor the luxury to splurge for the time being but it's the variety of options down the line that gets me excited.
While I don't plan on owning a lot of keyboards like the hobbyists do, I do like the customizability from just owning two.
This could be a very good therapeutic occasional hobby.
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 Here is how it looks like with the backlight turned off.
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This stock construction themed key caps meet the retro tinkerer look that I'm going for. This key cap theme will serve me for now until I get my ergonomic chair that I'm saving up for which is what I'll be reviewing next (maybe). After which I'll modify this to get it to look like this Akko keyboard soon. 
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