#EXCEPT with saltydkdan
krizkrozapplesoz · 2 years
That little voice in your head telling you to follow your favourite youtuber on twitter?
That's the devil talking. Do not give in
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cherrirui-official · 20 days
New hyha looks weird, why is Salty bald??
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occasionalmariosprite · 4 months
What a fine... uh friday? yeah friday anyways occasional mario sprite time!!!
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now uh you might look at this and think "those arent mario!" and you'd be 100% correct alot of those arent mario
But like my mario guys there and... hes mario kinda look i NEED a excuse to post these it took WAY too long to do the possum thingy
most of these are just ocs of my twitter mutuals (except link and tulin ignore them (dont ignore them actually i did a REALly good job with them))
oh also
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Look at these 8 i like them (except ted) from the left to right its a Burger, Pyoro, Arlo (The Puppet Youtuber Guy), SaltyDKDan, Luffy, Ominman, Brian and Ted all these guys share something in common btw
anyways ACTUAL mario posting returns soon (this counts as a mario post btw because Me im Mario thats just my Mario Sprite)
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Chapter 5- Part 5
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Well, while I don’t think Xera will be using Kricketot right away, it’ll still be good to have in case we need extra Bug-types in the future.
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She has been named “Viola”- you know, the musical instrument.
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Gym? You have a Gym? Gym Leader?? Bug-type Gym Leader??
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Hey wait get back here, you can’t just drop that you’re a Gym Leader and then leave without elaborating! And besides, neither Xera nor this other lady gave you their names, does that really count as meeting them in that case?
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Oh, mark my words, Xera will…eventually.
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Alright, well- with that event done, let’s hear what the child has to say, then we’ll get going.
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Well, that’s one way to hammer in the idea of “stranger danger.” And after wandering around in the rain all last chapter, I don’t think Xera’s changing that kid’s perception any time soon.
Now, we keep going east, and…
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That…just looks like an entirely new area. Yeah, I looked at the map, and it looks like this path just leads back to somewhere in Opal Ward- so, not where we need to go.
But I’ve looked around everywhere else in Peridot Ward, didn’t I? And there’s still no way up to that upper area- did I just miss something? That area looks like it’s still in Peridot Ward, so?? Hello??
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Maybe I really did just miss something somewhere- I’ll look around a bit more. Maybe it really is somewhere in Opal Ward?
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No, didn’t find anything except for this.
Ah man, I’m gonna have to grind on wild Pokémon, aren’t I? Can I at least train on Pokémon from the dumpsters? Gullet was semi-high-leveled at the time, so??
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No dumpster Pokémon either, but I found that instead.
Okay, well- no more Trainers to fight, then. So that means it’s time to battle some wild Pokémon instead. I admit- while I’ve been trying to go through this game as blind as possible, I did decide here to look up something. Namely, I looked up the wild Pokémon encounter areas in Peridot Ward and Lower Peridot Ward to find where the highest-leveled Pokémon could be found, sue me.
And from my brief research, it seems like the best places to train will first be by Headbutting the tree in Seacrest’s Garden (which we can do, Streak knows Headbutt), then by fishing in the indoor pool with the Old Rod.
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Well, no use putting it off anymore. Time for some level grinding! Oh, these poor wild Pokémon…
One VERY long grinding session later…
Anyways, after almost two hours of wiping out Reborn’s Swablu population and finishing with a nice fish dinner, the team looks like this:
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And I know it was almost two hours, because I had these two episodes of Saltydkdan’s Season 3 Friendlocke playing in the background, and they both played all the way through by the time I was done grinding!
All that time aside…it’s time, folks. We leave the Pokémon Center, and we go west to-
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To…find that scared Teddiursa again, apparently. I guess it also doesn’t come out during the Rain?
But just in case this is the time we can catch the Teddiursa, I did go and buy one (1) Poké Ball.
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And it didn’t even matter because we still can’t catch it…for some reason! Well, alright then.
So now we keep going west to-
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…To…see Teddiursa again. Alright, maybe fourth time’s the charm?
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No it is not! Yet again- how am I supposed to catch it?? Does Xera need to encounter it five times before she’s allowed to catch it?
But in coming up here, I noticed that there’s a house up there that I didn’t go into before. So, let’s fix that before going back to Fern, shall we?
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And get ourselves another free Potion! Yeah!
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A Protein, huh? Not sure when or if I’ll be using these stat-boosting items, but like- good to have I guess?
But more importantly…
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I think it’s time we showed Fern what Xera and her team can really do, shall we?
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I really need to make the video essay idea i had about the original intent and purpose of the nuzlocke and how so far no nuzlocke youtube series has captured the original comic except Saltydkdan's Friendlocke, especially season 2
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punchitime · 2 years
Part whatever it is now of Pixel's random imagines with my own ocs
Atlas training and Ster helping by being i live target. And Finn just watching in the background with popcorn
^ during breaks Ster steals some
So everyone knows about what a Pokemon Nuzzlock is right? Well there's a thing called a "Friendlock" (yes the same kind Saltydkdan made with his friends), same kinda concept except that all of the trainer's Pokemon are fully controlled by friends. Just the thought of trio and whoever else that wants to join in doing that is chaos
The trio (+ anyone else if they want to join) recording/streaming playing like Mario Party, Uno, or Cards Against Humanity
Them playing modded games like modded GTA or Minecraft or something like that
Absolutely there's a Animal Crossing stream here and there. It's not as chaotic but if Finn is there she has managed to somehow MAKE it chaotic
"The Amazing Frog?" Streams, absolutely there's multiple of them because that game is funny and stupid as fuck and is very entertaining
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silvermoon424 · 2 years
This is random but
How many of you out there have seen Saltydkdan’s Pokemon Friendlocke? Either of the two seasons? Because I watched both of them very recently and I’m so obsessed omg
If you haven’t heard of it, basically it’s a Pokemon Nuzlocke except all of the Pokemon are portrayed by Salty’s friends. They chat on Discord and livestream while Salty plays the game. If the Pokemon a friend is portraying is knocked out, the friend is disconnected from the call and is out of the rest of the game; the Pokemon is then released. 
It’s so fucking funny. I think overall I prefer season two but for some reason I can’t stop thinking about the Borat Spoink from season one.
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mobtism · 3 years
waht is friendlocke. tell me abt it
thank you SO much for this ask, anon!!
friendlocke is a pokemon series created by streamer/youtuber saltydkdan and a group of his friends!
each season of his friendlocke is a playthrough of a different pokemon game (season 1 being pokemon emerald, season 2 being pokemon black), which are both played as a nuzlocke! season 2, however, is also a randomizer!
with randomizer settings, it means that every catchable pokemon encounter is randomized, as well as every item found.
the nuzlocke challenge has a few rules, specifically that you can only catch the first pokemon you encounter in each area, and if any of your pokemon faint, you have to release them from your game permanently (like a perma-death).
the difference between the friendlocke and a normal randomizer nuzlocke is this:
every pokemon that salty catches in the game will be roleplayed by one of his friends on stream.
salty/derek is the main player of the game, as he takes the role of the player character/trainer, while each of his friends are gradually assigned one pokemon to play as during each season.
while derek plays as his trainer character, as well as voicing all other npcs, his friends will each voice and act as the one pokemon that they were assigned.
everything that is said and done is completely unscripted, and completely improvisational! except for the prewritten npc dialogue already in the game, of course
theres quite a bit of lore to the series, too!! its not all just for goofs and laughs (but dont worry, theres still plenty of goofs and laughs as well !!)
for the mechanics of how the series works:
when theyre in a battle, the friend who is fighting has the choice of which of their moves to use, as well as whether they want to stay in battle or be switched out.
if a pokemon dies in battle, the friend who plays that pokemon has to leave the call, and their pokemon has to be released - they will (in most cases) not return for the rest of the season.
only 6 friends (plus derek) will be talking on stream at once, however, since there are only 6 pokemon allowed in a party - the rest wait in the pc, until they are switched out.
speaking of the others being in the pc! for season 2, there is a separate stream that airs at the same time as the main one, and it’s called the friendlocke box !
the friendlocke box stream focuses on all of the people who are not in the party during the main stream! they goof off, have their own conversations out of character, and very often also react to the things going on in the main stream. a lot of fun to watch, and also generally a lot more chill. friendlocke box my beloved <3
the series is SO much fun, and everyone who takes part in it is absolutely incredible!!! i find so much joy in this series; its funny! its endearing!! its very entertaining!! its lighthearted and easy to watch, you dont have to think hard to enjoy it! and its even a little heartwrenching at times!!
the friendlocke series is goofy as all hell, in a good way, and theres just so much heart put into the series, its hard not to find something to love. amazing work all around, and i could not appreciate the team any more than i already do, for bringing such a great series to life!
if youre at all interested in getting into the series, i’m here to help!
the full streams tend to be very long (around 5 hours per stream), however! after each season ends, the vods are cut down into shorter, easier to focus on videos.
to see if the series interests you, i suggest starting with this playlist, which contains the cut episodes of season one!
or, if you feel like you can handle the length of the streams, and you dont want to miss out on any moment, you can also find a playlist of the season one vods here!
theres also a marathon video that has all of the season 1 cut episodes compiled together into one, if thats better for you!
season 2 is absolutely fantastic so far, however! it is not finished at the time of writing this; only the vods are available to watch! you can find them in this playlist here.
and lastly, i do have to ask,
my god, arent the limited 3d graphics in this season just so charming? :-)
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hyperzone-2 · 2 years
hey hold on this is just like the one saltydkdan bit except instead of pizza hut it's beyblade
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firestarinavatar · 4 years
it toke a long time to got to mascotopia. on the way someon evem trew op. but they got there…..and it was a huge city and it was AMAZIBG!!!!!!!!!!!
saltydkdan: closest to new york i ever been
tony: *happy* Flake!!!!
azula new tony use to live in mascotopia and that was why he was so hapy. but that wasent the thing they were focused on they hat to find cool spot. they saw a guy standing somware and they deseyded to ask him
firestar: helo do yo know ware cool spot it???
guy: WTF I WAS GAY WITH HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
azula: what?
guy: im fido dido i use to be the 7 up mask ot…..but then i met cool spot and got gsy for him and he toke my place and brock up with me…..
firestar: oh no….you now he the evil gang leader rite?
fido dido: WTF!!!!!!!!!
azula: yeah it suprized us too….anyway ware is he?
fido dido: he lives there
fido dido pointed to a larje bilding with a 7 up loggo on it.
firestar: ok tank!!!!!!!11
everyone trie to go to the bilding but there was a guard.
guard: id?
saltydkdan then puched him into the sun
saltyddan: id my ASS
then they brock in. they had to go thro a lot of stars but it was worth it bcas at the top it was…..COOL SPOT!!!!!
cool spot lafed hi pitchedly again and took out a giant wite 7. he uzed it az a sord and no on else have a sord except for…….FIRESTSR!!!! he make a fire sord and duled with him!!!!! it was so epic and then fiesta has him conered.
firestar: WARE IS THE EGG!!!!
cool spot laffed again evilly
gary: cool spot cannot talk….his vocal cords were damaj when he was a baby spot and he was no able to talk ever sense….so you wont get infermatin ote of him that way
gingerbrave: i now ho wold be able to!!!!! wasabi cookie!!!!! she make exparaments like you gary!!!
firestar: she sonds cool!!
gary: i worked wit her back in the day actully
azula: guys stop the chit chat!!!!! we ned to find the egg!!!
then cool spot brethed fire on everyone!!!!! firestar locked thru the smoke and he GOT AWAY!!!!!!
azula: we need that egg back….i cant handle to loss anoter ting after playation died……
firestar: we just ned to stop him in genal!!!! who nos what he cold do next…..
*meanwhile in kyoshi iland…..*
suki: who are ou…..
cool spot *telapaticlly*: i am cool spot...you must join my gang so tat we can take ofer the WROLD…..you are the cool….i need you….
suki: never, you moraly bandcrupt aswhole!!!!!!!
cool spot: *telapaticly* ok then fuck u
ten cool spot pushed her in a miror portal!!!!!! she almost sinked al the way thro but her hand cam out...but then AN OTHER hand cam out and pushed in back down and pulled the rest of it out…..and it was…..
what wil dark suki do? find next chaler in…...firestar in AVATAR
also this waht dark suki loke like :3c
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