#Eagle scout
nasa · 7 months
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Chris Williams
Born in New York City, Chris Williams considers Potomac, Maryland, to be his hometown. A private pilot and Eagle Scout, Williams is a board-certified medical physicist and holds a doctorate in physics from MIT. https://go.nasa.gov/49YJJmf
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drivelikeaminister · 3 months
Scouts and Religion
Scouting has been a large part of my life growing up, and it continues to be a large part of my life as I have volunteered with local troops and now am watching my children in their own journey. If you didn't know, there are some big changes in the Boy Scouts. For one, it's no longer called the Boy Scouts (new name = Scouting America)! And girls are welcome to participate too!
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Although scouting has been quite strong and formative in my life, the national organization wasn't always in line with my ideals. One of my main concerns growing up was the stress on belief in God. My religion, Unitarian Universalism, does not hold an institutional view on a divinity, so it was problematic for me to be open in my faith while feeling constrained in scouting. The stress on a Christian faith has lessened over the years from when I was a youth participant, but it still hold weight. In a letter about the name change, the Chief Scout Executive states:
Recently, some have wondered if Scouting’s commitment to faith was still strong. They supposed that by changing our name we might somehow be moving away from our core ideals. I can assure you that nothing could be further from the truth. The Scout Oath and Law begin with Duty to God and conclude with Reverent. This is not an accident. Scouting’s founders knew that faith acts as a type of compass that guides and ultimately makes our families, communities, and our nation stronger.
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I was lucky growing up that my local troop was welcoming of me as a non-Christian. I was also lucky that the adult leaders in my region accepted my belief in "something larger than myself" as appropriate for meeting the organization's "duty to God" requirement.
I am no longer a youth, navigating my faith journey and my scouting development. Now I am an Eagle Scout and ordained minister in an organization which has changed with the times. Yes, Scouting America was founded on Christian ideals and remains steeped in the language of that religion. Yes, many troops meet in Christian churches and leaders have specific theological views.
Even so - there is a place for your faith in Scouting America! Yes, even you. Scouting has numerous religious awards, and although not required for advancement to Eagle, they are highly encouraged and esteemed. I met in a small group with my minister to earn the Unitarian Universalist religious award, and I am sure that process helped lead me into ministry.
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Here is the current list of Religious Emblems, including many different Christian denominations and other major faith communities. The awards include Buddhism and Hinduism, and I recently found awards for both Humanist and Wicca / Pagan beliefs.
This is to say, if you are involved in scouting - Scouting America or Girls Scouts or another organization - if you know someone involved... and they are interested in exploring their faith within the scouting experience, it can be done. Reach out to your local faith community, your national faith organization, heck, you can ask me. I'm happy to make connections to your faith leaders, and would be honored to walk with scouts in their journey of faith if they need a mentor or guide.
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To all those who are concerned about Scouting's commitment to faith, I am committed! But not necessarily to one specific faith. I'm committed to supporting each and every scout in their own religious beliefs.
In Scouting and In Faith,
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inkylynx · 4 months
I've seen some news articles and comments on them getting upset about how Boy Scouts is changing its name to Scouts. They say theres no safe space for boys anymore.
Girls. Have. Been. Welcomed. For. Years. Now! And its great that they are!
I worked at a cub scout camp at the time when girls were first allowed and it was nothing but a positive experience. Boys and girls were happy to play and work together. I didn't hear even a single offhand complaint.
One of the most powerful moments in my 6 years of working there was that we had a mom nearly cry because she was so happy she could bring her daughter to camp. She lived in a family of all eagle scouts. She'd gone to every meeting and camp out but had never been allowed to participate or be aknowlege for her work. She was so happy her daughter got the opportunity she hadn't
And honestly, same girl. I grew up with a single mom, so where my brother went, I went because I couldn't be left home alone. I went to SO many meetings, but i was never allowed to earn badges, shoot bow and arrows, or race pinewood derbies. No, Girl scouts is not the same. (It can be very good, but its far less structured, so many troops are lack luster.) Even though I was past the age to join, girls being able to join scouts meant so much to me too.
But like seriously, other countries have been co-ed for a long long time now. Its about time we caught up.
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This is for the uniform enjoyers
(It’s me, i’m the uniform enjoyer)
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park-bench-poet · 1 year
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faerevolution · 1 year
real talk, though
boy scouts is school for butches
eagle scouts are just butches who graduated butch school
i'm for real here. you can fight me on this
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theofficialmammonstan · 10 months
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Hey Ya'll I know this is really different from my usual posts but I need your help!
I'm taking on a mission to help out kids in foster care by creating backpacks filled with everyday essentials to make their lives easier. If you want to join me on this adventure, simply scan the QR code (or click the link) and check out the wish list of supplies needed. Every little bit counts! Thank you!
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gingerbredman1989 · 8 months
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Vintage 1950s era illustration of muscular Eagle Scout
ChatGPT with DALL-E
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auroroboros1 · 1 year
in boy scouts, they taught me leadership skills hoping I would get a job in management or some shit. Instead, I organize direct action. The thing they don't teach you is how to organize with people you don't already know. I had to learn that myself.
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nasa · 7 months
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Jack Hathaway
Jack Hathaway, a distinguished naval aviator, was born and raised in South Windsor, Connecticut. An Eagle Scout, Hathaway volunteers as an assistant scoutmaster for the Boy Scouts. https://go.nasa.gov/4bU8QbI
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rowyngoldeart · 2 years
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"Eagle Scout"
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cypressnewsreview · 2 years
Cypress Boy Scout earns 139 merit badges
Cypress Boy Scout earns 139 merit badges
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View On WordPress
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Bugs: What is your name?
Eagle Scoutmaster: My name is for my friends. None of my friends is a rabbit!
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Back to being the coolest person ever
In other words being a cubscout leader
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starrygalazy · 1 month
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missy-the-weeb · 1 month
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i did it
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