#Earning money
ayyy-imma-ninja · 10 months
Humm 🤔 Now I wonder...
If the government is not paying for the librarian's paycheck, how is Sun making money?
Does he have some sort of secondary income?
Does he and Moon steal money from the rulebreaker?
Some odd things here and there. He'll help neighbors with tasks and earn a few bucks that way.
Parents sign their children up for the reading circles Sun hosts at the library, which does cost a fee. So he does get earnings from that.
While Sun is happy to do so for free, he can earn cash by babysitting for people. Whether it be kids or pets.
In his own words: "I uh...gotta help Moony pay rent somehow, hehe..."
As for stealing money from Rulebreakers, I am not 100% sure. On one hand, it's wrong and the money ought to go to the Rulebreaker's family. On the other, the Rulebreaker isn't gonna need it. Certainly a moral dilemma.
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tw1nkeealt · 5 months
Effective immediately, I'm opening my commissions because I need to start saving money. If you're able to and you like my art, please click on the following link to read more info about my art comms.
Art examples ⬇️
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If you'd like to find any of my social media accounts to contact me in case you would not like to do so here, I am available on any of these:
• tw1nkee28 (Discord)
• twinkee28 (TikTok)
• Tw1nkee28 (Instagram)
And of course here are my payment apps in case you couldn't find them on the Doc:
Also please keep in mind that I am new to this and if I mess anything up, please communicate that with me so I can be better in the future! <3
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badhon555 · 2 months
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Earn 10$ everyday, Min deposit only 0.04$.Register and start earning today https://www.ipweb.pro/?Badhon1208
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johnschneiderblog · 10 months
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The working life
My grandson, recently turned 11, often approaches me asking for work - as in, “Grandpa, I’m trying to save up some money … do you have any jobs I can do …?”
Despite the mixed results of his pop-up leaf-raking enterprise last fall, he remains a committed capitalist, clearly grasping the connections between work and money; money and fun. It will serve him well.
About half the time I come up with a job for him - moving firewood, washing my car, etc. Sometimes he’ll try to enlist his younger brother in the effort, which teaches him a lesson in overhead vs. profits (naturally, Little Bro wants a cut). Being eight, the junior partner often values his freedom over cash. He goes AWOL.
The other half of the time, when there's no obvious work to be done, I just give him an advance on an unspecified job to be completed in the future ... because that’s what Grandpas do, right?
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earningboosterapps · 6 months
what is mreward app? How can I earn 🤑🤑💰💰💵💵💰💰💵💵 with mrewards app?
What is mRewards App
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Mrewards app link - Click here
mRewards App is a earning 🤑🤑💰💰💵💵👍💵🤑💰 app in which you can earn money by the following ways:
1.)Refer and Earn:  You can earn 💰 money by this app by refering or inviting other people and earn 250 coins per refer. 
2.)By Giving Surveys:  You can also earn 💰 by giving surveys.
3.)Playing games to earn:  You can earn 💰 💰💵💵 playing games.It gives coins according to play per minute.  
                                        4.)Watching ads:  You can earn 💰 money (coins)by watching ads.
5.)By Doing App Task:  You can earn 💰 by doing  task of different  Apps.
     Note:- It gives 499 coins as signup bonus and earn 1 coin to first withdrawal 
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learnthenew · 7 months
Earning Money Online: A Guide to Virtual Bookkeeping Success
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Are you ready to dive into the world of Virtual Bookkeeping and unlock the path to financial success? Our latest blog post, "Earning Money Online: A Guide to Virtual Bookkeeping Success," is your key to mastering the art of virtual bookkeeping and boosting your earnings. Whether you're an experienced bookkeeper or just starting, our comprehensive guide provides essential insights and tips to help you thrive in the digital realm.
For the full scoop, visit our blog post at https://learnthenew.com/a-guide-to-virtual-bookkeeping/. Delve into the details, absorb the knowledge, and embark on your journey to financial prosperity. If you've found this post valuable, we'd love to see your appreciation – give it a like, share it with your community, and be sure to follow us for more exciting updates. Your support means the world to us! 🚀💰 #VirtualBookkeeping #OnlineEarnings
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pedagoguide · 1 year
Regardez "أفضل مكتبة أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي المجانية لصناعة المحتوى" sur YouTube 📚🤖 احصل على مكتبة أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي المجانية الخاصة بصناعة المحتوى ونجح في جعل محتواك يبرز على اليوتيوب والوصول إلى جمهور أكبر! #الذكاء_الاصطناعي 🚀
أفضل مكتبة أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي المجانية لصناعة المحتوى: https://youtu.be/71uO93dDU-8
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Crafting Wealth: A Step-by-Step Guide to Earning Money with Custom 3D Printing Services
Prologue: Welcome to a world where your creativity can translate into a thriving income stream. In this blog, we’ll unravel the exciting opportunities that custom 3D printing services present for anyone eager to make money in a unique and rewarding way. Get ready to explore the step-by-step guide, complete with easy-to-follow links and references, as we delve into each avenue that can fill your…
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unstoppabledomains · 1 year
YouTube is lowering the requirements for creators to get access to monetization tools under the YouTube Partner Program (YPP).
Read Now: New Youtube monetization policy
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All that bullshit about how money can't solve all your problems. Bitch you LIE! Money can solve all my problems. You literally can buy happiness. Like what you need? Beauty? Health? Education? Love?? Peace of mind? Them material goods??? You got it. You can may off your student loans. You can live a better quality of life. You can travel the world. Money literally can clear your pores and cure your depression. All this bs about how wealthy people are also unhappy. Girl are you serious??? I want to get to where that is an actual problem. I want to be where I've to worry about if the people who love me really love me or my money. I want to be where I've to worry about which of my loved ones are gonna kill me for the inheritance. I want to be where that is an actual problem and then we'll talk about how money can't buy you happiness.
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coincraft · 1 year
Pulse Valley (PVC) è un progetto che mira a rivoluzionare il settore delle criptovalute, offrendo nuove esperienze nel campo dei giochi online e delle finanze decentralizzate (DeFi). Questa innovativa iniziativa si propone di ridefinire le regole del gioco, offrendo opportunità interessanti sia per gli investitori che per gli appassionati di giochi. Ti invitiamo ad esplorare il mondo di Pulse Valley e scoprire perché questo progetto sta suscitando tanto interesse.
Pulse Valley non è un progetto cripto ordinario, né un semplice token meme o una piattaforma tutto-in-uno. Si tratta di una piattaforma che combina il meglio di due mondi: i giochi online e la finanza decentralizzata. Grazie al suo token nativo, PVC, Pulse Valley intende creare un ecosistema in cui gli utenti possano partecipare a giochi di poker, esplorare una vasta gamma di esperienze di iGaming e coinvolgersi in attività di finanza decentralizzata.
Il token PVC di Pulse Valley è stato progettato per essere deflazionistico, generando una scarsità che aumenta il suo valore nel tempo. Ogni mano vincente giocata sulla piattaforma comporta una riduzione del 2% dei token PVC, rendendoli sempre più rari e preziosi. Possedere token PVC offre agli investitori l'opportunità di ottenere guadagni consistenti, poiché l'offerta di token diminuisce e la domanda aumenta.
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serveyearner0 · 1 year
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falcieridesigns · 2 years
Under Challenged Burnout - How To Stay Motivated In A Cost Of Living Crisis
Under Challenged Burnout – How To Stay Motivated In A Cost Of Living Crisis
Burnout is described as “the extinction of motivation or incentive, especially where one’s devotion to a cause or relationship fails to produce the desired results.” It might surprise you to know that there is more than one kind of burn out. We’ve all heard about the over-worked and over-stressed kind. But there is another type, and it’s called ‘Under Challenged Burnout’. Not doing enough or…
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sognailtuofuturo · 18 days
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backershub · 19 days
The ultimate guide to earning money from your beauty and fashion YouTube channel
Are you a beauty and fashion enthusiast with a YouTube channel? If so, you’re in luck! We have the ultimate guide to help you turn your passion into profit. In this article, we will explore the most lucrative ways to earn money from your beauty and fashion YouTube channel. From sponsored content to affiliate marketing, we will provide you with valuable insights on how to monetize your platform…
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pedagoguide · 1 year
Regardez "توليد أفكار مشاريع تربوية باستعمال الذكاء الاصطناعي CHATGPT4" sur YouTube
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