#Ed Campell
Okay, let’s talk Taskmaster. Season 16 must get a release date soon, and it’s a really exciting lineup. I’m mainly excited for Sue Perkins (as I think most people on this site are) and Sam Campell (as I think most comedians are, based on the way every Taskmaster podcast guest who’s been asked for their thoughts on the lineup immediately gravitate to Campbell as the most exciting one). But I think Lucy Beaumont’s comedy persona might be an absolutely perfect fit for Taskmaster, the more I think about it the more I think she’s tailor-made to be hilarious in that format. The other two I know less well, even though I realize Julian Cleary is very very famous, I’m afraid “camp, gay, rude” are the extent of the words I can associate with him. I’m sure he’ll be fun though. And Susan Wokoma was good when she played that role in Crazyhead, which was a fun show, but I’ve not seen her do anything else and watching her act out someone else’s script doesn’t really tell me what she’ll be like on a panel show.
We don’t even have an exact start date yet (got to be soon, though), so I hate to bypass that already and start talking season 17… but I’m going to start talking season 17. For the last couple of seasons I saw definite spoilers of the lineup weeks before the announcement, and I avoided mentioning them on Tumblr, because I guess it’s not great to draw attention to stuff like that, even though I really wanted to talk about it I held off until the announcement. If I see spoilers early again this year, I will similarly pretend they didn’t exist in all my public posts until they’re officially announced.
However, that doesn’t mean I can’t speculate, before any spoilers appear. So that’s what this post is. Not any leaks of official stuff, just speculation based on publicly available information. But some people want to be entirely surprised by the lineup, so I’ll put a cut here just in case. Don’t click on this link unless you want to see… not definite names for the next Taskmaster, but educated guesses. With the warning that in previous seasons, educated guesses made with similar evidence to this have turned out to be correct, according to the ones I’ve seen, approximately 75% of the time.
The main evidence people use for this stuff is gaps in schedules, and the more specific the gap, the more likely. If someone isn’t performing during the whole month that the studio records are happening, then they might be in it, but it’s not all that likely (on the other hand, if someone is performing the night of a studio record, you can rule them out entirely). If someone is performing around that time but has the nights of every studio record free, then it’s more likely. Other stuff gets used as well, like social media posts. In season 12, there was a lovely bit of detective work where some people predicted 4 out of 5 people on the lineup by working out who’s recently added who on social media (because those people met each other through the show and then followed each other online – if you think about it, season 12 did have a pretty disparate group of people who mostly were not already social media friends). But as far as I can tell, suspiciously specific gaps in a performance schedule are the most reliable way to guess.
They’ve recently announced the season 17 recording dates as September 25-29. Here is some information I’ve collected from the Taskmaster subreddit, where a bunch of people did the work of looking things up so I don’t have to. Basically, the only point to me making this list is it collates the information in that that thread, which is a bit easier than reading it post-by-post. Here’s who they’ve ruled out, by finding that these people have shows that clash with the recording dates:
- Tom Allen
- Chloe Petts
- Amy Gledhill
- Rhys James
- Ed Byrne
- Ria Lina
- Tom Davis
- Larry Dean
- Kiri Pritchard-McLean
- Jack Whitehall
- Richard Ayoade
And here’s who they’ve found have that week free:
- Sarah Keyworth
- Catherine Bohart
- Maisie Adam
- Bill Bailey
- Suzi Ruffell
- Harriet Kemsley
- Daniel Sloss
- Miles Jupp
- Bec Hill
- Jason Manford
- Kevin Bridges
- John Robins
Having that week free doesn’t mean all that much, it’s worth noting. Especially since, annoyingly, the filming takes place right after the Edinburgh Festival. A lot of comedians take a bit of time off right after Edinburgh, so most of them wouldn’t be on tour anyway. But it at least leaves the possibility open. Having said that, here are some people who didn’t come up in the Reddit thread, but I’ve ruled them out through looking them up myself:
- Isy Suttie
- Shaparak Khorsandi
- Michael Legge
- Alasdair Beckett-King
- Josie Long
- Simon Amstell
- Jen Brister
- Jimmy Carr (to be clear, I was happy to rule that one out)
And here are some people I looked up myself and they were not ruled out:
- Ahir Shah
- David O’Doherty
- Andy Zaltzman
- Alice Fraser (yes I realize she lives in Australia, but she spends like half her time in the UK for work anyway, and if Sam Campbell can do it…)
- Chris Addison
- Jessica Fostekew
- Huge Davies
- Stewart Lee (I mean, it seems incredibly unlikely, but according to some very reputable tabloids Stewart Lee’s been doing a number of things I’d not have expected from him lately, so many he’s changed his policy on panel shows too)
- Paul Foot
- Susie McCabe
Now, on to a couple of specifics. First of all, here’s the big name that at this point is a relatively heavy spoiler: John Robins looks very likely. He doesn’t just have that week free. He had gigs on a couple of those recording nights, and then he canceled them. Which isn’t a guarantee, but it makes it very likely. About as likely as a piece of speculation can be in the absence of actual information.
I am fucking excited about this. I just read the news about John Robins canceling those gigs earlier today, and it has already gotten me so excited about it that at this point I’ll be very fucking disappointed if it turns out he’s not on the season. So I need this, Taskmaster, my hopes are up now. Give me John Robins. Give me John Robins in all his fucked up wildly competitive self-loathing glory. And yes, I hear he might be doing a bit better these days, and that is unequivocally a good thing, I’m very pleased for him (I also hear his Edinburgh show this year was excellent, both objectively good and the specific sort of thing I love in comedy, I really hope he records and releases it at some point). But also, I’m sure we can still get some of the solidly self-loathing and emotionally unstable John Robins we know from his previous stand-up shows. Just a little bit of emotional instability, as a treat. In a man whom I hope has got his shit together and is less miserable overall.
I was going to start writing about why I specifically want John Robins on Taskmaster so much, but then I remembered I already wrote some of that down in a post earlier this year. I dug up that post instead of writing it all again - it's from March 2023 - here's some stuff I said there:
I mentioned recently that I think it would be cool to see John Robins on Taskmaster, because among other things, we haven’t had enough of the properly self-loathing comedians on there. By coincidence, today I was reading something on a different site that discussed potential future Taskmaster contestants, and I saw something that made 100% sure I want him on there. It was someone saying his pedantry and competitiveness might annoy everyone, and someone else saying he would definitely ruin the show, with his tendency to not let a single thing go, and be too serious about it.
I’ve recently heard John Robins’ stand-up shows from 2014, 2015, 2016, and the big award winning Darkness of Robins one from 2018. I really liked all of them, especially that last one (understandably, I think, that’s why it won the awards). This makes me think I could maybe really love his radio work with Ellis James, but the problem with that is my brain has difficulty getting into a bit of something but not starting from the beginning and hearing/seeing/reading all of it, and I’m pretty sure there are about 15,000 hours of Ellis James and John Robins on the radio. So John Robins is a dangerous entity for me, I really like him but if I get too into him it could lead to me losing 15,000 hours of my life. However, I somewhat recently read a negative opinion on his stand-up. Someone who said they liked him on the radio, where he seemed like a nice and upbeat guy, so they checked out his stand-up, and were disappointed that that was quite a bit darker and less nice than his radio stuff. That comment made me think I’d probably still enjoy his radio shows, but I’m not missing out on the best parts of him by not getting into that.
I just really want to see John Robins ruin Taskmaster with his pedantry and competitiveness that would annoy everyone, with his tendency to not let a single thing go. Come on, Alex. Cast your angry fucked up golf buddy. I didn’t get really into following comedy to see people’s palatable sides. …I do realize this might be, like, problematic. It’s not ideal to specifically want to see comedians who will do damaging things due to some psychological problem. I’m very pleased for Jon Richardson that he got married and had a child and went to therapy and worked some stuff out, and I at times feel genuinely guilty that I preferred him before all that. Because the idea that people should suffer for art is a bad one. It’s a better world, now that Jon Richardson is happy. But I still want to see if John Robins can equal the James Acaster level of self-loathing destructive fury on Taskmaster, maybe break a camera with a golf club.
So I really hope that one pans out. I hope John Robins films his 2023 Edinburgh show, gives us a good solid run of wild over-competitiveness borne of deep bitterness and anger on Taskmaster, and then rides off into the sunset to be happy and healthy and emotionally mature for the rest of his life. Let him have that eventually, just give me his Taskmaster performance first.
I realize I said a few paragraphs ago that canceled gigs on the filming dates are as good as a guarantee. I need to amend that a bit, because times have (slightly) changed since I wrote that. While I’ve been writing this post, someone sent me the information that Alfie Brown has just canceled gigs on the Taskmaster filming dates. And that… that has me hoping that canceled dates aren’t a guarantee, even though that might mean no John Robins.
For those who don’t know, Alfie Brown is a comedian who was the subject of some controversy earlier this year. I actually quite liked him before that. He has a special on that Soho Theatre Live thing on Amazon Prime, called Sensitive Man, which I enjoyed. He has a couple of specials on YouTube, which are funny. And I’ve also heard a couple of other recent things he’s done. And I liked it. I didn’t like all of it. I found some of his material a little over the line. He’s dark and bitter and fucked up – which I’ve just established is something I like in a comedian. But then earlier in 2023, there was a reminder that there is a good reason why “fucked up” is often considered a bad thing. Turns out there’s a thin line between “expresses taboo emotions like bitterness and admits to less-than-savoury thoughts and actions”, and “terrible person”. A thin line. And basically, I liked Alfie Brown when I thought he was on the good side of it. Then some stuff came out about how he’s on the bad side of it.
There was a whole barrage of resurfaced clips, a couple of which I do know the context for, and actually, I think they are okay in context. There was one particularly bad one that he did apologize for when it came up this year, it was from 2015 – not ancient but old enough for it to be fair if he claims he’s a different type of person now, and he didn’t stand by it. To be honest, I was ready to forgive that one, due to the apology. Until I looked more closely and saw just how big a pattern it was, and for so long. Also, there were a couple of stories about him being a dick offstage, particularly to London Hughes, a black comedian who tried to tell him his racist routine was racist, and he told her he didn’t care, as far as I’m concerned, that makes it a lot worse. It’s worse to be told you’re being racist and be racist anyway, than to do it possibly out of ignorance. Also, I learned that one of the routines was about how all adult men want to fuck teenage girls, which would be horrifying enough even if he hadn’t built a whole lot of his career around stories of his toxic mess of an off-and-on relationship with comedian Jessie Cave (also she was Lavender Brown in Harry Potter), who has talked before about how she was raped as a teenager by an adult man.
So… those are the cliff notes. Also he’s the son of comedian Jan Ravens and that guy who played Glen Ponder in Knowing Me Knowing You with Alan Partridge. Fun fact. It was a weird fucking story when it came out earlier this year, and I avoided posting about it much, though I think I mentioned it a couple of times. It’s not great. The whole thing’s not great. But it is possible that Taskmaster season 17 may have been cast before that stuff came out.
I don’t think Alfie Brown is on Taskmaster season 17. Even if they cast it before his “cancelation” in March (maybe February? Around that time) 2023, I think they filmed the tasks in the spring/summer, so they’d have had time to recast the season before filming it. When this happened, lots of venues canceled their Alfie Brown gigs, saying they didn’t want to support a comedian like that. I can’t imagine Taskmaster would have stuck by him. I think if they had cast him, they’d have fired him and recast his spot in March. That’s what I really, really hope, anyway. But I’m still writing about the possibility, because like I said, canceled gigs on those specific nights do seem like almost a guarantee.
If only one of those two comedians with cancelled gigs is on there, then there are lots of reasons why it’s more likely to be John Robins. John Robins has the relationship with Alex, doing that golfing show. John Robins did not get roundly canceled earlier this year, leading to him probably getting fired from any TV spots that may have been in the pipeline too. John Robins doesn’t seem to have non-Taskmaster-related reasons for canceling those gigs, while Alfie Brown’s venue spots are precarious at this point, it’s quite possible that the venue just decided they no longer want the controversy of hosting him. So I’m going to really, really hope all those reasons mean we get John Robins but not Alfie Brown.
Okay, there’s one other thing I have to mention. It’s still very, very unlikely. But it’s technically possible, more possible than it’s ever been before or likely will be again. And if I don’t mention it and then it happens, I’ll be really annoyed with myself for not pointing out the possibility.
…John Oliver’s got a gap that’s almost exactly the size of those recording sessions. It’s not just that he’s free for all of September. He’s doing this stand-up tour up until the week before those recording sessions start, and then picking it up again just after.
I first learned this from @lastweeksshirttonight ’s post earlier today, and my first thought was – it can’t be. Someone would have noticed. He’s world famous, there are people out there who know where John Oliver is all the time, in the age of social media you can’t just be a big celebrity in America who goes to a whole different country without people noticing.
But then, my helpful friend @lastweeksshirttonight informed me that there was talk on non-Tumblr social media that while he was visible on the picket lines for a long time, he was notably absent from them for a stretch near the beginning of the strike. Which means it is possible that he was away filming tasks at that point. And I thought that surely, if John Oliver were walking around England, someone would have taken a picture and put it on Twitter. But maybe not. He’s not as famous over there, and he could have filmed the tasks in just a few days, been in and out without much time to be seen in public. And the British tabloids have more important people to follow around, like Stewart Lee and women who are half Stewart Lee’s age.
John Oliver has been described, by himself and by many who know him, for many years, as a workaholic. No one was surprised when he announced this stand-up tour during the strike, even though he cannot possibly need the money, because he’s always described as a person who will constantly take work if it’s out there. The writer’s strike is still on. He can’t do American TV. He has to be doing something. John Oliver allegedly has to be doing at least eight projects at all times, and this stand-up tour is only one.
I Googled whether it would break strike rules, and I don’t think so. At first I thought it was okay since it wasn’t an American production, but then I did find something that said:
No, you cannot write for a non-signatory foreign producer. Guild Working Rule 8 prohibits members from working for non-signatory companies. This rule applies at all times but is particularly important during the strike because of the potential that a non-signatory producer could be used as a subterfuge to have work performed for a struck company. During the strike, all Canadian waiver agreements are terminated, and therefore you are not permitted to continue writing on such projects during the strike.
So that doesn't look great. But what I didn't find on that page was anything that prohibited non-writing work. John Oliver wouldn't be writing for Taskmaster. Obviously he's not prohibited from working at all, he's doing the stand-up tour. I think he might be fine for Taskmaster as long as he doesn't, you know, write the autocues.
And we know he knows Alex Horne. We know he's had recent contact with Alex Horne, to make the Horne Section TV show. We know he's willing to appear in Alex Horne projects, like the Horne Section TV show.
I've written before about how maybe John Oliver will be on Taskmaster, and I've always been joking. Completely joking, like when I say my dream Taskmaster lineup is Daniel Kitson/Demitri Martin/John Oliver/David O'Doherty/Adam Hills so we can have a task where they destroy the Taskmaster cow live on stage and we find out who's really the best at that twenty years on (it is quite important that people know about Cowgate for that one, that there is at least some context for why my dream Taskmaster lineup, even one I say as a joke, would be five white cis het men). But right now, for the first time, seeing that Taskmaster-sized gap in his schedule... it looks maybe technically possible. Slightly more likely than the full Cowgate lineup, anyway. Obviously, it would be the dream.
All right, that's what we've got so far. Let me know if anyone else has thoughts/speculation/people I've missed who are or aren't free on the relevant nights.
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dccomicsnews · 5 years
Boom! Studios Review: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #43
Boom Studios Review: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #43
Review: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #43
  [Editor’s note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Ryan Parrott
Artist: Daniele Di Nicuolo
Colorist: Walter Baiamonte & Katia Ranalli
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
  Reviewed by: Sean Blumenshine
In a shocking display, bounty hunter Dayne defeats the White Ranger, leaving the team without a leader! With their powers decimated and staring…
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icescrabblerjerky · 3 years
7, 20 and... 28!
What historical figure would you like to see as an NPC?
I am FOREVER upset that we got the J. Austen hint waaay waaay back in season 1 and we never heard of her again. In my head she's a kick arse Ranger or something like that and is leading a party around the world a la Shaun of the Dead and when the final battle happens Jane will turn up (maybe with George Eliot and possibly lugging Harrison Campell along with them as an extra) having done all the hard work to fix the problem.
20. What was your favorite reveal (Backstory or otherwise?)
Zolf's return, absolutely hands down my favourite reveal, followed closely by Ed turning up in Rome.
28. What’s your favorite emotional moment?
I mean I'm gonna be absolutely predictable here and say "Because I need you Wilde" - the way that confession was DRAGGED out of Zolf, the weeks of tension and sadness before it... Just. Perfect.
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moviemaniac2020 · 4 years
Dal tramonto all’alba (1996)
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“From Dusk till Dawn” nasce da una sceneggiatura di Quentin Tarantino che ispira l'allievo Robert Rodriguez a realizzare una pellicola ottima in ogni campo, dalla regia, alla sceneggiatura e a un cast davvero stellare: un giovane George Clooney (fino ad allora semi-sconosciuto), lo stesso Quentin Tarantino, il “vate” Harvey Keitel (”Taxi Driver”, “Thelma & Louise”, “Pulp Fiction”, “Il cattivo tenente”, ecc.), l’emergente Juliette Lewis (”Natural born killers”), Tom Savini (il maestro degli effetti speciali che ha lavorato spesso anche con George A. Romero) e Danny Trejo (il futuro “Machete”). Il film narra di due fratelli (Clooney e Tarantino) che sono ricercati dalla polizia americana e che vogliono passare il confine per andare in Messico per incontrare alcuni loro soci di malaffare al ‘Titty Twister From Dusk Till Down’, un locale malfamato ma che purtroppo si rivelerà  frequentato da vampiri assetati del sangue di camionisti e motociclisti di passaggio. I due fratelli per cercare di lasciare glI Stati Uniti decino di prendere in ostaggio una famiglia formata da un pastore protestante che aveva perso la fede (H. Keitel) e i suoi due figli (J. Lewis e E. Liu). Il gruppo riesce a superare la dogana e a raggiungere il luogo della loro destinazione, ma una volta lì dovranno allearsi per combattere i vampiri.  Tre anni dopo viene girato il sequel, ovvero “Dal Tramonto all' alba 2: Texas, sangue e denaro”, diretto da Scott Spiegel (sceneggiatore del film “La Casa” di Sam Raimi del 1983), alla sua terza prova nei panni di regista. Questo secondo capitolo della saga, che in realtà è un ‘prequel’, non è male ma non si dimostra neanche lontanamente paragonabile al film di Rodriguez. La storia tratta di una banda di criminali che dagli Stati Uniti devono andare in Messico per compiere una rapina: uno di loro capita nel nostro famoso locale e viene trasformato in vampiro, che a sua volta  trasforma anche gli altri componenti della banda, che si dovranno scontrare infine contro la polizia che stava dando loro la caccia. L’attore Bruce Campell (”La Casa”, “Maniac Cop”, “Darkman”) appare in un cammeo all' inizio del film. Anche il terzo e ultimo capitolo della trilogia in realtà è un prequel, sia del primo che del secondo film. “Dal Tramonto all' alba 3: la figlia del boia” è stato diretto da P.J. Pesce nel 2000 ed è ambientato nel Messico dei primi anni del ‘900. Racconta la storia di un fuorilegge, Johnny Madrid, che riesce a sfuggire dal patibolo e rapisce la sua amata Esmeralda, figlia del boia che doveva giustiziarlo. I due vengono inseguiti dal padre della donna e dai suoi uomini con l' obbiettivo di riportare la ragazza a casa e di uccidere il rapitore, tuttavia sia la coppia che gli inseguitori capitano nello stesso saloon, che in futuro diventerà il famigerato ‘Titty Twister’. Dovranno mettere da parte le loro divergenze per affrontare nemici comuni e molto pericolosi: i vampiri. “Dal tramonto all’alba”, regia di Robert Rodriguez. USA, 1996. Cast: George Clooney, Quentin Tarantino, Harvey Keitel, Juliette Lewis, John Saxon, Tom Savini. trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhg_j0hBUro (rece: Enrico Cancellier) 
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tizianomazzilli · 5 years
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TATTOO YOU—SUPERMODEL NAOMI CAMPBELL— BY APPOINTMENT OF THE ROYAL TATTOO PARLOUR—#gianniversace #naomicampbell TROUBLE #christopherwool #basquiat PARIS N’EXISTE PAS #tattoo #paris—C’EST LA FUCKIN’NAOMI CAMPELL VIE #cestlafuckingvie— CREATED BY TIZIANO MAZZILLI @tiziano_mazzilli FOR #dbodlondon🎯🎯🎯™️— ALL ART WORKS FOR SALE—FIRST EDITION LIMITED ED. PRINTS 1/50 FOR SALE SIGNED & NUMBERED DM ME FOR PRICES & SIZES @naomicampbellofficial @donatella_versace (at London, Unιted Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8caxrWHC3e/?igshid=rlx4hz05o4oe
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noahcznerys · 5 years
I'm just upset because you don't see a lot of nerdy white males being portrayed as nice and a prospect for romantic affection.
I’m sorry--WHAT? This is hands-down the most embarrassing thing I have ever read. And very, very wrong. Are you kidding me? Oh, my gosh. Let me give you a list of some “nerdy white males being portrayed as nice and a prospect for romantic affection” from the top of my head that you apparently don’t get enough of:
Richard Campell Gansey III (The Raven Cycle)
Adam Parrish (The Raven Cycle)
Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson & The Olympians)
Apollo (The Trials of Apollo)
Magnus Chase (Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard)
Henry Denton (We are the Ants)
Simon Spier (Simon Vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda)
Noah Sweetwine (I’ll Give You The Sun)
Oscar Ralph (I’ll Give You The Sun)
Ed Kennedy (I Am the Messenger)
Basil Hallward (The Picture of Dorian Gray) (eh I count him as a nerd)
All of the white men in The Secret History
This is only from popular contemporary literature that I can think of from the top of my head without getting off the couch. Name me as many nerdy, black guys being portrayed as nice and a love interest. Someone who isn’t just there as a foil or comedic relief. Can’t name anyone but Bram Greenfeld from Simon Vs? Well, then don’t come into my inbox trying to tell me the “nerdy white guy” trope is underrated
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gonzalomingo · 5 years
The 5th annual VISION Festival May 19-29, 2000 at Saint Mark's Place
Joseph Jarman Opening Invocation
Reggie Nicholson Concept:
Gene Ghee
Russel Blake
Gerald Brazel
Bruce Edwards
Peter Kowald w/ Conny Bauer & Gunter "Baby" Sommer
Gus Solomons jr. Dance
w/ Walter Thompson
Sunny Murray
William Parker
Matthew Shipp
Mark Whitecage
w/ Jay Rosen
Sabir Mateen
Chris Dahlgreen
Brian Smith Sextet
Kalaparusha Difta
Justin Robinson
Michael Mossman
Bryan Carrott
Reggie Nicholson
video by Phylis Bukin-Lehrer​
Nadine Mozon Poet
with Nioka Workman
Karen Borca Quartet
Rob Brown
Reggie Nicholson
Pheeroan akLaff
Dewey Redman Quartet
Charles Eubanks
Matthew Wilson
John Menagon
Cooper-Moore Choir "From The Sea"
Tiye Giraud
Jane Gabriels
Aleta Hayes
Sharon Heller
Ayana Lowe
Bruce Mack
Fred L. Price
Lisa Sokolov
Michael Wimberly SUNDAY MAY 21
Claude "Fiddler" Williams
with James Chirilo
Wilber Morris
Mat Maneri Quintet
Dave Ballou
Mark Dresser
Randy Peterson
Matt Moran
Christine Coppola Maneri Dance
Leroy Jenkins & Felicia Norton Dance
with Michael Brain Visual Artist
Billy Bang
​with Sirone & Abbey Radar MONDAY MAY 22
Andrew Bemkey Trio
Tom Abbs
Chad Taylor
Gerry Hemingway Quartet
Robin Eubanks
Ellery Eskelin
Mark Dresser
Craig Taborn Quartet
Gerald Cleaver
Reid Anderson
Aaron Stewart
Ikue Mori & Sylvie Courvoisier
Elliott Sharp with I-Sound TUESDAY MAY 23
Special Panel Discussion: Defining the Vision, an open conversation between artists, critics and the audience
Visions: Special Video Screening: Susan Littenburg's video documentary of the 1997 Vision Festival.
Bill Cole and the Untempered Ensemble
with William Parker
Joseph Daley
Atticus Cole
Sam Furnace
​Warren Smith
Alan Silva
Marshall Allen
William Parker
Steve Dalachinsky Poet
with Stephanie Stone
Roscoe Mitchell New Chamber Ensemble
with Thomas Buckner
Joseph Kubera
Yasunao Tone
Leon Dorsey WEDNESDAY MAY 24
Yoshiko Chuma and the School of Hard Knocks Dance
Chris Cochrane
Jim Pugliese
Mark Stewart
Joseph Jarman Ensemble
K.J Holmes Constellation
Sondra Loring & Jon Kinzel Dance
Elena Beriolo Artist
Santio Debriano Percussionist
and Dave Douglas, Roy Campbell, Baikida Carroll Trumpets
Whit Dickey Quartet
with Rob Brown
Joe Morris
Chris Lightcap THURSDAY MAY 25
Joe McPhee "Bluette"
with Michael Bisio
Dominic Duval
​Joe Giardullo
David S. Ware Special Solo Performance
Jemeel Moondoc Quartet
with Khan Jamal
Nathan Breedlove
Jon Voigt
Cody Moffet
Patricia Nicholson Dance
Billy Bang
William Parker
Hamid Drake
Jo Wood Artist
Nami Yamamoto Dance
with TEST
Matt Heyner
Sabir Mateen
Daniel Carter
Tom Bruno FRIDAY MAY 26
Michele Rosewoman Quintessence
with Steve Wilson
Gary Thomas
Lonnie Plaxico
Gene Jackson
Rob Brown
Hamid Drake
Mat Maneri
Kidd Jordan
with Alvin Fielder
Joel Futterman
William Parker
David Budbill Poet
with William Parker
Perry Robinson Quartet
with Cristoph Adams piano
Ed Schuller
Ernst Bier
Other Dimensions in Music with Matthew Shipp
Daniel Carter
Roy Campell
William Parker
Rashid Bakr
Bill Dixon & Vision Orchestra
Premiere Index
Roy Campbell, Stephen Haynes, Taylor Ho Bynum, Raphe Malik, Jeff Hoyer, Steve Swell, Bill Lowe, Joseph Daley, Rob Brown, Stephen Horenstein, Sabir Mateen, Scott Currie, J.D Parran, William Connell, Karen Borca, Glynis Lomon, Mary Wooten, Klaus Janek, Wilber Morris, John Blum, Jackson Krall and Warren Smith.
Miguel Algarin Poet
Bobby Few Solo
Steve Cannon "Au Courant / Currences"
with Natasha Diggs and Edwin Torres
Joe Morris Trio
with Timo Shanko
Gerald Cleaver SUNDAY MAY 28
Myra Melford / Marty Ehrlich Duo with Special Guest Joseph Jarman
DJ Spooky / Matthew Shipp Duo
Francesca Harper Dance
with DJ Spooky
William Parker and the Little Huey Creative Music Orchestra Premieres KALEIDOSCOPE
commissioned by Arts for Art with funds provided by NYSCA
Jerome Cooper Drum Solo
James Blood Ulmer's Music Revelation Ensemble
with Calvin James
David Murray
Cornell Rochester MONDAY MAY 29
Julius Hemphil Tribute
Baikida Carroll Solo Trumpet and Jeff Schlanger Artist
Oliver Lake
Joseph Bowie
Pheeoran akLaff
Maria Mitchell Dance
and Terry Jenoure
Julius Hemphill Sextet
with Marty Ehrlich
Andrew White
Sam Furnace
Andy Laster
Alex Harding
Aaron Stewart
David Murray & Dave Burrell
Visual Artists: Elena Beriolo, Michael Brain, LeRonn Brooks, Dennis Cowley, Nadine de Koningswater, Stephanie DeManuelle, Anne Humanfeld, Alain Kirili, Phyllis Kulkin Lehrer, Ariane Lopez Huici, Eleanor Magid, Kazuko Miyamoto, Chris Olsavsky, Yuko Otomo, Jeff Schlanger, Marilyn Sontag, Jason Weller, Jo Wood-Brown, Skip Brown, Enid Farber, Lona Foote, Rozanne Levine, Alan Nahigian, Raymond Ross, Michael Wilderman                            
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Arnold Schwarzenegger
Audiobook on Beethoven
Audiobooks on Aristotle
Audiobooks on Nietzsche
Elon Musk; Tesla, SpaceX, And The Quest For A Fantastic Future - Ashlee Vance
The Virgin Way (Chapterized) - Richard Branson
Biology, Psychology, Science
An Introduction to Psychology
Richard Dawkins - The Selfish Gene
Six Not So Easy Pieces
The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg
The Science Of Self Confidence Brian Tracy
The Singularity Is Near
Thomas Szasz - Psychiatry - The Science of Lies
Business, Finance, Management
David Allen - getting things done
Gary Vaynerchuk - The Thank You Economy
Mayer, Jeffrey J. - Time Management for Dummies (audiobook)
The Millionaire Next Door
The Personal MBA
The Total Money Makeover
Tim Ferris - The 4 Hour Work Week
Tony Robbins - MONEY Master the Game AB
Tai Lopez - 67 steps to becoming a millionaire.mp3
History, Politics
Essays on Political Econ
Howard Zinn - A People's History of the United States
Noam Chomsky - An American Addiction Drugs, Guerillas, and Counterinsurgency in US Intervention in Colombia
Noam Chomsky - Case Studies in Hypocrisy U.S. Human Rights Policy
Noam Chomsky - Class War The Attack On Working People
Noam Chomsky - Everlasting War - America, Imperialism and the New World Order
Noam Chomsky - Failed States - The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy
Noam Chomsky - For A Free Humanity For Anarchy
Noam Chomsky - Free Market Fantasies. Capitalism in the Real World
Noam Chomsky - Hegemony or Survival
Noam Chomsky - Imperial Presidency - Sovereignty Terror
Noam Chomsky - Media Control - The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda
Noam Chomsky - Necessary Illusions Thought Control in Democratic Societies - Abridged
Noam Chomsky - Necessary Illusions Thought Control in Democratic Societies - Abridged (1)
Noam Chomsky - Propaganda And Control of The Public Mind
Noam Chomsky - Prospects For Democracy
Noam Chomsky - The Clinton Vision Old Wine, New Bottles
Noam Chomsky - The Emerging Framework of World Power
Noam Chomsky - The New War Against Terrorism
Noam Chomsky - War Crimes and Imperial Fantasies
Noam Chomsky - What We Say Goes
Noam Chomsky and David Barsamian - Imperial Ambitions Conversations on the Post-911 World
Influence, Social skills, Selling, Speaking
Body Language What You Need to Know - David Cohen
Crucial Conversations
Dale Carnegie - Stand And Deliver (Public Speaking Method)
Getting to YES (Sales)
How To Instantly Connect With Anyone
How to Win Friends & Influence People
Mastering influence - Anthony Robbins
Roger Love's Vocal Power
Literature, Roman
As A Man Thinketh
Ayn Rand - The Fountainhead
Candide by Voltaire
Nutrition, Fitness, Health
The UltraMind Solution
Personal Development, Inner Game, How To
100 Ways To Motivate Yourself Change Your Life Forever - Steve Chandler
Allen Carr - Easy Way To Stop Smoking - Unabbriged Audio Book - FLAC+CUE+Labels - By Mojocycle
Brian Tracy - Eat That Frog
Brian Tracy - Self Confidence
Deep Work Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World [Audiobook]
Gary Keller, Jay Papasan - The ONE Thing The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results
How to Get what You Want and Want what You Have
How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci Seven Steps to Genius Every Day
John Alexander -- Alpha Male Audio
Learned Optimism How to Change Your Mind and Your Life
Little Gold Book Of YES Attitude
Mortimer J. Adler - How To Read A Book
No More Mr Nice Guy
robert greene - 48 laws of power
Robert Greene and 50 Cent - The 50th Law  (Recommended by David DeAngelo and Mystery)
Robert Greene Mastery
Sun Tzu - The Art of War
Switch by Chip Heath & Dan Heath
The 4 Hour Cook - Tim Ferris
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
The 80-20 Principle
The Art of War by Sun Tzu
The Magic of Thinking Big - David J Schwartz Ph D
The Miracle of Self-discipline The No-Excuses Way to Getting Things Done
The PhotoReading Whole Mind System
The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem
The War of Art - Steven Pressfield
Think Like Da Vinci
Unleash the power within - audiobook
What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast [64] By Laura Vanderkam ABEE
Yes 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive
Anthony Tony Robbins - Awaken The Giant Within - Full Audio Book 90 min.mp3
Robert Greene - 48 Laws of Power (Audio Book).mp3
Stephen R. Covey - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.mp3
The Flinch.mp3
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F ck by Mark Manson.m4b
Pick Up, NLP, Seduction
David DeAngelo - 77 Laws of Success with Women and Dating - Audio Book 214 Minutes
David DeAngelo - Interviews with Dating Gurus
David DeAngelo - Man Transformation Audio
How To Approach and Flirt with Women
How To Make Women Laugh
On Being A Man (That Naturally Attracts Women)
Robert A. Glover - No More Mr. Nice Guy!
Robert Greene - Art of Seduction
Robert Greene - The 48 Laws of Power
Robert Greene - The Art of Seduction
Sai Goddam, Ogi Ogas - A Billion Wicked Thoughts What the Worlds Largest Experiment Reveals About Human Desire
Sexual Communication (2nd Ed.)
The Game
The Truth - An Uncomfortable Book About Relationships by Neil Strauss
Models by Mark Manson.mp3
Turn Her On Faster Advanced Foreplay Techniques To Seduce Her Mind and Body
What Your Mother Couldn't Tell You
Spirituality, Meditation, Journey as a man
A New Earth - Awakening To Your Life's Purpose
Comparative Religions
Consciousness and Its Implications
Ekhart Tolle - The Power Of Now (Audio Book)
Jed Mckenna - Spiritual Enlightenment - The Damnedest Thing
Meditatons by Marcus Aurelius
Meditations of Marcus Aurelius (Gregor Hays translation) PDF+Audio
Steven LaBerge - Lucid Dreaming
The Spontaneous Healing of Belief
The Way Of The Superior Man
Way of the Peaceful Warrior
The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle.mp3
Daniel Pink - A Whole New Mind (audiobook)
Chris Kyle - American Sniper (audiobook)
Deep Inner Game DVD AUDIO RIP
Dr. David R. Hawkins - Power Vs. Force (MP3 Format)
Mark Hyman- The UltraMind Solution (audiobook)
Jonathan Haidt - The Happiness Hypothesis(audiobook)
Jordan Belfort - SLP - STRAIGHT LINE PERSUASION(audiobook)
Mayer, Jeffrey J. - Time Management for Dummies (audiobook)
Miller, Alice - Paths of Life Six Case Histories (pdf)
Tom Campell - My Big Toe-Awakening
Blake Mycoskie - Start Something That Matters (audiobook)
Nathaniel Branden - The Six Pillars Of Self-Esteem - Nathaniel Branden (audiobook)
Nathaniel Branden - Honoring The Self  (pdf)
Nathaniel Branden - The Power Of Self-Esteem (pdf)
Nathaniel Branden - The Psychology Of Self Esteem(pdf)
Nathaniel Branden Ken Wilber - Atlas Evolved  (audiobook)
Candace B. Pert - Molecules of Emotion (audiobook)
David R. Portney - How to Handle the Toughest Job Interview Questions You'll Ever Get (wma) (audiobook)
Mike Robbins - Focus on the Good Stuff - The Power of Appreciation (audiobook)
Stuart Wilde - The Journey Beyond Enlightenment
Stuff You Should Know - Super Stuffed Guide to Happiness (radio)
Grant Cardone - The 10X Rule Audiobook
Don Miguel Ruiz - The Four Agreements
Robin Sharma - The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
Jonathan Haidt - The Righteous Mind
Will Durant - The Story of Philosophy
Tom Campell - My Big Toe-Awakening
Tom Torero - Badass Buddha
Will Durant - The Story of Philosophy
BOOKS (doc, pdf, txt, epub)
Made In America - Sam Walton.pdf
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.pdf
When I Stop Talking, You'll Know I'm Drom a Persuasive Man - Jerry Weintraub.pdf
Biology, Psychology, Science
100 Simple Secrets of Happy People - David Neevan.EPUb
An Autobiographical Study (Hogarth, 1950) - Sigmund Freud.pdf
Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud (Modern Library, 1995) - Sigmund Freud.epub
Black Holes and Baby Universes - Stephen Hawking.epub
Blink. The Power of Thinking Without Thinking -  Malcom Gladwell.pdf
Brainwashing Manual. Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics - L. Ron Hubbard.pdf
Brainwashing. The Science Of Thought Control.pdf
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (2nd Edition) - Judith S. Beck Phd Aaron T. Be.pdf
Cosmos - Carl Sagan.pdf
Criminal Psychology. A Manual for Judges, Practitioners, and Students - Hans Gross.pdf
Death, Gender and Ethnicity - David_Field.pdf
Ecological Intelligence - Daniel Goleman.EPUb
Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman.epub
Emotional Intelligence Coaching Improving Performance for Leaders.pdf
Endless Layers Of Delusion.pdf
Engines of Creation.pdf
Evolutionary Psychology. The New Science of the Mind - David Buss.pdf
Evolve Your Brain - Joe Dispenza.epub
Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals.pdf
Fear of life.pdf
Flatland - Abott.epub
Flow. The Psychology of Optimal Experience - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.pdf
Freud Reader [ed. Gay] (Norton, 1989) - Sigmund Freud.pdf
Future of an Illusion (Norton, 1961) - Sigmund Freud.pdf
Genome - Matt Ridley.pdf
Handbook Of Psychology. Personality And Social Psychology - Malestrom.pdf
Hooking Up. The Psychology of Sex and Dating - Katherine  M. Helm.pdf
How The Mind Works - Steven Pinker.pdf
Influence, Psychology of Persuasion - Robert Caldini.pdf
Interpretation of Dreams (Basic Books, 2010) - Sigmund Freud.pdf
Man and His Symbols - Carl Jung.pdf
Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl.pdf
Monogamy. The Untold Story (Sex, Love, and Psychology).pdf
Moses and Monotheism (Hogarth, 1939) - Sigmund Freud.pdf
Penguin Freud Reader [ed. Phillips] (Penguin, 2006) - Sigmund Freud.epub
Physics Of The Future - Michio Kaku.pdf
Psychiatric Drugs. Current Clinical Strategies.pdf
Psychiatry. Current Clinical Strategies - 2002.pdf
Psychology of Killing.pdf
Psychology. The Science of Mind and Behaviour (6th edition) - R. Gross (Hodder, 2010) BBS.pdf
Quiet. The Power Of Introverts In  A World That Can't Stop Talking.pdf
Rework. Change the Way You Work Forever.epub
Sex at Dawn. The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality - Christopher Ryan.pdf
Social Engineering. The Art Of - Christopher Hadnagy.epub
Social Intelligence - Daniel Goleman.epub
Social Psychology The Science of Everyday Life [2015].pdf
Sperm Wars - Robin Baker.pdf
Sperm Wars Infidelity, Sexual Conflict, and Other Bedroom Battles.pdf
Super Brain. Unleashing the Explosive Power of Your Mind to Maximize Health, Happiness, and S.pdf
The Ethical Slut - Dossie Easton, Hardy.pdf
The Future of the Mind - Michio Kaku.pdf
The Mating Mind - Geoffrey Miller.pdf
The McDonaldization of Society - George Ritzer.pdf
The Mind and Its Educations - George Herbert Bett.epub
The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg.pdf
The Red Queen - Matt Ridley.pdf
The Selfish Gene (30th Anniversary Ed) - Richard Dawkins.pdf
The Willpower Instinct - Kelly McGonigal.PDF
Totem and Taboo (Routledge, 2001) - Sigmund Freud.pdf
Wij Zijn Ons Brein - Dick Swaab.epub
Business, Finance
All Marketers Are Liars - Seth Godin.epub
Built to Last - Jim Collins & Jerrold Mundis & Jerry I. Porras.epub
Cashflow Quadrant - Robert T. Kiyosaki.pdf
Contrarian Investment Strategies. The Next Generation - David Dreman.pdf
Dentist sales letter.doc
Dotcomology. The Ultimate Affiliate EBook For Online Marketing - Stone Evans.pdf
Fire Your Boss - Stephen M. Pollan & Mark Levine.epub
Flash Boys. A Wall Street Revol - Michael Lewis.epub
Freakonomics. A Rogue Economist Explores The Hidden Side of Everything - Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner.pdf
Good Business. Leadership, Flo. - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.epub
Good to Great. Why Some Companies - Jim Collins.epub
Hiring People. Recruit and Kee - Kathy Shwiff.epub
How to Get Rich - Felix Dennis.pdf
How to Make Money by Fast Trading. A Guide to Success (Perspectives in Business Culture) - Renato Di Lorenzo.pdf
I Will Teach You to Be Rich - Ramit Sethi.epub
Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Peter Ferdinand Drucker.epub
International Finance For Dummies - Ayse Evrensel.pdf
Learn to Earn - Peter Lynch, John Rothchild.epub
Midas Touch - Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
Million Dollar Habits - Brian Tracy.pdf
Rich Dad's Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver - Michael Maloney.pdf
Scientific Advertising - Claude Hopkins.pdf
Seeking Wisdom - Peter Bevelin.pdf
Stop Sabotaging Your Career - Lois P. Frankel.epub
The 10 Laws of Career Reinvent. - Pamela Mitchell.epub
The Art of Contrarian Trading - Carl Futia.epub
The Circle of Profit.pdf
The Education of Millionaires - Michael Ellsberg.epub
The Four Pillars of Investing - William J. Bernstein.epub
The Handbook of Commodity Investing - Frank Fabozzi.pdf
The Innovator's Solution - Clayton M. Christensen.EPUb
The Lean Startup - Eric Ries.epub
The Mentor Leader. Secrets to. - Nathan Whitaker.epub
The Millionaire Fastlane - MJ DeMarco.pdf
The Most Important Thing - Howard Marks.pdf
The Narrow Road - Fellix Dennis.pdf
The Richest Man In Babylon - George Samuel Clason.pdf
The Science of Getting Rich - Wallace Wattles.pdf
The Snowball Warren Buffett and the Business of Life - Alice Schroeder.pdf
The Steve Jobs Way - William L. Simon & Jay Elliot.epub
The Ten Commandments for Busin - Don Keough.epub
The Two-Income Trap - Elizabeth Warren & Amelia Warren Tyagi.epub
Think And Grow Rich (version 1) - Napoleon Hill.pdf
What Makes Online Content Go Viral - Jonah Berger, Katherine L. Milkmanl.pdf
What Matters Now - Seth Godin.pdf
Why We Want You To Be Rich - R. Kiyosaki & D. Trump.pdf
Your First 100 Million 2ed - Daniel S. Peña.pdf
Your Money. The Missing Manual - J. D. Roth.epub
(Teach Yourself_ General Reference) Robert Ashton-Copywriting in a Week_ Teach Yourself-Teach Yourself (2012).pdf
11 Reasons your First Business Should be Online.pdf
33 Money Lessons I Learned from a Self-Made Multi-Millionaire.pdf
5 Simple Steps to Inner Peace.pdf
7 Easy Steps to Becoming a Modern Slave.pdf
Build a Business, Not a Job (3rd Edition).pdf
Dan Kennedy, Bill Glazer, Robert Skrob-The Official Get Rich Guide to Information Marketing_ Build a Million-Dollar Business in 12 Months_ Build a Million Dollar Business in Just 12 Months-Entrepreneu.epub
Dominic Gettins-How to Write Great Copy_ Learn the Unwritten Rules of Copywriting (2006).pdf
GLENN MURRAY (Divine Write)-SEO Secrets_ The DIY guide to topping google  -Divine Write Copywriting Pty Ltd.pdf
Highest Paying Occupations - Occupational Outlook.pdf
How to Become a Money Making Robot.pdf
How to Learn Technical Skills Faster.pdf
How to Make $1 Million in 10 Years or Less by Building an Online Business.pdf
Intro to online business - the fundamentals.pdf
Joseph Sugarman-The Adweek Copywriting Handbook-Wiley (2006).pdf
Robin Sharma's Little Black Book for Stunning Success.pdf
starting a wordpress blog.pdf
The 10 Most Common Interview Questions and Answers.pdf
The Ultimate Guide to Career Change at 40 and Beyond.pdf
What is Wealth and how to acquire it.pdf
Confidence, Inner Game, Personal Development, How To
7 Habits Summary.pdf
A Lei do Triunfo - Napoleon Hill.pdf
Ask And It Is Given - Esther Hicks.pdf
Awaken the Giant Within - Tony Robbins.pdf
Being Successful - Brian Burba & Tracy Travis.epub
Better than college - Blake Boles.pdf
Body Language - Julius Fast.pdf
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life - Bryan Tracy.pdf
Charisma myth, The.epub
Create Your Own Future. How to Master. -  Bryan Tracy.pdf
Crunch Point. The 21 Secrets to Succ. - Brayn Tracy.pdf
Developing the Leaders Around Yo - John C. Maxwell.epub
Do the Work - Steven Pressfield & Seth Godin.epub
Do the work! -  steven pressfield.pdf
Drive The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us.pdf
Eat that Frog - Brian Tracy.pdf
Eat That Frog - Bryan Tracy.pdf
Ego Is The Enemy - Portfolio (2016) - Ryan Holiday.pdf
Ethics and Human Action in Early Stoicism (1987) - Brad Inwood.pdf
Everyone Communicates, Few Connect - John C. Maxwell.epub
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway - Susan Jeffers.pdf
Flight Plan. The Real Secret of Succ. -  Bryan Tracy.pdf
Focal Point. A Proven System to Simp. - Bryan Tracy.pdf
Focus _ Use Different Ways of Seeing the World for Success and Influence-Heidi Grant Halvorson & E. Tory Higgins.pdf
Geoff Colvin - Talent Is Overrated (v5.0).epub
Getting Rich Your Own Way. Achieve A. - Bryan Tracy.pdf
Getting Things Done-David Allen.pdf
Give and Take A Revolutionary Approach to Success - Adam M. Grant Ph.D.pdf
Goals - Brian Tracy.pdf
God and Cosmos in Stoicism (Oxford University Press 2009) - Ricardo Salles.pdf
golden rules the lost writings1 - napoleon hill.pdf
Great Little Book on Effective Leade - Bryan Tracy.epub
Great Little Book on Mastering Your. - Bryan Tracy.epub
Great Little Book on Personal Achiev. - Bryan Tracy.epub
Great Little Book on Successful Sell. - Bryan Tracy.epub
Great Little Book on the Gift of Sel. - Bryan Tracy.epub
Great Little Book on Universal Laws. - Bryan Tracy.epub
Hacking The Mind - Mystic.pdf
How the Best Leaders Lead Proven Se. - Bryan Tracy.pdf
How to Be a Gentleman. A Timel. - Thomas Nelson.epub
How To Be Idle-Tom Hodgkinson.pdf
How To Become An Alpha Male - John Alexander.pdf
How to Make the Rest of - Bryan Tracy.pdf
How To Read A Book.pdf
How to Read a Person Like a Book - Gerard I. Nierenberg.pdf
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living - Dale Carnegie.pdf
How to Talk to Anyone - Leil Lowndes.epub
How to Win Every Argument.pdf
Influencing Human Behavior - Kevin Hogan.pdf
Inner Power Six Techniques for Increased Energy & Self-Healing.epub
Jeffrey Pfeffer - Power_ Why Some People Have It_n't (v5.0).epub
John C. Maxwell Laws-Of-Teamwork-.pdf
John C. Maxwell]Attitude 101_ What Every Leade.mobi
John Hoover - Time Management_ Set Prioritie_one (v5.0).epub
John Sellars-Stoicism (Ancient Philosophies)  -University of California Press (2006).pdf
John_C._MaxSometimes You Win--Sometimes You Learn.epub
John_C._Maxwel] Put_Your Dream_to.theTest.epub
John_C._Maxwel] Self-Improvement 101_ What Every Leader.mobi
John_C._Maxwel]Ethics 101_ What Every Leader Needs to K.mobi
John_C._Maxwel]How Successful People Think_ Change Your.mobi
Law Of Attraction.pdf
law of success-napoleon hill.pdf
Lawrence C. Becker-A New Stoicism-Princeton University Press (1998).pdf
Leadership And Success in RelationShips and Communication - Marcus Durham.pdf
Learned Optimism - Martin Seligman.pdf
Learned Optimism How to Change Your Mind and Your Life - Martin Seligman.pdf
Linchpin - Seth Godin.pdf
Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on  - Kamal Ravikant.epub
Managing Oneself - Peter Drucker.pdf
Many Miles to Go - Bryan Tracy.pdf
Mastery - Robert Greene.epub
Mastery - Robert Greene.pdf
Mastery, The Keys To Success And Long Term Fulfillment - George Leonard.pdf
Maximum Achievement - Brian Tracy.pdf
Maximum Influence The 12 Universal Laws of Power Persuasion - Kurt W. Mortensen.chm
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius.pdf
Million Dollar Habits - Brian Tracy.pdf
MindOS - Dr. Paul.pdf
Money Master The Game - Tony Robbins.pdf
Motivation Success And Creative Visualization - Shakti Gawain.pdf
Never Be Lied To Again. How To Get The Truth In 5 Minutes Or Less In Any Conversationa Or Situation - David J. Lieberman.pdf
No Excuses - Brian Tracy.pdf
No Excuses. The  Power Of Self Discipline - Brian Tracy.pdf
No More Mr. Nice Guy - Robert Glover.pdf
Now, Build a Great Bu - Bryan Tracy & Mark Thompson.epub
Power of Self-Confidence, The - Brian Tracy.mobi
Power Talk Using Language To Build Authority And Influence - Sarah M. McGinty.pdf
Powerful Communication Skills - Colleen McKenna.chm
Psycho Cybernetics - Maxwell Maltz.pdf
Radical Honesty - Brad Blanton.pdf
Roman Christianity and Roman Stoicism. A Comparative Study of Ancient Morality (Oxford University Press 2010) - Runar M. Thorsteinsson.pdf
Rudy Haynes - Deep Voice Mastery.pdf
Self Talk for a Calmer You.epub
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey.pdf
Six Thinking Hats - Edward de Bono.pdf
Something for Nothing. The All-Cons - Bryan Tracy.pdf
Speak To Win - Brian Tracy.pdf
Speed Reading for Professionals - Mantesh.pdf
Stoicism and Emotion (University Of Chicago Press 2007) - Margaret R. Graver.pdf
Stoicism. Traditions and Transformations - Cambridge University Press (2004) - Steven K. Strange & Jack Zupko.pdf
Talk Your Way to the Top How to Address Any Audience Like Your Career Depends On It - Kevin Daley.chm
Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu.pdf
The 100 Absolutely Unbr - Brian Tracy.pdf
The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth - John C. Maxwell.epub
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leade - John C. Maxwell.epub
The 33 Strategies of War - Robert Greene & Don Leslie.epub
The 360 Degree Leader Developin - John C. Maxwell.epub
The 4 Hour Workweek - Tim Ferris.pdf
The 48 Laws of Power-Robert Greene.pdf
The 4-Hour Workweek, Expanded. - Timothy Ferriss.epub
The 50th Law - Robert Greene.pdf
The 50th law - Robert Greene and 50cent.pdf
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey.pdf
The Alabaster Girl - Zan Perrion.pdf
The Art Of Manipulation - R B Sparkman.pdf
The Art of Public Speaking - Dale Carnagey.pdf
The Art of War-Sun Tzu.pdf
The Complete Idiot's Guide To Verbal Self_defense - Lillian Glass.pdf
The Definitive Book of BODY LANGUAGE - Barbara Pease.pdf
The Difference Maker Making Your - John C. Maxwell.epub
the effective executive.pdf
The First 20 Hours How to Learn Anything... Fast!.pdf
The Flinch.pdf
The Future of the Mind - Michio Kaku.pdf
The Great Big Book of Wisdom - Brian Tracy.epub
The Hero With A Thousand Faces - Joseph Campbell.pdf
The Miracle of Mindfulness (7Summits).pdf
The Nonverbal Dictionary Of Gestures, Signs & Body Language Cues - David B Givens.pdf
The Obstacle Is the Way. The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph.epub
The One Thing. the book right here.epub
The Power of Charm. How t. - Brian Tracy & Ron Arden.pdf
the rational male  2013 - rollo tomassi.pdf
The Red Pill Handbook 1st Ed.pdf
The Red Pill Handbook 2nd Ed.pdf
The Seven Strategies of Master Presenters - Brad McRae.chm
The six pillars of Self Esteem-N. Branden.pdf
The Six Pillars of Self_Esteem - N. Branden.pdf
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fck (2016).epub
The War of Art - Steven Pressfield.epub
There's No Such Thing As Business - John C. Maxwell.pdf
Thick Face, Black Heart.pdf
Thinking Fast And Slow - Daniel Kahneman.pdf
Time Power - Brian Tracy.pdf
Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart.epub
Training Our Mind in, with and for Compassiona - Paul Gilbert.pdf
Tricks Of The Mind - Derren Brown.pdf
Turbocoach - Brian Tracy.pdf
Turbostrategy - Brian Tracy.pdf
Turning Pro - Steven Pressfield.pdf
Victory - Brian Tracy.pdf
Willpower - Roy Baumeister.pdf
History, Politics
Branded - Erik Saelens
Literature, Roman
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.epub
A Critic in Pall Mall.epub
A Florentine Tragedy.epub
A House of Pomegranates.epub
A Journey to the Centre of the Earth.epub
A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens.pdf
A Voyage in a Balloon.epub
A Winter Amid the Ice.epub
A Woman of No Importance.epub
Alices Adventures In Wonderland - Lewis Caroll.pdf
All Around the Moon.epub
An Antarctic Mystery.epub
An Ideal Husband.epub
Around the World in 80 Days.epub
Ballad of Reading Gaol.epub
Celebrated Travels and Travellers _ Part 1.epub
Celebrated Travels and Travellers _ Part 2.epub
Celebrated Travels and Travellers _ Part 3.epub
Charmides and Other Poems.epub
Crime And Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky.pdf
David Copperfield - Charles Dickens.pdf
De Profundis.epub
Dracula - Bram Stoker.pdf
Facing the Flag.epub
Five Weeks in a Balloon.epub
For Love of the King.epub
Frankenstein - Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.pdf
Godfrey Morgan.epub
In Search of the Castaways.epub
In the Year 2889.epub
Jane Austen & Vivien Jones & Tony Tanner-Pride and Prejudice.epub
Lady Windermere's Fan.epub
Les Miserables - Victor Hugo.pdf
Mark Twain - A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.epub
Mark Twain - A Double Barrelled Detective Story.epub
Mark Twain - A Horse's Tale.epub
Mark Twain - A Tramp Abroad.epub
Mark Twain - Editorial Wild Oats.epub
Mark Twain - Extracts From Adam's Diary.epub
Mark Twain - Goldsmiths Friend Abroad Again.epub
Mark Twain - The $30,000 Bequest.epub
Mark Twain - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.epub
Mark Twain - The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories.epub
Mark Twain - The Prince and the Pauper.epub
Mark Twain - The Stolen White Elephant.epub
Mark Twain - Those Extraordinary Twins.epub
Michael Strogoff [The Courier of the Czar].epub
Miscellaneous Aphorisms; The Soul of Man.epub
Off on a Comet.epub
Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe.pdf
Robur the Conqueror.epub
Round the World in Eighty Days.epub
Scott, Sir Walter - Ivanhoe.epub
Selected Prose of Oscar Wilde.epub
Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen.pdf
Shakespeare William - As You Like It.epub
Shakespeare William - Merchant of Venice.epub
Shakespeare_ William - Coriolanus.epub
Shakespeare_ William - Hamlet.epub
Shakespeare_ William - Julius Caesar.epub
Shakespeare_ William - Macbeth.epub
Shakespeare_ William - Othello.epub
The Canterville Ghost.epub
The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas.pdf
The Duchess of Padua.epub
The English at the North Pole.epub
The Happy Prince and Other Tales.epub
The Idiot - Fyodor Dostoyevsky.pdf
The Importance of Being Earnest.epub
The Master of the World.epub
The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka.pdf
The Moon_Voyage.epub
The Mysterious Island.epub
The Pearl of Lima.epub
The Portrait Of A Lady - Henry James.pdf
The Prince - Nicolo Machiavelli.pdf
The Secret of the Island.epub
The Survivors of the Chancellor.epub
The Trial - Franz Fafka.pdf
The Underground City.epub
The Waif of the 'Cynthia'.epub
Ticket No. 9672.epub
Tolstoy, Leo - Anna Karenina (Barnes & Noble, 2003).epub
Martial Arts
Boxing Mastery - Mark Hatmaker.pdf
Brown, Robert, Spencer, Vann-I Am Soldier of Fortune.epub
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Bruce Lee's Fighting Method The Complete Edition.epub
Chinese Gung Fu - Bruce Lee.pdf
Complete Krav Maga - Darren Levine.pdf
Davies, Barry-SAS Jungle Survival.epub
Davies, Nicholas-Death Before Dishonour.epub
Gray, Wesley R-Embedded.epub
Hypnosis in Interrogation (CIA Study) - Edward Deshere.pdf
Jordan, Paul - The Easy Day Was Yesterday.epub
Kenpo Techniques - Ed Parker.pdf
Key Casting Manual - CIA Field Expedient.pdf
Lambeth, Benjamin S- The Unseen War.epub
Lawrence, William P., Rausa, Rosario-Tennessee Patriot.epub
Leahy, John F_-Honor, Courage, Commitment.epub
Mark Mazzetti - The Way of the Knife.epub
Pa Kua - Robert Smith.pdf
Paul Simpson - A Brief History of the Spy.epub
Psychological Operations In Guerrilla Warfare - Tayacan.pdf
Robinson, Linda-One Hundred Victories.epub
Scahill, Jeremy-Dirty Wars.epub
Self Defense Nerve Centers - Mantesh.pdf
Smith, Douglas V_-One Hundred Years of U.S. Navy Air Power.epub
Tao of Jeet Kune Do - Bruce Lee.pdf
The Art Of Expressing The Human Body - Bruce Lee.pdf
The Art of Weapons Armed - Marc Tedeschi.pdf
The Science Of Footwork - Ted Wong.pdf
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Unconventional Warrior - Walter Morris Herd.pdf
Williams, Brian Glyn-Predators.epub
Wing Chun KungFu - Yimm Lee.pdf
Woods, Randall B_-Shadow Warrior.epub
Xiao Hong Quan - Cyber Kwoon.pdf
Seduction, Pick Up, NLP
10 Second Sexual Attraction - Mehow.pdf
10 Tips For Dating Safety.pdf
101 questions.txt
25 Rules For Women (By Men).doc
28 Surefire Ways To Instant Dating Success (exerpt) - Carlos Xuma.pdf
3 Master Keys To Pickup Lines - Dererk Vitalio.pdf
30 Bangs - Roosh V.pdf
30 Minutes Quick Start - Marius Panzarella.pdf
5 Flirting Secrets - Chris Williamson.pdf
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60 Years of Challange (David DeAngelo recommends).pdf
8 Body Language Clues That Say He's Interested - Tracey Cox.doc
8 Deadly Dating Mistakes Most Men Make - Datestacker.pdf
Adam Lyons - Principles Of Attraction.pdf
Adam Lyons-Understand Attraction.pdf
Advanced Macking - Anthony Berger.pdf
AFC Diary.pdf
All About Women_ Encyclopedia of Seduction - Giuseppe Notte.pdf
Argentina Compendium - Roosh V.pdf
Attract Women Now.doc
Attraction isn't A Choice _How to Use ''Secret'' Communication and Sexual Body Language to Attract Women- david deangelo.pdf
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Bang Poland_ How To Make Love With Polish Girls In Poland - V, Roosh.mobi
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Blueprint Decoded Notes 2.pdf
Blueprint Decoded Notes 3.pdf
Body Language Secrets _ A Guide During Courtship and Dating - R. Don Steele.pdf
Body Language Secrets to Silent Seduction.doc
Brazil Compendium -Roosh V.pdf
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Building Rapport _ Mirroring - Kim Mcfarland.PDF
Chapter 2 _ Using Body Language (B).pdf
Chris Nosal - The Alpha Blueprint.pdf
Christian Grey - Instagram Seduction.pdf
Cliff's List Interviews With Dating Experts.pdf
Cocky Comedy Manual.pdf
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Creating Rapport_ Cheating The Chemistry - Bryan Plumb.pdf
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Dating College Women - Marius Panzarella.pdf
Dating Factors - Marius Panzarella.pdf
Dating for Dummies - Dr. Joy Browne.pdf
Dating Online and How to Improve It By Writing Excellent Profiles - Drew Higgins.pdf
Dating SkillsbReview - Fast Track Dating Report.pdf
Dating Survival Techniques.pdf
David DeAngelo - Double Your Dating (2nd Edition).pdf
David Deangelo Total Guide to Cocky _ Funny.pdf
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David X - The Rules of David X.pdf
Don Juan Boot Camp - Compiled by Nicholas Hill.pdf
Double your Dating - David DeAngelo.pdf
Double Your Dating 2nd Edition - David DeAngelo.pdf
Dynamic Sex Life [Compact Edition] - Gunwitch.pdf
Easy Horny Women - Anthony Berger.pdf
Escalate Kino - Don Diego García.pdf
Escalation Ladder.pdf
Essentials of NLP - Shlomo Vaknin.pdf
Fear Technology (1).pdf
Fearless Relentless Escalation - 60 Years of Challenge.pdf
Flirting Tips for the 21st Century.pdf
Get Ex Back - The EXorcist.pdf
Getting The First Date.pdf
Guide To Flirting.pdf
Hannah Fry - The Mathematics of Love.epub
HARDCORE Casual Sex Version (Mode One) - Alan Roger Currie.pdf
How To Text  Girls To Get Dates, Phone Calls And More.pdf
HOW two Meet Women _ The Shy Man's Guide To Relationships - Cartaphilus.pdf
Improve Your Looks by 3 Notches - Anthony Berger.pdf
Introducing NLP - Seymour and O'connor.pdf
Little Black Book Of Openers [Revised].pdf
Logan Edwards - The Art Of The Approach.epub
Make It Stick _ The Science Of Successful Learning - Brown, Roediger III, McDaniel.pdf
Mark Manson - Models.pdf
Mark Redman - Conquer Your Campus.pdf
Mel Robbins - The 5 Second Rule.pdf
Memoirs Of A Player.pdf
Mode One Notes (#1) - Alan Roger Currie.pdf
Mode One Notes (#2) - Alan Roger Currie.pdf
Modern Coin Magic - Jean Bobo.pdf
Natural Game.pdf
NLP _ Persuasion Engineering - Richard Bandler And John La Valle.pdf
NLP _ The Magic You Can Perform With Reframing -Michael Hall Ph.D.pdf
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No More Mr Nice Guy - Robert Glover.pdf
Oooooh. Say it Again (Mode One) - Alan Roger Currie.pdf
Psychic Seduction 5 - Joseph R. Plazo.pdf
Reading Body Language - David Shade.doc
Relationship Roulette - 60 Years of Challenge.pdf
Ron Louis & David Copeland - How To Be The Bad Boy Women Love.pdf
Routines Manual - LoveSytems.pdf
Secrets of a Sex Magnet - Chris Jackson.pdf
Secrets Of Sexual Tension - Vin DiCarlo.pdf
Secrets Of Speed Seduction, Home Study, Course Book And Workbook_ How To Create An Instanteous Sexual Attraction In Any Woman You Meet!!! - Ross Jeffries.pdf
Seduction Science Volume I - Derek Vitalio.pdf
Seduction Science Volume II - Derek Vitalio.pdf
Seduction Science Volume III - Derek Vitalio.pdf
Semantics And Scenarios (Mode One) - Alan Roger Currie.pdf
Sex Secrets to Creating Chemistry - Bart A. Baggett.pdf
Sexual Rapport Modeling_ Nonverbal Sexual Cuing - Keanu J. Jagger.pdf
Simply Start Sex - 60 Years of Challenge.pdf
Social Circle From Scratch - Terry Clery.pdf
The Alpha Blueprint The Alpha Male Decoded - Chris Nosal.pdf
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The Annihilation Method _Jealously Guarded Inner Game Techniques - Neil Strauss.pdf
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The Art Of Seduction - Robert Greene.pdf
The Attributes [Compact Edition] - Cameron Teone.pdf
The Big Book Of NLP Expanded - Shlomo Vaknin.pdf
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The Body Language Project - Christopher Philip.pdf
The Game - Neil Strauss.pdf
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The Guide to Online and Text Game - Rebel.pdf
The Hello Kiss.pdf
The King, Warrior, Magician and Lover - Men's Psychology.pdf
The Married Man Sex Life Primer - Athol Kay.pdf
The Physical Game - Ozzie.pdf
The Possibility of Sex (Mode One) - Alan Roger Currie.pdf
The Seven Elements Of Charisma.pdf
The Sovereign Man - James Maverick.pdf
The Tao Of Badass - Joshua Pellicer.pdf
The Tao Of Sexual Dating For Men -  Alex Benzer.pdf
The Truth - Neil Strauss - Review - Summary.pdf
The Ultimate Guide To Text Game - Richard La Ruina.pdf
The Ultimate Guide to Texting Girls - Matt Artisan.pdf
The Ultimate Texting Guide - Tyler Tray.pdf
The Way of the Superior Man - David Deida.pdf
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Unstoppable Confidence (Audio Book) - Ross Jeffries.doc
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Kama Sutra - A Modern Guide to the Ancient Art of Sex
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Guide To Erotic Massage.pdf
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KURRE W. OSTROM-Swedish Massage.pdf
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Susan Mumford-Sensual Massage.pdf
Guide to Being a Gentleman.pdf
Martin Merrill-Make Women Laugh.pdf
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5 Secret Techniques Every Woman Wants In Bed
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Skills (Mental, Magic, Cold Reading)
Cold Reading - Full Facts Book of Cold Reading.pdf
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Sorcerer Series 2.pdf
The Ring.pdf
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Wonder Words 2.pdf
Wonder Words 3.pdf
Larry Becker - World Of Super Mentalism II.pdf
Lee Earle
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Lee Earle - SuperScript (Pass=KYJNKA).pdf
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Ormond McGill
Ormond McGill - Psychic Magic - Vol 2.pdf
Ormond McGill - Psychic Magic - Vol 4.pdf
Phil Goldstein
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Richard Osterlind
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Richard Osterlind - The Blindfold Book v3.pdf
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Psychokinesis Magic Book.pdf
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Tantric Secrets for Men
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Art Of Male Masturbation.txt
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Biological Basis of Tantric Sex.txt
Complete Idiot's Guide to Amazing Sex.pdf
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Dangerous Men & Adventurous Women.doc
David Shade - Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms.pdf
Dictionary Of Sexology v1.0.pdf
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Female Orgasm Black Book - Lee Jenkins.pdf
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Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms - David Shade.pdf
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How to Hypnotize Your Lover-Wendi Friesen.pdf
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How to Make Her Orgasm.txt
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Instant Orgasm _ Excitement at First Touch.pdf
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Lover's Guide.pdf
Make Women Laugh (Martin Merrill).pdf
Male G_Spot.pdf
Male Libido.pdf
Male Multiple Orgasm Survey.doc
Male Multiple Orgasms Are Possible.pdf
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Men And Women In Bed.doc
Men In Love.pdf
Men's Health Books.pdf
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Multi Orgasm Man.pdf
Multiple Male Orgasms.pdf
Murphy's Sex Law.doc
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My Secret Garden - Nancy Friday.pdf
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Studies in the Psychology of Sex II.pdf
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Studies in the Psychology of Sex V.pdf
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Taoist Techniques For The Control Of The Sexual Energy II.doc
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Thinking Womans Guide to Anal Sex.pdf
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White Tiger Tantra Handbook-Steve Piccus.pdf
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Social Skills, Influence, Selling, Speaking
Artful Persuasion How to Command Attention, Change Minds, and Influence People - Harry Mills.pdf
Catherine Blyth - The Art of Conversation (v5.0).epub
Comedy Writing Secrets 2nd Ed (Recommended by David DeAngelo) - Melvin Helitzer.pdf
Dealing with Difficult People 24 Lessons for Bringing Out the Best in Everyone - RICK BRINKMAN.pdf
Gestures - Toastmasters.pdf
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Nonviolent Communication A Language of Life, 2nd Ed - Marshall B. Rosenberg.chm
Psychology of Selling - Tracy Brian.pdf
Robert Caldini_Influence, Psychology of Persuasion.pdf
Robert Greene, The 48 Laws of Power.pdf
Social Intelligence - Daniel Goleman.pdf
Speak To Win - Brian Tracy.pdf
The Charisma Myth - Olivia Fox Cabane.pdf
The Comedy Bible - Judy Carter.pdf
THE POWER OF PERSUASION How We’re Bought and Sold - Robert Levine.PDF
The Psychology Of Persuasion How To Persuade Others To Your Way Of Thinking - Kevin Hogan.pdf
THE SCIENCE OF INFLUENCE How to Get Anyone to Say “Yes” in 8 Minutes or Less! - Kevin Hogan.pdf
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Your Speaking Voice - Toastmasters.pdf
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Ayn Rand-Atlas Shrugged.epub
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley.pdf
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The Zahir - Paulo Coelho.pdf
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5 3 1 method _ 2nd edition - Jim Wendler.pdf
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Gladiator 2.pdf
Grain Brain - David Perlmutter.epub
Greyskull LP 1st Edition - John Sheaffer.pdf
Greyskull LP 2nd Edition.pdf
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Issuance of Training Insanity 2.pdf
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Level 1 Rookie Workout Sheet.pdf
Level 2 Recruit Guide.pdf
Level 3 Outcast Guide.pdf
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Level 3 Outsider Workout Sheet.pdf
Level 4 Rebel Guide.pdf
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Miracle Superfoods - Aine Belton.pdf
MP45 Training _ Build Muscle Burn Fat.pdf
Never Gymless-Ross Enamait.pdf
Nutrition for Healthy Living 2nd ed. - W. Schiff.pdf
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rabbittstewcomics · 5 years
Episode 211
Doomsday Clock, Legion of Super-Heroes, Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy, DCeased, Batman vs. Ra's al Ghul, Absolute Carnage: Symbiote Spider-Man, Alpha Flight: True North, Spider-Man: Going Big, Ghost Spider Annual, Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple, Web of Black Widow, Spawn 300, Battlepug, Everything, Triage, Midnight Vista, Something is Killing the Children, Vampirella/Red Sonja
Additional Reviews: IT Chapter 2, Daredevil s3, Insidious
News: Scholastic and Marvel, Gage on Iron Man, Birds of Prey teaser, DC 100-pagers, Tom Taylor Suicide Squad, Patty Jenkins and Netflix, Incoming!
Am It Glenn???
Comics Review Details:
Doomsday Clock 11 by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson
Legion of Super-Heroes: Millenium 1 by Brian Michael Bendis, Andre Lima Araujo, Jim Lee, Dustin Nguyen, Andrea Sorrentino, Scott Williams, Jordie Bellaire, John Kalisz, Alex Sinclair, Dave Stewart
Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy 1 by Jody Houser, Adriano de Silva Melo, Mark Morales, Hi-Fi
DCeased: A Good Day To Die by Tom Taylor, Laura Braga, Darick Robertson, Richard Friend, Trevor Scott, Rain Beredo
Batman vs. Ra's al Ghul 1 by Neal Adams
Absolute Carnage: Symbiote Spider-Man by Peter David, Francesco Mobili, Rain Beredo, Java Tartaglia
Alpha Flight: True North by Jim Zub, Max Dunbar, Monkeyseed, Jed MacKay, Djibril Morissette-Phan, Ian Herring, Ed Brisson, Scott Hepburn
Amazing Spider-Man: Going Big by Gerry Conway, Mark Bagley, Victor Olazaba, Andy Owens, Dexter Vines, Ralph Macchio, Todd Nauck, Rachelle Rosenberg, Erik Larsen, Laura Martin
Ghost Spider Annual by Vita Ayala, Pere Perez, Rachelle Rosenberg
Web of Black Widow 1 by Jody Houser, Stephen Mooney, Tree Farrell
Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple by Matthew Rosenberg, Paolo Villanelli, Arif Prianto
Everything 1 by Christopher Cantwell, INJ Culbard
Triage 1 by Phillip Sevy
Vampirella/Red Sonja 1 by Jordie Bellaire, Drew Moss, Rebecca Nalty
Midnight Vista 1 by Eliot Rahal, Clara Meath, Mark Englert
Something Is Killing The Children 1 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell-Edera, Miquel Muerto
Battlepug 1 by Mike Norton, Alan Passalaqua
Pretty Deadly: Rat 1 by Kelly Sue DeConnick, Emma Rios
Spawn 300 by Todd McFarlane, Scott Snyder, Shawn Alexander, Greg Capullo, Jerome Opena, J. Scott Campell, Jonathan Glapion, Matt Hollingsworth, Brian Haberline, Fco Plascencia, Peter Steigerwald
Comics Countdown, 04 Sep 2019:
House of X 4 by Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz, Marte Gracia
Die 7 by Kieron Gillen, Stephanie Hans
Doomsday Clock 11 by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Brad Anderson
Redneck 23 by Donny Cates, Lisandro Estherren, Dee Cunniffe
Conan the Barbarian 9 by Jason Aaron, Mahmud Asrar, Matt Wilson
Giant Days 54 by John Allison, Max Sarin, Whitney Cogar
Berserker Unbound 2 by Jeff Lemire, Mike Deodato Jr, Frank Martin Jr
Deathstroke 47 by Christopher Priest, Carlo Pagulayan, Fernando Pasarin, Jason Paz, Cam Smith, Wade von Grawbadger, Jeromy Cox
Something is Killing the Children 1 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell-Edera, Miquel Muerto
Harley Quinn 65 by Sam Humphries, Sami Basri, Hi-Fi
Check out this episode!
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tmnotizie · 5 years
SANT’ OMERO – Momento storico in Abruzzo per la presenza di Mark Kostabi, noto pittore, scultore e compositore; nato a Los Angeles nel 1960 da genitori estoni, entrambi musicisti. Cresciuto a Whittier in California, ha studiato disegno, pittura e musica alla California State University, Fullerton. Dal 1982 si è poi stabilito a New York dove ha fondato il  Kostabi World, lo studio di Manhattan.
Dal 1996 Kostabi ha una casa a Roma e adesso ha anche una residenza nella suggestiva Villa Corallo di Sant’Omero (Te).  Mark Kostabi è anche musicista e compositore. Si è esibito sia come solista che con altri artisti tra cui Tony Esposito, Greesi Desiree Langovits, Ornette Coleman, Jerry Marotta, Tony Levin, Mark Egan, Tommy Campell, Paul Kostabi, Gene Pritsker, David Taylor,William Schimmel.
Mark Kostabi vanta orgogliosamente opere in 52 Musei del mondo tra cui Moma, Guggenheim,  Metropolitan Museum of Art, Brooklyn Museum of Art, The National Gallery of Art e The Corcoran Gallery of Art,  Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna, Groninger Museum,  New Mexico Museum of Art, Museum of Tirana, Art Museum of Estonia.
Dal 1981 espone regolarmente in molte città italiane, a Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, Tokyo, Berlino, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Miami, Washington D.C., New Orleans, Mosca, e in numerose città dell’Australia, del Giappone, Spagna , Svizzera, Francia, Belgio ed Estonia.
La scrittrice prof.ssa Maria Pia Cappello, nata nel 1958 in provincia di Frosinone, ha scritto diversi libri d’arte e un suo libro è nel database del Moma di New York e nel Museo dell’Ontario (AGO) a Toronto. Ha presentato i libri a Roma, Venezia, Londra, Washington, Toronto.
Grande attesa quindi del suo ultimo libro “Mark Kostabi tra Suono e Solitudine”, anche in edizione inglese “Mark Kostabi between Sound and Solitude”, che sarà presente nel bookshop del Moma. I libri sono editi dalla SarpiArte  Edizioni. La Cappello analizza le opere dell’artista con dei rimandi filosofici, poetici e letterari.
Mai come in questo momento storico, il libro della Cappello è di una attualità unica nel suo genere letterario, artistico, filosofico e sociologico. Infatti, oltre ad identificare l’artista nella melodia di una intera globalizzazione, la scrittrice ribadisce e analizza il concetto della solitudine del nuovo millennio, contrassegnato da materialismo, solitudine e una società click and collect dove le interazioni face-to-face sono state sostituite dagli schermi dei computer e dai cellulari.
Secondo la Cappello quindi Mark Kostabi coglie lo spirito del nostro tempo, è il reporter della nostra società, è l’artista che sarà studiato nei libri di storia dell’arte, è un innovatore nell’ambito artistico per le sue opere che esprimono il subconscio, il simbolismo delle ali, l’introspezione, la meditazione, la potenza della musica, la romantica nostalgia di un mondo con una personalizzata e soggettiva visione globale, l’ottimismo e la speranza di un futuro migliore che si può raggiungere attraverso le note musicali che potrebbero cambiare il cuore degli uomini; in questa società tecnologica sono fondamentali l‘amicizia, la fratellanza e l’amore anche se in alcune opere viene trasmessa la più dolorosa delle solitudini nel momento in cui  in alcuni dipinti due innamorati si abbracciano guardando i loro cellulari.
Nel contempo, le opere di Kostabi hanno fissità delle forme, cromatismo chiaro  e preciso, volumi esatti. La Cappello sottolinea che Mark Kostabi rappresenta uno dei modelli costitutivi dell’arte contemporanea: arte innovativa e personale, metafora della conoscenza, esplorazione dell’invisibile e dell’ignoto che va verso una società troppo tecnologica, autonomia dell’arte e coraggio artistico, collettivo e individuale.
Le pagine della Cappello invitano, a loro volta, a fare viaggiare il lettore tra splendide e suggestive opere di diverse tematiche, città cosmopolite e versi poetici, mondo tecnologico e mondo virtuale, luoghi reali e immaginari, amore e indifferenza, malinconia ed esuberanza, silenzio e suono, allegria e tristezza, conflitti interni e libertà, arte del passato e Postmoderno.
E solo alla fine del libro il lettore capirà uno dei messaggi fondamentali che la Cappello vuole comunicare: Kostabi dipinge con sottile umorismo ed elegante ironia le infinite sfumature e contraddizioni della vita, della società e dell’animo umano ma è fortemente impegnato nella difesa di un mondo più vicino alla natura e ai sentimenti puri e soprattutto di un’arte esegetica che venga afferrata e saggiamente interpretata, raggiungendo il cuore e la mente di tutti gli uomini.
L’intera progettazione dell’evento artistico-culturale è sapientemente svolta dall’abruzzese Gino Natoni: l’organizzatore di eventi culturali, il promotore del bello e del buono, l’innamorato della sua terra, il genius loci, il mecenate, il collezionista. Molti dicono che lui sia il manager, l’agente, il referente; nulla di tutto questo! E’ il collezionista ma soprattutto l’uomo di fiducia e sicuramente l’amico di Mark Kostabi! E anche colui che pensa che Kostabi sia unico come lo è stato Andy Warhol.
La presentazione in anteprima si terrà in Abruzzo, per volontà di  Mark Kostabi perché è una terra cui è molto legato, di cui apprezza le bellezze del territorio, le bontà enogastronomiche e la squisita ospitalità della gente. Appuntamento dunque martedì prossimo 27 agosto alle 19 presso Villa Corallo a Sant’Omero (Te).
L’ingresso è gratuito ma per chi volesse fermarsi a cena con l’artista è necessaria la prenotazione entro il 25 agosto.
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tempi-dispari · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.tempi-dispari.it/2017/06/13/phil-campell-alla-xx-edizione-della-festa-bikers-cologno-sul-serio/
Phil Campell alla XX edizione della Festa Bikers di Cologno sul Serio
Confermato anche quest’anno l’appuntamento di fine Agosto con la Festa Bikers di Cologno al Serio, in provincia di Bergamo, quest’anno giunto al ragguardevole traguardo alla XX edizione.
La festa è sempre in evoluzione, anche quest’anno saranno molte le novità e le iniziative, soprattutto per celebrare al meglio il ventesimo anniversario, a cominciare dal palco principale che vedrà come artista un vera e propria icona mondiale del panorama Hard Rock. Sabato 26 Agosto il padrone del palco sarà Phil Campell dei Motörhead e i suoi Bastard sons.
Come tutti gli anni, nell’estesa area della festa troverete un numero di stand tale da formare un vero e proprio Metal Market, con articoli che vanno dall’abbigliamento all’oggettistica, per non parlare degli immancabili stand gastronomici ed i costruttori di moto.
Per chi partecipa a “piedi” l’ingresso è gratuito, mentre per chi parteciperà al motoraduno, l’iscrizione è di 10 € e comprende i Gadget della manifestazione ed un biglietto della lotteria valida per vincere una Harley Davidson 883 RR.
I biglietti della lotteria, saranno comunque disponibili presso la birreria della Festa al costo di 1€ l’uno.
A breve un nuovo aggiornamento sugli stand, le varie iniziative ed i concerti sul 1° e 2° palco.
Dopo il successo della scorsa edizione, torna anche il WALL OF DEATH, un vero e proprio spettacolo di stuntman professionisti che oseranno sfidare la forza di gravità lasciando tutti gli spettatori a bocca aperta.
Per chi volesse soggiornare, ricordiamo che servizi, docce e campeggio sono anch’essi gratuiti.
23 Agosto 2017 TBA 24 Agosto 2017 TBA 25 Agosto 2017 TBA 26 Agosto 2017 PHIL CAMPBELL & THE BASTARD SONS + Guests 27 Agosto 2017 TBA
XX FESTA BIKERS Viale Padania – Zona Industiale Cologno Al Serio (BG) Dal 23 al 27 Agosto 2017 Evento Facebook: Clicca QUI
Info: www.festabikers.com
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