#Eddie got them to make him one in black red and white
steddieasitgoes · 1 year
Steve and Robin have spent most of their shifts at Family Video, whispering and giving each other suggestive glances whenever a pretty girl walks through the door. Steve used to hate it whenever Tommy H. made him do stuff like this, but it's different with Robin. Less about objectifying and more about admiring a woman's beauty — at least, that's what Robin tells him when he brings it up one day. 
With his conscious clean, he leans into it, and the two have so much fun silently staring at pretty girls. They learn that they have pretty much the same taste in women — minus Tammy Thompson — which isn't surprising considering they share just about everything in common. 
And while it's fun sharing glances and watching each other blush red when the cute girl gives one of them more attention, Steve also wishes he had someone who would do that with him when he spots a cute guy in the mix. Steve tried to bring it up to Robin once, but she wasn't having it. 
"Stevie," she leveled. "All I see is a faceless blurb that smells too much like pine. You're the only guy for me." 
So, he let it go. 
Eddie and Gareth have a similar game they play whenever they drive out to Indy. Gareth is usually the one to point out a petite blonde walking in their favorite record shop. If she heads to the metal section, Eddie can make a move. If it's anything else, Gareth gets to try. 
Nine times out of 10, it's Gareth who flirts his way to a phone number. 
Not that Eddie minds. 
He has just as much fun watching his friend hopelessly flirt while casually checking out the guys who wander in the record store. 
Gareth always gives him a friendly nudge whenever he notices Eddie staring too long at the back of some guy's short haircut, but it's not the same as the gentle ribbing they give each other when a cute girl walks in. 
Gareth isn't into guys like he is, and that's fine.
But sometimes Eddie wishes he had someone to compare his taste in men with. 
When Steve and Eddie realize they're both bisexual, they rejoice. Finally, they have someone to play their silly games with.
 Except, it doesn't go at all like they'd except. 
See, Steve and Eddie are both so used to having friends share their tastes in women that they don't even consider the fact that they might have different taste in men. 
But they do.
They're hanging out in the lobby of the Hawkins Theater, waiting for the kids to finish getting their snacks, when Steve sees him. A guy with disheveled auburn hair and a black denim jacket cuffed at the sleeves with random patches on it. He's got a blue bandana tied around his forearm and bulky black boots. 
"He's cute right?" Steve asks, nodding his head toward the guy in question. 
Eddie scoffs. Scrunches up his nose like he's just smelt the worst smell imaginable and turns towards Steve. "You're kidding me, right Stevie? That dude is a grade-a-punk! A wannabe one at that! I bet he smells like cheap cigarettes and hasn't washed his hair in days." 
"You smell like cheap cigarettes and don't wash your hair every day," Steve says, rolling his eyes at Eddie's outburst. 
"Yeah, but I'm also broke. That guys doing it for the stupid aesthetic." 
Steve scoffs and lets his eyes follow the guy until he disappears inside one of the theaters. 
"Alright then, what's your type, Munson?" 
Eddie hums and takes a moment to scan the crowded theater and the stops. When he turns toward Steve, he's sporting a giant grin. 
"Guy. Six o'clock. By the butter dispenser." 
Steve slowly turns around and nearly buckles at the knee when he spots the guy in question. 
Short hair, combed back so every strand of hair is in place. He's got on a letterman jacket from one of the neighboring schools, crisp white shoes, and his left hand is tucked into the jean pocket of who he assumes to be his girlfriend. 
"Him?" Steve chokes. "But he's so…" 
"Jock-ish!" Steve supplies instead. "I thought you hated jocks!"
"I hate what they represent," Eddie says, crossing his arms in front of his chest. He tears his eyes away from the guy and stares right at Steve. "But I can't help it if they have a cute face that's begging to be corrupted." 
It isn't until days later when Steve and Eddie are both complaining to their best friends, do they realize that having different tastes might not be such a bad thing. 
Especially when their taste in men is each other.
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corroded-hellfire · 6 months
I've got this image in my head of very pregnant!AYW reader sitting outside with her feet in a kiddie pool, letting the older boys splash around and keep her cool on a hot day. Maybe a cooler full of frozen treats at her side.
I have had this one in my ask box forever because I wanted to write something I’d be happy with and I think I’m there lol. I hope it makes you happy as well 😘
Words: 1.4k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Of course. The August that you’re seven months pregnant is the hottest summer Hawkins has had in over fifty years. Of course.
Eddie could see how the heat was getting to you. Sweat would dot your forehead just moments after you’d step outside. Your ankles had swollen to almost double the size. It hadn’t escaped anyone’s notice that you were a little more irritable than usual as well. But your husband wasn’t sure what he could do to comfort you. Usually, his way of comforting you included wrapping you up in his arms but the one time he’d attempted to do that you’d given him a death glare that blazed hotter than the weather. He’d learned his lesson after that: no touching when the temperature is above a hundred degrees. 
One early Saturday afternoon, you and Luke are eating lunch while Eddie and Ryan run a few errands. Luke had wanted to go too, but ever since you started your third trimester, Eddie didn’t like the idea of leaving you by yourself. 
It’s quiet between you and your ten-year-old son when the back door bangs open, making you jump and swivel around in your seat–which was no easy task. Perspiration runs down Eddie’s forehead, Ryan’s own golden brown hair plastered to his forehead from the moisture. Patches of Ryan’s gray shirt are black and clinging to his skin from the sweat. If Eddie’s black Iron Maiden shirt weren’t so dark, you know you’d see the same thing on him. Despite how hot and sweaty they both look, they both have smiles on their faces and Eddie looks quite proud of himself.
“I f’ought oo were goin’ to da store,” you say around a mouth full of pasta salad.
“We did,” Eddie said, breaths labored.
“And we set up a surprise for you!” Ryan adds, his beaming grin stretching from ear to ear. 
“And me?” Luke asks optimistically, craning his neck to look over at his father and brother.
“Actually, kind of,” Eddie says with a shrug. “Come on.” Your husband waves the both of you over towards the back door before remembering he should help you up out of the chair–even though you’re capable of doing it yourself. 
The boys both run ahead of you as Eddie stays back with your waddling pace. It feels like no sooner than your bare foot hits the grass of the yard than sweat begins to break out along your hairline. You swear you’ll never complain about the winter being too cold again. 
“It’s small,” you hear Luke say. 
Your eyes catch on the short inflatable kiddie pool set up in the middle of the backyard, two white and blue striped lawn chairs set up beside it, and a large red cooler between them. The garden hose is hanging inside the pool, the green tube writhing like a snake as the water whooshes in to fill the empty space. 
“Cause it’s a kiddie pool, duh,” Ryan replies to his brother. 
“I thought,” Eddie starts, reaching up to rub your shoulders before catching himself, not wanting to make your discomfort worse, “you could sit out here with your feet in the nice cold water. Might help your ankles, too. And you know these two monkeys are always splashing so you’re bound to get caught in the crossfire.”
“Hey,” Luke protests, but Ryan nudges him with his elbow because they both know that their father is right. 
“And…” Eddie takes your hand and gently leads you closer to the chairs, where he opens the cooler that’s nestled between them. Inside there are different flavors of ice pops, ice cream bars, and cold drinks, all enveloped in gallons of ice that have a pleasant chill wafting off them. 
Words become trapped in your throat. Your wonderful husband did all of this for you just because he knows how the heat has been making you feel lately. And after you’ve been a pain in the ass. This would’ve made you emotional even if the hormones didn’t beat you to the punch. 
“Eddie,” you say, all other speech cut off as your bottom lip begins to wobble.
“Uh oh,” Luke whispers.
“No, could be a good thing,” Ryan mumbles back quietly. He was slightly better at understanding the emotional aspect of hormones than his little brother. 
“This is so sweet,” you say, turning to cup your husband’s face in your hands. 
“You’ve been hard at work cooking that bun in the oven,” Eddie says with a shrug. “Oven needs some cooling down though, she’s getting overheated.”
“Ahem,” you hear from behind you. Ryan moves into your peripheral vision, and you turn your head to look at him, sliding your hands down to Eddie’s shoulders as you do. The eldest brother is clearly holding something behind his back, and you scrunch up your brow as you look at him.
“Whatcha got?” you ask.
Eddie huffs out a small chuckle and presses a kiss to your temple before saying, “Ryan found something at the store he says is on every ad for the beach.”
“You bought me sand? The ocean?” you tease the boy.
Ryan rolls his eyes, another reminder that he’s a preteen now. 
“No,” he says. From behind him, Ryan brandishes a floppy hat, and he is certainly right—a woman is wearing one of those in every ad for the beach.
“Ryan, I love it!” you exclaim with a giggle. The grass crunches beneath your feet as you waddle over the few steps to the boy. He holds the straw hat out to you, a bright grin on his face at your happiness. 
“You know,” you say as you accept the hat from him, “I’d bend down so you could put it on my head but then I wouldn’t be able to stand back up.”
“Like crowning a princess!” Luke adds as Ryan laughs.
“Well,” your husband says, coming up behind you, “it’s a good thing I’m taller than Ryan then, huh? Or we could’ve just made Luke help you back up.”
Eddie plucks the hat from your grasp, the straw scratching lightly against your fingertips as he pulls it away. He steps in front of you, and you keep your head level, only raising your eyes to watch Eddie’s pale, toned arms lift to place the floppy hat on top of your head gently. 
“Your Highness,” Eddie says, bowing his head. Your giggle makes Eddie grin as he gestures towards the lawn chairs. “Your throne awaits.”
Twenty minutes later it’s as if the summer heat were merely an annoying insect that you’re only somewhat aware of. Even though the chill water of the miniature pool only goes up to midcalf, sloshes of water have hit you all the way up to your neck. The cool beads of moisture feel like heaven as they meander down your red tank top, though. The denim shorts you’re wearing will weigh a ton later since the boys’ splashing has gotten them so wet, but Eddie’s such a pro at taking your clothes off that he could use a little challenge this time. 
Luke and Ryan manage to find games to play in the small pool—after Luke’s failed attempt at Marco Polo, anyway. Toy boats glide through the water, a few of them on the grass from flying overboard. The two boys shout but they’re outside and having fun, and it’s nice to hear. 
The sound of the back door slamming shut reaches you as you tilt your head back, protected from the sun by Ryan’s thoughtful gift and the sunglasses you grabbed when you got changed. Eyes closed, you listen to footsteps in the grass as Eddie walks your way from the house. They come to a stop and you sense as he crouches down next to you. Lazily, you loll your head to the side and crack your eyes open. 
“How’re my girls?” Eddie asks, placing his right hand over the soaked red shirt covering your baby bump.
“Mmm, good,” you hum. “She’s very happy you bought strawberry shortcake bars.”
“I’m glad she liked them,” Eddie says with a chuckle. “What about you, princess? How do you feel?”
You pretend to consider his question for a moment before speaking.
“Kiss me?” 
You pucker your lips and there’s no hesitation as your husband leans in and gently presses his own against yours.
“Perfect. Now I’m perfect.”
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 6 months
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Pour Some Sugar On Me
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(Older!Alpha Eddie x Omega!Reader)
Summary: It’s been four months since you’ve been mated to Eddie in secret. When he takes you to “Lovers Lake” for a picnic and tells you he’s never hooked up there, it’s only right that you remedy that. WK: 1.8K
Warnings: General Omegaverse behaviors, scenting, knotting, biting, unprotected sex, outside sex, pet names, a whole lotta gushy mushy fluff. No physical descriptions of reader besides her outfit but she does have the nickname “sugar” 18+MNDI!
A/N: SURPISEEE SHAWTY!! I know it’s been a minute since I posted a ST fic but I randomly got the spark to write this today! This is set in the middle of Everlasting Sweeheart before Sugar’s dad finds out about them. Older!Eddie edit is by @eddiemunsons-missingnipple.
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You’ve been seeing Eddie in secret for about four months now and it couldn’t be more perfect. Aside from the fact that it was a secret. It was hard, having to hide your mate from everyone in your life. The only person you’ve told is your childhood best friend but she lives states away. A few of your employees asked about your mark and you brushed them off, not wanting to go into details. You haven’t seen your dad since that day at the shop, the day you realized that Eddie worked for him. You missed him, and you hate sneaking around behind his back. Even though it was your idea to wait, you were ready to tell him. But your mate? He wasn’t quite there yet. So you decided not to push him for now and to just enjoy your little bubble.
Today Eddie has something “special” planned for the two of you but refuses to tell you where you’re going. He does this with every date, plans something elaborate or something as simple as a movie night at home. But it was always romantic. He put a lot of thought into these dates and it made sneaking around infinitely easier on you. On those days, it feels everything and everyone but you and Eddie cease to exist.
“Alright sugar pie, you ready?” Eddie yells down the hall, you made him leave the room so you could get ready because you had a little surprise of your own. He didn’t tell you where you were going, but he at least told you that you were riding on his bike and not in one of his cars. So you’d know what to wear. And it just so happened you had the perfect outfit.
Thus far he's only seen your softer side, your little mini dresses and Mary Jane’s with ribbons tied in your hair. Which was great for when you worked at the bakery, comfy shoes, easy movement, kept your hair out of your face. But there’s a whole other side to you he has yet to discover. You were raised by a biker, after all. You look at yourself in the mirror and smirk. You had even styled your hair differently and your make up was darker than your everyday look. Eddie was going to shit.
“Yeah baby, I’m ready.” You exit the room and Eddie’s jaw literally drops and his keys that were dangling from his fingers fall to the ground.
“Sugar… you look…” his eyes roam your figure, drinking in every inch, every detail. The glossy leather of your thigh high platform boots. The little black ripped jean shorts. The tiny little white tank top. And last but not least? You’re wearing a fucking leather battle jacket. “Wow. You look so fucking sexy. Did you get new clothes?”
“Nah. This is stuff I’ve had forever. I actually started this jacket back in highschool and have gradually added to or changed it. I feel like you’re forgetting who my dad is, Eddie bear. Have you ever looked in my closet? There’s more to me than you think.” You approach him, running your cherry red fingernail along his jaw, causing him to shiver under your touch.
“You’re telling me my little sugar girl has a bad ass rocker side I don’t even know about?” He grips your hips in his large ringed hands, pulling your body taunt against his.
“Guess you’ll just have to stick around and find out.” You pull back, shooting him a wink. “You ready to go or are you gonna stand here and ogle me all night?”
“Oh baby, I’m gonna ogle you alright… but, I’m ready to go.” He gives your butt a little pat before leaning down to pick up his keys. “Come on, get your sexy ass out the door.”
“Okay, okay, I’m going. You don’t have to be pushy.” You tease, giggling as you connect his lips to yours.
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Eddie drove his bike to the edge of town, turning down a dirt road and stopping when he reached the lake he apparently nicknamed “lovers lake”. He had a whole picnic packed tightly in the seat compartment of his motorcycle with all your favorite foods and treats. He even brought little candles and wine.
“This is nice Eddie, it’s really pretty here.” Your head is resting on his shoulder and you smile up at him sweetly.
“Yeah? I’m glad baby. Used to come out here in highschool in my van. Open up the back and just smoke and think, enjoy the silence. Figured it would be nice.” He smooths a hand over your hair before cupping your cheek, placing a tender kiss on your forehead.
“All by yourself? You didn’t bring any girls out here? That’s why they call it lovers lake, right?” You wiggle your eyebrows at him playfully.
“Ha! No, definitely didn’t bring any girls out here. Teenage Eddie wasn’t very popular with the ladies.”
“Hmm… that’s too bad, seems like a nice place to get your guts rearranged by a hot metal head, if you ask me.” You rest a hand on his chest, looking up at him with hooded eyes.
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That’s how you ended up where you are now, bent over Eddie’s bike, your shorts discarded on the ground somewhere, panties pushed to the side and his tongue buried as deep inside you as possible. He insisted you keep the boots and the jacket on because it was “really doing it for him”.
“Fuck baby, you always taste so sweet.” Eddie mumbles against your core, the vibrations causing you to moan out. His skilled tongue pushes you closer to the edge with each passing second. He leans down to take your clit between his lips as his thick digits circle your entrance. He starts to thrust his fingers in and out of you, curling them just right so they brush against your sweet spot with each stroke. It has you seeing stars, your pussy clenching so tightly around his fingers he feels like they’re going to get pushed out.
“Oh my god! Fuck, Eddie! Feels so fucking good, you always make me cum so good. Want your cock.”
“Don’t worry sugar, I’m not fucking done with you yet.” You hear the sound of his belt, followed by his zipper. He pushes his pants down just enough for his cock to spring free, taking it in his hand and running it through your slick folds. “How bad do you want it?”
“So bad alpha, want your knot.” You whimper as you push back against him. He pushes into you in one breath taking thrust.
“Ah fuck, you’re always so god damn tight.” Eddie pushes his hips flush against yours, his tip brushing against your sweet spot. His hands grip onto your ass, the cool night air making his rings cold against your skin. He squeezes the flesh of your cheeks while he starts to rock into you slow and deep, teasing you.
“Eddie, faster, please, go faster.” You bounce back against him, your ass jiggling deliciously in his tattooed hands.
“Yeah? My pretty girl wants it faster?” He pulls almost all the way out before slamming back inside you, the sound of his hips clapping against your ass echoing through the trees. He starts to fuck into you hard and fast, your upper half resting against the plush bike seat and the tips of your boot clad feet are the only thing touching the ground.
“Mmm alpha, I need your cum. Need your knot. You make me feel so fucking full.”
Eddie leans forward, his chest pressing against your back, making his cock thrust even deeper inside you. One of his hands snakes around you to rub your clit while he brings his lips to your neck, leaving sloppy wet kisses along the expanse of your throat. He shoves his nose into your scent gland and inhales, your sugary sweet scent sending his eyes rolling into the back of his head.
“You smell so fucking good omega. My omega. My sweet girl.” He nips at the skin of your neck before biting down, latching his teeth to your skin. It’s all too much. It all feels too good. The speed of the circles on your clit increases and that’s all it takes to send you tumbling over the edge.
“Ohmygod! Eddieeee, mmm fuck.” He fucks you through it before leaning up off of you to chase his own high.
“This pussy’s so fucking good. Tastes so sweet. Sucks me in so good. So tight. Fucking made for me.” His eyes don’t know where to settle, his thick cock disappearing into your creamy walls over and over again. The way your back is curved from how you’re bent over his bike. The way those fucking boots hug the top of your thighs.
“Give your cum alpha, fuck a pup into me.”
“Oh god.” His hips slap hard against yours a few more times before he’s pushing them flush against your ass, filling you with ropes of his cum. His knot starts to swell inside you and he goes to pull out so you aren’t stuck in this awkward position until it goes down but you just hook your leg around his, keeping him in place.
“No, I want your knot, Eddie. I’ll stay like this all night just to have it.”
“Jesus Christ.” You let out a little whimper that turns into a loud moan as his knot pops inside you. The feeling sending you into another mind blowing orgasm. Eddie leans his chest down against you again so he can leave loving little pecks against your cheek and rub his nose against your throat.
“That was so fucking hot.” You giggle, reaching behind you to tangle your fingers in his hair.
“Yeah, it was, but now we’re stuck like this. So I’m gonna need you to stop laughing or we are going to be stuck here all night.” Eddie chuckles as he leans into your touch.
“Just fall back on your ass, it’ll be fine.”
He leans up, gripping your hips as he lets his ass fall back onto the ground. He lands with you on top of his lap with a gentle thud.
“Guess this isn’t so bad.” Eddie cups your cheek, turning your head to the side so he can connect your lips in a passionate kiss. No matter how many times he kisses you like this you think it’ll still make a bomb filled with butterflies go off in your stomach.
“So… how was your first lovers lake hookup?”
“World altering. Wouldn’t have wanted it to be with anyone else. I love you, sugar.”
“I love you too Eddie, so much.” You giggle fondly, taking his face in your hand.
“You’ve seriously gotta stop with that cute ass giggling or I’m just gonna have to fuck you again.”
“Maybe that’s what I want?” You raise a challenging eyebrow at him, a smirk spread across your lips.
“Ohhh you’re in for it now.” He grabs your hips, manhandling you onto your hands and knees with his knot still inside you. “I can stay here all night.”
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Taglist: @eddiesxangel @bimbobaggins69 @fairymunson @artistwhodoesntpost @witchyhippysstuff @djoseph-quinn @freak-of-hawkins
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hawkinsbnbg · 6 days
standin' at that altar, or we will run away
prompt: sneaking around | @steddiesmuttyseptember
tags: exes to lovers, bathroom sex, daddy kink, barebacking, creampie, top Eddie, possessive Eddie, bottom Steve, babygirl Steve, steddie in love.
word count: 1k7 | rated: E | ao3
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Steve sipped his wine and sighed inwardly. It was too early to ingest the alcohol, but knowing his parents would criticize him no matter what, he didn't have any reason to behave himself.
If they thought being late was a power move, then he should be allowed to drink all of their expensive wine.
At least, he snorted humorlessly, waiting for them was better than another blind date.
Steve was a little tipsy when he finally saw him.
Black suit jacket, white open-collared, ironed trousers, and shiny shoes. His long curls were pulled up in a ponytail, tattoos visible on the back of his hands and fingers—adorned with silver chunky rings.
Since the restaurant wasn't exactly packed, it was criminally easy to pick out a familiar face among the sea of dining patrons.
Steve knew he was staring, but Eddie Munson wouldn't be a thorn in his side if the man stopped looking good even for a second.
Especially when he dressed up, a once-in-a-blue-moon thing that would make Steve weak in the knees.
He watched Eddie empty a glass of water and set it down, then stand up from the table and walk away.
Steve loosened his tie and sat there for a moment longer, glancing at his watch to check the time before also getting up and leaving his table.
Steve couldn't believe he would follow his ex of all people into a restaurant's bathroom. Which, sadly, wasn't news at all.
Because if there was nothing to stop him, he would follow Eddie to the end of Earth and even beyond death.
Perhaps, Steve supposed, he was a bigger freak than he gave himself credit for.
"Ed– Oof!"
He was pulled into a sturdy chest as soon as he opened the door.
The sight of Eddie—tall and broad shouldered—with his shirt's sleeves rolled up to the elbows, revealing more of the intricate inks, would forever be ingrained in Steve's brain.
A ringed hand came up to hold his chin aloft, dark brown eyes regarded him with an unreadable look before plump lips descended on his own, seizing him in a fervent kiss.
As his pants were stripped and long slicked fingers pressed into him, Steve couldn't remember why he didn't want to trail after Eddie in the first place.
In the mirror, he looked debauched with his disheveled appearance; tousled hair, unbuttoned shirt, red swollen lips, and hickey-covered neck.
All the while, Eddie's gaze felt like a physical touch on him—scorching, heavy, and ravenous.
Steve had missed it; the feeling of being desired and adored in the same touch and in all one breath. It was intoxicating, got him light-headed more than any alcohol or drug.
"More," he pushed his hips back, one hand hooking behind Eddie's neck while the other splaying on the bathroom counter. He clenched around the fingers working inside him, hoping they would be replaced by something bigger soon.
"Such a greedy little thing, hm?" Eddie mouthed the column of his throat and stroked his prostate relentlessly, drawing punch-drunk moans from him. "My fingers not enough for you, princess?"
Steve shook his head frantically. He wanted Eddie; whole and scalding and everything. He wanted and wanted until his body was torn into pieces, reaching its limit and incapable of containing his greed, his hunger—
His love for this beautiful man.
And oh, he had said it again, didn't he?
I love you, I love you, I love you.
Unrestrained. Unashamed. Unrepentant.
Eddie made a wounded noise like it was punched right out of him.
And while Steve loved like the sun, burning and consuming; Eddie loved like the moon, tender and forgiving.
Embracing him in warmth and affection even when he was the one at fault. Even when he had been a coward and run away.
"Missed you, Daddy," he trembled in the safety of those strong arms, barely able to conceal the desperation in his voice. "Need it so bad– Please–"
"Anything, baby," Eddie clutched his waist in a bruising grip, sounding hoarse and shaky, as he pushed slowly into him, stretching him open, tearing him asunder. "Anything."
Steve dropped his mouth in a silent moan, squeezing his eyes shut when Eddie set up a brutal pace right off the bat.
Neither of them had much time to savor this sacred moment. A reunion after two months apart. A drop of morning dew sliding off a green leave.
And he let Eddie use his body, slamming into him with an urgent need—as if his inside was the hearth of life, as if Eddie needed to be balls deep in him like air—chasing the blazing flame that they were both after.
"Am I that girl you dream of, baby?" Eddie grabbed his jaw to make him meet those crazed eyes in the mirror, hot lips pressing against his artery—thumping like a hummingbird. "Does she pamper you the way I did? Does she make love to you and fuck you like this? Does she tie you up? Eat you out until you cry and beg for her cock?"
"There's no one–" Steve was interrupted by the insistent knocks on the door. And suddenly remembered that they were very underdressed in a public setting.
Not that it had ever stopped Eddie from bending him over the nearest surface and going to town.
"Fuck off!" Eddie shouted at the door with a scowl.
"Yeah, fuck off," Steve giggled.
His parents would definitely have a coronary if they found out their straight son was given the pounding of his life in a bathroom. And right in a restaurant under the Harrington's name, nonetheless.
"Wanna share with the class what's so funny, darlin'?" Eddie rolled his hips and Steve's laughter suddenly cut into a strangled moan.
The constant pressure on his prostate wasn't a joke, making Steve drool and lose his mind.
"Love you, Daddy," he babbled incoherently, not caring that it didn't make any sense. "Love you so much. Love your cock so much."
"Jesus Christ, baby."
His eyes rolled back as Eddie grounded into his prostate and bumped his weeping dick quickly, setting his nerves alight and sending him over the edge.
Steve convulsed as he got overwhelmed by the toes-curling pleasure, muscles flexing and milking the thick length inside him like his life depended on it.
"That's– Fuck–" Eddie groaned and pressed his forehead on Steve's shoulder, blunt nails digging into the trim waist and leaving their crescent indents behind.
Steve wished they would take forever to fade.
After a few stuttered thrusts, Eddie buried deep and spilled inside him, filling him up to the brim.
"Don't pull out," Steve whimpered, clamping down even as he knew full well it was impossible.
"Me and you both, sweetheart," Eddie pressed a wistful kiss on his temple, slipping out easily from his sloppy hole.
After using the toilet paper to wipe down his backside and dick, Eddie pulled his briefs and pants back on, deft hands snaking around his torso to do his belt and zipper for him.
When Eddie turned him around to button his shirt and tucked it in as well, Steve's softened dick gave a valiant twitch at the feeling of Eddie's cum dripping from his hole.
His underwear would be a mess by the time he was home, but if he played his cards right, Eddie would clean it for him.
"Hey, Ed–"
"Steve, I–"
They paused and shared a shy smile.
"You first," Steve said, cheeks tinged pink as Eddie's hands came to rest on his waist, boxing him in against the counter.
"I know none of this is your fault. So whatever you need to do to fulfill your duty, I forgive you," Eddie gave him a tender smile, stealing his breath away. "And I'll wait for you for however long it takes. Because I know it hurts you as much as I, if not worse, to listen to your parents. I don't agree with it, but I understand that you have your reason to do so."
Steve felt guilt run through him, his eyes burned and his lips quivered as he rested his forehead on Eddie's shoulder, wanting to hide his tears because what right did he have to cry now?
"Let me be your silent support, baby," Eddie's fingers combed through his hair gently. "Let me take care of you even from the shadows."
"No!" He lifted his head to meet those kind brown eyes. "You don't deserve that– I can't– I won't keep you a secret, Eddie."
"I love you, and there's no other way for us–"
"There is," Steve raised his hand to wipe the tears in his eyes, smiling wobbly at his boyfriend. "I'm here today to break the big news to my parents. If you're willing to take me in when they disown me and deny my inheritance right–"
Someone banged on the door loudly from the outside, but Steve didn't care about it. Wealth, fame, reputation; they all paled in comparison to the man he loved.
"–then I'll go with you."
Eddie gave him a searching look, as if what he just said was too good to be true. Which Steve couldn't fault him after everything he had put him through. But it hurt still, to be doubted by his love because he had proved himself untrustworthy with his foolishness.
"Are you sure, sweetheart?" Eddie asked softly, caressing Steve's cheekbone with the back of his hand. "I'm not your parents. I'm just a small-time musician. A life with me won't be the same as anything you grew up with. I don't want you to regret your decision, baby."
"And you called me a worrier," Steve teased gently, before grabbing Eddie's wrist to kiss his ring finger—tattooed with a princess crown. "A life with you sounds good enough to me."
"Yeah?" Eddie smiled at him, fond and precious.
"Yeah," Steve smiled back, feeling his body tingle with light. So bright that he could rival the sun.
At the sound of the door being unlocked, Steve winked at Eddie.
"Let's bring me out of the closet. Show my parents that I'm as straight as a rubber band."
"Stephen Joseph Harrington," Eddie grinned widely and gazed at him in awe. "I'm gonna marry you one day."
Steve tipped forward and kissed Eddie soundly when those loving arms caught him.
Yeah, one day soon.
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dontshootmespence · 20 days
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“It’s gonna be my year.”
The mantra echoed in Eddie’s head, repeating itself with ever-increasing volume to the point where he didn’t even hear the obnoxious clang of the bell that signaled the end of class. 
Shaking out the monotony, he got up from his desk and slowly ambled toward his locker. Going to class was a bore, but if this was what he had to do to get out of this hellhole he was going to make it happen. The hallways were abuzz with students talking about anything and everything. Nothing that actually mattered though. He caught snippets of conversations about weekend plans, the upcoming game, marching band, and some of his D&D friends talking about their most recent epic campaign. 
Once his friends passed him, he tuned out the rest of the student body. Either none of them mattered to him, they pissed him off, or they were unattainable to him. 
Before he could even register it, some asshole in a green and white letterman jacket jammed him in the shoulder, causing his books to fall to the floor. He bent down, grimacing all the while. He was used to it by now.
“Hey, douchebag!” Eddie heard someone scream from behind him. “Does that make you feel cool, Jason?”
Eddie turned his head around to see Y/N yelling at the head of the basketball team. She wasn’t in the “nerd group” so to speak, but she wasn’t exactly popular either. Thing was, she didn’t care. He loved that about her. 
Jason slinked away without saying anything, which made a smile curl at the edge of Eddie’s lips. “Go ahead, walk away like a little bitch!”
When she bent down to help him, he met her gaze and smiled. “Thanks for that. I always love watching you call out the assholes in this place.” He hadn’t really meant for that last part to come out. Eddie the Banished wasn’t necessarily hurting for female attention, but he knew the hierarchy in this place. Who was on his level and who wasn’t. Y/N definitely wasn’t. She was ridiculously smart and effortlessly cool without fitting in with any one group. 
“Jason’s a douche. Don’t pay any attention to him.”
“I try not to,” he laughed, a warmth spreading through him when she laughed too. She handed him his math book. He hated that thing. “I don’t know if I even want this back.”
“Not your best subject?” She asked. 
He stumbled over his words as he took her in. She was wearing acid wash, a checkered red and black sweater-shirt thing that dipped just a little too low, and a little silver chain necklace that highlighted her chest. “Definitely not.” It was rare that he felt ashamed, but in her presence, admitting he could barely pass remedial math, he did. “Thanks for your help.”
“No problem,” she said softly. When he began to walk away, she called for him. “Eddie, I could help you with math if you want.” Her body swayed, a soft smile highlighting her beautiful face. 
“You sure? You’re okay being seen with Eddie “The Freak” Munson?”
She jogged up to his side and they began walking toward the west hall. “People are assholes. I don’t think you’re a freak. I’d be happy to help. We’d just have to find a place to study because my parents don’t allow anyone over.”
“I mean, I live in a trailer with my uncle. Would your parents let you come over?”
She snickered. “No, but I also don’t really tell them anything. I just go where I want and they can’t really get mad because I get good grades and they have appearances they need to maintain. Grounding their only daughter doesn’t look good. Tonight?”
“Definitely, you know where the trailer park is?” He hated saying that out loud to her. 
“Yup. How about 8?”
“Sound good.”
Later that night, Eddie tried desperately to get the guy stink and reefer out of the air. He knew this wasn’t a date or anything, but he still felt the need to impress her. Despite hearing her car roll up to the trailer park, he practically jumped out of his skin when she knocked on the trailer door.
The breath was knocked out of him when he opened the door. She’d changed since class let out, wearing a black skirt, red crop top, and little red heels. “Ready to get started?” She asked.
For nearly an hour and a half, she did her best to break down the mathematical concepts he was supposed to understand. She was more than patient and didn’t say a thing about the fact that his room was a complete mess and the whole trailer still smelled of dope. “Can we take a break?” He asked, rubbing his temple. “I’m starting to get it, but my head is killing me.”
Smiling, Y/N stood up and stretched, even more of her silken skin peeking out from under her shirt. “Sure, what do you usually do to relax?”
Laughing, he replied, “What I normally do is probably not something you’d be into. I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable.”
Her gaze softened in a way that made him warm all over. “I’m not as innocent as you think, Eddie Munson.”
Scrambling off his bed, he went to his drawer and pulled out a pre-rolled joint from earlier - one he’d imagined lighting up after she left. “You ever smoked one of these before?”
“A joint,” she said, reaching across to take the joint and the lighter from his hands, “Yes, I have.” As the end of the cigarette caught flame, she inhaled deeply, and little wisps of smoke danced around her lips. She held her breath, allowing the smoke to fill her lungs. “Not my first time.”
“Who would’ve thought,” Eddie replied with a smile. When she offered the joint to him, he took in between took fingers and slipped it into his mouth, relaxing a bit as he jumped off the bed and grabbed her a snack from the cabinet above their heads. “So, when did you start smoking?”
She hesitated for a moment, taking her turn with the joint before answering. “A couple years ago. As an only child from a well-to-do family, I apparently need to have the weight of the world on my shoulders. My dad wants me to become a doctor, so I study my ass off and they continue to acknowledge that I’m his pride and joy. It’s a lot to handle. And lately, I’ve decided not to apply to college as a pre-med major. I want to follow my own dreams, not his, you know?””
Nodding, he took the joint from her and took a puff. “What do you want to do with your life?” He asked genuinely. 
“I’ve always loved the idea of the ocean even though I’ve never even seen one. I want to study marine biology and learn about sea creatures and stuff.” He saw a weight lift from her shoulders - like she could finally be herself around someone. 
“That’s fucking awesome,” he replied, handing the joint back to her. “Why do your parents not want you to do that? You’d be a brainy scientist.”
“Because apparently nothing is respectable besides being a doctor or a lawyer.”
She spoke with such disdain that he felt bad for ever assuming that her life was an easy one just because she came from better circumstances than him. He swallowed the lump in his throat. “You’ll make an amazing marine biologist, and you’ll do it on your terms. Fuck everyone else’s expectations.”
Silence hung heavily like the smoke in the air. When she went to hand the joint back to him, he held up his hand. “Take another one. I think you might need it more right now.”
Her smile shined in the smoke-infused trailer. Spinning around, her arms outstretched, she pulled the cigarette to her lips and took a small hit before stopping herself abruptly. “Thanks, Eddie. I really needed this.”
“It’s the least I can do for the math help.”
She took another big puff of the joint and crossed the space between them, pausing in front of him. His eyes fell to her lips and the next thing he knew they were on him, the smoke from her mouth traveling to his own. Slowly, she slipped her tongue across his before pulling away.
Eddie stood almost frozen in place, still feeling the heat of her lips on his. “Y-you didn’t just do that because you’re in a like, vulnerable place right?”
She shook her head, reaching for the hem of her shirt and slipping it off to reveal that she wasn’t wearing a bra. 
“I...” Eddie’s mouth went dry.
As she stepped toward him, she reached out to grasp his hand. His fingertips were rough and semi-cracked from his near-constant guitar playing, but she didn’t flinch, placing his hand on her breast. 
Without hesitation, Eddie pulled her toward him and molded his other hand to her skin, pliant and warm. Roaming her body, he breathed. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous.” 
She bit her lip and cradled her head in the crook of his neck, filling herself with the scent of him - earthy wisps of dried flowers and a crackling fire with just a hint of something that was all his own. He drowned in the feeling of her warmth against him, a heavy breath escaping his mouth as she kissed the spot just below his ear.
“Want you,” she said softly, running her hands under his belt.
Eddie grasped a swath of her hair and pulled her mouth to his, their previous hesitancy and intent giving way to a frenetic intensity that neither had felt in quite some time. Clothing fell to the floor as they stumbled over the various items left there, landing with a thud against the wall right next to his guitar.
“Will you play for me someday?” Y/N asked, stepping out of her skirt. 
Eddie nodded, moaning when she bit his lower lip and ripped his belt from its loops. “Absolutely.” His light-hearted smile fell as she dropped to her knees before him.
Looping her fingers under his jeans and boxers, she replied. “I’ll hold you to it.” His cock sprang free, and she smiled against him, placing kisses from the base of his shaft to the tip of his cock.
He let out a shaky breath when she added her tongue to the mix, nearly losing his balance as his knees gave way slightly. She laughed against the curls at the base of his cock and placed her hands against the wall on either side of him. “I’ve got you,” she said melodically. 
When he looked down, he nearly lost it, her eyes glossed over in ecstasy, lips plump and dewy with spit. “Fuck,” he replied, swallowing the lump in his throat. “Need...” As she wrapped her lips around him, all thought was cut off and the rest of what he was going to say got caught in his throat.
Raw need permeated every nerve, his body on fire at the feel of her mouth, warm, wet, and swirling around his shaft. Slipping his hands into her hair, he guided her movements, showing her what he liked without saying a word. They fell into a rhythm of groans and thrusts, his cock randomly hitting the back of her throat, the feeling shooting straight to her pussy. When she moaned around him, he nearly came, pulling her off him just in time. “Wait,” he said, eyes hooded with need, “have to be inside you.”
Pulling her toward the bed, he knocked some of his knick-knacks over trying to grab for a condom. He quickly sheathed himself and fell back onto the bed, guiding himself into her with one smooth movement.
“Holy fuck,” they groaned simultaneously.
Pure, unadulterated lust overcame the lingering effects of the joint. Leaning forward, she grasped his lips in a kiss as her hips bucked up and down. "Fuck me, Munson."
Eddie slipped his hands into her hair, gently tugging at the scalp and smiling against her as she whimpered. She smelled like weed and sunshine, the scent filling his nose as he pulled her down onto him, filling her fully.
Without a word, he flipped her over and let instinct take over, grinding slowly into her sweet cunt until she was crying out, legs wrapped tightly around his waist. “Holy hell,” she breathed.
He pulled her in close, reveling in the feel of her sweat-slick skin against his. “I really hope you get out of this town, Y/N. You deserve it.”
“You do too, Eddie. What would you do if you got out of here?”
He pondered the question for a moment. "Honestly, I don't know. I've never believed I'd get out...until this year. I feel like I might actually graduate at 20."
"I'll help," she said sincerely, looking up at him, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. "I'll tutor you in math and once you graduate maybe we can shove off to one of the coasts. I can study marine life, you can play for me, and you'll figure out what you want to do with your life."
That sounded perfect, almost too good to be true. "I'd like that," he replied, kissing the top of her head. "It's finally gonna be my year."
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stevesbipanic · 1 month
@steddieangstyaugust Day 25: Soulmates
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Steve had spent his whole life looking for his soulmate. As a child he'd love to read the fairytales of how two people would kiss and the world would burst into colour.
As he grew older he earned the title of player by making his way through the female population of Hawkins High, treating girls to a magical date night and sealing the deal at the end with a kiss.
He'd never been on a second date until Nancy. She wasn't swayed by his easy moves, insisting on being treated right before finding out if they were soulmates, wanted to like him for him and not date first. Maybe if they'd shared their first kiss earlier they wouldn't have been so disappointed up in Steve's room while Barb got killed.
He hadn't wanted to make the same mistake with Robin as he had with Nancy, he knew he liked her, he couldn't help but tell her in that bathroom.
"I wish platonic soulmates existed."
"Don't love you any less, soulmate or lesbian, you're still my Birdie."
With Robin the world seemed less black and white in its own special way. If he could decide he thinks robins laugh would be like yellow, her smile like orange and her heart as red as red could be. Maybe, one day Robin would find her soulmate and tell him all about the colours around them.
He stopped looking for his soulmate, he was content. He had the kids, he had Robin, he was ok. He didn't need to think about dreams or fairytales anymore.
He wished he'd kept looking.
He wished he had a time machine, could go back to freshman year and tell young Steve to just kiss everyone in school, everyone, especially that dorky metalhead who's loud and nerdy and so so pretty even if he won't admit it.
If he had kept searching maybe he could've avoided this.
He could've avoided their first kiss being through CPR.
Steve thinks for the rest of his life his favourite colour will be the deep brown of Eddie's eyes.
His least favourite would be the red blood that matches the colour of the sky.
He thinks he could've loved green if it was a grassy field they laid in and not the burnt green of this hellscape.
Black somehow seems darker here.
He wished they could be under a bright blue sky, with a shining yellow sun.
He now knows bruises could be purple and orange.
He thinks Eddie's cheeks would look prettier pink instead of a pale white.
Most of all, he thinks the worst colour of all, is the grey he watched it all turn again, before he even had the chance to say goodbye.
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eddiesxangel · 10 months
Hey, Mr. Claus🎅🏻 | Santa!Eddie x Reader
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Holiday Prompt Party hosted by @allthingsjoeq and @bettyfrommars 🥰
Prompt: You can tell that the mall Santa is a babe under that beard, and you decide to get closer to investigate.
CW: This is loosely based on a TikTok I saw. Flirting and fluff.
WC: 1.4k
“Santa! Santa!” Your three-year-old nephew tugged your hand as he ran towards the man in red walking towards you.
“Yeah, buddy, Santa!” You smiled as he tugged you closer and closer just before his hand slipped from yours and charged the man dressed up in a fake white beard, red and white fluffy hat and suit, headed in your direction.
“Christopher! You get back here right now!” You yell as you chase after him through the halls of the busy mall. He doesn’t listen to you. He completely ignores you as he runs into the arms of the mall Santa. You watch as Santa opens his arms wide and embraces the little boy with a big smile, not seeming bothered by the little boy who has just tackled him.
If you weren’t so worried, it would be the most darling thing you’ve witnessed this year.
“Ho ho ho, who do we have here?” You heard the very fake, deep voice addressing you and your nephew.
“I’m chwistopho!” Your nephew shrieks as he gazes up at the fake bearded man.
"Now, Christopher, you know running away from your mommy isn't nice. She looked very worried; he crouched down to his level. Giving you a little wink. His brown eyes were memorizing and took you aback as you approached the two of them. He was much younger than any Santa you've ever encountered before. His nose was flushed red as if he had put on blush to make it look cold. His eyes were rimmed with white eyeliner, making them more cartoonish and round. He also had black lines where crowss feet would be if he was older.
“That’s not my Mommy! That’s my Auntie!” He giggles like Santa is the silliest man on earth.
"Ho ho ho! I am so silly, of course, I knew that wasn't your Mommy! I know all the children of the world and their parents; I was testing you! Good lad." The cute young mall Santa chuckled.
“Come on buddy, Santa is on his break for his milk and cookies, we don’t want to bother him anymore. You don’t want to get on the naughty list.” That caught his attention really quick.
“I’ve been a good boy!” He protested while snuggling into Santa’s fluffy suit.
“I know you’ve been a good boy. I’ll be visiting your house. Don’t you worry!” Santa exclaimed as he picked up your nephew in his arms.
“See, little bear, don’t worry, Santa had your back.” You wink.
"Don't you worry either" Santa addressed you now. "I'm sure you're on my nice list as well." Was Santa flirting me you?
You couldn't help but feel your cheeks heat up as Santa passed your nephew back with open arms.
"What do we say to Santa?" You asked the little boy in your arms.
"Thank you!" He squealed as he blew a kiss to the not-so-old man.
Christopher let you know he was so excited to tell his mom and dad how he met Santa today and that you were the best auntie ever!
"You also tell him that he owes me one when we get you home. Okay, buddy?” You tell Christopher as you walk away from the mall Santa; wishing you got to speak to him more. He rambled on so much as you walked back to the exit, that you didn't get a proper chance to say goodbye to Santa.
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You still couldn't get the cute young Santa out of your head the following day. You thought about him all night, replaying how adorable the interaction had been between Christopher and him. So you decided to go back to the mall today and see if you could find him.
You found the line to take pictures with Santa in the middle of the mall, it wasn’t hard to miss because the lineup for it was outrageous. You hoped they were paying him well, there were way too many kids here. You rounded the corner to the back of the line and hoped this was worth it.
After going back and forth with yourself on what you would say to him, you’d chickened out a few times before hyping yourself back up. Before you knew it you were next in line after forty-five minutes of absolute self-torcher.
As you examine the man in the big red suit, you observe how tired he is until his eyes lock on you. He immediately fixes his posture, his smile seems more genuine, and his big doe eyes brighten.
You take a deep breath and walk up with all the fake confidence in the world, knowing you look weird without a kid.
"Ho ho ho, have a seat, Sugar Plum and tell Santa what you want for Christmas!" He patted his knee with a white-gloved hand.
You tentatively go to sit on his knee and wrap an arm around his shoulder while he wraps around your waist in a tight grip.
"Hi," you meekly smile.
"Hi, Snow Angel." He smiled brightly. You can see his straight white teeth smile through the god-awful fake beard.
"Now, what is it you want for Christmas." Santa, aka Eddie, scolded himself for having to keep up the dumb act while the prettiest girl he's ever seen is willingly here in his lap.
"What I want for Christmas is to see if you're really as cute as I think you are under all of this." you gesture to his get-up. "Do you think I deserve that? I am on the nice list; after all." You playfully bat your eyes hoping you are not making a fool of yourself.
Santa Eddie chuckled. "I think that can be arranged. I'll have my Elves on that one straight away!"
“Great, call me.” You slip him a small paper with your name and phone number. But not before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before popping up from his lap, and methodically swaying your hips a little hoping he would stare at your ass and you walked away.
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Eddie couldn’t believe what just happened. He picked up a girl dressed in a fake beard and a smelly tacky red getup. And not just any girl. The girl from yesterday with the bright eyes and beautiful smile. He would be lying if he’d said he hadn’t wished he got your name yesterday.
It was hard to get it together after you’d flustered him. He called for a fifteen-minute break after you had left because he needed to collect himself.
He examined your handwriting; he thought your loopy scrawl was cute. He smirked at the little hearts you drew at the corner. And couldn’t wait for his shift to be over to call you.
Eddie called around 8:00pm that night. You discovered his name was Eddie, not St.Nicholas, Kris Kringle, or Mr. Claus. His normal voice was hot, and you were nervous to see what he looked like. He asked to meet for coffee on Saturday at noon between being flirty and funny, and you couldn’t wait.
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Eddie called you every day for the next 3 days until Saturday. You were nervous but excited to see Eddie’s proper form.
You had gotten to the cafe at 11:53am. You sat in the parking lot until 11:59am and gathered the courage to leave your car. You scanned the room until you saw a pair of brown eyes you couldn’t ever forget. Your breath hitched as he waved and stood up from the booth he reserved for the two of you.
He wasn’t what you expected; honestly, you hadn’t known what to expect, but he was hot. Eddie was way hotter than you anticipated. Like really really hot. His hair was a lot longer than you expected, and he wore a black leather jacket over a black band shirt you didn’t recognize, black jeans and black boots. As he came closer, you saw he had painted his nails black and accessorized with chunky silver rings. He had a five o’clock shadow and had a bit of white liner still rimming his water line he probably couldn’t wash off.
“Hey,” he smiled and pulled you into a hug. His body was bigger than yours, and he smelled so good. It was much better than the dusty old suit he wore when you met him.
“Hi, Santa,” you smile.
“Careful, Sugar Plum; I know the big guy and can get you kicked off the nice list if you keep up that teasing.” He playfully points as you take a step closer.
“Who says I wanna be on the nice list? Maybe I like being naughty.” You smirked while playing with the collar of his shirt.
“Oh ho ho, I knew I would like you,” he laughed.
“Pack it in Santa. I’m here for Eddie.” You raise onto your tip toes to kiss his cheek.
Eddie guided you to the booth, and you couldn’t believe you were on a date with the mall Santa Claus…
Read a smutty part 2 here
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aphrogeneias · 1 year
𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫, 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐱 — leash and collar
pairing: rockstar!eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings: sub!eddie. use of underwear as a gag.
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You didn't expect him to walk in on stage still wearing it.
The lights went out on the stadium, and from your place at the side of the stage, you saw him walk to his place at the center, the rest of Corroded Coffin right behind him, with a cocky grin stretching his dimples and a manic gleam in his eyes. On his neck, there it sat, a simple back leather collar.
It was a gag gift, at first. Whenever you wanted to tease Eddie, you'd call him puppy — and anyone who'd look into his eyes when he was pouting and needing would do the same. He'd always been your puppy, a pretty pink blush on his cheeks when you'd call him that, always in secret, always in a whisper.
A trip to a sex shop with the other band girlfriends was where you'd found it. Bored while the boys were sound checking all morning, you ventured out into the city, and each got something for your own. You didn't expect him to like it so much, much less asking to wear it.
Ask you to use it on him. 
He looked pretty like that, you thought through the haze. Sprawled out in the pristine white sheets of your hotel bed, like a cloud beneath him, floating, lost in the pleasure you were giving him. With your legs on each side of his hips, bouncing on his cock and pulling on the leash attached to his collar.
Alternating the pace between fast and slow, undulating your hips, feeling his thick length deep inside of you, just to speed up again. Eddie whined and whimpered, holding your hips and trying to control your rhythm, but too fucked out to be able to control his own.
His moans were only growing louder, and you had a suspicion the whole floor could hear you. It wouldn't be the first time.
Reaching back, you picked your lace panties that were discarded on the bed, and sticking them into Eddie's open mouth. Still riding him, you held his jaw on one hand, still grabbing the leash with the other.
You watched as his eyes grew twice their size, all brown lost to the black of his pupils. "Are you gonna be a good little puppy for me? Gonna be quiet and let me fuck you?"
His eyes rolled back as he nodded, mumbling something incoherent under the fabric of your underwear. You pulled harder on his leash, now riding him in earnest, feeling your own orgasm rising and rising within you, the drag of your clit on the base of his cock, where you were soaking him with your juices, making your legs shake.
It didn't take long until you were both cumming, the tight grip of your pussy bringing him along with you. 
All of those memories from earlier came crashing when you saw him. Collar on his neck, your panties — the same that were still coated on his spit and your slick — in his back pocket. Bringing a crowd of thousands into an involuntary voyeurism, blissfully unaware of Eddie's display of possessiveness. He belonged to you, yes — but you were his just the same.
As the red hot feeling came over you, a rush of wetness flooding into your newly changed underwear, Eddie looked back at you one last time before addressing the crowd, and winked.
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good morning!! it's @henderdads' birthday!!!! happy happy happy birthday to youuuu cass!!!
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The minute Eddie Munson turned 18, he could see it; the only color he would see until he and his soulmate kissed for the first time.
Rays and rays of warm yellow sunshine, the middle light (and middle light only) of the one stoplight in town, one half of their school colors, the dandelions spotted agross the grass between the trailers, the stubborn daffodils that keep reappearing in Ms. Wilson’s garden though she’s long since passed…
The half-toned things he’s told are green, half yellow, half blue, and that he got lucky his soulmate’s favorite color wasn’t black or gray (then he felt glad he’d settled on a different color than either of those by time he was older, he didn’t want to subject his soulmate to more black and white..
After Steve Harrington turns 18, he can see the color of the lipstick his mom wore in their last family portrait, the color of the punch that gets spilled all over Nancy’s shirt at Tina’s halloween party, the stripes and piping on his godforsaken Scoops uniform, the red of his own blood rushing down the drain beneath his feet.
The dark tone puddled beneath Eddie’s limp body in the Upside Down.
The same color splashed onto Dustin’s arms and legs.
Pressing his hands into it to stop it from spreading, to start it flowing again, Steve presses his lips to Eddie’s once…he hasn’t done CPR since he worked at the pool….twice…”C’mon man, don’t leave him like this.”....
The third time is when it happens.
The feeble beat of Eddie’s heart starting again, the push of breath into his lungs, the sudden flood of cool, dark colors around them. 
“Eddie? Eddie! C’mon man, stay with me.”
It looks like it takes a herculean effort to do so, but Eddie’s eyes open. “H–hey, Harrington. Wh–”
“I’m going to pick you up now, Ed,” Steve says, doing just that, tucking Eddie into his chest and starting for the trailer. “El is keeping the gate open for us but we gotta hurry.”
The four of them manage to get him out through the gate and into the RV, this time with Nancy behind the wheel. 
Having to let him go at the doors to the ER is one of the hardest things he’s ever had to do, but he manages, Robin telling him over and over again that she’d already called Eddie’s Uncle and that he’d be safe.
While they’re waiting, filthy and exhausted but victorious nonetheless, Nancy says to him: “It’s blue, by the way. The…everything down there has some sort of blue tinge to it.”
Steve doesn’t ask how she knew, just appreciates that he can look at something and she’ll tell him the name of the color. 
The pattern of the chairs is orange and purple, the plant in the corner is green (“All plants are some shade of it for the most part.”), the wallpaper is his favorite though.
“It’s yellow.”
“I guess I know what color Eddie’s been seeing the past few years..” It’s the first and last thing he says until Wayne Munson comes to get them.
“You three need’ta be looked at too. Not jus’ Henderson.”
He leads them back to a room, and Steve recognizes Dr. Owens there waiting for them.
They get looked over, they get cleaned up, and Steve gets a shot of something that’s supposed to help stave off anything those flying rats may have given him.
And for the next week, he stays. 
He and Wayne maintain a constant vigil at Eddie’s bedside. Wayne leaves for his shifts when he has to, Steve is allowed to stay because of his soulmate status, and Eddie wakes up a little more than a week later.
Wayne had left a couple hours ago, so Steve will have to call him at the plant but first: “Steve?” Eddie manages to croak out when his eyes crack open the first time.
“Hey Eds, welcome back to the world of the living.”
Eddie shuts his eyes and huffs a laugh, then cringes, “Still painful as always, I see.”
“Oh yeah? What else do you see?”
Steve watches his brow furrow as he tries to make sense of the question, watches as he opens his eyes again, a bit further this time, and when they widen in amazement as they travel around the room.
“What–? What the hell..?” The heightened beeping of his heart monitor makes Steve feel almost giddy, getting to watch him see this for the first time. “What nurse kissed me while I was out?” He pauses, staring down a painting of colorful wildflowers on the opposite wall before turning back to Steve. “And can they come back so I can get more pain meds?”
Steve chuckles as he stands stiffly from the hospital chair he’d been all but glued to for the last week, reaching over Eddie’s head to press the call button.
“What’s so funny?”
“You, of course.”
“Thank you, I try, but what’d I do this time?”
“It wasn’t a nurse, Eds.”
Eddie blinks at him for a moment, confused, “I don’t quite have the brainpower for riddles, Stevie.”
Steve’s stomach flips at the nickname, “It wasn’t a nurse, it was when we were still in the—down there.” he pauses, feeling suddenly embarrassed. Did Eddie want it to be him? His first assumption was one of the nurses… “Someone had to give you CPR.”
He watches as Eddie scrolls through what he can only assume is a roster of their “Team Vecna”; Nancy? It’s been known that she’s been able to see in full color since she and Jonathan got together. Dustin? Yeah..no. Ro–
“And it wasn’t Robin.” Steve says when he sees Eddie’s lips curl into an ‘R’.
“Then who—”
It dawns on him at the same time the summoned nurse arrives with a new shot of whatever it is he needs.
She leaves with an excited “We’ll call Wayne!”, and Eddie drops his head back to his pillow.
Steve’s stomach twists anxiously. “Eddie?”
“So you’re telling me that the one and only Steve Harrington gave me the kiss of life and also the gift of colorvision, and I wasn’t conscious enough to experience it properly?”
Steve ducks his head, scratching behind his ear nervously. “Uh…yeah…? Sorry Eddi–”
“Can you do it again?”
His head snaps up again, “Huh?”
“And preferably before I lose the battle for my consciousness?”
Eddie’s face is soft and open, a smile quirking the pink of his lips and crinkling those dark eyes of his…Who is Steve to tell him no?
He smiles softly in return and stands.
Leaning forward with his weight braced to one side of Eddie’s head, the other hand coming up to cup his uninjured cheek, Steve kisses him properly for the first time.
The first of many many many more to come.
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eeee i hope you liked this little thing!!! i've never written anything w soulmates before!! 🥹 i hope you have the most bestest day today, friend!! 🫶🫶
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Eddie Munson x fem!reader [4.7K] mean!eddie, toxic relationships, exes to hooking up, power plays and a nineties house party. You weren’t sure whose house you were in, but there was body glitter smeared across their white walls. 
Weezer was blasting from the stereo in the living room, crowds of people moving between there and the kitchen, more draped over the staircase, making out with people they just met. You weren’t sure what time it was, but it was dark outside the windows, the rest of the house lit up with plug-in disco balls that spun slowly, discs of orange and red and blue and pink bouncing off of faces and floors. 
It was late enough that you’d lost your shoes, late enough that the watermelon vodka you’d brought with you was empty. Late enough to make some bad decisions. 
Robin found you in the kitchen, shoulders bumping against yours as she steadied herself, eyes red rimmed and she smelled like smoke and cherries, the blue eyeshadow you helped her perfect was now a smattering of aquamarine glitter down her cheeks. The lights made her look like a fairy, the cheap drink made her look too far gone. 
“You okay?” You asked her, grinning when she pulled you into her chest, your cheek smashed against her own. You’d have matching freckles now, blue and sparkly. “Where’s Nance?”
“She’s peeing,” Robin yelled back, a little too loud since the music was fading into another song. You winced but laughed all the same when she smacked a noisy kiss to your cheek before turning her mouth to the shell of your ear. “That guy has been checking you out all night.”
Robin gestured not so subtly to a boy by the door. Tall, blonde, green eyes. Pretty enough, if you liked cargo pants and the Ed Hardy look. You didn’t know him but he caught your gaze and lifted his chin in greeting. You looked away. 
“Mmm,” you wrinkled your nose and you dragged Robin back into the living room, coffee tables pushed up against walls as throngs of people gyrated under the lights. Everyone sparkled, mini skirts showing off bare legs, flashes of neon stripes in hair. “Not my type,” you told her. 
“Oh, we’re getting fussy now, huh?” Nancy appeared between you both, a bright blue bottle of something in one hand. She took a sip and then offered it to Robin. “I thought you wanted laid tonight?”
You shrugged, looking down, avoidant. You plucked at the charm bracelet on your wrist, turning the glow stick that was wrapped above round and round. You weren’t sure where it came from but it turned your skin violet. “Maybe,” you told your friends. “I don’t know.”
You had wanted to get laid tonight. That was the plan, anyway. That’s why you were wearing your shortest skirt, a white, pleated thing that would be more suited for a cheerleader but a boy had once told you it was his favourite. The snag in the plan was that particular boy was nowhere to be found.  You had already searched through the party with only the faces of strangers staring back at you, and when you made it into the backyard, your heart stalled at the sight of Gareth, of a leather jacket and a black and white baseball shirt. 
But the boy wasn’t with his friend and you didn’t want to give either of them the satisfaction of letting them know you were looking. So when Gareth caught your eye and smirked, shrugging, you spun on your heel and tried to pretend you didn’t know even know him anymore. 
It had been months, after all. 
And you had been the one to break up with him. Hadn’t you? That part of the story was blurry, maybe even up for debate. At least, he liked to fight you on the fact of the matter. Another party, another girl who got too close, a situationship that hadn’t been defined even though the night before he was whispering all things sweet into the junction of your thighs. It had all been cherry vodka and weed, a messy argument under the blare of R’n’B and neither of you had had the patience to listen to the other. 
You’d thrown his leather jacket at him and walked home.
The next weekend you’d watched as he pulled Tammy Peterson onto his lap and licked into  her mouth, his heavy eyes on you as you stood across the room and watched. Tammy left with his jacket that night, heavy and clinking with zips and chains.
You hadn’t spoken since. 
So why did seeing his name buzz across your phone screen not surprise you?
munson: heard u were lookin 4 me 
You scoffed, staring down at the little pink phone in your hand, the tiny text barely even visible in the low light. Confidence oozed from his message and you lifted your head, scanning through the crowd until you found Gareth, still lingering by the back door and he grinned knowingly when he caught your eye. You scowled, lifting your hand to flip him the bird and the sincerity of it was lessened by the butterfly ring on your finger. 
Robin and Nancy frowned, both of them moving to your sides to peer over your shoulders. “What’s going on? Who’s texted you?”
You hit the back button suspiciously quick, the green Home Screen empty of anything incriminating but you still hid it against your chest. The device seemed to burn you, as did your cheeks. “What?” You yelled over the music, swallowing hard. You suddenly wished the stereo was louder. “Nothing. No one.”
It was easy to make an excuse then, leaving the two girls on the makeshift dance floor as you pushed past people on the staircase, elbowing couples who were too busy making out. You caught the bathroom door just as someone was leaving it, a boy too drunk to stand upright and he slurred something at you just before you slammed it behind him, sliding the lock into place. The music was quieter in there, a muted thud of drum and bass from below your feet. There was a half full can of beer on the toilet cistern and someone had left their bra in the bathtub. There was more glitter on the tiles, pink, lavender and gold and the overhead bulb had been swapped out for a bug zapper, the whole room turned violet. 
You tapped out a reply, perched against the sink, bubblegum pink nails pressing furiously at the buttons, your nose scrunched in annoyance, the tip of your tongue trapped between teeth. 
u heard wrong :)
You didn’t have to wait long for a reply, your cell vibrating in your hands and announcing a new text message. The tiny screen of your Nokia lit up green with the boy’s name, something that still made your heart pound.  
munson: dont play coy w me sweetheart.. we both know u miss me x
don’t flatter yourself baby 
You knew this game. You loved this game. And Eddie Munson was your favourite person to play it with. It was coming around to that late night early morning hour that led to badly made plans, that time of the night when friends were too drunk to keep tabs and the front door of the house you were in had a pretty golden glow to it, an escape to someone’s bed. 
You squeezed your thighs together, chipped nail polish tapping against your teeth and you chewed at your thumb, waiting. You really did want to get laid. It had been too long, one drunken hook up since you’d decided that Eddie wasn’t worth your time anymore, a guy from the town over, taken back to yours after a party in someone else’s backyard that led to beer pong and a heavy make out session against a strangers corvette. 
He couldn’t find your clit, thought foreplay was a few minutes of pinching at your tits and he came before you were close to anything that resembled pleasure. Then he drank the last of your OJ, stole your phone charger and left at four am. 
This? Eddie? One last hook up? You needed this. Nay, you deserved this. Even if your friends would strongly disagree. Your relationship with Eddie Munson had been somewhat tumultuous, most would say. From high school sweethearts to twenty somethings that were headed in different directions, he was a boy you couldn’t quit all that easily. Eddie liked guitar and gaming, smoking weed and sleeping in and your chances at a decent enough career path were woefully diminished if you stayed behind in Hawkins for him.  
Eddie grew anxious, jealous, turned resentful and then got too cocky, growing out his curls, wearing big boots and leather jackets and giving himself tattoos in his friends' basements. You got colder, distant, impatient. Then break ups ended in make ups and that ended in fucking him in the front seat of his van and it would happen all over again the next weekend. 
It was fun until it wasn’t.
But the sex was fucking ridiculous.  
And so was Eddie’s confidence because he simply replied with an address, the new apartment you’d only heard about. He’d taken his time, but he’d saved up and moved out of Wayne’s, out of the trailer park and into a small one bed, a new girl every other weekend to grace the sheets. 
munson: 624 Oakbank Street apt 61B. second floor sweetheart, c u soon ;)
No. You wouldn’t. You shouldn’t. You did. Fuck it, it’s fine. 
You unlocked the door, swerved the drunk girls who fell in through the frame and tackled the stairs again, hopping over splayed limbs and couples intertwined, heading for the front door and hoping someone would be around who could take you to the other side of town. 
“Where are you going?”
Robin. She was grinning, smug, knowing. You shrugged, pocketing your cell before she could grab it and you resisted the urge to make a run for it. “Nowhere. Home. I’m hungry.”
Robin snorted, glitter specks shining from her cheeks. “For dick? Or a cheeseburger?”
Your lips quirked up. There wasn’t much use in lying. “Both?” 
Eddie was standing at his apartment door when you turned the corner. Your heels had clicked up the stairwell and the wall sconces lit the way, your eyes flicking over each door number until it didn’t matter anymore. 61B was already open, a boy standing in the frame in soft jeans, acid wash blue with rips in the knees, a Metallica band shirt that’s collar was loose and stretched out. He still had his rings on, silver and chunky and supposedly scary looking.
The chain you’d bought him for his birthday last year was still around his neck. 
It should’ve made you angry, it should’ve at least made you annoyed but the cheap vodka and the empty feeling in your chest and between your legs had you head spinning. A record that stuttered and skipped, the same dirty loop stuck in your head because you were sure there’d been much hotter men at the party, maybe. Probably. 
But at that moment, Eddie was the prettiest thing you’d ever seen. He was smirking, arms crossed and leaning against the door frame, curls soft and falling into his eyes like he’d just washed them and you tried not to walk faster, to not trip over yourself in a haste to get to him. 
He didn’t kiss you hello. He just kept smirking and he moved to the side to let you in, eyes shining with glee as he followed your movements, your body brushing past him as you entered his new place. It smelled like his room at Wayne’s, held the same scene that once reminded you of home, smoke and hidden weed, Eddie’s cologne and the same detergent his uncle used. 
It made you bristle and square your shoulders. This wasn’t the plan. 
“Nice place,” you said and you sounded bored, unimpressed. Good. “I see we’re still not giving up the toys.” You gestured to the shelf above the sofa, a line of hand painted figurines placed carefully in a battle formation. 
“They’re collectibles, sweetheart,” Eddie grinned and he didn’t sound phased. He didn’t look bothered. “Have some taste. You want a drink?”
“We both know I’m not here for you to wine and dine me, Eddie,” you tilled your eyes and stood in the middle of the room, your hands on your hips. Suddenly, your skirt felt so much shorter than it had before and the boy let his gaze fall to your legs, the expanse of bare thigh that was framed by pretty pleats. “Let’s not act cute.”
Eddie huffed out a laugh, an eyebrow quirked. He let himself drop onto the sofa, an army green thing with corduroy cushions, his arms stretched out along the back of it. He pouted. “You don’t think I’m cute?”
You said nothing. You couldn’t. Your heart was beating too fast. 
Eddie made a cooing sound, a soft, patronising thing that made your toes curl in your heels and the cotton fabric of your underwear just grew a little wetter, clinging to you. It was awful. 
“We both know you think I’m cute, c’mon now,” Eddie teased. His eyes were shining, dark in the low light because he only had one damn lamp in the room. “You don’t wanna play nice? Fine.” He leaned forward, elbows on his knees and he plucked a half smoked joint from the amber glass ashtray on the coffee table in front of him. He sparked up, placing it lazily between his lips before gesturing to you, gaze heavy. Smoke trailed from his lips as he spoke, the joint between his lips, expertly held in place with no hands. “Take your clothes off then.”
You should’ve been outraged, you should’ve laughed in his face. You should’ve flipped him off and grabbed the bag you dumped on his breakfast bar and left. But Eddie was grinning at you and he looked like a challenge, he looked like a dare, he looked like the prettiest fucking mistake and you really wanted to make a bad decision. 
A terrible one, maybe. Fuck it, it’s fine. 
You shrugged off your jacket. Denim and metal buttons hitting the floor and you kept eye contact the entire time, unflinching when Eddie’s grin widened. He relaxed, looking every bit in control as he slouched into the couch cushions, eyes wandering over the bare skin you uncovered, smoke trailing from his barely parted lips and up to the ceiling. 
He was already hard, you could tell. You could see. The heavy bulge prominent underneath his denim, twitching as he got off on being in control. 
Your hands came to your chest, trailing down your sternum and chasing the tiny lavender buttons there, a purple camisole top popped apart with each twist of your fingers. It fell apart without much effort, fell to the floor when easier with a tiny shrug of your shoulders and you stood in just your skirt and chunky heels, looking like some kind of wet dream barbie. 
You didn’t need a bra with the plans you’d had for yourself. 
You cocked your head to the side, indifferent, unbothered. You tried to act like your heart wasn’t racing, like your cunt wasn’t throbbing and you wanted to beg to be touched. Eddie could play a cruel game and weakness wasn’t an option, so you stood a little taller and let your tits jut out all pretty, peaked nipples and trails of Robin’s pink body glitter evident on your collarbone. 
Eddie sucked in a breath, lips twisting to hide the twitch of a smile that seemed more real than the others, a proud grin that told you you were winning so far. So you hooked your thumbs into the waist of your skirt and shimmed your hips, white pleats joining the rest of your clothes on the floor, a pretty pool of fabric and dignity. 
Bubblegum pink thong, cherry red heels, strappy and with platforms high enough to crush a man’s ego. 
“Keep the shoes on,” Eddie murmured, jaw tense, cheeks a rosy flush. “They’re real pretty, honey. They new?” The boy leaned forward again, elbows in knees, the roach stubbed out in the ashtray. 
You nodded, bottom lip tucked between your teeth and your bracelets jingled as you ran your hands down your stomach, fingertips trailing along the delicate string of your underwear that curved over your hips, the soft of your stomach. 
“If I told you to come n’suck my dick, would you do that too?” Eddie’s smile was sharklike, his words taunting, a little mean. Like he thought he was still winning. “You look so pretty on your knees, you know that? Love it when you put that hot little mouth to use.”
Your eyes narrowed even though your breathing hitched. Just a little, not enough for him to notice. But you knew it was only a matter of time before you had to rub your thighs together and the pretty pink shade of your underwear would turn a little darker. “Take your clothes off and we’ll see what happens.” 
Eddie laughed, a brave noise, smug and cocky. He tilted his head, jaw a strong line, the shadow of stubble there and you knew if you got to dig your teeth into it, he’d moan for you. 
“You think you’re callin’ the shots here, babe? That’s real cute, you’re almost naked and you think you’re in charge?”
You grinned back, standing a little prouder, fingers hooking into the hand of your thong, running across your navel. Eddie followed the movement, gritted his teeth and huffed. 
“That’s exactly why I’m in charge,” you cooed, pouting, sickly sweet and far from innocent. “Take your clothes off, Eddie, don’t be shy.”
He shook his head, too stubborn, an age old game you both played so well. Except before, it was sweetened with kisses, soft laughter and gentle hands that teased and coaxed the other into submission. Now? Now this was just psychological warfare. 
He stared at you, mean, eyes narrowed and his cheeks still pink, slouched back on the sofa with a casual hand thrown over his crotch. You weren’t sure if it was supposed to hide his hard on or offer some relief, but you watched the length of him twitch when you shifted your weight, popping one hip and he pressed his palm over himself. 
You grinned, victorious. 
But still, he didn’t move. So you sighed, wistful and dramatic and you tried to ignore the rising heat in your chest because you were so exposed and so vulnerable, ready to lay yourself bare for the guy that broke your heart and then spent each Saturday night in bed with you, pretending that he didn’t. 
But hey, maybe you were to blame for that too. 
Instead of saying anything else, you shrugged and made your way over to an armchair. You recognised it from Wayne’s trailer, one Eddie must’ve taken to remind him of home and you dropped yourself onto it, one leg hooked over an arm. You let your head fall back, lazy, the last buzz from the beer you took in the back of the cab simmering below your skin and you didn’t waste anymore time teasing. Your hand slid into the front of your thong, fingers seeking out in the way they knew best, parting your folds until you were spread and hidden, eyes scrunching shut at the pad of your finger swiping over your clit.  
You made a pretty noise, extra soft and gasping, just for Eddie. He’d long since taught you how to put on a show, always about the drama. So you whined, let your lips fall into a pout and arched your back. Your fingers slipped down, prodding experimentally at your entrance before you gave up all pretence and slid two inside of yourself, not long enough, not thick enough, but it satiated the empty feeling that had clung to you since you first arrived at the party. 
“Fuck,” Eddie groaned and your eyes shot open, gaze finding his and he was pinker then before, all flushed cheeks and glassy eyes, his ringed fingers wrapping around the outline of his cock through his jeans and he squeezed it roughly. “Jesus Christ, sweetheart, that’s just filthy.”
He said it like a compliment, words like a reward and they made your body fizz, skin electric and you smiled, humming lazily like you didn’t care. 
You did you did you did. 
You wanted to one up him, you wanted to win, you wanted to break him and put him back together and make him fall in love with you all over again. You wanted to make sure he never looked at another girl. You wanted to make him crawl. 
So you pulled your fingers from yourself, slick and glossy in the low light, bringing them to your lips before you sucked them. Eddie’s jaw dropped, eyes hooded and pupils blown wide and he leaned forward, desperate to see more. He was barely holding himself up, clinging to the coffee table as he stared at the space between your thighs. 
“Holy fuck, babe, that— that’s,” he cut himself off with a groan when you snuck your hand back inside your underwear, wet fingers sliding noisily over your clit. “Oh, that’s so fuckin’ hot. Come ‘n let me have a taste, baby. Let me get my mouth on that pretty pussy, huh?”
You shook your head and smiled, cotton candy underwear stretched tight over your knuckles and you moved a little quicker. You weren’t giving in. You’d make yourself come before you did. 
It took three more minutes before Eddie moved, growling obscenities as he stood and yanked off his shirt, snapping at his belt buckle with one hand as he crossed the room. You thought he’d be on you, you thought he’d maybe drop to the floor and put his mouth on you, lick you slow and soft like he was so good at, like he’d asked for. But he grinned something wicked as he grabbed your wrist, hand tugged from between your thighs and then you were pulled up. He wasn’t rough about it, but he certainly wasn’t gentle. 
“You wanna play games?” He huffed, voice wavering a little because he finally had his hands on you. Eddie gazed down at you, still a little taller even despite your heels. His hand caught your chin, finger and thumb pinching at your cheeks until your lips popped into a pout and you burned. “Let’s play, pretty thing. You wanna be my toy, huh?”
You gave in, only just. You nodded, gasping when Eddie’s thumb stroked over your lips and he smiled, boyish and charming and all too pretty. Then he spoke. “I always used to break my toys.”
He spun you, fast enough to be disorienting and then you were pushed onto the armchair, knees on the cushions and your chest to the back of it. Your hands curled over the top of it, holding on for what was about to come. The first smack on your ass was startling, hard enough to warm you, heat blooming over the curve of you keened, eyes slipping shut and into that fuzzy space only Eddie seemed to be able to bring you to. Your head fell forward, resting on the cushion and you sighed, his name a whisper that you hoped he didn’t hear. 
“C’mon, baby,” you could hear the grin in his voice and he slapped your other ass cheek, making the fat there bounce. “Make it pretty for me, hm?”
You knew what he wanted and you obeyed, too far gone from the feel of your own fingers, the emptiness that was left after Eddie stopped you from coming. You sucked in a breath and pushed your ass out further, back arched real pretty, your cheek squished to the back cushion. Eddie stood behind you, godlike, unzipping his jeans and pulling his cock free. He stroked it, rough and he get handed, the way you’d learned to touch him, eager, thick fingers pulling at the head until it turned pinker and pinker. 
“Tell me you want it.”
“No.” Your voice sounded small, wavering. 
You sounded like you were lying. 
Eddie laughed. “Still wanna play? Fine.”
Two hands palmed at your ass, skin warm and rings cool, the silver catching at your skin as he squeezed, pulling at your cheeks until they spread obscenely and Eddie groaned. He used his thumb to hook into your thong, pulling what little material there was away from your skin until he got to look at all of you. 
Spread all pretty, slick and wet and shining. A line of spit hit your ass, sliding warm to cool over your puckered hole until it trickled down, seeping into the seam of your cunt and you dripped with him. Fuck. 
Fuck. Fuck it. It’s fine. 
It’s fine. 
Eddie hummed, enjoying the view, enjoying himself, enjoying you. His thumb brushed over your, making you jump in surprise, his soft laughter leaving you burning until you felt the head of his cock line up with your cunt, spreading your folds around his tip. He pushed, just slightly, enough for you to feel the beginning of the stretch and you whined, arching back more, eager. Desperate. 
“Say you want my cock.”
No niceties, no pet names. No affection. Just a power play. Eddie didn’t want a relationship. He wanted to win. 
Another laugh, proud and amused and your stubbornness earned your another swift smack and this time you let the boy’s name fall from your lips a little louder. Eddie swore, moaning with you because his name coming from the back of your throat sounded like sex, like victory. So he tried again, a little sweeter. 
“C’mon, baby,” he cooed. He tugged at his cock, let it slide against the dean of you until he was as slick as you were. “Feels good, don’t it? You wanna feel me deep? You wanna feel me here, honey?” He let his hand tuck around you, palming over your tummy and you whined, nodding. 
Game over. 
Fuck it, it’s fine. It’s really fine. 
“Please,” you murmured, voice hoarse, head hazy. “Please, Teddy.”
And just like that, the playing field was evened out. The nickname made the boy crumble, a gasping, groaning sound tumbling from his mouth and he melted over you, his chest to your back, cock sliding in, a tight, hot wet stretch and suddenly you were full. 
You cried out, eyes snapping shut, jaw loose and head falling forward. Eddie caught you, one hand on your hip and the other sinking into your hair as he tugged you back up, a little mean, a little rough. But he brought your face to his, cheek to cheek as he cooed, murmuring pretty things about his pretty girl and it was all too much. 
It felt like the beginning. 
“Look at you, fuck,” he sounded gone, words stuttering out of him with every hard thrust and his hands were bruising, palming at your hips, your tummy, skating over the column of your throat until every part of you felt heated. “Who’s pussy is this? Huh? She’s fuckin’ made for me, sweetheart, so tight she doesn’t wanna let me go.”
His words made you come, like they always did, hot and filthy and possessive and murmured low in your ear. And then Eddie came too, hips jerking, groaning wild, curls falling down his back as he tipped his head and emptied himself inside of you. He liked to sweep his fingers through your folds after it, feeling himself dripping hot and slick out of your cunt. 
And then when you collected your clothes from the living room floor, Eddie was sitting shirtless on his couch as you dressed yourself, already rolling another joint. The lighter flickered, a blue-orange in the night they seemed so much darker and colder now Eddie had moved away from you. 
He hadn’t kissed you once, you realised, your lips lonely. He had blue glitter on his cheek, galactic freckles that matched yours. He was still dripping down the inside of your thighs when he raised his cell and asked you:
“D’you want me to call you a cab?” 
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gag-me-munson · 1 year
Prom Date
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Pairing: Eddie x Fem!reader
Warnings: None really. Mentions of oral on Eddie but it's not explicitly written. Mostly fluff today.
"She was supposed to be here already," Eddie was frantic around the trailer. His Uncle, Wayne, trailing behind, "Or was I supposed to get her? How do these things even work?"
"Just settle down and let me fix your bow tie, boy." Wayne was huffing, slightly annoyed by Eddie's insecurities but also smiling through it because Eddie was finally doing something, well, normal.
Groaning loudly, Eddie hangs his head and walks towards his uncle and gritting his teeth. Prom was definitely not his idea of a fun time, but you had promised him road head to make up for it. Reluctantly Eddie agreed to this plan, but only after begging him for another five minutes.
"What if she doesn't like this stupid flower thing I got? You picked it out anyways, how about you go instead?" Eddie trying to get out at the last minute was so him. Especially for something that made him feel like more of an outcast.
"It's called a corsage, Eddie." Wayne mumbles and lifts his nephew's head up to fix the bow tie. "You said her dress was purple, right?"
"Well, she calls it lavender." Eddie says sarcastically, waving his hands in the air before running one through his hair, cursing under his breath and running straight back to the mirror to fix it. He wanted tonight to be over with already, to have you sneak back into his bed after a smoke and cuddle you.
"Well, white goes with anything," Wayne calls out after Eddie, "even lavender." He chuckles and after a moment there's a small knock at the door.
Wayne answers it and smiles when he sees you all dressed up. Sure enough, it's a lavender shade of purple, to the knees with ruffled sleeves. Small black heels adorn your feet and you have on one of your mother's necklaces.
"Well, darlin'," He grins broadly and ushers you into the small trailer, "don't you look nice. Eddie, your date is here, now leave your hair alone and get going!"
At first Wayne had been unsure of you, knowing the type of girl Eddie usually went for around the park, but after watching you help him not only with his homework but listen to his nephew go on and on about the latest dragons and dungeons- or whatever it was called, he didn't pay much attention- campaign, he changed his mind completely.
Eddie rushes past you to the fridge and quickly pulls out a plastic container. He shuffles towards you, blushing with ferocity so much that even his ears are red, and brings out the white rose corsage.
"I got this for you..." and as he takes it out of the packaging, Eddie places the beautiful flower around your wrist with a gentle ease.
"It's perfect, Eddie." You smile and lift his chin up so that his deep brown eyes meet your own. "Thank you."
He finally offers you his famous grin and nods fervently, "yeah, no problem."
"Alright kids, off you go before you miss the damn dance." Wayne hurries you both out as he lights the cigarette in his mouth, waving goodbye.
After helping you into the van, Eddie hops into the driver's side and starts up, turning the volume dial down.
You had offered, many times on the way, to give Eddie the road head you'd promised but in his words, "I'll fuck up the tux, I know it." And that was that.
Usually he had his free hand on your leg but tonight he was anxiously playing with the rings on that hand, biting his bottom lip and paying more attention to the road than usual. He was so nervous to be out of his element and around the "normal" kids that he just was shutting down.
"Why, Eddie Munson," you venture and take his hand into both of yours, "I have never seen you like this before. It's just a dance!"
"Yeah, just a dance," he scoffs and exhales loudly, "where everyone will be staring because I can't do that. Dance, I mean."
You kiss the top of his hand and let it rest on your lap, shaking your head, "I don't care about them. You shouldn't either. I'm going because I wanted to dance with you. To show you off because you are worth showing off, Eddie."
At the stoplight, Eddie seems to relax, his shoulders moving down from his ears and he looks at you quickly with a faint smile. "I love ya, babe." He grins and starts driving again after the go from green.
After the short drive and finding a parking spot nearer the back, away from the rest of the cars headed towards the school, Eddie gets out and comes to your side. He opens the door as you grab your dress and hop out, thanking him.
"Well, here we go." He sighs and offers his hand. You take it and give it a squeeze of confirmation, letting your boyfriend know that you're more than ready.
The music is loud and it's a faster song, most definitely pop music, too. You laugh at the look on Eddie's face before you point to where a line of people are waiting to get their portrait taken in front of a simple paper backdrop.
"Oh come on, we have to!" You say with glee and before Eddie can even begin to say "nope", you're dragging him to the line.
He is completely and totally out of his element and you can tell how nervous he is, so when it's your turn for a photo, you make Eddie stand behind you and wrap his arms around your waist. You look up and behind to him and smile brightly before the photo is taken and the girl taking them is now onto the next.
"See... that wasn't so bad." You grin and notice a slower song is finally on. His hand in yours, you take Eddie to the dance floor and stand in front of him.
"Now, I know you can do this. We've danced in the trailer hundreds of-"
You're cut off with a kiss and Eddie wrapping his arms around your waist, yours going around his neck. He's blushing again.
"No one needs to know what we do in private." He rests his forehead on yours and chuckles as you smile back.
Cyndi Lauper blares her "Time After Time." In the background and as clichéd and overplayed as it is, you can hear Eddie singing it to you in a near whisper of a voice. You pull your head away and look into his eyes, his watching you as his mouth sings the words to you, making you feel like the only person in the dressed up gym.
"If you're lost, you can look and you will find me. Time After time..."
School will be ending soon and who knows what will happen with you and this amazing boy, so you can only gulp hard, blink your oncoming tears away and hug Eddie close.
"I know we're young... and I know this is stupid, but I want you. Forever." He whispers your name into your ear and butterflies begin to spread throughout your stomach. Can he really be asking you-
"Be my wife. Please..." With now fresh tears you once again take a look into those beautiful and dark brown eyes, searching for the joke or at least the sarcasm.
"What'd you just ask me?"
With a newfound confidence, Eddie grins from ear to ear, picking you up so you can't run away when he loudly declares, "I love you and I want you to marry me!"
You're blushing now but your eyes still don't leave his, not even as the other people in the gym look or roll their eyes at the pair of you.
"Oh Eddie," you sigh dreamily as he sets you slowly down, "Eddie Munson, '86 is definitely your year."
Tags: @after4evrr
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corroded-hellfire · 2 months
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Prompt Day 29: Behind the Music
Words: 938
Rating: T
Pairing: None
CW: None
Summary: Wayne is interviewed for an upcoming documentary on Corroded Coffin
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“Now, what the hell am I supposed to say?” Wayne asks.
Eddie can’t help but laugh as his uncle is mic’d up by a crew member. Others are setting things up around Wayne’s living room—much to his dismay. The older man has never had this many people in his home before.
Lights are being put up, cameras are getting tested, microphones are being checked, and a lot of furniture has been pushed to the side.
“You’re just going to answer the questions that the interviewer is going to ask you,” Eddie says, patting his uncle’s shoulder.
“Feel like I’m back in school,” Wayne mumbles. He fiddles with the collar of his black and red flannel, doing his best to avoid the mic on the white t-shirt beneath.
“It’s not a test,” Eddie assures him. “They’re just going to ask you about me, probably. Or how you felt when you first heard one of our songs on the radio or the first time you saw us play at a stadium.”
A production company had approached Corroded Coffin a few months ago and informed them that they were interested in making a documentary about the band. The guys were quick to say yes and found it amusing that their families would be interviewed as well.
“So, I get to tell them what a pain in the ass you were growing up?” Wayne teases, unable to keep a small smile off his face.
Eddie scoffs and presses a hand to his chest.
“I was an angel.”
“Hell’s angel,” Wayne retorts.
His nephew doesn’t get a chance to respond because a producer of the documentary comes over and guides Wayne to his old favorite chair, where he’ll be sitting for the interview.
Eddie takes a seat on a barstool at the kitchen counter and watches his uncle get comfortable in his old recliner, adjusting to the heat and brightness of the lights shining down on him.
A pretty woman with dark hair collected in a ponytail sits on the couch, out of sight of the camera, and faces Wayne. She gives him a kind smile as she places a small stack of papers in her lap.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Munson,” she greets. “I’m Christina, one of the producers. How are you?”
“Doin’ well,” Wayne says with a nod. “How about you, darling?”
Christina looks charmed by Wayne’s accent and manners, Eddie notices with a smile. He’s yet to meet someone who doesn’t like the man—he’s just got something special about him.
“I’m great, thanks,” Christina replies. “Are you ready to get going with the interview?”
“Sure, let’s get going.”
The cameraman takes that as his cue to start filming and Wayne watches as other various crew members take on their roles; some with the lights, some with the mics, and one who claps the film slate in front of the camera.
“Okay, Mr. Munson,” Christina says, “just talk to me like we’re having a conversation. I’m going to ask you a few questions about Eddie. Can you tell me about Eddie’s early childhood? What was he like as a child?”
“Eddie was a hyper kid,” Wayne answers with a chuckle. “Always jumping from one thing to another. Thought maybe putting him in sports would get his energy out. Ha! Kid never looked so bored as when he was in the outfield at a handful of Little League games. Music was the first thing he stuck with. Knew it was something special then.”
“How old was he when discovered music?” Christina asks.
“Oh, I’d say eleven or so. He was always listening to something, so one day I got him a guitar from the pawn shop. Acoustic one. Had to make the boy put the damn thing down to go to school.”
Eddie leans against the counter as he watches his uncle go on about how he grew up and how he became involved in music. He’s never heard Wayne talk about him so much and he didn’t expect so much emotion in the older man’s voice.
“Can you share any memorable stories or anecdotes where you knew Eddie was going places with his music?” Christina asks.
Wayne thinks for a moment before he chuckles to himself. It makes Eddie a little worried about what may have popped into his head.
“I remember when he was twelve,” Wayne starts, “Halloween was coming up.”
Oh God, Eddie thinks, burying his head in his hands.
“Ed decides he was going as Freddie Mercury. But he says he’s gotta learn how to play the whole of Bohemian Rhapsody on the guitar before he does.” Wayne laughs, shaking his head as he recalls the memory. “He did it. Learned the whole damn song. Practiced day in and day out for a month. Every time I hear that song I still get annoyed. ‘Bout two weeks after Halloween, Ed learns that Freddie Mercury don’t play the guitar on that, Brian May does. I thought this boy was gonna smash his guitar for a good minute. But, later on in high school he liked a girl who loved Queen so he was happy he knew how to play it then. Worked out, I guess.”
Eddie has his head down on the counter now, arms wrapped tightly around it. He can practically hear his bandmates laughing at him when they see this footage.
With a soft groan, Eddie lifts his head from the counter. He sighs and props his head up on his fist as he watches his uncle finish up the interview.
Well, at least he got to go out with that girl in high school.
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ladykailitha · 3 months
Sweet Home Indiana Part 10
The last chapter my lovelies! It has been a long road to get here, but we made it. Thank you to everyone who comment, liked, or reblogged. I read and appreciate each one.
Chrissy and Robin get their wedding and Steve and Eddie get their happily ever after.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Eddie, Steve, and Robin waited at the airport, just outside of security waiting for Chrissy’s plane to land.
“This is ridiculous,” Robin huffed, crossing her arms and looking down at her feet. “I hope you know that.”
Eddie and Steve just grinned at each other.
She rolled her eyes. “I forgot how disgusting you two could be when you got together.”
“That’s homophobic,” Steve said with a sneer.
Robin sputtered and flailed her arms about. “What! I can’t be homophobic! I’m a lesbian!”
“No, no,” Eddie said tapping his lips thoughtfully, “he’s right. That was homophobic!”
Robin, who had been expecting Eddie to agree with her, started sputtering again. But before she could really lay into him, he started jumping up and down.
“Chrissy!” he called out, waving his hand high in the air. “Over here!”
Robin froze and gulped loudly next to him. “Um...I’mma faint now, okay?”
Steve poked her in the ribs. “No fainting and absolutely no dying.”
She jumped away from his finger with a shriek as Chrissy reached them. Chrissy gave Eddie a kiss on the cheek.
“I missed you,” she murmured as Eddie picked her up and swung her around.
“I missed you, too, Chrissy poo!” he replied planting a large, messy, wet kiss on her cheek. “This is the indomitable Robin Buckley and the ever perfect Steve Harrington.”
“You make me sound like a cartoon dog!” Robin protested.
Chrissy raised an eyebrow. “I don’t know I always thought Jenna was pretty smokin’ for a dog.”
Robin’s jaw dropped and her eyes went wide. She turned to Eddie slowly, like a creepy doll in a horror movie.
“Shit, she’s perfect.”
Chrissy and Steve laughed as Robin dug out ten dollars from her pocket and slammed it in Eddie’s hand.
“I told you not to bet against him, Bobbie,” Steve cackled. “Anyone worth Eddie faking straight for would have to have our sense of humor.”
Robin rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. You just want them to hurry and break up so you can make out with your husband again.”
Eddie and Chrissy turned to look at Steve who had not refuted said claim, but instead was a very dark shade of red and refusing to look anyone in the eye.
Chrissy decided to take pity on the poor guy and ask, “What’s the news on Gareth?”
“Gareth will be getting into town on Wednesday and can only take a few days off before he has to go back. He has a huge meeting with some investors wanting a stake in his vineyard.”
“How the hell Gareth became the rich snob, I’ll never guess,” she replied, shaking her head.
“So we’ll have the wedding on Saturday,” Robin said, quickly interrupting before they went down a rabbit hole neither she nor Steve could dig them out of. “I understand you brought your wedding dress.”
Chrissy held up the large white garment bag and unzipped it. “It’s black!” she said cheerfully.
Robin’s eyes went wide again. “I’m in love with you.”
Steve bumped her with his hip with a wide grin. “She always wanted to wear a white tux to her wedding.”
Chrissy’s eyes went wide with amazement. “That’ll be perfect! Me in a black wedding dress, the other bride in a white tux, we’d look fantastic!”
“We’ve got a photographer already lined up,” Eddie said brightly. “And Stevie is making the cake.”
“Now all we need is place to have it,” Robin agreed.
“Oh, I’ve got just the place,” Eddie said grinning from ear to ear.
The place turned out to be Jeff’s parents’ backyard where they had just had their fiftieth wedding anniversary. It was beautiful garden with a little brook and a gazebo in the middle. Chrissy fell in love with it immediately.
While Chrissy was talking to Mrs. Sinclair about the floral arrangements, Wayne came up to Eddie and clapped his hand on his shoulder.
“See?” he said with a grin. “There’s the sparkle I was talking about.”
Eddie, who had been writing down all the things they would need on Saturday, snapped his head up.
“I don’t know what you mean,” he huffed, crossly.
Wayne sat down next to him and leaned on the table. “Boy, you haven’t stopped smiling since you announced your fianceé was marrying someone else.”
Eddie blushed and ducked his head. “You make it sound so tawdry. I told you why I was gonna be the one to do it.”
Wayne nodded solemnly. “And I’m proud of you for wanting to do the right thing, but the right thing wouldn’t have made you happy.”
Eddie lifted his head to see where Steve was talking to Jeff and his mom about where the cake should go and soft, fond smile crept over his features.
“And there it is,” Wayne muttered. “The smile I haven’t seen in over a decade. The ‘I am hopelessly in love’ smile.”
Eddie’s cheeks darkened further. “Hopefully in love. Hopefully in love, Uncle Wayne.”
Wayne patted him on his shoulder and nodded. He couldn’t help but agree.
The whole town was coming together to get this wedding off the ground, Claudia Henderson was doing the food, Sue Sinclair was doing the flowers, Jonathan was doing the photography, Steve was making the cake, and of course Kendra and Dwayne Laurence were hosting the event.
Karen Wheeler had even offered to do Chrissy’s hair and makeup for the day.
Eddie was loving every moment. Especially getting to watch Steve in his element. He couldn’t wait until Saturday.
The day of the wedding dawned bright and clear, not cloud to be seen at all. It was like even Mother Nature herself was blessing their day.
Everyone had gathered, but there was huge swath of seats unfilled.
Steve frowned. “Eddie why are there so many seats on Robin’s side? Only her parents and a couple of her community college friends were coming.”
Eddie smiled sweetly at him. “Just trust me, okay, sugar?”
Steve bit his lip, but nodded tersely.
Eddie cupped his cheek and leaned down to look him in the eye. “Hey, hey, baby. It’s okay if you don’t trust me yet. I’ve got the rest of my life to prove I’m not gonna do a runner again.”
Steve let out a shuddering breath and then another.
“You promise it’s going to be okay?” he whispered, tears appearing at the corner of his eyes.
“As much as I can without factoring in that there are a lot of things outside of my control today,” he whispered back.
Steve nodded as Eddie wiped away his tears. “Now let’s get you all prettied up so you look perfect for the photos.”
Steve let out a water chuckle. “I can’t believe I was talked into this suit.”
He was in a clean, white suit to match Robin’s tux with a black dress shirt and white neck tie. Eddie was smartly dressed in white button up that was unbuttoned to the bottom of his ribs with a black leather jacket over that and clean black tuxedo pants and leather boots.
“You look so pretty, baby,” Eddie murmured back. “No offense to Chrissy, but you take the cake.” He stopped for a moment. “Please don’t take the cake. I just realized that that is a very real thing you can do. Please don’t. Chrissy would kill me.”
Steve burst out laughing. “I have no intentions of taking their cake. It’s fondant.”
Eddie grinned right back. It was almond paste fondant which meant it didn’t taste like chalk, but it was still something Steve the beautiful bitch he was would turn his nose up at.
“God, I love you,” he whispered, pulling Steve in for a kiss.
Steve smiled back. “I love you, too.”
They all walked down the aisle to stand in front of Jim Hopper, who was officiating as a justice of the peace. But before he could greet the attending guests, the doors to the house burst open.
Dustin, Max, Elle, Lucas, Will, Mike, and Erica with their families and plus ones came piling through muttering apologies for being late.
But judging from Jim’s grin, their lateness was planned. Steve looked over at Eddie who had an even bigger grin on his face.
Elle handed Eddie a microphone and went to sit down between Joyce and Will.
“Hello, everyone!” he greeted the crowd. “Don’t worry, I have full permission from the brides to do this, in fact it was Robin’s idea to begin with, so if this goes south, we’re blaming her!”
“Hey!” Robin protested hotly.
“So for those that don’t know,” Eddie continued, ignoring her completely, “Steve and I ran off to get married when Massachusetts made gay marriage legal. Then we did what stupid kids do when they don’t realize how good they have it and threw it all away. Then I met Chrissy and she is the most wonderful woman who needed a friend and someone to rely on. We thought it was me; turns out lesbians move fast.” He winked at Robin who took Chrissy’s hands with a laugh.
“But long before all this,” he said, his voice breaking from the emotion, “there were two boys with dreams. I got to live mine. I traveled the world, I got to play stadiums. I have actual fans. But that was never Steve’s dream.” Steve let out a watery chuckle as Dustin hugged him tight from behind. Steve reached up to hold Dustin’s wrist and give it a squeeze.
“His dream was a garden wedding surrounded by all his friends and loved ones, pledging himself to the man he loved,” Eddie croaked. “I told Steve last week—” he let out a breathless laugh. “God, was that really last week? It feels like such a life time ago. Shit. Anyway. I told Steve that I once thought that the man on the other side of the aisle would be me, but that I didn’t it see that way anymore.”
The audience let out a long “Awwww.”
“Sweetheart,” Eddie said coming over to take Steve’s hand, “that was the biggest lie I’ve ever told and I’ve told some whoppers in my life, just ask Wayne. But I’ve always wanted it to be me. Your dream became mine and I had to see it through.”
Steve threw back his head and laughed.
“So in addition to wedding these two lovely ladies,” he concluded, “we are also having a renewal of vows between Edward Munson and Steve Harrington Munson today, as well.” He brought Steve’s knuckles to his lips. “If that’s okay with you, Stevie?”
Steve nodded. “Of course it is! I can’t believe you guys did all this without me knowing. I love you all so much.”
A cheer went up.
Chrissy and Robin got married first and then they moved to stand next to Eddie and Steve as their best matrons.
“You deliberately kept this from so I wouldn’t write the sappiest speech, didn’t you?” Steve accused as Eddie took his hands.
“You caught me.”
Steve kissed his hands.
“Eddie,” he began. “Though the path to happiness was rough and long, there is no one I would rather spend the rest of my life with. We’ve already had the hard times and things can only get better from here. I’ve loved you through you chasing your dreams and learning to live mine. I didn’t realize I had lived life half asleep until you came back into town demanding a divorce. Which you still won’t get from me.”
The attending guests laughed.
“I burned the papers, babe,” Eddie replied. “No takes backsies!”
“Then I promise to love you for the rest of my days,” Steve finished, he pulled a ring out of his pocket. “I carry this around for good luck, I never thought I’d see the day where it would bring you back to me, too.” He slipped on Eddie’s finger as if it had been made for it.
Which it was. It was Eddie’s old wedding band, the one Steve had had specially made for them after the got back to Hawkins.
“My darts and my ring?” Eddie said with a chuckle. “You ole romantic, you.”
Steve just smiled warmly at him.
“Stevie,” Eddie said after taking a deep breath. “When I first came to town, everyone kept telling me I’d lost my sparkle. My joy in living. Even growing up in the harshest of homes until I landed with Uncle Wayne, I kept my sunny disposition. Even when people would mock me and call me freak, I leaned into it and made it a part of me. But since leaving Hawkins for fame and fortune, I lost that. I thought it was because my dream ended earlier than I wanted. But that wasn’t it.”
He choked back tears. “I’ve been talking to my friends, my brothers, my bandmates, since I started planning this wedding between Chrissy and Robin and I realized that it wasn’t just the touring and recording and all the shit that went with fame that caused the band to break up, it was my anger at losing you so easily. At not being able to have both and in the end it just became too much for the rest of the band to bear.”
“I’m not blaming them, or Steve for the record,” he told the crowd, holding up his hand. “And they’re aren’t blaming me either. It’s just the way the cookie crumbled and now, I’m standing here across from this beautiful man who was once my beautiful boy and realizing that this is my dream now. Him and him alone. I love you so much, sweetheart. I promise the only running I’ll do, is back to you.”
Then they leaned forward sealed their renewed vows to each other with a kiss.
Six months later:
Eddie stumbled forward with Steve pressed against his back, his hands over Eddie’s eyes as they waddled forward together.
“Why couldn’t we just have used my bandana?” Eddie groused, not for the first time.
“Because this is more fun for me,” Steve teased. “Now, shush and open your eyes.” He let go of him and stepped back.
They were standing in front of the building right next to the bakery that had been rundown and in disrepair for years. But now it was cleaned up with a metal aesthetic and big red neon sign that said “Hellfire Ink” in cursive font.
Eddie gasped out loud and covered his mouth with hands. He turned around to face Steve. “You can’t do this, honey. You should put the money back into the bakery.”
Steve shook his head. “No, baby. This was always the plan, you just sped it up a bit. I was building this for you to come home to. I thought that if I could just show you that you could tattoo and live in Hawkins, that you might want to come home to me.”
Eddie threw his arms around Steve’s neck and kissed all over his face. “I love you so much, sweetheart. More than anything, but this is too much.”
“Too late,” Steve said with a smile and held up the keys to the shop. “Come on, let me show you everything.”
Eddie grabbed the keys and Steve grabbed his hand to lead him to their future.
It was better than any dream teenage Eddie had ever hoped to have and if Eddie could go back in time and meet that stupid teenager, he’d tell him to not lose hope, even on the darkest nights, because at the end would bring his brightest days.
“Just wait until you see the inside!” Steve was saying and Eddie just smiled back.
Yeah, he could have wings and roots, too. Because this fit, too.
One thing that totally happened but didn't make it into the story was that Joyce and Claudia got together and made Steve his own cake with everything he wanted in a cake. It was much smaller than Robin and Chrissy's, more like a groom's cake, but it had Eddie and Steve figures on top.
1- @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @ravenfrog @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @goodolefashionedloverboi
3- @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @irregular-child @mac-attack19
4- @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1
5- @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt
6- @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95
7- @blackpanzy @amazing-spiderkeys @oldpinghai @raisedbylibrarians @kultiras
8- @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steddie-as-they-go @captain--low @micheledawn1975 @thespaceantwhowrites
9- @blondie1006 @stripey82 @w1ll0wtr33 @mcenziehughes @sadisticaltarts
103 notes · View notes
steveseddie · 7 months
with a cold breeze
rating: t | cw: none apply | word count: 4,281
tags: eddie munson lives, didn't know they were dating, getting together, first kiss, fluff and hurt/comfort
for the @steddielovemonth prompt: “love is giving him your sweater even if it makes you cold” by @stevesbipanic
a/n: this is my first time writing a prompt for this event and it was so much fun! also this ended up longer than i thought but. enjoy 🩷
click here to read on ao3
In Eddie’s defense, he shouldn’t have been expected to bring a jacket. Not when Steve didn’t tell him where they were going or when he sent Eddie spiraling into a pit of pining by showing up at his doorstep with a white shirt tucked into a pair of tight blue jeans and a black jacket thrown on top, looking like he stepped out of Eddie’s dreams.
Now that he thinks about it, Steve might’ve told him to grab a jacket, but Eddie was too busy picking his jaw off the floor to listen to him.
When he stepped out of the trailer and followed Steve to his car, Eddie felt a light chill in the air, but since he assumed Steve was taking them to the movies or for dinner at that diner he likes, he figured the flannel he was wearing over his Metallica singlet would be enough to withstand it. 
Eddie doesn’t know exactly when this became a thing they did- Steve picking him up and taking him to dinner or a movie or ice cream or roller skating. 
(That last one was Eddie’s least favorite one because he spent half the time they were there falling on his ass. Or maybe it wasn’t, because the other half was spent holding on to Steve’s hand as he guided Eddie around the rink and helped him keep his balance.)
Eddie still can’t help but feel surprised whenever Steve turns up at his door, even if it happens multiple times a week these days. He knows this is what friends do, but maybe it’s still just a little hard to believe that he’s friends with Steve Harrington. 
(“You make it sound like I’m some kind of celebrity, man,” Steve said the first time Eddie voiced his shock about him wanting to spend time with Eddie. 
“Dude, you are the king of Hawkins! You are a celebrity!” Eddie said, dramatically shaking Steve’s shoulders which earned him a mighty eye roll and a playful shove. “And celebrities don’t want to spend time with freaks like me.”
Steve’s face softened at that, he bumped Eddie’s shoulder with his. “Well, this one does.”)
Eddie knows Steve is being genuine every time he says he wants to hang out, but a part of him always expects Steve to get tired of him and ditch Eddie, and start taking a nice pretty girl on these outings instead. 
(“Dates, they’re dates,” Max deadpanned after hearing Eddie ramble about Steve for roughly ten minutes straight. She’d clocked Eddie’s feelings for Steve right away when he came back from the roller rink with his backside bruised, but still with a dopey smile on his face to Max waiting for him at the steps of his trailer. “Steve Harrington is taking you out on dates!” 
“He’s not, they’re not dates,” Eddie said with a firm shake of his head. 
“Dude, Lucas literally took me to the roller rink last week.” 
“Aw, cute. Did he hold your hand?” 
“I held his, I skate, remember? And for a jock, he’s got terrible balance,” she says, lips twitching into a little smile. “Not as bad as yours though.” 
Even if Max insists on calling them dates, Eddie won’t. He can’t. He knows Steve doesn’t see them that way so he can’t do it either, not if he wants to protect his heart. 
So he ignores that Steve opens the door to his car for him like he would if this was a real date and he ignores that he lets Eddie pick the music or that he keeps a few of Eddie’s tapes in his car for him to choose from, even if they’re not at all what he likes, and he ignores the way he keeps glancing at Eddie at stop signs or red lights with a sweet little smile that makes his stomach swoop like when he went through the gate to the Upside Down did, only better. 
Or he tries to ignore it, at least.
“Soooo where are we going?” Eddie asks, contorting himself so he can sit cross-legged in Steve’s passenger seat after picking the music for the ride. 
Steve bops his head to the beginning of a Dio song and Eddie can’t help but feel proud. 
“It’s a surprise,” he says. 
Eddie groans. “Is this surprise also going to end up with me not being able to sit properly for a week?” He only realizes how that sounds when Steve’s head snaps to him, eyebrows high on his forehead. God. “You know cause I kept falling on my ass at the roller rink, not because- uh.” 
He doesn’t know how to finish the sentence, but luckily Steve spares him. With a soft laugh, he says, “Don’t worry, you won’t have trouble sitting after tonight.” Then Steve smirks, the little shit. “From falling on your ass- or some other reason.” 
Eddie flushes bright red.
He lowers the window and shivers when the cold air hits his face, but the wind helps cool down his flushed cheeks so he leaves it open. He notices that instead of driving them downtown, Steve is driving them further out. 
“I’m not gonna have trouble sitting ‘cause you’re luring me into the woods to murder me? Is that it?”
“And why would I want to murder you?” Steve asks, pinching the bridge of his nose like entertaining Eddie’s nonsense causes him physical pain. 
The wind blows Eddie’s hair away from his face. “Maybe you’re jealous of my luscious hair.” He hopes the wind makes him look like one of those cover shoots on the magazines that he sees at the store, but realistically, he knows he probably looks like a dog sticking his head out the window. “My naturally beautiful hair that doesn’t need any Farrah Fawcett spray.” 
Steve narrows his eyes at Eddie. “That little shit told you!” 
Eddie grins. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Yes, you do. Dustin told you, didn’t he?” 
“I won’t reveal my sources,” he says, pretending to zip up his lips. 
“You don’t have to, you dork. Dustin is the only one I told.” He pauses, thinking. “Maybe I am committing murder tonight.”
“Henderson’s. And then yours so the secret dies with you.” He glances at Eddie with a smile. “And maybe because I am a little jealous of your beautiful hair.” His voice is a little too soft to sound like a joke.
Eddie gives him a shy smile and then flicks his hair over his shoulder with a dramatic flare. Steve laughs, head thrown back, as they drive past the Leaving Hawkins sign. 
Steve drives them to the top of a hill just outside of Hawkins. 
Eddie’s first thought when Steve parks his car next to a little forest is that maybe he’s actually planning to murder him tonight. 
His second thought comes when Steve opens Eddie’s door and a gust of wind hits Eddie, making him realize that no, his flannel won’t be enough. He’s going to freeze his ass off so even if Steve doesn’t murder him, Eddie will die anyway. 
His third thought comes when Steve takes hold of his wrist and drags him out of the car and towards a cliff overlooking most of Hawkins.
Eddie voices that thought with an appreciative whistle.
“Holy shit, that’s a killer view.”
“Right?” Steve asks with a grin. His fingers are still wrapped around Eddie’s wrist and he can feel the way he’s bouncing excitedly from one foot to the other. 
“Yeah, wow. You wouldn’t think that Hawkins is a shit town from up here,” Eddie says, taking in not only the night lights, but the stars above them too, shining brighter than Eddie has ever seen them.
“Yeah, it almost looks normal, no monsters or alternate dimensions.”
“No hordes of angry town people who want to burn you at the stake.” 
Steve gives Eddie’s wrist a comforting squeeze. He glances at the ground. “No shitty parents calling you a disappointment and an embarrassment,” he says, voice barely above a whisper. 
Eddie frowns. He shakes his hand until Steve loosens his hold, but before he can retreat it into his pocket because he thinks Eddie is trying to get him to let go, he tangles his fingers loosely with Steve’s. “They came back tonight?” 
Steve stares down at their hands, his thumb rubs over one of Eddie’s rings. “Yeah, and they managed to pick a fight within five minutes of walking through the door. Must be some kind of record.”
Eddie squeezes his hand. “I’m sorry, Steve.” 
With a sigh, Steve finally looks up. “It’s not your fault, and besides-” He smiles at Eddie. “I didn’t bring you here to talk about them.” 
Eddie narrows his eyes at him. “What did you bring me here for?” 
Steve’s smile turns into a grin, he drops Eddie’s hand and starts walking backward toward the car. “Wait here.” 
“You better not be abandoning me to die here!” 
He gets no reply. Eddie squints at him as he rummages through the trunk of his car but it’s a little hard to see clearly in the dark. He wraps his arms around himself while he waits, feeling colder by the second, and resists the urge to ask Steve if he has an extra jacket lying around. It’ll send him into Mother Hen mode and he’ll start fussing about Eddie catching something and probably scold him for not bringing his own jacket. 
So he acts as nonchalant as possible about the cold when Steve comes back, hiding something behind his back that Eddie can’t see. 
“I didn’t bring you here to murder you or abandon you. I brought you here to have a picnic with me.” As he says this, he shows Eddie what he was holding behind his back- a checkered blanket and a goddamn picnic basket. 
Eddie blinks dumbly at the two items and then at Steve, mouth gaping like a fish. “A picnic?” 
Steve nods a little shyly. “Um yeah, is that okay?” 
Eddie lets out a disbelieving laugh. A fucking picnic under the stars- oh, Max is going to have a field trip teasing Eddie about this one!
He realizes that Steve might be taking his reaction the wrong way when he starts to fidget so Eddie wipes the surprise from his face and grins at Steve. “Depends on what you packed in there, big boy.” 
A high-pitched laughter tumbles out of Steve’s lips and even with just the moonlight he can see his cheeks tint pink. “Well, do you like grilled cheese?”
Eddie makes grabby hands at the basket. Once Steve spreads the blanket on the ground, he flops down and starts digging through the contents.
There’s grilled cheese wrapped in tin foil paper, two bags of chips, two sodas, and a big serving of pie. Eddie’s mouth waters. 
“So,” Steve asks, wrapping his arms around his knees. “What do you think?” 
“I think,” Eddie pauses, thinking. “That I don’t care if you murder me as long as you let me eat this first.” 
“You’re so annoying,” Steve snorts, rolling his eyes.
“If I’m so annoying,” Eddie says, neatly arranging the food between them on the blanket, or as best as he can on the uneven ground. “Then why did you go through all this trouble for little ol’ me?”
Steve bites the inside of his cheek. He looks like he wants to say something, but then changes his mind, only to part his lips again. The look in his eyes betrays nothing, no matter how much Eddie tries to read it. Despite the cold, Eddie’s hands start to sweat a little. 
But then Steve shakes his head and looks down, picking up his grilled cheese. When he looks back at Eddie again, his eyes are soft, crinkling at the corners, but whatever he saw in them before is now gone. “Let’s eat before it gets cold, okay?”
After the first bite, Eddie discovers that Steve must be some kind of grilled cheese genius. When he tells Steve this, he waves it off with a shy smile, but he seems pleased. 
They talk in between bites of food, or in Eddie’s case, through mouthfuls of melted cheese. The whole time, Eddie tries to ignore the chill in the air, but every gust of wind reminds him he’s only wearing a singlet under a very thin flannel and neither does much to protect him from the cold. Still, he does his best to hide his shivering from Steve, but it’s a little hard to do when Steve won’t take his eyes off of him for some reason.
Right now, he’s staring almost unblinkingly at Eddie with his legs crossed at the ankles and his arms wrapped around his knees, a soft smile painted on his lips as Eddie tells him how excited he and the kids are about the next Hellfire meeting. 
“You’re always excited about your nerdy game,” Steve smirks. 
“Fair, but this time it’s different because the kids finally convinced Max to play!” 
Steve’s eyebrows shoot up his forehead. “How did they manage that?”
“Well, they didn’t convince her so much as they tricked her into it.” 
“Yeah, that makes more sense.” 
“But! It doesn’t matter cause she’s going to love it so much she’ll beg to join again! I’ve been working on her character sheet to make it perfect for her and I got her this cool set of dice- red dice, of course, cause her character will be called Ruby. Ruby the Rebel.”
Steve’s smile turns impossibly softer at Eddie’s excited rambling. “That sounds just as cool as her. What kind of- uh like, what’s her-”
“Class?” Eddie asks, stomach swooping a little at Steve trying to remember things about their nerdy game so he can ask Eddie. Steve nods. “Oh, she’s a-” He cuts himself off when a cool breeze stirs beneath his flannel and he shivers with a curse. “Jesus H. Christ!” 
Steve startles and his head whips in different directions, looking out for danger. “What?” 
“Sorry, nothing! It’s just really cold! Sorry!” 
Steve relaxes, then frowns. Narrowed eyes travel over Eddie’s body. “Wait, where’s your jacket?” 
“Did you leave it in the car?” 
“More like, left it at home?” Steve’s face turns pinched. “You didn’t tell me where we were going, I didn’t know I would need a jacket!” 
“Yes, you did, I told you to bring one!” Steve says, exasperated. 
Oh. So Steve did tell him to bring a jacket. Huh. 
“Here,” Steve says and then starts shrugging off his jacket. 
“What are you doing?” 
“I’m giving you my jacket, obviously.” He removes it completely and Eddie gives himself a second to commit to memory just how tight Steve’s white shirt is. It’s also thin. Eddie shakes his head. 
“But you’ll be cold.” 
“I won’t.” He shrugs. “I run hot.”
“You’re hot,” Eddie says and realizes too late that his brain-to-mouth filter must’ve been damaged by the cold. “I mean you look hot, like you don’t look cold.”
Steve bites down on a grin. “Take the jacket before you catch something, Eds.” 
“O-kay, mom Steve.” He accepts the jacket, and when he puts it on, he can’t help but sigh happily. It’s warm from Steve’s body heat. It also smells just like him. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” Steve smiles. “Now, what were you saying?” He asks and it takes Eddie a minute to remember what they were talking about, distracted as he is by Steve’s warmth and smell surrounding him.
“Do you ever think about leaving Hawkins?” 
Eddie jerks his head back, out of the basket where he was looking for the forks that Steve packed for the pie. “Uh, like, every day of my life, man.” 
“Because of Vecna?”
“No, long before that.” Eddie finds the fork. Singular. “You only packed one, Stevie, but I can just use my fingers.” He wiggles them and Steve shakes his head. 
“We can share,” he says. Alarms go off in Eddie’s head at the thought of passing the fork back and forth between them, sharing the slice of pie. He hasn’t been to that many dates in his life, but sharing dessert sounds a lot like a date thing.
“Sure,” he says, shrugging casually. Steve takes the first bite and hands it to Eddie. “Anyway, yeah. I always knew I wanted to leave. Knowing that there’s an alternate dimension at our feet that could pop up the next monster at any second only made the urge stronger, but. Gotta graduate first.”
“Where will you go? When you graduate?” 
“I don’t know. Some big city with a cool music scene, maybe. I can join a band that’s actually going somewhere.” He snorts. “No offense to Corroded Coffin.” 
Steve chuckles. “I’ve always thought you belong in some big city.”
“Yeah?” Eddie asks with an arched eyebrow.
“Yeah, dude, you’ve always seemed- I don’t know, too big for Hawkins,” he says with an awed tone. Eddie’s throat feels dry, he skips the next bite of pie, giving it back to Steve. “Like you should be somewhere with people as loud and talented and great as you.”
Eddie swallows thickly. His eyes haven’t left Steve’s face, but Steve isn’t looking at him, instead he’s staring ahead at Hawkins or maybe like he’s trying to see even further than that. Eddie’s glad he’s not looking at him, he doesn’t even know what his face is doing right now, listening to Steve talk about him like that, there’s probably hearts in his eyes or something.
“I- I’ve always wanted to go to New York,” Eddie says to break the silence. Steve hums like he thinks it’s a good idea. “What about you, Steve? Do you think about leaving?”
“Sometimes. I- I’ve actually been saving up money to go to college. Nothing prestigious like Nance or Robin, just community college maybe.”
“That’s great, Steve,” Eddie says.
“But I don’t think I can leave until I know it’s over, you know? The Upside Down, especially if the kids are still going to be here.”
“Yeah, I’ve thought about that. Kinda makes you want to steal another RV, pack them all up and leave Hawkins for good.”
Steve meets his eyes finally. He smiles. “Yeah, exactly.”
“I think we could do it,” Eddie says, entertaining the thought for a moment. 
“You don’t think we’d end up in jail? For grand theft auto and kidnapping children?”
“Shh, let a guy dream, Harrington.”
“Okay, okay,” Steve says, holding up his hands in defense. “You know I haven’t told anyone about saving up for college. Just you.”
“Not even Buckley?”
Steve shakes his head. “I already failed once trying to get in. I don’t want anyone to know that I’ve failed again. I don’t want to disappoint anyone.”
Eddie thinks about what Steve said when they got here, about the fight with his parents, about them calling Steve a disappointment. “You could never disappoint me. Or Buckley or the kids. We all worship the ground you walk on, King Steve.”
“Shut up,” Steve says with a lighthearted shove to Eddie’s shoulder. “You don’t.”
“We do! Because we know just how good and badass you are, and whoever can’t see that is a butthead.”
“Are you calling my parents buttheads?” Steve asks with a barely concealed snort. 
“That’s exactly what I’m doing!” He puts his hands around his mouth and yells. “The Harringtons are buttheads!”
Steve breaks into giggles, falling back against the blanket, squirming with laughter. “You’re ridiculous.”
“Yeah, but you love it,” Eddie says without thinking, and watches as something flashes across Steve’s face.
Before he can backtrack or brush it off as a joke, Steve sits up again, his jaw set with determination. 
“The fight with my parents was because of you,” he says. And okay, that’s not what Eddie was expecting. 
“They came home just as I was packing this up.” He gestures at the picnic basket. “I didn’t hear them come in until they came into the kitchen. They thought I was doing all of this for a girl so they started going off about me wasting my life and everything that they worked so hard to give me just to go on dates and work at a goddamn video store. They told me that it didn’t matter how much I tried, this girl was going to realize I was a failure and leave me. I don’t know what made me more angry- what they were saying about me or that they were talking about you like they knew you.” Steve pauses and takes a deep breath. “So I snapped and I told them I wasn’t packing all of that for a girl, that I was doing it for you. A guy. And that you would never leave me because I work at a video store or because our dates consist of grilled cheese sandwiches and roller skating and babysitting kids. And I guess that was a little presumptuous of me since we never really agreed that these were dates and I don’t even know if you-”
“Yes,” Eddie says when he finally finds his voice. He lost it somewhere around Steve calling this, and all the things they’ve been doing together for weeks, dates.
Steve blinks, his lips press together like he’s trying to stop himself from smiling, from getting ahead of himself. “You don’t know what I was going to say.”
Eddie rolls his eyes. “What were you going to say?”
“That I don’t even know if you feel the same way I feel for you.”
“Yes.” Eddie repeats. “Holy fuck, Steve, yes I do.”
Steve stops trying to hide his smile. He beams at Eddie. “Yeah? You’re crazy about me too?”
Eddie whines low in his throat. “Steve.”
Steve pushes himself to his knees and then he closes the distance between them by crawling towards Eddie. “Are you?”
“You can’t stop thinking about me and you want to listen to me talk all day about nerdy shit too?” Steve asks, crowding against Eddie until he has no choice but to lean back until he’s lying down on the blanket and Steve is hovering over him. 
“Sports shit but yeah, yes.”
Steve leans down until his lips are right next to Eddie’s ear. “You want to kiss me too?” Eddie shivers, and this time, it’s not because of the cold. He’s never felt warmer in his entire life. 
“Yes,” he says. “Please, Steve.”
Steve closes the distance between them and crashes his lips against Eddie’s, kissing him hard and desperately, drawing a whimper out of him. Eddie kisses back with just as much enthusiasm, his hands coming up to grip Steve’s waist, his shoulders, his arms. 
His freezing arms. 
“Christ, Steve!”
“What? What?” Steve asks, pulling back just enough so that Eddie can see his face- flushed with parted, swollen lips and blown pupils. 
And oh. Yeah. Eddie needs to see Steve looking like this again soon. Preferably when he’s not freezing to death. 
“You’re freezing, man. Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I was a little busy,” Steve smirks. 
Eddie shakes his head. “I’m giving you your jacket back,” he says, squirming as he tries to shrug off the jacket with Steve still on top of him. 
“No, Eds-” 
“Then we’re going to the car.”
“But I can’t kiss you like this in the car,” Steve pouts and the sight of a pouty Steve because he wants to straddle Eddie and kiss him stupid shouldn’t make him consider staying out here in the cold, but it does. Just for a moment. 
“You can, if we climb in the backseat, baby,” Eddie says with a sly grin. 
Steve’s eyes widen, his eyes flick to the car and then to Eddie’s lips and Eddie sees the moment he makes a decision. “Yeah, okay. Maybe I am a little cold. Let’s go.”
They pick up the trash and the blanket in record time, even while stealing short, giggly kisses. 
“I can’t believe we’ve been on so many dates and you haven’t even asked me out once!” Eddie says, balling up the tin foil paper and throwing it at Steve’s face. He throws his head back with a groan. “I can’t believe Max was right!” 
Steve raises an eyebrow. “You talk to Max about me? Your fifteen-year-old neighbor?” 
Eddie arches an eyebrow right back. “Oh, so you don’t talk to Dustin, your fifteen-year-old best friend about me?” 
“Of course I do,” Steve sniggers. “He’s the one who told me you can’t roller skate to save your life.”
“Then why did you take me to the roller rink?” Eddie asks with an undignified squeak, feeling the phantom pain of his many falls.
“So I could do this-” Steve takes hold of Eddie’s hands, tangling their fingers together, “-all night.” 
Eddie flushes, looking down at their hands with a smile. “That was a good plan, I’ll give you that.” 
He rubs his thumb over Eddie’s knuckles. “I have more where that came from.” 
The touch makes Eddie’s insides flutter, he pulls a strand of hair across his face with his free hand, but Steve can probably still see his red cheeks. “Yeah?” 
“Mhm,” Steve hums. He crowds against Eddie until his back hits the car, pinning him against it. “And I can show you. If you agree to go on a date with me.” Steve’s free hand plays with the lapel of his jacket on Eddie. “Officially, I mean.” 
Eddie grins. “I thought you’d never ask,” he says, pressing a quick kiss to the corner of Steve’s mouth. 
Then he’s dragging him into the backseat, and for the rest of the night, neither of them feels cold again.
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 93
Part 1 Part 92
Eddie feels the hands around Will’s throat like it’s his own. Steve’s hands. Around Will’s throat. He gasps on the ground for a second as Barb and Mama Byers scrabble at him, trying to pry Steve’s hands free.
Will’s tugging at him, pulling at them both hard enough that Eddie swears he can feel his ass sliding on the tile toward him. Like he wants both of them to save him, even now, with Steve’s hands squeezing the life out of him. Steve’s pulling back, like they’re a fucked up little triangle ready to go out together.
Always, always together. If not in life, Eddie’s ready to stay by their sides in death.
“Will!” Mama Byers cries, bending one of Steve’s fingers back far enough that Eddie hears something within it popping free.
It doesn’t matter – once she lets go of the digit, it springs back, to hold on, crunching like the little bones beneath his skin are rubbing with every movement.
The sound, that terrible, horrible sound is what breaks Eddie free from his shocked huddle in the water. He sloshes upright, boots filling with heat as he lunges toward Steve, bogged down by the weight of his now-soaked clothes.
He joins the fray, yanking Steve’s hand for all he’s worth. Will’s still pulling on them both, he can feel it tugging at his sternum, pulling the strings of his heart like only the two of them can. But it’s getting weaker already. Steve’s is growing weaker right alongside it.
Like, Steve’s hands are choking the life out of Will and taking him along with it. Like, even hidden where he is, he knows he can’t live in a world where his hands have done such a terrible thing.
Eddie can’t breathe.
Barb jumps back without hesitation at the sound of Perkins voice booming around the small space. No one else does.
Eddie shifts his eyes toward her, wild and frenzied and they stick. She’s got fucking oven mitts on, a cute turquoise pair with lace cuffs, and she’s holding a steel pot between her palms, Like she’s making mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving and not watching her best friend choke a kid’s life right out of his eyes.
Eddie doesn’t see her move, doesn’t even comprehend what’s happened as something scalding drips onto his hands, so shockingly hot that he jumps back. He looks down at his hands, watches them turn bright red and blister.
Mama Byers is clutching her own face as Will drops, coughing into the water. She snaps out of it, reaching out with desperate, grasping hands to pull him away from where Steve stands, water sloshing as its violently displaced.
Only Barb remains unscathed.
And Steve, he writhes, wet and seizing, black bleeding into his veins.
Behind him, Perkins stands, oven-mitted hands still clutched around her now-empty pot.
Steve drops.
Water splashes around him, soaking everyone further as the water begins to creep out of the bathroom entirely, soaking into the Harrington’s pristine white carpet.
Eddie doesn’t care. He’s frozen where he stands.
Steve’s back arches macabrely, throwing his neck back far enough that his mouth is briefly submerged, bubbles coming out of his mouth in a voiceless scream.
It’s the swimming pool all over again. Steve was always going to drown, and Eddie was always going to follow right after him.
But then he seizes again, and his head’s above water.
Perkins drops the pot with a clatter, dropping to her knees to cup Steve’s face absurdly between her oven-mitted hands.
She’s muttering too quietly for Eddie to hear until he drops down beside her, holding the back of Steve’s head to stop him from going back under.
“Be okay, be okay, be okay,” Perkins mutters, less a plea and more a demand, like she can reach into Steve and rearrange his insides if need be. She’s snarling, feral and wide-eyed.
The blacks traveling up the veins in his arms, peeking out from his clothes as it moves, inexorably to coalesce in his chest. For a wretched moment, Eddie thinks this is it – the smoke will choke out his heart, and there will be no more Steve.
There’s a cry building in his throat, kept down only by the sheer force of it.
But then it continues, bubbling through his heart, and up, up, up into his throat, bulging the veins there enough that Eddie’s afraid they’ll burst.
 Smoke pours out, black and choking. Eddie and Perkins stumble back, instinct taking over as Steve falls unimpeded into the bathwater with clattering splash as his head hits the running faucet on the way down.
The smoke dashes around the room looking for new bodies or an escape. Eddie doesn’t care. Because Steve’s face is submerged and he’s not getting up.
Eddie lunges, meeting Perkins and Barb halfway as they all scramble to get Steve out of the tub.
It’s an uncoordinated slide drag pull, limbs bouncing off porcelain and tile. None of it matters, though. Because Steve coughs, dispelling normal, clear water from his lungs, no black in sight.
Steve Harrington opens his beautiful, beautiful eyes. They flit around, dazed, brow wrinkled until they land on Eddie. He smiles, just a little, like a reflux to seeing Eddie’s face.
“Hi, angel,” Eddie calls, reaching out to stroke his cheek.
“Ow,” Steve whispers, voice cracking from his ruined throat, but it’s all him.
Eddie laughs, just as Steve slumps into a dead faint, splashing back into the water for the umpteenth time.
Will sighs. “That’s definitely him.”
They’re all soaked and beat to hell, but this is the happiest Eddie’s ever been. He pulls Steve into his arms, pressing his face into Eddie’s neck so he can feel his puffing breaths.
Proof of life.
Taglist: @deany-baby @estrellami-1 @altocumulustranslucidus @evillittleguy @carlprocastinator1000 @hallucinatedjosten @goodolefashionedloverboi @newtstabber @lunabyrd @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @manda-panda-monium @disrespectedgoatman @finntheehumaneater @ive-been-bamboozled @harringrieve @grimmfitzz @is-emily-real @dontstealmycake @angeldreamsoffanfic @a-couchpotato @5ammi90 @mac-attack19 @genderless-spoon @kas-eddie-munson @louismeds @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @pansexuality-activated @ellietheasexylibrarian @nebulainajar @mightbeasleep @neonfruitbowl @beth--b @silenzioperso @best-selling-show @v3lv3tf0x @bookworm0690 @paintsplatteredandimperfect @wonderland-girl143-blog @nerdsconquerall @sharingisntkaren @canmargesimpson @bananahoneycomb @rainwaterapothecary
Eddie Munson cries.
Part 94
190 notes · View notes
smeddiemunson · 2 years
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
The Harrington house is big and it’s nice to look at, or it would be if Gareth was into the boring minimalist style, but there’s no warmth to it.
That’s all he could notice while he was pulling off his jeans and neatly folding them up to place on the top of a chest of draws in a guest bedroom. The walls are white and the accents a single shade of brown. Even Gareth’s oppressively suburban home had more character than this.
And it just didn’t seem to fit with Steve. Steve, in Gareth’s admittedly limited understanding of him, was more suited to a smaller but still nice house, with appliances that made funny noises if they weren’t used the right way, and was always full of people. A house that had character built into its very foundations.
He met Jeff and Grant back in the kitchen, trying his hardest not to stare too long at the single family portrait hung at the end of the hallway. Jeff was wearing red shorts and Grant was wearing blue ones. It seemed that only Gareth got the memo about wearing black and committing to the Not-Cult Cult aesthetic.
“What’s the plan then, Gare-Bear?” Jeff asked as Gareth sidled up next to them.
Gareth grabbed a can off the side, it was fresh out of the fridge and had condensation trickling down the sides. He assumed it was alright to take it. “I’m gonna talk to Buckley, feel out how to go about this.”
“And what should we do?” Grant asked.
“Make sure Eddie doesn’t do anything stupid?”
Grant scoffed. “Dude, you’ve met him, be serious.”
“I am!” Gareth replied. “I want this to work out for them and that means keeping Eddie’s foot out of his mouth.”
They all paused to remember the many, many times that Eddie’s inability to shut up had gotten them in trouble. He was great at talking himself out of trouble as well, but it was always preferable to not be in trouble in the first place. 
“So make sure Eddie doesn’t say something stupid before he can confess his love and get a pass for all the stupid shit he says?” 
Gareth allowed himself to chuckle. “Yeah, something like that.”
He led them all back out to the garden, cracking open the can as he went. The cold liquid felt good sliding down his throat; it wasn’t quite the peak of the summer and it was only going to get hotter, but Gareth didn’t think there was much point in not enjoying the smaller things in life. 
Eddie was perched on the edge of the pool, kicking his feet gently where they were submerged in the water, as he spoke to Steve. Steve who was in the pool but had pulled himself out enough to rest his crossed arms on the poolside and use them as a pillow for his head. They looked like they belonged in a movie; so caught up in one another that they didn’t react to the screaming from the others playing chicken (Nancy on Jonathan’s shoulders and Robin on Argyle’s). 
Gareth was shocked to see the way Steve was looking at him. He knew Steve was into Eddie, that much was obvious, but until that moment he had just thought it was a little crush.
This put a bit of a spanner in the works of his original plan of getting everyone to play enough party games until they could get Steve and Eddie together in seven minutes in heaven.
“Eddie!” Jeff shouted, “Did you smoke all the weed while we were getting changed?”
Eddie gasped dramatically, clutching at his heart. “Would I ever do that to you Jeffy?” 
“Yes,” Jeff deadpanned. 
Steve laughed delightedly, bumping Eddie in the knee with his elbow. 
“Fine, fine,” Eddie threw his hands up in surrender. “Stevie said we aren’t allowed to smoke and swim so we didn’t light it.”
“I don’t want you to drown,” Steve said quietly, a haunted look crossing over his face that left as quickly as it came. 
Eddie reached out to squeeze his shoulder, something unsaid passing between them. “I’m still here.” 
Steve nodded, then shook his head with a small smile, as if he knew he was being silly. 
Gareth shared a glance with his band mates, Eddie pointedly avoiding it. Another thing that would never be explained to them.
Luckily the game of chicken came to an end with Robin crashing down into the water, her legs pulling Argyle with her, to the tune of Nancy and Jonathan yelling in triumph to break Steve out of whatever spiral he’d fallen into.
Steve turned towards them with a smile. He patted Eddie’s hand where it was still on his shoulder then pushed off from the wall to join his friends, calling for his turn. 
Eddie’s hand hovered in the air for a second before falling back down to his side. 
Robin broke off from the group, stating her intention to grab another drink as she furiously tried to push her now wet hair out of her eyes. Argyle eagerly called for Steve to go against Nancy this time.
Gareth nodded to Jeff and Grant. “Go cheer him up. I hate it when he looks like a kicked puppy.”
“Guy doesn’t know what he has with those eyes, I swear,” Jeff mumbled as he and Grant moved to sit either side of Eddie, both bumping shoulders with him.
Gareth waited until Robin was digging through the cooler and muttering to herself to join her. 
She jumped slightly as she turned away from the cooler and realised that Gareth was there, evidently having not heard him approach. 
“Buckley,” He greeted. 
Gareth winced. This wasn’t supposed to be some sort of Mexican standoff. So he changed angles. 
“Eddie says you know about him.” 
Robin’s features softened. “Yeah and I know you’re protecting your friend, but I promise I will never ever do anything to hurt him. None of us will.|” 
Gareth smiled. “I wasn’t worried about that.” 
“So what can I help you with?” 
Gareth rubbed his hands over his face. He was suddenly faced with no idea how to word his questions. 
“Have you noticed that Eddie has a crush?” 
Robin laughed loudly, waving away the bemused glances thrown her way from the pool. “Yeah, I have. I’ve noticed Steve’s too because I know that’s going to be your next question. They’re kinda unbearable to be around sometimes.” 
“Oh,” Gareth chuckled, a weight lifted off his shoulders. “Good.” 
“Why? Are you planning something?” She sat forward, a manic smile on her face and clutching her can so hard there were small dents in the aluminium from her fingers. 
“I was thinking seven minutes in heaven but...” he sighed. “They’re too into each other to have their moment be during a stupid game.” 
“You really care about Eddie, don’t you?” Robin asked gently. 
Gareth narrowed his eyes on her. “Of course I do, he’s my best friend.” 
Robin held her hands up in surrender. “I’m not judging you. I feel the same way about Steve.” 
“Good. That’s good” 
They both fell quiet as they watched their friends. Steve, on Argyle’s shoulders, laughing at Nancy and Jonathan arguing as they strategised. Eddie was squashed between Jeff and Grant, batting on their chests to release him. If it weren’t for his hair not being tied back, Gareth knew he would have thrown himself into the pool to escape. He knew Jeff and Grant knew that as well.
“So what are we going to do?” Gareth asked.
“I don’t know,” Robin said. “But we’ll figure something out.” 
They spent the rest of the afternoon in the pool. Gareth and Eddie made a great team for the chicken tournament, but Argyle won the biggest splash competition they got going. It was funny to just act like teenagers, no school to worry about or crazy religious types out on witch hunts. 
Steve handed them all towels as the sun began to go down. Their fingertips wrinkled and dry as Eddie finally got to light the joints to pass around. They laughed and shared stories; Gareth even got to share his favourite about Eddie calling him from a phone booth in the middle of the night so Gareth could steal his mom’s car to go get him since his plan to hitchhike his way home failed. 
At some point, pizza was ordered while they lazed around. The joints had long since been smoked down to their cherry and discarded on the floor to clean up later when they were less drunk or high. Steve had told them not to worry about it.
Gareth spent his time watching Steve and Eddie pass tapes back and forth, heads leant close as they discussed the music on them, occasionally stopping the tape playing so they could switch it out for whatever song they were agreeing or disagreeing about. He made eye contact with Robin who just smiled gently, so fond of her friends. If he was able to see himself, her look was probably reflected on his own face.
The doorbell rang, heard out in the yard only because Steve’s parents had a device installed that rang a bell outside in case they weren’t inside to be able to hear the actual doorbell. 
Steve jumped up to get it. 
“Eddie go help him,” Robin said, pushing her toes into Eddie’s arm in a half hearted shove. 
“Stevie’s got it,” Eddie moaned, clearly not wanting to move from his spot. 
Robin shared a conspiratorial grin with Nancy, then both chorused, “Don’t ya, big boy.” 
Jonathan and Argyle looked just as confused as Gareth felt. He never got the full story from Eddie about what happened over spring break, Eddie was alive and that was enough for him, but sometimes he wished he could know just so he understood what the fuck was going on. 
Eddie flushed bright red all over his body. “Shut up,” he hissed. But it was evidently enough to get him to jump and follow Steve into the house.
Before Gareth could even attempt to ask about it, Nancy swung her legs around off the sun lounger and clasped her hands together.
“So,” She said as she pushed her sunglasses up into her hair. “We all saw that right?”
“Saw what?” Robin squeaked.
Gareth didn’t bury his face in his hands at her lack of subtlety.
“Steve and Eddie are very obviously flirting with each other,” Nancy said slowly, deliberately.
Jonathan hummed in agreement. “Yeah, it’s not the first time either.”
Robin opened and closed her mouth like a fish as she tried to come up with something to say. Obviously she couldn’t say anything that would out her best friend, but if she denied being able to see it then she ran the risk of being committed to a mental institution. She looked scared.
“And is that a problem, Wheeler?”
Gareth couldn’t be sure where the venom in his voice came from, he was sure that Nancy Wheeler was a nicer girl than her pinched features sometimes made her appear, but seeing Robin flounder and the thought of Eddie facing even more bullshit  than he already had made something protective flare to life inside of him. 
Nancy sniffed disdainfully. “Obviously not. I would die for those two, I just want them to be happy.”
A tense silence fell over them. 
“They don’t know that we know,” Robin said quietly.
“So we can’t be obvious,” Jonathan replied. “Doesn’t mean we can’t encourage them in the right direction.”
Argyle, his eyes trained on the stereo still playing a Queen song, a thoughtful look on his face that looked completely alien. He turned to where Gareth, Jeff and Grant were all sitting together on the same sun lounger. “You’re in a band right?”
Shit. Argyle was right. Gareth mentally cursed himself for not thinking of it sooner. Eddie had learnt Steve’s favourite song, they were going to play Steve’s favourite song as soon as they got it down; the drunks that usually watch them would probably appreciate something more country-rock than metal. 
“Argyle, you’re a genius.” 
(Part 5 (final))
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