#Eddie is obviously not my oc idk if i need to say that but
blackfairy312 · 4 months
What traits are each of them most attracted to? What/who is their biggest inspiration.
🔥oh boy an attraction, invlvong MY fucking ocs this is great.
Komi obviously has bad taste in men, like oh my god woman please theres somethig wrong with you but thats alright i guess. like idk how to decribe it but like, so likem you know. idk. like. ? blonde men seem to be a type, like Albert Wesker, andlike William Birkin, but also like bitches with mental disorders i guess idk DSM5 bitches like Amanda Young and probably the Trickster from Dead by Daylight fame. and like , Scaramouche is on there, which says something for sure. about here type, so foes like Maxwell from Dont Starve fame. Reigen Arataka is on this list and so is Osomatsu Matsuno from fucking Osomatsu-San is on this list and he is like, idk man hes on that go look at his wiki, aslo like everyone Komi has ever dated EXCEPT FOR TWO are on theVillians wiki which is insane because one of them is fucking MIGUEL OHARA. wild. i hope she gets therapy.
as for the others, uhm, Vincent is bisexual so like he knows what he likes. im not going into any more detail than this. dont ask me about what this pervert likes. hes a freak.
Antonio and Richard are GAY so like . tbh theyre probably like attracted to SANE people or something? idk Antonio seems like the guy to like, idk maybe someone who's nice to him? like SOMEONE WHO LIKE GENUINELY SEES THEBEST IN HIM AND WILL SUPPORT HIM becuase hes never had that ever growing up so its bizzare to him that someone out there genuiely CARES about him and CARES ENOUGH TO BE LIKE HIS FRIEND. GEUINE FRIEND. and if theyres a guy... yeah . Yaoi. (im a gay man I MAKE THESE JHOKES ALL THE TIME)
Richard i didnt answer bc idk man have you ever sen the Stranger Things fandom? so like. He's Steve Harrington and he needs to find his Jonathan Byers OR Eddie Munson before its too late ... it is too late btw he died lol
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their biggest inrpiratons? Komi's is her half-kind of? sister? Ayano from KagePro and im not going into all that just read her carrd or assume that i will address this later in more detail ebcause again this is an OC we've had for over 6 years so her lore is all over the place and shes not a dedicated fandom OC SHE GOES EVERYWHERE.
Vincent? idk. some big name hollywood actor . or somethibg. probably a few. im not going to indulge him by looking one up for an example bc the only movies i watch are shitty horror/slashers or marvel movies and smetimes ill watch like, idk a disney movie if im feeling freaky. idk whyy i said freaky
Richard idk soem fucking sports guy probablt i kinda want to make ajoke with Richard that he APPEARS to be a CIS STRAIGHT WHITE HETEROSEXUAL MAN but hes such a fucking himbo that he probably doesnt even fucking realize that hes GAY and im not saying like hes, idk talking to women I MEAN HE DOESNT REALIZE THAT WOMEN LIKE HIM. MAUBE. LIKE HE OBVIOUSLY, TO HIM, LIKING MEN IS NORMAL HES UST OBVLIOUS WHEN SOMEONE OF THE OPPOSITE SEX/GENDER IDK FLIRTS OR HITS ON HIM andhes like thibning theyre friendly and so hes friendlyback? LIKE THAT JOCK DUDE FROM PARANOMAN, thats Richard. he probbaly has a boyfriend or a crush on someone idk. too bad he died.
Antonio probably looks up to like, idk, a super hero or some fictional character like if he lived long enough to see Star Wars, he would attach himself to Han Solo. i dont really know many people/characters PRE-1970s and the Rat/Cat/Puppeteer ALL DIED IN LIKE in the span of 1961 and 1963 probably, i think Vincent died in prison a year or two after the events of FNAC 3. so. but yeah.
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hilarychuff · 2 years
i am not a steddie and so have not searched the fandom to see if this has already been done but if it hasn’t i just want you guys to know that i think you could really enjoy a steddie uptown girls au and a steddie overboard au!!!
uptown girls molly (brittany murphy) - spoiled orphan princess steve harrington suddenly poor???? what’s that about???? neal (jesse spencer) - hustling musician obviously eddie munson. originally sort of aloof but can’t resist the appeal of music royalty. later catches feelings and has to pull off a grand gesture with a musical performance.  huey (donald faison) - robin, obviously. the cool chill bestie who pulls bitches ingrid (marley shelton) - nancy!! can be a lil uptight but has your back. will give you the kick in the ass you need until you grow up.  ray (dakota fanning) - i want to say dustin but keeping in mind larger casting context i think el is the best choice here. can’t relate to the other kids her age, but desperately wants to, needs to deal with their feelings surrounding their parent in an essentially comatose state tucked away in the library.  roma (heather locklear) - hopper. accepted the parenting role but is honestly kind of absent. needs a wake up call to figure out how to communicate with his daughter bc he’s married to his job. probs does not have an affair with eddie (although dealer’s choice) but maybe has some sort of uhhhhh drug business arrangement idk 
overboard joanna/annie (goldie hawn) - steve it’s short for steven/stephen (???). has some unpleasant wife who mooches off his money and probably wants to kill him a lil. wearing flashy fashion and serving cunt while on his yacht. kind of a brat but also a total homemaker once he learns what an oven is or whatever.  dean (kurt russell) - eddie!! overworked underpaid sexy titties out in a lil tanktop hardworking guy with a flair for the creative. collects lil lost sheep flock of kids but is often not super responsible about it. perfectly happy to be a lil morally flexible and essentially kidnap steve as karmic justice but then also fall in love with him.  the kids - dustin, obviously!!! max another good candidate. honestly why not do just the whole gang??? lucas and mike and will and el. them alternately punking steve super hard in the start and then being like “no don’t take away our steve that’s our mom 🥺” by the end. are they foster kids?? is eddie running some sort of summer camp for them instead of their actual parent??? i let you all take it from here but i trust there’s a good solution  that one mean teacher - principal higgins obvs. judges eddie and gets put in his place by steve.  grant (edward hermann) - could be an oc, could be maybe carol??? you could do nancy if you’re a nancy hater. omg. you could do billy. actually billy would kind of be great here. 
anyway!!!! have at it or please feel free to weigh in lol. and feel free to write!! i love to come up with an au but finding the motivation to write about my own blorbos is hard enough!!
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emoryinaboat · 2 years
!! !! !!
TYSM Does this mean introduce 3 ocs??? Idk it does now, just for u bestie <33
(Also important info, all my OCs are magic like it started as a Harry Potter thing but then we obviously transferred them to our own thing and here we are, gay idiots at magic schools)
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(Bby ur my -inhale- aNGELLL)
Name: Cassidy
Age: 17
Pronouns: She/her (cis)
Sexuality: Omnisexual
General description: The sunshine in the biggest sunshine x stormcloud relationship we have
- She has spastic diaplegic cerebral palsy, she can walk independently but not for long so she uses crutches most of the time, wheelchair on low energy days
- All her mobility aids are covered in sanrio stickers or is otherwize bedazzled somehow
- She actually always has beads in her braids, picrew is just a bitch and never has her hairstyle :')
- Has an angsty autistic Kaz Brekker core boyfriend named Booker (my S/O made him) and they are disgustingly in love it's very cute
- She's really good at making origami and she's constantly making little lotuses and dinosaurs for Booker and little frog hoppers for his little sister Bessie
- Talks to her stuffies, she has s o many of them.
- Has been keeping diaries since she was 6, never doesn't have it on her. She's painted a bunch of little white rabbits on the cover because they're her lucky animal
- When she was 9-12 she put those bicycle beads that go click-click-click when you turn the wheel on her chair
- Adores puzzles, riddles and brain teasers. Her rubix cube record is 31 seconds, she's very proud of it
- Idk man she's just really pretty in an aesthetic way, like she always has cute patterns painted on her nails, she has hearts in her edges and eyeliner, she wears cute pajamas to bed, she's just very cute-
- Feels love pains in her arms, needs to squish something
- Love languages are physical touch, gift giving and quality time
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Name: Milan
Age: 18
Pronouns: He/him (cis)
Sexuality: Bisexual
General description: Leading man but he's a little fucked up actually/lh
- Lead singer and frontman of a famous pop-punk-kindof boyband, at first me and wifey dearest(/lh) couldn't think of a name for the band so we started just calling them Guys Being Dudes but that's what they're called now.
- Is dating his other bandmates, Ruben (mine), AJ and Zach (both my S/O's). Won't shut tf up about them in interviews
- Early diagnosed with bipolar disorder after very nearly decimating their careers.
- Had a really traumatic fanmail incident when they were really starting to break it big. Has some issues with their fans now but he's working on that-
- Has a therapy rat named Eddie (after Venom, not Stranger Things). The band also has one of those crusty white woman dogs/lh named MJ
- He will tell you his favourite movie is Back to the Future. This is a lie, his favourite is How to Train Your Dragon
- Best friends with an Olympic gymnast named Evangeline, she's had to hear his pining for his bandmates for years now
- Was really emo when the band was just starting out. Like bottle blond smeared eyeshadow Set It Off Band-T over striped shirt emo
- He gave Ruben his first haircut and thus saved Ruben from the "Awful First Trans Haircut" narrative because he's been cutting his own hair since he was 11
- Kind of emotionally distant Catholic family. Didn't outright say they don't like his lifestyle but by god they made it known. He only sees them around holidays and he only attends church loosely or for special occasions
- Really loves interacting with fan content, his twitter is a constant spam of fanart and fanfic, he follows back content creators, he reads and hypes up fanfic, all the time
- When he's scared (like harmless horror movie viewing kind) he doesn't scream or jump or anything, he just tenses up and starts crying-
- Colours his nails in with sharpie
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Caio 🏁
(I promise you he is not as threatening as the picrew shows he's just got a ~persona~)
Name: Caio
Age: 18
Pronouns: He/him (Cis)
Sexuality: Bisexual with a bigg male preference
General description: We're genius for this ship trope.
- Drag racer, his cars are his fucking babies
- Yes that's cars plural, his adoptive parents are RICH rich and are away for work a lot so they give him and his sister Genesis more allowance than they know what to do with. So what's an ND adrenaline-seeking teenage boy gonna do? Drag racing of course.
- Autism and ADHD and enough people-pleasing trauma to power a small nation. Most of his past relationships were his partners not communicating their relationship expectations and him wanting more than casual hookups and kinda being used :/ and now he doesn't really know how to value his own needs he's working on it-
- But he has a boyfriend now and they are also disgustingly in love and they're gonna make it everyones problem. His name is Keanu (S/O's) and he's a drag queen and I told you we were geniuses for that
- HoH and always forgets to wear his hearing aids, he mostly relies on lip reading. He has a walkie-talkie-radio-thing in his car that flashes when Genesis needs to contact him mid-race (cos like. Cops)
- When he has meltdowns it creates these magic power surges, he's been known to blow out lightbulbs. Once broke down so hard that he cut off the whole house's power
- He used to be on the cheer team and he can still do the flips and stuff, still super flexible
- Has like. No actual friends-
- He acts big at races and stuff but he is just the embodiment of the autism creature. He is just an excitable affection puppy who intensely autism stares when he's hyped
- Is an awful gossip, he needs to know everything about everyone at all times
- He makes rly good coffee-
- Him and Genesis are both fluent in ASL but his parents never bothered to learn. Genesis goes nonverbal sometimes though so Caio acts as translator when that happens
- Love languages are quality time, physical touch, verbal affection and late night drives
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westernwendigo · 2 years
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It's like sugar!! ♡
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hearmeoutno · 2 years
Stranger things season 4 re-write
I've never been so pissed at the ending of a series so imma rewrite it whether you like it or not. Imma add another character that's basically me in the 80s because I want to that's why. Euh so I hope y'all enjoy if I ever even publish this idk what imma do with this.
Please keep in mind that English isn't my first languages nor am I an American, so don't bully me aodkakdowod
A bit more explanation on how I'm gonna do this:
You'll be reading from my OC's p.o.v. in 3rd person, so imagine the narrator looking over the OC's shoulder and reading her thoughts (more info on her later)
I'm gonna rewrite certain scenes, so not the whole season
Because I stan this hc, Steve is bi, eddie is gay (I see that hanky Ed) but I'm not gonna write smut, a kiss at best, because I still think its cringe whenever I write it
I'm a gay fuck so guess what! Steddie and rovicky (idk the ship name but Robin and vicky)
I'm probably just gonna write about the Hawkins crew cause my OC will not be in Russia, Indiana and California at the same time for obvious reasons
Definitely putting in a lot of pop culture references
I'm gonna put in the timestamps of the scene I'm editing
My oc
Name: Mackenzie "Mack" Ryans (Ik the name sounds preppy but she is far from that, trust me)
Age: 19 (she had to double senior and just switched school, not rlly gonna write it down but theres context clues, or just think of your own reason, creative freedom)
Hobbies: playing guitar, D&D (she's not in Hellfire tho ik I'm sorry)
Music: Queen, Kiss, other popular rock around that time
movies: sleepaway camp, slumberparty massacre, Texas chainsaw massacre, Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street, just all horror movies and obviously popular movies, especially grease
Other: she's a lesbian because we rlly need more queerness in ST
Here's a few pics of what Mack would look like, but I'm not going to expertly detail her look/outfit, so it's up to the imagination for most of the story:
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Chapter 1: The Hellfire Club
"and even... Murder!"
As the geeks laugh at Eddie's expressive monologue, Mike and Dustin stand a few feet away from their usual table. For some reason they need to give eachother some sort of pep talk, but Mack doesn't give it any more thought than necessary.
"I don't understand why everything that doesn't fit in society's normal has to be bad or satanic! What about trolls and elves is so harmful that they might as well kill because of it?!" Rolling her eyes, she opens her lunchbox, taking a bite of her sandwich.
"Society has to blame something. we're an easy target"
"Exactly. We're the freaks because we like to play a fantasy game. But," As Eddie slams a hand on the table, he gets up and on said table to dramatically exclaim his opinion "as long as you're into band or science... or parties" the nasty face he makes at the typical party-goers makes them snarl and throw him a nasty face back. But ofcourse, Eddie being Eddie can't help but raise his voice at that while looking over to the popular slash basketball slash asshole table.. "or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!"
Jason isn't the biggest fan of hearing the truth, at least not as long as it's against him, causing him to stand up and scream back a "you want something freak?". Like all people do who don't understand a thing about differences.
But oh does Eddie love pissing off assholes! He makes a *lovely* demon face, along with some questionable sounds before walking back off the table like a catwalk.
"Its forced conforming. That's what... killing the kids!" A girl walking by gets scared of his sudden screaming, causing her to gasp and walk just a little faster, all while the table chuckles at Eddie's usual antics.
Being the gentlemen he is, he bows to let some cheerleaders by before sitting back down saying "that's the real monster."
Mack looks up from her lunchbox she was previously laughing into, leaning over to the head of the table where Eddie was. "We still on for tonight? I rented Friday the 13th again."
Cocking his head over to Mack he softly whispers "I might have a deal so just wait behind the trailer if you see someone inside." Then sitting straight up, looking at Dustin.
"So, uh, speaking of monsters"
Mack is standing behind the trailer, waiting for Eddie to come get her. People always seem to think her and Eddie are together, but they couldn't be far from the truth. Just two homosexuals who like rock, horror movies and weed.
As she's standing there, waiting, she puts a cassette in her Walkman. It's one she recorded herself, with a mix of her all time favourites. Theres some Kiss, a shit ton of Queen, some Bowie, and here and there The Beatles.
She can't help but see some lights flickering out of her peripherals. first it didn't seem so unusual, it's a trailer on a trailer park so not exactly a mansion. But they keep flickering. Pausing the tape and taking of the headphones, she hears screaming
"Chrissy, wake up! I don't like this, Chrissy! Wake up!"
Ignoring the rules she and Eddie set, she goes around the trailer and opens the door.
"What the fuck is going on he-" when she finally did see what was going on, she wished she just stayed home. Chrissy was slowly levitating into the air, Eddie standing in front of her.
"I don't know! We had deal and when I found what she wanted i came back and she was just- Jesus Christ!" Right when Eddie was telling his story, she slammed against the roof of the trailers, Eddie falling down by surprise and Mack with her back against the now closed door.
As Chrissy's bones begin to snap, they both stare in disbelieve for a few seconds. Then they began screaming as her eyes start bleeding and get sucked into her head. Mack runs to get Eddie, pulling him out the trailer and running. Not knowing where to go, they sprint into the woods.
"What the fuck! What the fuck was that Eddie!"
"I don't fucking know but we need to get out of here! The moment they find her I'm dead!"
They keep running and the road doesn't seem to stop. Eddie leads them to a boathouse on Coal Mill Road, rushing to find a hiding spot for when the cops eventually find them. They settle under a tarp in a boat, it's a bit cramped but they'll get by.
"Remember that one scene in Nightmare on Elmstreet where Tina gets levitated off the bed and up the wall to get killed by Freddy? What if he's real?" Mack always tries to be the comedic relief, but all she can see when she closes her eyes is Chrissy's lifeless body pressed against the ceiling.
Her and Chrissy were briefly friends, if that's what you can call it. They helped eachother in maths at the beginning of the year, and that was about it, yet they still smiled at eachother when passing in the hallways. Chrissy was sweet, she was kind, she didn't call her a queer or a freak unlike her pathetic-excuse of a boyfriend.
"I don't know what that was Mackie, but it definitely wasn't good. I'm really gonna need to sleep on that, if I can at least. Goodnight..."
"Goodnight Ed". And there they were. Cramped in a small boat, under a tarp and scared shitless for what will happen to them in the near future.
Right before she fell asleep, Mackenzie realised she dropped one of the cassettes in her back pocket. You know, the cassette that blatantly says "property of Mackenzie Ryans, don't fucking touch" on both sides. Fuck.
Wanna read more? Here's the other chapters I finished! Thanks for reading :)
(And yes, that one is longer than this one lmao)
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