#Eddie x GNreader
captain-tch · 11 months
Graduation Day (Eddie Munson x Platonic!GNReader)
You visit Eddie's grave the day you graduate.
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You couldn't help but stare. His grave was standing tall, despite the hateful graffiti scrawled on the granite. Flowers bloomed in the basket, with a pair of DND dice laid atop of the soil. It still didn't feel real, his grave shouldn't be there, he should have been standing besides you, finally striding across that stage to get his diploma.
This was his year.
You sniffed, playing with the tassels of your graduation gown. You had no idea what came over you - one minute, you had been throwing your hat into the air, and the next you were flying down the streets of Hawkins, uncaring about speed limits, desperate to get to his side. It all passed so fast, and now, looking upon the soil dedicated to one of the greatest people you had ever known, time came rushing to a halt.
This wasn't fucking fair.
"Hey Eddie." You attempted a smile at the tombstone, failing miserably. A lump had formed in your throat. You tried to speak, finding the words unable to come out. You opened your mouth to talk, to pretend for just a while that your friend was by your side and listening intently to your stories, waiting to input with his own, but all that came out of your mouth was a heaving sob. Tears cascaded from your eyes like a waterfall, your distraught cries drowning out all noise around.
"You were meant to be here!" You screamed at the granite, the only thing you could curse out. "We were meant to leave this shit hole together. We had plans! Why did you have to be so fucking noble, we need you, I need you!"
You heaved a breath, casting a self conscious glance around. There was no one around to witness your breakdown, not that it would have changed anything.
"Sorry Eddie." You got down on the ground, crossing your legs. You reached out your hand to the freshly turned soil, caressing it gently. You hoped this soft touch translated to wherever Eddie was, that he felt your apologies.
"I'm so sorry Eddie. I - I don't know what to do, I'm haunted by you. I can still feel your blood on my hands. I can still hear your screams at night. I hate myself for not helping you. I should have been the one to distract those...Monsters. I guess I'm more mad at myself than I am at you." You sighed, biting your lip. "I'm sorry for shouting."
You knew if he was here now he would shrug off your apology, knowing full well you didn't mean it. You were just upset.
"Ya know, we really missed you today. You did get that diploma, Wayne walked across that stage for you. He looked so proud, Eddie." Another smile graced your lips, your chest tightening. "I always imagined that when you'd walk across that stage, with a swagger that screamed 'I proved you all wrong', everyone would expect you to pull some kind of stunt. Like flip off the crowd or light the certificate on fire. But in my head, you always had this huge, beaming smile on your face and you'd find your friends and Wayne in the crowd, giving them the brightest smile anyone has ever seen. I miss your dumb, goofy smile."
Footsteps crunched behind you. You didn't turn to acknowledge the new presence, keeping quiet until the presence made themselves known. The shadow fell over you, so close you could smell the cheap citrus perfume.
"I thought I'd find you here." Robin curled up on the ground beside you.
"Congrats, you found me." Absentmindedly your fingers curled in the soil, lodging itself up your fingernails. Robin opened her mouth to speak, then noted the slight down turn in your lips. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped."
"It's okay." Robin scooted closer to you, her hand drifting over yours. "It's been a tough day."
"I just - I thought being here would make me miss him less but it just hurts more." You choked on a laugh, breath hitching. The lump in your throat had finally won. Tears streamed down your cheeks, inhumane noises slipping past your lips. Robin wasted no time in pulling your body into hers, enveloping you in a tight hug. She didn't say anything, rubbing soothing circles into your back as you tried to battle the heartbreak.
A strange sensation flowed through your hair, almost like a hand had ghosted the strands. You didn't pay it much mind, thinking it had been Robin's comforting touch.
But with your head buried in Robin's shoulder, you didn't see the lights of the graveyard lamp flicker.
stranger things masterlist
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Eddie Munson x GNreader
Authors note- hola my ghouls, gremlins and fellow goblins. This is just a short one shot for my homies that want to feel wanted.
Warnings- rough home life, angst, fluff, use of pet names like sweetheart but no gender or mentions of y/n
Summary- after getting a letter from your mother, you take a look back on your life and the people that make you feel wanted. 1.4k
Eddie was worried to say the least. You were his best friend and he hadn’t heard from you in days. At first he thought you were just sick but now he knows you’re definitely avoiding him. He drove by your house twice in the last 3 days and every time he stopped by he could tell you were home but not answering the door.
Not only were you not showing up to school but now you were avoiding him. He doesn’t know what he did to upset you but he was determined to figure it out.
He sat on the edge of his bed, guitar in hand as he strummed away and thought about what he could have done to upset you but he couldn’t think of anything. The last time he’d seen you the two of you went to the movies together. All he can think of was that he tried to hold your hand half way through the movie but chickened out at the last minute. Maybe that’s why you were mad at him. Maybe you noticed and didn’t feel that way about him. Maybe you noticed and wanted him to hold your hand. Maybe you- and Eddie is snapped out of his thoughts by a knock at the trailer door. He jumps up to answer it, figuring Wayne must have forgotten his lunch or something.
The last thing Eddie is expecting to see is you on his doorstep looking distressed and upset. But that’s what he finds.
“Sweetheart? What are you doing here? Are you okay? Here come on in you must be freezing.”
Eddie steps to the side and lets you in the trailer. Wordlessly you step inside and make your way to the couch in the living room where you plop down and begin to fiddle with your fingers from nervousness. Eddie can’t help but notice that and the way you chew your lip. He knows something is eating at you.
Eddie steps forward towards the couch but doesn’t sit down. Instead he kneels in front of you and grabs your hands to stop you from fiddling with your fingers. Trying to get you to relax.
“Sweetheart? What’s going on?”
In the softest voice Eddie’s ever heard you make you finally respond.
“Wanted to see you Ed’s.”
He strokes the backs of your hands with his thumb and he can visibly see you relax in your skin. The way you slump against the couch and you finally give your bottom lip a break from the chewing.
“I came by your house sweets. Thought you were avoiding me.”
Your eyes shoot up to meet his.
“Well I was. But not because of anything you did. I needed to be on my own.”
You rush the words out hoping it will bring Eddie some relief but it doesn’t.
“Sweetheart, why were you avoiding me? What’s wrong?”
You take a deep breath and pull out an envelope from your pocket.
“I got a letter….from my mother.”
Eddie, being your best friend, knew the past you had with your family and especially what happened with your mother. He knew how hard it was for you growing up and all the things she put you through. Eddie can’t believe she would have the nerve to reach out to you. Knowing that your family is the reason he hasn’t seen you in days gets his blood boiling. But he keeps his cool because he knows what you need.
You hand him the letter and let him read it.
“Hey kiddo
I know you probably don’t want to hear from me. And I know I have no right to ask anything of you or request your forgiveness but I wanted to let you know I’ve been sober for a few years now and I’ve met a man with 3 beautiful children that I watch after. I know I can’t fix things with you but I just wanted you to know that I do love you and I’m sorry I wasn’t better for you. But I’m trying to be better now. I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I hope you’re able to move on to better things in life.
Xoxo mom”
Along with the letter were pictures of her and her new family. As Eddie read the letter he could feel your hand shaking. When he looked up from the letter he found you sitting there with your eyes closed painfully tight. Trying but failing to prevent the tears from falling.
You begin to sob.
“I just don’t understand Eddie.”
“Understand what sweetheart.”
“Why wasn't I enough? Why didn't she want me? Why can she be better for this new family but could never do that for me. Why am I never enough.”
Eddie sets the letter down on the table and leans forward and grabs you in a hug that you accept with desperation.
Eddie begins to ramble. “Shit sweetheart you’re enough. You’re so much more than enough and I want you so much please please please don’t think you’re not enough please.”
As you two continue to hug you whisper in Eddie’s ear. “Thank you.”
Eddie pulls back slightly and brushes some of the hair out of your face.
“For what?”
“For wanting me when nobody else did.”
Those words broke his heart. How could you think nobody wanted you? You were everything to him. When he looked at you he saw the entire universe mapped out in front of him and he couldn’t imagine his life without you. It killed him to know that you thought nobody would want you and it killed him that your own family made you feel that way.
“Sweetheart, listen to me. I’ll always want you. I always have. You’re my everything. And whenever you need reminding of that just come to me. Or Steve. Or Nancy. Or Robin. Or Jonathan. Or any of the kids. Cause we all want you. We love you and we never want you to feel unwanted.”
“That’s sweet Eddie. Thank you. But that’s not what I meant. I meant you wanted me. Sure I love Steve and Nancy and Robin and Jonathan and the kids but you’re my family Eddie. I can come to you for anything and I know you’ll be here when I need you. You look at me and suddenly I don’t feel so alone. I know I’ve got at least one person I can really truly depend on.” You grab his hand and bring it to your chest. Holding his hand over your heart where he can feel it beating heavily.
“And Eddie I want you to know you’re wanted to. In the exact same way I know you want me. You’re everything to me, Eddie Munson.”
It was then that Eddie realised this was more than just a family pep talk. It was a confession. A confession of how deeply you two love each other even if you aren’t ready to say the L word quite yet. This was more meaningful. Letting each other know they’re wanted.
Eddie removes his hands from yours and brings them up to your face where he cups your cheeks gently and leans in. Just enough to where his lips brush gently over yours. He looks into your eyes for that final confirmation. You nod.
He leans in the rest of the way and your lips finally meet. All the both of you feel is relief. The kiss is like letting out all the pent up stress you’ve had for days. You two quickly become intertwined on the couch. Lost in the universe you two have created. When you finally pull away you’re both smiling ear to ear.
“Come on sweetheart let’s watch a movie together and then we can have a sleepover.”
“Only if I get to pick the first movie. But I promise you can pick all the snacks.”
“You really do complete me sweetheart.”
Eddie wraps his arms around you while you watch the movies and the two of you drift off to sleep on the couch. Knowing you’re wanted.
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gaianyx · 2 years
Want You Bad
By Jane F. Nyx
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x GnReader
Summary: It's the reader's first official show. And they want to dedicate their song to their boyfriend, Eddie Munson.
W/C: 699 words
A/N: I was listening to this song the other day and couldn't stop thinking about how Eddie fits perfectly into the lyrics. No use of (y/n). Proof read.
Feedbacks and tips will be well received :)) 
Happy reading everyone!!
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I had been preparing myself for this day.
Today, for the first time I was going to sing my own song.
Based on the one person that always believed in me.
But didn’t seem to believe in himself.
We were inseparable, he helped me at my worst, so I wanted to return the favour.
Or at least thank him, acknowledge him, make him feel as special as he made me feel.
He needed to know how I felt, that's why I wrote that song.
I walked on stage, and when I say that there was a crowd, there was a crowd. More than I was used to in the hideout.
I felt nervous, but I was doing what I loved.
For who I loved.
The band was and so was I.
I scanned the crowd until I saw him, he was looking as handsome as always.
He gave me a smile of approval, always the one to cheer me up.
God, I wanted him so bad.
I approached the microphone and spoke, “Thank you everyone for being here!”, I checked one last time on the band behind me, returning to my position when they gave me a thumbs up.
“This song is dedicated to my biggest supporter, fan, best friend and boyfriend.
This one is for you, Eddie!” a smile appeared on his face and soon enough on mine.
If you could only read my mind
You would know that things between us
Ain't right
I know your arms are open wide
But you're a little on the straight side
I can't lie
My hands were shaking a little, but I couldn't care less.
My mind became blank, the words started to spill out of my mouth.
And suddenly memories from the time we had together were the only thing playing in my head.
Your one vice
Is you're too nice
Come around now, can't you see?
When we met, he looked so tough. But turned out to be so nice and understanding.
He was gentle and a prick at times.
I want you
All tattooed
I want you bad
The day I went with him to get his first of many tattoos.
He was a little nervous and wanted me to stay with him. So that is what I did.
The same day I realised I wanted him, much more than friends should.
Complete me
Mistreat me
Want you to be bad, bad, bad, bad, bad
The day we had our first kiss. After that stupid fight.
If you could only read my mind
You would know that I've been waiting
So long
For someone almost just like you
But with attitude, I'm waiting, so come on
The day we made it official, after being scared of how things would turn out.
Both not wanting to take the first step.
The day Eddie had put the pants on and gathered some courage to ask me to be his.
Get out of clothes time
Grow out those highlights
Come around now, can't you see?
Our first night together.
I want you
In a vinyl suit
I want you bad
Prom, when he refused to wear a tuxedo and wore a ‘vinyl suit’ instead. His leather jacket.
Which made him look more handsome.
If that was even possible.
I want you bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad
His changing moods and way of talking that always made me laugh.
Don't get me wrong
I know you're only being good
But that's what's wrong
I guess I just misunderstood
Till the day those three words finally slipped out of my mouth in the cosiness of his room.
With Eddie laying on my chest, his arms hugging my body and my hands caressing his hair.
I want you
All tattooed
I want you bad
My mind got back to reality, people were cheering on the song as it was getting to an end. But I could only focus on him.
Standing right there, smiling like a little kid.
X- rated
I want you bad
The lyrics of the song slipping through my lips, directed to Eddie.
There was no questioning anymore after this magical moment between us two.
I mean it
I need it
I want you bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad
Really, really bad
I was deeply in love with him, and he was deeply in love with me.
And that day had made it clear.
Let's just say that after the show, we had a really long day…
And that Eddie never questioned if he was good enough for me anymore.
To more love songs, to more kisses, to more him, to more us.
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A/N: If you enjoyed this post please don't forget to like and comment <3333 Thank you for reading!
See you in the next chapter!
xoxo Jane
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discodeakyfandom · 2 years
Concert Night
GNreader x Eddie Munson
Summary: Reader is ready to go to the concert of the one and only EddieMunson
Warnings: none
Today was the day. Friday night. You were waiting the whole week for that. "I will go to Eddie's concert" you thought with excitement. You were still checking yourself in the mirror pleased with your outfit. " it's gonna be great" you said to yourself trying to calm your stress. It wasn't like you always got invited to concerts, and the fact that this one was Eddie's made it even more unbelievable to you. Everyone thought of you as an outcast, the weirdo. Was it they way you dressed? The fact that you couldn't open up conversations easily? Or that everyone thought you were in some short of cult? You honestly didn't know but after so many years you got used to it. That's why this invitation caught you by surprise.
You snapped out of your thoughts and put your shoes on. You left going towards the small bar. With each step your heart was beating faster. So you started analyzing it as much as you can. Lost in your thoughts you arrived before you even knew. Taking a deep breath you opened that door, the smell of cigarettes and alcohol immediately hitting you nose. They weren't still on stage you realized as it was empty. You headed towards the bar "one glass of vodka" you said the bartender nodded. You paid him and took the drink to your hands taking a ship, smiling at the feeling of warmth it gave you. You observed the crowd it was mostly drunk middle aged men and some metalheads at their twenties. The the characteristic sound of guitar echoed the room. Turning your head to the stage you saw him. He wasn't wearing his casual hellfire shirt, which surprised you. You went closer as they started to play. It wasn't bad not bad at all actually very enjoyable. The guitar solos were great the bass lines gave the rhythm and the drums the classic addition. You moved your head to the rhythm of the songs and then he noticed you. He gave you his signature smirk and you smiled back. For the rest of the concert you two maintained eye contact. Time went by fast and the concert ended.
You were waiting at the bar for him to come. You were looking to the floor when you heard " Hi sweetheart" "Hey Eddie" you said getting butterflies from the nickname . " How did you like the gig?" " It was great I really enjoyed it" "happy to hear that" he answered with a genuine smile. "so, do you wanna maybe go to eat something?" "I'd love that Eds" you said with a grin on your face "Great!".
You two walked out of the bar and headed to the local pizza place. You sat down and gave your order. "Y/n you look so beautiful right now" "Thanks Ed I can say same about you" you said while blushing. Your food came and after some good five minutes of silence you asked " Why did you talk o me at the first place" to that he answered "I knew you were special the moment I laid my eyes on you. You just seemed authentic and not shallow like the other girls" "Oh thanks" "Why did you accept my invitation" "Well honestly you seem pretty cool and also very attractive. Let's not even talk about your amazing music taste" his response to that was a heart warming laughter. After you finished eating you left the place and headed home, when you were out of your place he took your face into his hands and looked right into your eyes. "I had a great time y/n, I hope we can go out again some other time" "Of course Ed it was really fun" he maintained the eye contact and you could feel his heartbeat raising. "God I want to kiss you so bad right now" he said "Then do it what are you waiting for" that was his go sign as when yoh finished the sentence he smashed his lips into yours. The kiss was deep and loving, you pulled away and gave him a peck on his cheek. "Bye bye Eds talk to you soon" "Bye sweetheart I will miss you"
Hey guys hope you loved this little fanfic have greddie day
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Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings: Enemies to lovers? Dom-ish Eddie! Mean Eddie. Choking. Allusion to sexual themes. That’s about it :)
A/N: it’s been ages since I’ve posted my own story! I hope you enjoy! I tried to point to the reader being alternative. Kept it pretty GN, but the nicknames might sound fem. Reblogs & comments are appreciated! Let me know if you’d like more!
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Eddie Munson was the bane of your existence. You loathed him with every fiber of your being. You hate him- from the tips of his curly brown hair all the way down to the heels of his doc Martins. You hated Eddie Munson.
Eddie Munson absolutely despised you. He cringed every time he heard your laughter ring throughout the halls of the school. Your smile that stretched all the way to your cheeks made him roll his eyes with a scoff. Eddie hated every part of your perfect self, disgust written clear across his face.
Despite the mutual hatred for each other, you found yourself dragging along to the weekly Hellfire meetings, almost with a slight pep to your step. The Hellfire Club was your only set of friends and relief from the chaotic world around you. Albeit, the leader evidently hated your guts, but you put up with it for the sake of your friends and your love of the game.
It was in Hellfire that you found your home away from home- your escape, sense of self, peace. Eddie always knew how to push your buttons just right, just enough to piss you off. But you kept coming back for more. For the campaign, you swore. In reality, you came not only for the adventure you had worked so hard on, but for the man with the curly hair and loud voice, silver rings adorning his long fingers and strong arms. It was Eddie you really came for.
For what felt like years, you’d watched from the sidelines. The freak of Hawkins High School. The metal head that flunked his classes so many times, he’d had to repeat his senior year- multiple times. The 5 foot 10 god of a man that would have you on your knees in seconds if he’d only so much as smile your way. You’d kept your feelings buried deep down when you realized just how much Eddie disliked you. Swallowed your pride and hurt, mustered up the courage to step into the classroom to see Eddie upon his throne waiting for the gang to arrive for their first meeting of the school year.
And you’d done so every week since. You took it like a champ. With every roll of a low number on the die and tsk-ing of Eddie’s mean shuns, you kept going back. But today seemed worse than the others. Eddie was riled up. And when Eddie was riled up, he was even more mean to you than ever. The guys’ excited chatter died down to a quiet whisper when your boots sounded at the entrance of the room, lingering in the doorway. A flushing of your cheeks burning red, duck of your head and small “hey, guys.” And you took your seat on the opposite side of the table, facing directly at Eddie’s throne.
“Well look who decided to show up!” He scoffed with an absentminded wave of his hand. “How nice of you to join us, darling.” He gritted out. You forced a smile on your face and muttered a bullshit apology and excuse for your tardiness. Eddie stared at you while you pulled your things from your backpack, quickly setting up your station and preparing yourself for what felt like the biggest battle you’d see yet. A sigh and push of your glasses back up your nose and you were ready to start. “Sorry, guys. I’m ready. Let’s do this.”
And so he began.
30 minutes later and half of your teammates had been brutally murdered. Eddie’s maniacal laughter still ringing in your ears as you shook the dice in your hands, wishing a silent prayer to whatever god could hear you, to just let you roll at least a 15. “You got this!” Dustin screamed in encouragement, hands clutched into tight fists. The boys were all either barely sitting on the edge of their seats or standing with sweat dripping down their foreheads. You released the die, watching it tumble down through the middle of the table before it stopped directly in front of the DM.
Wide eyes looked down and then slowly back up. In giddy and tense silence, he picked the plastic piece up and allowed for a grin to spread across his features as he showed the table your number. A 20. Thank fucking Christ. “YES! Fuck!” You let out an exasperated cry of joy. “In your fucking face, Munson! Eat shit!”
Your friends were too busy yelling and jumping around excitedly to register your words, but they were not lost on Eddie. He stood from the table quickly and in a matter of seconds was at the opposite end, grabbing you by the back of the neck and pulling you out of the room, leaving your friends to continue in their giddiness. The door slammed shut, leaving you in silence, save for the excruciatingly tense breaths coming from both you and the man who still had a grip on your neck, only now on the front, pinning you against the wall.
“I-I’m sorry, Eddie. Really! I wasn’t thinking-“ you spilled out quickly, terrified you’d really screwed things up and made him angry- pushed him too far. He only moved his face closer to yours, hot breath fanning over your paling skin, with squinted eyes.
“Shut the fuck up.” Your lips shammed shut, breathing becoming frantic as his scent invaded your lungs. You were afraid you’d suffocate on the smell of faint cigarettes, weed, and heavy pine if he didn’t release you and move away from your trembling figure soon. He towered over you, the tips of his long hair lightly swaying against your blushing cheeks. “Repeat every goddamn word you just said, ~darling~. I wanna hear you say ‘em to my fuckin face.”
Instantly, your mouth ran dry, tongue sticky behind your lips. His hand tightened ever so slightly around your throat. Suddenly, you were parched. “I-I said, ‘In your fucking face, Munson. Eat shit.” You choked out, eyes averting away in an attempt to not meet his hard stare.
“Ah- look me in my eyes when you insult me, precious. Be a big girl.” Your knees felt weak, arms limp at your sides as you slowly lifted your eyes to meet his. You’d never hear the end of this. This was it- he was going to kick you out and you’d lose the only friends you had. You mustered up as much courage as you could, absolutely fed up with the treatment you’d been receiving from Eddie Munson for the past months. You huffed.
“I said, ‘In your fucking face, ~Munson~. Eat. Shit. You fucking prick.” Your chin titled up in an act of bravery and defiance. He released you from his grasp and you heaved in a fresh breath, only blinking for just a second before staring him right back down. He took a step back before lunging right for you, hand grabbing and twisting into your hair making you yelp out at the stinging spreading across your scalp and down your neck.
He didn’t hesitate to crush his plush lips to yours, slipping his tongue inside your mouth. Your knees buckled for a split second before you pushed back with all of your might and you returned the kiss with as much force as he had kissed you. You fought for dominance over him, your hands gripping into the sleeves of his denim jacket, teeth nipping at his bottom lip until a moan lost its way out of his now sore lips. You pulled back, gasping for air.
“You’re an outrageous asshole, Munson. Treating me like shit stuck to the bottom of your shoes like I’m nothing for MONTHS.” You seethed once you’d both caught your breath. “Go ahead, kick me out for shit-talking you after kicking your ass.”
“Kick you out? No- no, I’m not kicking you out!” He chuckled dryly. His eyes shifted down to your feet before dragging up your body, drinking in the sight of you angry with bruised lips and the print of his hand still lingering against the soft skin of your neck. “You won, darling. Can’t deny that. But if you think for one second you’re getting away with that stunt you just pulled- you’re dead wrong.” His legs advanced towards you again, stopping right before you as he leaned down to place a chaste kiss against your lips before moving to murmur against your ear.
“I’m going to fuck the brat straight out of you. We’ll see how you like mouthing off then.” And then he tugged you down the hall, out the doors of the school, leaving your friends behind that had somehow just noticed your absence.
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Saints & Sinners
Eddie Munson X GNReader
Warnings: Eddie and reader are kind of friends, just not close. Swearing, bullying and angst. It’s been a really long time since I’ve written anything so I’m a little rusty! 
The halls of Hawkins High were buzzing with excited chatter this morning as the eve of the basketball championship game loomed closer. You hurry to your locker, impatiently dodging the slow walkers and offering a rushed ‘good morning’ to a few friends along the way. Normally you would have been more social, stopping to catch up and make plans, but today you just wanted to be left alone. It was odd, the nervous energy in the air today made your skin crawl and set you on edge. Apparently, you weren’t the only one feeling it either.
Rounding the last corner, you come to a sudden halt, causing the students behind you to grumble their complaints as they quickly swarm past you. Standing right in front of your locker is Jason Carver and Eddie Munson engaging in another heated argument. Seriously? You spot Lucas Sinclair across the aisle anxiously watching the exchange and decide to approach him.
“Hey,” you sigh, offering a tired smile. He glances at you and nods his head once. Lucas opens his mouth to speak, but snaps it shut when the words wouldn’t come. His brown eyes dart again back and forth between his two friends helplessly. “This is the 10th time this week, what the hell is wrong now?” You question exasperatedly, undeterred by his silence.
“It’s always the same thing. Jason started it this time,” he answers quietly. Lucas is fidgeting with the straps of his backpack as he listens intently, wanting to speak up and end the fight, but not really wanting to choose a side. You felt bad for him really. You couldn’t imagine having to live two lives the way he does, constantly being pulled between two cliques that can never seem to just coexist. To have every opinion on the other always being scrutinized, judged and deemed as a potential betrayal. You admired his determination though, to try to better himself by breaking away from the stereotypes while staying true to his core self. 
Why is there never a teacher around? You think to yourself when the first morning bell rings and the two are still going at it. “Okay, that’s enough,” you mutter and approach them, ducking under a swinging arm from Eddie as he wildly gestures to punctuate his words.
“- But that’s okay, I wouldn’t expect someone with such a narrow mind to be able to wrap their head around something so complicated,” Eddie is taunting, paying you no mind while he tries and fails to take back the D&D Guidebook Jason swiped from him. 
“A game?”, Jason spits back venomously, effortlessly keeping the book out of reach, “Satanic worship is not a game. You satanists have no place in our society-”
“Would you give it a rest already? It’s too damn early for this shit. And for the record, Jason, the devil is not real, and you are not a fucking saint. And this-” you snatch the book from his hands and pass it back to Eddie who accepts it with a chirpy thank you, “Is just a game, okay? It’s harmless and no different than the games we used to play as kids.”
Jason steps forward invading your personal space as he tries to look more intimidating. His eyes appear dark and emotionless, it sends a shiver down your spine. You stand your ground and meet his heated scowl head on. “Don’t tell me you’re falling into the Devil’s snare too. Y/N this is serious!” He hisses when you open your mouth to interrupt him again.
“Not as serious as you making me late for my psychology test this morning.” You snap back. “Now if you two airheads are quite finished, you are blocking my locker.” Jason doesn’t budge, but Eddie steps aside with a flourish and you give him a half-hearted smile. For a few tense moments no one speaks as you dial the lock and begin gathering your things for the morning, completely ignoring the two pairs of eyes on your back.
“Okay, Y/N,” Jason speaks evenly, his voice almost a whisper, “You think the Devil isn’t real? I’ll make you believe.”
You stare after him when he finally turns to leave, not sure how to process that statement. “Fucking mental,” Eddie mutters beside you and you find yourself nodding in agreement.
Your ears perk up at the faint sounds in the distance as the music fades out. Straining to hear, you sit very still and pick up the sound of multiple voices shouting, their tones anguished and horrified. With your heart in your throat, you hurry to the door and cautiously look out into the hall in the direction of the commotion and instantly are filled with dread.
“Jason?” Sprinting halfway down the hall, you slow to a stop a few feet from the boys crowding the doorway to the drama room, your eyes franticly searching every face trying to gauge the situation. They’re calm, a little smug even and it makes you a little angry knowing in some way that they were the cause.
“(Y/N)!” Jason greets you with a wide, toothy grin, his bright blue eyes glinting beneath the harsh fluorescent lights, “Perfect timing. C’mere, come see this.” Just like a snake he quickly reaches out and coils an arm around your shoulders and urges you, stumbling, to stand in front of the open door. You had half a mind to shove him away, but the thought flees your mind once your eyes fall upon the carnage in the room and you feel your breath catch painfully in your throat.
Tables and chairs lay broken and splintered, sheets of paper are shredded and scattered. Colorful figurines lay smashed to bits. Among the chaos your eyes land on the hunched, trembling figure of Eddie kneeling in the middle of the room, a still smoking book gripped closely to his chest. Hellfire has been decimated.
Unshed tears blur your vision, but the images are vivid, forever burned into your memory. With a voice soft and trembling, you ask “W-what did you d-do?” You can feel Jason shift behind you as he leans in close to your ear, can hear the smile in his voice as his warm breath hits your flushed cheek.
“No, sweetheart,” he coos, smooth voice syrupy sweet, “What did you do?” You want to look at him, want to scream and shout and hit him with everything you have, but you can’t. Can’t bring yourself to speak. Can’t tear your eyes away from Eddie as you watch him slowly rocking back and forth, his curls bouncing as he shakes his head in disbelief. His big brown eyes are filled with tears, jaw set in an angry grimace. Suddenly his head whips up at you and you can feel the air being knocked from your lungs. Eddie’s eyes lock onto yours, blazing with fury and despair.
“Get out,” he demands hoarsely. When no one immediately moves, Eddie springs to his feet and rushes the door, his face burning red, “I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!” With all of his strength he slams the door shut, splintering it in its frame. Your hand flies to your mouth to cover the chocked sob that escapes. With legs feeling like pins and needles you rush to get away. You barely hear the boys laughing through the ringing in your ears.
I’ll make you believe. And you do now. With all your heart you do believe.
Over the next couple of weeks, the Hellfire Club table was unnaturally subdued. It should have felt like a relief to finally be able to sit through one lunch hour without Eddie Munson causing a ruckus, but instead it left you with a feeling of crushing guilt and dread. Eddie didn’t show up to school for the first three days after the incident and you certainly didn’t blame him. By now the whole school was aware of what happened and the fallout that followed. Everyone expected there to be some sort of retaliation from the club members, but none ever came. Instead, they each pulled further away from their peers, becoming quieter and refusing to meet anyone’s eyes in passing. Not everyone would voice their opinion on the matter out of fear of judgement but would unanimously agree that the absence of the clubs’ constant, boisterous presence was felt.
Today, almost three weeks after the destruction of Hellfire, Eddie worked up the courage to retrieve his belongings from the drama room. School had ended almost an hour ago, so the building was mostly deserted. He definitely didn’t expect anyone to be in this part of the school at least. Eddie froze hearing the opening cords of Ozzy Osbourn’s War Pigs as soon as he reached the door. A pang of anger rushes through him at the thought of another person possibly further desecrating his once safe haven and he wrenches the door open, letting it slam against the door stop with a startling bang. 
“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU-” Eddie cuts himself short, confusion quickly snuffing out the rage threatening to boil over. “What?” He didn’t see anyone in the room at all. Expectedly the mess had been cleaned up, but now there was a brand-new antique mahogany table with matching chairs set up in the center of the room. A six headed dragon statue sat in the middle, billowing a sweet-smelling smoke from their mouths and noses. At the head of the table an impressive throne, upholstered in a deep royal purple. On the armrests twin dragon heads were carved, their expressions ferocious and in their eyes gleamed two deep red jewels. The back of the throne was tall with a pair of devil horns protruding from the top. A pair of black, leathery wings extend from the back, designed to look worn and tattered at the ends. Eddie was in awe of the design and runs his hand over the wood admiringly, it had to have been custom made. Taking in more of the room he was delighted to see the small wrought iron cages hanging from various heights from the ceiling, each one holding a single flickering tea light that casted an enchanting glow to the black painted walls. 
Eddie found himself smiling for the first time in weeks as he rounded the table to turn the music off. He takes in the room again, suddenly feeling a little bittersweet and finds himself lost in thought. He flinches when he hears the sound of plastic bags rustling and a startled gasp behind him. He faces the doorway, instantly feeling defensive to see you standing there looking equally confused.
“What is this?” “You weren’t supposed to see this yet,” You both spoke at the same time. Eddie relaxes a bit though his expression remains guarded as he watches you shift anxiously. He’s still upset and you two aren’t friends, but it’s you. Eddie knows you and knows that you wouldn’t do something cruel, but still, he doesn’t feel as though he should trust you just yet. “Did you do this?” He tries again, nervously crossing his arms and leaning back against the wall.
“I, uh, well I did have some help,” you admit quietly, worrying your bottom lip and briefly meeting his curious eyes. Taking a deep breath, you approach the table and set the bags carefully onto the carpeted floor. “Did anyone tell you what happened after you left that day?” You ask him gently, the topic still being an open wound for you both. Eddie doesn’t bother to hide his pain at the memory, his full lips pulling into a small frown as he shakes his head ‘no’. Silently you gesture to the throne indicating for him to sit, opting to remain standing yourself, and rest your hands against the back of the ornately carved chair close by. You watch him with a soft smile as he gets comfortable, running his ringed fingers across the twin dragons distractedly.
Eddie snaps back into focus when he hears your amused hum and grins bashfully, “Sorry,” he breathes, his big round eyes catching the flickering lights and amplifying their excited glimmer. You smile wider and tell him it’s fine, you’re just as pleased to see him thrilled with it.
“Principal Higgins and Coach Bryant were furious when they found out and benched Jason and his friends for the championship game. They almost forfeited actually,” Eddie’s eyebrows shot up at this, never having ever dreamt that Principal Higgans would be on his side over something like this. Not when people as perfect as Jason Carver ran this school. “As further punishment for their actions, half of the funding for the basketball team’s new equipment next year was taken to buy new things for your club. I, uh,” you felt your cheeks grow warm as you start struggling to grasp for words, suddenly feeling a mixture of anxiety and guilt that Eddie picked up on immediately, “I..volunteered to take that responsibility.” You stare pointedly at the grains in the table and chew your inner cheek.
“Y/N,” Eddie sighs heavily and pushes himself to his feet, coming around to sit right beside you on the table. When you don’t look up, he leans over to place his face right in your line of sight keeping his expression neutral until you met his eyes. Suddenly he makes his eyes impossibly wide, scrunching up his face with his tongue flailing wildly. It’s so ridiculous that it has you immediately laughing.
“What is wrong with you?” You wheeze through a fit of giggles and push playfully at his shoulder as he laughs right along with you. Eddies warm, calloused fingers grip your hand, and he clasps it in both of his giving it a comforting squeeze.
“You didn’t have to do this, Y/N, although I greatly appreciate it. I think it looks pretty badass actually,” Eddie smiles wider at your hopeful look and how you gripped his hand a little tighter at the compliment. “I know what you’re thinking and I’m not mad at you. It wasn’t your fault.” 
You suck your bottom lip between your teeth as you deflate a bit. “No, that’s not entirely true. Jason wouldn’t have come after you guys like that if I had just-”
“Hey,” Eddie gently cuts you off, leaning forward again to recapture your gaze, “It doesn’t matter what you said to him, you had every right to say it. He didn’t have to react like that, but he did and that is all on him. So, don’t beat yourself up over this anymore, okay?” You nod and sniffle softly, not knowing what else to say.
Eddie glances around the room again, his fingers absently stroking patterns into your skin as his mind races for a change in topic. Suddenly he remembers the bags you carried in and looks to the floor, “So, uh, you did say something about buying new things for Hellfire? What else did you get?” Your eyebrows furrowed thoughtfully and you followed his line of sight, spotting the bags at your feet and remembering what you actually came back in here for.
“Oh, I almost forgot!” You pulled your hand from his grip and reached down to snatch up the bags, excitedly presenting them in dramatic fashion. Eddie takes them with a smile and examines the contents carefully. “I really don’t know shit about Dungeons and Dragons, so I hope I got everything you need to plan your next campaign. There’s still some funding left if I missed anything,” You start to ramble as he takes stock, fiddling with your fingernails for something to do. Eddie shakes his head, his wild mane fluttering about his shoulders as he sets everything aside.
“No, no it looks like you got everything, but,” Eddie trails off, his expression changing to one of annoyance that has you shutting up. “I appreciate all of it I do, but I just haven’t had the motivation to plan another one. For once I’m actually coming up empty.” Eddie looks to you slowly, and you raise an eyebrow questioningly. “What say you, L/N?” A teasing grin lights up his face as he bumps your shoulder with his, “Would you do me the honor of helping me plan another - Oh what do they call it? Virgin sacrifice?”
You roll your eyes and have to tamp down on the smile trying to worm its way onto your lips, “Eddie,” you sigh, “You guys are the virgins.”
The deadpan delivery has him cackling, not at all put off by the jab. “In all seriousness, would you help me?”
“I’d be honored.”
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becswritesstuff · 2 years
Worlds Apart sneak peek
Eddie Munson x GNReader!
A/N: Hey! This is like a test for you to see the tone of the story i'm writing...i'm going to change a lot of things to perfectionate the plot and other things,also as you may know,English is not my first language so there might be a few mistakes.
Sometimes i wonder if i'm the only person in this planet who wish they were born in another decade...I mean i always felt like i didn't fit in this world. A world filled with wars,climate problems,loss of rights,obsession with social media trying to be someone you aren't just to get a few likes,people who don't let other people be different because"different is scary".And i was a little human being just on survival mode....until i discovered shifting on TikTok.Funny,right?
-So...what are you saying is that you are from the future?-Dustin's brows frowns trying to understand this whole situation.
I nod lightly. -Yeah,and i'm from another reality as well-they look at me as if i've grown several heads.
-Shit!Shit!Shit!-Dustin spits out pacing back and forth on the basement floor. -You shouldn't have told us that! What if something here changes? or what- Steve,who is sitting on the small couch interrupts.
-Is like that movie we saw on the cinema last year...what was the name?-
-You mean the one we had to see while escaping from the russians who beat you up?-
-Back to the Future- I answer proudly...maybe i am from the future but my cinematographic taste is inmaculate. -Of course i've seen it,the three of them actually.-
-There are three of them??!!-
-Everybody shut up,Jesus Christ!- he looks at me,eyes full of rage and betrayal.-Can you stop spoiling us the future,thank you-
-As if you were going to be alive to see it- I say on my mind sarcastically,forgetting all the nights i spent crying over this guy.
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