#Eduardo Campos
lanternaverdebiel1 · 2 months
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blogoslibertarios · 10 months
Juiz pede reabertura de inquérito sobre morte de Eduardo Campos
  O juiz federal Roberto Lemos dos Santos Filho decidiu remeter à Procuradoria-Geral da República o pedido do advogado Antônio Campos, irmão do ex-governador de Pernambuco Eduardo Campos, para a reabertura do inquérito sobre a morte do político em um acidente de avião na manhã de 13 de agosto de 2014, em Santos, no litoral de São Paulo. Em despacho publicado nesta quinta-feira (16), Roberto…
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super-into-on-it · 2 years
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Butterfly Chair by Eduardo García Campos
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lisboaumretrato · 3 months
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José Eduardo Carvalho, Campo de Ourique. A Aldeia de Lisboa, vol. 1, Lisboa, Portugal, 2014
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portalnaynneto · 1 year
HEC inicia atendimentos de neurologia e cirurgia vascular em ST
O Sertão conta agora com serviços de cirurgia vascular e neurologia clínica. Desde o final de semana, o Hospital Eduardo Campos (HEC), em Serra Talhada, deu início ao atendimento emergencial na especialidade de vascular e, desde maio, oferece assistência neurológica. A emergência de cirurgia vascular do HEC é voltada para pacientes com patologias vasculares. A neurologia é para os casos…
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thecubanartobserver · 2 years
Exposición “Las once mil vírgenes”, Colectiva
Exposición “Las once mil vírgenes”, Colectiva
Exposición Las once mil vírgenes Colectiva 10.12.2021 Galería Taller Corral Falso 259 14 Bienal de La Habana La obra pedagógica de Antonia Eiriz marcó una generación de artistas plásticos cubanos. Esos mismos, a los que imagino, se les apretó el corazón cuando recibieron la solicitud de Tomás Nuñez-Johny de crear obras sobre una base de papier maché. Me ubico entonces en aquellos años donde…
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escapismsworld · 1 year
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Majestic Monarch Chairs designed by Eduardo García Campos. This piece is inspired in nature, particularly in Mexican “Monarca” butterfly. This insect, in addition to its beauty and despite of the fragile appearance of its wings, is known for its strength and longevity. While other butterfly species have a life cycle of 24 days, this one can live up to nine months, 12 times more.
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iwashieonhiatus · 1 year
💛𝙱𝙻𝙻𝙺 𝚖𝚎𝚗 𝚊𝚜 𝙱𝚛𝚊𝚣𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝙸 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 💚
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︶꒦꒷꒷꒦︶ "warnings"- brasileiros que curtem as minhas coisas, agora é hora de vocês aparecerem. AQUI É BR PORRA! The songs have Spotify link. (pt 2 coming soon)
He gives me the vibe of no matter if you're surrounded by people or alone, things with him get comfortable, you two create your own little world, lost in each other's eyes. It doesn't matter if you're just friends, have a crush, dating, married, things with him are light and cozy.
He would definitely love this song and dance with you, no matter if he doesn't understand the lyrics, the beat speaks for itself. He passes this chaotic vibe of Brazilian party. He is the fun in person and brings joy to things like this song, with him there are no bad situations!
he has the same vibe as the lyrics of this Brazilian anthem – as dramatic and passionate as Cazuza in this song. He would take you a thousand stolen roses, throw himself at your feet and apologize if you had made a mistake, he would also cry a lot, making drama if you ignored him.
He gives me this vibe of always fighting but never separating, always at loggerheads. You two have good times and bad. You don't know if you love or hate him, always wanting to strangle him but also kiss him. you two pull hair, beat each other, bite and love each other—people don't know if you love or hate each other. You two are match made in heaven like beans and rice.
Impossible to listen to this song and not remember ryusei. bottles of wine, fucking all over the house, on the balcony, in the car and in the bathroom of the bar. That mix of rap, blues and hi-hop is so much his vibe. Indefinite relationship, you fight and fuck, love each other. It's both of you against the world.
He's so smart, handsome, calm and everything you like that you get lost around him. He's so perfect and friend/boyfriend/husband material that you don't have eyes for anyone else. You like him so much that you want to keep him to yourself, etch him in every bit of you so you don't miss him.
he's totally Eduardo, all silly, funny and charming that the need to keep him protected and around is enormous. He was sure to fall in love with someone older, maybe a little different from him, but the feeling would simply be there, slowly growing. "And who will one day say that there is reason in things made by the heart."
He has this something that doesn't matter if you deny it or just haven't realized it yet, you like him and he likes you, and no matter how much time passes, that feeling isn't going to change. He's like, "If I date it's to get married."
You can compare he before and after the Wildcard to this song. Before he was all cheerful and had the dream of being a football hero, he was hot. And now he's "the sun froze its heart", all emo… sad. but I can also say that he would not give up so easy on you, as he does with football and like the sun still asks the moon in marriage.
he dumb like ryusei, not knowing how to deal with the passion of the person, but he sure would do the same as Junior in this song- I can see him messing up your wedding day, saying he still loves you and taking you still dressed as a bride away and promising eternal passion. or he just wasted the love, left and never called, ran away with your peace.
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forevergulag · 4 months
International charity does not exist; it begins at home, for the United States as for everyone else. The role of foreign aid is primarily domestic--the U.S. economy aids itself--and it was defined by none other than Roberto Campos, when he was the ambassador for Goulart's nationalist government, as a program of broadening foreign markets to absorb U.S. surpluses and alleviate superproduction in U.S. exporting industries. In the early days of the Alliance for Progress, the U.S. Department of Commerce pointed to its successful creation of new businesses and job sources for private enterprise in forty-four states. 30 In January 1968, President Johnson assured Congress that more than 90 percent of U.S. foreign aid in 1969 would be applied to financing purchases in the United States, and that he had personally and directly intensified efforts to increase this percentage. In October 1969 cables sizzled with statements by Carlos Sanz de Santamarfa, chairman of the Alliance's Inter-American Committee, who said in New York that the aid had turned out to be excellent business for the U.S. economy and for its treasury. After the disequilibrium of the U.S. balance of payments became critical at the end of the 1950s, loans were conditioned upon buying U.S. industrial goods, usually costing more than similar products from other countries. More recently, certain mechanisms were put into effect, among them "negative lists" to see that the credits are not used for exporting articles which the United States can sell on the world market under good competitive conditions without recourse to autophilanthropy. Subsequent "positive lists" have made possible the sale through "aid" of certain U.S. manufactures at prices from 30 to 50 percent higher than the same goods from other sources.
Eduardo Galeano, Open Veins of Latin America
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klimtjardin · 11 months
Se eu fosse...
{Olá! quis fazer uma brincadeirinha e vou marcar algumas pessoas (@imninahchan, @sunshyni e @cheolcam), mas quem quiser fazer, fique à vontade!}
Um lugar: um campo aberto onde em determinadas épocas do ano crescem flores amarelas.
Uma cor: verde oceano.
Uma estação/clima: primavera.
Um livro: O livro dos abraços, Eduardo Galeano.
Um aroma: baunilha.
Um animal: uma lebre.
Uma peça de roupa: um vestido branco longo de mangas levemente bufantes e detalhes em renda na gola.
Uma bebida: uma bebida gelada, amarguenta, mas refrescante.
Uma comida: uma bergamota.
Uma citação: "poderoso é aquele que descobre as insignificâncias" Manoel de Barros.
Uma música: 404 file not found - Taeyong.
Uma obra de arte: Water Lilies, Pink - Claude Monet e Voir la mer - Sophie Calle.
Um filme: O castelo animado.
Uma flor: uma rosa cor-de-rosa.
Um personagem: Sophie de O castelo animado (a versão do Studio Ghibli).
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lanternaverdebiel1 · 2 months
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blogoslibertarios · 1 year
Suspeita de crime: Justiça desarquiva inquérito sobre morte de Eduardo Campos
  O advogado Antônio Campos, irmão do ex-governador de Pernambuco, Eduardo Campos, divulgou, na manhã desta sexta-feira (29), que a 5ª Vara da Justiça Federal de Santos iniciou a reabertura do inquérito que investigou a queda da aeronave em que morreu o então candidato a presidente da República do PSB, em 2014. A imagem do acompanhamento do processo sigiloso, divulgada por Antônio Campos, indica…
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aschenblumen · 11 months
Después de ocurrirme todo, me ocurrió el vacío. Hay un límite en el placer que obtuve de las formas; en esto no soy como vosotros, no necesito liberarme en otro cuerpo, no necesito protección fuera de mí. Mis pobres e inspiradas criaturas, sois mi distracción, finalmente, meras restricciones; sois un poco como yo demasiado pequeñas para complacerme. Y tan inflexibles; queréis cobrar por adelantado vuestra ausencia, cobrar con alguna parte de de la tierra, algún recuerdo, del mismo modo que una vez fuisteis premiadas por vuestra labor, y del escriba recibió su pago en plata y el pastor en cebada aunque la tierra no dure eternamente, no estos minúsculos trocitos de materia. Si pudieseis tan solo abrir los ojos me veríais, veríais el vacío del cielo reflejado en la tierra, los campos desiertos, sin vida, cubiertos de nieve. Luego la blanca luz sin el disfraz de la materia.
—Louise Glück, «Final del verano» en El iris salvaje. Traducción de Eduardo Chirinos.
Louise Glück murió hoy, 13 de octubre de 2023, a los 80 años. Si bien se especula que la causa de muerte es cáncer, está ampliamente documentado el impacto que la poeta sufrió por su anorexia nerviosa.
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maswartz · 7 months
Power Rangers Armored Swarm
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(Logo by WryytArt)
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On the planet Colmundo live the Potenseto, a bug like race of energy beings. Due to the power they generate they are targeted by an invasion of warriors known as the Insetario who seek to use their power to boost their own. All of the Potenseto are captured and brought onboard the invaders ship. During transit past Earth a group of Potenseto are able to escape and crash land in a junkyard in Brazil. A group of people find them and in desperation the aliens bond with them giving them the ability to understand their buzzing language. The process allows the five to become Power Rangers charged with the power of the Potenseto. The Rangers vow to protect the Potenseto and rescue those who remain in captivity. “Our bond is our armor! Power Rangers Armored Swarm!”
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Horns of the Beetle! Red Swarm Ranger!- Afonso Castelo A kind man who uses his strength to protect others. Orphaned as a result of an accident when he was a child he was raised by his grandparents. He got a job guarding Junk Castle, his grandmother’s junkyard and was the first to offer assistance to the Potenseto. He is bonded with the red beetle Vermouro and wields the Swarm Saber and Swarm Shield in Sword Mode. Face Claim: Antônio Carlos Santana Bernardes Gomes
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Speed of the Dragonfly! Blue Swarm Ranger!- Manuel Vargas An amateur filmmaker he was at Junk Castle looking for props for one of his movies. When morphed he acts like a movie star, full of confidence and charm but in reality he’s his own biggest critic and is full of self doubt. However the others convince him he’s better at film making than he admits. He is bonded with the blue dragonfly Azulula and wields the Swarm Saber and Swarm Shield in Blaster Mode. Face Claim: Jean Paulo Campos
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Blades of the Mantis! Yellow Swarm Ranger!- Estela Silva Looking to make a quick buck she was at Junk Castle looking for stuff to sell or pawn off. Despite this she waves off any idea of turning the Potenseto in or betraying their trust. She is bonded with the yellow mantis Amaruva and wields the Swarm Saber and Swarm Shield in Sickle Mode. Face Claim: Maisa Da Silva Andrade
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Wings of the Butterfly! Purple Swarm Ranger!- Viviane Francisco An artist who was at Junk Castle looking for material to use in her sculpting. She sees art in everything around her and has a dramatic flair to everything she does. She has a secret collection of stuffed animals from around the world. She is bonded with the purple butterfly Roxoleta and wields the Swarm Saber and Swarm Shield in Bow Mode. Face Claim: Jennifer Dias
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Sting of the Wasp! Black Swarm Ranger!- Pablo Ferreira A mechanic who was at Junk Castle looking for parts for a personal project of his. He has a gruff exterior but is dedicated to being a ranger even if it takes up time he’d rather be using on his work. He is bonded to the black wasp Pretpa and wields the Swarm Saber and Swarm Shield in Claw Mode. Face Claim: Lino Facioli
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Web of the Spider! White Swarm Ranger!- Pedro Guerra
An idealistic young man who joined the police to live out his childhood dreams of being a hero. To his horror however he discovered corruption and abuse of power. After one too many of his reports about fellow officers abusing their power were ignored he quit on the spot. Lost in thought on his way home he discovered the white spider Branha and bonded with it. With their power he decides to live out his childhood superhero fantasies and truly protect and serve the innocent. Wields the Spider Saber and Spider Shooter with three modes, Webbing, Venom and Blast. Face Claim: Filipe Kartalian Ayrosa Galvão
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Armor of the Scarab! Silver Swarm Ranger!- Eduardo Freitas Orphaned in the same accident that claimed Afonso’s parents he was not as lucky to have family to take him in. Ending up on the streets he grew bitter watching people talk about doing the right thing and helping others even as they walked right past him. He decided that only those with power matter in this world and vowed to gain that power. One day he discovered the Silver Scarab Pratelho and bonded with it. Despite his bitterness he won’t turn his back when innocent people are in danger but he also refuses to join the Rangers. He joins the hunt for the Potenseto and discovers a capsule containing a set of them he bonds with. At first he keeps them all trapped in his morpher but as he truly begins to bond with them he allows them freedom in a suitcase full of broken electronics. Wields the Swarm Saber and Swarm Shield in Spear Mode. At one point he catches a fever and is found by Afonso who takes him in to help him recover. As he recovers he is touched by the kindness of Afonso and his grandmother and after this begins helping the Rangers out more. Tragically one day Eduardo stumbles onto a plot by the Insetario to use a special monster to destroy the rangers and the city. When giant sized its death explosion will be super charged taking out the entire city. Eduardo races to the battle to warn the others but is too late. The Ultrazord is already about to deal the fatal blow. With no other choice Eduardo summons the Silver Scarab zord and races past the Ultrazord, sending the rest of his Potenseto to the rangers to stay safe. With his zord he grabs the monster and flies high above the city where he delivers the deadly blow detonating it. He saved the Rangers and the city at the cost of his own life. After his death the world learned that one of their greatest heroes had been ignored so cruelly by society. In his memory countless homeless shelters were built around the world and donations flowed in, all in his name. Face Claim: Xolo Maridueña Bug Bikes- After Pablo repairs a set of motorcycles the Rangers attach their Morphers to them allowing their Potenseto partners to supercharge and upgrade them into hover cycles. Each one has an unique ability. Red- Crushing pincers Blue- Faster speed Yellow- Slashing blades Purple- Wings with wind producing turbines Black- Stinger missiles Silver- Eduardo has an old dirt bike he keeps in his alley which he uses for his Bug Bike. Unlike the other five it cannot fly but it has heavier armor than them. White- Pedro has the Archno ATV which can drive up walls and shoot balls of webbing.
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By tapping into the full power of their Potenseto partner the Rangers can activate the Metamorphic Armor giving them enhanced weapons and abilities.
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Power of the Titan Beetle! Golden Swarm Ranger!- When the uber-charged Ourta arrives on Earth being used by one of the Insetario generals the Rangers free them and are given their power as a reward. Any Ranger can then call on the Titan Beetle Battlizer form giving them golden armor and a powerful lance. However only one Ranger can use it at a time. This power also allows them to call forth the Gold Titan Zord.
Swarm Zords- In times of need the Potenseto can grow into large zords for combat. The rest of the Potenseto who escaped with the core five join in to form the Swarm Megazord. Swarm Megazord Red Beetle Zord- Formed from Vermouro and forms the chest and arms Blue Dragonfly Zord- Formed from Azulula and forms the wings and sword Yellow Mantis Zord- Formed from Amaruva and forms the right leg Purple Butterfly Zord- Forms from Roxoleta and forms the head and sword hilt Black Wasp Zord- Forms from Pretpa and forms the left leg Ladybug Twin Zords- Formed from the Potenseto Joanilha and Joanieta. Form the arm armor Spider Twin Zords- Formed from the Potenseto Aranha and Arangra. Form the chest and torso armor Ant Zord- Formed from the Potenseto Formita. Forms part of the sword. Auxiliary Zords Potenseto who haven’t bonded with a host but still wish to help fight the Insetario. Snail Gun Zord- Formed from the Potenseto Carama and can become a gatling gun for the megazord. Pillbug Hammer Zord- Formed from the Potenseto Percelo and can become a mace for the megazord. Supercharged Potenseto- A trio stronger than the average Potenseto. They can even give the Rangers additional powers.
Kabuto Cannon Zord- Formed from the Supercharged Potenseto Besohao and can become a cannon for the megazord. When summoned on the ground it forms a powerful cannon for the rangers. Scorpion Claw Zord- Formed from the Supercharged Potenseto Escorparra and can become a powerful claw for the megazord. When summoned on the ground it grants a ranger powerful claws. Grasshopper Armor Zord- Formed from the Supercharged Potenseto Gafandura and can become powerful armor for the megazord. When summoned on the ground it becomes armor for a ranger giving them enhanced speed and agility. Supercharged Swarm Megazord- All three Supercharged Potenseto join the Swarm Megazord. White Spider Zord- Formed from Branha who can take on a megazord form as the Spider Swarm Megazord Auxiliary Zords Cicada Blade Zord- Formed from the Potenseto Cigina and can become a blade for the megazord Centipede Saw Zord- Formed from the Potenseto Centorra and can become a saw for the megazord Supreme Swarm Megazord- Formed from the combination of the Swarm Megazord and the White Spider Zord. The White Spider Zord acts as back mounted cannons. Gold Titan Zord- Formed from Ourta who can take on a megazord form as the Titan Swarm Megazord Swarm Ultrazord- A combination of the Swarm Megazord, Spider Swarm Megazord, Titan Swarm Megazord and all the Auxiliary Zords. Silver Swarm Megazord Silver Scarab Zord- Formed from Pratelho and forms the chest and arms Crimson Moth Zord- Formed from Carmeposa and forms the blades of the axes Green Phasmid Zord- Formed from Verdpau and forms the handles of the axes Orange Flea Zord- Forms from Laranga and forms the right leg Pink Termite Zord- Forms from Rospim and forms the left leg Firefly Twin Zords- Formed from the Potenseto Vagalbar and Vagalarda. Forms the arm armor Millipede Zord- Formed from the Potenseto Marinpeia. Form the chest and torso armor Twin Fly Zords- Formed from the Potenseto Cinzito and Cinzcas. Forms part of the axe handles. Auxiliary Zords Earthworm Whip Zord- Formed from the Potenseto Magehoca and can become a whip for the megazord. Cockroach Shield Zord- Formed from the Potenseto Marrata and can become a shield for the megazord.
The Insetario: A nomadic band of warriors ruled by a warlord and his court. Their homeworld experienced a disaster which left it drained of energy and resources. As a result the Insetario traveled the stars seeking power to restore their world. After finding rejection wherever they went they began to resort to more cruel methods to gain energy. On Earth some of them even defect to inform the Rangers of this begging them to put an end to this bloody quest.
Imorsita- The cruel and crazed ruler of the Insetario. He hordes the power they have gained over the years to increase his own giving him many varied abilities. One such ability allows him to plant a parasite in others allowing him to cheat death as long as one such parasite exists.
Ardilvejo- The top advisor to Imorsita, his plans and schemes have aided the Insetario since their exodus began. A favorite plan of his is to manipulate the enemies of the Insetario into destroying themselves.
Besonja- A highly skilled warrior of stealth. He has the ability to temporarily swap his body with another as long as his mark remains on their body. Sangupular- A devious manipulator whose voice allows her to control others. She prefers to have others do the fighting for her and as a result is rather weak physically.
Maribruto- A slow witted brute whose solution to any problem is to hit it until it stops being a problem. Maribruto’s parasite was the first to be used to revive Imorsita after the Rangers defeated him.
Platelador- A grim warrior who can revive and control the dead. When his undead warriors fall once more he gains the power back meaning that as long as his undead servants are active he is weaker.
Minheiro- An honorable warrior who faces the Rangers many times with his worm like tendrils. In time he comes to respect their skill and witnesses them defending defectors from other Insetario warriors. As a result he defects but is attacked by Ardilvejo for his betrayal. The Rangers rescue him and he goes into hiding to heal.
The final battle against Imorsita begins with him absorbing the power of his entire court adding it to his already immense horded power. This allows him to grow so gigantic he dwarfs the very Earth. Refusing to give up the Rangers engage with the Swarm Ultrazord but are clearly outclassed.
Touched by their courage the Potenseto, all of them, combine their power to ubercharge the Ultrazord allowing it to grow to face Imorsita head on. After a hard fought battle the tyrant falls. With Imorsita and his court gone Minheiro steps up to lead the Insetario. He orders the release of the Potenseto and works with them to set up a new home for both species on Venus. Power Rangers Cyber Swarm: An escaped Potenseto finds a Malware Mask and bonds with it becoming a hybrid of the two with the ability to travel through the Cyber Plane.The Cyber Rangers join forces with the Swarm Rangers in order to end its threat. Morphers: Swarm Morphers- The Ranger’s phones which house the Potenseto. They can be used to track escaped Potenseto unless they are possessing an object. When morphed the cases of the phones fold out parts causing them to resemble the Potenseto. When unmorphed they can be used to communicate with their Potenseto partner(s). Morphing Call: Power of the Swarm! Armor Form! Morphing: The Ranger holds up their morpher and their Potenseto partner is released, circling the Ranger leaving a ranger colored trail forming the suit and armor. Then they form their Swarm Saber and Swarm Shield. Finally they fly from behind forming the helmet finishing the morph. Location: Salvador, Brazil Faces by Joekeybladeaura Metamorphic Armor and Golden Swarm Rangers by JK5201 Power Rangers Cyber Warriors Powerverse Power Rangers Bolt Boosters
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portalnaynneto · 2 years
Paulo Câmara inaugura Hospital Eduardo Campos, em ST
Paulo Câmara inaugura Hospital Eduardo Campos, em ST
O governador de Pernambuco, Paulo Câmara, informou, nesta quinta-feira (15), que na próxima terça-feira (20), cumpre agenda em Serra Talhada, onde irá inaugurar o Hospital Eduardo Campos (HEC). A declaração foi realizada durante conversa com o blogueiro Júnior Finfa, no Palácio do Campo das Princesas. O hospital Eduardo Campos teve a sua primeira etapa entregue em 25 de julho de 2020. A…
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stregh · 7 months
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Il cimitero di Santa Maria del Pianto ( detto anche cimitero del Pianto) è uno dei cimiteri presenti a Napoli, e si trova in via nuova del Campo, (quartiere Poggioreale).
All’interno di esso, tra gli altri, si trovano le tombe di personaggi illustrissimi quali: il primo Presidente della Repubblica Italiana Enrico De Nicola, il famoso tenore Enrico Caruso, Raffaele Viviani, il grande commediografo Eduardo Scarpetta e gli eterni Nino Taranto e Totò.
Totó, in particolare, continua a ricevere, sulla sua tomba lettere dei suoi infiniti ammiratori da ogni parte d'Italia che intestano così le missive al defunto: "Al Principe Antonio De Curtis, Cimitero del Pianto, Napoli". Le lettere sono lasciate sul sepolcro in marmo bianco recante il suo inconfondibile profilo in altorilievo.
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