#Edvin hopebringer
brotherbandarchive · 3 months
what if when Edvin was a little boy Katrina noticed how much he hung around her eating house and was really interested in how she made the food so sometimes she brought him back into her kitchen and taught him how to cook some specialty stuff??
Karina originally thought the little guy was just there for some extra bits of food, but no; he was always trying to see what she was doing with those jars of spice and pots and knives.
"Would you like to help me?" she offers, after Edvin had ducked carefully out of her way yet again, not wishing to be intrusive. "Hal was supposed to, but he's off who-knows-where doing who-knows-what. And I could use a smart helper."
"I'm smart. My mam says so," the little boy replies seriously. "I can help if you show me how. Can you show me? I wanna help. Mam lets me help sometimes. What does that big bowl full of holes do?"
He can't quite reach the tabletop, so Karina upturns a bucket for him to stand on.
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isilee · 2 months
Rules: make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favourite.
tagged by @twofoursixohjuan
tagging (without pressure): @kale-of-the-forbidden-cities @curlyfryz103 @fandomsareforlife & @absolutely-existing :)
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absolutely-existing · 5 months
Edvin and Ingvar, enough
thanks for the ask!
”Ingvar. When I told you I needed fish, did I forget to mention that seven were enough?”
Ingvar, looking mildly embarrassed, mumbled that Edvin hadn’t mentioned an exact number, and twelve was a perfectly reasonable amount of fish to be put in a stew, in his opinion.
This was why Ingvar wasn’t the cook, and should therefore listen to the person who was, Edvin informed him. “In any case, it’s too late now. I’ll forgo the stew.”
“Er, sorry about that,” Ingvar admitted guiltily; Edvin nodded in acknowledgment, and ignored him in favour of setting up a grill.
“…This is delicious, Edvin!”
“Thanks. It was supposed to be a stew.”
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reine-du-sourire · 1 year
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I keep on switching between wanting to write Edvin as having Autism or having OCD and I can’t choose which! If anyone has any idea on what i should do please tell me, I feel like it would be overkill to write him as both but maybe not idk. Also if anyone has any Autistic / OCD Edvin headcanons put them in the tags pls. I’m dying for more content of my precious baby!
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twofoursixohjuan · 2 months
2, 5, and 12 for edvin, and 20 + 21 for stig for the character ask!!
Right, here we go...
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
I really like the way he has to learn to trust his own competence as a healer and how he's never afraid to seek outside help when he knows someone else could do it better.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
I don't... really have one? I'll go with this instrumental solely on vibes:
and this one isn't bad for OCD Edvin:
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I do like the OCD headcanon I see around, but one of my own is that he was a surprise baby to older parents and he's picked up a lot of their mannerisms, so he acts a bit like someone's grandmother on occasion.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
I have a list. Rollond. Gilan. Stefan. Maddie. Ooh — Shigeru.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
To be honest, I don't think I've ever really written Stig! I'd like to do something with his relationships with the other Herons — a lot of what I see focuses on Stig&Hal and doesn't give him stage time with anyone else, which seems a bit of a waste.
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victoriantreecat · 11 months
Who's your favorite Heron? :)
Oh dear. I- uhh. Ahh let's see...
well you see-
I can hardly chooose
Ingvar, I think though. I really admire him- genuinely so smart and takes no nonsense, but is unerringly loyal and loves his crew so much. Also gets some darn good happiness, as deserved
Though I do really love Edvin- he's the character my little 12 year old heart adored, and he's still the Heron I feel most like I can relate to (sewing, knitting, small, and more for organisation than battle)
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brotherbandarchive · 4 months
hey ik the brotherband fandom came up with better last names for everyone but i forgor what they were. can you tell me
It would be my pleasure! I love these questions. Brotherbanders, please feel free to chime in, especially taking credit where credit is due because I may or may not have forgotten who coined which name:
Hal Wavechaser ( @mostlyonthefloor), who found a ship by 'following the waves in its wake'
Stig Ironskin, who's seemingly impervious to strikes and who finally managed to get his temper under control
Ingvar Starbreaker, who broke a sword forged from a fallen star
Edvin Hopebringer, who- well, I'm not exactly sure; legends abound with this one
Jesper Stormrunner ( @twofoursixohjuan this one is yours), who ran through a cornfield- oops, I mean a storm- to deliver a warning
Stefan Hafsærling (this one is mine [ @reine-du-sourire] ), who Sang five enemy ships into smashing themselves against the rocks
Ulf, Wulf, and Lydia I don't know.
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brotherbandarchive · 10 months
Not sure if I should explore my Dark!Edvin AU or an AU in which all the Herons become their worst versions... permanently berserk/feral Stig as Hal's human guard dog, Ulf and Wulf can't tell each other apart anymore and are constantly trying to wound or kill each other, Ingvar becomes completely blinded and can't find his way out of his own head, Stef becomes an echo and has nothing left of himself, etc...
Unless the AUs are the same thing... Dark!Herons?
Unless Edvin's dark AU is that he's the only sane one left, and he's essentially the mastermind behind it all?
Or is this Hal's dark AU, calling himself Slavesfather instead of Slaveson?
And Edvin's the only one left sane and trying to break Hal, and subsequently everyone else, free? Hopebringer?
Anyone up for some
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brotherbandarchive · 8 months
stefan x jesper coffee shop au
5 random facts...
☕ Jesper discovers the Siren's Cove Café quite by accident; it's one of those little places on the shore a block away from the trinkets shop where he works.
☕ The barista there- Stefan- is always good for a joke, a sunshiney smile, and an unlawfully delicious gingerbread latte.
☕ Edvin, the med student who seems to have an endless supply of band-aids on him at all times, is another frequent customer.
☕ This weird guy named Hal pops in and out of the café at random, keeps the strangest hours ever, and has fixed several of the appliances on several occasions. He says he's had lots of practice from his mother's restaurant.
☕ After a massive storm floods several buildings near the beach, Jesper rushes down to see what he can do to help, only to find the café dry and comfortable as always. When he asks Stef about it, the barista only shrugs. "We've never been flooded," he says. "Water seems to like this place."
"Enjoy your coffee," Stef says brightly, and slides open the cash register drawer. "Here's your-"
"-change," Jesper finishes, and grins, opening his palm to show three dimes and a nickel.
He drops them into the tip jar.
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brotherbandarchive · 4 months
*sails in*
someone insults edvin by calling him 'edvin handwasher'.
the herons are not happy™️
Ah, yes; Edvin suffers from Odr's Folly (the Skandian term for OCD). It's a popular target for bullies.
…or it used to be.
See, while Edvin does wash his hands and pots and tools extremely often, you never want it to be your blood that he's attempting to rid himself of, and the Herons don't take very kindly to people making fun of their quartermaster.
"Missed a spot, did you, Edvin Handwasher?" is the last sentence Kjord was able to say with all the teeth still in his mouth.
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brotherbandarchive · 9 months
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brotherbandarchive · 4 months
Prompts? Lydia & Ingvar & Edvin, fruit picking
Karina says the apples from the very top of the tree taste best.
She promises to bake the crew a pie if they'll get her some, and so Ingvar and Lydia decide to brave the climb.
One doesn't mess about when there's a pie from Karina's kitchen at stake, after all.
Edvin comes along, with his med kit, because he's pretty sure he's going to need it.
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brotherbandarchive · 3 months
.*pops up from literally nowhere* Hi! I'm here!
Sorry, was busy with ur next payment *hands you carved-with-mini-ships-and-waves driftwood*
I would like. ANGST.
can we have like, siren!stefan having a panic attack because, idk, one of his siren friends came up and was like, 'your not going to be able to save your friends if we so choose. we could rip it all away, especially that one,, the little theif-boy you seem to care about most. When you've realised that, come back and join us'.
so we have stefan just sitting on the beach in a full-blown panic attack, then Jesper finds him and just... calls him back, yanno? Calms him down, maybe sings him something, and stefan is just sitting there sobbing 'cause he keeps falling in love with jesper and that's dangerous.
And then he just gives up and lets himself cry himself out on jespers shoulder, until its just them and quietness and their just sitting there when Edvin finds them 'cause they've been missing for over an hour.
(ye, i know, its long, but please)
*takes driftwood and hugs it very ecstatically and very carefully* YAY DRIFTWOOD
Stef doesn't have siren friends, but he does have five aunts: Heidrun, Helga, Hrefna, Hanne, and Havfrid. Sjøran, Stefan's mother, is the youngest of the siren sisters.
Those are the names he uses when talking about them, anyway. Their siren names are far more difficult to pronounce.
Anyway, the aunts have tried to trap and kill and eat Jesper on more than one occasion. They don't like him and don't understand why their most seductive songs don't seem to affect him in the slightest, and they don't think Stefan is safe with him.
They let Stefan know this in no uncertain terms.
This makes Stefan really sad.
Jesper tries to joke about it, but he's scared too, and it's a while before he can get Stefan to stop crying, and it's even longer before the swirling storm clouds overhead go from furious grey to wispy white.
Rain has thoroughly soaked them both before Stefan is able to speak again.
"Of course I'm not leaving," Jesper scoffs in reply. "I'm not afraid of them. If you had a hundred aunts I wouldn't leave."
Stefan swipes his wrist across his eyes with a sniffly little laugh. "How about Edvin?"
"If Edvin came, would you leave? Because I see him coming this way, and he's probably going to yell at both of us for disappearing."
Jesper's eyes widen. "Okay, now I'm afraid."
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brotherbandarchive · 3 months
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Trying to decide which of the Herons is an orange cat so Edvin (the raccoon) can deal with him/her
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brotherbandarchive · 4 months
*floats in on a peice of driftwood* I can explain *pulls up on shore* Hal's away and I had to get to you as fast as possible. Payment *hands you massive peice of shiny seaglass, in ur fav colour (no idea what it is, just imagine)*
*pulls out somehow-still-dry paper, crosses anther one off* Next!
Edvin getting nightmares about the Herons injures and refusing to sleep. For DAYS.
*holds it for a long moment, touching it and gazing at it and beaming with pleasure, and then realizes you're still standing there*
...oh right.
*peers curiously at your page*
Oooh tasty. Angst. Very nice, good stuff. Thank you 😊
He knows he shouldn't wake Stig.
He knows, he knows, he really doesn't need to.
It was just a dream.
A stupid dream.
A stupid dream of Stig's arm swollen with infection, red and angry-looking, Stig's face pinched with the pain he's trying to ignore until-
Edvin breathes.
Just because he can't sleep is no reason to wake Stig and check his arm for an infection that he knows full well isn't there.
He rubs his eyes, blinks, rubs them again. Maybe he should go make more coffee. It's not as though he's going to get any rest tonight, anyway.
Stig's arm festering and-
Edvin breathes.
Stig would be upset if he knew Edvin was still awake.
So would Thorn.
Thorn burning with fever, trying t-
Hal unable to steer through the shivers wracking his-
Wulf doubled over in agony, bleeding from the-
Edvin breathes.
He swallows.
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