#Ingvar starbreaker
stigolafson · 4 months
ingvar with chronic pain. he’s over seven feet tall, dammit, his spine must hurt so bad. give me ingvar who stays up all night silently sobbing when his back starts to spasm. give me ingvar who wants nothing more than an aggressive shoulder massage at any given time. give me ingvar with flare-ups and irritability and chronic pain!!
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brotherbandarchive · 4 months
hey ik the brotherband fandom came up with better last names for everyone but i forgor what they were. can you tell me
It would be my pleasure! I love these questions. Brotherbanders, please feel free to chime in, especially taking credit where credit is due because I may or may not have forgotten who coined which name:
Hal Wavechaser ( @mostlyonthefloor), who found a ship by 'following the waves in its wake'
Stig Ironskin, who's seemingly impervious to strikes and who finally managed to get his temper under control
Ingvar Starbreaker, who broke a sword forged from a fallen star
Edvin Hopebringer, who- well, I'm not exactly sure; legends abound with this one
Jesper Stormrunner ( @twofoursixohjuan this one is yours), who ran through a cornfield- oops, I mean a storm- to deliver a warning
Stefan Hafsærling (this one is mine [ @reine-du-sourire] ), who Sang five enemy ships into smashing themselves against the rocks
Ulf, Wulf, and Lydia I don't know.
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absolutely-existing · 5 months
Edvin and Ingvar, enough
thanks for the ask!
”Ingvar. When I told you I needed fish, did I forget to mention that seven were enough?”
Ingvar, looking mildly embarrassed, mumbled that Edvin hadn’t mentioned an exact number, and twelve was a perfectly reasonable amount of fish to be put in a stew, in his opinion.
This was why Ingvar wasn’t the cook, and should therefore listen to the person who was, Edvin informed him. “In any case, it’s too late now. I’ll forgo the stew.”
“Er, sorry about that,” Ingvar admitted guiltily; Edvin nodded in acknowledgment, and ignored him in favour of setting up a grill.
“…This is delicious, Edvin!”
“Thanks. It was supposed to be a stew.”
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twofoursixohjuan · 8 months
Ingvar x Lydia fake dating au where they have to pretend to be a couple to sneak into a palace to steal a Very Important Object (reasons unspecified)
Ingvar is pretending to be a specific nobleman who was invited to an Event at the palace and whom he swapped places with. Lydia is his wife
Takes place in Arrida
Ingvar is taking the opportunity to be as bumbling and distracting as possible (loud and boisterous and knocking things over) to draw as much attention as possible while Lydia sneaks off to let Hal, Jesper and the twins in the back way to do the actual thieving. he's surprisingly good at it
when all goes to hell and the burglars are about to be discovered, Lydia accuses Ingvar of cheating on her and they stage an overly dramatic screaming match which will be gossiped about for years to come. the real noble is a little upset when he discovers this
for no apparent reason, Gilan is there
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reine-du-sourire · 1 year
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victoriantreecat · 11 months
Who's your favorite Heron? :)
Oh dear. I- uhh. Ahh let's see...
well you see-
I can hardly chooose
Ingvar, I think though. I really admire him- genuinely so smart and takes no nonsense, but is unerringly loyal and loves his crew so much. Also gets some darn good happiness, as deserved
Though I do really love Edvin- he's the character my little 12 year old heart adored, and he's still the Heron I feel most like I can relate to (sewing, knitting, small, and more for organisation than battle)
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brotherbandarchive · 10 months
Not sure if I should explore my Dark!Edvin AU or an AU in which all the Herons become their worst versions... permanently berserk/feral Stig as Hal's human guard dog, Ulf and Wulf can't tell each other apart anymore and are constantly trying to wound or kill each other, Ingvar becomes completely blinded and can't find his way out of his own head, Stef becomes an echo and has nothing left of himself, etc...
Unless the AUs are the same thing... Dark!Herons?
Unless Edvin's dark AU is that he's the only sane one left, and he's essentially the mastermind behind it all?
Or is this Hal's dark AU, calling himself Slavesfather instead of Slaveson?
And Edvin's the only one left sane and trying to break Hal, and subsequently everyone else, free? Hopebringer?
Anyone up for some
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brotherbandarchive · 4 months
*sails in again* *pays you for your last one*
your service has been noticed. appreciated. and fangirled over.
*pulls out paper, crosses one off*
i have so many more 4 u
*squints* Cant even read my own handwriting...oh!
eventually the herons just starts being like - oh remember when i almost died, fun times - no sarcasm (ingvar, maybe?) and someone just standing there be like wtf
*looks at the lovely piece of driftwood, nods, and sticks it in my bag*
I'm glad you're appreciative; that's my favorite kind of audience. Very happy you're enjoying, and thank you so much. Means a lot to me. It really, really does.
*examines your paper* nice choice of ink, by the way, love the color. Can't read your handwriting either... guess I'll have to wait and see about your next request. I'm looking forward already.
Dell blinks. "You... sorry, what?"
"You had to be there," Jesper explains, cramming another piece of cherry pastry into his mouth. "'Mem'er, In'v'r? Wh'n we hadt' eschlph l'd'r oph'sk't-r'pn c'lt-"
"Please just swallow. And then tell me you didn't say something about a cult."
Ingvar helps himself to a piece of pastry, nodding. "Oh, yeah, we did that. The cult thing, I mean, with the Scorpions. Kind of funny, actually, and we got to meet a Ranger- the Araluen ones, you know?-and Hal invented a-"
With a herculean effort, Jesper manages to swallow his mouthful of sweet dough. "And remember Bloodyhand? The fat corsair with the shiny clothes who almost skewered Hal before Lydia- Dell, if you aren't going to eat that, can I have it?"
"Help yourself," Dell mutters, somewhat feebly.
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brotherbandarchive · 4 months
Prompts? Lydia & Ingvar & Edvin, fruit picking
Karina says the apples from the very top of the tree taste best.
She promises to bake the crew a pie if they'll get her some, and so Ingvar and Lydia decide to brave the climb.
One doesn't mess about when there's a pie from Karina's kitchen at stake, after all.
Edvin comes along, with his med kit, because he's pretty sure he's going to need it.
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brotherbandarchive · 4 months
*floats in on a peice of driftwood* I can explain *pulls up on shore* Hal's away and I had to get to you as fast as possible. Payment *hands you massive peice of shiny seaglass, in ur fav colour (no idea what it is, just imagine)*
*pulls out somehow-still-dry paper, crosses anther one off* Next!
Edvin getting nightmares about the Herons injures and refusing to sleep. For DAYS.
*holds it for a long moment, touching it and gazing at it and beaming with pleasure, and then realizes you're still standing there*
...oh right.
*peers curiously at your page*
Oooh tasty. Angst. Very nice, good stuff. Thank you 😊
He knows he shouldn't wake Stig.
He knows, he knows, he really doesn't need to.
It was just a dream.
A stupid dream.
A stupid dream of Stig's arm swollen with infection, red and angry-looking, Stig's face pinched with the pain he's trying to ignore until-
Edvin breathes.
Just because he can't sleep is no reason to wake Stig and check his arm for an infection that he knows full well isn't there.
He rubs his eyes, blinks, rubs them again. Maybe he should go make more coffee. It's not as though he's going to get any rest tonight, anyway.
Stig's arm festering and-
Edvin breathes.
Stig would be upset if he knew Edvin was still awake.
So would Thorn.
Thorn burning with fever, trying t-
Hal unable to steer through the shivers wracking his-
Wulf doubled over in agony, bleeding from the-
Edvin breathes.
He swallows.
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reine-du-sourire · 11 months
for prompts, remember that Jesper & touch post that did the rounds the other day? Ingvar hugs, take it any direction you like
Ingvar loves hugs. He loves giving them and he loves getting them; he has it all down to a science.
Hal is good to hug. He makes a funny squeaking noise at first, but relaxes quickly. He hugs back. Ingvar knows not to hug him too hard or for too long, though.
Stig is great to hug. He likes hugs, he hugs back enthusiastically, and he doesn't mind being squeezed. He squeezes right back.
The twins are convenient to hug. Ingvar likes to hug them both at once; it's a great way to stop them from fighting without throwing them overboard. Much more pleasant, anyway.
Stefan is fun to hug. He loves it when Ingvar's enthusiasm lifts him right off the ground; he laughs delightedly when Ingvar spins him around in a whirling circle.
Edvin is nice to hug. He always smells good and his returning hugs are surprisingly strong for someone of his size. He lets Ingvar hug him for as long as he likes.
Jesper is hard to hug. He's so small and slippery, but can be scooped up and hugged tightly and carefully. It's funny when he hides his face in Ingvar's shirt.
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brotherbandarchive · 4 months
woo woo! AM-A-ZING
I'm now pronouncing you official Heron story writer *hands you documents, and another sea glass* sea glass for payment
can we get a part 2 of Edvin won't sleep??????
"Would it help to sleep next to someone?" Stig asks gently, after Edvin's finished examining his arm.
Edvin shakes his head. He really doesn't think it will.
"Do you have any herbs you can take?"
He does, in fact, have sleeping herbs. But he's not about to use them.
"Can you think of anything that might help? Anyone you can talk to?"
"I don't know."
Ingvar shifts, rolls over, starts to snore.
Ulf sighs in his sleep.
"You can't keep doing this, Ed."
"I know that."
Edvin's pretty sure he's going to pass put from exhaustion any minute now, so that will take care of the problem.
"Wanna try?"
"Try what?"
"Sleeping next to me."
"I don't know."
Kloof comes padding over and lays her head in Stig's lap. He pets her, stifling a yawn. "What do you think, Kloof, should Edvin get some sleep?"
Kloof makes a put-upon huffing noise.
"Yeah, I think so too. Come on, Hopebringer, let's see if we can get you some rest."
Nestled beneath Stig's non-infected arm, Edvin sleeps dreamlessly until the sun rises.
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brotherbandarchive · 11 months
“Hal? Permission to abandon the ship? We are too happy here and I can’t stand it.” Lydia groans.
“Request denied.”
Stefan starts up another merry jig on the little harp he'd managed to barter off of the visiting trader last week, and Jesper's dance moves grow still more erratic.
Stig attempts to copy him, with reasonable success. Ingvar does too, with considerably less.
"Just enjoy it, Lyd," Wulf says lazily.
Kloof barks excitedly as she leaps over to join the dancers.
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twofoursixohjuan · 6 months
Ingvar family headcanons, go!
I tend to give him an enormous number of younger siblings mainly so he can carry them all around. He takes after his dad who is also Fucking Huge (his mum is quite small and it was a tricky birth) and the kids are regularly seen doing odd jobs around Hallasholm because the family is permanently cash-strapped
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brotherbandarchive · 1 year
Hello! If you're still after fluff - a bit of Hal recovering from some touch starvation? what do you mean he needs snuggles no he's absolutely fine he's been in the shed on his own these last two weeks because he likes it he was busy he's fine Maybe a bit of him coping with the stress of being a skirl thrown in on the side?
"Stig," Hal wheezes. "Not again."
Without loosening his hold on the struggling skirl, Stig jerks his chin at the others and evokes the fabled war cry of Skandia.
"Let's get 'em, boys!"
Hal has time for only one more panicked "glrk-" before the remaining Herons charge.
"Yes, you did need this," Stefan says firmly, some half-hour later.
"Fine," Hal sighs. He wriggles a bit, dislodging Ulf's elbow from his ear. Ulf grunts and transfers the offending appendage to Ingvar's armpit. "I needed this. I admit it. Are you happy now? How did you even get into my shed in the first place?"
Somewhere at the bottom of the pile, Jesper snorts in annoyance. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."
"I had four separate alarm systems in place! I designed them myself, they're foolproof!"
"But not Jesper-proof."
"Same thing."
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reine-du-sourire · 1 year
Edvin baking cupcakes.
Hal trying to adjust the recipe. Hal getting his hand slapped.
Stig eating the ingredients. Stig getting his hand slapped.
Stefan decorating the cupcakes. Stefan wanting to decorate before the cupcakes properly cool down and getting his hand slapped.
Ingvar sitting happily at the table and licking the bowl and spoon.
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