#Ekuri clan
werewolf240moon · 24 days
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“ Mortician en lice pour les titres de Meilleur Manga internacional 2018 et Meilleur seinen 2018 du 26ème Grand Prix Animeland: Votez pour lui en ligne jusqu’au 31/12 prochain !! “
( Mortician in the running for the titles of Best International Manga 2018 and Best Seinen 2018 of the 26th Animeland Grand Prix: Vote for him online until 12/31 !! )
“ En 2015, Stray Dog avait créé la surprise en remportant le titre de Meilleur Manga 2015 au 23èmè Grand Prix Animeland en passant devant les autres titres bien que son auteure soit française et ce, grâce à vos votes à tous ! “
( In 2015, Stray Dog had created a surprise by winning the title of the Best Manga 2015 at the 23rd Animeland Grand Prix, beating the other titles even though the author is French, thanks to all of your votes )
“ Cette année, l’univers d’Ishtar a plus que besoin de vous pour réitérer cela, alors si la série vous a plu et si vous souhaitez lui offrir ce label de qualité, n’hesitez pas à lui apporter votre voix en mentionnant son nom pour les titres de Meilleur Manga Internacional 2018 et Meilleur seinen 2018 ! “
( This year, the world of Ishtar needs you more than ever to repeat this, so if you liked the series and if you want to offer it this quality label, do not hesitate to give it your vote by mentioning its name for the title of Best International Manga 2018 and Best Seinen 2018 ! )
“ Le BIRD needs you !!!! >////< “
( The BIRD needs you !!!! >////< )
⚠️ Credit/Source: VanRah Facebook @poizongirl
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werewolf240moon · 27 days
The Ekuri are lycans manipulating fire, nicknamed the “Scarlet Wolves”. The Alpha ruling this clan is said to be a power from inferno… Kirah the Red Devil !
Credits: VanRah @poizongirl and Glénat Manga
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werewolf240moon · 29 days
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KiHaru Ekuri Subject 01
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werewolf240moon · 2 months
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Kiharu (KiRah) Ekuri
Lycan Alpha Rouge
[ Lycan Alpha Red ]
Anciennement incorporé dans les Unités Spéciales du Bird
[ Formerly incorporated into the Bird Special Units ]
[ ( Deceased) ]
Mortician & Stray Dog belongs to VanRah @poizongirl
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werewolf240moon · 2 months
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Kiharu Ekuri
Race: Karat-wolf (Lycan)
Rank: Alpha
KiHaru, more often called KiRah or Red, was the last Red Alpha, since the lineage is supposed to have died out with him.
He worked for the B.I.R.D. and his power was considerable.
His kihei was Mimiru Kanno, whom he met for the first time when he fell from a bridge.
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werewolf240moon · 3 months
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Kiharu Ekuri, Tarot Kiba and Kanno Mimiru
Stray Dog & Mortician belongs to Vanrah @poizongirl
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werewolf240moon · 5 months
Un neuvième volume publié en France pour VanRah !
[A ninth volume published in France for VanRah!]
(Promis, les mangas sont inoffensifs, les Karats sont bien scellés à l’encre, enfermés dans un papier d’Ishtar. Lisibles même par les lapins !)
[(Promise, the manga are harmless, the Karats are well sealed in ink, locked in an Ishtar paper. Readable even by rabbits!)]
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werewolf240moon · 2 years
Information on Fire Lycans
Lycans who can generate fire are just a few because it’s very rare affinity. So an Alpha with this kind of power is even rarer.
So far, only members of the Ekuri clan, the Red Lycans, have been listed as fire-type wolf-Karats. Incidentally, Tarot is a descendant of this clan, and so was Red, the previous tracker.
Only Lycans who have an affinity with fire make flames based on aluminum.
Fire Lycans are the most warped. They are rebellious creatures endowed with a stupid and misplaced pride, so huge that it makes them stubborn, impulsive and dangerous. They never submit to anything or anyone, and only leads to tragedies for which they’re responsible. And every single one of them has always profoundly hated humans.
Fire Lycans can form Force Fields. Each fire Lycan has their own signature in the composition of their flames, force fields and pyrotelekinetic skills.
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werewolf240moon · 2 years
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Today is my birthday 🎂🎁 January 28, 2023
Kiharu Ekuri, Mortician the dark feary tales and Stray Dog belongs to VanRah @poizongirl
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werewolf240moon · 2 years
“ The stronger my opponent is, the stronger I get too”. That’s one of the rules of the Red Lycans clan.
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werewolf240moon · 3 years
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Kiharu Ekuri [ KiRah ]
Fan Art belongs to @namoune77 on Twitter
Kiharu Ekuri and Mortician belongs to VANRAH/poizongirl @poizongirl
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werewolf240moon · 3 years
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Kiharu Ekuri
⚠️This Fan Art is from @shiranui59-blog also called amasumeokami.⚠️
Kiharu Ekuri , and Mortician belongs to VANRAH/poizongirl [ @poizongirl ]
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werewolf240moon · 3 years
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Look at the cover for Mortician Volume 1 ; that came out on 2017
I enjoy VanRah’s / @poizongirl ‘s art work so much !!!!
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werewolf240moon · 4 years
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This is a drawing of one of the characters named RED / KIHARU from VanRah’s work MORTICIAN
RED or KIHARU is a very powerful Lycan , Alpha pure blood demon and he is the current heir of the red alphas !!! He can control fire 🔥 .
MORTICIAN and all its characters especially RED / KIHARU belongs to VanRah/poizongirl
Mortician 2 is coming on July 8th
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werewolf240moon · 4 years
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Kiharu Ekuri
This is a drawing of one of the characters named RED / KIHARU from VanRah’s work MORTICIAN
RED or KIHARU is a very powerful Lycan , Alpha pure blood demon and he is the current heir of the red alphas !!! He can control fire 🔥 .
MORTICIAN and all its characters especially RED / KIHARU belongs to VanRah/poizongirl @poizongirl
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werewolf240moon · 4 years
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KiHaru Ekuri
He is the last one of the Scarlet Wolves. He controls fire and has two scarlet wolves named Alphar and Halicar
KiHaru And Mortician belongs to VanRah/poizongirl @poizongirl
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