booskwan · 7 months
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rmechmachines · 1 year
Exporter of Belt Conveyor In Sudan
Exporter of Belt Conveyor In SudanR Mech Machines LLP established in 2008 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, has emerged as a global leader in manufacturing, supplying, and exporting Belt Conveyor and other related products.The main purpose of our belt conveyors is material handling.You can use either the side working tables or the conveyor belt for quick assembly.We construct conveyors based on process requirements, considering the load weight and size of the commodities that need transport.The Types of Belt ConveyorsRoller Bed Conveyor Belts Flat Belt Conveyors Modular Belt Conveyors Cleated Belt Conveyors Curved Belt Conveyors Incline/Decline Belt Conveyors Sanitary and Washdown Conveyors Specialty Conveyor BeltsSpecificationUsage/Application: Industrial Belt Width: 600 mm Brand: R Mech Belt Thickness: 10 mm Features: Heat, Chemical Resistant Finish: Color Coated Load Capacity(Kg): 180 kg/Feet Voltage: 240 V Automation Grade: Semi Automatic Voltage (Volt): 220/380 V Body Material: Mild Steel Belt Material: Rubber Frequency: 50-60 HzFeaturesLow energy consumption High reliability and less maintenance Heavy duty idlers with anti-friction bearings to increase idler life and reduce horsepower requirements Heavy duty frames and structural supports to provide system rigidity Easy to install Zero speed switch Our Belt Conveyors are used for grains, fertilizer, aggregate, cement, chemical, mining conveying and elevating.RMech Machines LLP is Exporter of Belt Conveyor In Sudan and various locations like Khartoum, Omdurman, Khartoum North, Port Sudan, Kassala, Al-Ubayyid, Al-Fashir, Wad Madani, El Geneina, Atbara, Dongola, Rabak, Sennar, Kaduqli, Ed Damer, El Obeid, Medani, Kosti, El Fasher.If you are interested in our high-quality products, please do not hesitate to reach out to us for further information. Read the full article
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sciencespies · 2 years
Crop disruption from war in Ukraine could increase global carbon emissions, food prices
Crop disruption from war in Ukraine could increase global carbon emissions, food prices
The disruption of crop production after the Russian invasion of Ukraine is expected to increase carbon emissions and food prices across the globe, without easing food insecurity.
New research published this week from Jerome Dumortier, associate professor in the O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at IUPUI, and his co-authors, uses economic simulation models to predict the short-term and long-term effects of the war on climate change, crop prices and food shortages.
The study found that the war’s impact on crop production and exports in Ukraine and Russia will continue to increase the world’s food prices and food insecurity, but not as much as initially feared — largely because other countries have stepped up their production. Researchers estimate we may see corn and wheat prices increasing by up to 4.6% and 7.2%, respectively. They also considered the prices of crops like barley, rice, soybeans, sunflower and wheat, which are predicted to increase.
Nations already facing significant food insecurity will be impacted most, they predict.
“There was a lot of worry about food insecurity globally when the war first started in Ukraine,” Dumortier said. “Our research shows while this will continue to impact the global supply chain, the effects on food shortages won’t be as bad as we initially thought. Much of that is because other countries have started to produce those crops and exports to make up for what Ukraine has not been sending out.”
However, filling that production gap will take a toll on the global climate, Dumortier said. Other countries, such as Brazil, might clear land and vegetation to plant more crops to make up for slowed production and exports from the war.
The study found that Brazil is increasing its corn production to compensate for Ukraine’s drop in corn exports. Researchers found that the change in land use across the globe will have a significant environmental impact, as other countries increase carbon emissions from land-use change and contribute more to deforestation.
“The Russia-Ukraine grain agreement over the summer was a positive development, but the situation in Ukraine is uncertain,” Dumortier said. “We suggest governments consider policies that help vulnerable populations, like domestic food subsidies and the reduction or elimination of trade restrictions. The effect of future climate change could also be mitigated by unrestricted trade, which could allow a shift of comparative advantage across countries.”
Co-authors on the paper, published this week in Nature Food, are Miguel Carriquiry of Universidad de la República in Uruguay and Amani Elobeid of Iowa State University.
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Materials provided by Indiana University. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.
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oaresearchpaper · 11 months
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mostroverde · 1 year
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earaercircular · 1 year
Technologies that close the loop
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Thanks to technology, the new economy is leaving behind the production model of linear cutting.
The cloud, 'big data', 3D printing, robotics, augmented reality or the internet of things increase the flexibility of industrial processes and the efficiency in the use of resources such as energy or raw materials
Extract, produce and consume. This has been the basis of the linear economic model on which modern life has been forged, but which has proven to be unsustainable due to the overexploitation of natural resources, the pollution it generates and the waste it leaves behind. Today, however, in the midst of the technological revolution (with tools that make it possible to measure, quantify, evaluate, predict and obtain any type of information) the world is giving way to a different approach to doing things, in which resources and materials circulate constantly throughout the value chain. The concept revolves around reuse, recycle and reduce.
This new model is called circular economy. A trend that is on the lips of all companies worldwide and that has gained strength thanks to the development of new technologies that enable the creation of more sustainable business models. In Spain, 82% of the companies have some kind of commitment to this process, according to a survey conducted by Accenture[1] among 100 firms and associations from different fields. And on this path, research and innovation play a key role. “Technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain (chain of blocks), the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing (cloud) facilitate the transition towards a more efficient use of resources” , explains Eva Barteková, an expert in circular economy at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
“Imagination is the accelerator of innovation”, abounds Emma Elobeid, of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation[2]. “It is essential if we want to solve big problems such as climate change, waste management and pollution”, highlights the expert from this organisation that promotes the new production model. And it is in the industry (from energy and the automobile sector to food and construction) where great changes are taking place in this regard. For example, the blockchain has become an ideal tool for identifying and monitoring materials and components throughout a supply chain so that they can be reused, remanufactured, recycled, or composted. Proof of this is Suez[3], the water and waste management company, that has developed a system based on the chain of blocks with which it records all the stages involved in the treatment of wastewater that is destined for agricultural soils.
The tool (Circular Chain)[4] enabes the different actors (producers, transporters, treatment centres and recyclers) to exchange information on the composition of waste and its treatment. In this way, everyone involved independently oversees the process from start to finish. This traceability of organic matter guarantees both producers of sludge (a mixture between liquid and solid, separated from wastewater) and farmers more control over what is dumped on agricultural fields. Technology does not stop there, but also reaches various sectors such as fashion. For example, Teemill[5], an e-commerce platform, uses blockchain in the creation of sustainable products.
Teemill allows users to set up their own online stores and customize products like t-shirts, hoodies, and bags using their own or predefined designs. Blockchain gives greater transparency to the entire supply chain. Each product created and sold on the platform has a QR code that allows consumers to know the origin of the materials and processes. Ready-made products are designed to be returned when worn or no longer wanted by the customer. In addition, natural materials and renewable energies are used in all processes.
AI in industry
Artificial intelligence is also entering the industry with force. In the market, various companies use this innovation to automatically classify and separate various types of materials, as does the Spanish company Picvisa.[6] This firm has developed a waste separation system based on artificial vision.[7] Its equipment has high-resolution cameras and machine learning algorithms that help distinguish and classify materials based on their physical characteristics. Thus, the waste from a factory is divided into categories: plastics, glass, metals and paper, which facilitates the recovery of resources. “The circular economy, in addition to greater security in the supply chain, presents numerous opportunities for companies, such as the emergence of new lines of business and services, as well as a reduction in inputs and raw materials, a reuse of the waste produced and lower management costs thereof”, reads the Spanish Circular Economy Strategy (España Circular 2030)[8], a roadmap drawn up by the central government, which marks the path towards a model that is kinder to the environment. The European Commission indicates that, by 2030, the circular economy can generate an additional increase in European GDP of 0.5% and add 700,000 new jobs to the labour market. “Technology plays a key role in two areas: reducing existing barriers and making new business models more attractive,” says Benigno Herrería, managing director at Accenture Strategy and head of Sustainability.
One of the sectors with great potential for progress in the adoption of disruptive technologies is construction and waste management. This sector is one of the priority areas at the European level, estimated to generate between 25% and 30% of the waste in the EU. One of the biggest problems is that valuable building materials are not always identified when there is a demolition or new construction[9]. In addition, they are not collected separately nor is it adequately taken into account if they can have a second life. "Proper waste management, which includes proper separation and handling, can bring great benefits in terms of sustainability," explains the Spanish Circular Economy Strategy.
"When talking about visible technological advances in construction, many imagine a completely digitized city, but for this there is a lot to innovate in previous phases," says Gonzalo Galindo, director of Cemex Ventures[10], corporate venture capital investment arm of the international cement company. “This does not mean that Europe is behind. In fact, some of the most ground-breaking technologies that are revolutionising the construction sector have their origin and implementation in the European market”, indicates this expert. Notable among them is Cobod[11], a Danish firm that 3D printed Europe's first building in 2017. The firm's printers have created Europe's first two- and three-story buildings in Belgium and Germany, a villa in Dubai, and some bases for wind turbines in Africa.[12]
3D printing contributes to the circular economy, since it reduces construction waste and uses less materials than with the traditional method. The reality is that there are already smart buildings that run entirely on renewable energy sources, as well as 3D-printed homes that help solve social problems such as the affordable housing crisis, says the cement expert. In terms of energy, for example, Waste to Energy stands out, a firm based in Barcelona[13], which converts biomass and non-recyclable waste into synthesis gas through the atmospheric gasification process. Cemex[14] intends to incorporate this clean energy source in its clinker and cement manufacturing process.
In search of the right model
In Spain there are already initiatives from which a circular economy model can be built coherently and systematically, highlights Raquel Traba, CEO and co-founder of TRIPLE, a coworking space and ecological event with zero CO₂ certification[15]. “For example, industrial symbiosis, which is the use by one company of the waste, fluids, or emissions generated by another, incorporating them into its production process,” she says. Another example of circularity in construction is Ecometro,[16] which has developed a technology that enables the measurement of the impact of renovation projects or new construction and minimizes the carbon footprint by calculating emissions and associated impacts. This life cycle analysis includes all phases of the chain: from the extraction of raw materials and manufacturing, to transport, construction and use of the building.
"Research and innovation are key to the implementation of new processes," says Traba. But if we talk about the production of circular energy sources, one of the most notable examples is embodied by Repsol [17]. The firm is building a synthetic fuel plant in Bilbao, the first in Spain, which will produce some 2,000 tons per year by 2026. These fuels (also called e-fuels, which can be used in any type of vehicle that is traveling by sky, sea or land) are produced from hydrogen and carbon dioxide (CO₂) captured from the atmosphere or from industrial processes. [18]
The motto of the four Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover) is helping to redefine the entire economy, but it is the automotive industry that is always one step ahead. Large companies in the sector use augmented reality (which helps to simplify the production process, improving efficiency and the use of materials) or the Internet of Things (through sensors in vehicles to collect data in real time and thus improve quality and reduce manufacturing errors). Rolls-Royce, for example, uses sensors on some of its vehicles to collect data on engine temperature or fuel flow. With the information collected, it identifies and anticipates maintenance problems.
Also in this sector, the constant reuse of used vehicle parts, component repair, remanufacturing, recycling and recovery of materials is gaining weight. “We have noticed that in the last two years user support for the circular economy has increased,” says Jan Amat, CEO and co-founder of Recomotor[19], a Spanish firm that specializes in breathing new life into vehicle parts.
A challenge still pending
The industrial sector in Spain represents a very important part of the economy. Its weight in the gross domestic product (GDP) is 15.31%, according to the Industrial Barometer prepared by the General Council of Industrial Technical Engineering of Spain. Despite its relevance, the market share of circular business models is still limited. Recycling, remanufacturing and repair, sharing spare capacity and providing services rather than products typically account for less than 15% of sector output, according to the OECD. One of the main obstacles is found in the inefficiencies of the market; it is to say, that there is incomplete information on the composition of the products and the conditions of maintenance and recycling. The private and public sectors know that time is running out and that the goals towards 2030 are a pending issue to be resolved. Among the objectives is to reduce the national consumption of materials in relation to GDP by 30%, taking 2010 as the reference year. In addition, it is intended to reduce the generation of waste by 15%, as well as improve efficiency by 10% in the use of water and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases below 10 million tons of CO2 equivalent in the economy, among other goals. Among the sectors where there is a great opportunity for advancement are construction, agri-food, fishing and forestry, industrial, consumer goods, tourism and textiles and clothing.
Oscar Granados, Tecnologías que cierran el círculo, in: El País, 28-4-2023; https://elpais.com/tecnologia/digitalizacion/2023-04-28/tecnologias-que-cierran-el-circulo.html
[1] In early 2021, Accenture surveyed executives from 179 companies around the world to understand the steps that are giving to meet the challenges of the energy transition, its degree of progress towards reinvention and the results that hope to get The findings in this report are based on those answers as well as in a case study investigation. In: Accenture: La necesidad es la madre de la (re)invención, https://www.accenture.com/_acnmedia/PDF-159/Accenture-Full-Report-Oil-And-Gas-Reinvention-Index-2021-ES
[2] EMF: Fixing the economy to fix climate change, 9-11-2021 - We need to change the way we think about climate change in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and meet the targets set out in the Paris Agreement. Energy efficiency and switching to renewable energy  is only half the story. It is vital, but would only address 55% of global emissions. To reach net-zero, we also need to change the way we make and use products, materials, and food.https://ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/topics/climate/overview
[3] Suez SA (formerly Suez Environnement) is a French-based utility company which operates largely in the water and waste management sectors. The company has its head office in La Défense, Paris. In 2015, all the group's brands became SUEZ. 
[4] CircularChain, the circular economy blockchain. To support regions in their environmental transition and help industrial companies make their road maps a reality, SUEZ draws on smart digital solutions such as its development of CircularChain, the circular economy blockchain. https://www.suez.com/en/about-us/innovating-for-the-future/circularchain-the-circular-economy-blockchain
[5] We started small but with a big ambition: To redesign the clothing industry and end waste. Using natural materials, renewable energy and designing every product to come back to be remade meant building new technology to make a circular economy model possible. This is the story of that journey. Creating a sustainable, circular supply chain for fashion starts with making products from natural materials like organic cotton, in factories powered by renewable energy. It also means creating products that are designed from the start to be sent back and remade into new ones once they’re worn out, keeping materials out of landfill and in the loop. But to really make a difference and end waste in the fashion industry, we need to share this technology with everyone. That’s why we created Teemill. https://teemill.com/circular-fashion-supplier/
[6] PICVISA is an innovative technology-based company that offers solutions based on robotics, artificial intelligence and machine vision to the national and international markets. We design, develop and produce selection and classification equipment for valuable materials. Our equipment can select and classify these materials by composition, shape and/or colour based on our own software. With innovation as our focus, we have expanded our offer by developing new products and adapting to new technologies. PICVISA offers to its clients optical sorting, robotics, artificial intelligence and deep learning solutions. https://picvisa.com/en/about-us-technology-based-company-sorting-solutions/
[7] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/687772429864583168/belgian-winner-of-the-inventors-prize-for-his?source=share
[8] The deterioration of the ecological footprint globally, and in Spain in particular, demands the search for comprehensive solutions with the participation of all stakeholders: public, private, consumer, etc. sectors. only with him everyone's commitment, it will be possible to deal effectively with a problem that is not strictly technical, but social and equity. In order to respond to this situation, this Spanish Circular Economy Strategy, Spain has been prepared Circular 2030. Spain Circular 2030 lays the foundations to promote a new model of production and consumption in which the value of products, materials and resources are maintained in the economy for as long as possible, a period during in which the generation of waste is reduced to a minimum and is used with the greatest scope possible those that cannot be avoided. The Strategy thus contributes to Spain's efforts to achieve a sustainable, decarbonised, efficient in the use of resources and competitive economy. This strategy is will materialize through successive three-year action plans.  https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/calidad-y-evaluacion-ambiental/temas/economia-circular/espanacircular2030_def1_tcm30-509532_mod_tcm30-509532.pdf. Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/712071401437347840/26-organizations-sue-spain-before-europe-for-low?source=share
[9] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/707450024191197184/missing-waste-why-spanish-construction-companies?source=share
 [10]Launched in 2017, CEMEX Ventures focuses on helping to solve the main challenges and capitalise on the opportunity areas in the construction ecosystem through sustainable solutions. CEMEX Ventures has created an open and collaborative platform to lead the revolution of the construction industry by engaging startups, entrepreneurs, universities, and other relevant actors to tackle the industry's toughest challenges and shape tomorrow's value ecosystem. https://www.cemexventures.com/about-us/
[11] COBOD International specialises in 3D construction printing solutions. It is continuously adding wider automation and robotics to construction. The company was founded in 2017 and is based in Copenhagen, Denmark. https://cobod.com/about-us/
[12] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/702085724212756480/american-university-unveils-3d-printed-house-made?source=share & https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/701073709359939584/researchers-from-ku-leuven-go-to-a-large-3d-fair?source=share
[13] Waste to Energy Advanced Solutions (WtEnergy) was born in 2017 thanks to 20 years of experience of its founder Andrés Ponce on gasification, biofuels and clean energy generation (thermal and electric). In 2019, Antonio Crous joins the project as co-founder, to scale the business commercially and develop the implementation of technology within strategic industries and sectors. WtEnergy has developed a unique cleantech technology, with a wide know-how and large number of projects behind it, impossible to find in the gasification and waste to energy market. Both founders have extensive experience in both the technical and business aspects, accompanied by a large team of engineers and experts in gasification plants. https://www.cemex.com/w/cemex-invests-in-clean-energy-from-waste-technology
[14] CEMEX (NYSE: CX) is a global construction materials company that is building a better future through sustainable products and solutions. CEMEX is committed to achieving carbon neutrality through relentless innovation and industry-leading research and development. CEMEX is at the forefront of the circular economy in the construction value chain and is pioneering ways to increase the use of waste and residues as alternative raw materials and fuels in its operations with the use of new technologies. CEMEX offers cement, ready-mix concrete, aggregates, and urbanization solutions in growing markets around the world, powered by a multinational workforce focused on providing a superior customer experience, enabled by digital technologies. www.cemex.com
[15] We spoke with Raquel Traba, CEO of TRIPLE, a very unique coworking and events space. It is the first 360º ecological coworking space in Madrid, Spain. It is a restored building with bio-construction practices that integrate a building into its surroundings with the minimum possible environmental impact. It also uses ‘passivhaus’ techniques, a standard for construction that combines energy efficiency and comfort in spaces. https://efectocolibri.com/triple-a-healthy-and-green-coworking-space-for-triple-balance-fans/
[16] Environmental and social challenges are growing and buildings have a direct impact on our health and environment. At ecometro we develop technologies and consulting to measure, minimize and compensate this impact, helping architects, constructors, companies and administrations to decarbonize buildings, create healthy and regenerative environments for people and take care of the planet. We develop technologies, consulting and training to help you incorporate the measurement of the carbon footprint and the certification of buildings that do not emit CO2 in your building, new construction and rehabilitation projects, your public tenders and the purchase, sale and investment in real estate. Add value to your buildings, make them more resilient to climate change, take care of the planet and your health. https://ecometro.es/en/about-us
[17] Repsol S.A. is a Spanish multinational energy and petrochemical company based in Madrid. It is engaged in worldwide upstream and downstream activities. In the 2021 Forbes Global 2000, Repsol was ranked as the 683rd-largest public company in the world. As of 2021, it has more than 24,000 employees worldwide. It is vertically integrated and operates in all areas of the oil and gas industry, including exploration and production, refining, distribution and marketing, petrochemicals, power generation and trading. The business strategy also includes a renewable energy division. https://www.repsol.com/en/index.cshtml
[18] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/700352857215533057/the-circular-economy-comes-to-the-city-and-will?source=share
[19] We are a company specialized in motors and gearboxes, we put at your disposal a team of professionals with more than 10 years of experience in the sector with the necessary tools to find the solution that best suits your needs. We work every day to solve customer problems, updating ourselves on technical issues and developing processes for as close a communication as possible. https://recomotor.com/#us
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cropforlife · 2 years
Global hunger, carbon emissions could both spike if war limits grain exports
Global hunger, carbon emissions could both spike if war limits grain exports
If Russia’s invasion and the ensuing war significantly reduce Ukrainian grain exports, surging prices could increase food insecurity and carbon dioxide emissions, as marginal land is pushed into crop production. That’s the chain reaction predicted by modeling from a research team that includes Amani Elobeid, a teaching professor of economics at Iowa State University. An article about their…
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mubahood360 · 4 years
Four Ugandan Referees Assigned for Al Hilal CAF Confederation Cup Tie
Four Ugandan Referees Assigned for Al Hilal CAF Confederation Cup Tie
William Oloya will serve as the fourth official Four Ugandan referees have been appointed for CAF Confederation Cup return leg between Al Hilal Elobeid and Tanzania’s Namungo. The confederation Cup game will be played at the Omdurman El Hilal Stadium in Khartoum, Sudan on Tuesday. FIFA Referee Ali Sabila Chelangat will handle the game as the center referee, deputized by Isa Masembe while Lee…
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phetheringtonnz · 5 years
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Hiding Hiding A short thriller Directed by Nirusha Wijayamohan. Written by Andrew Pennington, based on a story by Randa Elobeid & Nirusha Wijayamohan.
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lollipoplollipopoh · 5 years
Sudan's gum arabic farmers worry about climate change by Al Jazeera English Sudan is the world’s main producer and exporter of gum arabic, according to the United Nations's food and agricultural organisation. It is used in many products from soft drinks to cosmetics and accounts for nearly 15 percent of Sudan's income. But farmers who plant and harvest the product say they are worried that it is about to change. Al Jazeera's Hiba Morgan reports from Elobeid in North Kordofan. - Subscribe to our channel: https://ift.tt/291RaQr - Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AJEnglish - Find us on Facebook: https://ift.tt/1iHo6G4 - Check our website: https://ift.tt/2lOp4tL #AlJazeeraEnglish #Sudan
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brianwillott · 6 years
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snackpointcharlie · 7 years
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The November installment of SNACKPOINT CHARLIE is now archived for your time-shifting convenience -- click the “audio” link to stream or download all archived episodes.
Transmission 008 - 2017.11.01
1) Wimeanacas Cambodian Band - "The End of Love” from WIMEANACAS CAMBODIAN BAND https://littleaxerecords.bandcamp.com/album/wimeanacas-cambodian-band
2) Dengue Fever - "Tiger Phone Card” from VENUS ON EARTH https://denguefever.bandcamp.com/album/venus-on-earth
3) Teoy Salap Pamaa - "Angkanang Kunchai” from SOUND OF SIAM VOLUME 2 - MOLAM & LUK THUNG FROM NORTH EAST THAILAND 1970-1982 https://soundwayrecords.bandcamp.com/album/sound-of-siam-volume-2-molam-luk-thung-from-north-east-thailand-1970-1982
4) Banteay Ampil Band - "My Last Words” from CAMBODIAN LIBERATION SONGS https://akuphone.com/catalog/GltK4UZ http://spectrumculture.com/2017/03/02/banteay-ampil-band-cambodian-liberation-songs-cambodian-liberation-songs/
5) Les Filles de Illighadad - “Imigradan” from EGHASS MALAN https://lesfillesdeillighadad.bandcamp.com/ http://sahelsounds.com/tag/les-filles-de-illighadad/
6) Omar Khorshid and His Group - "Sidi Mansour (Tunisian Folklore)" from LIVE IN AUSTRALIA 1981 http://www.sublimefrequencies.com/products/576385-omar-khorshid-and-his-group-live-in-australia-1981 http://amzn.to/2AcB53B
7) Rani Mhayer - “Wary” from GNAWA DANCE https://soundcloud.com/cheb-gero/wary-rani-mhayer
8) Tom & Dito - "Obrigado Corcovado” from OBRIGADO CORCOVADO https://www.discogs.com/Tom-Dito-Obrigado-Corcovado/release/2854475
9) The Science Fiction Corporation - "Death Rays Out Of The Universe from SCIENCE FICTION DANCE PARTY https://finderskeepersrecords.bandcamp.com/album/science-fiction-dance-party
10) Plearn Promdan - "Koy Yung Mai Por (I Still Don't Have Enough)" from LUK THUNG! (THE ROOTS OF THAI FUNK) https://www.discogs.com/Various-Luk-Thung-The-Roots-Of-Thai-Funk/release/2404298
11) Ofo The Black Company - "Allah Wakbarr" from WORLD PSYCHEDELIC CLASSICS, VOL. 3: LOVE'S A REAL THING - THE FUNKY FUZZY SOUNDS OF WEST AFRICA http://amzn.to/2gXs85C
12) Sharhabeel Ahmed - "Argos Farfish” from HABIBI FUNK: AN ECLECTIC MIX OF MUSIC FROM THE ARAB WORLD https://habibifunkrecords.bandcamp.com/album/habibi-funk-007-an-eclectic-selection-of-music-from-the-arab-world
"Sharhabeel Ahmed, born 1935, is one of the living legends in Sudan’s arts scene. He created the Sudanese Jazz, a local genre inspired by jazz and funk icons such as Louis Armstrong, Harry Belafonte and James Brown. Sharha- beel moved from his hometown Elobeid in South Kordofan to Khartoum to study at the College of Fine Arts at Sudan University. Being trained as a graphic designer, he became a prominent cartoon artist and worked as an illustrator for the Ministry of Education. Near his office was the Rumbek school which was relocated from South Sudan to Khar- toum after the civil war broke out. Every morning he passed by the compound encountering some of the students playing guitar outside the gates. Fascinated by the foreign instrument for a while, he approached them. He had bought a guitar from a garage sale of a foreigner who left Khartoum but didn‘t know how to tune it and therefore was unable to transfer his skills on the Oud and other local string instruments to playing the guitar. He offered the students to teach them how to play the mandolin in exchange of learning how to tune and play the acoustic guitar he owned. Trained by the church in different guitar techniques, the students agreed on the exchange and Sharhabeel finally was enabled to play the instrument that interested him for a long time. Influenced by the international jazz bands he saw in the bars and clubs in Jumhuriya street in Downtown Khartoum, he started fusing jazz with local elements of different genres, singing in English and Arabic. He gave his first concert at the opening of the Omdurman National Theater where he performed with his band under the name „Sharhabeel Ahmed and Band“. The band was joined by his wife Zakiyah who was the first woman on stage playing base and guitar. Revolutionising the Sudanese music scene for the coming decades, they toured in Africa and Europe, performing songs in Arabic, English and Kiswahili. Playing in Asmara for Independence Day, at the Beethoven- Halle in Bonn, the Roman Theater in Alexandria and the Institut du Monde Arab in Paris, Sharhabeel Ahmed and Band spread the Sudanese musical genre they created internationally until today. “El Bomba” and Sharhabeel’s forthcoming solo release on Habibi Funk was licensed from the artist himself."
13) Mohammed Rafi - "Jaan Pehechaan Ho” from GUMNAAM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnBbjc5hmho
14) Ayo Manuel - "Song of Love” from LOVE CANDIDATE https://www.discogs.com/Ayo-Manuel-Love-Candidate/release/5006478
15) Dur-Dur Band - "Garsore Waa Ilaah” from VOLUME 5 https://dur-durband.bandcamp.com/album/volume-5
16) Rex Khoury - “Mid-Day in Bombay”
17) Verckys et l´Orchestre Vévé - "Cheka Sana” from CONGOLESE FUNK, AFROBEAT & PSYCHEDELIC RUMBA 1969-1978 https://analogafrica.bandcamp.com/album/congolese-funk-afrobeat-psychedelic-rumba-1969-1978
18) Lynn Taitt & The Jets - "I Spy” from GET ON UP! (JOE GIBBS ROCKSTEADY 1967-1968) https://www.discogs.com/Various-Get-On-Up-Joe-Gibbs-Rocksteady-1967-1968/release/3099848
19) Sothy - "ลำเซิ้งบั้งไฟ Lam Seung Bang Fai (Original Version)” from CHANSONS LAOTIENNES https://akuphone.bandcamp.com/track/lam-seung-bang-fai-original-version
20) Meas Samon - "Jol Dondeung Kone Key (Going to Get Engaged)" from CAMBODIAN ROCKS http://blog.wfmu.org/freeform/2007/12/cambodian-rocks.html
21) Menelik Wossenachew - "Belew Bedubaye” from BELEW BEDUBAYE / TEZETA https://www.discogs.com/Menelik-Wossenatchew-Belew-Bedubaye-Tezeta/release/1892844
22) N’Kouri - "The Warras Beat” from PERCUSSIONS http://label.superflyrecords.com/release/n-kouri-percussions-same/118860106/
23)  Muhal Richard Abrams - “Peace On You" from AFRISONG http://amzn.to/2Ack5dV
24) Shams Asma - "Comme promis je t'écris une lettre en Arab” http://www.generationbass.com/2014/10/07/%D8%B4%D9%85%D8%B3-%D8%A3%D8%B3%D9%85%D9%89-shams-asma-experimental-arabia/
25) Mike Majkowski - "Carnival of Decay” (excerpt) from NEIGHBOURING OBJECTS https://www.discogs.com/Mike-Majkowski-Neighbouring-Objects/release/6914251 w/The Investigator (excerpt) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Investigator
27) Kamilya Jubran & Werner Hasler - "Al-Hubb Assa’b”
28) Mohamed Ould Nana avec L'Orchestre National Mauritanien - "Adji Kar Teri Miri / Koulou Guamil” from AHL NANA https://www.discogs.com/Mohamed-Ould-Nana-Avec-LOrchestre-National-Mauritanien-Ahl-Nana/release/10366976
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brianwillott · 6 years
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