#Elden ring tarot
fistfulofgammarays · 1 year
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The High Priestess - Secrets, mystery, the unknown future. Reversed: Passion, ardor, conceit.
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3gremlins · 1 year
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Elden Ring Tarot: Death (Ranni) ⬆️transformation, change, endings, transition ⬇️stagnation, decay
I felt the character of Ranni worked well for the death card which doesn't represent death PER SE, but rather the concept of change (sometimes drastic). In the game, her entire goal is to break the current cycle and break free from destiny (going so far as to not only orchestrate the murder of another being, but also to sacrifice her own body).
Tbh, there are several characters who are also trying to bring down the golden order (the current ruling faction/world order) but Ranni's the one trying to break free entirely from the cycle (a lot of the other characters want to replace it with their own version for the most part, or just kill the current ruling pantheon).  please do not repost | if you like my work and want to see more, consider becoming a patron! This piece is currently available as a coloring page to all patrons | prints will be available in my shop other cards: The Magician | Three of Swords
----Elden Ring Spoilers---
If you follow her questline and get her ending, you enter the Age of Stars (she's also heavily associated with the moon) so ofc I could not resist a moon/starscape! 
She's sitting atop the corrupted skull of godwyn the golden (who is transformed from "beautiful god" to a creepy monster who brings a death blight- corruption- to the lands between) with her feet resting on his original body's corpse. 
You can also see her original form (which you can find in game). They both have a rune of death inscribed into them- this was originally a fully round rune- so they each have one half essentially. The predominant lore theory is that Ranni inscribed her half of the rune into her own body, while the black knife assassins (whom she  hired) put the other half into godwyn.  The idea is that by doing so, she killed his soul but her flesh (if the rune was whole, it would entirely kill one person) in order to break the golden order and escape her own fate as an emperyean (a chosen potential successor to the golden order).  (if you're interested in more lore on this, i super rec smoughtown's videos)
I figured this all works for the death card, since death is usually depicted either walking or riding across a field of dead nobility (to show that no one escapes death/change) and often also has skulls/death imagery around it (despite the card not actually being that scary). In the game, godwyn's essence? what's left of him after having his soul killed anyway, manifests in melty/corrupted versions of his face/skull in the actual environment (on the backs of crabs, in the ground, etc) and also in the death blight/root. 
So I included those as framing elements (i went with the thorny vines instead of the death root itself mostly b/c that's the fx used when you get it in game and it reads better visually)
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lakeseekers · 2 years
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Elden Ring Tarot: Hierophant
“Heresy is not native to the world; it is but a contrivance. All things can be conjoined.” - Miriel, Pastor of Vows
One of my Elden Ring tarot cards, depicting Miriel as the Hierophant. Miriel seems to have a deep understanding of the Golden Order, making him the perfect choice for the Hierophant, with the emphasis on tradition and spiritual knowledge.
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klodwig · 5 months
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evilady · 1 year
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Elden Tarot - III The Empress
The one who created a prosperous equilibrium was also the one who destroy it. Bringing her children and herself to a bloody fate.
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saturnidsart · 5 months
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i dreamt for so long. my flesh was dull gold...and my blood, rotted
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hollytree33 · 2 months
WIP Wednesday!
Folks! I was tagged by the wonderful @greypetrel last week!! I didn’t have much to show then, but I do now!!
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Updates on that Solas sketch I teased a while back! I just slapped some colors on this thing and I’m not the most happy with them right now, but I never am to start with lmao. It’ll get better as I goooo
Aaannndd here’s the sketchiest sketchy sketch that you ever did see that I just started working on. This one is mostly just an excuse to paint foliage and fun lighting (all those scribbles will be plants soon, I promise)
This week I’ll be tagging @greypetrel back as well as @plisuu, @rosieofcorona, @inquisimer, @broodwolf221, and @dreadfutures! No pressure to participate as always 💖💞
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vermilionzines · 11 months
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INTEREST CHECK: Yharnam Sunrise
Yharnam Sunrise is an upcoming collaborative Bloodborne-themed tarot deck. We are not only enthusiastic about Bloodborne, but about providing a well-researched and meaning-appropriate tarot deck, including having a limited amount of artists (possibly up to 20) for cohesion reasons.
📜 Fill out the form here. It will run until 10/1. 📜 See the FAQ here. If you have any questions, please feel free to send us an ask!
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shera-dnd · 2 months
Did anyone else notice that Liurnia of the Lakes is literally The Moon Arcana from Tarot
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Like seriously
For starters the card shows a marshland, which like "Liurnia of the Lakes"
Then there's the crayfish right in the middle and I'm sure no one can forge these fuckers
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Then there's a red dog and a wolf side by side
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Flanked on each side by two large structures
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and of course, above it all, hangs the moon
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That is not even considering the road down the middle that leads into the mountains, which is obviously the great road that leads to the lift and the Altus Plateau
And of course there's the whole symbolic tie to be considered. Not only is Liurnia ruled by a family with strong ties to the moon, but the Moon Arcana is also strongly tied to dreams, illusions, the unconscious mind, and knowledge
All things that are strongly tied either to Raya Lucaria, to the Carian nobles, or Ranni and Rennala themselves. And are all things you'll find in spades in this region of the game
...so yeah. I guess I'll start comparing other Elden Ring regions to tarot cards to maybe see if that's a real pattern or if I'm talking out of my ass here
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geekynerfherder · 1 year
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Showcasing art from some of my favourite artists, and those that have attracted my attention, in the field of visual arts, including vintage; pulp; pop culture; books and comics; concert posters; fantastical and imaginative realism; classical; contemporary; new contemporary; pop surrealism; conceptual and illustration.
The art of Nekro.
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fistfulofgammarays · 3 months
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The Hierophant - Alliance, captivity, servitude.
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lakeseekers · 2 years
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Elden Ring Tarot: Magician
“Young apprentice, first things first. You are a tadpole when it comes to magic. Infantile. Without the legs to walk. So, to become a sorcerer, first, you must face your ignorance. Now, shall we start learning?” - Sorceress Sellen
As above, so below, the Magician synthesizes the spiritual and the physical. A card of willpower and manifestation, it seemed fitting for Sorceress Sellen and her desire to restore the primeval current. She eventually embodies the glintstone sorcery that she studies, after all.
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skelotom · 3 months
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It's really easy to want to play games instead of facing everything else. Everything else is scary... and complicated.
In Elden Ring I can bap enemies to death (or continued undeath?) with a pair of greatswords, and look fantastic while doing it. Problems in that game are easy. The particulars of the problem never really matter because the answer is always "greatsword". For several reasons, this approach to problem solving is less applicable in real life. For one, I don't own a greatsword. Also having a greatsword likely wouldn't help much with my job, although further testing is needed on that front. Surely it has an architectural application that I'm just missing.
So uhh yeah. Videogames are fun sometimes, swords are neat, and best of luck in your ongoing battles.
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klodwig · 2 months
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Sorcerer Rogier
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evilady · 1 year
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Elden Tarot - VI The Lovers
No victory for the golden, nor for the moon. No prize but atonement; the birth of a vow.
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jordirapture · 4 months
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🎉 Happy 2 year Anniversary to Elden Ring! 🎉
I'm so in love with this game's characters, locations, soundtrack... It quickly became my all-time favorite game on my first playthrough and I can't thank FromSoft enough for delivering such a masterpiece! 💛
I painted this back in 2022 when I wanted to do an Elden Ring themed tarot deck, I may return to this project some time in the future!
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