#Elektra Kilbey
rayslittlekitten · 2 years
This was a fun one.
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thepeoplesmovies · 2 years
First Look At Apple TV's Shantaram Starring Charlie Hunnam
First Look At Apple TV's Shantaram Starring Charlie Hunnam #Shantaram #Charlie Hunnam @AppleTVPlus
It’s always great to see the end in sight after a long time in development. Coming this October, 18 years after development the highly anticipated new drama series Shantaram will be released. Apple TV+ reveals a first look at the new drama series starring Charlie Hunnam. In what looks like the British actor’s first television appearance since Sons Of Anarchy. Based on the acclaimed, bestselling…
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wornoutspines · 9 months
Shantaram | Pilot Review
I still haven't finished the #Shantaram book but I thought I could see the pilot in the meantime. #CharlieHunnam #AppleTVPlus
Gregory David Roberts (Novel)Eric Warren Singer, and Steve Lightfoot (Creators) CAST:Charlie HunnamShubham SarafAntonia DesplatFayssal BazziVincent Perez Preface: Shantaram is a book that has been recommended to me many times and then gifted to me, but it sat on my TBR until very recently. I figured I could read it long before the TV series premiered, despite the size of the book, but I didn’t.…
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willalwaysburn · 10 months
piece of art
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nemosisworld · 2 months
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Les couples, les vrais couples, ne sont pas le fruit du hasard, mais d'une rencontre entre les deux moitié d'une même âme.
Eliette Abecassis, Sépharade.
Say Lou Lou : Anna Miranda and Elektra June Kilbey-Jansson
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La nueva serie de Eric Warren Singer y Steve Lightfoot, sin lugar a dudas, promete, desde su tráiler, ser esa historia que nos enganche con acción, aventura, un guiño al pasado (ambientada en los ochenta), algo detectivesco y sobre todo una mirada a ese oriente sin máscaras, que tantas veces hemos visto retratado con fatales estereotipos, ahora, sin ellos. Lo que, mínimo en este escritor, ya despertó algún grado de interés.
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La trama nos lleva, desde su primer tráiler, a develar una trama que narrar un camino a la redención. Charlie Hunnam es un convicto que escapa de prisión, y buscando desaparecer, encuentra en Bombay el sitio perfecto para pasar desapercibido y encontrar la redención que tanto espera. ‘Que tan lejos estás dispuesto a ir por la redención’, indica su propio avance, que nos da las pistas necesarias para saber que además de una seductora y atrayente atracción, el amor tendrá cabida en esta historia.
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"Shantaram" nos lleva a la década de los ochenta, en donde vemos a Charlie Hunnam como Dele Conti, un estudiante de filosofía y paramédico australiano quien, tras una fuerte adicción, termina en la cárcel y con cargos de robo a mano armada. Más adelante, nuestro ‘héroe’ escapa de prisión, obtiene un pasaporte falso bajo el nombre de Lindsay Ford y se dirige a dicho destino en India. Rápidamente, el protagonista hace migas con Prabhu, un guía turístico, y comienza su mezcla cultural con una majestuosa India en 1982.
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En un bar de expatriados, Lin conoce a Didier (Vincent Perez), un reparador, a Lisa (Elektra Kilbey), una prostituta y a Karla (Antonia Desplat), personaje del cual su pasado es tan enigmático como intrigante y con la que nuestro protagonista se enamora al instante.
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Al poco tiempo, la suerte (o el destino, como le queramos llamar a esta ficción) llevan Lin a uno de los barrios más marginales de Bombay, lo que atrae la profunda atención de Khader Khan (Alexander Siddig), quien ve en el joven forastero como la oportunidad para manipularlo a su antojo.
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Hasta ahora podemos decir que la premisa comienza asentarse, pero en realidad estamos hablando de una serie de 12 horas de duración, es decir, 12 capítulos con una hora de reproducción aproximadamente. Y, mientras la serie aún despega, eso sí, con constantes escenas de acción, en donde vemos la naturalidad de Charlie Hunnam con un personaje repleto de claroscuros, entre sufrimiento y pena, con bondad y esperanza; en esa efectiva narrativa de mostrarnos sus cicatrices, tanto internas como externas. Y en donde podemos decir que, si hablamos de un viaje de redención, es, en definitiva, uno muy pausado.
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Más allá de arcos en los personajes, como en donde Prabhu le presenta la comida a Lin, o florecen los romances entre el protagonista y Karla, o el de Prabhu y Parvati, las piezas en el tablero de este drama de acción no dejan de moverse.
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Pasando a los últimos episodios en donde nos despegamos un poco de la historia de nuestro protagonista a historias como la de los proxenetas de Lisa o la guerra entre pandillas, incluso con la del periodista (Sujaya Dasgupta) quien planea descifrar la historia de Lin y exponerlo. Y, claro, en este juego de prostitutas, gánsteres, proxenetas y traficantes, llega la KGB a hacer lo suyo y nuestro protagonista, Lin, encuentra la redención tan ansiada y encuentra la forma de seguir, sin seguir huyendo.
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"Shantaram" ha encontrado una clara división entre crítica y audiencia, con un 55% de calificación de la crítica, contra un 85% por parte de los espectadores.
Los primeros capítulos entran bastante bien, pero luego todo se torna un poco espeso. Buena actuación de Charlie Hunnam.
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familytron · 1 year
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Elektra Kilbey
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Shubham Saraf and Elektra Kilbey on ‘Shantaram’ and the magic of recreating 1980s Bombay
Shubham Saraf and Elektra Kilbey on ‘Shantaram’ and the magic of recreating 1980s Bombay
Actors Shubham Saraf and Elektra Kilbey speak about bringing to life the television adaptation of Gregory David Roberts’ bestselling novel Actors Shubham Saraf and Elektra Kilbey speak about bringing to life the television adaptation of Gregory David Roberts’ bestselling novel Finally, Apple’s television adaptation of Shantaram, based on the internationally bestselling 2003 novel by Gregory…
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newsaza · 2 years
Antonia Desplat & Elektra Kilbey Interview: Shantaram
Antonia Desplat & Elektra Kilbey Interview: Shantaram
Antonia Desplat and Elektra Kilbey star in Shantaram, AppleTV+’s latest original series based on the novel of the same name by Gregory David Roberts. Created by Steve Lightfoot and Eric Warren Singer, Shantaram follows Lin (Sons of Anarchy star Charlie Hunnam), a man who heads to 1980s Bombay seeking some sort of redemption and a different life than the one of crime he led before. Desplat and…
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topherfoxtrot · 2 years
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Odd Man Rush (2020) dir.: Doug Dearth
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rayslittlekitten · 2 years
Dad jokes and a little singing.
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perfectandpoisonous · 7 years
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Changing the Tune: Miranda and Elektra Kilbey by Jake Terrey for Vogue Australia December 2016
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soultobeloved · 6 years
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miranda anna & elektra june kilbey-jansson by eric josjö for elle sweden august ‘18
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aefward · 6 years
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years
Odd Man Rush (2020)
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If you love Hockey - not just the big games but the history, the farm teams, and the players who aspire to be on the farm teams - Odd Man Rush was made for you. This low-budget production has some technical issues and it can be a bit of a "so what?" if you're not into the sport but it's genuine and heartwarming.
Bobby (Jack Mulhern) has dreamed of professional hockey since he was a kid. Unfortunately, an injury dashed his NHL hopes. Nonetheless determined to make a career out of the game he loves, Bobby enters the minor pro league in Germany, eventually moving on to Sweden. Never quite within arm’s reach of greatness, he does the best he can and finds friendship amid his teammates and even love in Elin (Elektra Kilbey), a cashier with dreams of her own.
Although my aversion to sports always kept me at a distance from the story, it all rings true. Bobby's team isn’t important. There is no big game, no villains. You don’t see any of the sports movie clichés because this isn’t a sports movie. It’s the story of an athlete who perseveres despite the odds. Will Bobby's photo ever adorn a box of cereal? No. His biggest achievement is a friendship with all-star player Sully (Trevor Gretzky) who regularly sends him signed jerseys to bribe faraway fans. In a way, he exhibits the true spirit of the game. He’s playing because he wants to. His passion comes at a great cost: cheapo lodgings, a life far from home in a country whose language he doesn’t speak, and strained relationships. Still, he goes on.
This different look at the world of hockey is refreshing. The chemistry between Jack Mulhern and Elektra Kilbey helps too. The script's quality ranges but seeing them flirting or playfully going back-and-forth is charming. There’s also warmth in the players goofing around like a big family. Whether they’re making bets on who has to grow the team moustache next, going on McDonald’s runs, or talking about mundane things, they're a unit. At the same time, they always stay at a distance to avoid getting hurt. After all, each is competing for spots in the league above them.
This is a good movie so bear through the technical issues. That moustache Bobby “grows” is so fake I couldn’t believe my eyes. At several points, the editing, sound mixing, dialogue, and performances will make you wince. Odd Man Rush knows it’s telling a small, offbeat story, which is why it does everything it can to break from the mold - as much as its budget allows, anyway. Bobby and other characters frequently break the fourth wall. It’s a technique that mostly works though it often feels like a crutch for a script that just isn’t that strongly written.
When I initially sat down, I was about to reluctantly dismiss Odd Man Rush. As I’ve sat here collecting my thoughts, this one's grown on me. Take a chance on it. (December 28, 2020)
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