#Elizabeth wr400
castleaudios · 1 month
The asks, they have returned!
How would Clair and Blood Mage fair in a fight with only Blood Magic? And can Clair use Blood Magic while shifted?
They have!!
Claire and Doll would be pretty evenly matched for different reasons. Doll has been studying blood magic exclusively for years and has grown in their understanding of magic with a belief that blood mages are the most powerful and other magic users are not as useful/powerful, so their consideration for any other wielder's safety would make them more dangerous and willing to use their full powers.
Claire, on the other hand, uses her blood magic sparing for work and doesn't spend as much time training and honing her skills to such a minute degree. However, she has a deeper understanding of magic and where it comes from, not to mention she has spent the past 5 years honing all different types of magic to the point where she can now hold a glamor constantly with ease.
Claire can use blood magic while shifted! Hypothetically, if Claire wanted to, during a fight, she could use the blood that gets in her fur and harden it to a point to cover herself in blades.
As of right now in the story, Claire would defeat Doll in a battle easily, but as Doll pulls away from Rachelle and studies magic on their own, that power difference could shrink!
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pilot-boi · 11 months
How fast does Jaune figure out Yang likes Blake and Blake likes Yang? He has experience watching at least one sister be a useless lesbian before, because I refuse to believe that any arc isn't a bit useless when it comes to love. So... How does he proceed with the mess that I'd his sister and her bi disaster girlfriend?
See and that’s the thing isn’t it? How long does it take for Jaune’s personal experience with wlw sisters being useless to overpower his natural Jaune tendencies?
I believe that it’s around the dance (coincidentally around when he realizes oh fuck I actually am in love with Pyrrha Nikos) and he looks up at Yang on the balcony pining over Blake and he just thinks to himself “Looks like ALL Arcs are pretty bad at romance.”
He has trouble remembering sometimes that Yang ISNT an Arc. He’s a little confused but he’s got the spirit
Mostly he works off of the standard set by Terra and Saphron, that they’ll work themselves out eventually. Especially since Blake seems to have her romance stuff worked out, it’s just personal trauma that’s tripping her up
This doesn’t stop him from telling Yang all of his dad’s (and Pyrrha’s) dating advice
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heartscfvalor · 4 years
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Generalized Starter Call For My Female Muses
Muses Available: Ruby, Meg, Baby (Human!Impala), Kakabel, Elizabeth Duncan, Alyce Winchester, Gwen Reed (R!63 Gavin), Connie (RK700), Chloe (RT600), Echo (WR400), Edythe Cullen, Alice Culln, Daenerys Targaryen, Margaery Tyrell, Anne Boleyn, Harriet Potter, Lily Evans, Lily Luna Potter, Pansy Parkinson, Juno Potter, Hermione Granger, Andromeda Tonks, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Astoria Greengrass, Aislinn Noel, Iola Morton, Callie Shaw, Rose Tyler, Amy Pond, Jenny, 13th Doctor, Dissa (Android!TARDIS), Nesira (Dragon Age)
Comment the Muse You Wish to Interact With If a MultiMuse, Please Comment the Muse You Want the Starter For Mutuals Only, Do Not. Reblog
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Detroit: Become Human - Chronology and timeline of events... (CANON)
The chronology and timeline of events ( https://detroit-become-human.fandom.com/wiki/Chronology ) in the world of Detroit: Become Human.
1915: Birth of Arnold Brook.
1917: Zlatko Andronikov's family flees the revolution in Russia.
1963: Birth of Carl Manfred (July 13).
1978: Birth of Michael Brinkley (January 24), Amanda Stern (May 14).
1980: Birth of Gordon Penwick (June 10).
1982: Birth of Dennis Ward (June 11), Jeffrey Fowler (August 8).
1983: Birth of Christopher Gray (June 18).
1985: Birth of Hank Anderson (September 6), Cristina Warren (September 15).
1987: Birth of Jonah Graham (December 9).
1988: Birth of Joseph Sheldon (August 14), Gary Kayes (December 3).
1989: Birth of Derek Myers (May 7), Ben Collins (September 12).
1991: Birth of Zlatko Andronikov (September 21).
1992: Birth of Douglas Mitchell (August 10).
1993: Birth of Rose Chapman (March 31).
1994: Birth of Captain Allen (December 2).
1995: Birth of Edward Dempsey (February 8), Richard Perkins (July 13), Todd Williams (September 21).
1999: Birth of  Isaac Falone (March 10), Elizabeth Wilson (March 25), John Phillips (October 11).
Death of Arnold Brook.[1]
Birth of Chris Roberts (May 16).
2000: Birth of Michael Webb (September 9).
2001: Birth of Jimmy Peterson (February 1), Caroline Phillips (May 23).
2002: Birth of Elijah Kamski (July 17), Gavin Reed (October 7).
2005: Birth of Pedro Aabdar (January 25), Rosanna Cartland (December 12).
2008: Birth of Carlos Ortiz (October 27).
2009: Birth of Nathan Clark (August 18), Chris Miller (September 30).
2010: Birth of Leo Manfred (March 21), Joss Douglas (October 24).
2012: Birth of Samuel McCray (April 10).
2013: Birth of Adam Chapman (August 5).
2018: Elijah Kamski founds CyberLife, creates first androids.
2021: Release of RT600 "Chloe".
2022: RT600 Chloe first android to pass the Turing test.
2027: CyberLife sells 1 millionth android.
2028or 2029: United States pass the Android Act.
2029: Hank Anderson promoted to the rank of lieutenant (reported on August 22).
Release of ST200 "Chloe", first industrially produced android.
CyberLife leased a disused warehouse. (Extras Gallery)
CyberLife starts the commercial production of androids.
KNC's interview with Chloe (April 25).
Release of JB100 OR Andy (12-2027).
Death of Amanda Stern (February 23).
Elijah Kamski named Century magazine's "Man of the Century". Later, Kamski resigns as CEO and leaves CyberLife.
Red Ice Task Force dismantles a Red Ice network (reported on February 3).
Birth of Emma Phillips (September 2).
Release of EM400 (2028), Jerry (06-2028).
Birth of Cole Anderson (September 23).
Release of PC200 and PM700.
2032: Release of AX400, Kara (04-2032).
2037: Rose Chapman starts helping deviants.
2038: the year Detroit: Become Human takes place.
CyberLife reaches market valuation of $850bn.
Release of TR400 OR Luther (01-2030), HK400 OR Carlos' Android (05-2031), URS12 Android Bear (10-2030).
Androids introduced into the United States military and Michigan law enforcement. Red Ice Task Force seizes boat with nearly 1t Red Ice (reported on November 23).
Release of Ralph (/WR600?) and PJ500 (2031), Josh (11-2031).
Birth of Sumo (April 2031).
Release of JB300 336 445 581 (/JB300?) (05-2033), YK500, Alice (07-2033).
Carlos Ortiz spent several stays in a psychiatric hospital in 2033.
Release of PL600 (2034), Simon (02-2034).
April 2034 Season Finals Detroit's Champions Take An Early Lead (Basketball Magazine poster around Hank's Desk)
Release of "Traci"s WR400 and HR400 (2035), North (10-2035).
Death of Cole Anderson (October 11)[8].
Detroit Gears basketball Playoffs (Seen at Hank's desk)
Cristina Warren elected President of the United States.
Carlos Ortiz spent several stays in a psychiatric hospital in 2036.
Release of KL900 OR Lucy, Rupert (possibly plus WB200?).
Reported missing: Simon (February 16), Rupert (October 11).
Death of Rose Chapman's husband (estimated, "died 2 years ago" in 2038[9]).
The year 2038 is the temporal setting of Detroit: Become Human.
global population 10 billion.[10]
The first DPD case file about deviants ("dates back nine months")[11]
RK800 "Connor" released (08-2038).
Birth of Damian Miller ("three months ago" in November).
Aug 15th: Chapter "The Hostage".
around 7:30 PM: Daniel takes Emma Phillips hostage.
Death of John Phillips (estimated 07:29 PM), Officer Antony Deckart (estimated 08:03 PM), and another officer (found dead in the pool). Officer M. Wilson is wounded by Daniel, death optional.
CyberLife sends RK800 Connor as a hostage negotiator. ITM televises the hostage situation.
08:29 PM: Chapter "The Hostage" begins. Connor arrives at the Phillips apartment.
08:30 PM: DPD reports that a deviant android is involved. (ITM report)
09/14: An android waiter (AV500 #234 777 821) in Fast Coney Dogs attacks Charles Bell and escapes.
10/04: Gordon Lopez's AL series android disappears. North deviates at a customer's home and escapes.
10/05: Eden Club manager Floyd Mills reports to the police that North is missing.
10/06: North arrives in Jericho (North has been in Jericho "4 weeks, 3 days, 11 hours" on Nov 6 after 5 PM).
around 10/17: Carlos Ortiz killed by Carlos' Android. (Based on his body being dead for 19 days on Nov 5th)
10/22: An android (AP700 #480 913 802) attacks her owner Sarah Cornwal, the house, and escapes.
Friday Nov 5th: Chapters: Shades of Color, The Opening, A New Home, The Painter, Partners, Stormy Night, Broken, Fugitives
CyberLife zoo opens in Detroit.
Several Russian warships have taken position in the Barents Sea since Saturday October 30th. (CTN news)
09:38 AM: Chapter "Shades of Color" begins. Markus arrives in Greektown to pick up Carl's paint from Bellini Paints.
09:58 AM: Chapter "The Painter" begins. Markus arrives back at Carl Manfred's House.
03:24 PM: Chapter "The Opening" begins. Todd Williams picks up Kara at Android Zone.
04:53 PM: Chapter "A New Home" begins. Todd and Kara arrive at Todd Williams' house.
"around 8" (PM or AM): Landlord calls police because he found Carlos Ortiz's corpse.
09:14 PM: Chapter "Stormy Night" begins. Dinner in the Williams house.
09:42 PM: Chapter "Broken" begins. Markus and Carl arrive home from the opening of Carl Manfred's retrospective at the Museum of Modern Art.
10:58 PM: Chapter "Fugitives" begins. Kara and Alice to get off the bus in Camden.
11:21 PM: Chapter "Partners" begins. Connor arrives at Jimmy's Bar to pick up Hank Anderson.
Saturday Nov 6th: Chapters:
The Interrogation, From the Dead, Waiting for Hank..., On the Run, Jericho, The Nest, Time to Decide, Zlatko, Russian Roulette, Spare Parts, The Eden Club
During the night: Russian carrier and American patrol boat reported to have exchanged warning shots in Arctic, no casualties. (~CTN news[11])
KNC reports on the first artificial intelligence to write a book.
CTN reports that a CyberLife prototype detective android is assisting the DPD. (~CTN news[11][15])
President Cristina Warren makes speech to Congress, demanding that Russian troops withdraw from the Arctic region. (~CTN news[8])
N/A: Severe hurricanes blight Mid-West, dozens killed. (seen under the scrolling header during Waiting for Hank.)   (~CTN news[8])
12:41 AM: Chapter "The Interrogation" begins. Hank interrogates Carlos' Android.
03:34 AM: Chapter "From the Dead" begins. Markus reboots in Solid Waste Landfill.
08:42 AM: Todd Williams' dead body is found by a friend and reported to the police. (If killed by Alice or Kara)
09:56 AM: Chapter "Waiting for Hank..." begins. Connor talks to Amanda. Then arrives at DPD Central Station.
10:25 AM: Chapter "On the Run" begins. Kara wakes in Camden.
03:02 PM: Chapter "The Nest" begins. Hank eats at Chicken Feed.
04:30 PM: Chapter "Jericho" begins. Markus travels to Ferndale Station.
06:24 PM (estimated[16]): Death of Michael Graham at Eden Club.
05:13 PM: Chapter "Time to Decide" begins. Markus meets Jericho androids.
07:45 PM: Chapter "Zlatko" begins. Kara and Alice arrive at Zlatko Andronikov's House.
07:51 PM: Chapter "Russian Roulette" begins. Connor talks to Amanda. Then visits Hank Anderson's home.
08:01 PM: Chapter "Spare Parts" begins. Jericho androids raid CyberLife Warehouse and Docks.
08:17 PM: Chapter "The Eden Club" begins. Connor and Hank arrive at the Eden Club.
Sunday Nov 7th:
Chapters: The Pirates' Cove, The Bridge, The Stratford Tower
01:02 AM: Chapter "The Pirates' Cove" begins. Kara's group travels by car.
01:19 AM: Chapter "The Bridge" begins. Connor and Hank in Riverside Park.
09:24 AM: Chapter "The Stratford Tower" begins. Markus sits on a street bench and gets an idea.
Monday Nov 8th:
Chapters: The Stratford Tower cont., Public Enemy, Midnight Train
01:30 PM: Chapter "The Stratford Tower" cont. Markus infiltrates the Stratford Tower.
01:59 PM: Markus is recording the message in Stratford Tower (Connor' "Pupil Reflection" scan is timestamped "13:59:54").
04:06 PM: Chapter "Public Enemy" begins. Connor talks to Amanda. Then Connor and Hank arrive at Stratford Tower Floor 79.
05:10 PM: Chapter "Midnight Train" begins. Kara's group arrives at Rose's Farm.
Tuesday Nov 9th:
Chapters: Capitol Park, Meet Kamski, Freedom March, Last Chance, Connor, Crossroads
01:51 AM: Chapter "Capitol Park" begins. Jericho androids discuss Stratford broadcast.
02:00 AM: Jericho android teams attack the five CyberLife stores in Detroit simultaneously. Markus and North arrive at Capitol Park 10 minutes previous.
11:17 AM: Chapter "Meet Kamski" begins. Hank (+/- Connor) arrives at Elijah Kamski's house.
12:04 PM: Chapter "Freedom March" begins. Markus on roof, reflecting.
04:13 PM: Chapter "Last Chance, Connor" begins. Connor talks to Amanda. At DPD, Connor has to find Jericho.
N/A: Military androids removed from service(~CTN news), resulting in armed forces losing 2/3 of effective personnel. Androids are ordered to be turned over to the authorities, to be delivered to the nearest police station or army barracks, to be put in camps. The lack of androids shuts down services and utilities such as hospitals, schools, water, electricity, networks. (~KNC news[19]) Detroit is under curfew.
09:34 PM: Chapter "Crossroads" begins. Kara's group is driving to find Jericho.
10:45 PM: FBI and military raid on Jericho (~Warren press announcement)
Wednesday Nov 10th:
Chapters: Night of the Soul
06:00 AM: national curfew declared (~Warren press announcement)
Chapter "Night of the Soul" begins.
04:17 PM: Markus visits Carl's grave. (Pay Respects)
07:31 PM: Markus visits Carl's house. (Welcome Home) Then Markus in church (Markus on Sacred Ground). OR Jericho androids in church without Markus. (Connor/North on Sacred Ground)
07:31 PM or N/A: Connor speaks to Amanda (Thin Ice), visits Hank (Hank's House).
N/A: Android leader gives speech in undiscovered Jericho. (Markus/North Among the People)
09:24 PM: President Cristina Warren press announcement on Jericho raid, curfew etc. (Battle for Detroit)
Thursday Nov 11th:
Chapters: Battle for Detroit (events from multiple paths)
N/A: The U.S. Army has set up temporary camps in most major cities (Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Boston, San Francisco) to gather and destroy androids. (KNC News report, which is heard in Kamski's house if everyone died)
"at/since dawn": Androids take to the streets, either in peaceful demonstration (Markus Demonstration) OR fighting to liberate camps (Markus Revolution).
10:48 PM: Connor arrives at CyberLife Tower. (Connor at the CyberLife Tower)
10:51 PM: Kara's group in West Side Industrial on the way to Bus Terminal. (Kara Leaving Detroit)
10:56 PM: Androids march down Woodward Avenue onto Hart Plaza (Markus Demonstration/Revolution/North)
11:01 PM:
11:02 PM: Kara's group reaches Bus Terminal. (Kara Leaving Detroit, Risky Checkpoint)
11:06 PM: Kara's group enters Enclosure. (Kara Captured)
11:07 PM:
11:08 PM:
11:15 PM: Kara's group reaches Bus Terminal. (Kara Leaving Detroit, Safer Detour)
11:15-30 PM: Last bus from Detroit Bus Terminal departs to Canada Border. Cross-border bus service is suspended afterwards.
11:16 PM: Hart Plaza barricade is attacked. (Markus Demonstration)
11:26 PM:
11:30 PM: Kara's group arrives at US-Canada Border. (Kara Leaving Detroit)
11:36 PM: Kara's group enters Canada. (Kara Leaving Detroit)
11:57 PM: Kara's group arrives at banks of Detroit River, Canada. (Kara Leaving Detroit)
presumably before midnight: President Cristina Warren gives speech (Battle for Detroit).
Connor arrives at Floor -49. (Connor at the CyberLife Tower) OR Connor on Hart Plaza rooftop. (Connor's Last Mission)
Androids at Hart Plaza launch attack. (Revolution)
Connor vs Connor-60. (Connor at the CyberLife Tower)
Hart Plaza final assault, Markus vs Connor, vs tank. (Revolution)
Androids in Hart Plaza barricade. Perkins offers deal. (Markus Demonstration)
Kara's group facing destruction in Hart Plaza camp. (Kara Captured)
Hart Plaza androids arrested, Markus killed (Markus Demonstration, surrender)
Kara's group arrives at banks of Detroit River, Delray. (Kara Leaving Detroit)
Friday Nov 12th:
Chapters: Battle for Detroit cont.
12:01 AM: Hart Plaza and CyberLife Tower android groups meet. Android leader gives speech. OR Machine Connor checks on Markus's corpse, after the latter's surrender to Perkins.
07:37 AM: Kara's group wakes in Solid Waste Landfill. (Kara Captured)
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castleaudios · 2 months
Is Knight kinda like Edward in being the fasters person in their family? If so, how much do they blame themselves for every time they weren't fast enough?
How would Mage react to the Glenwood people if they meet them now? How different is their use of Blood Magic from Clairs?
How was it like for Seer to grow up, meet a class full of people and then know exactly how they would end up over the years? Did they ever ruin friendships by digging too much?
Knight is definitely one of, if not, the fastest in the pack and a lot of their determination to run the fastest does stem from the night with Alexander. Though rather than not being fast enough, it weighs incredibly heavy on their mind that they always seem to be in the wrong place when something back happens. They don't even have the chance to help because they're just... not there.
They would be incredibly thrown off by how integrated the town seems to be. They've spent years around exclusively vampires so to see a Court have such a close bond with a shifter pack would be jarring, not to mention the elementals and NWL's that all seem to be so much more knowledgable about the magical world than they are. Claire uses her blood magic very much as a tool and an extension of her magic, whereas Doll has been conditioned to view their blood magic as an extension of themself, something that directly correlates to their worth. All they know how to do is the intricate skills that Rachelle has forced them to master whereas Claire isn't as precisely skilled, but more well rounded in her abilities.
Seer did struggle with learning how much to tell people in terms of their visions, especially when people would insist they wanted to know about their future and then would get upset when Seer told them. They've gotten much better, but those formative years were rough.
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pilot-boi · 9 months
Okay just discovered that you had a werewolf AU... Can you please share more on it?
Oh god damn it’s been a hot minute since I thought about my werewolf AU hold on
Okay I found my notes
Jaune was mauled pretty bad by a Beowulf when he was really young (hence the scars in the drawings) and now he turns into a human sized one when he gets completely overwhelmed by emotions. Such as after he had his breakdown at Pyrrha on the roof
So he’s legit missing until they go to Forever Fall, cause he’s just been hiding in the woods since he broke down. Only adrenaline is keeping him from dropping back to human form, and that adrenaline very abruptly runs out right after he saves Cardin
Making him transform back in front of his friends. And now they know his SECOND even worse secret and there’s no way he’s going to get to be a Huntsman now
So he passes out
Ruby, Pyrrha, and Weiss are rightfully freaked because holy fuck Jaune is covered in scars and injuries and holy shit he was a fucking Beowulf
But yeah, there ya go
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pilot-boi · 9 months
Ohhhhh! So he can't fully control himself? Does he get any benefits in human form, or is it limited to a transformation he cant control (atm at least)?
Yeah he can’t really control himself in wolf mode, it’s all instincts. So obviously he doesn’t act like a normal Beowulf cause he’s still Jaune, but he’s much more ruled by emotion than conscious thought
At the moment the benefits (like strength, heightened sense of smell, dark vision) are limited to when he’s transformed.
The more times a hybrid transforms, the more traits from the Grimm pass over. Before Beacon, he never transformed enough for the side affects to start changing his human body
Once RWBYNPR find out, Jaune wolfs out a lot more for reasons I can explain in a separate post. But at the moment he’s just Jauney
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pilot-boi · 1 year
In the DnD world, does Jaune fall in love, or does he stay away from that? Also, as he is a Assimar, does he just assume everyone can see in the dark and therefore only light torches if they need to see colors?
When he’s a little kid, yeah he pretty much had no clue why some people use torches
After all, he and all his family can see in the dark. Maybe they just like how the torches look? He can understand that, they do bring a certain coziness
Also no, he doesn’t really go in on the whole romance thing. As I mentioned before, the ships are pretty different in this AU, and Jaune is no different
When his friends talk about how hot people are, he doesn’t really get what they mean. Maybe it’s because of the pact. He supposes that eventually he’ll find someone he’ll feel that way about. But for now he’s got other things to worry about than his nonexistent crushes
So bless him, he doesn’t realize for a while that he’s aro/ace
His friends have to look out for him when they go to taverns, cause people will flirt with him and he legit won’t realize. And unfortunately Jaune’s friendly enough that he’ll “lead them on” far past his own point of comfort until Weiss or Yang gets the suitor to knock it off
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pilot-boi · 1 year
... And Jaune is a Assimar, who gain a Charisma boost... As a Warlock, a Charisma Caster. So, he'd likely accidentally charm a lot of people who don't know him, which is kinda amusing to think of. Jaune can't seduce someone he mean to, but he can when he doesn't want to or try to.
Does the party ask him to do the talking, or avoid the talking?
Yeah that’s part of why I thought it would be great to make him completely aroace and unaware of when people are interested in him. Because high Charisma bitch out here being incredibly charming and personable
Jaune usually doesn’t do the talking to employers, he’s too trusting and wants to help so much they’d end up doing all kinds of ridiculous jobs. But when they need information from civilians or the like, he’s the party’s first choice
He’s friend shaped, people just feel like they can trust him
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pilot-boi · 11 months
Is Pyrrha or Penny the small tooth fairy that got injured because of Jack Fros- I mean Jaune's weakness and inability to use his true power, because he lacked understanding of them?
In this hypothetical, Penny would obviously be Baby Tooth
At this point it’s not really a RotBTD AU, it’s really just a ROTG AU. And honestly, I’m happier with that lol
And no it’s not just because ROTG is a valid RWBY team name shut up
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pilot-boi · 10 months
So... What can you tell us about Dimitri? What is she like?
Demetri! My sweet sunshine daughter!
Demetri is 17 at the time of the story, same as the rest of the cast, and her birthday is in June. She lives with her abusive and conservative parents, along with her older sister Azalea. Because of this, even though Demetri has known she’s amab for years, she keeps her hair short, dresses masculinely, and goes by a male name to stay safe at home
Even after moving out when she turns 18 (and moving in with Cecilia) she still ends up going by Demetri
She has been dating Nero for about four years (they’ve been together the longest out of the couples) but her parents don’t know. They just think Nero’s one of her guy friends, because why would a man ever date another man?
She used to have a crush on Nick when she was in elementary school with him, but since then they’ve just been really close friends. Before meeting Cecilia in highschool, Demetri used to stay overnight at Nick’s farm when her parents got too bad
Nick’s parents are also conservative, but they’re more conservative for taxes and what not than human rights. So while they don’t really get the whole transgender/gay thing, they don’t say anything about it
Demetri has a SEVERE anxiety disorder which is largely untreated, again, due to her parents, but Nero’s dad (the school nurse) does what he can to make sure Demetri and her friends know how to calm her out of a spiral. He can’t prescribe her anything as the school nurse, but he does his best
Cecilia is mostly on the outside of the group for a long time, not even really being friends with any of them. The first one she admits to being friends with is Demetri, because Demetri basically just wouldn’t leave her alone in her attempts to be nice
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