ittamoroz · 4 months
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thecutiecollective · 7 months
Elizaveta for FragileSpine
IG: YourLizy
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period-drama-lover · 1 year
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bonus (they would die for their love):
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The new season of "Ekaterina. Favority". New parallels. Elizabeth I vs Catherine II. Alexei Shubin vs Alexander Lanskoy.
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fatale-distraction · 3 months
God I hope DA4 having new bard songs means Elizaveta is doing them again
Not just because it’d be kickass to see Maryden back, but because I REALLY love Elizaveta’s voice 🥲
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princehoneytea · 1 year
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Russian vintage postcard, illustrated by Elizaveta Bem
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sad-outsider · 1 month
What do you think of Elizaveta? She seemed to have been in love with the Darkling (and she was older than him so ppl can't claim he groomed her). I feel like they may have had a sexual relationship and that's it. It's obvious the Darkling doesn't care for her, but I find their relationship to be interesting regardless.
I can't say anything specific about Elizaveta because I haven't read Nikolai's duology (I've only seen bits and pieces) and I doubt I ever will because I'm not inclined to waste time on things I'm obviously going to hate. For all I know, maybe the Darkling used his seduction skills on her (compliments, kind words, etc.) to get her on his side, and it backfired because Elizaveta fell in love with him. But I don't think they slept together because I don't see the point - Aleksander is clearly disgusted by her, and there are plenty of other ways to get someone on your side.
Ask questions, guys, I'll be only glad🥺
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newestcool · 2 years
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Michelle Laff November 2022 Photographer Elizaveta Porodina Fashion Editor/Stylist Michelle Laff Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist Heiko Palach Set Designer Hannes Schuller Newest Cool on Instagram
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russianperioddrama · 6 days
Hi can you please tell me where I can watch Elizaveta (2022) series
Hi. You can watch here in Russian.
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blankbusen-sw · 1 year
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thecutiecollective · 6 months
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Elizaveta 💙
IG: YourLizy
📷 Gökhan Topel
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period-drama-lover · 1 year
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little baby girl lizzy ♥
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indisden · 2 years
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Yuliya Khlynina as Elizabeth I of Russia (Elizaveta)
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wafflesandkruge · 2 years
two gods before there was a world
“It is an abomination. Merzost,” Elizaveta snarled. The buzzing rose to a fever pitch. “You are playing with laws you do not understand.”
“And who wrote those laws?” Aleksander asked, voice quiet. He was tired of being told what he could or couldn’t do. His own limits were the only thing that stood between him and his goals, and he had yet to reach them. He would never reach them. “You are obeying a master whose face you have never seen. Are you content with that, Sankta?”
Or, Elizaveta pays Aleksander a visit after Novokribirsk.
a/n: helloooooo!!!! very excited to finally post my first piece for @grishaversebigbang!! this lil fic is based off the showstopping amazing totally unique art by @kavinskysdick​ whom i adore with my whole heart hehe. please go check our their art and stare at it until your eyes blur. hope yall enjoy! and stay tuned for another zoya fic coming soon as part of a second collaboration.
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The Saints were always watching. It was a truism drilled into Ravkans from infancy, a boogeyman meant to make them behave lest they displease the Saints and incur their wrath. As far as Aleksander was concerned, it was utter horseshit. Saints didn’t care if you washed your hands before eating or returned a lost wallet. Hell, they didn’t even care if you murdered your neighbor and burned his house down to the foundations. 
The only thing they’d ever cared for was power.
And of that, Aleksander had plenty.
He swept into the darkened war room, eerily quiet this time of night. And though gas lamps and candles were clustered around the room, he didn’t need to light them to identify the shadowy figure positioned at the head of the massive oak table. His lips curved into a cold smile.
“What a pleasant surprise.”
In the pale moonlight, Elizaveta was the very picture of the saints that graced the walls of chapels. Eyes as green as a summer field regarded him coolly, the color all the more striking against her alabaster skin. Her honey-colored hair, woven through with flowers that bloomed with one breath and wilted with the next, gleamed like molten gold. Flowering vines crept across her body in the facsimile of a gown. As always, the low buzz of bees accompanied her presence.
Elizaveta didn’t bother with any false pleasantries. Her voice was low, raspy, as if she hadn’t spoken in decades. “It has been quite a time since we last met, Morozova.”
“Has it? I hadn’t noticed.” Aleksander remained standing at the end of the table, his arms clasped behind his back. It was nothing more than strategic posturing, a reminder of who was in power. The Little Palace was his. The Second Army was his. And with time, something he had no shortage of, Ravka would be his as well.
Judging from the darkening of Elizaveta’s complexion, she understood his intentions. But instead of rising to her feet to mirror him, she merely steepled her fingers and narrowed her eyes. The buzzing of her bees grew louder until it seemed to ricochet off the stone walls. 
“Enough, boy. I am here so you can explain yourself. Talk.”
Aleksander bristled at the command in her voice. Under his feet, the shadows writhed like a living creature struggling to free itself. Casually, he unclasped his hands and allowed them to come to a rest at his sides. “I wasn’t aware I had something to explain,” he said with as much insolence as he could manage.
Something he had learned over the years was that Elizaveta was slow to anger. Whether it was a learned patience that came with the centuries or a deliberate tactic to mislead others, Aleksander still wasn’t sure. But now, her eyes simmered with a thinly-veiled rage. How fascinating. Even the Saints had their limits, he supposed, and he couldn’t help wanting to push her just a bit further.
“The Fold,” Elizaveta hissed. Her nails dug into the backs of her hands. “It grew.”
The scars on his face suddenly ached, the memory of hours under a Healer’s hand coming back to haunt him. Aleksander tilted his head to the side and let the shadows hide the damage, but he knew Elizaveta had already seen what had happened to him. What she had done to him. 
“So it did. You should be thanking me, seeing as I’ve expanded your domain.”
“It is an abomination. Merzost,” Elizaveta snarled. The buzzing rose to a fever pitch. “You are playing with laws you do not understand.”
“And who wrote those laws?” Aleksander asked, voice quiet. He was tired of being told what he could or couldn’t do. His own limits were the only thing that stood between him and his goals, and he had yet to reach them. He would never reach them. “You are obeying a master whose face you have never seen. Are you content with that, Sankta?”
Elizaveta was silent for a moment, his words heavy between them. Then, in the end, as it often did, her pride won out. Her eyes flashed. “You are a fool, Morozova. You, your army, that girl–”
“Do you know what the people call her?” he interrupted. “Sol Koroleva. Sankta Alina.”
Something in his blood whispered at the mention of her name, like calling to like. She would be by his side again soon enough. 
Elizaveta apparently felt no such kinship with her. Her lips curled into a sneer. 
“She is no Saint. And neither are you, boy, as grand as your desires may be.”
Aleksander spread his arms wide, shadows twisting around his fingers like snakes. The room darkened until it was just the two of them alone in the black, two gods before there was a world. When he spoke, he made his words deadly soft. A challenge. “The Saints are just Grisha are they not? They call me a Saint? Fine, I’ll be their Saint. It’s as simple as that.”
“‘Sankt’ is not a title you can bestow upon yourself, Aleksander.” She rose to her feet and began walking around the table toward him. With each step, the marble floor cracked and split, flowers bursting forth until his war room began to resemble a garden. His lips quirked at that. That would be a bother to fix in the morning. She came to a stop an arms length away from him, and this close, her beauty was stunning and frightening in equal measure. But it had been centuries since something had truly frightened Aleksander, and there was nothing Elizaveta could do to make him act like a pious man frightened of her shadow.
“I have lived for eons,” Elizaveta intoned gravely. “And I will live for eons more. I have seen empires rise and fall. I have seen hundreds of Grisha martyred. I have seen everything there is and everything there will be. You are nothing special.”
Aleksander clicked his tongue softly and took a step closer to her. “You lack imagination. You’ve grown content on your perch and don’t want for more. That is why I will surpass you, Sankta. I know how to keep wanting.”
Elizaveta scoffed, but Aleksander could see a flash of realization in her eyes. “Wanting makes you weak.”
A deflection at best. Aleksander knew he had won. He closed the distance between them and leaned in closer until he could whisper into her ear.
“It is lack of wanting that makes you complacent, Elizaveta. The Age of Saints is over. Your successors are already here. Do you see the way we bend Ravka to our whims, the way we rewrite the world you passed down to us? You will come to see the truth, or be trampled into the mud.”
Elizaveta tilted her head back, red lips curling into a venomous smile. “Do not equate ambition with power, Aleksander. It will be your ruin.”
With that final barb, she stepped away from him, her dismissal clear. Aleksander let the shadows dissipate into nothing. There was no use arguing with words what he could prove with results. He clasped his hands behind his back again.
“When you are ready to become more than a Saint, you know where to find me.”
Elizaveta let her fingers trail across the war table surface until they came to a stop above the black slash that represented the Fold. She traced the edges of it, fresh paint covering what had once been Novokribirsk. “And what is above a Saint?”
He smiled, cruel and terrible. “A god.”
Elizaveta burst out laughing, the sound harsh and discordant. “You are a mouse dreaming of becoming a dragon. Be content with your army, little mouse. Go and find your sun saint. They are all that you will have.”
Aleksander shrugged. “Perhaps. Or perhaps not.”
Without another word, he turned on his heel and exited the war room, not bothering to look back, not caring if she left or stayed. She would come crawling back to him once she realized he was right. They all would.
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"The Polish"
Russian vintage postcard, illustrated by Elizaveta Bem
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