#Elkanah and His Wives
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Good Morning!☀
And she vowed a vow, and said, O LORD of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the LORD all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head. 1 Samuel 1:11
Elkanah of Mount Ephraim in Israel had two wives, Penninnah and Hannah. Hannah was childless. To be childless in that culture was considered as a curse from God. To make matters worse, her husband's other wife, Peninnah, had children, and she did her best to remind Hannah of the fact that she did, and Hannah did not. The Bible states that Peninnah "provoked her sorely."
Each year, the family went up to Shiloh to worship. After years of Peninnah's taunting, and despite her husband's attempts to comfort her with demonstrations of his love for her, she was determined to seek God's favor for a child. This time, while at Shiloh, she went to the house of the Lord and prayed. She prayed earnestly, weeping, asking God to give her a son. She promised God that if he gave her a son, she would give him back to God.
God heard her prayer, and she had a son the following year. Hannah kept her promise to God, and after she had weaned her son, she took him up to the house of the Lord to serve with the priests there. Each year, she took him a new coat.
Hannah's son was named Samuel, who grew up to be a judge and mighty prophet in Israel. God also gave Hannah five more children!
Never underestimate the power of a woman who has a prayer and a plan!
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seanofseancha · 1 year
Hannah: The Remembered Woman
(Spontaneous thoughts in message preparation)
Reflections from 1 Samuel 1-2
What makes a changemaker? In looking in the life of Hannah.
Hannah is one of the two wives of a godly man named Elkanah. Hannah is burdened because she was barren. Despite this, her husband love her significantly. But her rival, Peneniah, irritates and taunts her of not providing a son for Elkanah. A taunt that in ancient times means failure.
This breaks Hannah’s heart. Her brokenness led her to the Lord, she prayed, “Lord, look upon your servant.” In God’s providence, the Lord was actually rooting for a great prophet to appoint, for the house of Eli is wicked, specifically his sons.
The Lord remembered her. With her vow to give the son to the Lord, for opening her womb. He gave her first son, Samuel, to the Lord. What a heart for the Lord.
This is what makes Hannah a changemaker:
* She is not so extraordinary.
* She has her own brokenness.
* She came to the Lord.
We don’t need much to be used by God. God wants to use us really. All our unique sets of struggles, stories, and brokenness is used by God for us to be His changemakers in this world.
May God as to Hannah, look to us and remember us with favor. Amen.
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vinceleemiller · 4 months
Worthless to Worthy: Redeeming Your Family | 1 Samuel 2:12
Are you ready to compensate for lost time as a husband, wife, father, or mother?
Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.
This week, we are in 1 Samuel 2. Chapter 2 contrasts two families—one who stands with God and one in defiance. Today, I will read two texts that illustrate this contrast again.
Do not regard your servant as a worthless woman, for all along I have been speaking out of my great anxiety and vexation. — 1 Samuel 1:16
Now the sons of Eli were worthless men. They did not know the Lord. — 1 Samuel 2:12
Worthless Sons
The word "worthless" here is harsh and vivid. It's Belial, which could be translated as Hannah being the "daughter of the Devil" or, in the case of Eli's boys, "sons of the Devil."
The irony in the text is unmistakable. Eli indicts Hannah as worthless when his sons are the worthless ones.
Eli is a man, father, and leader with extremely clouded judgment. He easily indicts an innocent, humble, and devout woman and misses the judgment passed onto him by his sons, who serve as spiritual leaders but "do not know the Lord."
Too Late To Build Worth
In my years of ministry, I have noticed that many believing men, like Eli, do not learn the burden of their roles as husbands, fathers, and spiritual leaders soon enough. They love the title and experiences of these roles but fail to see their spiritual significance. Therefore, later in life, they have regrets about the spiritual disposition of their wives, children, and even themselves. Some men believe it's too late to rectify the lost time and the ministry required to have a spiritual impact on their lives.
But it's never too late. God can redeem anything and anyone at any point in life, and there are plenty of examples throughout the Bible.
Had Eli stepped in and even stepped up a little, which he didn't, he could have turned his sons from worthless to worthy.
See The Worthy One
For this to happen in your life and your family, you have to stop dwelling on the past, lost time, and all your regrets. You need to stop focusing on yourself and focus on God's worth. God has endless worth, infinitely more than all your worthless years and every worthless regret.
So, if you are a father, mother, husband, or wife, don't give up yet. Don't quit. Look again at Elkanah and Hannah. They never quit believing, obeying, trusting, and offering, even through their deep vexations. Then God provided and turned their sense of worthlessness into great worth.
#RedeemingLostTime #FamilyRestoration #GodsRedemption
Ask This:
Reflecting on Eli's missed opportunities as a father and leader, what steps can you take today to prioritize your spiritual influence within your family?
Considering Hannah and Elkanah's faith transformation amidst challenges, how can you cultivate a mindset of unwavering trust in God's ability to redeem and renew your family's story?
Do This:
See God's worth and spiritually lead!
Pray This:
Lord, help me release the weight of past regrets and embrace Your redeeming grace. Empower me to lead my family with wisdom, humility, and unwavering faith. Grant me the strength and perseverance to journey forward, trusting in Your ability to restore and renew all things according to Your perfect plan. Amen.
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craftylovegentlemen · 5 months
The Bible Old Testament
1 Samuel
Chapter 1
1 Now there was a certain man of Ramathaimzophim, of mount Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah, the son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephrathite: 2 And he had two wives; the name of the one was Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah: and Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children. 3 And this man went up out of his city yearly to worship and to sacrifice unto the LORD of hosts in Shiloh. And the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, the priests of the LORD, were there. 4 And when the time was that Elkanah offered, he gave to Peninnah his wife, and to all her sons and her daughters, portions: 5 But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion; for he loved Hannah: but the LORD had shut up her womb. 6 And her adversary also provoked her sore, for to make her fret, because the LORD had shut up her womb. 7 And as he did so year by year, when she went up to the house of the LORD, so she provoked her; therefore she wept, and did not eat. 8 Then said Elkanah her husband to her, Hannah, why weepest thou? and why eatest thou not? and why is thy heart grieved? am not I better to thee than ten sons? 9 So Hannah rose up after they had eaten in Shiloh, and after they had drunk. Now Eli the priest sat upon a seat by a post of the temple of the LORD. 10 And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the LORD, and wept sore.
11 And she vowed a vow, and said, O LORD of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the LORD all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head. 12 And it came to pass, as she continued praying before the LORD, that Eli marked her mouth. 13 Now Hannah, she spake in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard: therefore Eli thought she had been drunken. 14 And Eli said unto her, How long wilt thou be drunken? put away thy wine from thee. 15 And Hannah answered and said, No, my lord, I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit: I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but have poured out my soul before the LORD. 16 Count not thine handmaid for a daughter of Belial: for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief have I spoken hitherto. 17 Then Eli answered and said, Go in peace: and the God of Israel grant thee thy petition that thou hast asked of him. 18 And she said, Let thine handmaid find grace in thy sight. So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad. 19 And they rose up in the morning early, and worshipped before the LORD, and returned, and came to their house to Ramah: and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the LORD remembered her. 20 Wherefore it came to pass, when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived, that she bare a son, and called his name Samuel, saying, Because I have asked him of the LORD.
21 And the man Elkanah, and all his house, went up to offer unto the LORD the yearly sacrifice, and his vow. 22 But Hannah went not up; for she said unto her husband, I will not go up until the child be weaned, and then I will bring him, that he may appear before the LORD, and there abide for ever. 23 And Elkanah her husband said unto her, Do what seemeth thee good; tarry until thou have weaned him; only the LORD establish his word. So the woman abode, and gave her son suck until she weaned him. 24 And when she had weaned him, she took him up with her, with three bullocks, and one ephah of flour, and a bottle of wine, and brought him unto the house of the LORD in Shiloh: and the child was young. 25 And they slew a bullock, and brought the child to Eli. 26 And she said, Oh my lord, as thy soul liveth, my lord, I am the woman that stood by thee here, praying unto the LORD. 27 For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him: 28 Therefore also I have lent him to the LORD; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the LORD. And he worshipped the LORD there.
1 Samuel 1
Diane Beauford
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lordgodjehovahsway · 5 months
1 Samuel 1: Ephraim's Wife Hannah Has Can Have Children, But His Other Wife Peninnah Cannot Have Children
1 There was a certain man from Ramathaim, a Zuphite from the hill country of Ephraim, whose name was Elkanah son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephraimite. 
2 He had two wives; one was called Hannah and the other Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah had none.
3 Year after year this man went up from his town to worship and sacrifice to the Lord Almighty at Shiloh, where Hophni and Phinehas, the two sons of Eli, were priests of the Lord. 
4 Whenever the day came for Elkanah to sacrifice, he would give portions of the meat to his wife Peninnah and to all her sons and daughters. 
5 But to Hannah he gave a double portion because he loved her, and the Lord had closed her womb. 
6 Because the Lord had closed Hannah’s womb, her rival kept provoking her in order to irritate her. 
7 This went on year after year. Whenever Hannah went up to the house of the Lord, her rival provoked her till she wept and would not eat. 
8 Her husband Elkanah would say to her, “Hannah, why are you weeping? Why don’t you eat? Why are you downhearted? Don’t I mean more to you than ten sons?”
9 Once when they had finished eating and drinking in Shiloh, Hannah stood up. Now Eli the priest was sitting on his chair by the doorpost of the Lord’s house. 
10 In her deep anguish Hannah prayed to the Lord, weeping bitterly. 
11 And she made a vow, saying, “Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life, and no razor will ever be used on his head.”
12 As she kept on praying to the Lord, Eli observed her mouth. 
13 Hannah was praying in her heart, and her lips were moving but her voice was not heard. Eli thought she was drunk 
14 and said to her, “How long are you going to stay drunk? Put away your wine.”
15 “Not so, my lord,” Hannah replied, “I am a woman who is deeply troubled. I have not been drinking wine or beer; I was pouring out my soul to the Lord. 
16 Do not take your servant for a wicked woman; I have been praying here out of my great anguish and grief.”
17 Eli answered, “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him.”
18 She said, “May your servant find favor in your eyes.” Then she went her way and ate something, and her face was no longer downcast.
19 Early the next morning they arose and worshiped before the Lord and then went back to their home at Ramah. Elkanah made love to his wife Hannah, and the Lord remembered her. 
20 So in the course of time Hannah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, saying, “Because I asked the Lord for him.”
Hannah Dedicates Samuel
21 When her husband Elkanah went up with all his family to offer the annual sacrifice to the Lord and to fulfill his vow, 
22 Hannah did not go. She said to her husband, “After the boy is weaned, I will take him and present him before the Lord, and he will live there always.”
23 “Do what seems best to you,” her husband Elkanah told her. “Stay here until you have weaned him; only may the Lord make good his word.” So the woman stayed at home and nursed her son until she had weaned him.
24 After he was weaned, she took the boy with her, young as he was, along with a three-year-old bull, an ephah of flour and a skin of wine, and brought him to the house of the Lord at Shiloh. 
25 When the bull had been sacrificed, they brought the boy to Eli, 
26 and she said to him, “Pardon me, my lord. As surely as you live, I am the woman who stood here beside you praying to the Lord. 
27 I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. 
28 So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.” And he worshiped the Lord there.
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f8ithgal · 6 months
Bible Reading: April, 8, 2024
1 Samuel 1-3; Luke 12:1-34 [1 Samuel 1:1-28 KJV] 1 Now there was a certain man of Ramathaimzophim, of mount Ephraim, and his name [was] Elkanah, the son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephrathite: 2 And he had two wives; the name of the one [was] Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah: and Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children. 3 And this man…
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kdmiller55 · 6 months
1  There was a certain man of Ramathaim-zophim of the hill country of Ephraim whose name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, an Ephrathite. 2 He had two wives. The name of the one was Hannah, and the name of the other, Peninnah. And Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children. ­ 3 Now this man used to go up year by year from his city to worship and to…
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jeffersonvann · 7 months
Elkanah's love
20240225 Photo by George Dolgikh on Pexels.com Elkanah’s love 1 Samuel 1:1-8 (JDV) 1 Samuel 1:1 There was a man from Ramathaim-tsofim in the hill country of Ephraim. His name was Elkanah son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, an Ephraimite.1 Samuel 1:2 He had two wives, one named Hannah and the second Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children.1 Samuel 1:3…
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Monday of the First Week in Ordinary Time
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Readings of Monday, January 8, 2024
Reading 1
1 SM 1:1-8
There was a certain man from Ramathaim, Elkanah by name, a Zuphite from the hill country of Ephraim. He was the son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, an Ephraimite. He had two wives, one named Hannah, the other Peninnah; Peninnah had children, but Hannah was childless. This man regularly went on pilgrimage from his city to worship the LORD of hosts and to sacrifice to him at Shiloh, where the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were ministering as priests of the LORD. When the day came for Elkanah to offer sacrifice, he used to give a portion each to his wife Peninnah and to all her sons and daughters, but a double portion to Hannah because he loved her, though the LORD had made her barren. Her rival, to upset her, turned it into a constant reproach to her that the LORD had left her barren. This went on year after year; each time they made their pilgrimage to the sanctuary of the LORD, Peninnah would approach her, and Hannah would weep and refuse to eat. Her husband Elkanah used to ask her: “Hannah, why do you weep, and why do you refuse to eat? Why do you grieve? Am I not more to you than ten sons?”
Responsorial Psalm
PS 116:12-13, 14-17, 18-19
R./ To you, Lord, I will offer a sacrifice of praise. or: R./ Alleluia.
How shall I make a return to the LORD for all the good he has done for me? The cup of salvation I will take up, and I will call upon the name of the LORD. R./ To you, Lord, I will offer a sacrifice of praise. or: R./ Alleluia.
My vows to the LORD I will pay in the presence of all his people. Precious in the eyes of the LORD is the death of his faithful ones. O LORD, I am your servant; I am your servant, the son of your handmaid; you have loosed my bonds. R./ To you, Lord, I will offer a sacrifice of praise. or: R./ Alleluia.
My vows to the LORD I will pay in the presence of all his people, In the courts of the house of the LORD, in your midst, O Jerusalem. R./ To you, Lord, I will offer a sacrifice of praise. or: R./ Alleluia.
MK 1:14-20
After John had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the Gospel of God: “This is the time of fulfillment. The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the Gospel.”
As he passed by the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting their nets into the sea; they were fishermen. Jesus said to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Then they left their nets and followed him. He walked along a little farther and saw James, the son of Zebedee, and his brother John. They too were in a boat mending their nets. Then he called them. So they left their father Zebedee in the boat along with the hired men and followed him.
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8th January >> Mass Readings (Except USA)
Monday, First Week in Ordinary Time 
Feast of The Baptism of the Lord.
Monday, First Week in Ordinary Time 
(Liturgical Colour: Green: B (2))
First Reading 1 Samuel 1:1-8 Hannah's rival taunts her for being barren.
There was a man of Ramathaim, a Zuphite from the highlands of Ephraim whose name was Elkanah son of Jeroham, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Zuph, an Ephraimite. He had two wives, one called Hannah, the other Peninnah; Peninnah had children but Hannah had none. Every year this man used to go up from his town to worship and to sacrifice to the Lord of Hosts in Shiloh. The two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were there as priests of the Lord.
One day Elkanah offered sacrifice. He used to give portions to Peninnah and to all her sons and daughters; to Hannah, however, he would give only one portion, although he loved her more, since the Lord had made her barren. Her rival would taunt her to annoy her, because the Lord had made her barren. And this went on year after year; every time they went up to the temple of the Lord she used to taunt her. And so Hannah wept and would not eat. Then Elkanah her husband said to her, ‘Hannah, why are you crying and why are you not eating? Why so sad? Am I not more to you than ten sons?’
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 115(116):12-19
R/ A thanksgiving sacrifice I make to you, O Lord. or R/ Alleluia!
How can I repay the Lord for his goodness to me? The cup of salvation I will raise; I will call on the Lord’s name.
R/ A thanksgiving sacrifice I make to you, O Lord. or R/ Alleluia!
My vows to the Lord I will fulfil before all his people. O precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his faithful.
R/ A thanksgiving sacrifice I make to you, O Lord. or R/ Alleluia!
Your servant, Lord, your servant am I; you have loosened my bonds. A thanksgiving sacrifice I make; I will call on the Lord’s name.
R/ A thanksgiving sacrifice I make to you, O Lord. or R/ Alleluia!
My vows to the Lord I will fulfil before all his people, in the courts of the house of the Lord, in your midst, O Jerusalem.
R/ A thanksgiving sacrifice I make to you, O Lord. or R/ Alleluia!
Gospel Acclamation cf. Acts of the Apostles 16:14
Alleluia, alleluia! Open our heart, O Lord, to accept the words of your Son. Alleluia!
Or: Mark 1:15
Alleluia, alleluia! The kingdom of God is close at hand: repent and believe the Good News. Alleluia!
Gospel Mark 1:14-20 I will make you into fishers of men.
After John had been arrested, Jesus went into Galilee. There he proclaimed the Good News from God. ‘The time has come’ he said ‘and the kingdom of God is close at hand. Repent, and believe the Good News.’
As he was walking along by the Sea of Galilee he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net in the lake – for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me and I will make you into fishers of men.’ And at once they left their nets and followed him.
Going on a little further, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John; they too were in their boat, mending their nets. He called them at once and, leaving their father Zebedee in the boat with the men he employed, they went after him.
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Feast of The Baptism of the Lord
(Liturgical Colour: White: B (2))
(When a Feast of the Lord is celebrated on a weekday there is only one reading before the Gospel, which may be chosen from either the first or second reading)
First Reading Isaiah 55:1-11 Come to me and your soul will live, and I will make an everlasting covenant with you.
Thus says the Lord:
Oh, come to the water all you who are thirsty; though you have no money, come! Buy corn without money, and eat, and, at no cost, wine and milk. Why spend money on what is not bread, your wages on what fails to satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and you will have good things to eat and rich food to enjoy. Pay attention, come to me; listen, and your soul will live.
With you I will make an everlasting covenant out of the favours promised to David. See, I have made of you a witness to the peoples, a leader and a master of the nations. See, you will summon a nation you never knew, those unknown will come hurrying to you, for the sake of the Lord your God, of the Holy One of Israel who will glorify you.
Seek the Lord while he is still to be found, call to him while he is still near. Let the wicked man abandon his way, the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn back to the Lord who will take pity on him, to our God who is rich in forgiving; for my thoughts are not your thoughts, my ways not your ways – it is the Lord who speaks. Yes, the heavens are as high above earth as my ways are above your ways, my thoughts above your thoughts.
Yes, as the rain and the snow come down from the heavens and do not return without watering the earth, making it yield and giving growth to provide seed for the sower and bread for the eating, so the word that goes from my mouth does not return to me empty, without carrying out my will and succeeding in what it was sent to do.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
First Reading Isaiah 42:1-4,6-7 Here is my servant, in whom my soul delights.
Thus says the Lord:
Here is my servant whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom my soul delights. I have endowed him with my spirit that he may bring true justice to the nations.
He does not cry out or shout aloud, or make his voice heard in the streets. He does not break the crushed reed, nor quench the wavering flame.
Faithfully he brings true justice; he will neither waver, nor be crushed until true justice is established on earth, for the islands are awaiting his law.
I, the Lord, have called you to serve the cause of right; I have taken you by the hand and formed you; I have appointed you as covenant of the people and light of the nations,
to open the eyes of the blind, to free captives from prison, and those who live in darkness from the dungeon.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
First Reading 1 John 5:1-9 Jesus Christ came by water and blood.
Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ has been begotten by God; and whoever loves the Father that begot him loves the child whom he begets. We can be sure that we love God’s children if we love God himself and do what he has commanded us; this is what loving God is – keeping his commandments; and his commandments are not difficult, because anyone who has been begotten by God has already overcome the world; this is the victory over the world – our faith.
Who can overcome the world? Only the man who believes that Jesus is the Son of God: Jesus Christ who came by water and blood, not with water only, but with water and blood; with the Spirit as another witness – since the Spirit is the truth – so that there are three witnesses, the Spirit, the water and the blood, and all three of them agree. We accept the testimony of human witnesses, but God’s testimony is much greater, and this is God’s testimony, given as evidence for his Son.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
First Reading Acts of the Apostles 10:34-38 God had anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit.
Peter addressed Cornelius and his household: ‘The truth I have now come to realise’ he said ‘is that God does not have favourites, but that anybody of any nationality who fears God and does what is right is acceptable to him.
‘It is true, God sent his word to the people of Israel, and it was to them that the good news of peace was brought by Jesus Christ – but Jesus Christ is Lord of all men. You must have heard about the recent happenings in Judaea; about Jesus of Nazareth and how he began in Galilee, after John had been preaching baptism. God had anointed him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and because God was with him, Jesus went about doing good and curing all who had fallen into the power of the devil.’
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Isaiah 12 The rejoicing of a redeemed people.
R/ With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.
Truly, God is my salvation, I trust, I shall not fear. For the Lord is my strength, my song, he became my saviour. With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.
R/ With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.
Give thanks to the Lord, give praise to his name! Make his mighty deeds known to the peoples! Declare the greatness of his name.
R/ With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.
Sing a psalm to the Lord for he has done glorious deeds; make them known to all the earth! People of Zion, sing and shout for joy, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.
R/ With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 28(29):1-4,9-10
R/ The Lord will bless his people with peace.
O give the Lord, you sons of God, give the Lord glory and power; give the Lord the glory of his name. Adore the Lord in his holy court.
R/ The Lord will bless his people with peace.
The Lord’s voice resounding on the waters, the Lord on the immensity of waters; the voice of the Lord, full of power, the voice of the Lord, full of splendour.
R/ The Lord will bless his people with peace.
The God of glory thunders. In his temple they all cry: ‘Glory!’ The Lord sat enthroned over the flood; the Lord sits as king for ever.
R/ The Lord will bless his people with peace.
When a Feast of the Lord falls on a weekday, there is no reading after the Psalm and before the Gospel.
Gospel Acclamation cf. John 1:29
Alleluia, alleluia! John saw Jesus coming towards him, and said: This is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. Alleluia!
Gospel Mark 1:7-11 'You are my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on you'.
In the course of his preaching John the Baptist said: ‘Someone is following me, someone who is more powerful than I am, and I am not fit to kneel down and undo the strap of his sandals. I have baptised you with water, but he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit.’
It was at this time that Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptised in the Jordan by John. No sooner had he come up out of the water than he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit, like a dove, descending on him. And a voice came from heaven, ‘You are my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on you.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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Your word for today
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My message to every woman that loves God in this International women's month
Scripture reading:
1 Samuel 1:7-18
..... 9 So Hannah rose after they had eaten and drunk in Shiloh. Now Eli the priest was sitting on his seat beside a post of the temple (tent) of the Lord.
[10]And [Hannah] was in distress of soul, praying to the Lord and weeping bitterly.
[11]She vowed, saying, O Lord of hosts, if You will indeed look on the affliction of Your handmaid and [earnestly] remember, and not forget Your handmaid but will give me a son, I will give him to the Lord all his life; no razor shall touch his head.
[12]And as she continued praying before the Lord, Eli noticed her mouth.
[13]Hannah was speaking in her heart; only her lips moved but her voice was not heard. So Eli thought she was drunk.
[14]Eli said to her, How long will you be intoxicated? Put wine away from you.
[15]But Hannah answered, No, my lord, I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit. I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but I was pouring out my soul before the Lord.
[16]Regard not your handmaid as a wicked woman; for out of my great complaint and bitter provocation I have been speaking.
[17]Then Eli said, Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant your petition which you have asked of Him.
[18]Hannah said, Let your handmaid find grace in your sight. So [she] went her way and ate, her countenance no longer sad.
James 5:17-18
18. Elijah was a human being with a nature such as we have [with feelings, affections, and a constitution like ours]; and he prayed earnestly for it not to rain, and no rain fell on the earth for three years and six months.
[18]And [then] he prayed again and the heavens supplied rain and the land produced its crops [as usual].
Hannah a unique woman.
Let me share with you a message that I believe is going to lift up someone to a new level of strategic prayer and unique lifestyle.
The message is preached directed to women but it works the same on men and anyone else in every circumstances and situation.
Let's look at this woman and find out how she was unique
1. Hannah was the first wife.
1 Samuel 1:2 He had two wives, one named Hannah and the other named Peninnah.
Peninnah had children, but Hannah had none.
Hannah is mentioned first which means she was the first wife.
Elkanah had married Hannah and maybe because she could not give him children he married Peninnah.
Hannah didn't settle for second place, she knew she was the first one.
She could have just enjoyed the double meat portions and love of her husband but she had the right to bring a special heir to the husband even when the husband wasn't aware of it.
As a Hannah be discerning of your purpose where you are.
God has a greater mission and assignment for you that your husband, wife, family, boss, leader may not be aware of.
Don't settle for secondary purposes when God has a Primary and priority mission for you.
Don't rest until you conceive and birth your purpose.
1 Samuel 1:6-8 [This embarrassed and grieved Hannah] and her rival provoked her greatly to vex her, because the Lord had left her childless.
[7]So it was year after year; whenever Hannah went up to the Lord's house, Peninnah provoked her, so she wept and did not eat.
[8]Then Elkanah her husband said to her, Hannah, why do you cry? And why do you not eat? And why are you grieving? Am I not more to you than ten sons?
She was not a Peninnah, a natural child making machine.
Peninnah is the easy going type of woman who has:
NO trials,
NO tests,
No ups, no downs,
No mountain and no valley,
She has very little struggle in her life.
The devil doesn't fight such kind of woman because she is no threat to his Kingdom.
Her womb doesn't produce Prophets and great judges.
Her womb just produces to fill the home with impact-free, vision-less sons and daughters.
Peninnah bears children to satisfy her husband but Hannah bears children to dedicate to God.
Peninnah bears children to ridicule Hannah and to show off her birthing abilities, but Hannah bears children to change nations.
Peninnah bears children to prove she is better than Hannah, but Hannah bears children to answer the call of God to anoint kings.
Peninnah can have seven children and the only change that happen in the community is a train of them paraded before society and a change in the budget of Elkanah.
One child from Hannah will cause the earth to shake and the Heavens to open.
One Samuel caused the voice of the Lord to be heard again in Israel.
DESCERN the reason for your delays!
Descern the reason for your barrenness!
Yes, you are constantly attacked by demons,
Yes your marriage is under constant attack, BUT WHY?
YES you are taking long to get that man walk you to the alter, BUT WHY?
THE Peninnahs are getting married like someone is chasing them out of their parents homes.
They are getting children like they are on commission
They are parading their marriages like the movies!
They are getting things like Christmas toys!
You are not THEM
You are a Hannah type of woman!
Your needs are unique!
So your prayers should be unique!
Your praise should be unique!
Your worship should be unique!
Don't follow the patterns of the Peninnahs, you have your own unique pattern.
You can't afford to be like them. because you are not looking for the results they are looking for.
3. Hannah was not ashamed to go deeper with God.
1 Samuel 1:9-13 So Hannah rose after they had eaten and drunk in Shiloh. Now Eli the priest was sitting on his seat beside a post of the temple (tent) of the Lord.
[10]And [Hannah] was in distress of soul, praying to the Lord and weeping bitterly.
[11]She vowed, saying, O Lord of hosts, if You will indeed look on the affliction of Your handmaid and [earnestly] remember, and not forget Your handmaid but will give me a son, I will give him to the Lord all his life; no razor shall touch his head.
[12]And as she continued praying before the Lord, Eli noticed her mouth.
[13]Hannah was speaking in her heart; only her lips moved but her voice was not heard. So Eli thought she was drunk.
Peninnah had all the time to play around and tread only the shallow waters of the spirit.
She was satisfied by just having children!
Hannah wanted to give birth to a man of God.
Peninnah rather spent her time mocking Hannah than pray.
She would rather mockingly parade her kids before Hannah than pray!
If you have time to see other women's poor hairstyles, unfit dresses and oversized shoes, your are a Peninnah kind of woman!
If you're satisfied with having just enough to be better than those who are yet to get anything.
You are a Peninnah kind of woman!
If you are religious and are just satisfied in being better than other people.
Hello there Peninnah, how are you!
A Hannah prays when others are preying on the weak!
A Hannah prays when others are playing and acting celebrity
A Hannah prays and works more when others are sleeping and feeling they have arrived.
A Hannah dives unreservedly into the deep waters of the spirit when the Peninnahs are enjoying meat, jokes, selfies, flirting comments and gossip.
A Hannah dives fearlessly to the deep end where few dare even to swim.
Deep calleth unto deep, her heart yearns for the deep where only God speaks and answers.
Her hunger for God drives her to the depths where she is no longer afraid of being labeled.
Are you still afraid of being labeled drunk?
Are you still afraid of being labeled fanatic?
You're not Peninnah!
You're Hannah!
You're unique!
Rise up unique woman, rise up Hannah!
Don't look at Peninnah!
Don't look at Elkanah!
Look beyond Eli!
Look at Jesus!
Until He speaks and reacts don't stop praying!
Follow the Holy Ghost into the Holy of Holies!
Until you get your answer don't stop.
You're unique, you have a unique need that requires a unique relationship with the lord that provokes a unique answer.
Eli may mistake you for a drunk, but Jesus will not.
He will uniquely give you your unique miracle.
Happy/blessed women's month
Much blessing
*© Pst Brucely Hanya*
*_March 2023 daily word_*
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andybondurant · 2 years
New Post has been published on Andy Bondurant
New Post has been published on https://andybondurant.com/2023/03/03/walk-through-scripture-1-samuel-1/
Walk Through Scripture | 1 Samuel 1
Welcome to a new edition of Walk Through Scripture. Today, I begin walking through the book of 1 Samuel. I encourage you to follow along with me every Wednesday and Friday. Read 1 Samuel for yourself, take notes, and compare what you shear from God with what I see and hear. God’s Word is alive and active. We don’t need to see the same things!
If you are new to reading the Bible, I encourage you to read my post, How to Understand the Bible. It gives you 5 tools to read the Bible, so you understand it. So take a few moments to read that post, and then take a little more times to read 1 Samuel 1.
You can also go back and read through the story of Joseph and his family and all of Luke with me.
Now, let’s jump into it!
From a drop to the drip, drip, drip in God’s ear.
One of my favorite places to visit on a vacation is a large city — the top being New York City. I love the feeling of being a part of a mass of humanity yet being alone at the same time (spoken by a true introvert). Yet, there is actually a downside to being one of millions of people in a small area. While I love visiting big cities, I don’t appreciate begin swallowed up by that sea of humanity day after day. I don’t want to feel like I’m a drop in the bucket.
Image by Mauro Mora on UnSplash
A quick history lesson…
1 Samuel opens as Israel is in a cycle of oppression and pain. You might remember the story of God using Moses to lead Israel out of 300 years of Egyptian slavery. It wasn’t a perfect transition from slave to freedom though. The slave mentality was tough to shake — less than, not enough, victim. Israel wandered the wilderness for 40 years before they were able to enter the Promised Land. Finally, they entered this land promised to their ancestor Abraham, but they stopped short of driving their enemies out of the land. This mistake haunted them for the rest of their existence as a nation. You can read this story in Exodus, Deuteronomy and Joshua.
The book of Judges documents the centuries and decades before 1 Samuel. You can read how Israel would cycle through following and obeying God, and then they would fall away from Him. When the people were obedient, things would go well. But when Israel was disobedient, the wheels would fall off, and God would use a surrounding people group to oppress them until His people came back to Him.
1 Samuel 1: Players: BIG and small.
Every time a down cycle would occur, and the people would humble themselves, God would use a person to help liberate Israel from the oppressor. As the book of Samuel open, we meet both important people and bit players.
Eli is the high priest, and his sons Phineas and Hophni oversee the tabernacle (the precursor to the temple built by Solomon). They are the spiritual head of Israel, and by default, the leaders of the country. They are important. Elkanah was a member of the tribe of Ephraim. He was not an important person, but based on the sacrifice he makes, he was not poor. He was not important but not a “nothing.” Elkanah had two wives — Peninnah, who had several children, and Hannah, who had no children.
As the characters are introduced, you begin to see the pecking order – important down to just another drop in the bucket. Hannah was married but neither rich nor poor. She has no children, and her husband has another wife with children. A childless, married woman was nearing the bottom of the food chain in that society.
Hannah is the drop in the bucket.
Humble over Proud
But Israel needs a hero, and God isn’t worried about status or position. As the book of 1 Samuel will constantly remind us, God prefers the humble and willing over the powerful and arrogant. God chooses the humble, willing and desperate Hannah in this chapter. God’s choice sets up the entire book, and it changes the history of the Israel.
No matter who you are, what position you hold or how much you possess, there are times you feel like a drop in the bucket. It’s how our culture works, but it’s not how God operates. If you are humble and willing (and if you become a little bit desperate) it’s amazing what God will do through you.
From 1 Samuel 1 to Jesus
Hannah was a drop in the bucket, but she chose to be the constant drip, drip, drip that God couldn’t ignore. Jesus could have used Hannah as an example as taught about prayer in Luke 18. He shared the story of a widow who day after day petitions a judge for justice. Jesus said the judge could care less about this woman or even God, but because of this woman’s persistence, he judge relents. He says,
“…this woman is driving me crazy. I’m going to see that she gets justice, because she is wearing me out with her constant requests!”
Luke 18:5
Feel like a drop in the bucket? With humility, become a drip, drip, drip in God’s ear. He promises to hear you and act!
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yhwhrulz · 2 years
Today'a Daily Devotional Thursday, February 23, 2023
Unconditional Love
"Whenever the day came for Elkanah to sacrifice, he would give portions of the meat to his wife Peninnah and to all her sons and daughters. But to Hannah he gave a double portion because he loved her, and the Lord had closed her womb… Whenever Hannah went up to the house of the Lord, her rival provoked her till she wept and would not eat. Her husband Elkanah would say to her, 'Hannah, why are you weeping? Why don't you eat? Why are you downhearted? Don't I mean more to you than ten sons?'"1
Elkanah was a man who worshipped God faithfully and made it a priority to sacrifice to Lord every year with his family. His love for, and trust in, God was an example of his godly character. Elkanah had two wives: His wife Peninnah had given him sons and daughters, but his wife Hannah had no children. This had caused strife between the two wives, as Peninnah used Hannah's barrenness to criticize her until it brought her to tears (God was the one who had closed Hannah's womb, and he had a perfect plan in doing so, but this plan would not be known until later). Hannah may have felt unworthy of her husband's love, as the ability to have children defined a woman's worth to some extent in their society. However, Elkanah's love for Hannah was not based on what she could or couldn't give him. He simply loved her for who she was. It was a pure, unconditional love.
This unconditional love is an example of God's love for us. God's love for us is not based on what we can give him, but rather on who we are in Jesus. Elkanah wanted Hannah to know that his love for her was enough, and this is what Jesus longs for us to know as well. He is all we need. If we can delight ourselves in him, he will give us the desires of our heart just as he did with Hannah. Our true identity is found in God, his plan for us is perfect, and his love for us never ends.
Suggested prayer: Dear God, thank you for your unchanging, never-ending love. I've done nothing to earn it or deserve it, yet you love me anyway. Help me delight myself only in you, knowing that you hold my life in your hands. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus' name, amen.
1 Samuel 1:4-8 (NIV).
Today's Encounter was written by: Crystal B.
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vinceleemiller · 4 months
A Contrast of Spiritual Leadership | 1 Samuel 2
 Are you taking a spiritual lead? Do you even know what this means?
Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.
This week, we are looking at 1 Samuel 2. Chapter 2 shows the contrast between the two families—one for God and one against God. But the family against God is surprising; it's a religious leader and his family.
Now the sons of Eli were worthless men. They did not know the Lord. — 1 Samuel 2:12
The contrast between Elkanah's family and Eli's family is remarkable. In the first chapter, we see a devout family. In the second chapter, we see a corrupt family. The first family is blessed. The second family is cursed. One becomes salvation for the people of God. The other leads to sacrilege and shame in the house of the Lord forever.
If you are a father, mother, or spiritual leader in any capacity today and you read Chapters 1-2, you will observe something that cannot be ignored or missed. Your devotion to God and the spiritual leadership of your family are critical all the days of your life.
Men, you need to lead your family spiritually. If you are not leading them spiritually, then you're not leading.
Here's the problem I see evident in the lives of numerous believing. Most men and fathers concern themselves with mere material matters when it comes to their life and their families. They focus primarily on matters of financial provision and personal success. Then, they pass on this same burden and concern to their wives and children. Either directly or indirectly, they focus all their time and attention on matters of material success and appearance: educational excellence, athletic success, social status, and financial independence. Yet, I do want to recognize that excellence, success, status, and independence are necessary in some capacity. However, when that is all we ever concern ourselves with, these matters become all-consuming until we and our family finally bow to the gods of excellence, success, status, and independence, which at some point become corrupted by our selfish desires. This is precisely what happens with Eli and his worthless sons in Chapter 2. Eli has let go of the reigns of spiritual leadership.
In my years of ministry to men, I have noticed that most believing men don't know how to lead spiritually. They don't even know what this means. They don't know how to lead themselves spiritually. Thus, they feel ill-equipped to lead their family spiritually. This deadly cycle of self-disqualification leads to spiritual insecurities that keep men from taking confident steps in the Spirit to lead. What happens is sin, selfishness, and vanity take over, and now the problem is so significant they don't know what to do. This happens a lot in believing families.
Men, you are called to provide for your family. But there is a provision far more important than the natural provision you provide. It's spiritual provision, and you don't provide it. A heavenly Father provides it, but you must lead your family to him. If you are not pointing them to the Father who is their Provider, then you are providing your family with nothing but futile and natural resources that will not last, and at some point, will let them down.
So today, point your wife and children to God. Lead them spiritually. Here are some actions you could take:
Text them a verse from God's Word. Pray over them in person or by phone. Guide them through a problem and give them sound spiritual direction.
You are called and commanded to do this all the days of your life. And don't do nothing. If you do nothing, you are no better than Eli. Soon, you will see the fate of a believing father who does nothing and who goes down in the chronicles of God's Word forever as a failed spiritual leader with worthless sons. Don't be that guy.
#SpiritualLeadership #FamilyFaith #MenOfGod
Reflecting on your role as a spiritual leader, what specific actions can you take today to intentionally lead your family closer to God?
How can you shift your focus from worldly success to spiritual growth within your family, and what practical steps can you implement to prioritize spiritual provision over material provision?
DO THIS: Lead spiritually.
PRAY THIS: Father, grant me the wisdom and courage to lead my family spiritually, guiding them closer to You each day. Help me prioritize their souls over worldly success, and empower me to exemplify Your love and grace in all I do. Amen.
Check out this episode!
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miajolensdevotion · 2 years
April 17, 2021
Verse: 1 samuel 1 Write/ Copy Gods words :
1 Now there was a certain man of Ramathaimzophim, of mount Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah, the son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephrathite: 2 And he had two wives; the name of the one was Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah: and Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children. 3 And this man went up out of his city yearly to worship and to sacrifice unto the Lord of hosts in Shiloh. And the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, the priests of the Lord, were there. 4 And when the time was that Elkanah offered, he gave to Peninnah his wife, and to all her sons and her daughters, portions: 5 But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion; for he loved Hannah: but the Lord had shut up her womb. 6 And her adversary also provoked her sore, for to make her fret, because the Lord had shut up her womb. 7 And as he did so year by year, when she went up to the house of the Lord, so she provoked her; therefore she wept, and did not eat. 8 Then said Elkanah her husband to her, Hannah, why weepest thou? and why eatest thou not? and why is thy heart grieved? am not I better to thee than ten sons? 9 So Hannah rose up after they had eaten in Shiloh, and after they had drunk. Now Eli the priest sat upon a seat by a post of the temple of the Lord. 10 And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore. 11 And she vowed a vow, and said, O Lord of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head. 12 And it came to pass, as she continued praying before the Lord, that Eli marked her mouth. 13 Now Hannah, she spake in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard: therefore Eli thought she had been drunken. 14 And Eli said unto her, How long wilt thou be drunken? put away thy wine from thee. 15 And Hannah answered and said, No, my lord, I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit: I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but have poured out my soul before the Lord. 16 Count not thine handmaid for a daughter of Belial: for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief have I spoken hitherto. 17 Then Eli answered and said, Go in peace: and the God of Israel grant thee thy petition that thou hast asked of him. 18 And she said, Let thine handmaid find grace in thy sight. So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad. 19 And they rose up in the morning early, and worshipped before the Lord, and returned, and came to their house to Ramah: and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the Lord remembered her. 20 Wherefore it came to pass, when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived, that she bare a son, and called his name Samuel, saying, Because I have asked him of the Lord. 21 And the man Elkanah, and all his house, went up to offer unto the Lord the yearly sacrifice, and his vow. 22 But Hannah went not up; for she said unto her husband, I will not go up until the child be weaned, and then I will bring him, that he may appear before the Lord, and there abide for ever. 23 And Elkanah her husband said unto her, Do what seemeth thee good; tarry until thou have weaned him; only the Lord establish his word. So the woman abode, and gave her son suck until she weaned him. 24 And when she had weaned him, she took him up with her, with three bullocks, and one ephah of flour, and a bottle of wine, and brought him unto the house of the Lord in Shiloh: and the child was young. 25 And they slew a bullock, and brought the child to Eli. 26 And she said, Oh my lord, as thy soul liveth, my lord, I am the woman that stood by thee here, praying unto the Lord. 27 For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him: 28 Therefore also I have lent him to the Lord; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord. And he worshipped the Lord there.
What is your Favorite verse(s):
16 Count not thine handmaid for a daughter of Belial: for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief have I spoken hitherto. 17 Then Eli answered and said, Go in peace: and the God of Israel grant thee thy petition that thou hast asked of him. 18 And she said, Let thine handmaid find grace in thy sight. So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad. 19 And they rose up in the morning early, and worshipped before the Lord, and returned, and came to their house to Ramah: and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the Lord remembered her.
Explain in your own words what you just read:
1 and 2 Samuel form one book in the ancient Hebrew manuscripts. They were not divided into two books until the Old Testament was translated into Greek. We don’t know who wrote the books; certainly, Samuel was a major contributor, but much of the book takes place after his death in 1 Samuel 25. They are called the books of 1 and 2 Samuel, not because Samuel wrote all of them, but because they describe his great ministry in Israel and the legacy of it.
Commitment / what will i do : I will not worship God through sacrifice at any time and in any way they pleased
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Elkanah and His Wives
1 And there was a certain man of Ramathayim Tsophim, of the mountains of Ephrayim, and his name was Elqanah son of Yeroḥam, son of Elihu, son of Tohu, son of Tsuph, an Ephrayimite.
2 And he had two wives, the name of one was Ḥannah, and the name of the other Peninnah. And Peninnah had children, but Ḥannah had no children.
3 Now this man went up from his city year by year to worship and to slaughter to יהוה of hosts in Shiloh. And the two sons of Ěli, Ḥophni and Pineḥas, the priests of יהוה, were there.
4 And when the day came for Elqanah to make an offering, he gave portions to Peninnah his wife and to all her sons and daughters,
5 but, although he loved Ḥannah, he gave only one portion to Ḥannah, because יהוה had shut up her womb.
6 Moreover, her rival also provoked her greatly, to make her irritable, because יהוה had shut up her womb.
7 And so he did, year by year. Whenever she went up to the House of יהוה, she was provoked, so that she wept and did not eat.
8 And her husband Elqanah said to her, “Ḥannah, why do you weep? Why do you not eat? And why is your heart sad? Am I not better to you than ten sons?”
9 And Ḥannah rose up after eating and drinking in Shiloh, while Ěli the priest was sitting on the seat by the doorpost of the Hĕḵal of יהוה.
10 And she was bitter in life, and prayed to יהוה and wept greatly.
11 And she made a vow and said, “O יהוה of hosts, if You would indeed look on the affliction of your female servant and remember me, and not forget your female servant, but shall give your female servant a male child, then I shall give him to יהוה all the days of his life, and let no razor come upon his head.”
12 And it came to be, as she kept on praying before יהוה, that Ěli was watching her mouth.
13 And Ḥannah spoke in her heart, only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard. So Ěli thought she was drunk.
14 Then Ěli said to her, “How long are you going to be drunk? Put your wine away from you!”
15 And Ḥannah answered and said, “No, my master, I am a woman pained in spirit. And I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but have poured out my being before יהוה.
16 “Do not take your female servant for a daughter of Beliya‛al, for it is out of my great concern and provocation that I have spoken until now.”
17 And Ěli answered and said, “Go in peace, and the Elohim of Yisra’ĕl give you your petition which you have asked of Him.”
18 And she said, “Let your female servant find favour in your eyes.” And the woman went her way and ate, and her face was no more sad.
19 And they rose up early in the morning and worshipped before יהוה, and returned and came to their house at Ramah. And Elqanah knew Ḥannah his wife, and יהוה remembered her.
20 And it came to be at the turn of days, that Ḥannah conceived and bore a son, and called his name Shemu’ĕl, “Because I have asked יהוה for him.”
21 And the man Elqanah and all his house went up to offer to יהוה the yearly slaughtering and his vow.
22 But Ḥannah did not go up, for she said to her husband, “When the child is weaned, then I shall take him. And he shall appear before יהוה and remain forever there.”
23 And her husband Elqanah said to her, “Do what is good in your eyes. Remain until you have weaned him. Only let יהוה establish His word.” And the woman remained and nursed her son until she had weaned him.
24 And when she had weaned him, she took him up with her, with three bulls, and one ĕphah of flour, and a skin of wine, and brought him to the House of יהוה in Shiloh. And the child was young.
25 And they slaughtered a bull, and brought the child to Ěli.
26 And she said, “O my master! As your being lives, my master, I am the woman who stood by you here, praying to יהוה.
27 “I prayed for this youth, and יהוה has granted me what I asked of Him.
28 “So I have also loaned him to יהוה. All the days that he lives he shall be loaned to יהוה.” And he worshipped there before יהוה. — 1 Samuel 1 | The Scriptures (ISR 1998) The Scriptures 1998 Copyright © 1998 Institute for Scripture Research. All Rights reserved. Cross References: Genesis 8:1; Genesis 16:1; Genesis 24:26; Genesis 24:42; Genesis 29:32; Exodus 21:6; Numbers 30:7; Leviticus 1:5; Deuteronomy 12:11; Deuteronomy 12:17-18; Joshua 17:17; Ruth 4:15; 1 Samuel 7:6; 2 Kings 2:2; Job 24:21; Psalm 6:9; Psalm 55:2; Psalm 102:4; Proverbs 14:10; Matthew 1:21; Matthew 13:33; Mark 5:34; Luke 2:22; Luke 2:36; Luke 2:41; Acts 2:4; Romans 15:13
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