#Elle Turkey
fabartists · 7 months
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Hande Erçel x Elle Turquía x Dior ✨️🤍
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Ksenia Islamova by Firat Meric for Elle Turkey July 2017
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Sara Eirud photographed by Umur Ozcan for Elle Turkey
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taffetastrology · 8 months
The signs as looks from Elle Turkey's "Edgy Portrait" editorial (Dec 2020)
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chictape · 2 years
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Elsa Hosk // Elle Turkey September 2019
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scintillulae · 2 years
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leilighet · 2 years
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highendhoney · 1 year
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Winnie Harlow for ELLE Turkey July 2018 by Emre Guven
Photographer: Emre Guven. 
Styled By: Oguz Erel. 
Hair Stylist: Ferit Belli.
Makeup Artist: Elcin Mutlu.
Model: Winnie Harlow at Women Management.
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fashionistasparadise · 4 months
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devdas5z · 7 months
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Serenay Sarikaya in Elle Turkey October 2022
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fabartists · 5 months
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Afra saracoglu x Elle Türkiye x Gucci ✨️🤍🩵
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staybeautiful · 1 year
I fly back to the UK tomorrow 😢
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carbon--14 · 1 month
i have been stalking looking at your blog and not to be weird but i love you (in a mutuals way not a stalker way) also please tell me more abt your rocket scientist life i’m very intrigued if you’re interested in sharing.
hi nonnie why don't you come off anon and say hello properly ;))) jk. are we mutuals? or do i owe u a follow O___O
seriously though it's not even 1 pm and today has legitimately been one of the worst days of my life (family stuff, don't ask) so this was super needed and appreciated. thx for the little giggle lolz
anyway yeah aerospace/astronautical engineering is kind of a weird place to be :P it's kinda niche and the workload is insane, so people burn out quick and the ones who stick around actually enjoy it a little too much tbch. the vibes are a little weird because half of my classmates are like me and there because it's a long time special interest they're willing to commit several years to and the others are obsessed with military tech and really want to be a part of that development. and they're pleasant people to be around, like they're polite and stuff, but i have actually had a conversation with a classmate who told me (and i'm quoting here) "well, i'm not the one pulling the trigger, so i'm not responsible for anything." and his ideal career paths were working on stealth bombers or hypersonics :///// yikes. there's a reason we're not taught ethics especially since military contractors are the primary ones snapping us up for jobs right out of school. ironically though the actual rotc kids are the nicest of that bunch and tend to be super collaborative and friendly? but i'm not joking in one of my first year classes we took a poll of the group's favorite movies and i shit you not over 50% of the class said one of the two top gun movies and another 15% said interstellar X__X (mine is scott pilgrim btw cuz i have taste)
luckily the yippee creatures of the class are very aware of how fucked up the industry is and willing to talk about it so there's still hope. my personal strat is to make myself a very competitive candidate for a very niche subset of the industry without very many "defense" applications lol. :D especially since a lot of those "defense" jobs are in the middle of nowhere in like, texas and alabama and florida. so not exactly the greatest places for me to be. i'm super interested in ion thruster design and development and there's a couple of startups on the west coast that are working on that so i'm crossing my fingers. tbch i am so fed up with the actual industry that i'm genuinely considering going all-in on my online "content creator™" presence just to have some shot at avoiding it. i have been having an actual existential crisis for about 3 weeks wondering if i actually made the right choices in life
but yeah the actual workload will crush your will to live unless you actually enjoy it. my classes this semester consist of incompressible fluid dynamics, dynamics control systems, structural mechanics, numerical methods, and astronomical computer simulation development >_< i'm gonna dieeeee!! and probably need an insane glasses prescription by the end of the year with the amount of coding work i have to do. plus i'm trying to score a research position and finishing up a senior-level independent study lol AND this semester i'll be driving back and forth between school and home (which is three hours each way eugh) to go to concerts and shit with my dad, but hey free tix are free tix. so in case you were wondering why i barely draw anymore, this is my life now X__X alsoalso my faculty advisor for the independent study is nonbinary and giving me job advice! they're super cool i love them foreverrrr
as for my actual hands on experience i'll admit it's limited :PP mostly because it's super hard to score industry experience before the summer before junior year and i was in recovery the whole summer so i literally couldn't hold myself upright for more than a few minutes. but i've done a bunch of projects for classes + uni-funded ones too!! my biggest claim to fame (lol) is working on a three-stage rocket designed to fly to the karman line (which is the Super Official Divide Between The Atmosphere And Space™ lol). everything except our motor was built in-house and i worked on structural design and analysis, so my job consisted of
a) working on and approving cad models of each component before we sent them to the fabrication team,
b) stress-testing all parts the fab team sent us to ensure they were flight ready (there is a picture of me somewhere sitting on a chair precariously balanced on top of three sandbags on top of a giant tube filled with more sand and our nosecone, because sand under enough pressure puts a similar kind of stress on a nosecone as it experiences in flight),
c) fixing any uneven surfaces or manufacturing errors on our parts, and
d) doing so. much. documentation. i have to be totally honest, like 75% of aero/astro e is writing the most boring papers you will ever read in your life :[
and i also built a 3d cad model of the opportunity mars rover from scratch with only official promo pics and rover "selfies" and that thing crashed the lab computers twice and took a week's worth of 8 hour days in the lab + 3 all-nighters. fml but she was so worth it thooooo
sorrysorrysorry nonnie that was probably 10x more info than you were expecting but tl;dr i'm the world's biggest weirdo who actually loves physics and rocketry so i enjoy everything i'm doing in class but the actual job search is hell on earth and i dread the day i graduate :/ for now it's still mostly fun
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chictape · 2 years
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Elsa Hosk // Elle Turkey September 2019
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scintillulae · 2 years
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sassypossumm · 4 months
Thanks Frozen Turkey
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Grocery shopping shouldn't send you to the hospital...
“Miguel!” You shouted from the porch, struggling with the many grocery bags ypu were carrying.
“Amor?” His voice could be heard from the kitchen. Jostling a slipping bag, you huffed.
“I’m not in the mood to play Marco Polo, Migs, come help me!” Your husband came hurrying to the door, and keeping it open with one foot, easily took the bulk of the bags into his large hand. Heaving a sigh of relief, you gave him a wide smile. “I knew I kept you around for a reason.”
“Is that the only reason you married me?” He smirked, leaning a little closer to you.
“We-ell,” Sporting a playful grin, you leaned in yourself and came nose to nose with him. “There might be a few other reasons, like, you're really helpful opening pickle jars.” Miguel snorted.
“And here I thought you married me because you couldn’t live without me.” He held the door open a little wider for you to pass him, before closing the door behind you. Walking to the kitchen, you placed your bags on the table and turned to say something only to come nose to nose with Miguel again.
“Miggy what in the,” He cut you off by wrapping a hand around the back of your neck and pulling you closer. “Hi.” He smirked again at the audible hitch in your breathing.
“Hi.” His smirk turned into a smile, and he rubbed the nape of your neck with his thumb, adeptly jostling the bags in his left hand, while anchoring you with his right. The sound of rustling plastic drew your attention, and your eyes flickered to the bags.
“Miggy,” you glanced up from the bags, only to be met with Miguel's lips on yours. Your eyes flew open in surprise. He pulled back with a cocky grin. “Oh, Miguel.” You wound your arms around his neck and returned his fervor. In your impatience to have him closer, you might have pulled him towards yourself a little too roughly, because the next thing you knew, “Oh! Miguel!”
You sprang back, and plopped into the nearest chair, clutching at your right foot. Miguel looked down to see what he assumed was a 20-pound frozen turkey. The bags were instantly forgotten as he rushed to kneel in front of you. You had a death grip on the edge of the table, and you were rocking back and forth.
“Y/N,” Miguel tried reaching for you, only to be met with your death glare.
“Give me a minute.” You ground out through clenched teeth, closing your eyes. Try as you might, you couldn’t hold back the tears, and with a frustrated huff, you gave in to the sobs.
“Okay, we’re going to the hospital.” Miguel flew into action, and as gently as he could manage, he lifted you into his arms and reached for the car keys. Making sure he locked the front door behind him, Miguel swiftly walked to the car, and placed you in the passenger side. After buckling your seat belt, he jogged around to the driver’s side and got in. Starting the car, he looked over at you and furrowed his brow.  
“Just drive, Miguel.” You closed ypur eyes and he noted, with worry, that you were several shades paler than usual. He also knew you well enough to know that you were trying your hardest to hold back some rather uncharitable thoughts. Backing out of the driveway, he pulled onto the road.
(One Hospital Trip Later)
Miguel left the car running while he ran into the drug store. You had demanded ice cream as soon as you'd left the hospital. “Get married, they said. Marriage is great, they said.” He muttered to himself as he perused the frozen section.
Looking to his right he noticed a lady holding a bag of frozen peas, just staring at him. Giving her his best attempt at a smile he turned his attention back to the freezer. He opened the door and reached in blindly. Pulling out the first thing his fingers made contact with, he hurried towards the check-out counter and made his purchase.
“You’re back?” You called from the bedroom, hearing the front door unlock and open.
“Yeah.” He pushed the door shut behind him with his foot and made his way towards your voice. Pushing his surprise behind his back, Miguel peaked into the room. You sat propped up by a bevy of pillows, searching for something to watch on the television. You looked up at him with a smile.
“Did you get it?” Miguel had to grin at your infectious mood.
“Yeah.” Inching into the room, he smiled. “Close your eyes.” You narrowed your eyes before complying. “Hold out your hand.” His smile widened at your barely contained excitement. He pressed his surprise into your hand, and you opened your eyes.
“Oh, Miggy!” You grinned and looked from the flowers to him. “They’re beautiful.” Your smile softened and you patted the edge of the bed. He hurried to join you and took your extended hand. “Is this a peace offering?” You smirked with a raised brow. Miguel shrugged and wove his fingers in between yours.
“I’m sorry,” You both said at the same time.
“Why are you sorry, Y/N?” Miguel's brow furrowed as he looked at you slightly confused. You placed the flowers on the bed and looked down at your joined hands. With a sigh you traced the back of his hand with your free one.
“I was horrible to you.” Pausing you looked up at him with remorse in your eyes. “I’m sorry.” Miguel shook his head.
“Amor, you were in pain.” He glanced at the cast on your foot. “I’m sorry I dropped a frozen turkey on your foot.”
“Well, you now have the distinct privilege of having broken my ‘no broken bones’ streak.” You gave him a playful grin. His face paled, and you instantly regretted it. “Hey,” You said, gently touching his jaw and turned his face back towards yours. “Up here, Spider-Man.” His eyes snapped back to yours at the tone in your voice. “I know it was an accident, Miguel, I don’t blame you. And that was insensitive of me to say.” Miguel turned to press a kiss to your palm.
“Please, Y/N. I knew you had no filter before I married you.” He cocked a brow and smirked at you.
“Thanks, a lump!” You laughed, gently pushing his shoulder. Grinning, he maneuvered you, so you were leaning against the pillows, and he leaned over you. You turned your head and seeing your entwined hands, looked back at him with a giggle.
“Did you just giggle? I don’t think I’ve ever heard you giggle.” He chuckled and braced his arm on the other side of your head. Searching his eyes, you wound your arms around his neck again.
“I’m doped up on pain meds right now, and you are extremely appealing.”
“Wow. It’s a sad day when Miguel O'Hara needs the aid of modern medicine to turn his own wife on.” He shook his head and grinned at you.
“It’s not the pain meds, O'Hara.” You pulled him closer. “That’s all you.” Miguel's brows flew towards his hairline, and he fidgeted. He had to grin at the way you fought a yawn.
“I think someone needs rest.” No sooner were the words out of his mouth, you were fast asleep. Miguel went to pry your arms from around his neck but hearing your sounds of protestation he groaned. “I guess I could use a nap too.” Shifting your positions, he curled himself around you and buried his face in your hair.
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