#Elmer Newsies
bonzo2024 · 12 days
meet our Elmer
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trustworthytoast · 22 days
Anyone ever think about Elmer and how he helps the other newsies especially the younger ones to keep track on how much money they have, what they can afford etc.
And how he gave everything to teach them enough math to spot wether a costumer is pulling tricks to pay less or to give back the right change?
Because he is really good with numbers but some of the others are so bad it physically hurt him and he just really wants to help?
Just me?
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frogmanfae · 2 months
Elmer has style but he doesn't have A style. Meaning, he looks good every day and no outfit he puts on is a flop, but he changes aesthetic on the daily. Today he's dressed in black and red with silver spikes, yesterday it was baby pink and mint with gold butterfly earrings, tomorrow it might be dark blue and brown with his glasses. You truly never know, but it always kills
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blinkinbrothershark · 2 months
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Happy Elmer day everyone!!!!!!!
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justagirlinth3w0rld · 2 months
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here you go world, I thought you should see this
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What are your elmer thoughts
I don't know, Sister, but it's bound to rain sooner or later!" is legit the funniest line in the play but he doesn't say it in a wise-ass way. I think of Elmer as a happy-go-lucky person who takes life as it comes. He is not as dumb as his friends think he is; for example, he lives at home with his big, loving immigrant family, but knows better than to mention this much. His skin is pretty thick, thanks to all of the actual older brothers and sisters, and he will always be the baby of the newses.
Elmer is agreeable and respectful, but has an unexpected independent streak. Girls like him; he is oblivious. He comes and goes as he pleases and does other jobs sometimes, including helping out his mom with piecework at home. He needs a lot of supervision/structure; when he's selling papes, he doesn't do that well because he's just not motivated by money.
Two unpopular opinions: I don't believe in Elmer the math whiz. And I don't believe in Polish Elmer. I like to think of him as Finnish, born Hjalmar, a Lutheran. This would explain why he is respectful to the nuns, but doesn't want to go to Mass.
If he IS Polish, maybe he is a Polish Jew like David. I do also stan Filipino Elmer, though. In short, Elmer is a cutie and I love him, the end!
Man, two asks in 2 days! What is going on?
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ask--the--newsies · 2 months
Who loses/misplaces the most objects (bag, hat, shoes, etc.)?
"elmer you gotta pick up your stuff buddy!"
[ jack tosses the misplaced hat upstairs. ]
"don't get me wrong, the kid's crazy smart but if i trip over his shoes one more time..."
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How'd you think Elmer started selling for Manhattan and how'd you think Spot reacted to it?
- @orangesand-lemons-234
Elmer started selling for Manhattan after their mother abandoned him at the lodging house. Spot -who was already selling for Brooklyn at this point- immediately set about trying to find his little brother, travelling all over the city trying to find him. After he'd worked his way up to being Brooklyn's second, he finally tracked Elmer down. He wasn't happy about any of it (mostly the part where their mother gave up on him), and he did try to persuade Elmer to come and live at Poplar Street with him, but they compromised with Elmer being permitted to visit (and sell in) Brooklyn whenever he wanted.
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iloverace · 4 months
based off something I overheard in class
Elmer: do we have Easter break?
Albert: yeah, it’s called April break
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orangesand-lemons-234 · 4 months
Elmer is the slyest kid you'll ever see.
Everybody in Manhattan is under the impression that he has parents and a home, and that's why he doesn't sleep in the Manhattan Lodge house.
In reality, he runs to and from the Brooklyn Lodge house every night and morning because Spot Conlon doesn't trust the Manhattan kids that much and is ever so slightly protective of his brother.
Elmer don't mind though because when it's warm out, he can go to the beach before bed.
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 5 months
who's your favorite background newsie?
Hmm… tough one lol
I think it’s either Specs or Elmer, tbh- I just love them sm <333
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fansiesmemes · 6 months
Elmer: So what do you do?
JoJo: I work in genetic research, and I'm currently trying to eliminate all Cancers.
Elmer: Wow, impressive.
JoJo: Then I'll move on to Leos.
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hellospacecadet · 7 months
the guy who just taught my ballet class WAS FINCH/ELMER/OSCAR IN THE NEWSIES TOUR!!!
hes also playing the prince in my companys nutcracker. i cant believe this.
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toffyrats · 8 months
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did this in like 10 minutes tops with no refs LMAO
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blinkinbrothershark · 2 months
Things In Newsies Live I Think About A Lot #3
The fact that JoJo and Elmer are so giddy all the time, like they're so expressive and I'm all for it.
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(Credits to original creator)
I saw this on Pinterest recently and it has invaded my thoughts. He's just jumping around like a rubber ball the whole time, I love him.
They're such an interesting duo as well, throughout the musical they don't have any lines together but you can see them in the background of scenes basically bouncing off walls with eachother. One great example is at the start of 'The World Will Know' when the newsies all shout "No!", they look like they're about to explode with excitement.
I could say a lot more about them, but long story short, I think that (as characters and as a duo) they are extremely underrated and I love them.
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Newsies X The Goonies
Mikey: Race
Brand: Jack
Chunk: Elmer
Mouth: Albert
Data: Sniper
Andy: Sarah
Stef: Katherine
Sloth: Crutchie
Mama Fratelli: Wiesel
Jake Fratelli: Oscar
Francis Fratelli: Morris
(Pls no hate, this was just smth I did for fun)
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