#Elven LARP event
manoartesana · 2 years
Elven Rainbow Moonstone Circlet Tiara. Owieru elvish art.
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Elven Rainbow Moonstone Circlet Tiara. Precious metal Sterling Silver 925. Medieval tiara. Owieru elven art.
The Owieru Elven Art Circlet Moon stone is a beautiful piece of fantasy jewelry inspired by the elvish aesthetic of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Crafted from sterling silver and set with a Rainbow Moon stone measuring 14x10 millimeters. This stone is very beautiful because it has different reflections and shades that change depending on how you look at it. The tiara is open at the back so that it is adjustable with satin ribbons according to the environment of the tiara, with which they can be tied or braided to the hair. This elven circlet is sure to bring an air of majesty and mystery to any costume or fantasy look. Whether you are looking for an accessory for your next LARP event or simply want to add a touch of elven elegance to your wardrobe, the Owieru elven art will make you look and feel like a true elven!
🔸 Store Mano Artesana.
*The stone has different characteristics that make each one unique.
*Please, if you have any questions, ask us and we will help you.
*The exposed photos are indicative, since the work is personalized and may have slight differences.
*Please note: Colors may vary depending on the type of computer screen you are using.
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sorcerous-caress · 9 months
Do you think Cazador could have a human kink?
In a character analysis way or fun au way? Because if it's the latter then yeah! We can give anyone a human kink if we want to.
But if it's the first, then let's find out! There are some characters that already seem to have a clear human kink ex: Mystra and Arnell Hallowleaf.
I'm using this analysis post on Cazador as a frame of reference because the wiki is lacking.
Cazador was a high elf before becoming a vampire. According to the post. The scroll below has a list of the dates when each vampire became a vampire lord and not when they were turned to spawns.
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So, it is safe to assume that Cazador was turned anytime during Vellioth's region. But with the way he mirrors his favourite spawn, I'm guessing he too was one of the first spawns.
It is unlikely that Vellioth turned him right away, it took Cazador around 20ish years to get his first spawn so let's meet halfway and go with 10.
His whole years as a vampire add up to 278, with 62 years as a spawn and 216 years as a lord. The game events are set to happen during 1492.
So he was turned around 1214, give or take.
What was happening during that time In Baldur's Gate? Well...not much.
Ketheric doesn't build moonrise tower until 1365. The first ever Baldur's game 1 story takes place around 300 years after the establishment of the city by Baldurian in 1068.
Cazador seems pretty old tho, even for an elf. He probably was alive as a high elf during the time Baldurian established the city.
So it is safe to guess that Cazador has been Baldur's Gate vampire lord since the first ever game. The treatments of humans back then is...well...uh.
You can wear an armour made out of human flesh in that game. It is also the only race who can romance all the other characters with no restrictions while picking half-orc, elf, or dwarf can lock you out of romances.
In 1st and second dnd editions, humans were the most versatile, literally. While other races were very very limited to the classes they got to choose. Hell being a druid was a human thing back then and elves couldn't do it, they had to be cleric of nature and larp as druids.
Cazador still talks in plural too, it makes sense to assume he came from elven nobility back in the 900 or 800. His name isn't an elven baby name either. Hunter isn't a name you'd give to a baby elf below his 100 years.
He probably had human servants, the Szarr family are merchants. And humans control most of the world trade, he had to learn how to deal with them. Although I feel like he still saw humans as cattle even back then.
But being a vampire brings out the worst in someone so who knows. Maybe a once gentleman noble elf Cazador existed somewhere in the world.
There is also the possibility that his previous master as a human? Humans tend to be very military oriented, and Vellioth was a disciplinarian in the army.
Off note, the master of Vellioth is a Szarr. Are they related to Cazador?
And Cazador's spawns imply he favours elves. 3 elves, 2 humans, 1 tiefling and 1 halfling.
So after all of this information, what is the conclusion?
He is from a time when humans almost ruled faerun but also showed a lot of discrimination against other races. He was surrounded by elf nobility and could only watch humanity from a safe distance except for the few merchants his family traded with.
He seems more comfortable with elves, judging by his past and his elf spawns ratio. He has probably never had many brushes with humans during his time as an elf.
But as a vampire? With the amount of human nobles in Baldur's Gate? He was suddenly thrown in the world of humans and had to learn how to deal with them quickly.
So, to him, humans are prey. And look at the two human spaws he has. One is a sorcerer and his most talented hunter, and the other is the village idiot.
He could only view humans in two ways, too dumb to function on their own, or too dangerous to be left on their own. They're a wildcard, rightfully so.
To him, we are new, unfamiliar and unmapped territory. No matter how much he thinks he has humanity figured out, one or two suddenly get thrown his way and completely shatter his perception. Much like how we keep discovering new aquatic species every other week that are starting to sound made up.
He'd feel frustrated by humanity and more so the fact he can't escape them or opt out of them. They are literally everywhere, even at the lines tethering the heavens and the hells, they somehow established cities there.
Humans are a constant thorn on his side, each generation that keeps meddling and getting overly curious about his gothic mansion. But they are also the main source of his food. They reproduce faster than all vampires can ever drain them all.
Cazador doesn't seem like the curios or fascinated type, more like the old-fashioned and stick with the familiar type. He probably has an elf kink, if anything, sucking his own dick figuratively.
But he would hatefuck a human like no other. How dare a cattle ever see themselves as something better? Even before he was a vampire he thought of them as the lesser race who can't keep their legs closed to save their life. Pretty little dumb humans who constantly get brought into his home and handed to him.
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mimikoflamemaker · 1 year
Thank you @arianaofimladris for tagging me!
Rules: Give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
Note: I am not the most prolific writer out there and I write most OC centered content - but maybe we will manage not to repeat ourselves too much
The fic with most hits: Journey of Oaths, obviously - for those who may not know, this is an attemp to include OC in the events of LOTR in the most (imo) believable way possible. According to peopel in my comment section I managed to do a fairly decent jod of that.
The fic with second most kudos: The False Dragon - an attempt at House of the Dragon OC - I love the premise of taking a slightly different approach to the whole thing and my two bastards, but give the state of my knowledge of that particular fandom it does feel like I bit a bit too much with this one. I do plan on continuing with it though! I just need more time in my day somehow.
The fic with third most comments: The Price of Prejudice - first story in the series centered around - you guessed it - yet another OC. This time Neve - a half-elven mercenary just tryin to survive in the world of the witcher. And having some piss poor luck while doing so. Or worse yet, some sort of morals
The fic with fourth most bookmarks: Better the Fiend you Know - 3rd story of Neve series, where monsters are not the worst thing that can befall the poor citizens of Vorune and neutrality is overrated
The story with fifth most words: Fictober 2019 - Snippets - the only Fictober I managed to complete so far. I was fresh after my fist Witcher School LARP, so there is a lot of that here. And some Neve as I was clearly in The witcher mood
The story with fewest words: Stolen Kiss at 2254 words - A gift for @chenria I wrote back in 2014 and the intro for her OC Celume and my Glaren relationship that bloomed all the way to being included in JoO
Tagging @chenria @darkwolf76 @lenkalost and whoever feels like doing this
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wandering-harpist · 6 years
“Lager der Elben” Trailer made by Burgschneider. I think you see the back of my ears somewhere in there^^.
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creativerogues · 5 years
Using In-Game Props in your D&D Game...
Potions & Brews
This is probably the easiest and cheapest D&D Prop you can make yourself!
All you need is some glass jars or test tubes and vials, which you can get all from your local craft store, and fill them with different soft drinks and different coloured sodas to represent various D&D potions:
A Cherry Red Potion for a Healing Potion is the first thing that springs into my mind: And it’s an actual healing potion you can drink!
Now if you’re not into that thing, you can always take a look at “Healing Potion Kits”, which are essentially fancy glass vials filled with colourful resins with a number of dice equal to the rarity of the potion.
Either way, it’s relatively cheap to make, and pretty cheap to buy pre-made.
I have my own Healing Potion Set: Four little glass jars with a red resin inside and d4′s for each rarity of healing potion, and it only cost me about ~$26 USD, and that’s including all the Shipping and Handling stuff.
Whenever the Party finds or buys Healing Potions, I hand one of these bad boys to that Player, and they just keep it with their Character until they use it, roll the dice, and hand it back when they’re done...
Bonus: And because I like to brag sometimes, I like to use the skills of my many friends to build some awesome D&D Props.
And with one Friend being a Graphic Designer and another being trained to use a bunch of Glass Engraving Gear, I can proudly say I have a bottle of actual “Dragon’s Breath” Brand Whiskey (a Famous Brand in my D&D World), with a Custom Designed Logo that’s been engraved onto the fanciest whiskey bottle I could find...
Did I need this? Probably not... Is it cool? Heck yeah!
Wands, Daggers & Weapons
Now, obviously you probably don’t want to give your Players actual knives and daggers, so take a look at LARP Weapons!
You can get Daggers, Swords, Axes, Wands, Staffs and more, with most of them being a little expensive, but often times worth it...
I bought an “Assassin’s Sword” as a Prop for my game, since the Player’s are currently on the hunt for a forgotten forge from ages past, and are trying to forge a Silver Sword in a desperate attempt to stop a War with the Githyanki of the Astral Sea.
To buy this Prop ‘Silver Sword’, and the stuff I need to maintain it (just to make sure the sword doesn’t break), it cost about ~$100 USD, which ain’t cheap, but since it’s a Prop sword, it’s gonna get a lot of use...
But if you’re a DM on a Budget, you can buy some very fancy wooden wands and daggers from places like Dog Might Games, who do Custom Wooden Weapons like Daggers, Wands and even Big Ass Hammers from prices of $39 USD upwards.
And as someone who owns two Custom Wooden Wands, it’s fantastic!
I have a Flame Birch Imperial Wand to represent a “Wand of Fireballs”, and an Ebony Necromancer’s Wand to represent a “Wand of Fear”.
Both are really well done, and the faces you get when you hand your Wizard or Sorcerer an actual Wand of Fireballs... priceless...
Maps are a good thing to hand your Players, because they read “Big Bad Forest up North” and think “We should go there sometime...”
Now, you can draw a map yourself with various pieces of software, or you could even Commission an Artist to draw one for you, with the Prices being anywhere from $40 to well over $200+.
Now, obviously that depends on the detail of the map, and the map’s size, but if you just so happen to know a bunch of Artists and Cartographers, you could easily get a map done for pretty cheap...
I luckily have a bunch of Artists for friends, so I just send them my VERY rough details of a Map, and they draw it out, and with one of my friends being an actual geography student, she really does know where rivers, mountains and forests should be, resulting in a beautifully accurate map of the local area for the Players to explore...
And yes, I pay everyone for their time and their art, because you should, that’s what decent people do...
Wanted Posters
Similar to maps, but a bit more exclusive. If you have an artsy friends, or you’re artsy yourself, it’s pretty easy to create an old western style wanted poster for one of your Player’s Characters, or even the whole darn Party!
Luckily none of my Players have been that naughty lately, but I was in a Game recently were our Party had just escaped from an assassination attempt on the Queen’s life and had to leave town, only to sneak through the City Gates a couple of sessions later to find our faces plastered over every wall...
That was when the DM handed us her Custom-Made Wanted Posters, with each Players face right above the words ‘WANTED’.
Spell Scrolls, Scrolls of Protection, whatever you want to call them; you can find a bunch of spell scrolls online from some absolutely fantastic artists...
My personal favourite at the moment are the Scrolls from Arcane Scrollworks and SkeletonKeyGames, who produce some absolutely freakin’ fantastic looking spell scrolls for prices as little as $11.99 USD.
They do scrolls for the Arcane, Divine, Natural and you can get entire bundles of scrolls for less than $60 USD, which is great for a DM, or a Wizard wanting to expand their Spellbook...
Actually, speaking of Spellbooks...
You can get some beautifully made, leather-bound spellbook-looking notepads and journals for your Wizard Player, or even for yourself.
It can make a great Journal to take notes on the session’s events, or as an actual prop with real runes, glyphs and arcane symbols drawn inside for the Wizard Player to decode with their 20 Intelligence...
Copper, Silver, Electrum, Gold, Platinum: There’s a lot of different Coins in D&D, and handing your Players a couple of real coppers definitely increases the immersion, and makes shopping for potions and magic items a little more tolerable...
You can buy a whole bunch of them online, I got 50 Coins (10 of each type) for less than $20 USD, and there are companies out there that specifically make coins for D&D, from elven coins to dwarvish coins, to freshly minted coins for adventures like Waterdeep: Dragon Heist...
Bonus: Invisible Ink!
Ever wanted to make the Rogue Player feel extra special? Or maybe the Wizard Player finally got the chance to cast Detect Magic on that magic scroll they found earlier.
Well Invisible Ink Pens and UV Lights can make the experience all the more badass.
Say you draw an arcane symbol on a piece of paper and hand it to the Wizard Player, when they cast Identify or Detect Magic on it, just hand them a UV Light and watch their faces light up (get it?) when they uncover the hidden writings beneath...
Or maybe you want the Rogue to decipher a hidden message, or maybe a secret riddle is hidden on the Dungeon Wall and can only be found by casting See Invisibility or Detect Magic...
Invisible Ink is is one of those things that I could find 10,000 uses for if given the time...
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a-singing-carebear · 4 years
Thank You Critical Role - My D&D story
“The adventure begins, they were always beside you. Your nerdy best friends and the DM to guide you”. Critical role, what more can I say?
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I started playing dungeons and dragons when I was around 4\5th grade, playing with a group as an afternoon group\class. 4E, and I don't remember much besides my halfling ranger and a lot of glances and readthrough of my still existing Player's Handbook. (Well the first half of the book, the miniatures section didn’t really speak to me) Finding out my father was a DM when he was younger, and I even went to some events. I can't at all recall why I stopped, but the happiness and creativity wonder I felt still lingered in my mind. 
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I had the love for fantasy, I had things like LOTR, “hey! it’s just like D&D”, and a lot of creativity and storytelling crafting.
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After that, I kinda moved on I guess, felt lonely, and like geekness and role-playing was a bad and childish thing (though it made me feel so spectacular). The closest I got was some lively Avatar OC with some new friends.
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Fast forward to 2015, The episode “Dungeons, Dungeons & More Dungeons” from gravity falls. All those feelings rose again and I remembered how much I loved playing.
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(also enjoy role-playing and with LARP being mentioned there too, when I went to some Cons I had a blast with the foam swords there).
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I took out the 4e Player's Handbook, made with my brother (who got in and out of d&d by that time) a carved foam platform and a cubes map - thus started a made-up game by the name of "D&F" (Dungeons & Fandoms), using his found old dices and it's a 1 on 1 encounter magic arena with no distinct roles. What started as "let's make Ability Scores to characters from shows" became a random "I cast a tree of pancakes on you! -no, I burned it with fire-bending you’re dead". A game that also slowly died as we grew up and apart (“I mean, they used to be best friends, but then they got all stupid. Can you promise me you won't get stupid?”)
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(FOUND IT!!!) A mild discovery of the ingenious song “Never Split The Party”, an actual d&d song I discovered after watching Semblance of Sanity and figuring out that their ditty “don’t you know you never split the party” is an actual song their singing.
[This video is just a d&d podcast they had, but kinda sums up everything I feel about why I enjoy D&D!]
Then another tiny spark 3 years later when the Voltron episode “Monsters & Mana” came out (BTW, a great d&d parody episode). Which mostly came to an end after a glance in the book and dices and helping a friend with ideas to craft his own RPG game.
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We arrive at the date when everything changed (well, almost), December 7th, 2018. The day I discovered the “Mighty Nein Animated Intro - Your Turn To Roll” and my life were never the same.
Stumbled upon it by complete accident. I was at a loss for words, I heard the name “Critical Role” thrown about many times on tumbler’s trending list and saw pictures and art of mostly Jester. I didn't even know what is it - a tv show? a game? well, it looks like D&D. The song was incredible and brought me back, I started writing a full-fleshed out character - a human ranger taught by an elf, but the idea was quickly shifted to another fantasy story by me (it’s heard sticking to it when you know it’s just backstory and character info and you will not play and you have no one). But I continue watching this video on repeat (haha not even knowing what it actually is), scouting tumbler for info and watching some random animatics, learning it's probably a podcast d&d\rpg or something. It could have been amazing as a tv show (XD)… and then another video got released, same incredible essence of d&d song but different animation, and different characters That was my first introduction to Vox Machina.
I had to check this out. Tried to get into the fandom but got lost, even though the interest was there. Stepping upon the awesome cosplay OP and even found out about a hamilton album parody - and my musical loving self was ecstatic.
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIDuJAvTTRc&list=PL39vwIwCtLi3l4J6IMV6rS2HaLCujNzRT -  Vox Machina: An Exandrian Musical)
Found the full podcast list of champion 1 and started this May. But it was hard following just by voice, and I wanted to see what was happening, every episode was 3-4 hours long, with me in my military base it was impossible. (also I thought to myself “it looks cool, but what so investing and amazing about watching some people play D&D - boy I was wrong).
Then my unexpected savior arrived, miss Corona the pandemic.
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I suddenly had a lot of time on my hands and the Critical Role vids got suggested again on YouTube, yes indeed, I discovered there are actually filmed episodes. Towards the end of May, I started the journey and the flame reignited. I started talking to a good friend of mine about his interest in d&d and we started crafting characters - I resurrected my charter into a half-elven ranger with a full backstory. Down the road, I asked another two friends of mine about their interest in d&d (because maybe I can join together an actual party), one of them said, and I’m quoting “no I don’t have experience playing…but I swear I wanted to talk to you about D&D”. Unfortunately, the two friends groups didn’t mix but we made an improved first session with me as the fucking DM, simply magical. Later that week I started a 1on1 campaign with the other friend, with him as the DM and a marvelous start of an adventure (and helping him learn the rules as an ADM, with the past faded expirations I had).
All while fangirly, hyperfixation way continuing with the journey of Vox Machina, it’s amazing because as opposed to other shows I can also completely see the fandom growing along with the show and cast (i just hope I can catch up to the Mighty Nein before the inevitable 3rd campaign, 198 episodes to go - happy 100th ep!). It’s also difficult to get into the Critters fandom right now because most of the community is focused and recognized by Mighty Nein. Also burning up creativity slots and making more various characters then I could ever use - I’m enjoying myself so muchhh. Diving headfirst into this beautiful crazy of the mess that is D&D.
Nothing’s never too late and it’s ok if you have hiatus. It doesn’t make you any less worthy and I don’t need to feel bad about this journey of that a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors sit around and play Dungeons & Dragons got me back to loving, playing and caring about the world of d&d, it’s part of the intent. As a fantasy lover (spells, costumes, items, structures, creatures, you name it), aspiring creative writer and an untalented lover of acting theatrical and role-playing, along with the incredible mechanism of RPG and the vast community, the amazing time with friends, its the game for me, it always had been. So thank you Critical Role for igniting that flame once again - even if I will lose it again I will always have you guys. “Can you answer the call? Dig in deep in your soul. As the legend unfolds, now it's your turn to roll!”
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(sorry for the lengthy length, it was meant to be much shorter)
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kusunogatari · 4 years
[ ObiRyū October | Day One | Shining Armor ] [ @abyssaldespair ] [ Uchiha Obito, Suigin Ryū ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ]
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It all comes down to this.
Checking and double checking his gear, Obito can’t help a worried sigh. For weeks he’s been considering giving a new hobby a try, and even before then he’d started saving for something to do. He stumbled across a possible activity completely by accident when making a detour home one day from work. In a park he’d never visited was a group of twenty or so people - adults, mind you - doing what looked to be some kind of...really involved make-believe.
A little research revealed it to be called LARPing. Live-action roleplaying. Like taking one of his favorite fantasy videogames or a tabletop campaign, and making it as close to real as one can really get: literally acting it out, in real time, with real people. Dressed up as their characters and everything!
He was hooked.
Hours of research later, he’d gotten started: crafting his outfit, weapons, supplies, and a character to play. A barbarian warrior...something he thought suited his build, and his appearance.
No real need to explain his scars, that way.
It took a while to build up the nerve, but he finally approached one day and asked about how to join. Most events were just day-long ones as opposed to full weekends, he’d learned. And an entry fee helped cover a few costs like extra props, costumes, and even food for the players over the course of the day. Fifty bucks and he could hop in.
He hadn’t done so right away, still fiddling with all the details of his character. He wanted it to be perfect…! But eventually there was nothing left to procrastinate, so...he packed up his gear and headed out.
And now here he is, standing with a few other newcomers. Thankfully his underclothes were normal enough to walk here in, and he starts strapping on armor he’d made. It’s nothing too fancy, but he managed to get some metallic paint to make it look like real steel. Overall, for his first go of it? He’d say he’s done well. There will always be time to improve as he goes, right?
It’s a high fantasy setting, as he’s learned. Elves, magic, that sort of stuff. Pretty typical, as far as he’s read. And while he’s set to be a moldable, playable character, so too are there those who play more static roles for the players to interact with...as well as those helping to craft the stories. Each only takes six to eight hours, as not to drag on past each day gathering. But some end up interconnected. Today, it seems, given all the new faces, they’re starting a new event.
The main coordinator and storyteller gathers the characters together to give a brief overview, as well as introduce the NPCs before they start. But once it begins, there’s no breaking character. Hours of being someone else for a day - no longer is he Obito, but Garver the Crushing, complete with a mace and shield he found tutorials for online.
With the plot set, everyone disperses, taking their places and readying for the game to begin. Obito, along with a few others, start by browsing the “town” to gather supplies for an upcoming battle set to take place. His character doesn’t know any magic...but he can certainly use things like throwable weapons, and potions to ensure he doesn’t get taken down too easily.
But the NPC selling potions is swarmed first, so he idles around for a bit, browsing a selection of weapons available for gold...or in this case, real-world quarters used in place of anything too fancy. In the end he picks up a dagger, not wanting to eat into his character’s savings too much.
He then finds the potion “shop” empty of other patrons, and shyly makes his way forward.
Right away he can tell, this one’s a pro. Not only does she have a good array of props, but her outfit looks entirely legit. Within an actual period-appropriate tent are few shelves, complete with a banner: White Dragon Remedies, it proclaims. Bottles filled with shimmering liquid are made of a squishy, clear material to prevent any breaks. She also has some “enchanted” clothing: more glittering fabric to indicate their magical properties.
Turning to face him, she reveals more of her outfit. While her actual dress is a rather plain dark grey, it’s her cloak that makes his jaw drop comically. White with silver embroidery work, it’s a piece of art in and of itself. It sweeps the grass, a wide hood draped over her head, still revealing her fake (but very convincing) elven ears.
Her eyes are a light grey, almost white to match her colorless locks. Even her brows and lashes are white! He wonders if it’s makeup and a wig, or if this is how she actually looks.
“Greetings, traveler,” she offers with a smile that makes his chest clench. “Are you in need of my brews…? Or perhaps something laced with magic to protect you?”
Still a bit shell shocked, Obito flounders for a moment like a fish out of water. Clearly she’s a long-standing player to be this prepared and decked out. “Uh, I...y-yeah. Um…”
As he stutters, she can’t help a glint of amusement in her eyes he’s pretty sure isn’t in-character - she’s actually having to hold back a laugh, he can tell. “I have a wide variety of wares,” she offers, clearly trying to help him regain his head. “Potions of healing, articles of protection, and even scrolls of contained spells for those unable to cast enchantments themselves. All highly valuable on the battlefield for a warrior such as yourself. Is there anything specific you’re looking for…?”
Trying to delve back into his character, Obito looks around. What would Garver like to take with him…? “I’ll take healing potions, at any rate. What do they cost?”
“I’ve one that can heal a minor wound, and one for a more...serious injury. The former is ten gold, and the latter twenty.”
Ooh, he...won’t be able to get too many. His ears turn red in embarrassment at his both in- and out-of-character poverty. Weighing his coin pouch, teeth nibble the scar along his lip in thought.
“I also have garments that help reduce damage taken. More costly, but also more effective over time. You’ll need fewer potions for as long as you have it, my lord.”
“Oh, I’m no lord,” Obito quickly refutes. Garver is a simple mercenary, after all.
“Any patron of mine receives my respect,” is her polite rebuke. Reaching for a verdant scarf, she holds it aloft for him to look at. “This will halve any damage you take. A robust enchantment indeed.”
Something about it catches his eye. “...and the cost?”
“Fifty gold is all. And, since you’re a new face in town, I’ll throw in a lesser potion of health for good measure, no extra charge.”
“But -?”
“Dark times lie ahead, traveler. We must all be cautious. And you’ll need to survive them to visit me again when you’ve more coin to spend, hm?” She winks an eye, and his chest flutters again. “Consider it an investment in your well-being. And perhaps mine, if you ever return.”
Blinking at her, Obito then looks down at the scarf. It does sound like a pretty good deal… “...I’ll take it.”
“Excellent!” Folding the scarf as he counts out his quarters, she fetches one of the blue sparkling potions. “I wish you luck, traveler. May fortunate winds blow at your back.”
“A-and you,” he stutters in reply. “...thank you.”
“Save your thanks for when that scarf saves your life, stranger.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“I - my name, it...it’s Garver.”
Her expression brightens. “Ah! A pleasure, lord Garver. I am Wyria of the White Dragon. I hope our paths will cross again sometime.”
Not sure how to reply, Obito just gives a sheepish nod before retreating. Nearby, another male player seems to evaluate his gear.
“Well met,” he offers, nodding to Obito in greeting.
“Been to stock up on potions, have you?”
“Er...yeah. Yes. I...can’t afford much.”
“A mercenary’s life is spent in constant search of coin, eh? You must spend it to make it.”
The corner of Obito’s mouth twitches. This interaction seems a lot...easier. “True enough. Though just once I’d like to get ahead.”
“All it takes is one lucky break! And just one unlucky one to have it all come to a screeching halt. We walk a blade’s edge, my friend.” Holding out a hand, he offers, “Irkvar.”
“Garver,” Obito replies, shaking it.
“So...what think you of the potion seller?”
“What do I...think?”
The other man grins. “A beauty, isn’t she? Not often you see elves this far north. They seem to prefer the warmer climates. But she keeps us all stocked and alive.”
Before he can stop it, Obito’s brow furrows. “...seems we’re lucky to have her, then.”
“Indeed.” Glancing around, the man then leans in and whispers, breaking character for a moment. “She’s a professional cosplayer. Goes to cons and makes big bucks with photos and shit. She’s huge on Instagram, too. All-natural hottie - no wig or anything, that’s just how she looks. Makes her super popular if the cosplay fits well. Wouldn’t mind getting to know her better but she tends to ghost once the events are done.”
At the rather...objectifying language, Obito scowls. “Can’t imagine why,” he mutters sarcastically.
But his tone seems lost on his companion, who then slides back into character. Yet even as the idle speech drags on, Obito can’t help but remain annoyed with the guy.
What an ass.
Once the prologue is completed and the characters found to be ready for the next phase, Obito manages to evade his new “friend” and immerse himself more into the story. The city has received word of an impending attack...and he has a choice to make. Stay and fight for the city, and receive less gold...or betray them and join the attacking force, which has more gold to spare.
Thinking of the goods he could acquire with some extra spending money, Obito nonetheless finds himself tugged toward the moral high ground. So after some debate, he decides to remain in the city. A few more darker-aligned characters actually swap, and he finds himself preparing to face them.
It’s them, or him.
Hours pass as skirmishes start and stop. Strategies are laid out, twists in the story guided by the NPCs. Obito, scarf around his neck, manages to keep his character alive, relying on his single potion as the battle seems to wane.
But then the boss appears...and he realizes he’s made a grave mistake. There’s no way he’s going to make it with no more potions! He could do the cowardly thing and run, but -?
“I cast Wall of Spectral Light!”
Jolting, he turns to see the potion seller. A hard glint is in her eyes, staring at the boss with a snarl.
Seems she’s decided to work to protect her home.
The narrator calls out the spell’s effects, proclaiming that her actions help protect a section of the defending army...including Obito. No damage is taken, but the barrier can only repel so much damage. From a belt at her waist, she begins tossing extra potions to the players.
“I’ve no gold,” Obito replies.
“We’ll settle any debts later, should we live through this,” she replies, looking to him gravely.
For a moment, Obito forgets this is all a game. He meets her desperate gaze with one of his own, and there’s a sort of...spark.
But they don’t have much time to chat.
The battle rages on, player characters calling out spells as Wyria and other NPCs lend scripted hands. And just as the sun starts setting, someone lands the final blow...and the boss collapses, dead.
A chorus of triumphant cries echo out over the park, and characters celebrate, embracing and beating chests. Obito sags in relief. In truth...he’s exhausted. More so than a day at work!
And as the cheering goes on, it’s joined by children who had stopped to watch, Obito sheepishly waving to them and earning more excitement. Seems they’re convinced this is all real: the joys of childish imagination.
Looking just as tired as the rest of them, the NPCs offer their congratulations to their heroes. And Wyria greets Obito, much to his surprise.
“So, seems that scarf served you well, Garver,” she offers with a wry grin. “I think you can properly thank me, now.”
“It did...as did your potions. I owe you more than just gold - I owe you my life.”
“You and a few others,” she replies cheekily. “But all debts will be settled in time. I’m sure  I have a job or two you can do for me sometime.”
Grinning tiredly, Obito watches her for a moment before everyone is gathered for a final celebration in the town. As it begins to wind down, the storyteller declares the event over, and everyone is allowed to break character at last.
Sighing in relief - yet wholly satisfied with his Saturday - Obito glances around. It’s then he realizes he didn’t see Wyria in the party, and indeed she’s instead been packing up.
Seems the man from before is right - she doesn’t waste any time. It wilts his expression, as he’s pretty sure he understands why. Keeping his helmet tucked under his arm, he sheepishly approaches. “...need any help?”
At his voice, she spins around, eyes wide, still dressed in her attire. But she softens as she recognizes him. “Ah, sorry...I thought you were, uh...nevermind.”
“I think I know who you mean,” Obito assures her. “So I thought I’d lend a hand, if...you want it.”
“That would be wonderful, thank you.”
They finish dismantling her setup, which Obito compliments. “This must’ve taken a lot of time.”
“And money,” she assures him dryly. “But...I love it. It’s been worth every dollar and hour. I love acting and dressing up, so...it only makes sense. I was one of the people who helped set up the LARP group here.”
“Mhm! Right out of high school. It was really small and...cheap at first. But we’ve grown a lot over the years. We even put on shows for schools sometimes. Which helps earn more money to keep the group going.”
“That’s awesome!”
“Maybe you’ll join us for one?”
“Eh…” At that, he hesitates. “...maybe. I’m still, uh...new. And…” He gestures to his face, wilting. “...not sure I’d be good around kids.”
“They seemed to love it before. And they’ll just believe it’s part of your character. Are…?” It’s her turn to pause. “So...those are real?”
“Me too. The hair and stuff, I mean.” Her eyes roll. “Used to get me bullied, but I do pretty well thanks to it now.”
“Someone mentioned you cosplay professionally…?”
“Mhm. It’s not a full gig, I still work. But it helps. And it’s a lot of fun, when...people aren’t being jerks.”
Obito sours. “Yeah...I caught a whiff of that earlier. I’m sorry.”
“It comes with the territory. Just...wish that it didn’t.” After a pause, a box of stuff in her arms, she offers, “I...just realized I never introduced myself! My...real self, that is. I’m Ryū.”
“Nice to meet you. And thanks for the help.”
Helping her load the last boxes into her car, Obito can’t help but ask, “So...do you always play an NPC?”
“I do. As much as a character is fun, I enjoy being part of the structure. And since I’m one of the founders, I feel more...set in stone that way. I play Wyria every time. So I’m almost like a playable character, just...set to a script. I’m the same person for every story, but I enjoy it a lot. I feel like a piece of the foundation that way.”
“I think I understand.”
Closing the car door, she gives him another look. “Thanks for helping me pack up. And…” She glances past him for a moment, and his head tilts. “...for helping ward anyone else off.”
Obito nearly turns to look, but brightens in understanding. “...oh! Yeah, sure. Any time.”
“So, will you be back next weekend?”
“Er...maybe.” He itches his neck guiltily. “The, uh...ticket price is a little steep for me.”
“Yeah, it can be. Very few people come every week. Mostly it’s every other, or once a month. It keeps the group fluid, though. A different pool every time.” Ryū gives a smile. “But it’ll be cool to see you again. You did really well for a first timer!”
Obito feels himself get warm at the compliment. “Y-yeah?”
She nods. “Did you do any theater in high school?”
“A little, yeah.”
“That helps. And it only gets easier the more you do it. I’m sure Garver will be a staple pretty soon. And Wyria will always be happy to sell him some potions...for the right price.”
Smiling bashfully, Obito then stiffens. “Oh -!” He reaches up and takes off the scarf. “Here, I -”
“No, that’s yours.”
“...but -?”
“You bought it in-game, so it belongs to Garver.” She waves a hand. “I get material and stuff pretty cheap, don’t worry about it. And players trade things back in for upgraded stuff, so it usually cycles back. Just don’t lose it, okay?”
“Oh...well, thanks.”
She just smiles in reply. “Well, I guess I’ll see you whenever you can make it back in! Take care, Obito.”
“Yeah, you too.” He steps aside, letting her pull away from the park’s lot in the dusk of evening.
He needs to get home, too...it’ll be dark by the time he gets back. Stripping off his gear and putting it back into his duffle bag, Obito smiles to himself. It was a really good day…! Better than he’d feared. And maybe he’s even making a new friend, both in and out of character. Sadly his low wages mean it might be a while before he can come back, but...well, it’ll be worth the wait.
Replaying it all in his mind, he starts back toward home, unable to help but linger on the scenes with Garver and Wyria. Partly he feels bad - he doesn’t want to be like Irkvar. But, well...her character is interesting! And Garver just...enjoyed her. That’s all.
...that’s all.
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     Aw yisss, we’re back with another ObiRyū October, y’all! And the first piece is set in a modern verse with some LARPing, cuz...Obito is a canon professional LARPer, after all xD And the prompt just fit too well, I couldn’t not do it lol      I have a few buffer days built up JUST in case I fall behind (as I...always do), but I’ll still be writing to try and keep up. Otherwise, as per usual, I’ll be doing my best to post once a day through the whole month in celebration of my OTP!       So on that note...I better start working on more xD Thanks for reading!
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xanthicantag · 5 years
alright bro im gonna do all the ask so. U Know You're Doin Em Too
Hot read more since there’s so maaaaaany
1. if you were to have Hanahaki disease, what flowers would you cough up?
I feel like this is entirely based on who i’m feeling the one sided love for? (I googled  Hanahaki disease and i’m all about that shit no doubt there)  But like, maybe daffodils? 
2. if someone were to catch Hanahaki disease for you, what flowers would they cough up?
Uh Roses motherfucker, you’re welcome
3. if you were any historic trope, what would you be? (i.e., the knight, the town baker, the witch of the forest, etd.)
Ok so like on the one hand I love lances, so fucking much, so I’m like big into Knights for that and like protecting people (and/or a beautiful prince cause like, you know), but I also really love the idea of just being like, a traveling fighter of some kind, leading a troupe of loveable idiots or being in a troupe as a loveable idiot.  I want to be Iron Bull is what I’m trying to say I guess????? or like, Krem? who knows
4. tell us about your ideal battle outfit.
Ok so I’m torn again.  Cause protection and ease of movement are super important, so like a breastplate and some kind of back protection, maybe a shield?  or maybe a sick gauntlet arm like Ike from Fire Emblem cause he knows what’s up, and then some minor leg armor to keep the front of my thighs and calves safe and like a shield since those fuck am I right??  On the other hand: If you look like a Thot, the enemy is distracted and an easy target.  I’m talking chainmail crop top, plate armor booty shorts, stupid looking heel shoes(?) for maximum thot energy, and of course a whip, either that i use or just have for the thot energy.
5. what would you be a god/goddess of and what would people sacrifice to you?
I think like, a minor deity that helps people make small to mediumish choices (i.e. talk the left or right path, call or don’t call this person), and then like, a cute little charm that people just kinda crush or burn before asking about the choice feels good, feels organic.
6. name five iconic quotes that make you feel things.
Now, I don’t know a lot of quote to be honest, but here’s some paraphrased stuff:
“Now that larping exists dnd is like, not the least cool thing to do”- Travis McElroy
“Yeah I have a pickle allergy, what about it *Pickle eating sounds*” -Me, often
“I fucked your dad” -Me during a quiplash game?  And often yeah I’ll admit this
I don’t remember what’s said, but the scene in the Count of Monte Cristo where he just shows off all his sick skills to be like “Yeah I’ll murder the fuck out of your homeboy if he tries to step up to me”.
“All Magicians are inherently inclined to kill” -That unraveled about Megaman robots who get sentience
7. scythe, battle axe, broad sword, spear or trident?
Ok so like, Scythe for formal occasions/when I want to just look good cause I think their a sexy as hell weapon, at me if you want to be I know I’m right.  Battle Axes are cool and like, really useful during a siege since you can easily bust stuff down with it and it lets you cut spears in half so you look dope as hell, like, Hector of Ostia if you’re out there, yes you’re correct.   Broad Swords are like, just in general really good, you can use it in a duel, a battle, a coronation, magic rituals if you’re really feeling fancy, the list is just endless, a real classic all purpose weapon.  Spears are for fucking losers, fuck you if you use a spear sword fight me like a fucking real fighter or get out of here none of this reach bullshit.  Tridents are like spears but just, inherently sexier?  You know?  Like 1 point is stupid and boring, but 3?  that’s some good shit.  But really fuck all these weapons whips are lances are where it’s at yes feel free to at me again.
8. what combination of natural scents would you use as perfume?
Now this i have like, actually no idea for, but like, just tons of flowers.  I just take like a fistful of flowers and rub them on my face.  
9. ancient scrolls or leather-bound books?
Oh you know I’m about that leather-bound book life!  Fuck A scroll, that is just a piece of paper that is going to tear and be illegible in like 5 years.  A nice bound book though?  *Chefs kiss*
10. describe yourself as if you were a storm.
A summer rain.  It comes in quickly and is gone by the turn of the hour.  A brief respite during the dry season, and gone before it can become a disaster. 
11. what type of flower (other than a rose) would you offer someone you were trying to court?
First of all op, get the fuck off my back Roses or nothing.  Secondly a big sunflower.
12. honey in milk or cinnamon in tea?
Um, neither??????????????????
13. cabin in the woods, apartment in the city or mansion in the suburbs?
Honestly an apartment in the city would be nice but like, living in the woods is the prime chance to be a local mystery.
14. curtains of beads or lace?
Probably lace?  Do beads block light?
15. vocal or instrumental music?
I am a big fan of instrumental
16. describe your ideal fantasy outfit
Step one, big cape, it doesn’t touch the ground while on my shoulders but goes about mid calf.  Step two, leather armor, it’s light and easy to move in, and provides good protection.  Step three, Mask, nothing like flashy, just a plain black mask, preferably a full mask if i’ve got some magic to see with not my eyes, other wise like a typical masquerade mask
17. of all the fantasy races to ever exist, which one would you be?
Fuck.  This is so hard.  I want to be, so many.  No you know what, fuck it.  I wanna be a Dragonborn Tiefling hybrid, I’m talking cool horns, I’m talking sweet tail, you already know I can spit literal fire out of my face.  Fucking try and get at me I dare you.
18. hard candy, fruit preserves or spice cake?
I love hard candy to just suck on, but my teeth do not.
19. show us an a picture of your ideal crown.
if you don’t think this crown fucks, get out of my face
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20. tying your hair up using ribbon, yay or nay?
I’ve had my hair long enough for that like once, and I don’t really like tying my hair up tbh
21. an evening in the forest with elves, a night in the caves with vampires or a morning in the garden with fae?
Um.  Bold of you to say I’m not hitting up all these parties???  Like def vampires first since the elven party is advertised to go for like 5 hours, but we all know it goes on for like 4 months and I can’t party that long as a mortal you know.  And like you hit the fae up last since you literally are gonna be stuck there the rest of your life after one (1) round of truth or dare
22. tell us, in detail, about a curse a witch would put on you.
Like, in all honesty the biggest thing a witch could do to me via curse would just be to make my right arm like full unusable.  Not gone or broken.  Just like, it’s slow, I can’t always get it to fully hold onto something so it drops everything, there’s always a small feeling of discomfort, not pain just a minor annoyance, in the knuckles of the hand.
23. talking with sylphs or singing with nymphs?
I get kicked out of the nymph singing area after four seconds of
24. mint, rosemary, basil or sage?
I fucking go wild for the smell of basil don’t even try me
25. favorite childhood story? (doesn’t have to be a fairy tale)
I remembered Inkheart recently and like, I honestly really liked that book
26. tell us about an experience you’ve had that seemed unreal or supernatural. (doesn’t have to be scary)
Sophomore year of college, I realized that all the people around me were people I actually enjoyed spending time with, and it just felt so weird to be there after all the just nonsense that had happened up till then
27. would you rather have poison or healing ointment in your traveling pack?
healing duh?  You think I’d ever remember i have the poison one? nope not me!
28. tell us three sayings that you live by.
Try and be a little nicer, unless they really don’t deserve it.  Walk away sometimes.  Eat food and don’t think about it.
29. vials or mason jars?
Oh get me those vials baby!
30. describe your ideal masquerade ball outfit (mask included).
OH HELL YES.  Get me that suit, it’s a sweet dark red with rose colored vest underneath, the jacket and pants have flower vines on them that 100% connect to a big ass rose on the back of the jacket.  The mask is more or less this guy:
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31. splashing around in a river with mermaids or flying through the sky with harpies?
I can literally swim any day so let’s fly
32. what would you end up in the dungeon for?
Ok i didn’t understand this one at first so I’m keeping my initial reply below and the real one is: You know I beat some like high ranking knight or minor noble in a duel to humiliate them and no i didn’t think it through so here i am lol.
3 things: A talking magic weapon (Probably a sword but i’m down for other options).  A certain someone is going in and I’m not letting him go in without someone to keep him safe.  There’s dragon eggs that work like the Eragon dragon eggs and I am already waist deep in dead enemies getting one of those babies.
33. if you were a fairy, what color would your wings be?
Take a wild fucking guess
34. if you could have any magical item, what would it be?
God this is so hard, but I think a magic flower that when you pluck one if its petals you can undo a recent event, up to like ten minutes or so.
35. what song would the bards sing about you when you passed by?
I’ll say the Death of Me by Meg Myers
36. would you rather be a pirate or a king/queen?
God that’s hard,  Like yeah pirates are cool but i’d love to be royalty and just get to do good shit for the people and also not have scurvy.
37. would you spend more time in the field of flowers, the tavern, the docks or the marketplace?
Hmmm, I think the Tavern as like the number 1, and then a tie for docks and field, and the marketplace in last since i hate crowded areas i need to buy things in
38. would you have a painting of yourself?
Only if I ever ride a dragon and then have a painting to immortalize the moment, and only if the dragon helps me paint it
39. what skill are you famous for?
I mean, people know I sword fight, fight fight, and program, so like, those?  and I guess my sick dnd skills
40. if you could live any fairy tale, which one would you?
Fuck if I can think of one!
41. stained glass windows or fairy lights?
Ok Stained glass windows literally slap so like, you already know
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twistedkittyart · 3 years
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It's been a crazy day today, I had planned to have a good house sort and tidy as its gotten a bit out of hand and there are toys everywhere (I have two young children). However last night I received 2 orders and today received another 3! I'm not complaining as I was over the moon by this turn of events but sadly, my house is still a mess. I did manage to deep clean the oven though. This beautiful moonstone set is now on its way to the USA, safe travels. #mumofboys #mumlife #responsibility #housecleaning #packingorders #sold #moonstone #wirewrapping #wirewrapsofig #wirewrappedjewelry #wireartist #earringlove #earringswag #necklace #pendant #witch #elven #boho #larp #bhselling #bosswitchart #thetwistedkitty #handmade #prettylittlethings #bridal #weddingjewelry #safetravels #instagift #birthstone https://www.instagram.com/p/CQT8TkkBw1c/?utm_medium=tumblr
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the-larp-guy · 7 years
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Finally completed this set of Ranger/Scout armor. So many scales! Just in time for the All Hallowed Eve event of Mythic Adventures LARP. #TheLARPGuy #Larper #Larping #Larpers #LarpersOfInstagram #Ranger #Rangers #Scout #Elf #Elven #MythicAdventures #MythicAdventuresLARP #Leather #Armor #LeatherArmor #Leathersmith
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dmsden · 7 years
A Few of My Favorite Things
Hullo, gentle readers. Once more into the Den! This time, our article idea comes from Tumblr’s own @FatherFlesh, who suggests, “Maybe some of your personal favorite events or characters you experienced as a DM?”
I’ve been DMing for 38 years, so I have many, many favorite stories, but I will try to keep it to article length.
One of my favorite things as a DM is when I get surprised. Since it’s my world, and I know all the behind-the-scenes type information, getting surprised by an element of the campaign usually comes at the hands of the players. Luckily, I’ve been blessed with many great players over the years, and they’ve thrown plenty of surprises my way.
My husband, in particular, has a penchant for coming up with solutions I never considered for a problem. I gave the example a few articles ago of his wizard who wished his alternate reality self to become real in his own timeline, so that they didn’t have to duel each other to determine who’s reality would win out. I wrote a scenario once where the players were supposed to kill some renegade duergar to make a temple safe for Asmodeus to take it over (a favor owed to the archdevil by the party’s Warlock). Once they had wiped out the duergar, my husband’s cleric called in a divine favor to consecrate the temple to his goddess instead. That threw a crazy monkey-wrench into things, and the very lawful evil Asmodeus couldn’t argue that they had fulfilled the letter of what he had asked. Well played, o my husband.
My friend Neil, who sadly now lives several hours from my house, was also excellent at surprising me. A number of surprises came to me thanks to his character Mundunugu Nobuanga Snakedancer, a wild mage he played many years ago in one of my early D&D campaigns. His willingness to wild surge spells always made for some pretty intriguing results. One time, a wild surge he cast created two snakes, “I am a father!” he cried in delight, and he caught the snakes, training them to hunt mice on their spelljammer ship.
After one long hiatus away from their ship, I thought it would be funny to give him a surprise, so I described a number of smaller snakes slithering around when they boarded. “I am a grandfather!” he cried, and he began to capture and name the snakes things like Umbuntu-Ung the Strong and Rekuru the Wise. When one of the other players revealed he had caught and concealed one of the snakes, Neil stared at him in shock. “Why have you…? He is Lo-Tubtub the Hidden!” He said it without missing a beat, cracking us all up. It was one of those golden RP moments that you get once in a blue moon.
I also enjoy it when I surprise myself. While running a LARP, I played an entity called the Gourmand, who had vast stores of information. The players were asking for the location of Hargrimm Djal, an evil NPC from the campaign. In a flash of inspiration, I said to them, “You don’t want to know that…that could change tomorrow. What you *should* ask is, what is the threat he represents?” They mused and agreed, and, once they’d fulfilled our bargain, I revealed that he had essentially a psychic neutron bomb. It would leave every physical structure alone, but everything would be lobotomized, perfect for Djal to make into his undead army. The looks of horror on their faces was marvelous.
The thing was, I’d just made that up, virtually on the fly. But, based on what I knew of Djal, his resources, and certain things that existed in the campaign, it made total sense. Of course, then I had to go back to the rest of our plot team and explain. Luckily, everyone loved it, and that was the big threat of the ending of the campaign.
Another thing I love is when the players put together the pieces of elements of my campaign and figure something out. When they realize that the reason the sentient elven ship they fly in shares a name with the dead daughter of the elven king, it’s because her soul is housed within it. When they realize that the “White Lady” referred to by several different cults is actually the paladin’s cousin, a fallen cleric. Or when they realize that the reason the dark elf ranger in the party’s skin is slowly turning less dark is because ALL elves were dark elves once, and only removal from the Underdark’s peculiar radiation changed their skin color over time. These are all mysteries from various campaigns I’ve run that the players worked out, and it was so satisfying to see.
Another thing I love is when the players figure out something entirely wrong, but what they come up with is so compelling that I decide to change the plot to match what they’ve come up with, because I like it better. A villain in my 3.5 campaign was a vampire sorcerer who rode a black dragon. “Something’s up with that,” my husband said. “Dragons wouldn’t just be servile to anything, even a vampire. It’s probably in his thrall or something.” This led to me deciding exactly that, which allowed the players to help free the dragon, thus gaining an ally against a powerful foe.
As far as favorite characters, there are too many to name, both NPC and PC. I loved Eleniel, the childlike sentient elven spelljammer ship of my 3.5 campaign. I love Flishbok Shablehathy, the garrulous gnome cook, and his tight-lighted human friend Winther, to whom he ascribes all kinds of pithy wisdom, but who only seems to grunt. I love the Halfling tavernkeep Brandy Quietstreams and Drog, the good-natured half-orc bouncer, who have a deeper relationship than seems obvious on the surface. Outside of D&D, some favorite characters include Will deCanta, the barkeep bard who was secretly toting a gun and who had a degree in quantum mechanics, and his reincarnation into the spirit world, Cantus the Storyteller. So many characters past and future have special places in my heart.
All of the stories from my various campaigns feel like a myth-cycle that no one fully knows but me, but I do love sharing them with players and friends. I hope you’re making favorite memories in your own campaigns. I’d love to hear about them.
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statuslarp · 7 years
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Some more pictures of my npc adventures at Quon last weekend. What an amazing event it was. Have my elven character, who fought for what he believed was right! The armour I'm wearing here is made by #pondesk #larp #larping #larps #quon #gns #elf #elvish #fight #fighting #sword #medieval #fantasy #grass #green #nature
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mimikoflamemaker · 5 years
Responding to @briarfox13‘s question:
@mimikoflamemaker if you don't mind me asking how does she change? I'd be curious to know compared to my Witcher, Reynard. Thank you ^^
I was expecting that this might get a wee bit confusing - the Neve I play on Witcher School and Neve I’m writing about are two different people. I stems from the fact that according to the witcher lore, non humans and people with elven blood cannot undergo the mutations (now allowing women to do so is also against the rules, but let’s be honest it wouldn’t go down well in today’s day and age ;) Besides who wouldn’t want to pretend to be a witcher if only for a few days?)
Therefore, the “original” Neve is half-elven mercenary and, honestly, quite a bit of a bitter bitch. She was born within a scoia’tael commando to Rhoena one of the fighters and an unknown father. Her mother was the one who declared her a half-blood. Neve received all the education young rebel could dream of, but when her commando falls prey to a conspiracy of local nobles and is exterminated, she was pointed as a culprit by the few survivors and blamed for everything. To which she says “fuck it” and decides to make her own way in the world. Which is sadly not nice to nonhumans. She finds a brief respite in the temple of Melitele, where the priestesses were  willing to teach every girl and least at the time. The priesthood is not for her and neither is the profession of a travelling healer, mostly due to her blood - so she turns towards less subtle means to survival. She learns to fight, to steal, to lie her way out of trouble... or use her pretty face to her advantage. At some point she meets Alven, an elven mercenary, and the two form a sort of a team with certain “benefits”. Years later, they become a part of the squad of the famous Mohar Posch and spent next few years doing all sorts of business with them. During one such business Neve path crosses with that of Geralt which quite literally turns her entire life upside down. From this point onward, she has to kind of “build herself up again” and find another reason to live... and revenge, at least at the beginning seems as good a reason as any.
Now, “WS Neve” had to be different for two main reasons - 1) no pointy ears for me, because lore forbids it and 2) per the rules of the game your character can only do what you can do which made creating a character who knows how to fight impossible for me :(. But I have to say that what I’ve been given instead tickled me just fine - Neve was a daughter of a farmer, living in Zakole in the ass end of Temeria almost at the feet of Mahakam Mountains. She was planning on getting married to a local beekeeper, when her village was razed to the ground by Blue Stripes and Temerian infantry - zakole had long history of trading with local elves even after the kings proclaimed them all rebels (action of the larp takes place about 200 years before the events of the books). And since the soldiers came to the village when it was also visited by scoia’tael commando, the whole thing quickly turned to slaughter. Neve managed to escape the fray with her intended, but the beekeeper was killed by a Blue Stripe following them. She tried to hide in the hut, but it was obviously a bad idea. When the soldier was about to take advantage of her, he was ended by Chiarro a young elf that escaped the massacre as well. Since she tended to his would not two hours prior, she didn’t have to think much about it when she took his hand and bolted for for the woods. From this point onward he helped her survive until they met with the other rebels. then Neve tried to repay, but working in anyway she could, but she was no fighter, so one day the command leader told her that “who doesn’t fight doesn’t deserve to eat” - then Neve had an epiphany - elves couldn’t go to the cities to buy supplies but she could - and she did. For seven years she posed as a merchant, riding from city to city selling and buying wares - just the half of it ended up disappearing in the forests of Mahakam. But years passed, elves numbers were decimated and there were less and less people to help out. Chiarro, whom she considered more than a friend, was tortured and murdered by the Blue Stripes and she slowly lost a reason to live. One day when she was about to rely another transport, instead of elves waiting for her she found a wyvern. And she would have surely become it’s dinner if fete would put a witcher nearby - Finn, “last of the Vipers” currently residing is Kaer Tiele, school of the Wolf. Not having anything better to do, she came with him to the castle - because becoming a witcher sounded like not a bad idea an she had nothing more to lose....
 Heh, I knew this was going to get out of the hand - to sum it up, I have two girls going by the same name and if I had more time I would surely explore more of  witcher Neve” through my writing. As to how the Trials changed her - she was absolutely frightened to forget everything that made her “her” so she clinged to her memories - and right now she is just very confused. She doesn’t want to be a coward anymore. She doesn’t want to be scared and she is desperate to survive. i will have to see how scenario team will play into that, so i guess I will find out how much she had changed during the game in May ;)
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wandering-harpist · 6 years
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Two weeks, two elven Larp events! and only a few more weeks until Epic Empires 2018
Eva Jaksch took and edited this amazing photo.
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wandering-harpist · 2 years
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was a Soldier until she was left for dead after a battle and was saved by a wise woman named Schaikjasch. In order to pay the price for her miraculous healing according to Samland tradition, she then entered the service of the herbalist and did errands and ordinary chores for her. But before Dārta could repay her depth in full, the wise woman disappeared without a trace, without freeing Dārta of her servitude. When Schaikjasch's student Tolmis came some time later to seek advice from his master, Darta was still in the wise woman's hut, as she had not dared to leave without permission. Now she helps Tolmis find his master, assists and protects him in hopes of eventually being free of servitude. She still carries around her broken gun in hopes of finding someone who can fix it. She's also afraid of pretty much anything, first of all magic, since Tolmis will sometimes ask her to take part in his herbalist rituals. Dārta is the fist non-elven player character that I played in a very long time. The photo was taken at @bogenwaldlarp by @delink_fotografie where the character had her debut. The costume is inspired by the witcher games and several other sources. The prop gun is of course inspired by the guns from "Princess Mononoke" and was originally commissioned for a character I then never played, and sadly the chances of it firing are very low, so I switched to archery mid event, which was great fun. Now I only need to find (possibly witcher-universe) larp event that are not *that* far from where I live, because 9 hours drive is just too far for regular visits. (at Larpdorf Bogenwald) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfbwaUTtq8_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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