#Emerald Tablet of Thoth: (The Key of Wisdom)
mynzah · 7 months
Oneness...Know Thyself...Self Realization...
Surely in time, ye are one with the Master, surely by right ye are one with the Master, surely by right ye are one with the ALL… ~ Thoth (The Emerald Tablets of Thoth The Atlantean…tablet 1) http://www.mynzahosiris.wordpress.comhttp://www.twitter.com/MYNZAHhttp://www.instagram.com/mynzah/http://www.facebook.com/Mynzah/
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talonabraxas · 2 years
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The Key of Wisdom The Emerald Tablets of Thoth I, Thoth, the Atlantean, give of my wisdom, give of my knowledge, give of my power. Freely I give to the children of men. Give that they, too, might have wisdom to shine through the world from the veil of the night. Wisdom is power and power is wisdom, one with each other, perfecting the whole. Be thou not proud, O man, in thy wisdom. Discourse with the ignorant as well as the wise. If one comes to thee full of knowledge, listen and heed, for wisdom is all. Keep thou not silent when evil is spoken for Truth like the sunlight shines above all. He who over-steppeth the Law shall be punished, for only through Law comes the freedom of men. Cause thou not fear for fear is a bondage, a fetter that binds the darkness to men. Follow thine heart during thy lifetime. Do thou more than is commanded of thee. When thou hast gained riches, follow thou thine heart, for all these are of no avail if thine heart be weary. Diminish thou not the time of following thine heart. It is abhorred of the soul. They that are guided go not astray, but they that are lost cannot find a straight path. If thou go among men, make for thyself, Love, the beginning and end of the heart. If one cometh unto thee for council, let him speak freely, that the thing for which he hath come to thee may be done. If he hesitates to open his heart to thee, it is because thou, the judge, doeth the wrong. Repeat thou not extravagant speech, neither listen thou to it, for it is the utterance of one not in equilibrium. Speak thou not of it, so that he before thee may know wisdom. Silence is of great profit. An abundance of speech profiteth nothing. Exalt not thine heart above the children of men, lest it be brought lower than the dust. If thou be great among men, be honoured for knowledge and gentleness. If thou seeketh to know the nature of a friend, ask not his companion, but pass a time alone with him. Debate with him, testing his heart by his words and his bearing. That which goeth into the store-house must come forth, and the things that are thine must be shared with a friend. Knowledge is regarded by the fool as ignorance, and the things that are profitable are to him hurtful. He liveth in death. It is therefore his food. The wise man lets his heart overflow but keeps silent his mouth. O man, list to the voice of wisdom; list to the voice of light. Mysteries there are in the Cosmos that unveiled fill the world with their light. Let he who would be free from the bonds of darkness first divine the material from the immaterial, the fire from the earth; for know ye that as earth descends to earth, so also fire ascends unto fire and becomes one with fire. He who knows the fire that is within himself shall ascend unto the eternal fire and dwell in it eternally. Fire, the inner fire, is the most potent of all force, for it overcometh all things and penetrates to all things of the Earth. Man supports himself only on that which resists. So Earth must resist man else he existeth not. All eyes do not see with the same vision, for to one an object appears of one form and color and to a different eye of another. So also the infinite fire, changing from color to color, is never the same from day to day. Thus, speak I, THOTH, of my wisdom, for a man is a fire burning bright through the night; never is quenched in the veil of the darkness, never is quenched by the veil of the night. Into men's hearts, I looked by my wisdom, found them not free from the bondage of strife. Free from the toils, thy fire, O my brother, lest it be buried in the shadow of night! Hark ye, O man, and list to this wisdom: where do name and form cease? Only in consciousness, invisible, an infinite force of radiance bright. The forms that ye create by brightening they vision are truly effects that follow thy cause. Man is a star bound to a body, until in the end, he is freed through his strife. Only by struggle and toiling thy utmost shall the star within thee bloom out in new life. He who knows the commencement of all things, free is his star from the realm of night. Remember, O man, that all which exists is only another form of that which exists not. Everything that has being is passing into yet other being and thou thyself are not an exception. Consider the Law, for all is Law. Seek not that which is not of the Law, for such exists only in the illusions of the senses. Wisdom cometh to all her children even as they cometh unto wisdom. All through the ages, the light has been hidden. Awake, O man, and be wise. Deep in the mysteries of life have I traveled, seeking and searching for that which is hidden. List ye, O man, and be wise. Far 'neath the earth crust, in the Halls of Amenti, mysteries I saw that are hidden from men. Oft have I journeyed the deep hidden passage, looked on the Light that is Life among men. There 'neath the flowers of Life ever living, searched I the hearts and the secrets of men. Found I that man is but living in darkness, light of the great fire is hidden within. Before the Lords of hidden Amenti learned I the wisdom I give unto men. Masters are they of the great Secret Wisdom, brought from the future of infinity's end. Seven are they, the Lords of Amenti, overlords they of the Children of Morning, Suns of the Cycles, Masters of Wisdom. Formed are not they as the children of men? THREE, FOUR, FIVE AND SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT, NINE are the titles of the Masters of men. Far from the future, formless yet forming, came they as teachers for the children of men. Live they forever, yet not of the living, bound not to life and yet free from death. Rule they forever with infinite wisdom, bound yet not bound to the dark Halls of Death. Life they have in them, yet life that is not life, free from all are the Lords of the ALL. Forth from them came forth the Logos, instruments they of the power o'er all. Vast is their countenance, yet hidden in smallness, formed by a forming, known yet unknown. THREE holds the key of all hidden magic, creator he of the halls of the Dead; sending forth power, shrouding with darkness, binding the souls of the children of men; sending the darkness, binding the soul force; director of negative to the children of men. FOUR is he who looses the power. Lord, he, of Life to the children of men. Light is his body, flame is his countenance; freer of souls to the children of men. FIVE is the master, the Lord of all magic - Key to The Word that resounds among men. SIX is the Lord of Light, the hidden pathway, path of the souls of the children of men. SEVEN is he who is Lord of the vastness, master of Space and the key of the Times. EIGHT is he who orders the progress; weighs and balances the journey of men. NINE is the father, vast he of countenance, forming and changing from out of the formless. Meditate on the symbols I give thee. Keys are they, though hidden from men. Reach ever upward, O Soul of the morning. Turn thy thoughts upward to Light and to Life. Find in the keys of the numbers I bring thee, light on the pathway from life unto life. Seek ye with wisdom. Turn thy thoughts inward. Close not thy mind to the flower of Light. Place in thy body a thought-formed picture. Think of the numbers that lead thee to Life. Clear is the pathway to he who has wisdom. Open the door to the Kingdom of Light. Pour forth thy flame as a Sun of the morning. Shut out the darkness and live in the day. Take thee, O man! As part of thy being, the Seven who are but are not as they seem. Opened, O man! Have I my wisdom. Follow the path in the way I have led. Masters of Wisdom, SUN of the MORNING LIGHT and LIFE to the children of men. Thoth: The Atlantean Talon Abraxas
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gladstones-corner · 7 months
Glad's Book List
I wrote a post recently about my history (normally I'd link it but I don't want to be narcissistic), and realized that I've read a fair few occult books over the years. So here's the list; I'll keep updating it as I find more books in my various libraries and book stashes.
Quick note before getting into this list--not everything I've read will make it. Just the stuff I read and recommend others parse through. For example, I have intentionally omitted my studies in Kabbalah to discourage others from unintentionally appropriating.
But by "parse through", I truly mean that. My path has meandered through several schools of thought and wandered into appropriative territory at times (I constantly strive to correct any appropriation in my practice that gets brought to my attention). Maybe about 20% of each book makes it into my current path.
Eh, so it wasn't so quick of a note. Here's the list:
Aleister Crowley, Book 4 
Chic and Sandra Cicero, Essential Golden Dawn 
Donald Kraig, Modern Magick 
Henry Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy 
Israel Regardie, The Golden Dawn 
Lon Milo DuQuette, Llewellyn's Complete Book of Ceremonial Magick 
Samuel Mathers, The Book of Abramelin 
Stephen Skinner and David Rankine, Key of Solomon 
Archtraitor Bluefluke, The Psychonaut Field Manual 
Jan Fries, Visual Magick 
Lon Milo DuQuette, Low Magick 
Peter Carroll, Liber Null & Psychonaut; Liber Kaos 
Phil Hine, Condensed Chaos; Prime Chaos 
Richard Metzger, Book of Lies 
Robert Wilson, Prometheus Rising 
Cassandra Eason, The Complete Crystal Handbook 
Karen Frazier, An Introduction to Crystal Grids 
Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones 
Scott Cunningham, Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic 
Yulia van Doren, Crystals 
A.E. Waite, Pictorial Key to the Tarot 
Brigit Esselmont, Everyday Tarot; The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Meanings 
Chic and Sandra Cicero, Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot 
Diana Paxson, Taking Up the Runes 
Lon Milo DuQuette, Understanding Crowley's Thoth Tarot 
Melissa Cynova, Kitchen Table Tarot 
Rachel Pollack, Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom 
Carl Jung, Dreams; The Red Book 
Dana O'Driscoll, Sacred Actions 
John Greer, The Druidry Handbook; The Druid Magic Handbook 
Philip Carr-Gomm, The Druid Way 
Ross Nichols, The Book of Druidry 
David Mierzwicki, Hellenismos 
Hesiod, Theogeny 
Homer, Iliad; Odyssey 
John Opsopaus, The Oracles of Apollo 
LABRYS Community, Hellenic Polytheism 
Orpheus, The Orphic Hymns 
Nicholas Culpeper, Culpeper's Complete Herbal 
Scott Cunningham, Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs 
Hermes Trismegistus, Corpus Hermeticum; The Emerald Tablet 
Three Initiates, The Kybalion 
Aleister Crowley, Magic in Theory and Practice 
Christopher Dell, The Occult, Witchcraft and Magic 
Manly Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages 
Owen Davies, Oxford Illustrated History of Witchcraft and Magic 
Rock Point Publishing, Spellcraft 
Sarah Lyons, How to Study Magic 
Diana Paxson, Trance Portation 
Stephen Bodian, Meditation for Dummies 
Herman Slater, A Book of Pagan Rituals 
Margot Adler, Drawing Down the Moon 
Ronald Hutton, Triumph of the Moon 
Doreen Valiente, Witchcraft for Tomorrow 
Gerald Gardner, The Meaning of Witchcraft; Witchcraft Today 
Janet and Stewart Farrar, A Witches' Bible 
Raymond Buckland, Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft; The Tree; Wicca for One 
Scott Cunningham, Wicca; Living Wicca 
Starhawk, The Spiral Dance 
Thea Sabin, Wicca for Beginners 
Thorn Mooney, Traditional Wicca 
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vanilla-cigarillos · 1 year
Golden Dawn: What is Hermeticism?
Hermeticism is a religious and philosphical system based on the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus (Hellenistic conflation of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth) produced over approx. c. 300 BCE - 1200 CE.
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One of the most common uses of the label is to refer to the religio-philosophical system propounded by a specific subgroup of Hermetic writings known as the 'religio-philosophical' Hermetica, the most famous of which are the Corpus Hermeticum (a collection of seventeen Greek Hermetic treatises written between c. 100 and c. 300 CE) and the Asclepius (a treatise from the same period mainly surviving in a Latin translation).
Hermeticism was closely associated with the idea of a primeval, divine wisdom, revealed only to the most ancient of sages, such as Hermes Trismegistus. In the Renaissance, this developed into the notion of a prisca theologia or "ancient theology", which asserted that there is a single, true theology which was given by God to some of the first humans, and traces of which may still be found in various ancient systems of thought.
God as “The All” -  The ultimate reality is called by many names, such as God, Lord, Father, the Creator, the All, the One, etc. However, specific to the Hermetic view of the divinity is that it is both the all and the creator of the all. God (”the All”) creates itself, and is both transcendent (as the creator) and immanent (as the created cosmos).
As Above, So Below - Appears in its most widely divulged Latin translations as:
Quod est superius est sicut quod inferius, et quod inferius est sicut quod est superius. That which is above is like to that which is below, and that which is below is like to that which is above.
Prisca theologica - The doctrine that a single, true theology exists, that is exists within all religions, and that it was given by God to man. Christians appropriate the Hermatic teachings for their own purposes to demonstrate the truth of this doctrine themselves. By this account, Hermes Trismegistus was (according to the fathers of the Christian church) either a contemporary of Moses himself or the third in line of men named Hermes (Enoch, Noah, then Hermes Trismegistus). 
Three parts of the wisdom of the whole universe - A phrase derived from the Emerald Tablet, referring to three disciplines purportedly taught by Hermes Trismegistus.
Alchemy (operation of the sun, an investigation into the spiritual constitution of life, of matter, and material existence through an application of the queries into birth, death, and potential resurrection. Seen as the key to theurgy). 
Theurgy (”operation of the gods”, one of two different types of magic. The Goetia - black magic reliant on an alliance with evil spirits, i.e. demons, and theurgy - divine magic reliant on an alliance with divine spirits i.e. angels, gods)
Fall of Man - 
Man observed the creation of nous and received from God man's authority over all creation. Man then rose up above the spheres' paths in order to better view creation. He showed the form of the All to Nature. Nature fell in love with the All, and man, seeing his reflection in water, fell in love with Nature and wished to dwell in it. Immediately, man became one with Nature and became a slave to its limitations (desires such as sex, necessities such as sleep). In this way, man became speechless (having lost "the Word") and he became "double", being mortal in body yet immortal in spirit, and having authority over all creation yet subject to destiny.
Religious and Philosophical Texts
The Corpus Hermeticum -  17 chapters, which hold dialogues between Hermes Trismegistus and a series of other men. The first chapter contains a dialogue between Poimandres and Hermes. Poimandres teaches the secrets of the universe to Hermes. In later chapters, Hermes teaches others, such as his son Tat and Asclepius.
The Emerald Tablet -  A short work attributed to Hermes Trismegistus which was highly regarded by Islamic and European alchemists as the foundation of their art. The text of the Emerald Tablet first appears in a number of early medieval Arabic sources, the oldest of which dates to the late eighth or early ninth century.
The Asclepius - A.K.A. The Perfect Sermon, The Perfect Discourse, or The Perfect Teaching. Written in the second or third century, and is similar in content to the Corpus Hermeticum. 
When Hermeticism was no longer endorsed by the Christian church, it was driven underground, and several Hermetic societies were formed. The work of such writers as Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, a man who attempted to reconcile Jewish kabbalah and Christian mysticism, brought Hermeticism into a context more easily understood by the variety of Europeans gaining the skill to read during the time of the Renaissance.
Hermetic magic underwent a 19th-century revival in Western Europe, where it was practiced by groups such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Many Hermetic, or Hermetically influenced, groups exist today. Most of them are derived from Rosicrucianism or the Golden Dawn.
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thelighthouselibrary · 9 months
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Tablet 4 "The Space born"
The Space Born
List ye, 0 man, to the voice of wisdom, list to the voice of Thoth, the Atlantean.
Freely I give to thee of my wisdom gathered from the time and space of this cycle; master of mysteries, Sun of the morning, Thoth the teacher of men, is of ALL.
Long time ago, I in my childhood, lay 'neath the stars on long-buried Atlantis, dreaming of mysteries far above men. Then in my heart grew there a great longing to conquer the pathway that led to the stars. Year after year, I sought after wisdom, seeking new knowledge, following the way, until at last my Soul, in great travail, broke from its bondage and bounded away. Free was I from the bondage of earthmen. Free from the body, I flashed through the night. Unlocked at last for me was the star-space. Free was I from the bondage of night. Now to the end of space sought I wisdom, far beyond knowledge of finite man.
Far into space, my Soul traveled freely into infinity's circle of light. Strange, beyond knowledge, were some of the planets, great and gigantic, beyond dreams of men. Yet found I Law, in all of its beauty, working through and among them as here among men.
Flashed forth my soul through infinity's beauty, far through space I flew with my thoughts.
Rested I there on a planet of beauty. Strains of harmony filled all the air. Shapes there were, moving in Order, great and majestic as stars in the night; mounting in harmony, ordered equilibrium, symbols of the Cosmic, like unto Law.
Many the stars I passed in my journey, many the races of men on their worlds; some reaching high as stars of the morning, some falling low in the blackness of night. Each and all of them struggling upward, gaining the heights and plumbing the depths, moving at times in realms of brightness, living through darkness, gaining the Light.
Know, 0 man, that Light is thy heritage. Know that darkness is only a veil. Sealed in thy heart is brightness eternal, waiting the moment of freedom to conquer, waiting to rend the veil of the night.
Some I found who had conquered the ether. Free of space were they while yet they were men. Using the force that is the foundation of ALL things, far in space constructed they a planet, drawn by the force that flows through the ALL; condensing, coalescing the ether into forms that grew as they willed. Outstripping in science, they, all of the races, mighty in wisdom, sons of the stars.
Long time I paused, watching their wisdom. Saw them create from out of the ether cities gigantic of rose and gold. Formed forth from the primal element, base of all matter, the ether far-flung.
Far in the past, they had conquered the ether, freed themselves from the bondage of toil; formed in their mind only a picture and swiftly created, it grew.
Forth then, my soul sped, throughout the Cosmos, seeing ever, new things and old; learning that man is truly space- born, a Sun of the Sun, a child of the stars.
Know ye, O man, whatever form ye inhabit, surely it is one with the stars. Thy bodies are nothing but planets revolving around their central suns. When ye have gained the light of all wisdom, free shall ye be to shine in the ether— one of the Suns that light outer darkness— one of the space-born grown into Light. Just as the stars in time lose their brilliance, light passing from them into the great source, so, O man, thy soul passes onward, leaving behind the darkness of night.
Formed forth ye, from the primal ether, filled with the brilliance that flows from the source, bound by the ether coalesced around, yet ever it flames until at last it is free. Lift up your flame from out of the darkness, fly from they night and ye shall be free.
Travelled I through the space-time, knowing my soul at last was set free, knowing that now might I pursue wisdom. Until at last, I passed to a plane, hidden from knowledge, known not to wisdom, extension beyond all that we know. Now, O man, when I had this knowing, happy my soul grew, for now I was free. Listen, ye space- born, list to my wisdom: know ye not that ye, too, will be free.
List ye again, 0 man, to my wisdom, that hearing, ye too, might live and be free. Not of the earth are ye— earthy, but child of the Infinite Cosmic Light.
Now, to ye, I give knowledge, freedom to walk in the path I have trod, showing ye truly how by my striving, I trod the path that leads to the stars.
Hark ye, 0 man, and know of thy bondage, know how to free thyself from the toils.
Out of the darkness shall ye rise upward, one with the Light and one with the stars. Follow ye ever the path of wisdom. Only by this can ye rise from below. Ever man's destiny leads him onward into the Curves of Infinity's ALL.
Know ye, 0 man, that all space is ordered. Only by Order are ye One with the ALL.
Order and balance are the Law of the Cosmos. Follow and ye shall be One with the ALL.
He who would follow the pathway of wisdom, open must be to the Flower of Life, extending his consciousness out of the darkness, flowing through time and space in the ALL.
Deep in the silence, first ye must linger until at last ye are free from desire, free from the longing to speak in the silence. Conquer by silence, the bondage of words. Abstaining from eating until ye have conquered desire for food, that is bondage of soul.
Then lie ye down in the darkness. Close ye your eyes from the rays of the Light.
Center thy soul-force in the place of thy consciousness, shaking it free from the bonds of the night. Place in thy mind-place the image thou desireth. Picture the place thou desireth to see. Vibrate back and forth with thy power. Loosen the soul from out of its night. Fiercely must thou shake with all of thy power until at last thy soul shall be free.
Mighty beyond words is the flame of the Cosmic, hanging in planes, unknown to man; mighty and balanced, moving in Order, music of harmonies, far beyond man.
Speaking with music, singing with color, flame from the beginning of Eternity's ALL.
Spark of the flame art thou, 0 my children, burning with color and living with music.
List to the voice and thou shalt be free.
Consciousness free is fused with the Cosmic, One with the Order and Law of the ALL.
Knew ye not man, that out of the darkness, Light shall flame forth, a symbol of ALL.
Pray ye this prayer for attaining of wisdom. Pray for the coming of Light to the ALL.
"Mighty Spirit of Light that shines through the Cosmos, draw my flame closer in harmony to thee. Lift up my fire from out of the darkness, magnet of fire that is One with the ALL.
Lift up my soul, thou mighty and potent. Child of the Light, turn not away. Draw me in power to melt in thy furnace; One with all things and all things in One, fire of the life-strain and One with the Brain."
When ye have freed thy soul from its bondage, know that for ye the darkness is gone. Ever through space ye may seek wisdom, bound not by fetters forged in flesh.
Onward and upward into the morning, free flash, 0 Soul, to the realms of Light.
Move thou in Order, move thou in Harmony, freely shalt move with the Children of Light.
Seek ye and know ye, my Key of Wisdom. Thus, 0 man, ye shall surely be free.
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madamlaydebug · 4 years
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I, Thoth, the Atlantean,
give of my wisdom,
give of my knowledge,
give of my power.
Freely I give to the children of men.
Give that they, too, might have wisdom
to shine through the world from the veil of the night.
Wisdom is power and power is wisdom,
one with each other, perfecting the whole.
Be thou not proud, O man, in thy wisdom.
Discourse with the ignorant as well as the wise.
If one comes to thee full of knowledge,
listen and heed, for wisdom is all.
Keep thou not silent when evil is spoken for Truth
like the sunlight shines above all.
He who over-steppeth the Law shall be punished,
for only through Law comes the freedom of men.
Cause thou not fear for fear is a bondage,
a fetter that binds the darkness to men.
Follow thine heart during thy lifetime.
Do thou more than is commanded of thee.
When thou hast gained riches,
follow thou thine heart,
for all these are of no avail if
thine heart be weary.
Diminish thou not the time of
following thine heart.
It is abhorred of the soul.
They that are guided go not astray,
but they that are lost cannot find a straight path.
If thou go among men, make for thyself,
Love, the beginning and end of the heart.
If one cometh unto thee for council,
let him speak freely,
that the thing for which he hath
come to thee may be done.
If he hesitates to open his heart to thee,
it is because thou, the judge, doeth the wrong.
Repeat thou not extravagant speech,
neither listen thou to it,
for it is the utterance of one
not in equilibrium.
Speak thou not of it,
so that he before thee may know wisdom.
Silence is of great profit.
An abundance of speech profiteth nothing.
Exalt not thine heart above the children of men,
lest it be brought lower than the dust.
If thou be great among men,
be honoured for knowledge and gentleness.
If thou seeketh to know the nature of a friend,
ask not his companion,
but pass a time alone with him.
Debate with him,
testing his heart by his words and his bearing.
That which goeth into the store-house must come forth,
and the things that are thine must be shared with a friend.
Knowledge is regarded by the fool as ignorance,
and the things that are profitable are to him hurtful.
He liveth in death.
It is therefore his food.
The wise man lets his heart overflow
but keeps silent his mouth.
O man, list to the voice of wisdom;
list to the voice of light.
Mysteries there are in the Cosmos
that unveiled fill the world with their light.
Let he who would be free from the bonds of darkness
first divine the material from the immaterial,
the fire from the earth;
for know ye that as earth descends to earth,
so also fire ascends unto
fire and becomes one with fire.
He who knows the fire that is within
himself shall ascend unto the eternal fire
and dwell in it eternally.
Fire, the inner fire,
is the most potent of all force,
for it overcometh all things and
penetrates to all things of the Earth.
Man supports himself only on that which resists.
So Earth must resist man else he existeth not.
All eyes do not see with the same vision,
for to one an object appears of
one form and color
and to a different eye of another.
So also the infinite fire,
changing from color to color,
is never the same from day to day.
Thus, speak I, THOTH, of my wisdom,
for a man is a fire burning bright
through the night;
never is quenched in the veil of the darkness,
never is quenched by the veil of the night.
Into men's hearts, I looked by my wisdom,
found them not free from the bondage of strife.
Free from the toils, thy fire, O my brother,
lest it be buried in the shadow of night!
Hark ye, O man, and list to this wisdom:
where do name and form cease?
Only in consciousness, invisible,
an infinite force of radiance bright.
The forms that ye create by brightening
they vision are truly effects that follow thy cause.
Man is a star bound to a body,
until in the end,
he is freed through his strife.
Only by struggle and toiling thy
utmost shall the star within thee
bloom out in new life.
He who knows the commencement of all things,
free is his star from the realm of night.
Remember, O man, that all which exists
is only another form of that which exists not.
Everything that has being is passing into yet other
being and thou thyself are not an exception.
Consider the Law, for all is Law.
Seek not that which is not of the Law,
for such exists only in the illusions of the senses.
Wisdom cometh to all her children
even as they cometh unto wisdom.
All through the ages,
the light has been hidden.
Awake, O man, and be wise.
Deep in the mysteries of life have I traveled,
seeking and searching for that which is hidden.
List ye, O man, and be wise.
Far 'neath the earth crust,
in the Halls of Amenti,
mysteries I saw that are hidden from men.
Oft have I journeyed the deep hidden passage,
looked on the Light that is Life among men.
There 'neath the flowers of Life ever living,
searched I the hearts and the secrets of men.
Found I that man is but living in darkness,
light of the great fire is hidden within.
Before the Lords of hidden Amenti
learned I the wisdom I give unto men.
Masters are they of the great Secret Wisdom,
brought from the future of infinity's end.
Seven are they, the Lords of Amenti,
overlords they of the Children of Morning,
Suns of the Cycles, Masters of Wisdom.
Formed are not they as the children of men?
EIGHT, NINE are the titles of the Masters of men.
Far from the future, formless yet forming,
came they as teachers for the children of men.
Live they forever, yet not of the living,
bound not to life and yet free from death.
Rule they forever with infinite wisdom,
bound yet not bound to the dark Halls of Death.
Life they have in them, yet life that is not life,
free from all are the Lords of the ALL.
Forth from them came forth the Logos,
instruments they of the power o'er all.
Vast is their countenance,
yet hidden in smallness,
formed by a forming, known yet unknown.
THREE holds the key of all hidden magic,
creator he of the halls of the Dead;
sending forth power, shrouding with darkness,
binding the souls of the children of men;
sending the darkness, binding the soul force;
director of negative to the children of men.
FOUR is he who looses the power.
Lord, he, of Life to the children of men.
Light is his body, flame is his countenance;
freer of souls to the children of men.
FIVE is the master, the Lord of all magic -
Key to The Word that resounds among men.
SIX is the Lord of Light, the hidden pathway,
path of the souls of the children of men.
SEVEN is he who is Lord of the vastness,
master of Space and the key of the Times.
EIGHT is he who orders the progress;
weighs and balances the journey of men.
NINE is the father, vast he of countenance,
forming and changing from out of the formless.
Meditate on the symbols I give thee.
Keys are they, though hidden from men.
Reach ever upward, O Soul of the morning.
Turn thy thoughts upward to Light and to Life.
Find in the keys of the numbers I bring thee,
light on the pathway from life unto life.
Seek ye with wisdom.
Turn thy thoughts inward.
Close not thy mind to the flower of Light.
Place in thy body a thought-formed picture.
Think of the numbers that lead thee to Life.
Clear is the pathway to he who has wisdom.
Open the door to the Kingdom of Light.
Pour forth thy flame as a Sun of the morning.
Shut out the darkness and live in the day.
Take thee, O man! As part of thy being,
the Seven who are but are not as they seem.
Opened, O man! Have I my wisdom.
Follow the path in the way I have led.
Masters of Wisdom,
to the children of men.
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth III
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user-43424 · 4 years
A Fool's Glance at Hermetic Knowledge
"Reality, weather approached imaginatively or empirically,
remains a surface, Hermetic"
- Samual Beckett  
When you hear the term Occult, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Men with long beards in long black robes? Weird goth kids claiming to be Satan? Most people only see the Occult as a wired cult with rituals and demons. However this is a gross misunderstanding of the Occult and its practice. It hardly scratches the surface   Occult Knowledge, is. The term Occult comes from the Latin root words, “Cleare” to hide; “Occulere'' to conceal; “Occultare'' secret. Occult literally means hidden knowledge. It's hidden because for the longest time throughout history it was illegal to practice anything outside of the State mandated religion even when the Occult Knowledge itself predates the State religion by thousands of years. It is also hidden by the willfully ignorant. Some people are just lacking the inner insight of this philosophy to gain anything from it. So its meaning is hidden from them by their own ignorance. Just like some people are stronger than others some people are just wiser than others.
Before we go into the Philosophy we have to first talk about, the Master of Masters in Hermetic Knowledge, it would be a disservice if we didn't talk about the man, the myth, the legend Hermes Tristmegistus, also known as the “Thrice-greatest Hermes”. Hermes being the messenger of the gods and the God of hidden knowledge. He is a combination of the Egyptian God Thoth and the Greek God Hermes. The hermetic tradition goes all the way back to Ancient Egypt and Greece, thus why Hermetic philosophy is centered around Hermes Tristmegistus, God of Wisdom. The Emerald Tablets is the collection of the Wisdom of the Thrice Great Hermes, the Center of This Hermitic Tradition the Kybalion subscribes to.
Hermetic Rules of Thumb:
Keep This Stuff Secret –
Some people still see these ideas as threatening to them in some way. Be it a religious conflict or a misunderstanding of the topic. It’s important you keep this information to yourself while you are learning about it. We like to think that the world today is open and free to believe whatever we want to believe, but the world is always changing. Keep your work to yourself not just for your safety but also so your truths and experiences remain your own. Untainted by others opinions. It is also very important that you come to an understanding of this material according to your own fruition. The way you see things, live your life and experience life is unique and should stay unique while you develop yourself and the understanding of this world. I like to think God; The ALL; or whatever the “Source” is. It prefers us to come to an understanding of it on our own in our own way. So during the development stage keep your work a secret.
Don't Throw Pearls at Swine –
If you know someone that won't understand anything about Hermetic Philosophy save yourself some time and headache and keep it to yourself. Chances are that even if they do find it interesting they will more than likely misinterpret the meaning behind words and miss the message behind them. Keep your Pearls for others with pearls.
Milk Before Babes, Meat for the Strong –
As someone just starting to look into Hermetic Philosophy it wouldn't do you well to slap you with advanced occult stuff. That would be like giving you a lesson in quantum physics to a five year old. Not because the kid is dumb but because the kid has not formed a basic understand of key concepts and principles to formulate an advanced understanding of what quantum physics is. Once the kid learns the basic concepts of physics he can later tackle the more advanced knowledge on the topic.
Don't Crystallize This Into a Creed –
Wisdom degenerates when you do this. All truths are half truths and everyone will discover something slightly different during their journey. This is your personal journey.  A key part of the Kybalion is The Law. The Law is the Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect in its aspect of the Law of Attraction, Vibration and Polarity. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Nothing escapes this Law. However, reality is constantly changing and so some laws may also need to change with what is current. Political law is not always factual law thus the problem with censorship. The tides of change may end up covering the truth but there will always be ways to hide the truth in plane sight.  You don't always want a stone foundation when a more flexible foundation is way more stable and will last much longer. It is also important that we all find our own truths and not impose on other truths but try to find the whole truth through the combinations of other truths.
Share when the Opportunity Allows-
This breaks all the previous rules, rules are made to be broken if we never broke any of the rules we wouldn't get anywhere as a species, new things would never be discovered and the world would be boring. Just be smart with who you share it with. Some will not understand you and others will downright refuse to understand you, don't need to create drama for yourself with people who can't handle your truth. Remember also that your truth Is still a half truth and always listen and learn from the truths of others. This is exactly what I am doing right now! Break the rules!
There are Seven Main Principles that make up the Hermetic Philosophy.
Mentalism – You will hear this from me constantly, the Universe is Mental the more you  understand this the better you will understand this philosophy as a whole.   
Correspondence – As Above So Below is something else you will hear constantly. Its is good for understanding paradoxes and hidden secrets of nature     
Vibration – Everything is in motion all the time, even when its seems to be at rest the atoms  that make up the material are still in motion.     
Polarity – Everything is Dual as a result all truths are half truths that make up the whole  truth of the Law. All opposites are identical in nature but different in degree. As a result of this Principle things like Good and Evil; Light and Dark; Hot and Cold are two poles of the same thing.  
Rhythm – Think of a  pendulum and its swing, everything has a rhythm, everything flows in and out, everything has its tides, everything rises and falls.  
Cause and Effect –  everything happens according to Law. There is no such thing as  chance, chances is just an unrecognized Law. Nothing escapes this Law.  People who understand this plays the Game and ceases to be an NPC.    
Gender – Gender is everything and the Law of Gender is set between a Masculine and Feminine principle. There is mental gender and there is physical gender. There is no exception to this rule in the Hermetic Philosophy. Every Male form has hidden female elements and every Female form has hidden masculine elements.  
This Philosophy is a Precursor to Science
These laws are present in everything. The most notable and concrete is that of Newton and his Laws of Physics. Newton's third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. This goes right along with the principles of Cause and Effect and Polarity.
Polarity is very well known in both Physics and Chemistry especially when in electromagnetism. It is present in the study of magnets where they label the two sides of a magnet; the North pole and South pole. You also see it in batteries labeled with positive (+) and negative (-) poles. Very familiar because you see them in almost every electronic device that needs a battery.  
Rhythm and vibration is also a physical science. The study of vibration is called Cymatics and it is used in the healthcare field, art and music and engineering and electronics. It is the one principle you see, feel and hear. You can’t see without light and the way it vibrates into your eyes. You can hear sound because of your ears and you can feel the same vibrations with your hands on a speaker.  
Gender is present in biology and psychology. It is studied in biology through genetic makeup of an organism. In psychology both the masculine and the feminine are present in the psyche through the Anima/Animus or in the Brahman the Shiva/Shakti.
Hermetic philosophy, is not a religion it is a very basic understanding of how our reality works. You can use this in any aspect of your life from your job to your hobbies to how you raise a family. Its principals are present in every field of study from physical sciences, political sciences, engineering, even literature and art. Understanding the hermetic principles opens up windows of deeper understanding that will make your path in life easier to follow. That is why I personally think about them whenever I encounter a problem.  
I hope you found this interpretation of the Kybalion interesting. It really has helped me understand spirituality and philosophy on a different level. This information can and has been used over the course of history to form a deeper understanding of the Universe and our role in it. I Am the Fool! May the light of wisdom show you through the darkest of times.
Sources: The Kybalion, by the Three Initiates
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spirit-science-blog · 4 years
Let us begin first with the Demiurge. The Demiurge is an ancient Greek and Gnostic concept describing a consciousness that is essentially the creator of the physical reality, but not the supreme creative force behind all things.
An excellent way to explore this idea is through the Matrix, a Science-Fiction story that suggests everything we think we know of as the real world is nothing but an illusion, a false world within which most are imprisoned, unable to identify what is real effectively. As people go about their day to day lives, they think that their world is real, but every individual is plugged into an artificial reality severed from the real world. While people suffer, there is a tremendous benefit to the ruling overlords, who were a form of AI in the film. As it relates to us, this AI is, in essence - the Demiurge.
The Demiurge was described as a force, a deity, or a consciousness responsible for creating the physical world. However, in a way, it had imposed itself over top of the actual reality, the supreme oneness that created all things. In this, it was a false god who had assumed authority over the world, masking the living beings - namely us - from the supreme truth, the highest order of creation, and making us believe that what we experienced as real, the physical reality that we’re a part of, was the actual, authentic reality. Depending on the school and belief of the different Gnostic Sects, the Demiurge was seen either as something evil, deliberately trying to deceive us, or something that was merely ignorant or misguided of its place in the universe and of the rest of creation, which led to us becoming lost in the illusion as a result.
Said in simple terms - the Demiurge was the force behind the physical universe. Still, within our consciousness, so long as we perceived that physical to be real, we were slaves to the illusion of the false or at least incomplete reality.
To that end, these ancient people, at least those who were a part of the old mystery schools, believed that the physical reality was an illusion. They sought to liberate themselves from the illusion of reality through varying spiritual practices, from meditation to plant medicine ceremonies and everything in-between, to connect with higher realms of existence, and break free of the false world by finding the truth: the supreme oneness within. This is because even the demiurge and the physical universe still stemmed from the ultimate oneness, and the light of Truth could be found within. Known to the Gnostics as Sophia, meaning Wisdom in Greek, it was the act of awakening this divine spark within us to return to the higher realms that were the ultimate goal of many Gnostic Schools.
This is where we find the roots of Enlightenment and like-concepts from around the world, which teach that within this world of suffering, we can release ourselves from the illusion through various forms of mastery and self-discipline (physical, emotional, mental). This, of course, takes considerable effort and intention to do so. In essence - transcendent people do what is hard, and that’s why their lives are comfortable. People in suffering do what is easy, and that’s why their life is hard.
Fast forward to today, there is a tremendous volume of voices from across the internet, exploring ideas, concepts and sharing a metric-buttload of memes. But amidst the voices of the masses, we find a new concept emerging and being discussed in scientific and even some mainstream circles… an idea that proposes that the entire universe as we know it is a hologram or a simulation of some kind.
Scientifically speaking, if we look at the cosmos from the perspective of quantum mechanics, there is a general acknowledgment that we don’t understand the universe like we thought we did. We are seeing the building blocks of the universe, the subatomic particles, the waves, behaving in ways that do not make sense in the context of Classical Mechanics, which reveal discrepancies in the laws of physics. Yet, physics laws still stand and apply in a practical sense when talking about our macroscopic world, but the fabric of the reality that we live in operates by rules we have yet to uncover.
The holographic universe seems, in principle, to be very much like how you might expect a movie and a projector to work in tandem. When you watch a movie, you enjoy it linearly, going through it one frame at a time, usually at 24, 30, or 60 frames per second. The stories on the screen follow a narrative of some kind and generally speaking, there are definite laws that make-up the universe you are experiencing in the film.
Yet, the quantum world, on the other hand, is like observing the entire film, timelessly at any point, which includes zooming in on individual frames, playing things backward, forwards, the sequels, the prequels, all at the same time. The particles and waves that make up our reality are non-linear and could potentially imply notions of retrocausality. While they also follow their own set of laws, they are different from the world. We exist at a macro level. Another example of this is computer code. What you see on your computer or phone screen at any given time is a filtered projection of what is going on underneath, designed to be easy for you to interpret.
Yet, under these machines' surface, there is an incomprehensible computer language to nearly everyone. Languages like Binary and Machine Code are too simple to make complex algorithms effectively. Instead, programmers use ‘higher-level languages’ designed to be understood by humans to write code that is then translated into the lower, base-level machine code, then binary at the bottom. When you look at your phone or computer monitor, what you see ultimately comprises mountains of ones and zeros that lay under the surface of the digital world, just like what is under the surface of our reality.
You might be familiar with the ancient wisdom teaching, As Above, So Below. A concept that applies on several levels, describing that which exists in higher realities is a mirror of lower realities. With machine code and binary, ultimately, all of that computational code is equal to and actively creates the digital experience on your devices, but they are two entirely different paradigms.
This is the great challenge of modern science today, unifying quantum mechanics and general relativity because we are unable to comprehend yet how the physical world with tangible substance, continuity, gravity, life, time, and consciousness emerge from this flux field of quantum information, which appears to operate by a very different set of laws related to statistics and probability. Yet… are they so different?
The question then becomes, as many are theorizing today - could our entire reality be nothing more than a simulation? An artificial reality that our consciousness is plugged into? Some oddities have been captured on camera that some people believe are glitches in the matrix. Maybe it’s fake, who knows, but we do have this curious clip of a bird perched in midair without moving before flying away.
There was also news footage from Russia many years ago that someone caught an individual levitating on camera, but when the guy with the camera called out to them, the girl dropped down and ran away. Now again - I’m not trying to say this is hard evidence of a real-life matrix, but it indeed compels curiosity, and this is what it’s all about - humanity living in the question, in the mystery of life, and these strange occurrences that beg us to ask the question… What is the true nature of reality? Now on that note, I encourage you to please do your research, go down these rabbit holes for yourself, and make up your mind! In this way, you become a conduit of free thought, rather than following in the herd mentality of that which has been established for you by the powers that be. Even if physics laws as we know them today say that this is impossible, we also understand that physics laws are incomplete. We don’t even know how to fit Gravity into our standard model of physics properly… Perhaps unlocking these secrets will change everything for us.
And this brings us to the primary key of our conspiracy theory of everything, the basis from which everything to come will build off. The demiurge is, in essence, a lesson about the illusion of reality. As we conceive it to be, the entire world is based on what we perceive with our physical senses. A limited experience of the totality of that which exists in the whole universe. This idea suggests that this illusion of the cosmos is incomplete, and as long as we believe in only it by itself, we too shall remain incomplete. We live within a material universe, but there is more to the cosmos than just that, and as long as we choose to believe in this false reality, we will continue to perpetuate its existence. Only by embracing what we don’t know and asking the right questions can we begin to break free of the constraints that bind us.
In the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean, there is a great deal of discussion that describes the human soul as a light trapped in a veil of the night, a metaphor suggesting that the night is the illusion of separateness, the soul disconnected from the supreme oneness, or trapped in illusions in general… basically, anything that is not the highest truth. It is the unilluminated mind that actively creates the reality that it perceives to be real. As such, humanity lives out its days in the darkness, veiled in the illusion of one's own beliefs, disconnected from a higher reality.  
This was portrayed excellently in Marvel's Dr. Strange when Steven denies anything beyond the material universe and then is shown a glimpse of the multidimensional nature of reality and that thoughts are things. He shows that we steer the reality field by our conscious intention, but as we become complacent in creating our lives, we give up control of the driver's seat, and who then is driving the ship? Anyone, and everything else. Jung called it the collective unconscious, the collective mind-field of everyone whose thoughts and feelings influence our very own decisions and actions by calculating their energetic weight. Whether it be the media, the news, advertisements, what your family or friends tell you, or things you happen across on the internet… Ultimately, all of it goes into our egos, shaping who we think we are, as we disconnect further from the nature of our being.
So the question then becomes, what IS the truth, what is the higher reality, and how do we connect with it? The ancient wisdom teachings describe that the quest for wisdom, or enlightenment, or the true nature of being - is a continuous journey into the unknown, and the illumination that we are active creators of our lives, not merely beholden unto the preconceived patterns that we’ve been following in.
The great truth we must understand about the demiurge is that we are the ones who actively perpetuate its existence by believing in the physical universe as the ultimate reality. Your beliefs shape the truth that you experience, as Dr. Bruce Lipton has demonstrated through his work with The Biology of Belief - the thoughts and ideas we hold in our minds can be scientifically proven to affect how our DNA and Cells express themselves.
If you believe you are a lowlife with nothing going on and will die alone and miserable, guess what kind of life you will lead? If you think you can change the world, imagine what kind of life you will lead? To break free of the limitations that we feel are imposed upon us, we must first believe that it’s possible to do so. We must open ourselves to a greater truth, a greater reality, one that is beyond the demiurge, and perceive a cosmic truth that forever changes life as we know it…
Yet, humanity is not paying attention to messages like this in mass, and there’s a reason for it. It is a very significant and critical thing. This one piece of the puzzle must be resolved for humanity to truly advance as a species and break free of illusion collectively…
Our journey down the Rabbit Hole is only just beginning…
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shadow-chan93 · 5 years
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“I, Thoth, the Atlantean,
give of my wisdom,
give of my knowledge,
give of my power.
Freely I give to the children of men.
Give that they, too, might have wisdom
to shine through the world from the veil of the night.
Wisdom is power and power is wis-dom,
one with each other, perfecting the whole.”
- The Key of Wisdom from the Emeralds Tablet
Photo by @hielounplugged
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mynzah · 2 months
Know Thyself...Self Realization...Light...
Light is thine heritage. Know that darkness is only a veil. Sealed in thine heart is brightness eternal, waiting the moment of freedom to conquer, waiting to rend the veil of the night… ~ Thoth (Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean,1930…by Maurice Doreal) http://www.mynzahosiris.wordpress.com
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talonabraxas · 11 months
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The Key To Above and Below --The Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Know ye that there are nine of the cycles;
aye, nine above and fourteen below,
moving in harmony to the place of joining
that shall exist in the future of time.
Know ye that the Lords of the Cycles
are units of consciousness sent from the others to unify
This with the All.
Highest are They of the consciousness
of all the Cycles, working in harmony with the Law.
Know They that in time all will be perfected,
having none above and none below, but all One
in a perfected Infinity, a harmony of all in the Oneness of All.
Open the way of the Twelve and the One, so I may pass to the realm of wisdom. I am the Light. For me are no barriers.
Open, I command, by the Secret of Secrets
Edom-El-Ahim-Sabbert-Zur Adom.
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astrolowitchy · 6 years
"All through the ages, the light has been hidden. Awake, O man, and be wise"
-The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean (Emerald Tablet III: The Key of Wisdom)
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you-are-another-me · 7 years
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“O man, list to the voice of wisdom; list to the voice of light. Mysteries there are in the Cosmos that unveiled fill the world with their light. Let he who would be free from the bonds of darkness first divide the material from the immaterial, the fire from the earth; for know ye that as earth descends to earth, so also fire ascends unto fire and becomes one with fire. He who knows the fire that is within himself shall ascend unto the eternal fire and dwell in it eternally.
Fire, the inner fire, is the most potent of all force, for it overcometh all things and penetrates to all things of the Earth.
–Thoth, the Atlantean.
Emerald Tablet III: The Key of Wisdom
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absolutegravityman · 5 years
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Reposted from @ahighersource Wisdom is attained through #listening. Quiet the brain and #listen. #ahighersource #Repost from @mystic_eb • • • • • •Emerald Tablets of Thoth• Consciousness free is fused with the #Cosmic, One with the Order and Law of the ALL. Knew ye not man, that out of the darkness, #Light shall flame forth, a #symbol of ALL. Pray ye this #prayer for attaining or #wisdom. Pray for the coming of Light to the ALL. Mighty #SPIRIT of LIGHT that shines through the Cosmos, draw my flame closer in harmony to thee. Lift up my fire from out of the darkness, magnet of fire that is One with the ALL. Lift up my #soul, thou might and potent. Child of the Light, turn not away. Draw me in power to melt in thy furnace; One with all things and all things in One, fire of the life-strain and One with the Brain. When ye have freed thy soul from its bondage, know that for ye the darkness is gone. Ever through space ye may seek wisdom, bound not be fetters forged in the flesh. Onward and upward into the morning, free flash, O Soul, to the realms of Light. Move thou in #Order, move thou in #Harmony, freely shalt move with the Children of Light. Seek ye and know ye, my KEY of Wisdom. Thus, O man, ye shall surely be free. ~ Thoth (Emerald Tablets of #Thoth - IV - The Space Born). - #regrann (at Urb Los Ficus - Santa Anita) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8VB6jRDcyD/?igshid=y6r6yuze6f0g
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fyrenyx · 7 years
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"Man is a star bound to a body, until in the end, he is freed through his strife. Only by struggle and toiling thy utmost shall the star within thee bloom out in new life. He who knows the commencement of all things, free is his star from the realm of night." ~The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean - Tablet III: The Key of Wisdom
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