#Enclosed transport systems
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The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is, in essence, the transportation system of the eukaryotic cell, and has many other important functions such as protein folding. It is a type of organelle made up of two subunits – rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). The endoplasmic reticulum is found in most eukaryotic cells and forms an interconnected network of flattened, membrane-enclosed sacs known as cisternae (in the RER), and tubular structures in the SER. The membranes of the ER are continuous with the outer nuclear membrane. The endoplasmic reticulum is not found in red blood cells, or spermatozoa.
A membrane transport protein (or simply transporter) is a membrane protein involved in the movement of ions, small molecules, and macromolecules, such as another protein, across a biological membrane. Transport proteins are integral transmembrane proteins; that is they exist permanently within and span the membrane across which they transport substances. The proteins may assist in the movement of substances by facilitated diffusion or active transport. The two main types of proteins involved in such transport are broadly categorized as either channels or carriers.
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a-d-nox · 1 year
I'm sorry if it was interpreted that you wanted a full natal chart reading. I just wasn't sure which natal chart and in which system I should send you the photos.
I enclose my natal chart and my mc persona chart, only for the analysis of my professional career.
Thank you so much
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part 2: career observation (using natal and mc persona)
your mc is in gemini so we are looking for its planetary ruler. mercury in the 12h (yea, i am working off the placidus charts you initially sent to me).
12h jobs: government agents (working in SNAP, USDA, SSA, BDD, etc), bootlegging, nurse/doctor at a walk-in clinic, working at a shelter or half-way home, working in a crime unit, hospital worker, managing large animals, private duty nurse, psychic, prison guard, and retirement home worker.
noteworthy aspect (tight orbs)
mercury conjunct venus: having to care for others in a semi-compassionate manner. dealing with others needs/wants. making others feel better about themselves and their appearance in society. helping people feel at peace. dealing with clothing - uniforms for the self or others. hearing a lot drama in the workplace. dealing with the social affairs of others.
neptune trine mc: working around medical drugs and antiseptics. working under a pseudonym. working with poisonous things (snakes?). working around a water source (aquarium?). an erotic job. artist freedom within field. able to maintain a face of calm without worrying others. working around a lot of masculine energy. maintaining calm in a place of chaos. working with the confined. making written reports.
pluto opposite mc: working in a place of extremes. working with poisonous animals/reptiles. working with the deadly and the uncivilized. deducing what the problems are on your own. job involving sexuality. dealing with those who are moral. working under a pseudonym. dealing with the waste of others.
mc persona
3h stellium: thought of as an intellectual. transporting others (ambulance?). surrounded by gossip - both good and bad. messaging or sharing notes often. needing to be preceptive and on guard. doing a lot of studying. speaking a lot of the time.
gemini mercury at 0°: bound to talk a lot. could be in advertisement. may need to read a lot and often for your career. could be in broadcasting or something where you need to use clear and precise diction when communicating with others. may need a lot of dexterity / hand-eye coordination. might need to speak multiple languages for the career path. multiple phones or being on the phone / on call often.
sun 2°: a wealth degree. likely to gain more due to ambition. authority. making the correct bets - taking the correct risks. confidence. your consciousness of the future. good for doing vocal entertainment (not singing but talking). could be managing others / telling them what to do.
jupiter 2h (mc ruler): often a money indicator. could be a good indicator of singing for a living. lots of financial freedom. might have an old money hobby that you participated in and are known to be really good at (racket ball, golf, polo, etc).
sun conjunct mercury: being in the spot where people are a bit starstuck when talking with you. people may be a bit uncomfortable in your presence - could be seen as threatening ("yes, boss. no, boss. anything you say, boss."). might be interviewed often.
mars opposite jupiter: needing to be cutthroat to gain money. needing to take action for there to be a lot of gain. might have a dangerous or physical job that pays a lot. might be used to seeing a lot of death and/or blood in your line of work. might be gaining money under the table or in illegal ways. might deal with triage. extreme passion for making money - you'd do ANYTHING to make some. a career where sexuality is prevalent.
my guess: EMT, ER nurse, criminal defense attorney, criminal investigator, large animal vet, prison warden, or magistrate.
hope this helps!
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© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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cantsayidont · 11 months
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May 1959. Since Kara Zor-El returned to the regular comics continuity in 2004, Supergirl's origin has included a peculiar contrivance: While she's still a teenage girl, she actually grew up on Krypton, and was sent to Earth so that she could take care of her baby cousin Kal-El, whom she used to babysit, only to end up in suspended animation for years so that she's now younger than he. (Thanks, I hate it!)
This idea has filtered into other versions, including the SUPERGIRL show on The CW, but it is definitely not something present in the original comics. As seen in these pages from her first appearance in ACTION COMICS #252 back in 1959, in her original pre-Crisis incarnation, Supergirl was born after Krypton was destroyed. Moreover, not only was there no implication that she would become Kal-El's super-babysitter, her parents were not initially aware that Zor-El's nephew had even survived the destruction of Krypton:
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(No, that's not how telescopes work — it was the Silver Age, just roll with it. For that matter, given the now well-documented and horrific health consequences of childhood lead exposure, the assertion that Kara could grow up healthy because of the "leaden shield" under their community is also rather alarming. Try not to dwell on it, I guess?)
There were various amendments to this story during the Silver Age, but later versions consistently maintain that Zor-El didn't marry and Kara was not born until "some years" after Krypton exploded. She arrived on Earth when she was 15 years old and her cousin was an adult. Thus, Kara was not even born until probably around the time her cousin was in middle school on Earth.
A few other points of note under the cut.
If you look closely at the original account in ACTION COMICS #252, the community of survivors in which Supergirl grew up is not actually named. As best I can determine, the name "Argo City" was first introduced in a subsequent retelling of the story in ACTION COMICS #280, more than two years later:
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(The gaps in the lettering around "Argo City" and the slightly irregular baselines of those words are unusual, and make me wonder if Jerry Siegel's script originally specified a different name that was changed during production. If so, that further suggests this was the first reference to the name of the city.)
Even by the standards of the Silver Age, the idea that the city was surrounded by a "bubble of air" that miraculously enabled the inhabitants to survive for years in space strains credibility a bit. Subsequent accounts establish that before Krypton exploded, Zor-El had arranged to enclose Argo City in a "non-breakable plastic dome" containing "a germ-proof atmosphere that can wipe out all disease" — an unusual feature with which other Kryptonian cities were not equipped. (He's seen testing an early of this invention over his own home in a story in SUPERMAN'S GIRL FRIEND LOIS LANE #26, which shows Kal-El as a toddler and thus probably takes place probably a few months before the destruction of Krypton.) As shown in ACTION COMICS #309 in 1964, for instance:
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The latter story also indicates that Zor-El created a "jet drive" to propel the city toward an inhabited star system, but this effort was sabotaged by a religious fanatic called Jer-Em, who was sent to the Phantom Zone for his interference (and ironically survived the destruction of Argo City as a result).
Another oddity is that Kara's mother is not actually named in either her original appearance or various early retellings of Supergirl's origin. It appears that her name (Alura, sometimes spelled "Allura" and later specified as Alura In-Ze) was first given in ACTION COMICS #291 in 1961, when Mr. Mxyzptlk transported Kara's parents through time as part of a plan to convince Supergirl to marry him:
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The above story concluded with Mr. Mxyzptlk being sent back to his own dimension, causing Zor-El and Alura to return to their own time, seemingly to die. This was awfully grim, so a couple of years later, in ACTION COMICS #309, Supergirl learns that her parents narrowly escaped from Argo City in the Survival Zone, another dimension like the Phantom Zone, but "on a different wavelength":
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In ACTION COMICS #310, Supergirl manages to free her parents from the Survival Zone. They subsequently decide to settle in the Bottle City of Kandor, while Kara remains on Earth with her foster parents, Fred and Edna Danvers:
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Zor-El and Alura later resettled on Rokyn after Kandor was enlarged in SUPERMAN #338. Their last appearance was in SUPERMAN #414, shortly after Kara's death.
Finally, later Silver Age stories assert that normal Green Kryptonite has no effect on Kryptonians without super-powers, or on non-Kryptonians. A later retelling of Supergirl's origin in THE SUPERMAN FAMILY #184–185 rationalizes the apparent discrepancy by saying the radioactive material under Argo City was a rare Green-K isotope called "Anti-Kryptonite," which is also lethal to non-powered Kryptonians. Sure, why not?
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debayanmukherjee · 2 months
Helvetica: A Deep Dive into the World’s Most Ubiquitous Typeface
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Helvetica, a typeface synonymous with clarity and modernity, reigns supreme in the world of design. Its widespread use, from iconic brand logos to everyday signage, speaks volumes about its enduring appeal and versatility. This blog post will explore the origins, characteristics, and lasting impact of Helvetica, tracing its journey to becoming a global design phenomenon.
Swiss Origins and Design Philosophy
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Helvetica emerged from the heart of Swiss graphic design in 1957, born from the collaboration of Max Miedinger and Eduard Hoffmann at the Haas Type Foundry. Switzerland, renowned for its precision and efficiency, provided a fertile ground for this revolutionary typeface to flourish. At its core, Helvetica embodies the principles of the International Typographic Style (also known as Swiss Style), which emphasized cleanliness, readability, and objectivity. This movement embraced the use of grids, sans-serif typefaces, and asymmetrical layouts to create balanced and harmonious designs.
The Making of a Masterpiece: From Neue Haas Grotesk to Helvetica
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Helvetica’s journey to becoming a global icon involved a series of pivotal moments. Initially christened Neue Haas Grotesk, the typeface was a refined interpretation of the earlier Akzidenz Grotesk typeface. In 1961, Stempel, the parent company of Haas Type Foundry, strategically renamed it Helvetica, meaning “Swiss” in Latin, to broaden its appeal in the international market. This decision proved to be a masterstroke, as Helvetica rapidly gained traction worldwide.
Anatomy of Helvetica: Decoding its Visual Language
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Helvetica’s enduring allure lies in its meticulously crafted letterforms and distinctive characteristics. Its simple, geometric shapes and uniform stroke widths contribute to its exceptional legibility. Key features include:
Minimal stroke contrast: The difference in thickness between the thickest and thinnest parts of a letterform is subtle.
Horizontal and vertical cut-offs: The ends of strokes are cut straight, creating a clean and crisp appearance.
Tight spacing between letters: Letters are set close together, resulting in a compact and unified look.
Large x-height: The height of lowercase letters is relatively large, further enhancing readability.
Closed apertures: The enclosed spaces within letters like ‘a’, ‘e’, and ‘o’ are relatively small.
These carefully considered details work in harmony to create a typeface that is both aesthetically pleasing and incredibly functional.
Helvetica’s Enduring Legacy: A Testament to Timeless Design
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Helvetica’s influence on the world of design is undeniable. Its neutrality and versatility have made it a go-to choice for a wide range of applications, from corporate branding to transportation signage. Iconic brands like Knoll, American Airlines, and Panasonic have all harnessed the power of Helvetica to communicate their brand identities effectively. The typeface’s presence extends beyond the corporate world, finding its way into film title sequences (Goodfellas, Split, Alien) and even becoming the official typeface of the New York City subway system. Helvetica’s ability to transcend cultural boundaries and resonate with audiences worldwide is a testament to its timeless appeal. As Wim Crouwel, a renowned typographer, aptly stated, “The meaning is in the content of the text and not in the typeface, and that is why we loved Helvetica very much.”
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rhythmgamer · 1 year
My empathy is wack so I think I can handle it probably. Obviously I'll feel bad about what happened but I think I can handle most topics.
okay so. tw for massacres and artificial famine. answer will be under the cut
okay so. first of all there's a Wikipedia page about list of massacres in India. you can go to the colonial India section and look.
in particular, i want to draw your attention to the Jallianwala Bagh massacre. I'll copy paste the introduction from Wikipedia here.
"The Jallianwala Bagh massacre, also known as the Amritsar massacre, took place on 13 April 1919. A large, peaceful crowd had gathered at the Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar, Punjab, British India, to protest the Rowlatt Act and arrest of pro-independence activists Saifuddin Kitchlew and Satyapal. In response to the public gathering, the temporary brigadier general R. E. H. Dyer, surrounded the protesters with his Gurkha, Baloch, Rajput and Sikh troops from 2-9th Gurkhas, the 54th Sikhs and the 59th Scinde Rifles of the British Indian Army.[4] The Jallianwala Bagh could only be exited on one side, as its other three sides were enclosed by buildings. After blocking the exit with his troops, he ordered them to shoot at the crowd, continuing to fire even as the protestors tried to flee. The troops kept on firing until their ammunition was exhausted.[5] Estimates of those killed vary from 379 to 1,500 or more people[1] and over 1,200 other people were injured of whom 192 were seriously injured.[6][7]"
this was like the turning point for Indian Independence movement. the sheer cruelty of the British soldiers at a peaceful gathering shocked the colonial world at that time. the perpetrator, General Dyer, was dismissed from service after this. no other punishment. none. in fact, wait!
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this is what he got for massacring over a thousand unarmed people. yeah.
And this is just one incident. one incident of colonial British cruelty upon Indians because we were inferior to them.
oh, I haven't talked of the Bengal famine right?
quoting this article here:
"Policy lapses such as prioritising distribution of vital supplies to the military, civil services and others as well as stopping rice imports and not declaring Bengal famine hit were among the factors that led to the magnitude of the tragedy, historians have maintained."
again, towards the end,
"According to experts, following the Japanese occupation of Burma in 1942, rice imports stopped, and Bengal's market supplies and transport systems were disrupted. The British government also prioritised distribution of vital supplies to the military, civil servants and other "priority classes".
The policy failures began with the provincial government's denial that a famine existed. Humanitarian aid was ineffective through the worst months of the food crisis, and the government never formally declared a state of famine.
It first attempted to influence the price of rice, but these measures created a black market and encouraged sellers to withhold stocks."
so they literally caused a famine in Bengal. my home area. which caused the death of about 1-4 million people. i kid you not
And this does not even scratch the surface of what went on in colonial India
This is. not even 1% of what the British did to colonial India
they never teach you these things because they don't want you people to know the atrocities they'd committed in the past. they just want to paint the picture of a proud nation. no hate to you btw im just a bit mad that they do not teach y'all whatever wrong things they did to other countries. sigh
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requindeterre · 2 years
ScumPlane Pacific Rim AU pt. 1
Author’s Note: I watched Pacific Rim twice when it came out a decade ago, have seen none of the sequels, comics, or animated shows, and scrolled through the wiki for maaaaaybe five minutes if we’re being generous. Also, this is a multi-chapter WIP that will be put on AO3 once it’s complete. Constructive feedback welcome, I have no idea what I’m doing. -----
How was Airplane supposed to know that after a miserable death that reeked of burnt hair and vaporized bouillon, his streak of equally miserable luck would land him in the middle of a ripoff so detached from the novel that even he, the original author, didn’t recognize it? The towering spires of glass and modern steel  were too out of place for a cultivation setting. Monstrous kaiju were closer but not even the chimerical amalgams he’d written into existence quite compared to the variety of alien behemoths here. No, the realization hadn’t begun to bloom until the city of his rebirth was lost to the kaiju and he’d been evacuated to a city within the Cang Qiong Mountain Shatterdome’s sphere of influence at a mere ten years old. 
Cang Qiong wasn’t exactly a common name but the twelve prominent structures jutting into the sky when the dome was open -did- sort of look like peaks if he squinted as the refugee transport rumbled on the winding road that would deposit him at his new home. The various blinking lights on the enclosed corridors and open air walkways connecting the spires glittered like rainbows against the night sky as Shang Qinghua gazed up from the rooftop of the tenement he’d been dumped at. The dome rose like a mountain from the sprawl that had cropped up around it, a bastion of safety. It didn’t crystallize fully until he ran into Yue Qi - literally- at the early recruitment center for the dome a few years later. What was with this setting?? This was supposed to be a cultivation novel not a mech vs monster smash fest! Shang Qinghua himself was only here because the district he’d been living in had been leveled in the most recent attack, bathed in Kaiju Blue and deemed unsafe for human habitation for an undetermined amount of time. As the full measure of his predicament washed over him, Shang Qinghua’s legs turned to jelly. The final signifier of his miserable rotten terrible luck - Yue Qingyuan! In the flesh!- steadied him by the shoulders.
What! Was! With! This! 
Surely the great Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky hadn’t done anything worthy of being trapped in such a mundanely hellish version of his rent money!! And when people transmigrated, weren’t they supposed to get some sort of system or interface?! He hadn’t paid a single yuan for this and still wanted his money back.
It was just too much. The roar of blood rushing in his ears fuzzed out the world around him like he was underwater. Eventually Shang Qinghua came back to himself as the rumbling in his ears of his worldview and expectations crumbling around him resolved itself into a pleasant voice asking if he was alright. Right. Yue Qi. Here, in the flesh, in front of him, a real person wrinkling their brow in concern over the spaced out weirdo in front of them. Right. Right. Okay. Right. This was fine, totally and completely fine.
While the majority of his mind was in overdrive coming to terms with being in what he was personally dubbing ‘Pacific Immortal Kaiju Way’, the rest of him was moving on autopilot to reassure the man- boy really at this stage, even though the traces of the man he would become were already starting to shine through- still holding him upright that he was fine, really, and getting the hell out of the plot’s line of fire. It had to be a coincidence. It had to! The fact that Yue Qi had called out brightly to a “Xiao Jiu” as Shang Qinghua had made a drunken beeline to the closest bathroom to have his mental breakdown in peace was a trick of the ear and not damning evidence. It was fine, he reasoned with his head tucked between his knees in a bathroom stall trying not to pass out, totally fine. He just had to walk back out of the recruitment center, get on a bus heading further inland, avoid any of the major sects or their approximations, and live exactly as he’d done in his last life with his head down and out of sight. Ah. Wasn’t that a bit too sad though? Sure, he couldn’t do any cool cultivation things like fly on a sword but it also meant that there were likely significantly fewer papapa devices or cursed artifacts to stumble across. Or demons to end up indentured to and subsequently killed by. That had to be a win, right? By the time he’d talked himself off that particular ledge he’d missed most of the orientation and found himself simply following the line of hopefuls through the queue of booths and forms in a daze. When sleep finally dragged Shang Qinghua under at day’s end he had half a startled thought that maybe he had missed some key world building information to figure out exactly how much had changed from the original story line. 
Well, he’d figure out how to get himself safely clear of the plot tomorrow. Tomorrow was a new day and future Airplane’s problem. Ten years later saw Shang Qinghua firmly installed in both the plot and R&D juggling the interests of both shatterdomes he'd proclaimed loyalty to. Not that anyone outside of the Northern Desert dome knew Shang Qinghua worked with them- he hoped. It wasn't technically insubordination and espionage but he was walking a very thin line.
Over the past decade, Shang Qinghua had developed a small, very minor really, completely un-noteworthy fascination with which aspects held true to his original work and which had twisted or stretched or been thrown out all together to fit in this version. Like his fellow peak lords turn Officers for example. 
Yue Qingyuan had been named Marshall five years ago so he was technically running the ship. Most of the other peaks had been adapted into divisions with pilots with the exception of those better suited to the day to day practicum of running a military base literally defending the population from giant monsters. Some had fallen into more of an undefined middle ground.
Like Shen Qingqiu and his Qing Jing Peak.
Technically they handled strategy and training but that hadn't stopped them from having a Jaeger of their very own. It didn't see the same level of action as Bai Zhan or even Xian Shu or Ku Xing but that was less out of need and more out of practicality.
Shen Qingqiu had firmly settled himself as the dome's head strategist and sometimes pilot of Xiu Ya. Only pilot of Xiu Ya, with a tongue sharp enough to match. Typically he was installed in Mission Control when a breach happened but when the shit hit the fan, Shen Qingqiu hit the flight deck.
By all rights, Shen Qingqiu shouldn't be piloting at all. He'd proven too incompatible with everyone they'd tried to handshake him with, often refusing outright, let alone reaching enough equilibrium to achieve drift. If it were anyone else, they wouldn't be allowed anywhere close to a rig but Shen Qingqiu was stubborn, conniving, and irascible. So, Shen Qingqiu got his Jaeger. And proved to everyone in short order precisely why he should. Shen Qingqiu was brilliant in action and capable of piloting solo out of sheer spite and general hardheadedness. It was a feat that hadn't been attempted - let alone successfully- since the early days of the Jaeger program.
However, not even Shen Qingqiu's determination could outrun the consequences of such a ballsy play. Jaegers simply weren't meant to be piloted solo, the massive neural strain was designed to be divided between a pair or trio to keep the program sustainable. It wasn’t as though they had enough competent people to make pilots disposable. No one had managed a solo flight intact since the Mark 1 series until Shen Qingqiu. 
Despite successfully taking down the Kaiju, he landed himself in a coma in the medical ward for nearly a week recovering from the neural stress. Not that that kept him down for long. Afterwards, hearing Shen Qingqiu's vicious hissing amid Yue Qingyuan's measured pleas behind closed doors was more common than it wasn't.
It took confining Shen Qingqiu in his quarters through a breach that nearly cost the dome two of Xian Shu's Jaegers and pilots for a compromise to be reached. Xiu Ya and Shen Qingqiu by extension would be allowed to fight but -only- as a last resort. 
Such emergency dispatches didn't happen often but they happened often enough for Shen Qingqiu to seemingly adapt. No more comas. Those were traded for a few days of bed rest and a volatile psyche. More than a few tongues wagged around the base that Shen Qingqiu was clearly unstable, though never where the man himself might overhear.
Honestly, Airplane thought it was mostly a shame for the dome. If current capability was any indication, Shen Qingqiu would sit comfortably behind Liu Qingge and Yue Qingyuan in the combat rankings - IF they could get Shen Qingqiu a copilot. Shang Qinghua had written his shixiong to be fiercely self reliant but wasn't this a bit much?! Shen-shixiong, this shidi is begging you to stop throwing yourself into qi deviation - neural overload - whatever!
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argyrocratie · 1 year
"Sanders’ framing still largely ignores the role of the state in capitalism. For example, the chapter “Billionaires Should Not Exist” repeatedly uses the cliched expression “unfettered capitalism” and focuses largely on wealth taxation as the actual means for ensuring billionaires do not, in fact, exist. 
Now, so long as capitalism exists, I’ll take the New Deal or Social Democratic version of state capitalism over the Reagan-Thatcher version of state capitalism any day of the week. But simply taxing billionaire wealth is by no means to use Sanders’ own language at the beginning of the book, dealing with “systemic problems” or “root causes”; it’s a slightly more ambitious way to “tinker around the edges.”
There’s no such thing as “unfettered capitalism,” and never was — any more than there was “unfettered feudalism” or an “unfettered latifundist slave economy.” The overwhelming majority of billionaire wealth and large corporate profits results either from direct government subsidies or from economic rents on artificial property rights, artificial scarcity, and entry barriers enforced by the state.
So the very phrase “rethink our adherence to the system of unfettered capitalism” amounts to a set of self-imposed blinders that limits us to the kind of incrementalism Sanders claims to oppose. By its very terms, it misleads us into believing that concentrated wealth and corporate power are spontaneous phenomena that occur in a “laissez-faire” environment if the state doesn’t actively prevent them, and misdirects us into limiting ourselves entirely to redistributionist policies after the fact.
Since billionaire wealth is unearned, a system in which billionaire wealth exists to be taxed in the first place has already failed. Instead of taxing billionaire wealth after the fact, we should systematically dismantle all the structures that facilitate such income levels in the first place. 
We should be radically scaling back and then eliminating intellectual property — particularly patents, the primary legal tool by which international trade and outsourced production are enclosed within corporate walls. We should be breaking the power of landlords and absentee owners of natural resources and replacing them with community land trusts and Ostromite resource commons. We should eliminate the legal monopolies by which owners of stockpiled wealth are enabled to monopolize the credit and investment functions. And we should eliminate the massive subsidies to long-distance transportation and energy extraction, which facilitate supply chains and scales of production far beyond what would be the point of negative returns if all costs were internalized. 
And all these things should be accompanied by direct actions from below, like squats taking over landlord property, workers taking over ownership and control of workplaces, file-sharing sites, and hardware hackers making intellectual property unenforceable, etc., rather than merely relying on state policy."
-Kevin Carson, Book Review: It’s OK To Be Angry About Capitalism
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k00282008 · 2 years
Sculpture: Box Shaped Heart
I wanted to make a sculpture depicting a circuit within the body and introduce an element of external transport. Since I was looking at the movement of blood I took inspiration from Nirvana’s “heart shaped box”. Flipping that I’m left with box shaped heart which directed me towards what I wanted to create. The idea of a cardboard box encouraged the idea of a parcel, a small fragile box ready to be wrecked by An Post.
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Talking to Sarah we tried to determine what is actually needed to to represent the circulatory system, it should be an enclosed circuit with an element of diffusion or filtration. I then tried to make inflatable items that could be filled with water and have food colouring diffuse through my sculpture. Unfortunately this did not work but these attempts will be posted when I can come back to that project and improve my method
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I decided I would simplify my idea starting by using acetate to create tubing. I cut simple strips and hot glued the edges
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I then moved onto the box from cardboard and with paint I added the fragile warning, priority arephost, an post and broken glass symbols
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I glued the box together leaving one face and began glueing the tubes into the box and treading them with blue and red yarn for the idea of veins and arteries running through this box shaped heart
Next I created quite a large cell for the box to sit in but I decided to close all the tubing instead to create a circuit
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pipzeroes · 2 years
Spittle versus breath
There has been confusion around droplets and aerosols- what do they mean? What's the difference?
One way to think about it is that droplets are spittle, and aerosols are breath. This is important to understand, because COVID can be transmitted not just by someone's spittle, but also by their breath.
#COVIDisAirborne means there is airborne transmission of COVID. SARS-CoV-2 (the virus causing COVID) can remain suspended in tiny bits of moisture floating in the air that spread like cigarette smoke. And, not only is airborne transmission of COVID possible, it has been found to be the dominant method of infection.
Certainly, anything covering someone's mouth will reduce spittle, but spittle alone is not the issue. This is the reason masks must be worn above the nose to be effective- we have to think about breath in our shared air, not just our spittle.
Surgical masks (with gaps at the sides, letting unfiltered air in and out) are not the best protection against airborne disease. This is also why face-shields (used without a mask) are not very effective for preventing COVID, just like face-shields don't protect against secondhand smoke.
To continue the cigarette comparison: while the ash from a cigarette falls to the ground, its smoke remains suspended in the air. Ash can be thought of as similar to droplets/spittle and aerosols/breath can be compared to cigarette smoke.
Do you remember "smoking sections" in restaurants and bars, or on airplanes? Though you may breathe in more secondhand smoke by sitting right next to the smoker, you are still impacted by the secondhand smoke even if more than two metres from the source (especially when in an enclosed space).
This is why we no longer have smoking sections!
Another comparison: Imagine viruses are tiny people, and droplets/spittle or aerosols/breath are their spaceships.
Some viruses, SARS-CoV-2 included, are not viably transmissible for very long unless they remain in moisture- just like humans cannot survive in space without a spaceship or space suit.
Unlike vessels in space, however, we are subject to the gravity of Earth. Larger droplets/spittle do fall to the ground within a few metres of the host in moments. However, even with Earth's gravity, aerosols/breath can remain suspended in the air for some time.
This means that if someone infectious with COVID has left a room, the air in that room could still be a risk to someone else entering that room if the air is not well ventilated or effectively filtered- especially if the infected person and/or potential new host are unmasked (or even not masked well- for example, with a mask below their nose).
Some have asked, "If a virus is so tiny, how is a mask supposed to stop it? Air passes through!"
Imagine a defense network against enemy spaceships, a woven web of SPACE LASERS with gaps between them too small for spaceships to pass through. A human might seem small enough to fit through the gaps between the lasers, but they aren't going to be able to even reach this point without a spaceship to transport them.
What about really small particles, though?
To continue this comparison, imagine also that this web of space lasers not only captures things when touching them, but attracts and draws objects in to them. Say an astronaut suits up, figuring they'll be small enough to pass through this web by themselves without a spaceship. However, the nature of this space web means they'd be drawn in, attracted, and captured anyway!
The construction of N95 masks means they attract airborne particles to their material, capturing these particles (similar to this imaginary web of space lasers capturing spaceships and errant astronauts).
It is 2023, and we know enough to understand that COVID is airborne, that COVID is dangerous even to "healthy" people "with an immune system", that after a so-called "mild" case there can be long term consequences (including Long COVID), that children are not immune, that ventilation and air filtration reduce the risk of transmission, and that masks help reduce the spread (especially when there is widespread adoption of masks at a population level) if they are effectively worn (over your nose, for a start!)
By understanding that #COVIDisAirborne, and that infected breath is a concern (not just spittle), the importance of ventilation, air filtration, and masks can start to make more sense.
COVID is airborne, and can spread through breath. To be prevented, COVID needs to be approached with this in mind.
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andromachos · 2 years
the thing with trads is that they are actually disconnected from all senses of past, and their beautiful "past" is pretty much advertising and paintings. your housewife grandma that couldn't divorce most likely spat in her husband's coffee every morning, their children raised under the unquestionable allpowerful nuclear family who beat them up will send her to the cheapest retirement home and openly discuss who's inheriting what in front of her because they fucking hate her. country life is miserable, dirty, lonely. your body will start breaking sooner or later, and good luck finding a rural doctor with decent tools and medicine. your hay roof will home bugs that will kill you, your crops can be eaten by anything or anyone, killed by a passerby, an animal you didn't enclose properly, or simply two consecutive days of bad weather. you will not find it funny having to make the month's grocery shopping and running out of something quicker. the list can go on and on
a lot steams from the idea of escaping "the problem" but what most fail to name is that "the problem" means doing any meaningful action, specially political ones, and most important, learning to coexist with different people. city life could be bearable if cities were planned to be enjoyable, if there werent cars everywhere and instead estrategic planning and public transportation, and apartments built for comfort with thick walls so you can have privacy instead of the cheapest building method, which you could decorate freely instead of having a landlord obsessed with the idea of reselling the place. but that would mean having an opinion that goes against status quo, and that would require a political stance that calls to action
there is also the most notorious part of anti-urban sentiment: racism. to be able to properly coexist would require to put the effort to unlearn bigotry which means helping dismantle it's systemic power. and that, again demands from the individual to care for others. which is why trads are conservative*, because it is easier (and cheaper) to ban than to make an sort of significant change. think for example the abortion laws, the price of the goverment ensuring professional conditions vs just banning it and not even building decent orphanages)
(* there are some "liberal" and "left-leaning" trads, which consider themselves like that because traditionalism is an ideology that rewards lack of critical thinking and herd mentality, so they band with the groups that will give them specific rights, like drug use or lgbt ones, but when bigotry, specially bigotry that does not affect them, appears they sigh and ask for an apolitical space, to just "focus on what they already have" or ask for an imaginary escape)
and with that chosen disconnection from reality and it's issues that require attention it's how they look at the past. they ignore the recounts of people who came before them and instead think the 50s housewife advertisement is real, the paintings of gorgeous women in pastel colors and satin in the middle of untouched nhe hunted filling an entire family for a sustained amount of time. good luck seeing how many births at home you can have. have fun creating all of your furniture
these, at the same time, are solvable issues through a good governmental infraestructure. but that, again, would mean to be "political" and involve yourself in something. an effort. so it's easier to fantasize and then blame modernity for your mistakes and lack of knowledge. that's how traditionalism, no matter how logic or "based" tries to paint itself, is just a massive daydream, an ideology sustained by roman statues and roccoco paintings, the dream of "putting yourself up by your bootstraps" without even having a boot
even their desire to be apolitical is a lie, if being apolitical is even possible, for most just dream of segregation ("each in their own space") and the ability to commit hatecrimes without consequence, with some being more open on their desire and others less. worse than a spoiled child, it's the dream of never being held accountable, of moving to where no one would judge you, no one can correct you, where you can remain in your echo chamber forever and beat up anyone who dares question you
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malenaroyorodic · 2 years
Week 1 - Site + Interests
Main interest arises from Hitchcock since I would like to do something around film and the way in which film is perceived and affects human beings (All my Y1 projects were films and my Y2 DP2 project was an International Cinema about the Cinematic Language of Architecture). However this sounds to me more like a narrative that could be continuously developed and researched in the back, or applied in parallel together with a site/environmental phenomena. This is why I brought pollution in. The site around Hitchcock's early Heritage (Leytonstone High Street, the Roundabout between Leyton and Wansted, and the Hollow Ponds in front of Albert Hitchcock hotel). Within the route of these places respectively, the topography ascends and so do the pollution levels till they get to the roundabout as a climax and then decrease in the natural park (sounding a bit like the principle of ascension in parallel). "As you climb up the stairs, you move from the world of the mundane to the world of the intellect in the soul, and you'll find at the top, of course, an astronomical observatory, as a way to emphasise that our path through life, inevitably, will lead from the physical to the intellectual" (Alain de Bottom, The Architecture of happiness). Perhaps my project could be ascending (and so decreasing pollution levels) till getting to a cinema as an observatory, however the movie/the observation is the polluted real life one watches through a lens preventing pollution to reach you. This brings me to the gas station (Albert Hitchcock's birth place), since pollution levels are high there due to the transport flow and the respective gas motors, which need petrol to work. Therefore by now for the gate at least, the gas station will be my only site. Its this transition process between the petrol and the emissions through the motors that brings me to Coop Himmelb(l)au and and their 1980 (the year Hitchcock passed away) manifesto. "We want architecture that has more. Architecture that bleeds, that exhausts, that whirls and even breaks. Architecture that lights up, stings, rips, and tears under stress. Architecture has to be cavernous, fiery, smooth, hard, angular, brutal, round, delicate, colorful, obscene, lustful, dreamy, attracting, repelling, wet, dry, and throbbing. Alive or dead. If cold, then cold as a block of ice. If hot, then hot as a blazing wing. Architecture must blaze." Their first 10 year projects work with human bodies, perception and space. About the volume of space and not its shell. I believe they manifest cinematic experiences. Now pollution is composed by unwanted substances entering a space. This project is about filtering and separating that substance. Perhaps my lens can be a membrane enclosing or not fully enclosing a space and separating those pollutants? This is where Kengo Kuma's Breathe sculpture comes in. In Y2 DP1 we developed an intervention that filters out the carbon emissions in acid rain with carbon/charcoal itself. Lets now create a (maybe living) membrane around my site and its observatory (the cinema) that separates those pollutants from the people experiencing the project. This will be the architecture of it itself. As Steven Holl mentions in Parallax, "The inexpressive harmony of this world comes with a new organic understanding of dynamic systems. [...] Perception and cognition balance volumetric of architectural spaces with the understanding of time itself. [...] Spatial definition is ordered by angles of perception. [...] A complex interlocking of time, light, material, and detail creates the cinematic shine wherein we can no longer distinguish individual elements." If space is recorded visually through time we create film, and it was Hitchcocks "art of involving the audience, so that the viewer is actually a participant in the film" (Truffaut on Hitchcock) that makes this project make sense. 
Last week I collected sound, CO2, atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity data, however I do not see how to use this now, might be more useful later on.
Maps from last week will be reworked on top and new focus more clarified.
Currently working in:
Membrane/Lens that filters out pollutants (while studying the shapes and transitions of air pollutants)
Understanding my site in and around the Gas Station (517 Leytonstone High Street)
Creating a small manifest of it perhaps through a body prosthetic that could be applied to the site afterwards.
Understanding space and air within the architecture of this project.
Other things that will come out while doing 1-4.
Your comments?
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vehicleshiftgurgaon · 14 hours
A Complete Information on Car Transport in Gurgaon Safe and efficient vehicle Shifting Services
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Are you looking for reliable transport for your car within Gurgaon? It doesn't matter if you're moving to the city's center or a different region of India finding a reliable transport service for your vehicle situated in Gurgaon is essential for ensuring that your vehicle is transported safely way. Gurgaon is a thriving city for commercial and residential life. Many people need transport services to Gurgaon to move. In this guide, we will provide all you need to know about car transportation in Gurgaon and the best way to pick the most appropriate service and the reasons why companies like VehicleShift are among the top within the area of transportation for vehicles.
Why should you choose to utilize the services of a professional Car Transport Services in Gurgaon?
When it comes to the transportation of your car, professional car transport companies in Gurgaon provide a broad array of advantages. From getting rid of the wear and tear that has built up on your vehicle to rapid delivery of your car there are many benefits when you hire the services of a car transport firm within Gurgaon:
Experienced handling Expert handling transport services for automobiles within Gurgaon your vehicle is in the hands of experts who have been equipped to handle cars safely on the journey.
cost and Efficiency in Time Cars that have to travel long distances can be expensive and lengthy. Selecting the services of a car transport services in Gurgaon can cut down on the cost of tolls and fuel and even repairs.
security and safety Trustworthy transport companies for cars in Gurgaon like VehicleShift sure your car is secure and safe during the entire trip, thus lessening the risk of damage.
VehicleShift: A Trustworthy name within Car Transport Gurgaon
One of the most well-known brand in the field of automobile transportation Gurgaon. The company is well-known for its outstanding customer care and secure transportation. VehicleShift has received a number of high-quality car Shift reviews for its flawless service. It doesn't matter if you're looking to move your car locally or across town, VehicleShift offers specialized service for moving car that are tailored to your needs.
Important Features of the VehicleShift Services:
Comprehensive Car Shifting Solutions: VehicleShift provides transportation for cars between and to Gurgaon located in India to cities like Pune, Mumbai, and Bangalore. The services are available to cities like Dehradun, Hyderabad, and Bhopal.
Multiple Transportation Alternatives If you need an enclosed or open-air vehicle carrier, then VehicleShift will provide the perfect vehicle carrier for you which is located in Gurgaon that is suitable for the vehicle type.
Systems for tracking The system utilizes VehicleShift, which means that you can track exactly where you are in your vehicle in real-time to provide you with peace of mind during your shifting.
Distances covered by Car Transport from Gurgaon
In the field of long-distance transporting vehicles. They provide services to many destinations, and can ensure that your vehicle will arrive promptly and in good condition.
Car Transport from Gurgaon to Pune
If you're planning to move to Pune ensure you use VehicleShift to offer efficient transportation from Gurgaon all the way to Pune. Pune is a major city, and VehicleShift will make sure that your vehicle arrives at ease, without the burden of a long drive.
Car Transport from Gurgaon to Mumbai
Mumbai as the finance capital in India is seeing a massive demand for auto transportation services from Gurgaon and Mumbai. Gurgaon and Mumbai. If you're planning to move for reasons related to your profession or personal, VehicleShift provides hassle-free services to help you move your vehicle.
Car Transport from Gurgaon to Dehradun
If you are moving to the quiet town of Dehradun, VehicleShift offers smooth transfer from Gurgaon to Dehradun ensuring your vehicle is taken care of carefully.
Car Transport from Gurgaon to Hyderabad
You are planning to relocate from Hyderabad? VehicleShift assures prompt delivery by providing professional service for the transportation of cars between Gurgaon until Hyderabad and managing your vehicle with complete professionalism.
Car Transport from Gurgaon to Coimbatore
To satisfy a personal or professional reasons, car transport from Gurgaon to Coimbatore is made simple thanks to the simple services of VehicleShift that ensures safe delivery over large distances.
Car Transport from Gurgaon to Chennai
Chennai can be described as a famous tourist attraction. With the aid of VehicleShift the transportation of cars to and from Gurgaon to Chennai is safe and as well as supervised by skilled experts.
Car Transport from Gurgaon to Kerala
Are you thinking of the possibility of moving in Kerala? VehicleShift offers vehicles for transportation from Gurgaon and Kerala along with a broad variety of insurance options guaranteeing safety during the trip.
Car Transport from Gurgaon to Bhopal
Car transport from Gurgaon to Bhopal is not easier thanks to VehicleShift's expert services that guarantee prompt and safe delivery to Bhopal's central part of the city.
Car Transport from Gurgaon to Kolkata
If you're thinking of moving into Kolkata You can trust VehicleShift to handle the transport of your car between Gurgaon to Kolkata. Their skilled team will ensure that your vehicle is transported safely.
Car Transport from Gurgaon to Bangalore
Bangalore the Silicon Valley of India, attracts thousands of people to relocate each throughout the year. Transporting car from Gurgaon to Bangalore via VehicleShift ensures that your car arrives safely and with no problems.
Car Transport from Gurgaon to Bhubaneswar
Are you planning to move from Bhubaneswar? VehicleShift provides the most secure transport for your car starting from Gurgaon all the way the hill to Bhubaneswar to make sure that your car is treated and treated with respect throughout the entire journey.
What should you look for Car Transport Company in Gurgaon?
When choosing the ideal transportation service for your car for Gurgaon It is vital to consider various factors to ensure your car is in safe hands.
The experience Find companies that have solid track records and a track record of transportation by vehicle.
Customer Reviews Reviews that are positive like those for VehicleShift are a reliable indicator of the reliability and quality of services.
Security from insurance Select an insurance provider which provides insurance for your vehicle during transport.
Timely Delivery Examine the reliability of the company's delivery times.
Variety of Services Find out if the business offers a variety of options, such as automobile carriers which are open and enclosed to satisfy your needs.
Smooth and Secure Car Shifting Services
Moving a vehicle requires expertise and knowledge and skilled car shifting services can help you make the process easy. Companies such as VehicleShift can ease the burden of the process by providing full services for moving vehicles that include pickup transportation, delivery and pick-up.
Their expertise in the area of shifting vehicles will ensure that your vehicle is in good condition throughout your entire journey. If you're moving to a city in the local area or across the country the services offered by VehicleShift are specially designed to be able to handle everything from tiny cars to extravagant ones.
How do you prepare for Car Transportation from Gurgaon
If your vehicle is being transported, there are several steps you can do to ensure the process is as smooth as possible:
Make your Car Clean Verify that your vehicle is clean inside and outside to enable simple tests.
Get Personal Property Get rid of all personal items inside the vehicle, since they're not covered under the insurance coverage of the transport company.
Find any damage Check your car for scratches, dents or other damage. Take photographs.
Be sure to have fuel in a low level. It's recommended to keep just one-quarter of a tank in your vehicle to be used for transportation.
deactivate alarms If your vehicle has an alarm system for security, disabling it will eliminate unnecessary alarms when your travels.
Rely on VehicleShift for safe Car Transport in Gurgaon
If you're planning to relocate within the region or across India Expert transport services for cars coming from Gurgaon is essential for the smoothest and most stress-free relocation. VehicleShift is recognized as a reliable car transport provider in Gurgaon and provides safe fast, reliable and prompt service to various destinations like Pune, Mumbai, Bangalore and many more. With an outstanding reputation and glowing reviews of VehicleShift it's easy to transfer your vehicle to their services. Beginning to finish their expert team will manage your vehicle with complete care and will ensure it's a seamless and secure experience for every customer.
In addition to providing reliable car transport in Noida, we also offer professional car transport services in Mumbai. Whether you're relocating within Mumbai or moving your vehicle to another city, our trusted car movers and packers Mumbai ensure that your car reaches its destination safely and on time. With our wide range of services, including car shifting from Mumbai to Delhi, Pune, Bangalore, and more, you can rely on us for smooth and secure vehicle transportation.
If you're ready to move, consider VehicleShift to enjoy the best in transportation services for cars. Let them handle the transportation of your vehicle to allow you to focus on settling to your new home.
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Co-Living in Washington DC
Are you seeking for a comfortable co-living in Washington, DC? Then, the apartment rentals on Dahlia Street NW from Clover at The Parks is the No.1 choice. Dahlia Street NW apartments are well-liked because of their excellent location and luxurious features. These apartment are specifically situated for the convenience of the residents. It's very accessible to go to the parks, stores, and restaurants in the area. In fact, this makes these apartments highly sought for. Get the co-living spaces you're looking for, plus, the modern finishes, roomy floor plans, and practical features like a fully-stocked fitness facility, club lounge, bar, mail room, BBQ grills, courtyard lounge, and more. For further information on apartments, give Clover at The Parks' leasing office a call at (771) 777-9757.
Pros of Living in Washington, DC
Washington, DC, has an extensive public transportation network, including the Metro, buses, and bike-share programs, which makes it one of the best cities in the USA for commuting and accessing amenities. This system reduces traffic congestion and pollution, which makes living in D.C. a convenient one. However, the city also faces seasonal weather extremes, with hot summers and cold winters. The summer months can be particularly hot, while winters can bring significant snowfall and icy conditions, but these weather seasons are all perfect for what we call balance. Also, the diverse culinary scenes in Washington offer an array of international and American cuisines, including Michelin-starred restaurants, food trucks, farmers' markets, specialty food shops, and food festivals. Washington is a foodie's paradise, and it enhances the city's cultural richness.
Smithsonian Institution
The Smithsonian Institution is a place that everyone should visit. If you're interested in history, culture, and science, the Smithsonian Institution is a great place. This vast complex of museums offers a wide range of exhibits in art, history, science, and culture. I like that this institution offers a free admission so it's a great place to learn something new, explore diverse cultures, and be inspired. There's something for everyone to enjoy from the National Air and Space Museum to the National Museum of Natural History. With its world-class collections and engaging exhibits, the Smithsonian Institution is a truly unforgettable experience for all its visitors.
Johnny Cash Statue Heads to Washington
A statue of Johnny Cash, sculpted by artist Kevin Kresse, is set to be unveiled in Washington, D.C., at the U.S. Capitol. The eight-foot-tall statue is the second from Arkansas to replace two existing statues representing the state at the Capitol. The statue, enclosed in a wooden crate behind a tractor-trailer, will be unveiled on September 24. Arkansas sent the statue to replace two existing ones at the Capitol for over 100 years. The Legislature 2019 voted to replace the two statues with Bates and Cash. Cash, born in Kingsland, Arkansas, died in 2003 at 71. He was among the few artists inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
Link to Map Driving Direction
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History 10th St. & Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20560, United States
Head west on Constitution Ave. NW toward 12th St NW 37 sec (0.1 mi)
Turn right onto 12th St NW 3 min (0.5 mi)
Take 16th St NW to Fort Stevens Dr NW 21 min (4.8 mi)
Turn right onto Fort Stevens Dr NW 2 min (0.4 mi)
Drive to Georgia Ave NW 3 min (0.9 mi)
Clover at The Parks 1155 Dahlia St NW, Washington, DC 20012, United States
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bdi-wear-parts · 5 days
Comprehensive Guide to Crusher Parts
Crushers play a crucial role in mining, quarrying, and recycling operations by reducing large rocks, ore, and other materials into smaller, more manageable sizes. To maintain optimal performance and reliability, it’s important to understand the various components that make up these machines and their unique functions. This guide provides an in-depth overview of everything you need to know about crusher parts.
1. Frame or Housing
The frame or housing is the structural backbone of the crusher parts for sale. It provides support for all the other components and ensures they are properly aligned. The frame must be sturdy and durable to withstand the heavy loads and vibrations generated during the crushing process.
2. Jaw or Rotor
The jaw or rotor is the crusher part Canada that actually performs the crushing action. In jaw crushers, two opposing jaws (fixed and movable) work together to compress and break the material. In rotary crushers, a rotor with attached hammers or teeth rotates rapidly, impacting the material and causing it to fracture.
3. Crushing Chamber
The crushing chamber is the enclosed space where the crushing action occurs. It is designed to contain the material to be crushed and allow it to be gradually reduced in size as it passes through the machine. The chamber may be lined with wear-resistant materials to extend its lifespan.
4. Feed Mechanism
The feed mechanism is responsible for delivering the material to the crushing chamber. It may consist of a conveyor belt, hopper, or vibrating feeder. The feed mechanism must be able to handle the volume and type of material being crushed while ensuring a consistent and controlled feed rate.
5. Discharge Mechanism
Once the material has been crushed to the desired size, it needs to be discharged from the crusher. The discharge mechanism may consist of a conveyor belt, chute, or other device that transports the crushed material away from the machine.
6. Drive System
The drive system provides the power to operate the crusher. It may include an electric motor, diesel engine, or hydraulic motor. The drive system must be powerful enough to generate the required torque and speed to effectively crush the material.
7. Lubrication System
Proper lubrication is crucial for ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of a crusher. The lubrication system ensures that all moving crusher parts for sale Canada are adequately lubricated to reduce friction, wear, and heat generation.
8. Safety Features
Crushers must be equipped with safety features to protect operators and equipment from potential hazards. These features may include guards to restrict access to dangerous areas, emergency stop buttons, and sensors to detect overloads or malfunctions.
In conclusion, crusher parts Canada play a vital role in ensuring the efficient and reliable operation of crushing equipment. Understanding the function and importance of each part is crucial for maintaining and optimizing the performance of your crusher. Regular maintenance and timely replacement of worn-out parts can extend the lifespan of your crusher and ensure it continues to deliver the desired results.
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ref-24 · 6 days
Efficient Solutions for Managing Temperature-Sensitive Goods in the Cold Chain
Ensuring the integrity of temperature-sensitive goods across the supply chain is vital for industries such as agriculture and pharmaceuticals.
Here are some effective solutions for managing the cold chain and ensuring the quality and safety of perishable products:
 1. Modern Temperature Monitoring Systems
Constant temperature monitoring is essential for effective cold chain management. Advanced systems equipped with wireless sensors and IoT connectivity enable real-time tracking and fast response to temperature fluctuations. These technologies minimize the risk of product spoilage and regulatory violations. Predictive analytics capabilities can also help prevent unnecessary recalls.
 2. Automated Cold Chain Management Software
Adopting software solutions that integrate data for runtime tracking, reporting, and comprehensive analytics can streamline cold chain operations. These systems optimize the use of assets, information, and logistics, enhancing productivity and traceability. In highly regulated environments and for consumer confidence, automated software is vital for ensuring accountability throughout the supply chain.
 3. Smart Packaging Solutions
Proper packaging is key to maintaining the temperature of enclosed goods. Phase-change materials (PCMs) and vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) help regulate container temperatures during transportation. PCMs absorb or release heat as needed, while VIPs protect against excessive internal temperature changes. These smart packaging solutions reduce the risk of temperature excursions, ensuring products arrive in optimal condition[.
 4. Reliable Refrigeration Systems
Reliable refrigeration equipment is essential for maintaining the integrity of the cold chain. Modern refrigeration technologies conserve energy while maintaining required temperatures. Regular maintenance and calibration, along with backup power systems like generators or UPS, guarantee continuous refrigeration even during power outages to safeguard temperature-sensitive products.
 5. Effective Inventory Control
Applying inventory control principles like first-in, first-out (FIFO) helps eliminate stock risks. Accurate demand forecasting enables precise inventory control, reducing unnecessary expenses and storage space. Effective inventory management is a key component of cold chain logistics.
 6. Staff Training and Best Practices
Well-trained staff who adhere to best practices for handling temperature-sensitive goods is essential for maintaining the cold chain. Providing emergency response training and educating workers on proper storage, temperature control, and room management helps avoid errors that could breach the cold chain
By combining advanced technologies, smart packaging, reliable equipment, and well-trained personnel, companies can effectively manage the cold chain and protect the quality of temperature-sensitive products. Refcold India, a leading exhibition showcasing cutting-edge cold chain solutions, offers a platform to stay informed about the latest developments in refrigeration and cold chain technology.
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mha-verdex · 6 days
Efficient Waste Management with Waste Carts
Effective waste management is crucial for maintaining cleanliness and efficiency in various settings, from industrial sites to commercial spaces. Waste carts are an essential tool in this process, designed to streamline the collection, transport, and disposal of waste. This blog explores the benefits of waste carts, how to select the right cart for your needs, and best practices for their use.
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The Role of Waste Carts in Waste Management
Waste carts play a significant role in waste management by offering a practical solution for handling and transporting waste materials. Their benefits include:
Efficiency: Waste carts are designed to make waste collection and transport more efficient. They can handle large volumes of waste, reducing the number of trips needed to dispose of or recycle materials. This improves productivity and minimises downtime.
Versatility: Available in various sizes and designs, waste carts can be used in a wide range of environments, including offices, warehouses, factories, and hospitals. Their adaptability makes them a valuable addition to any waste management system.
Safety: Proper waste handling is crucial for maintaining a safe work environment. Waste carts help reduce the risk of accidents associated with manual lifting and carrying. They allow for easier movement of waste materials, thereby improving workplace safety.
Hygiene: Waste carts with enclosed designs or lids help contain waste and prevent spills. This contributes to a cleaner and more hygienic environment, reducing the risk of contamination and unpleasant odours.
Choosing the right Waste Cart
Selecting the appropriate waste cart involves considering several factors to ensure it meets your specific needs:
Capacity: Choose a waste cart with the right capacity for your waste management requirements. Larger carts are ideal for high-volume waste, while smaller carts may be more suitable for areas with less waste. Consider the volume of waste generated and the frequency of disposal.
Material and Durability: Waste carts are typically made from materials such as heavy-duty plastic or metal. Plastic carts are lightweight and resistant to rust, making them suitable for indoor use. Metal carts, on the other hand, offer greater durability and are ideal for heavy-duty applications.
Design and Features: Consider the design features of the waste cart, such as wheels, handles, and lids. Wheels should be sturdy and able to navigate different surfaces smoothly. Handles should be ergonomic for comfortable pushing and manoeuvring. Lids and covers help control odours and keep waste contained.
Mobility and Maneuverability: Waste carts should be easy to move and manoeuvre, especially in tight or congested spaces. Look for carts with swivel wheels and a design that facilitates easy movement across various surfaces.
Compliance and Safety: Ensure the waste cart complies with relevant safety and regulatory standards. This includes features such as rounded edges and non-slip surfaces to prevent accidents and injuries.
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