#Engels should be thanked for fluff ending
coffee-in-veins · 2 years
Day 19: Decoration
an entry for darkest prompts promptober 2022  
previous days: 1, 2, 3,  4, 5, 6,  7,  8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
now available on ao3 too
Decoration NOUN - a thing that serves as an ornament; a medal or an award conferred as an honour.
In the life of any man who became a knight were major things that decided his knighthood, to a degree. Some more than others, but those were all an important part of the knight's identity, of his dignity.
And Reynauld thought himself a knight.
He had a horse – the best stallion he had ever seen, a beast of anger and well-deserved pride, fiery-tempered and quick-witted. With his pelt of blackened silver and a mane so lush many ladies should’ve been envious, Chernush was the black pearl of any stable he stayed in. Rey dotted over the beast. The knight was ashamed to admit it, but the tenderness the stallion received probably outweighed the care he had shown his son in the brief time he had seen him.
Then again, the steed he actually wanted…
Still, the horse truly deserved all the extra care and love he could spare. Not only because he had won the gorgeous steed at the annual jousting tournament from an old scumbag Lord Gregory of Kerakstead who was belittling him for years for being removed from the family bloodline, and thus could rub his victory in by demanding the destrier as his prize – although, the crusader had to admit, that also was part of Chernush’s charm and significance. No, there was more to the stallion. His courage in battle, his gait, his speed and his stamina. Not to mention that Reynauld could spend hours, combing and braiding his mane and tail in the most fashionable way, showing off Chernush’s beauty.
The steed was a continuation of his knighthood, after all, knight’s ultimate symbol.
Then there was his armour. Trusty and well cared for, it had always been polished and its straps were constantly checked for any signs of leather cracks. There was some humiliation in having to take care of his own set of armour, without any help from a squire, but Reynauld learned to see it as a lesson in humility and an exercise in diligence, both of which were favoured by the Light. Not to mention that there was something remarkably soothing in the repeated motions of polishing the metal. The hard work at the moment meant his life would be saved later, so he could continue carrying out his duties.
Rey wouldn’t admit it out loud, but the most likely cared for the armoured plates far better than he cared for his own ageing and battered body. Both could withstand much punishment, but the people around him saw the armour, not the scars underneath. Thus, taking care of it took priority for someone of his social standing.
Then again, the flesh was weak, unlike the sacred steel.
The crusader cared for his sword even more than he did for his armour. After all, The Long Crusade and a family crest were all that reminded him of the life he so foolishly lost, and of the bloodline that disowned him. If he was to forget his biggest mistake, how could he avoid similar ones in the future? The knight ought to always strive to be better, to improve. The strife of perfection and Light’s approval was just as much part of his knighthood as the steed, the armour, the sword and the crest.
So where did it leave him now?
His beloved steed fell on the road, diminished to the pile of hurting, trashing flesh by a bunch of blackguards. The prized destrier was reduced to a broken crying heap in front of Reynauld’s very eyes. When the frenzy of righteous anger faded, he was left with the gruesome task of giving final mercy to his mutilated companion.
His armour, so cared for and invaluable, was torn and dented in the last expedition to the cursed Estate. Although it saved his life against the crushing grip of carrion devourers, it paid a hefty price for that. The cuirass was torn beyond repair and half of the tassets were lost in the battle. This caused the crusader to be stranded worse than fish out of water, shell-less, useless, and lacking his usual calming point.
Not to mention that he lost his family crest! He took the trinket with him, hoping to find solace in the memories, but instead found only depths of despair when he regained consciousness and realized it wasn’t there.
Could anyone blame him for doting over the Long Crusade, now? The sword was the last remaining strand of his sanity, the only blessed thing that still, somehow, allowed Reynauld not to lose his knightly identity. His Knighthood. Himself.
Everyone understood and gave him time and space to grieve. Maybe they couldn’t understand what he was grieving over, chalking it to frugality and having to spend a small fortune on the new armour, but they gave him peace nonetheless.
“Yer obsessing o’er that sword worse than a newlywed over his wife’s tits, tin man.”
Of course, then there was Dismas.
He couldn’t understand, Rey reminded himself, resorting to the politest grumble he was capable of:
“Not now, Dis.”
Usually, that was enough. Apparently, not today, as the rogue soundlessly stepped to him and plopped on the cot nearby, poking the jars of oils, rugs and the assortment of whetstones with curiosity.
“Ain’t it better done, y’know, somewhere which is not a bed?”
Rey pinched the bridge of his nose and forced out curt:
“Ye start t’ worry me, tin man, bringing an iron poker instead of a woman t’ yer cot…”
The rogue’s eyes were too dark and too understanding for just some ex-brigand.
“Ah, not in the mood, are ye? What ‘bout that Light-y thing later, with candles n’ lanterns n’ those fancy pictures?”
“Icons,” the crusader corrected without thinking. “The All Saints’ procession.”
“Yeah, that.”
The knight – was he even one, after all he had lost? – had the decency to look away, grip on the sword tightening.
“I’m not going.”
“Oh? Why’s that? I saw ye washed yer black surcoat.”
Forcing the words out, true as they were, was far harder than the crusader thought.
“I’m not worthy.”
“Aw, shite. That’s a shame, y’know?” Dismas drawled, leaning back. “This ornament would’ve looked amazing on black.”
There was a rustle, and when he looked at the highwayman, his dark eyes were squinted in a way that meant an obvious grin. He was offering him something, Rey realized and looked back to see…
Party per pale Or and Sable, a lion rampant counterchanged, bordure Argent. Eared top shield, French base. On top of it, affronted Argent knight’s helm crested with horsehair plume Gules, and behind it, two swords saltire, Argent.
Reynauld looked up, all words lost in awe and affection, and the caring, insufferable bastard grinned openly, black eyes filled with mirth.
“Happy All Saints’ day, Rey.”
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nephilimsarchive · 5 years
Engel | Jealous Ville Valo x reader imagine
Summary: You join your boyfriends band to celebrate the end of their tour. One of your costars and friends is there too, much to Villes dismay.
Note: fluff, very slight angst 
had to repost my fics bc my old acc got flagged, sorry! x 
Word count: 1486
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“This is our last song for tonight”, he declared in his baritone as the first chords of When Love And Death Embrace begun playing. Your eyes followed his every movement from the side of the stage. “I’m in love with you..“ he sang and shot you a wink. The two of you have been together for almost four years now, yet Ville never ceases to amaze you. One stare of his viridescent eyes was enough to make your heart swell and your legs grow weak. When he was on stage he was alive, and you barely loved anything more than seeing him like this. The only thing better than this was the thought of finally having him all to yourself again, and him pressing his sweaty body against yours after the show. You gripped the metal bars tighter as you heard him purr the last lines of the song. A roar of applause and cheers lit up the stadium as the last show of the tour came to an end.
A radiant smile shone on his face, which you couldn’t help but return as he jogged towards you. „Y/N!“, he exclaimed as he scooped you up in his arms, spinning you and setting you down again. Both of you laughed. „Anteeksi, I’m kind of sweaty right now.“, he then said. In response, you wrapped your arms tighter around him, kissing his mouth,then his neck. „Who say’s I mind?!“ You smirked at the look he gave you, his pupils dilating ever so slightly. „I can’t wait to take you home, kultaseni…“, he whispered and stepped away slowly, leaving you there with a smile playing on your lips.
And as much as you would’ve liked following him into the shower right there and then, you sadly had other plans. Ville and you had promised to accompany the other bandmates to a local bar in celebration of yet another successful tour. So here you were, in your VIP booth of a bar called „Engel“. The place was beautiful, the perfect mixture of classy and sultry rock‘n‘roll. The bordeaux leather couch was soft beneath you as Metallica blasted through the speakers.
Ville sat next to you, slinging a lazy arm around your shoulder, shooting you a dazzling smile. „You look beautiful, Y/N.“, murmured Ville, leaving a lingering kiss on your cheek. Oh, how you cherished moments like this. Being so close to him, feeling him stroke your arm gently and exchanging sweet nothings. You could completely forget the rest of the world around you, if it wasn’t for Burtons constant teasing.
„Get a room, you two.“, Burton called, much louder than necessary. „Oh, fuck off.“, scoffed Ville, clearly amused as you rolled your eyes, blushing nonetheless. „I seriously can’t believe you two still act like horny teenagers after being in a relationship for this long.“ You grinned at him. „Ohhh, ‘s somebody jealous? Should I go and have some girl talk with your wife about it?“ Burton flipped you off then, roling his eyes. „I think it‘s cute, I‘m happy for you guys.“, Mige chimed in, „but he does have a point, you know?“ Laughing, you got up and excused yourself. „Whatever. I‘m going to head to the bar and see what they‘ve got. Anyone want something?“ “Surprise me, love.“, Ville said as everyone else shook their head.
Smoothing out your figure-hugging black dress, you made your way past the dance floor to the bar. Running a hand through your long wavy hair you skimmed the menu, when suddenly you hear an all too familiar voice call out. “Hello stranger!“. His blue eyes twinkle in delight as he stands next to you. „Now if that isn‘t my favourite Co-Star.“ „Misha! It‘s nice to see you, too.“, you hugged him, „What are you doing here? Aren‘t you guys busy shooting?“ And just like that, the conversation flowed. You had met Misha Collins on the set of Supernatural, and you clicked immediately, becoming very close friends - much to Villes dismay. After your character in the show was killed off, you and Misha stayed in contact but saw each other less and less due to your busy schedules. Both of you were actors on the peak of their career, which is exactly what made coincidences like this so pleasant.
You almost laughed tears at one of Misha jokes as you remembered your initial task. Looking back at where your boyfriend was sitting, you noticed how he’s been staring back, a blank expression on his face. Misha noticed the direction of your stare. “Oh, I’m sorry.”, he said, lightly touching your arm, “Have I been keeping you up? You probably wanted to get something to drink, right? Whatever it is, it’s on me.” Smiling, you thanked him and ordered two non-alcoholic cocktails. At that, Misha quirked one of his eyebrows up, a surprised expression on his features. You explained that Ville has stopped drinking and that you supported him completely. “He is a lucky guy.”, Misha winked while walking away, “I’ll see you around.”. You smiled and said your goodbyes.
You turned around to walk back to your booth, but unexpectedly were greeted with the pair of emerald eyes you loved so much. Only that those eyes didn’t hold as much adoration as you would’ve liked. He grabbed a drink from your hands and wordlessly sat down on a barstool. „You alright, love?“, you asked, sitting next to him. He said nothing, avoiding your stare. „Ville?“
Suddenly he turned to you, his cold expression catching you off guard. „I don’t know, love.“, he spat, mocking the pet name you had used, „Would you feel peachy if I told you I’d get drinks, and then ended up all cozy with some other woman?“.
He was talking about Misha. Disbelief etched itself into your face, your eyebrows raised. „Ville, are you jealous?“ He grunted in response, which was all the answer you needed. „As much as Misha and I might get along, you know we’re just friends, right?“ Ville scoffed, a strand of his hair dangling in the air. „If you’re just friends, then what’s up with all the light touches, and you laughing at his jokes so damn much? And i swear to Ozzy, if I see him wink at you one more time…”
You fought the urge to roll your eyes at his behavior. He was the man of your dreams and you were more than happy to be with him, how he could still doubt that after years of being together - you had no clue.
„Ville, rakkain..“, you started calmly, running your hand down his arm gently. „Misha may be nice and funny“, that earned you a glare, „but he’s got absolutely nothing on you. I love you, and I have been for the past 4 years. And you should know that by now.”, you told him, taking his hand into yours. “You are the most talented, handsome and caring man I’ve ever met. Nothing makes me as happy as spending time with you does. I love how passionate you are, I love how safe you make me feel. You make me smile even when I don’t want to, and I wouldn’t ever want to have another day go by without you by my side.“
His thumb brushed your knuckles then, the look in his eyes softening as he looked into your eyes, searching for any traces of a lie. He found none. An idea popped into your head then. An equally evil and seductive grin formed on your face. You leaned close to him and put a hand on his thigh for support. „Besides…“, you brushed your lip against his his, „You are so very sexy. Absolutely sinful, really. Nobody can turn me on like you do. And oh my, have I been missing you lately. Laying between the silky sheets all alone…”, The grip on your other hand tightened ever so slightly. “How often I imagined you coming back through that door, your skin on mine, your kisses traveling down my body, being all yours.”, you moved your head back a little, giving him an innocent look. A low growl escaped him as as his hand moved to cup your cheek, claiming your lips. The kiss was far from gentle, it was territorial, pleading. It held all the passion that had built up from months of being apart. It left you breathless, wanting.
Way too soon he broke the kiss, panting heavily. His eyes had turned a darker shade of green, a storm brewing inside of them. He got up then, threw some money on the counter to pay for your nowhere near finished drinks and took your hand, helping you up. His eyes traveled over your body, taking in the sight before him. Licking his lips subconsciously, he lifted his head and looked you in the eyes, “Home. Now.”
And you were more than happy to comply.
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Fluff Alphabet: Cesaro
A fluff alphabet of the Swiss Superman that I wrote for the lovely @helluvawriter from my last writing blog. Hope you all enjoy!!
(gif by me)
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?): Cesaro has this romantic poetic side to him that he tends to show around you and only you these days. There are two things he’s found attractive about you: your eyes and your smile. He sees the eyes as the window to your soul and true feelings. He could get lost in them. And your smile...god your smile. So bright and happy whenever you smile at him. It never fails to make him smile back at you.
As far as you go, the list can go on and on about what you find attractive in Cesaro. But if you had to pick just one? It would definitely have to be his smile. He’s been a little insecure at times lately since he’s been wearing braces. During those times, you always make sure to find little ways to remind him that he still has a great smile.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?): Cesaro definitely wants a family but it’s not something he’ll rush into. He knows and understands the responsibilities of having children and doesn’t want to share you until he’s ready. He’ll want to enjoy your time together first. Cesaro wants a family because he likes the idea of raising children with the one he loves with all of his heart. Having mini-yous and hims to carry on your legacies. He looks forward to the day you two decide to start a family.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?): Your man loves to cuddle and will sneak it in at every chance he gets. Majority of the time, he loves to wrap his arms around you with your head resting on his chest. He knows how safe and loved it makes you feel. And every now and then, he’ll love when you’re laying down and you offer a cuddle the same way he holds you. He loves resting his head on your chest and listening to your heartbeat. 
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?): Dates with Cesaro are thoughtful and romantic. He loves getting dressed up with you and taking you to nice restaurants but he also tends to think of a reason why he chose that restaurant, such as it’s a new place you’ve always wanted to try or you wanted to go back because of a previous memory you two shared. One time, he took you to this lovely restaurant when he took you to visit him home town. After that, you two ended up on a walk  where he showed you some of his favorite places to go before you two found a pool. You two decided to go for a swim. It was something so simple but yet so romantic.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)): “I love you, mein engel…” Cesaro will say every chance he gets. It took him a while before he finally told you that he calls you his angel in his native Swiss German. He knew you’d rather hear the translation from him than the internet. After he told you what he’s calling you, he’ll say it in English once in a while.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?): It was one of the simplest of moments when he knew he was in love with you. You were busy reading a book, completely caught up in the story, when you gasped at a certain part. Cesaro was on his phone and looked up when you gasped. He smiled lightly at how captivated you were that it got a reaction out of you. That’s when he realized that he was in love with you.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?): Cesaro is very gentle. He knows there can be a rough side to him considering what he does for a living but he makes sure that you know he cares so much about you. He tells you in the gentle kisses and the way he touches you.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?): He likes to hold hands with your fingers laced together. He’ll look to hold your hand while the two of you are watching TV in bed or just walking around. With your fingers entwined together sometimes his thumb with trace up and down yours.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?): In the beginning, Cesaro thought you were beautiful, kind and humble. The more time he got to spend with you he saw you as funny and even awkward but he loved that about you.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?): He isn’t a very jealous person. Mostly because he knew that not only were you all about him, but that if anyone tried anything he knew you’d make sure it would be known that you were taken. But there will be rare moments where jealousy rears its ugly head. And it’s not because he doesn’t trust you but because he doesn’t trust whoever is trying to hit on you.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?): Cesaro is a slow, passionate kisser. It’s the romantic in him and he loves to savor the feel on your lips on his. It was actually you who initiated the first kiss. He was so caught up in his head about when he should kiss you that it had been a few dates before you just couldn’t take it anymore.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?): You were the first to say I love you. Cesaro is a man who takes his time to think things through and he wanted to be sure before he said it. He didn’t want to say it unless he meant it because it would only hurt you in the end. When you said it, he was surprised but he was flattered by it. He had to stop you when you started ranting about how he didn’t have to say it back. He told you that he’s happy that you felt comfortable enough to tell him and that he wasn’t so sure he was ready to say it yet. He had been hurt in the past and he wanted to take his time which seemed to be longer than most people. He wanted you to be open with how you felt so if you ever wanted to say it again, he wouldn’t mind it. He also made sure that you knew that he would say it to you...he knew it he just needed to work through some past feelings. 
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?): His favorite memory of the two of you was your first getaway together. Normally most couples go to the beach or somewhere warm but he took you to a snowy cabin in the woods. He wanted to have you all to himself and use the excuse to cuddle you for warmth. But the thing that came to mind the most was when the two of you were sitting in front of a fire, covered in a blanket when the power went out. You two spent the outage using the fire as a source of light and played some board games that were left behind. 
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?): He wants to but you won’t let him spoil you. He’ll pick his battles and sometimes buy it behind your back to surprise you with later. But if you mention you want something, he’ll play it cool but buy it for you anyway, depending on what and when you need it. If you need it for work, for example, he’ll buy it immediately. Other times are for gifts for your birthday or Christmas. You always find yourself surprised by this but thankful. You make sure to return the surprise at a later time in a similar way.
O = Orange (What color reminds them of their other half?): It’s two: black and grey. It’s colors that he sees everywhere but he associates them with you. He thinks of you because it reminds him of when you borrow his shirts (which also happen to be his merch) and wear them around. 
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?): Cesaro likes to call you darling, babe and beautiful. He knows they’re simple and maybe even cliche but it just comes out of his mouth. It’s what he calls you when he’s not referring to you as “mein engel”.
Q = Quaint (What is their favorite non-modern thing?): He is a big fan of the James Bond franchise and he still owns a VCR. While he has the films on DVD and Blu-Ray as well, nothing beats having to watch his favorite movies on VHS.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?): Cesaro will take this as an opportunity to keep you in bed and be lazy all day. He’ll even be willing to get up and either make or go get some coffee for you two. He loves his coffee…
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?): Cesaro is an animal lover so when he’s feeling down, he’ll google pictures of puppies, kittens and other cute animals. If he knows you’re feeling down he’ll send you those pictures. If he can’t cheer himself up, he’ll always call you and see if you could come over. Majority of the time, you’re available and you come over and make his favorite meal. If you need cheering up, he’ll bring you over some junk food and cook for you.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?): He likes to talk about everything and anything with you. You guys will talk about movies, TV, your future, travel plans. It can get pretty random too. One minute you two are driving to the next arena and the next you guys are debating over who was the best villain in the James Bond series.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?): When you aren’t with him, Cesaro likes to cook. It helps him to clear his mind and just focus on the task in front of him. If you are with him, he’ll ask for you to rub his shoulders or gently scratch his head as he lays in you lap or on your chest.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?): One of the main things he’s proud to show off is you. You’re so amazing and wonderful that he can’t help but show you off to the world. He prides himself on holding high personal values so he makes sure to present himself as a professional in both his personal and work lives. 
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?): Cesaro is a romantic so he makes sure to take you somewhere special. He chooses to take you somewhere meaningful to your relationship like one of your hometowns or somewhere you both enjoyed. He tries to play coy so that you won’t suspect him so he’ll be sure to take you out in similar ways of previous dates. He’ll be sure to end the night somewhere you have a beautiful view before he gets down on one knee and asks you the big question.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?): It’s weird. Whenever you hear ‘Suit and Tie’ by Justin Timberlake, it makes you think of your Swiss Superman. Cesaro is a well dressed man and you can’t help but think of him. Love song, for Cesaro, it’s ‘Vision of Love’ by Mariah Carey. Your Spotify was shuffling as he was driving once while you were sleeping and he listened to the lyrics. He thinks of you and your relationship when he heard it.
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?): Oh definitely. Cesaro thinks of getting married but he wants to take his time. He’s not gonna rush into it because he knows he doesn’t need papers to say he’ll spend the rest of his life with you. He’ll get them on you eventually but he’s gonna enjoy everything and every moment he has with you. 
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?): Animal lover to the core, choosing one pet would be hard. But if he had to choose, he would start with a dog. He has no preference as to the breed because he knows it’s gonna be the best doggo. 
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animes-trash · 7 years
Lawlicht Fanfiction : New Year’s night
Well this is a Lawlicht. I tried writing an OS, so I hope it’s not that bad ! And I’m sorry if there’s typo or wrong spellings. (Long post !) (Also, it’s fluff)
It was the 31th December and Licht was alone. He was in his hotel room, on his piano. He should have been with his parents in Austria this night, but because of the snowstorm all the planes were canceled. Kranz was busy with his stuff and didn’t really have time and Hyde was working in some of his part-time job.
“Why did he have to work even on this day ?” Licht muttered to himself. When his parents called him to ask if he was okay he responded that he didn’t really care of being alone. The truth is that he was feeling a little lonely. 
He celebrated his birthday and Christmas with his familly and Hyde, but his parents had to go back to their home and Licht should have come with them but he had one of his performance this day.
He always used to be alone. He had a few friends when he was a kid, but that wasn’t really his priority, he had his piano and a loving family. He didn’t need more.
But since Hyde arrived in his life, something has changed. 
Because of their distance limitation, they couldn’t be separed for more than a few hours. At first he really hated the vampire, but after Tsubaki’s attack, Licht started to feel different about him. He didn’t hated him anymore, and he surpringly appreciated his company, and even to like him more than as a friend. He was scared of that feeling in the beginning, but it seemed like Hyde felt the same way. None of them had really confess already, but it was as if they both knew that sometimes you don’t need words.
And with times he became used to that. So when he found himself alone for the new year, he felt a little sad, he was always with his family on that day since he was born.
Licht was sitting oh his piano, without any idea of what to play. He watched his phone, it was 11:30pm. He stared at the window, the snowstorm had calmed down now, but it was too late anyway.
His phone rang, scaring him. The name of Hyde appeared on the screen. 
“What do you want, Shit Rat ? Aren’t you supposed to be at you work now ?” Licht asked, but Hyde didn’t really answered his question, “Come down the hotel, in front of the entrance” and with that he hung up. Licht was pretty confused and at this moment he only wanted to kick him.
Questions filled Licht’s head but he decided to go. It’s not like he could do anything else anyway. He grabbed his jacket and close the door. He arrived in front of the entrance and he saw Hyde outside, waiting under the fine snow.
Licht sighed and went to see him. “What are you doing here Sh-” He stopped to talk when he noticed that he wore a suit and had a bouquet of red roses in his hand.
“What, can’t I take you out on the new year’s night now ? I wanted to suprise you.” Licht blushed as hell. “W- Wha-, it’s like a date or what ?” It was Hyde’s turn to blush now. “Well, ca- call it what you want” He handed him the bouquet. “So, come with me, tenshi-chan !”
Licht followed him as he began to walk down the street. “Where are we going ?” Licht asked, still blushing and confused. “You’ll see~” They continued to walk, they entered a park, it was one of the biggest park of the city who even had a small lake in it. 
They were both silent. It wasn’t an awkward silence, it was peaceful. Voices could be hear far away, Licht guessed it was there that Hyde was bringing him. The path was lit by streetlights and it was snowing. Licht walked closer to Hyde and, as he turned his head away, he made sure his hand touched Hyde's hand. He was too shy to ask him to grab his hand, so he made him understand in another way.
Hyde smirked and holded Licht’s hand. It warmed him, who didn’t think of taking gloves. They arrived in front of a small lake, people were sitting on the edge. Licht followed Hyde as he sat a little away from the other people.
“Can you tell me what are we doing here now ?” Licht asked. Hyde affiched a proud smile on his face. “You told me about the fireworks in Austria, and given that you couldn’t go this year, I wanted to bring you to these of Japan ! They’re pretty good too ! And also, you really thought I would let you alone on a day like this ?” Licht blushed and tried to hide it, but that failed. He watched his phone to distracte himself from Hyde’s eyes. It was 11:50pm.
“Oh ! I just remember, I have a gift for you Tenshi-Chan !” Licht stared at him with confused eyes. “It not my birthday or even Christmas anymore, Baka Hyde.” Licht didn’t understand what’s going on. “I wanted to give it to you on your birthday but your parents where here and I couldn’t catch you alone. I also didn’t want to randomly give it to you, so I decided to give it to you for the new year.”
Hyde gave him a small box wrapped in gift wrap. Licht opened it and found a black ring with two white wings on it with a golden border. His eyes widened when he saw that the words were engraved in gold on the inside of the ring. “Für mein Engel”
“It- It’s... beautiful... Th-thank you.” Hyde smiled and went closer as he took the ring and put it on Licht’s finger. Licht blushed furiously and Hyde laughed. “Aw, you’re so cute !” A little blush could be seen on Hyde’s cheek too. “I-I’m not blushing, Shit Rat ! It’s just that it’s cold !”
Hyde chuckled but after that he realized that Licht only had a little jacket. He took off his scarf and wrapped it on Licht’s neck. “Now, you wouldn’t be cold. I don’t want my angel to get sick.”
Licht was becoming even more red than before. The thing that made him blush that much was the scarf. It was warm and had Hyde’s scent. With that, he could hide his face.
At this moment a “boom” could be heard. It was the fireworks. It was now 00:00am, so it was the next year. Hyde leaned closer to Licht and whispered to his ear “Happy New Year, my Angel~” he backed off and smiled at him.
Licht rested his head on Hyde’s shoulder, wrapping his arms around him. “Happy New Year, my Demon.” Hyde passed his arm around Licht's shoulder and put him in a tight embrace.
They stayed like that for the whole show. Now it was almost the final, so the biggest, firework. Licht looked up and looked at Hyde, the fireworks reflected in their eyes. They stared at each other for a few seconds, the last firework exploded in a big “boom” and Hyde softly leaned over and kissed Licht’s lips. 
Licht soon responded to the kiss by moving his lips. Hyde put his hand behind Licht’s neck, deepening the kiss. Licht put his hands on Hyde’s shoulder. The fireworks ended and they had to break the kiss to breath. Their forehead pressed together, out of breath and smiling at each other.
It was not a bad New Year’s night, after all.
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