#Ennoble Technologies
ennobletechnologies · 10 months
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In today’s business world, social media is an essential tool for marketing and communications. With the right strategy, social media can help you reach new customers, build brand awareness, and drive leads and sales.
With so many different social media platforms out there, it can be hard to know which ones are right for your business. To help you out, we’ve put together a list of the five best social media platforms for business in 2023.
Keep reading to learn more about the best social media platforms for business in 2023!
Do Visit: https://ennobletechnologies.com/social-media/the-5-best-social-media-platforms-for-business-in-2023/
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sudoviansnelf · 2 months
I. part of "The Knight-Paladin Alphabet Headcanons"
I am creating headcanons for the Knight-Paladin Gelebor right here. Warning, there will be NSFW ones too, though way later (they aren't there yet).
Here are a 2 letters from the first chapter:
G — Grief — How do they process grief?
It is said that Auri-El could do naught but teach the Elvenfolk to suffer with dignity.
This paraphrase might not completely fall in line with the Falmer doctrines of faith, but the theme of being ennobled by martyrdom is common, starting with the very initiation to enlightenment undertaken in the pilgrimages to the Chantry of Auri-El.
True to his beloved culture, perhaps even influenced by it, he tends to mourn quietly. The Knight-Paladin seldom weeps openly. He harbors no desire for pity, for he believes a guardian ought to remain silent about his own sorrows. To impose his emotions upon another strikes him not only as inappropriate but profoundly selfish.
Therefore, he does not showcase the level of hurt he's under — a subtle display of melancholy at most. To be exact, he refrains from presenting strong emotions whatsoever, whether they're positive, negative or ambivalent.
K — Knowledge — Do they like learning new things? Do they possess any piece of wisdom unknown to others, or is perhaps forbidden?
Needless to say, he possesses boundless knowledge of the old ways and Nirn from the dawn of the First Era, which would prove a miraculous source of information for today's scholars but probably not to anyone else. He is willing to share everything about the functioning of the Snow Elven Empire, Falmeri Pantheon, Falmereth’s traditions and convenances. He doesn’t necessarily have any forbidden knowledge, he has always strayed far from all wicked branches of magic (unlike him …).
He loves learning new things, always intently listening to any intel from adventurers if they would ever want to share a piece of their wisdom with him. The few books he took with him to the Darkfall Cave he reread countless times and on rare occasions a soul would graze him with new information about the outside world. Bit by bit, he learned of the change of the end of Atmorans’ active slaughtering of the Snow Elves, Chimer to Dunmer transformation, the disappearance of the Dwemer, the Oblivion crisis… 
If the Dragonborn would allow him so, he would politely inquire about all interesting questions that would pop in his mind on a guard for centuries. To be frank, any new information would be fascinating to him. Socioeconomic news, geopolitical landscape, developments in technology, or something about culture and arts — all he will lap up with utmost attention.
There are, of course, certain facts he is better off without being aware of. He certainly would fare far more peacefully without being notified about the existence of such pieces of art like “The Slaying of the Falmer Princes” or “Conquest of the Falmer”... Only Auri-El knows how the stoic Knight-Paladin might react to those obscene literary works.
Lord, help him if he discovers Brynjolf’s gig as a salesman.
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alias-milamber · 1 year
Six Gods
As part of the BitD campaign I just finished, I accidentally put together a pantheon. I defined three in play, and the others were vague concepts. As part of the process of excising the old campaign from my head to work on something new, I've fleshed out the other four in the same style, and now I'm publishing it here because I don't see a reason why not.
The Moon is all things that are no one single thing. The Moon is all things that exist on a spectrum, on a plane, a scatter graph of all the things that could be, with no specific things that are. Their domain is negotiation, discussion, neutral ground. Their altar was a soft cloth over a hollow table, where anything you placed change the nature of everything.
The Crab is all things that shall be improved, and shall be one. They are collective action and harmonisation, and endless iteration to a more perfect form. They are always changing, and insistent that all must change, to not improve is to die. To not improve towards their idea of perfection is to die. To object to what they think of as perfection is to oppose the Crab. Their domain was the ocean, the battlefield, the debate chamber; certainty and specificality. Their altar was a rock worn smooth by the sea, and it ran red.
The Forgotten is no things that are remembered. The Forgotten is there for those who no longer exist, and that which has fallen between the cracks of the world. They are the language unspoken, the book unread, the library burnt. Their domain is the room whose door was papered over when you remodelled, the cellar whose door was removed, of research and archology and the truth behind history. Their altar was an empty shelf of blank books.
The Mire is all things becoming all things. The life that decomposes into the ground and feeds the plants that feed the animals that feed the animals that feed the animals that worship the Mire. The brickwork that splits under the tree root, the log that covers the nest, the storm that burns the tree canopy and provides light to the plants below. The sword that cuts the neck of the hegemony and brings power to the people below. The domain of the Mire is the swamp and the revolution, the kitchen and the garden, the parliament and the graveyard. Their altar was a century old terrarium standing in the sun.
The Shadow is the site out of sight, the edges and the places defined by their absence. Not so much the places that don't exist, as the places that should not be entered, the danger and the hazard. Their domain is the sentient spell book and the diving cave; the office's of the devil's advocate and the trust in the fraying rope; The occult power that sings in your hand hides the Shadow, and they are the only one of six that can be seen by the conscious dead. Their altar was a puzzle box of hidden knives.
The sixth isn't, yet. Her diffuse existence swirls in the glittering gaps left by the Destitute, whose true name and form only remain in the realms of One of Six, who doesn't speak of it. The Six do not dwell on the possibility of mortality. The new deity's domain seems to revolve, and click, and whirr. It oozes and flows with viscid confidence, slicking the way. Sometimes it sparkles and crackles, and leaps with jagged steps. It had no altar. Not yet.
(The Destitute was once The Ennobled, and was a merchant/high society deity tied to the idea of fair trade between equals, and lie to and cheat the rest, but it was a bit on-the-nose as a late-stage-capitalism bit in a dark fantasy campaign, so I replaced it with some Goddess Rising stuff around technology, which is also a possible hook for a continuation in the same world, though probably not as a BitD campaign, and not any time soon. In my BitD campaign, the Gods were incarnated and sealed in a place where time no longer flows and it is forever night, which cuts them off from their own omnipresence and much of their power. The Crab God found a way to open a portal to the past, where he could connect to his former self and regain his domain.)
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rhetoricandlogic · 1 year
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‘The Old Drift’ Is a Dazzling Debut Spanning Four Generations
By Dwight Garner
March 25, 2019
Namwali Serpell’s audacious first novel, “The Old Drift,” is narrated in small part by a swarm of mosquitoes — “thin troubadours, the bare ruinous choir” — who declare themselves “man’s greatest nemesis.”
They’re a pipsqueak chorus, a thrumming collective intelligence, a comic and subversive hive mind. They are here to puncture, if you will, humanity’s pretensions.
“The Old Drift” is an intimate, brainy, gleaming epic, set mostly in what is now Zambia, the landlocked country in southern Africa. It closely tracks the fortunes of three families (black, white, brown) across four generations.
The plot pivots gracefully — this is a supremely confident literary performance — from accounts of the region’s early white colonizers and despoilers through the worst years of the AIDS crisis. It pushes into the near future, proposing a world in which flocking bug-size microdrones are a) fantastically cool and b) put to chilling totalitarian purposes.
Serpell’s mosquitoes observe the dozens of wriggling humans in this novel, and they are distinctly unimpressed. We were here before you, they imply. We will be here long after you are gone. In the meantime, thanks for the drinks.
The reader who picks up “The Old Drift” is likely to be more than simply impressed. This is a dazzling book, as ambitious as any first novel published this decade. It made the skin on the back of my neck prickle.
Serpell seems to want to stuff the entire world into her novel — biology, race, subjugation, revolutionary politics, technology — but it retains a human scale. It is filled with love stories, greedy sex (“my heart twerks for you,” one character comments), pot smoke, comedy, inopportune menstruation, car crashes, tennis, and the scorching pleasure and pain of long hours in hair salons.
Serpell is a Zambian writer; she was born in that country and moved to the United States with her family when she was nine. She teaches literature at the University of California, Berkeley.
There’s a vein of magical realism in her work — one woman cries almost literal rivers, another has hair that covers nearly her entire body and that grows several feet a day — that will spark warranted comparisons to novels such as Salman Rushdie’s “Midnight’s Children” and Gabriel García Márquez’s “One Hundred Years of Solitude.”
Serpell does not try to charm her readers to death. Her men and women are not cute (except, sometimes, to each other), and they are not caricatures. Even the most virulent racists in “The Old Drift” aren’t one-dimensional.
Serpell is a pitiless and often very funny observer of people and of society. She describes polo as “that strange game that seems like a drunken bet about golf and horse riding.” A man on a leather sofa is commended for “expertly unlocking that complex apparatus — a clothed woman.”
She offers this definition of “history”: “the word the English used for the record of every time a white man encountered something he had never seen and promptly claimed it as his own, often renaming it for good measure.”
Here she is on a young white woman in Zambia: “She seemed both weak and imperious, helpless yet haughty. In a word: British.”
This is a matrilineal epic. It is packed with grandmothers, mothers, daughters. They are hardly placed on pedestals or lit by false, ennobling, autumnal light. They’re all struggling. Some drop out of school, steal or dabble with skin-whitening creams. Some open businesses, others turn to prostitution. Still others turn to protest. Nearly all are hoping to find love and, in the interim, to avoid being raped.
This book is intensely concerned with women’s bodies. Dissertations will surely be written about the multiple meanings of hair in this novel. We’ve learned too much from male writers about what it’s like to walk the planet guided and plagued by one’s reproductive apparatus. This novel, with wit and sensitivity, flips and revises that familiar script.
One young woman gets her period on her wedding day. Her friends, her family, the many guests — they’re all here. “All she wanted,” Serpell writes, “was to be at home in bed, curled in a ball, alone and quietly bleeding.”
Serpell is keenly interested in olfactory information. She lingers on people and places and scent. In one scene, a blind woman smells eucalyptus and knows she is nearly home. In another, a mother dislikes her daughter’s “new teenagery smell,” described as “a melony-lemony-biscuity scent that Adriana found both puerile and daunting.”
The plot of “The Old Drift” is not simple to unpack. The book begins, at the start of the 20th century, at a colonial settlement on the banks of the Zambezi River called the Old Drift. A dam is being constructed that will change many lives, a dam that some will wish to bring down.
The first women we meet, beginning around 1940, are: Sibilla, a white girl so unusually hirsute that at one point later in life she will be referred to as “an NGO for hair”; Agnes, a “pale, mad” and blind British girl who marries a black professor and engineer; and Matha, a bright girl whose prospects collapse after she becomes pregnant. She is this novel’s copious weeper, “the heartbreak queen of Kalingalinga.”
We get to know their daughters. One operates “Hi-Fly Haircuttery & Designs Ltd” (and perhaps a shadier business); another is a stewardess who once had artistic ambitions. One of these daughters has a long affair with a doctor who is working on a vaccine for H.I.V.
About a potential vaccine, we get shrewd snippets of dialogue like this one: “‘Beta version,’ Naila scoffed. ‘They should just say black version. They’re testing it on us.’”
The third generation goes on to work on microdrones, on further AIDS research and on political protest, seeking redress for the wrongs of history. One character also works on the vexing future of wearable technology — digital beadlike chips, implanted into the skin, that with the help of permanent tattoos of conductive ink turn one’s hands into approximations of smartphones.
“Government is controlling us,” one character says near the end of the novel. “And the worst part is — we chose this. We held our hands out to them and said PLEASE BEAD US!”
Serpell carefully husbands her resources. She unspools her intricate and overlapping stories calmly. Small narrative hunches pay off big later, like cherries coming up on a slot machine.
Yet she’s such a generous writer. The people and the ideas in “The Old Drift,” like dervishes, are set whirling. When that whirling stops, you can hear the mosquitoes again. They’re still out there.
They sound like tiny drones. They sound like dread.
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fieldsofdrams · 26 days
Modifying Of Your Home Space: Luxury Pools And Landscape
Looking forward to changing the meaning of relaxation and elegance in your backyard? Then, the best option for it is to have luxury pools and landscape. These two combine to create an outdoor oasis that can seamlessly combine opulence with functionality. Here's how you'll achieve ultimate outdoor luxury.
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Charm of the luxury pools
Luxury swimming pools are no longer strictly a means to swim but have become the central or focal point of luxury outdoor living. Today, the luxury pools sport designs ranging from sleek infinity edges to naturalistic free-form shapes and high-quality finishes such as glass tile and natural stone, raising the bar on both looks and durability. Advanced technology for the pool area can be automated cleaning systems and energy-efficient heaters that can raise the experience to a very high level, rendering your pool not only beautiful but also amazingly functional.
Luxury pools and landscaping are integrated together
This is where the magic really happens the luxury pools and landscaping integrate together. A designed landscape can complement and improve your pool's aesthetic, creating a consistent and welcoming environment. Now, imagine a pool with a garden immaculately designed around it—some classy hardscaping appropriate lights placed in the right spots. This fusion gives a pool the appearance of belonging to the environs; the impression is that it is part of the area.
Enhancing the backyard with luxury pools and landscaping
Here is a list of ideas to consider when planning your luxury pool and landscape:
Design consistency: Make the pool design consistent with your overall landscaping theme. Whether you're going for a modern, minimalist, or lush tropical feel, the combination of consistency will give the whole area a coherent aesthetic look.
Outdoor living spaces: An outdoor living space should include an outdoor kitchen. Outdoor live-in elements such as fire pits or even a fireplace around the pool bring in comfort to maximize the functionality and time that can be spent outdoors. With such, more time is implied to be spent on the patio.
Lighting: Good lighting forms an integral part of a well-thought outdoor living area. Underwater LED lights will display your pool at night, thereby enhancing the beauty of the waters. Proper layout of the landscape lights will illuminate key garden features, as well as pathways.
Water features: Add elements such as waterfalls, fountains, or spa jets to make your pool a soothing resort. These elements help build a serene sound and add to the beauty of the pool.
Final Words
Beyond mere aesthetics, luxury swimming pools and landscapes are investments in the establishment and enhancement of a serene and sophisticated environment in the outdoors. With thoughtful integration, one could transform a backyard into that luxurious refuge representative of your style and elevate your quality of life. Whether you are doing it from scratch or looking to remodel an existing space, the right combination of luxury swimming pools and landscaping features will ennoble your outdoor living experience to new heights. To get the best landscape designing service, avail the service from the portal named Field of Dreams.
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ennoble-tech · 1 month
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Ennoble bestows greater nobility and superiority to its Clients, Business Partners and all Associates, designated distinctly. We are a team of Passionate Professionals from USA and India, who came together to create a Fascinating Work Force that can delve into the distinct needs and demands of our diversified businesses across the globe. Ennoble Technologies excels in delivering top-notch technical expertise as one of the best AI-enhanced SEO company in Hyderabad.
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sowmya · 2 months
10 Tips To Building An Efficient Sales Tech Stack
A sales technology stack or sales tech stack is a set of software tools and technologies that sales teams use to improve performance. A thoughtfully selected sales tech stack boosts teams’ efficiency and output, which eventually yields higher ROIs.
The goal of your sales team is to close as many excellent deals as they can.  So, the team can more quickly interact with prospects, optimize their communication, and smoothly move prospects through the sales pipeline with the right sales tech stack in place.A tech stack should include every required component, whether it is a CRM application or a sales ennoblement platform.
You may need to update your sales tech stack if it doesn’t seem to be giving you the outcomes you want. Here are ten tips for building an efficient sales tech stack if you want a fresh start.
Strategies to Building an Sales Tech
1.Prepare your sales team
You should try to educate your sales staff on their target prospects and the best technique to approach them before choosing a sales tech stack. It’s important to understand your product and how it works better. Once these two elements shake hands, you’re prepared to teach the rest of the world what you’ve learnt.
2.Research your current business situation
It enables you to learn what clients think of your business and goods. Additionally, you can discover goods you were unaware of. So that you can add any components that were left out or neglected when creating your sales tech stack.
Regardless of the product, the study should include a detailed evaluation of your potential market, competitors, market trends, growth expectations, and the most likely course of action.
3.Determine the importance of a sales tech stack
Before investing in the various components of your tech stack, it’s essential to determine why you need it and what your expectations are from it. You can’t just pick a bunch of tools and include those in your sales tech stack. Right? Understanding its importance to your company and building it properly is equally crucial. Once you get it, you can save your effort by choosing your way to build an efficient sales tech stack.
4.Sales tools you already have 
You might review and evaluate the sales tools you already have to see if they work for your company. The sales tech stack adapts as a business expands. Yes, you do have long-term growth objectives for your business. So, can your current tools satisfy your needs? Can you integrate those tools so they cooperate to provide better results?
5.Look for scalability
Whatever tools you have at your disposal to increase sales should motivate you to grow your company. After all, having a tech stack serves this purpose among others. Its scalability can drive your business further and allow you to improve and grow more. Therefore, the stack should be built so your company can quickly scale to generate consistent revenue without adding extra costs or resources.
6.Note down the crucial features
The sales tools you want to include in your sales tech stack must suit your business. Take your time and figure out which features you need to have for your sales team so they can close more deals. Which features align with the sales KPIs that you prioritise? You can then describe how to develop your sales technology stack.
7.Compare tools before purchasing
You may spend a lot of money on the tools. You should therefore contrast them before making a decision. The tools include sophisticated platforms for customer relationship management (CRM) and sales intelligence and analytics. So carefully compare them, and see which one helps you build an effective sales tech stack.
8. Choose the right tools
Establish the broad goals for the technology deployment, and then link those goals to the objectives. You can therefore find a tool that meets your demands. There are many various types of sales tools available on the market. Make a list of the necessary tools for CRM, account planning, lead generation, sales ennoblement platform, communication, sales reporting, and others.
9. Don’t over-stack your stack
You should be strategic when selecting sales technologies, as taking on too many tools at once can lead to new features and wasted money. Instead, sales teams should choose technologies that serve multiple strategic categories based on their feature set and functionality.
For example, a CRM system with built-in reporting capabilities can suit a sales team’s sales automation and data intelligence needs. By strategically selecting sales technologies, sales teams can save time and money while achieving their desired outcomes.
10. Set goals
The aforementioned advice is useless if you don’t have any ambitions. A digital toolkit is all that makes up a sales tech stack. Your sales team cannot close more deals simply because you built it. A automobile isn’t much use if you don’t know where to go! Setting goals is therefore required. Then you can create a productive sales tech stack for your team.
In conclusion, developing an effective sales tech stack for your company may be difficult. The ten suggestions in this article will therefore help you create a sales tech stack while saving you time and effort. However, keep in mind that just as your sales process differs from others, so should your sales technology stack. So don’t be afraid to learn about a new technology, see what it has to offer, and see how it may help your company.
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ennoble24 · 3 months
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Digital Marketing Agency in Hyderabad - Ennoble Technologies.
Ennoble Technologies offers top-notch digital marketing, web design and e-commerce solutions in Hyderabad.
Contact us today!
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2am-poetry · 4 months
Poetry Studies: Narrative Breakdown
"Sometimes I walk into the storm, just to feel the wind"
While that line alone sounds swell, without a *purpose* or *audience,* I as the *speaker* would only end up poetically rambling and while it might sound good to a novice, it would not be necessarily great. This is what makes the difference between general poets and poets like Edgar Allan Poe, Elizabeth Bishop or William Henley. Once a writer has a purpose, audience and speaker, picking words or diction becomes as easy as choosing colors for a painting to set a tone and mood of inspiration, especially the *title.* The best poems guide the reader through novelty and leave an aftertaste of sensation in their minds. "The best poems leave an aftertaste." is more quotable.
Drake is an excellent writer, but would likely lean more towards music than poetry consistently because of his legacy and the the immediate return on value. If I had to predict what he would write an excellent poem about, it would likely be about 1) [insert something] standing the test of time or 2) Elitely getting away with something but those are still assumptions and I gave two options for strategic options if distracted
"I forget to remember [blank] the [blank] of [month]ember, a [blank] that was always mine.." Every time I remember that line, it gets ever better, Yves Mathieu. When done properly, it feels like you've caught a time travel artifact, which may seem like an accident, but knowing the best writer's levels of intention, I would not think so. So IGNITE. "Good writing ennobles you." -such as the poem Invictus and my poem, "The Art Of Time Travel" is so good and effective, I may not ever need to again, yet I love the fun of writing, so I'm likely to start strongly adopting identities and doing personification.
What would it be like to have a song tied to a virtual location, save it once you visit and have that song be remixed further upon your journey? What other ways can art or songs be gamified? I want an Ai dragon that can speak poetically and eventually produce offspring with another Ai animal with unique AiDNA; thank Christopher Paolini for the inspiration. And what would it be like to visit an art show and use technology to collect an artpiece for a digital frame at home? All the monetization, tracing and uniqueness considered of course. Recall there is a dark planet where the first thing you touch glows red and the what you collect after that glows different colors and further gamification. I enjoy Litten and Glorilla and I am at Diamondback Gorillas. I remember saying that I turned the sea into data for people to shout anything into and I could turn all my notes blue now but, "Sometimes I walk into the storm, just to feel the wind..."
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Some days I feel like I can be rather dour on the state of architecture, but its important to note that the seeds of architectural and cultural renewal are around us, even if they don't get the type of time and attention they deserve. Consider the case of the traditional neighborhood Cayela, an absolutely beautiful neighborhood in Guatemala that was built within the past 15 years.
Critics are quick to point out that such a place is a haven for the rich and wealthy. Such criticism though sidesteps modern architecture's own history of income stratification and inability to build communities that cultivate a sense of belonging and attachment. I harbor no delusions about traditional architecture as a panacea for society's ailments, but I do cling to the old fashioned notion that great architecture can be ennobling and elevate the ordinary experiences of life.
I think about growing up in North Carolina and going on a beach vacation. We went to Wrightsville Beach a lot and there it was easy to witness the income stratification the is engendered by modernism. Just to the north of our resort was Figure Eight Island. Figure Eight was inaccessible to the general public, even though it seemed tantalizingly close to our resort. Wrightsville beach itself though was a place for upper-middle class folks and a couple of nights at the resort were not exactly cheap. A few miles further down road towards US 17 and you would hit the Wilmington city limits and then you would start to see humble brick ranches and bungalows that were attainable for lower middle and working class folks. This type of income stratification is not without precedence in history, but I think Modernism, with its overemphasis on efficiency, creates a kind of vacuum of meaning where material differences become all the more readily apparent.
In short, there is plenty of wealth and prosperity to be found here, but what is it in service to? To look at the modern American landscape there is no high purpose being communicated, which binds us to the land. Not only is this landscape stratified by income, there is nothing communicated in the buildings and their interactions with the public realm, aside from maybe a fleeting belief in progress. This belief in progress though grows dimmer over time as we become further removed from Modern Architecture's heyday in the 50's and 60's. In Cayela though, elite wealth and taste are in service of a community and are an extension of the history and culture of the region. In spaces like these, where the private and public realms can casually interplay with each other, the gaps between the classes don't seem quite as stark.
Critics of traditional architecture are reluctant to acknowledge the many failures of Modern Architecture in building community, though they are quick to wrap themselves around the mantle of technological progress and insist that abandoning the modern architecture paradigm is akin to abandoning progress itself. Having been around long enough to spend days and nights in exemplary traditional developments I will say that they are, first and foremost, living and breathing communities. Do they embody many of the failures of individuals and society at large? Of course! Any community of any significant size will tend to inherit the failings of culture around it. A community though bound in the traditions and practices of prior generations may, just may, point us to the best we can hope to accomplish and remind us to ground our daily labors in what is good, true and beautiful.
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ennobletechnologies · 11 months
7 Effective Ways to Boost Your Organic Social Media Reach as a Remodeler or Custom Builder
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As a remodeler or custom builder, you want to make sure your social media posts are reaching as many eyes as possible. You’ve likely already put a lot of effort into perfecting your website design and content, so now it’s time to focus on growing your organic social media reach. Here are 7 effective ways to give your reach a boost.
The world of organic social media reach for remodelers and custom builders can be a tough one to crack. You want to make sure your social media posts are reaching as many eyes as possible, but you also don’t want to spend a fortune on ads. The good news is, there are a few effective ways to boost your organic social media reach without breaking the bank.
Here are 7 effective ways to give your reach a boost:
1. Use social media scheduling tools
When you’re running a business and need to keep your social media channels current, using social media scheduling tools can save you time and ensure your posts are updated regularly. Social media scheduling tools help you plan your posts ahead of time so that you don’t have to worry about posting manually on different social media platforms every day.
You can plan content for multiple channels, such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and more. Scheduling tools can even automate posts and help you tailor your content to the right audience. This way, you can reach a wider audience, enhance engagement and boost organic reach.
The use of social media scheduling tools can help you save time and be more efficient with your social media management. Additionally, by consistently and regularly updating your social channels, you can boost your organic reach and keep your followers interested in your content.
2. Use hashtags thoughtfully
Hashtags can be very beneficial to your organic social media reach. Hashtags help your content reach the right people and even become viral. When used effectively, hashtags can make your content go viral and attract a larger audience. If you are remodeling or custom building in a specific area or have a target audience, hashtags can be useful for many reasons.
The use of targeted hashtags can help you boost your organic reach as it will speak directly to your target audience. Keeping your hashtags consistent with your content could generate more organic likes and shares, which leads to more organic followers.
Using hashtags thoughtfully is essential when you want to boost organic reach. Especially when you use hashtags associated with the local area you are remodeling or custom-building in. Also, if you create content focused on renovation or custom-building tips, using hashtags with similar topics can be very beneficial to expanding your organic reach.
3. Collaborate with other businesses or influencers in your industry
Collaborating with other businesses or influencers in the same industry could help you reach a wider audience and boost your organic social media reach. Collaborations with businesses can help you cross-promote content, leverage each other’s followers, and create exclusive content together.
Similarly, partnering with an influencer in the custom building and remodeling industry can help you reach influencers’ followers and generate more organic shares for your content.
When creating collaborations with businesses or influencers, make sure both sides benefit from them. The influencers should be paid for their work, even if it’s only a token of appreciation. Otherwise, it could backfire and damage your reputation. On top of that, influencers should use authentic copy, unique visuals, and relevant hashtags when promoting your content. The right hashtag combinations used effectively can be a great help to your organic social media reach.
4. Take advantage of user-generated content
User-generated content is another great way to boost your organic social media reach as a remodeler or custom builder. User-generated content is any content that has been created by your followers and published on your page.
It can come in many forms: posts, photos, hashtags, reviews, and video. It helps you connect with potential customers better, build trust, and boost your brand awareness. On top of that, user-generated content can create more organic shares and significantly increase your organic social media reach.
Encouraging your followers to share their experiences and content with your brand is key to leveraging this type of content. To make it easier, use relevant hashtags and create contests, challenges, and ask questions. People love to share their opinions and experiences, and this way, you can get them to create content for your brand and help to amplify your message.
Read More: https://ennobletechnologies.com/social-media/7-effective-ways-to-boost-your-organic-social-media-reach-as-a-remodeler-or-custom-builder/
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donveinot · 1 year
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mariaxia · 1 year
after six years, part 1: making the switch
It's been a long time since I've posted here. It boggles my mind that my first blog entries here were from over six years ago. It still feels as though my "switch into tech" has been a recent development, but on reflection I think I've gone through a lot of ups and downs with it in a way that I haven't really processed, because I think of it all as just being one big block of time of "being in tech". But these days I've been thinking about how I really want to complicate this word, "tech," because actually everything is technology. It feels almost stupid how long it's taken me to realize this, but everything truly is technology, and what I think of as my era of "being in tech" has actually been many distinct eras, some decidedly not technologically-minded at all: I was at times a skeptic, a learner and a dreamer, an experimenter, a job seeker, a happy corporate stooge, an unhappy corporate stooge, a theorist. And even now, as I venture into different fields, I feel a return to that spirit of curiosity that makes me realize that (1) technology is not interchangeable with computers, and (2) it's time to reflect.
Six years ago, in 2017, I was unemployed. I had abruptly quit a job, with no plan lined up. It felt like throwing up: my body just decided to do it. My legs walked into my manager's office and my mouth opened and two weeks' notice fell out. The job I quit was in the non-profit public interest legal sector: I was what they called a housing advocate. I worked there for only two years, but that job gave me my politics. It taught me what it meant to be a worker, and also what it means, specifically, to do work in the public interest. It shattered my naive idea of it--that it would be heroic and ennobling--and replaced it with the mundane reality of it: painstaking drudgery and paperwork, imperfect people, visible setbacks, barely-visible progress, many moments of being an asshole to somebody and getting used to it. Sometimes this idea that I was part of a fight for a more just housing system offered the romantic notion that the difficulty was the point: that my under-compensation and boredom and frustration at work was a much-needed reality check on the road to learning how to do this type of work for the long haul. But sometimes it felt like the veil lifted and the whole non-profit industrial complex would look like a scam, truly pointless, a way for capitalism to launder itself, and even if this was all very black and white thinking, it was certainly true that if I wasn't working this job, twenty other qualified people (whether some Ivy league white kid with four years of college Spanish and family money, or a city college grad who grew up in public housing and dreamed of becoming a lawyer) were yearning to fill my spot. So I quit.
I've narrativized my "switch into tech" in at least ten different ways. I've had to explain it to other employers, to people I've dated, to people who call me asking if they should do the same. Usually I'm juxtaposing tech to public interest law, because people want to know why I left one and went into another. But to do that would be to skirt over the months of hand-wringing unemployment in between, when I was so demoralized by the outcome of pursuing various dreams (trying to dedicate myself to writing, trying to dedicate myself to the social good) to try to articulate and then pursue another dream that was sure to end up with me being mentally and financially unstable. I thought about going to art school to try and become a painter. I thought about going to design school to try to become a landscape architect. I thought about trying to become a mathematician. I thought about trying to become a doctor. In the end, the decision to pick up coding felt almost arbitrary: it was there, and it seemed like it couldn't hurt, it could only help, and everything else looked like a bad option. I wasn't trying to be something. I was just trying to get away from direction-lessness.
Then came six months of a truly invigorating time. I felt intellectually stimulated for the first time in a long time; my learning was gratifying and also purposeful. Doors seemed to open everywhere: I could focus on databases! I could focus on compilers! I could make fun games! There were communities for every niche interest, and theoretically there were jobs waiting at the end of it. After three months of self-study, of having convinced myself that I could program, I enrolled in a coding bootcamp, and I crushed it, and I had five job offers within a few weeks of completing the program, three of them with six-figure starting salaries, something I never dreamed I could achieve.
I took one of the jobs that would let me move to a city and live with my boyfriend of the time. My first two years in that job were so lovely. I loved the work. I loved how much I was learning, I loved the mentorship of my coworkers and the collaborative dynamic we had. I felt that my work was meaningful; what was particularly meaningful was how responsible I was for it, how the quality of my work mattered to me and mattered to those around me in a way I hadn't felt in a long time.
I don't feel this way now, but now I am tired, so I will have to write about those subsequent years as an unhappy corporate stooge some other time.
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executiveshe · 1 year
Empowering Businesses and Transforming Lives through HR Leadership
The Epochal HR Fostering Business Progression
The function of human resources (HR) has experienced a significant shift in the fluid environment of contemporary enterprises. No longer confined to mere administrative tasks, it has emerged as a strategic force propelling organizational development and success.
Every successful enterprise boasts a strategic HR department singularly focused on alluring, nurturing, and retaining exceptional personnel. HR specialists painstakingly amalgamate the talents and aspirations of employees with the company's mission, assuming the mantle of workforce architects. Like a master craftsman, HR lays the bedrock for a flourishing workplace where each team member can proffer their utmost prowess, nurtured by a culture of engagement, motivation, and inclusivity.
Furthermore, in this swift-paced digital era, businesses must undergo rapid evolution to retain their edge. HR's responsibilities transcend the realm of mere recruitment and encompass the agile navigation of challenges such as remote work, automation, and nascent technology. In times of transformative transitions, HR departments stand as steadfast lighthouses, ensuring the efficacious harnessing of human potential to drive the wheels of prosperity.
And now, it is with immense delight that we bring forth Mallory Herrin, an astute visionary and the propelling impetus behind transformative positive changes in workplaces. Mallory's acumen and zeal have earned her a well-deserved repute as a trusted and revered luminary in the industry. Her unparalleled insights into harmonizing HR practices with organizational objectives have empowered innumerable businesses to scale the heights of greatness.
Through her exceptional leadership and unwavering dedication, she has redefined the role of HR in the modern business vista. Her ceaseless pursuit of excellence has not merely metamorphosed workplace cultures but also ennobled HR as a strategic ally in the pursuit of business goals.
In this edition of our magazine, we embark on a profound exploration of the multilayered role of HR in catalyzing business growth. From astute talent acquisition and retention strategies to the cultivation of visionary leadership development programs, we aspire to illuminate the inestimable contributions of HR professionals.
Have an invigorating read ahead!
Sources: https://executiveshe.com/empowering-businesses-and-transforming-lives-through-hr-leadership-july2023/
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ultra-maha-us · 1 year
Platonic-Fullerene Chemistry and Nanopolymer Technology
The science of Platonic Fullerene Chemistry has been reunited the cultures of science and art to re-establish the ancient Platonic Science for Ethical Ends. This means that the concept of Aristotle's ethical science to guide ennobling government can now re-emerge throughout the world. The objective of that ancient science remains exactly the same as it once was. It is science, designed to avoid human extinction. The existence of two separate chemistries, one about the physical material reality and the other about the functioning of Dr Candace Pert's Molecule of Emotion, forms the structure of this human survival science. Both chemistries entangle with each other to describe universal reality. This provides the basis of the ancient Greek political concept of allowing the people to choose between what Buckminster Fuller's called Utopia or Oblivion.
The global slide toward oblivion today is much as it once was in ancient Athens, when the Tyrants plunged the city into impossible debt, threatening such chaotic violence that Solon was appointed to sort out the economic differences in a peaceful manner. He abolished personal debt and interest on loans, as well as making property ownership more accessible to the people. Within ten years Athens became extremely prosperous. His wisdom, on behalf of the people, made contributions toward more democratic concepts in the face of complex greed manipulations by unethical power brokers.
After ten years of growing prosperity the Tyrants again seized control and Athenian power began its path to decline by foreign aggression. Today the same situation has returned to Greece and other nations caught up in the current global economic nightmare, now threatening to destroy the civilisation of the United States of America. It can be considered that stakeholders in global economic rationalism might be able to conceive, to their benefit, a modification of their present economic legal responsiblies, by upgrading them to meet the new medical chemistry guidelines.
During the 20th Century it was common knowledge that our entropic chemistry, governed by the second law of thermodynamics, had correctly stated that it is impossible to construct a perpetual motion machine. However, such concepts can now be reasoned about logically with an understanding about the functioning of the integration of both the new and the old chemistries. Past economic rationalism, however, invented concepts that sought perpetual economic growth for the benefit of human civilisation. TIME Magazine's Century of Science's greatest scientist for 1907 was Maria Montessori, who realised this was in error, referring to the entropic second law as the Greed Energy Law that would only bring about economic collapses and continual warfare.
Working with the Jesuit Priest, Private Label Schmiermittel Tielhard de Chardin, Montessori postulated the existence of an electromagnetic key to open the 'Golden Gates' to the future. This electromagnetic key was Immanuel Kant's God-like Ethic for perpetual peace on earth, the subject of Hans Christian Oersted's Doctorate in 1799 titled,The Architectonicks of Natural Metaphysics. Oersted envisaged a new electromagnetic biological technology, which, in modern terms, is the quantum biology of the new Platonic Fullerene Chemistry. This makes Faraday's concept of the electric motor a child's toy by comparison. We now know from nanopolymer research, that such an electromagnetic life-science ethic is associated with the functioning of the centriole within the human cell, giving glimpses of a truly supra technology beyond our previous ability to imagine.
It is not necessary to use such technical terminology to demonstrate to the people that modern science and economics has been constructed upon false assumptions that dismissed human feelings as part of its composition. Leonardo da Vinci was not the man of the Renaissance the public has been led to believe. His optics key in his Theory of Knowledge, claiming that the eye was the source of all cognition, was erroneously supported by Rene Descartes and Sir Francis Bacon, pivotal figures of the mechanical era. At the moment of conception the eye does not even exist to guide any evolutionary development at all. Leonardo was unable to envision the liquid crystal optics of the eye of the cell. When the fertilising sperm, driven by a male nano-scale electromagnetic motor, penetrates the liquid crystal optical construction membrane of the female ovum, Dr Carl Callerman's universal purpose is brought into living focus as a balanced Yin-Yang electromagnetic centriole. The optics of the cellular membrane, not the optics of the human eye, holds the key to all knowledge. The centriole is the carrier of universal life-science purpose.
Scientists such as Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff are researching about what can be considered to be crucial properties of the centriole that are associated with the cerebral functioning of micro-tubule polymers. Without a doubt, nano-polymer research is now becoming crucial research for humanity's future. However, Buckminster Fuller's warning about making the choice between Utopia or Oblivion is of paramount importance to the people of the world. Fears about entropic nano-bot technology appear to be well founded. Plato warned about the destructive evil of unformed matter within the physical atom that could emerge from the actions of engineers who knew nothing about spiritual optical engineering principles belonging to the science for ethical ends. Today, the nuclear radiation threat spreading into Japan pales into insignificance to the threat posed by current entropic nanotechnology.
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fieldsofdrams · 28 days
Modifying Of Your Home Space: Luxury Pools And Landscape
Looking forward to changing the meaning of relaxation and elegance in your backyard? Then, the best option for it is to have luxury pools and landscape. These two combine to create an outdoor oasis that can seamlessly combine opulence with functionality. Here's how you'll achieve ultimate outdoor luxury.
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Charm of the luxury pools
Luxury swimming pools are no longer strictly a means to swim but have become the central or focal point of luxury outdoor living. Today, the luxury pools sport designs ranging from sleek infinity edges to naturalistic free-form shapes and high-quality finishes such as glass tile and natural stone, raising the bar on both looks and durability. Advanced technology for the pool area can be automated cleaning systems and energy-efficient heaters that can raise the experience to a very high level, rendering your pool not only beautiful but also amazingly functional.
Luxury pools and landscaping are integrated together
This is where the magic really happens the luxury pools and landscaping integrate together. A designed landscape can complement and improve your pool's aesthetic, creating a consistent and welcoming environment. Now, imagine a pool with a garden immaculately designed around it—some classy hardscaping appropriate lights placed in the right spots. This fusion gives a pool the appearance of belonging to the environs; the impression is that it is part of the area.
Enhancing the backyard with luxury pools and landscaping
Here is a list of ideas to consider when planning your luxury pool and landscape:
Design consistency: Make the pool design consistent with your overall landscaping theme. Whether you're going for a modern, minimalist, or lush tropical feel, the combination of consistency will give the whole area a coherent aesthetic look.
Outdoor living spaces: An outdoor living space should include an outdoor kitchen. Outdoor live-in elements such as fire pits or even a fireplace around the pool bring in comfort to maximize the functionality and time that can be spent outdoors. With such, more time is implied to be spent on the patio.
Lighting: Good lighting forms an integral part of a well-thought outdoor living area. Underwater LED lights will display your pool at night, thereby enhancing the beauty of the waters. Proper layout of the landscape lights will illuminate key garden features, as well as pathways.
Water features: Add elements such as waterfalls, fountains, or spa jets to make your pool a soothing resort. These elements help build a serene sound and add to the beauty of the pool.
Final Words Beyond mere aesthetics, luxury swimming pools and landscapes are investments in the establishment and enhancement of a serene and sophisticated environment in the outdoors. With thoughtful integration, one could transform a backyard into that luxurious refuge representative of your style and elevate your quality of life. Whether you are doing it from scratch or looking to remodel an existing space, the right combination of luxury swimming pools and landscaping features will ennoble your outdoor living experience to new heights. To get the best landscape designing service, avail the service from the portal named Field of Dreams.
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