digi-lov · 1 month
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Menoa Bellucci BT17-092 Alternative Art, Morphomon BT17-044, Eosmon BT17-074, Eosmon BT17-075, and Eosmon BT17-076 by Spareribs from BT-17 Booster Secret Crisis
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animalinvestigator · 1 year
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watched kizuna finally its good
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hyperjerk · 2 months
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My new custom sleeves came in!
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hyhunter7 · 1 year
Erebusmon, my oc digimon
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Ok so I have been working on this digimon for the past week or so, and I have no idea what to make for it to communicate it to peeps, so here's my literary analysis of my own oc digimon who barely has a design bc i dont have the storywriting abilities to make a story.
Premise: the premise of Erebusmon in the canon is a bit confusing, but it is a fusion of Eosmon(mega), Chaosdramon, Chaosmon: Valdur Arm(which I will refer to as ValdurChaosmon), Rapidmon(gold), and MetalPhantomon, it is pure power and can rival beings such as Omnimon X and even Odugomon (not X lol). Erebusmon’s premise thematically is the relationship of chaos and control, how they are the same and conflicting, and each of it’s components represents an element/ aspect of control.
The story: Erebusmon’s story is the story of it’s components, only appearing at the end of a story for a final battle.
For Eosmon, the story is very similar to Kizuna’s, about someone who emotionally abandoned their Digimon to “grow up” and follow the expectations/ social contract, however, realizing what she missed, created Neverland to prevent children around the world from having the same “growing up” as she did, almost engaging in a sort of self-infantilization. Eosmon’s element of control is control over the past and present, in hopes the future will continue to be that past/ present. This Tumblr post and this Elliot Sang yt vid go more in depth about it, even tho the vid isn’t necessarily about Kizuna. 
For Chaosdramon, it’s about a Vemmon who evolves (to Snatchmon) because it gains a sense of self (opposed to the other Vemmons, who don’t), and used the other Vemmons, terraformed the world around it and got a sense of superiority, thinking itself to be the highest on the hierarchy, thinking itself to be a type of god, a false god. It then digivolved to Machinedramon as the manifestation of that, but then again to Chaosdramon as an extreme version, becoming a chaotic beast overruling (some of) the Digital World. It’s element of control is about the relationship between identity, machines, and nature. A good explanation about that is this 10 min yt vid. 
For ValdurChaosmon, it’s even split more, with ValdurChaosmon being a fusion itself, of BanchoLeomon, and of Varodurumon. BanchoLeomon is a Leomon who gained it’s title by having it’s spirit tested, but never broken, thus strengthening it’s ideas of Justice, and any who do not follow that Justice, are Evil and BanchoLeomon will hunt Evil down. Varodurumon is a Digimon who evolved from Hououmon X, an extreme Holy symbol, presiding over the skies, any touch of evil will be eradicated with Varodurumon. This fusion to ValdurChaosmon represents the control over the self inherent in ideas of good and evil, especially in executing said ideas on others. 
For Rapidmon(gold), you might be thinking it’s a strange choice, but just hang tight. Rapidmon evolved from Shoutmon, through Shoutmon’s regular evo line with Rapidmon being the Mega form. Shoutmon, similar to in Xros Wars/ Fusion, wants a single thing, and that’s to be the Digimon King, and so through the Evo Line he gets more and more power, enough power to influence and control, and becomes Rapidmon(gold) like Destiny. Rapidmon’s element of control is how interrelated the idea of control is to the idea of destiny, this yt vid is great at explaining it. 
Last, and maybe least, is MetalPhantomon, who, similar to Rapidmon, explores ideas of destiny, but in the context of death, the fact that theres an end to this life at all, and understanding that, makes all the other’s relevant and may be the most important thing to understand. 
This all culminates to a fractured, powerful digimon, Erebusmon, who’s only motivation is to control. Erebus, in Greek Mythology, is the son of Chaos, yet the father of Fate, the Three Fates, Old Age, Darkness, Dreams and more. Erebusmon, in the story, is fractured, split, and fused between multiple components, however, it seeks to control and be one being. It brings in the ideas of the Absurd, the conflict between the chaos, absurdity, of life, and our inherent drive to find meaning, lucidity, and thus control, in it. It also brings in the idea of the Split Subject, which is a conscious being, who is split, but really more accurately represents this quote "[you are not a Split Subject] you are only a Subject because you are Split... when you are truly yourself is when you understand yourself the least" by Clark Elieson, but is also the antithesis to it by always seeking out control, to be one, however he’s still the thesis as he only exists because he is split, he is Absurd.
Erebusmon also has 2 crests of Destiny on his chest, and a fractured digicore, which is the blue orbs on his shoulders and in the center of his chest, and 4 holy rings on it's ankles and calves.
And if Erebusmon is in a game, I think it would be good if in the moments of death, Erebusmon realizes true power comes not in the form of control over self or others, but instead from acceptance of the chaos.
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Oh yeah here’s the evo line in an image top
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arcthebreeder · 7 months
02/24/2024, 14:23: (GMT-5)
We survived the first battle!
It took place a few minutes ago, at 13:30 to be exact, my opponent was a vietnamese girl with a Huankunmon and an Eosmon Perfect as I stated before, as an opponent, she was overall a delight to be around, pretty polite but pretty competitive at the same time.
Her whole strategy surrounded hiding her Digimon and attacking from unknown spots, taking advantage of Huankunmon's Korōhō, a move that creates an illusion of transparency in Huankunmon thanks to the bubbles it creates and the surrounding lights, using this and Eosmon Perfect's panels that are also able to create illusions, she fooled Helloogarmon and Stiffilmon for a while, hiding both Eosmon Perfect and Huankunmon and then firing the Hyōran Kittotsu to fire icicles form Huankunmon's mouth, this attack did almost nothing since Helloogarmon was able to melt the lice with his mere presence, however, Stiffilmon wasn't that lucky however, even her tough fur got frozen thanks to the icicles, which forced Helloogarmon and Stiffilmon to stick together, causing them to be concerned between the Panels and the Bubbles, allowing our rivals to attack from any direction without being detected, they almost had us by spamming Chōryū Senka and Cutting Edge, however, their mistake was trying to amplify the damage made by Chōryū Senka by charging it with the Hexa-thunder, because in this case, Stiffilmon was able to act as a lighting rod and absorb the electricity, redirecting it to the surroundings and popping up the bubbles thus fading the illusion and temporarily shutting down Eosmon Perfect, which allowed Helloogarmon to immobilize Huankunmon using Hati Embrace, Stiffilmon took advantage of this attacking with the Crimson Dive and finishing up the battle.
Tho the girl got kinda frustrated from losing, she enjoyed the battle and her Digimon got the chance to train, Helloogarmon and Stiffilmon were happy too, being on the verge of losing IS pretty exciting after all, specially if you win after being cornered. The tournament proved that it's a great way to keep on getting better as a Tamer, so I'm looking forward to what else this tournament can offer, and of course, I'll keep you updated.
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ask-digimon-hunters · 3 months
Dae and Paildramon were tracking down that Bomberdramon that broke into the house. They found a cave hidden behind a false wall.
“After you.” Dae said to Paildramon jokingly.
“Hopefully we can find Knightmaremon.” Paildramon said, walking into the cave.
Inside they found schematics for machines and plans for digital world conquest. They found an unfinished letter addressed to someone named Zwart. And the weirdest thing they found an Eosmon (Champion) locked in a cage. It looked like it was being forced to expend its power to open portals to other dimensions.
“Help me please.” It pleaded with them.
“Okay, we just need to find the key to get you out of there.” Dae responded. They searched through the drawers and found what looked to be multiple digivices, one of them fit perfectly into the key hole and let the Eosmon out.
“Thank you, let me see your digivice.” It said.
“Sure thing.” Dae said with a smile. It took his and touched it, a bright blue light flashed, and it seemed his digivice had been upgraded.
“You now have my ability to travel between the dimensions.” The Eosmon said before it flew away.
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lopmonappreciation · 2 years
Steven universe Digimon au: the pearls and their evo lines
Lonely pearl and morphomon
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Rookie: morphomon
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Champion: hudiemon
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Ultimate: butterflymon
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Mega: Eosmon(mega)
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thedarkfiddler · 1 year
Digimon TCG YouTubers will be like "I placed second at locals with this deck!! 👀👀" and then profile a widely-acknowledged top-tier deck with like no changes from the standard list.
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genork-the-fandork · 2 months
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Beating Hearts
Word Count: 547 Prompt: & Koushiro A/N: As the years go on I find something new to love about the relationship between Taichi and Koushiro. Romantic or not, these two have a lot of potential stored in them, and I don't think I completely did it justice. Continuing on with my personal theme of pain for myself, this one nearly did a huge number on me. I hope Koushiro and Taichi would have liked it. @taichiyagamiweek
The office looked empty without Tentomon buzzing around. It filled Taichi with a certain unease that somehow hadn't been following him in every other instance of this. Maybe because of the specific way Koushiro and Tentomon complemented each other, a singular unit of technology and science that functioned better together than they did alone. Taichi had always considered them one person, at least subconsciously.
Before Koushiro could begin whatever conversation he intended on having, Taichi bowed low, practically bending in half. "I'm so sorry."
He could hear the gears whirring in Koushiro's brain, hear the way he blinked once, then twice, then a third and fourth time, trying to process the reason for the apology. Finally, the younger boy said, "Why are you apologizing?"
Straightening up, Taichi tried not to meet his friend's gaze, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "We sped up the process, didn't we? And now you're alone."
Koushiro didn't answer at first, turning away and walking over to the window of his office. Taichi's brain inserted the image of Tentomon buzzing beside him, chattering away while Koushiro smiled that soft smile of his. The more he witnessed these cruel separations, the broken hearts left behind by a decision that was never theirs to make, the more Taichi's heart hurt. Whereas he felt the emptiness Agumon had left behind, he felt the hole beside his friends. It hurt so much to see what the Digital World had wrought upon them.
Lightly, Koushiro touched the window with the pads of his fingers, sighing. "There was bound to be something like Eosmon," he pointed out. "That's the way of our two worlds. Something is always at stake, always threatening the status quo. This was no different." He looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Do you regret any of it?"
The man who used to be a boy with goggles shook his head, grinning wryly. "Never. I'll never regret it."
"Neither will the rest of us." Koushiro turned fully to face him, backlit by the setting sun. "We had one last battle together, all eight of us. Including Sora." His mouth twitched; when he had become aware of what happened to Sora, he had been stricken, and Taichi wondered if perhaps Koushiro shouldered the guilt for not knowing what had afflicted their friend earlier than even Yamato or he. "All we can do now is watch over those who still have their partners and hope we'll find a way to see them again."
"If anyone can find the way, it's you, Koushiro. You were always the greatest of us that way." Taichi fingered the goggles in his pocket, his mind supplying memories of all the times Koushiro had literally and figuratively saved their butts, even when he was not directly involved in the fight at hand. "I'd say you're at the height of your potential."
"Aren't all of us? This isn't the end, Taichi." Koushiro placed his hand over his heart. "As long as our hearts are beating, I know we'll find a way."
Smiling widely, Taichi made his way over to his friend and held out his fist. Koushiro formed a fist with his own hand and bumped it lightly against Taichi's. A promise made between those who had always shouldered more than was fair. 
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citrus-cactus · 8 months
As promised, some better pics of my Digimon TCG card collection!
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First, 02 The Beginning promo cards! I got Davis, Cody, and Lui at the movie, and @bacomon-art-blog was nice enough to send me one of their extra Yoleis!
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As CEO of Wallace, it seemed silly NOT to have his card, so I sprung for the uh… Box Topper version? Is that the right term? 💚🩷 I also got some of my other favorite, less-popular Tamers 🦋🌱
Menoa really does have the perfect thematic text on her card… XD
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And then I was like, “well wait a minute, I could get the Frontier kids too!” Except Takuya and Tomoki seem to be unobtainium for some reason (I didn’t look that hard). I did really have to get Zoe + J.P. and the Kou-boys though. Do not separate them!!
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Freebies from the company I bought from. Marching Fishes is so cute!!!!!!!
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And THEN @vidramon sent me some more cards totally unprompted, because she had extras and knows I love Frontier! I actually got Eosmon (pictured above) and another Kouichi from her as well, so now I have two of him!! (it’s OK, he’s secretly my favorite Frontier kid. AND he’s purple 🤫)
Neemon’s card is amazing. I love Neemon.
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So… yeah. I went from having ONE card (not pictured here, but it’s Gaomon) to SEVERAL! Oh, the slippery slope of card collection XD Now to figure out what to DO with them!
I should really get Daigo and Maki next time I go in a spree, so my obscure faves collection can be complete
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ashxketchum · 1 year
Sharing my favourite part from the latest storyboard and character analysis posted by Digimon Partners
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The Kizuna part of the analysis is titled as"vaguely thinking about his dreams for the future".
Takeru, who opted for literature as his field of study at university, is studying English and French languages, along with joining a Children Literature's Club. As always with the help of his good natured personality, he has many friends, both male and female, and enjoys a fun campus life. On the side, he dabbles in writing as a hobby and works to assist in Digimon related matters. He responds to Koushiro's calls actively and was present for the battles against Parrotmon and Eosmon.
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In 02 The Beginning, we will see Takeru as a sophomore in college. While enjoying college life, he also seems to have started to take his writing seriously…? We are looking forward to seeing what kind of a young man he has become!
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2heodraws · 8 months
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A fan Adult-level evolution for Morphomon. Wanted to go with a more "un-Eosmon" approach for it's design. :-)
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digitalgate02 · 1 year
Like I said, it's Advverse ONLY. Also please don't hijack this to add Takato into the discussion. I love Takato and Guilmon, but it's no good hijacking Adv/02 conversation like that. (i'm talking about people hijacking this same discussion in the past. Don't do that.)
Edit: In case people are wondering if i meant "done better" as "executed the task perfectly" or "made the most dA-like monster on MS paint", the answer is interpret it as you want to!! Because it's funnier this way.
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angemonn · 1 year
something about knowing international digidestined exist in the Adventure series, which only focuses on the 8 Odaiba kids and their adventures to save the world, makes me assume those other kids around the world had no major arc/villain and it was never necessary for their partner digimon to digivolve so they only ever knew their rookies. Then by happenstance one day, like the Eosmon’s attack in Kizuna, they get thrusted into battle and only then learn their partner Digimon’s power and digivolve. And they may never go past champion or Digivolve again. Meanwhile the 8 summer camp kids have god like powers they flex almost daily
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blueikeproductions · 1 year
Be More Chill AU X Digimon general outline.
Be More Chill AU: A loose adaption of the musical that is a full on crossover with Digimon, based on the fan comic Digimon Zone. A bigger focus on Evolution and upgrades is placed due to the inclusion of Tamers and Digimon's bond and ability to Digivolve. In this version of events, dimensional peacekeepers, the Zoners and their Digimon investigate anomalies in the Network and its various Zones (universes that contains an Earth and a Digital World or Digital World approximation), and happen on a Zone where the Digital World hasn't been fully discovered by humanity yet, but Digimon have nevertheless been downloaded into strange, digital pills called SQUIPS that local human teens have been taking to improve themselves. Curious on what this could mean if the SQUIPS escape their native Zone. Dan Ike, Betamon, Izzy: and Tentomon investigate the matter, infiltrating Jeremy Heere's school as the highest SQUIP/Digimon activity is present there. The two boys befriend Jeremy and Micheal, and slowly expose them to the secret of Digimon, though Micheal was aware of the Digimon already, having become friends with a Shoutmon that appeared in his phone's music playlist.
Jeremy, in his quest to become popular and find someone to help him (despite Dan, Izzy: and Micheal's best efforts to dissuade him otherwise) takes a SQUIP, with his turning out to be a charismatic Algomon Ultimate who takes Jeremy under his wing. When it starts to take further control of Jeremy, Algomon assumes its Worm Phase form, wrapping Jeremy in its tentacles and controlling him like a puppet. When Jeremy manages to fully break away from Algomon later on, it Digivolves into its Mega Level to reassert itself. Jeremy's actual Partner Digimon would turn out to be a Veemon.
Digimon hail from the Digital World like usual, but like Digimon Adventure: and Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, some Digimon have been creeping into the Real World via the Internet, which is how Micheal met Shoutmon. Others have been downloaded into SQUIPs by a currently unknown source that the Zoners are investigating. Like Digimon Ghost Game and Digimon Fusion, Digimon usually can't be seen properly by other humans. Those with SQUIPs are usually the only ones aware of them, though Micheal became aware of Shoutmon after finding what he thought was a weird animated gif (Shoutmon's V-Pet sprite) dancing to Bob Marley on his phone. When Digimon manifest in the Real World, like Digimon Ghost Game, they initially take on Hologram Ghost forms. Dan and Izzy:'s Betamon and Tentomon also do so, causing other kids with SQUIPs to assume their Digimon are SQUIP AI.
Before Jeremy gets his SQUIP, he can't see the other Digimon at first on his own, finding he can only see them and ensuing fights via his phone. Similar to SSSS.Gridman, the SQUIP Digimon can be seen via phones and other digital equipment like laptops and game consoles, which Dan and Izzy: use to identify those with SQUIPs. Rich Goranski's SQUIP would be identified as a Kurisarimon that would later on attempt to take control and Digivolve to Infermon, forcing Dan's Majiramon, Izzy:'s MegaKabuterimon, and Micheal's OmniShoutmon to intervene. Like Ghost Game, Digimon can see and touch each other while in their Hologram state, though they can cause damage to their physical surroundings which Dan and Jeremy's group attempt to contain.
Other identified SQUIP Digimon so far include Soulmon, Gururumon, Morphomon, Eosmon, Goblimon, SkullMeramon, Fugamon, Burpmon, Etemon, Betsumon, Soundbirdmon, Crowmon, Wisemon, Bokomon, Neemon, Starmonz, Impmon, Mamemon, Dobermon, Terriermon, Wendigomon, IceDevimon, and Eyesmon.
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beginningobserver · 3 months
[RE:CONNECT - blog v.] Link 1 - The eggcounter aftermath.
[AO3 version]
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The mysterious DigiEgg who appeared on February 21 2012 was witnessed by everyone in Tokyo. Not only Daisuke and his friends.
Among them, two peculiar people saw it and received this strange message on their digital devices. Those two… were connected to a certain person involved in those events. …
“A giant DigiEgg…”
A 20 year old young woman with brown hair tied in low pigtails checked the news on the morning of February 28th. She was at the reception from the local hospital she worked at. A pink digimon looking like a rabbit -- Cutemon -- was next to her, also looking at the screen, with a concerned look.
“I hope it’s a bad digimon like the one from the last time…” Cutemon frowned, “Those… Eosmon, like that person named Koushiro alerted once on the Chosen Children Network.”
“Yeah,” she nodded in agreement with her digimon.
Suddenly, they witnessed someone climbing the Tokyo Tower. Cutemon and the human girl felt their hearts skipping a beat. The digimon screamed:
“W-why is that person risking his life like that?! If he falls from that height he will…!!”
The woman looked at the mysterious trespasser climbing, and while she was nervous watching it…
“W-why does this boy look… familiar to me?”
They watched the boy falling from the tower, and the woman winced while the digimon covered her eyes.
“Look, Nakajima!” a male coworker who was also watching it called her attention, “A bugman-like digimon caught him! It’s okay!” He noticed the other was pale and in shock. As always, Nakajima Ayame has a soft heart and cares for everyone, even if she doesn't know them.
“Huh??” She glanced at the screen once again, Cutemon gasped:
“Ah!! Ayame! It’s a Stingmon! One of the Chosen Children saved that person’s life!!”
“Thank goodness…” Ayame sighed in relief, her body felt more relaxed and she calmed down. Still… Something in that stranger on the TV seemed familiar.
“Man, there are a ton of crazy people these days, huh” A 20 year old young adult man with his bangs dyed blonde, short haired and with an earring on his left ear sighed. He commented with the person to whom he was delivering a meal.
“I wonder if that kid will be okay…” The elder frowned. The man was watching the TV news when the delivery boy arrived.
“Well, the digimon just saved the trespasser so I guess it will be fine!” The delivery boy chuckled lightly, “It’s common to see those little fellas around right…?”
“Yeah. Do you think the big boy at the top of the tower will be a good one or a bad one?”
“No clue… All I know is they’re taking care of that already,” the boy shrugged, “If it is a menace, I’m sure those people with digimon will take care of it. They are always doing it.”
“Well, I’m going. I have more deliveries to do! Thank you for choosing our services!”
The moment the ominous egg hatched, Ayame was leaving from her shift while the delivery boy’s deliveries had been finished and he was just nearby the Tokyo Tower.
Both, from different places, looked at the digimon which hatched from the egg -- A pink giant digimon that resembled…
Ayame received a photo from the delivery boy right now:
[Hiroomi]: Hey, isn’t this creature familiar to you??
“Who’s Ukkomon, Ayame?” Cutemon asked, she tilted her and frowned.
Ayame turned to Cutemon, and she explained, “A digimon from a friend who disappeared a long time ago… But it can’t be that same digimon, can it?”
A few seconds later, the big pink digimon started singing Happy Birthday …
Hiroomi, on the other end, blinked: “Happy Birthday…?? Is it serious??”
Happy birthday dear Rui--
They didn’t expect to hear that name again. Hiroomi immediately dialed Ayame’s number this time:
“Did you hear that too?! Or was it just me??”
She answered, staring at the big digimon in the horizon, “Yes, I heard it too. That digimon said ‘Rui’...”
“It can’t be a coincidence anymore, Ayame-san!”
“... Yes, it can’t be.”
“Huh? What’s wrong?” Cutemon asked, noticing the girl’s stare at the pink Ukkomon.
“That digimon is indeed the one connected to him . What is he doing now…?”
"Beats me! But do we know any other Rui person whose birthday is February 29th?"
Ayame’s frown could mean many things: But one of those meant she was mildly worried about this. Why did Rui-kun suddenly appear like that? Why is Ukkomon big and at the top of the Tokyo Tower…?
Many questions popped in the girl’s head. 
In the morning of February 29th…
The news was everywhere about the giant unknown digimon and the other three ones fighting it. To Rui, this made him a little uneasy: He was the cause of all of that confusion, the source of it.
But, on the other hand… He had just solved a big problem in his life.
“... We’re really bad at communicating,”
He repeated the same thing he had said when the small egg appeared in his hand once Daisuke and the others beat Ukkomon, but this time unamused by the footage on his TV screen.
He had no digimon eye in his face anymore, so it meant he didn’t need the eyepatch or to avoid contact with other people. But… knowing that he was running away from the police and accidentally made six people and their digimon get involved in it…
“You shouldn’t have pulled that trick on everyone,” he sighed, but his tone was a little more sassier than upsetting. It was like he meant that to himself too.
He didn’t expect to become… Some sort of criminal or something. Maybe he wouldn’t get arrested if he explained what happened?
His phone rang, it was one of those people from last night. Oh right, he had given them his number… Or they had given their phone numbers in case he needed a little help.
The name on the screen said ‘Daisuke-kun’. He answered the call and then…
“Doooooooooooooooon’t worry about the news or whatever is happening, Rui! We got it covered! We have a ton of people who can prevent all of us from the cops sending us to jail!”
“H-Huh…?” Rui blinked.
“Hikari-chan’s big bro who’s my former soccer club senior works for the government so yeah! He…”
V-mon’s voice was heard from the distance, “Taichi was yelling at you this morning because we got in real trouble--”
[off-phone] “I don’t need to tell Rui that, V-mon!! It will ruin his big day! Let the big boy have a peaceful birthday, ok??”
“You… got yelled at by someone?” He frowned, though since it wasn’t a video call there’s no way Daisuke could see it.
“Nah! Taichi-senpai is a chill guy! It’s just… It’s just that we didn’t tell him about that. And Ukkomon’s teeth-tentacles might have broken something by accident.”
“...” Rui sighed again.
“Aa-ah, it’s not YOUR fault t-tho!! Imperialdramon and the others might have made Ukkomon scared and he attacked us!! But everythin’ is fine, right?!”
Rui turned to the egg, “You broke a few things, once you hatch please apologize ok?”
“Nah, digimon battles break stuff a lot, it’s not Ukkomon’s fault if he broke something. Nobody’s dead or hurt.”
“Is this your plan to make me calm?” this time he was… playful?
“... N-no, I mean…!! Do you wanna hang out and do something?!”
“I… I don’t think I should…” he took it back, maybe it’s not the right time to be teasing someone you just met.
“Nah dude! Pretty sure everyone wants to compensate for the messy eggcounter we all had!”
“ ‘ Eggcounter’… ?”
V-mon’s voice was heard again, “You did a pun? In English?”
[off-phone] “H-hey, I’m trying to cheer him up ok?!”“By making a terrible pun like that?”“Excuse me, it was an eggcellent pun ok?”“Look! You did another weird English pun again!!”“Leave me and my egg-puns alone, V-mon!!”
That somehow made Rui laugh, those two were indeed funny.
[off-phone] “See?? He laughed! This means my job is done here!”“English puns with eggs make you crack a smile ?!”“Yeah I-- Wait a minute, did you just…”“...”
“I’m sorry I don’t think it’s a good idea--”
“Oh no no, everything is 100% fine! But if you don’t want to do anything we will understand.”
“...” he looked at the egg again, thoughtful.
Daisuke and the others definitely were trying to befriend him… He didn’t know if he should just accept it. They all started on bad terms somehow, him being a little difficult to talk to them and then being interrogated like that… Also he had this little impression he had made those six upset with what he had said.
Was he ready for that, though?
“Sorry, last night it was just--”
“Oh, ok then…”
“But… Thanks for the snowball fight. I… It was the first time in a while that I had one.”
“Oho! See, Iori was angry for starting it but I knew it was what all of us needed! A little fun doesn’t hurt y’know??”
He smiled, “Yeah, I agree.”
“Anyway, if you wanna hang out another time don’t hesitate to call us!”“Daisuke… Look at the clock we’re getting late for work--”“OH CRAP!! SEE YOU ANOTHER DAY, RUI!” and he hung up before Rui could even say anything else.
“... Daisuke-kun is… really an interesting guy, don’t you think?” He turned to the egg and talked with it again.
Even if the Ukkomon DigiEgg couldn’t answer him yet , he thought he should start talking more with Ukkomon. Well, Ukkomon might be just listening to him for a while… Until the egg hatches.
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