#Episode 193
detco-hell · 1 year
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[episode 193 - The Desperate Revival]
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trixiegalaxy · 6 months
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forensicated · 11 months
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Smiffina Episodes - Episode 193
June asks Jim how he found out about her baby. He tells her it was Gina and Smithy who did the digging and got the certificate. She worries the entire relief knows but Jim promises her its not true.
An oblivious Gina opens the Sgt's office door, asking June if she's ok as she looks 'like she's seen a ghost'. June covers, saying she's fine and Gina sends June and Jim out on a job together. Jim can't believe she kept it a secret from him for so long. June spins it round and points out that he kept Marie beating him secret from her. "I was ashamed." "Exactly."
Gina is furious to find out that Jim knows about June and Gabriel and shouts at Smithy in her office. Smithy shouts back that it was her who dug into his past and not his fault that they found out more than they bargained for. Gina warns him not to take her on today and that if the super found out they'd both be toast. She asks if they know what June's reaction is "to finding out Gabriel is her beautiful blue eyed boy?"
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"No we don't."
Gina orders Smithy to take control of the situation and make sure it stays between the four of them and does not become public knowledge. He storms out of her office, slamming the door behind him.
June tells Jim that Gabriel was born of rape and that she has felt punished every day since. It was her first boyfriend who wouldn't accept that she wasn't ready for sex but her forced her into the situation and he wouldn't let her go. Jim is the first person she'd ever told outside of her parents. She was able to hold Gabriel for a few seconds which 'was a terrible mistake' because then they took him away. She can't get her head around her baby being Gabriel. Jim says there's an easy way to find out the truth - but she makes him promise to leave it to her.
In the Sgt's office, Gabriel appears and asks June for a kiss. Gabriel: "I'm getting tired of living a lie." June: "Really?" and before he can answer, Gina appears, partnering them together to follow up on the job she and Jim had been on earlier. Gabriel can pick up that there's an atmosphere between them. June asks him why he became a copper. Gabriel insists it was fate that lead him straight to her. June isn't happy and asks again why. June insists that it was Gabriel who attacked her and then pretended to save her the night of Jim's wedding - and that he joined the police to get to her, asking why he'd do that. Gabriel is lost for words but before he can cover they have to take the victims statement. June later demands to know the answer. He asks why - and she pulls out the birth certificate. "Well say something! Anything! I need to know! Gabriel, I need to know if you're my son!" she shouts as he hides in the toilet.
Dean updates June that a white van that potentially belongs to her suspect has been found and she speeds out of the hospital grounds, leaving Gabriel behind. She meets Jim at the scene and he asks if she's spoken to Gabriel - because he's arrived at the scene and is standing behind her. Gabriel agrees that they need to talk, and says that yes - he is her son and that he intentially tracked her down and that he set out to seduce her from the off. June looks like she wants to vomit on the spot. She says it's the sickest, most revolting thing she can think of. He thanks her, saying he's proud of it and he's enjoying her sickened reaction.
June tells him that Jim told her - and that he found from Smithy and Gina. She tells him she gave him away because "you Gabriel are the child born of sexual assault." He simply laughs in her face. She tells him she felt nothing for him from the moment she found out to the moment she gave birth to him. Then backtracks that for the moment she held him it was the only moment she ever felt happy in her life and that she's never gotten over letting it go and giving her son away.
June crying seems to break him and he says that he's sorry and she doesn't deserve it. He goes on to confess that Robert Ackland was her son and renamed Gabriel Kent - but that's not him. He says it's all a lie and he's been impersonating him. "I think you're insane." "You've nothing to fear from me, June!" he insists as he tries to kiss her and she manages to break away. She doesn't run towards the two police cars where they'd been though - oh no... she runs into an abandoned factory - as you do - with Gabriel following her. He shouts after her with her begging him to leave her alone and confesses that Gabriel - Robert - was adopted by his parents. His real name is David Kent. The real Gabriel blames himself for their parents death and went abroad after applying for the police. David/Fake Gabriel took his place and completed the training. He wanted to punish June for his parents adopting her son and doting on him. He left the Navy before he got kicked out whilst the real Gabriel soared through the ranks. The real Gabriel became obsessed with finding his real mother and stormed out the house after a row. Their parents followed him out - only to die in a car crash. He blames June for all of it. He doesn't want her to tell on him because he believes he's finally found something he's good at. She tells him he's pure evil and that she's going to tell Gina. He tells her he could go to jail. "I hope they throw away the key!"
When June arrives at the station, Gina has too much happening with Des and Cameron's kidnapping to be able to talk to her there and then. Gabriel tracks her down at the station and begs for him to hear her out. She orders him away from her and he leaves as Jim is stood with them. June tries to tell Gina but she's still too busy. Gabriel tries again for her him out and asks if she enjoyed their relationship. She refuses to turn the clock back and forgive him. He begs her to let him prove he's worth redemption and learn from her what it takes to be a good man because he loves her.
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dtccompendium · 2 years
Episode 193: The Desperate Revival - The Promised Place
Ooba-san will always have 100 answers for all of Shinichi’s 100 stupid questions, except for…. “Pink Pearl.” He deduces that Ooba-san is the culprit because the light from the elevator revealed that the girl’s earrings were pink, when in the dim lighting, they were nothing more than grey orbs. Shinichi is also suffering some heart attacks while solving the case. Haibara meets him in the bathroom later, and does not seem to care that Shinichi is grasping the mirror, and writhing in pain. She’s more concerned about timing how long he can last before he turns back into Conan. He returns to Ran, who goes through multiple personality changes while she comes to terms with Shinichi’s second abandonment. This includes shouting at Conan that she didn’t want to hear what Shinichi had to say, crying, laughing, asking him to stay for dessert, eating at least five ice cream sundaes, and passive aggressively passing judgment on Shinichi’s character. Mouri has to wait in the car for several hours. Also, the reason why Shinichi wanted to take Ran to this fancy restaurant, which she thinks is show-offy, especially if he wasn’t going to tell her anything important, is because it’s the same place his father proposed to his mother……The Legendary Couple.
Best Quotes:
Megure (summarizing the events of the case): “So, the revenge inherited from the father was solved by the second generation. Ironic, isn’t it, Kudou?”
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girlwholovesturtles · 7 months
A Stern Look
I think the soup made me sick, actually...
It's a very good thing Martin is here because otherwise I'm pretty sure Jon would have stood there reciting horror stories along with Magnus, possibly forever... I don't know if you CAN handle it.
Physical? Yeah, bet this man with a steal pipe! Leitner this bitch!
Wait, is this statement for Elias? Okay...
Damn, he- he's high?! Oh, no, never mind.
Oh, well I hate this! The average spider is fine. Why you gotta do this to me, story?
Oh god, Elias, why did you agree to take this job?!
A Leitner I'm guessing?
The Eye really did screw so many people's lives.
Damn, Elias really was a rich, white dude even before he got the magic powers...
Well, that's not GREAT! Freakin hate that!
Bad what's the catch? Ah! Which I assume is Jon... Yep!
Well I also hate that!
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mey-rin-is-fabulous · 8 months
Oh my god Pagaya I love you so much. I had a feeling he was alive after seeing the Shandians but that entrance.
Straw hats: Conis
Pagaya from behind them: Conis
Straw hats: we're talking about you
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guiltknight-gaming · 11 months
Diablo IV Episode 193: The Greater Good
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marshmallowgoop · 7 months
And I'm just a little messed up I'm a little out of my head
[Song link] [YouTube link]
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inukag · 11 months
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➳  Happy 27th anniversary Inuyasha !
On November 13, 1996, the first chapter of the Rumiko Takahashi’s manga series Inuyasha was published in Japan’s Shonen Sunday magazine. 
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20001541 · 5 months
this is something one of the animators for the anime had made to promote episode 90, which is the episode where we first see afo and yoichi interacting in a memory
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a-mag-a-day · 1 year
You can actually hear the eyeball in the spectrogram, if you pay attention! It's an extra layer of static (not the usual Eye static, more of a hiss) starting at "The job is yours" and getting briefly louder at the word "flashes" when we reach the pupil. The image fully ends after "the vanishing of well-known faces," but it fades out of audibility before that.
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trixiegalaxy · 6 months
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numahachi · 6 months
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sleepyone2three · 1 year
Really didn't think an arc that had such heavy themes of religion and belief would make me cry in a not past trauma sort of way. But here we are.
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mey-rin-is-fabulous · 8 months
IT GOT BETTER LAKI IS ALIVE. MY GIRL LIVES!!!!!! Oh it keeps getting better they're all alive. Oh thank god I've only had the Shandians for an arc but I love them.
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guiltknight-gaming · 2 years
Days Gone (PC) Episode 193: For An Outlaw Biker
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