#Erica is great
caseyqdilla · 1 year
I want you all to know that when I write reader inserts for the Stranger Things fics that I’ve posted thus far, I’m 100% channeling the attitude that Erica brought to the show.
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macksartblock · 4 months
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hey gang <3
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goggles-mcgee · 2 years
Baker Steve and Rockstar Eddie AU is now going to be called What Baking Can Do (will i write it out? Someday. Hopefully soon)
Anyways I have more headcanons for the au
•Steve doesn't wear polos anymore because of the scar around his neck. His closet is literally filled with the softest sweaters and t-shirts he could get his hands on. The softness brings him comfort and feels nice on the scars.
•He always smells like baked goods and the kids love it. It's why they always give him hugs right when they see him, they love the smell and his hugs are so warm and just the best.
•All the kids help out at the bakery when they can, they think it's fun and plus! Job experience! El, Will and surprisingly Lucas all like to help out in the back, Steve teaches them his recipes and how to bake because these are his kids and they will be his legacy so he will teach them everything he can. Max, while not the best with customer service as well as Mike, are both really good at remembering peoples orders if they are sitting at the tables. Dustin is great as a greeter and handing people their to-go orders. Erica is the best taste-tester.
•Look, Steve is still hella popular with the ladies but now he's just so oblivious to their advances, like girls he went on dates with in high-school are trying to BAG this boy but he's always like, "Hang out? Sorry I can't Lucas has a game that day and I promised I'd make him basketball cupcakes."
"Lunch to catch up? I'd love to Brenda but the kids have their little Hotfire club thingy and I promised I would sit in for the session. Raincheck?"
"Dinner? Oh my god thank you for reminding me! We have a family dinner this weekend and I said I'd bring cornbread and a cake."
The kids think it's absolutely hilarious, like how dare you try to date our mom???? And yes they have purposefully "reminded" Steve of something he "promised."
•Eddie has witnessed this on one of his visits and he too finds it hilarious yet endearing. Like Steve may be a little dumb when it comes to people flirting with him but Eddie likes that in a man.
•Eddie is a romantic and absolutely brings Steve a bouquet every time he visits. He finds out quickly that sunflowers and roses are Steve's favorites.
•Eddie always enters the cafe loudly announcing, "HONEY I'M HOME!" Steve grumbles that he's disturbing the customers but he loves it. He always gets the biggest smile when Eddie comes in.
He especially loves hearing that phrase when Eddie's been gone for awhile due to a tour or something of the like.
•Once Steve finds out who Eddie is he tracks down some of his records to listen to and finds he actually likes some of the songs so when Eddie came in next time Steve absolutely just rambled on and on about how much he loved the songs and told Eddie what he liked about them and Eddie is just slowly melting into a puddle hiding behind his hair.
•Steve let's the kids and Robin play whatever music they want when they are working but when he's by himself he absolutely plays ABBA, The Cure, Wham, David Bowie or Prince.
Eddie loves this ridiculous man despite the Wham
•Steve will absolutely close the cafe if one of the kids call him and they're sad, just plain having a bad day or if they are having an emergency. He doesn't care if it's a rush, or if you need your banana bread right now Bethany, his kids need him.
•When Eddie first started visiting and the kids didn't run into him due to conflicting schedules and what not, he finds out quickly that Steve doesn't know who he is so he has no problem giving Steve his name. (He holds himself back from asking if Steve likes his last name enough to take it)
They slowly start to get to know each other and Eddie tells Steve he writes songs and Steve just declares that he's sure Eddie is great at it despite not reading any of Eddie's songs or listening to the man sing and when Eddie point that out Steve just huffy.
"You're an amazing guy Eddie who has seen and done so much. It's not hard to believe that you are talented at writing songs. You really have a way with words!"
And Eddie just wants to lay on the floor, this boy is too precious. He can't.
•When Robin is down on her days off from school and working at the cafe, her and Steve wear matching "uniforms" which is really her just snatching one of his sweaters (of course matching colors), putting on her apron and she always insists they switch name tags.
Steve always rolls his eyes but he also always does it. That's how regulars know Robin is back because Steve will be wearing the nametag 'Robin'
•They absolutely decorate the cage for every holiday. They go all out and it's always the most fun Steve has had on holidays.
Christmas: Him, Robin and the kids get ugly sweaters to wear for the cafe
Halloween: costumes but Robin and Steve are always Batman and Robin because they think it's funny.
Valentine's Day: Argyle made them shirts with neon colored Sweethearts Candies on them and they wear them every time.
Thanksgiving: Robin thinks it's hilarious for her and Steve to dress like vegetables. Dustin likes to be the Turkey. (Steve is almost always the corn)
•They do decorate the cafe for any member in the family's birthday for the day even if they're not having the party there.
•Eddie absolutely starts writing songs about Steve and that's how his band mates find out about him because they catch him singing the songs and other love songs.
•Eddie loves his band but he doesn't tell them where he goes when he goes to visit Steve, they share a lot, practically everything and he will introduce Steve to them and them to Steve but he doesn't do it right away because 1. He's wooing the man of his dreams 2. He just wants it to be for himself for a while
He does offer them treats though as an apology/bribe
•Eddie loves the kids but he is also terrified of them. Yes they are fans of his, but they clock in on the fact he wants to date Steve so fast and they each give him separate shovel talks. They make sure Steve doesn't see them do it though.
•Eddie fully thinks Steve is this super tender, sweet, sarcastic guy who wouldn't hurt a fly until he witnesses Steve defend him from an overzealous fan (which felt more like a stalker) that had followed them after they had had lunch at this local diner.
The fan had tried to get grabby. Had tried to take a "souvenir."
Steve has a mean right hook.
Steve so looked so proud of himself that he knocked the fucker out. He even put his hands on his hips and smiled all cutesy, "I won a fight!"
Which that sentence isn't terrifying right?
That was their first kiss. Also might have been the night Eddie confessed.
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loppiopio · 9 months
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in a flash.
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lucascsinclairs · 2 years
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Lucas Sinclair in Stranger Things 4 | Chapter Seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab
“The serial killer is a dark wizard from the Upside Down. And we’ve been looking for him, but he’s in the Upside Down, which we can’t reach. At least we thought we couldn’t, until we found a gate at Lovers’ Lake. That was the reason why we were there, but these stupid cops grabbed us!”
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strangertheories · 9 months
Being a fan of Stranger Things means knowing that there are way too many characters now but also not wanting to get rid of any of them because you love them all dearly.
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agreysexualromantic · 7 months
I've talked before about how much Lois soaks up the love and safety of the Kents, but I think we also need to talk about what Clark sees and learns from his entire relationship with Lois.
Outside of his family, Clark's relationships have consistently been struggles of boundaries and safety.
There's Lex: Clark sees so much good in him, they share so much and he wants so much to be able to trust him, but Lex simply cannot stop his fixation on Clark's "secret". As a result, it's a constant battle of boundaries and lies, leaving Clark with no true sense of safety there.
There's Chloe: Now, I adore Chloe, especially as the series progresses, but at the start her young, enthusiastic journalistic curiosity often resulted in massive violations of Clark's privacy. She finds out about his abilities not because he tells her, but through yet another huge violation of privacy by another person. She does a great job of working to change and becoming a safe place for Clark to be open, but once again he has a trusted relationship with constant pushes for him to be *more* vulnerable, to share *more* of himself, and people skirting around his boundaries for their own sake. Rough stuff.
Then we have Pete: the first person Clark *willingly* shares his full background with, only to have his abilities weaponized against him over and over again. Literally, Pete pulls out green and red kryptonite and uses it on Clark ALL THE DAMN TIME. He gets mad at Clark for NOT sharing his secret earlier, and then goes on to blame him when Pete's life is made more complicated and dangerous by the knowledge. No safety there, no real ability to just relax and be himself because Clark never really knows when Pete might once again throw his secret back in his face.
And then there's Lana: I want to be clear here, *I do not hate Lana*. I actually think very highly of her, especially when she's not dating Clark. And I mean that in both directions, neither Clark nor Lana feel truly safe or at ease with each other in their relationship. I'm just going to focus on Lana for a second here as it relates to my point about Clark and love. Lana wants Clark to be fully open and honest with her. But The Secret becomes The Thing that she just can't see around. Despite how well she knows Clark, she perpetually uses The Secret to assign the worst motives to his actions, and to assume that he has done terrible things despite having no evidence that The Secret has anything to do with the character of Clark that she already knows. (Again, I recognize Clark's nonsense in this relationship too, I'm just focusing on this one side for the moment). Clark never really feels safe with her as a result, because her fixation on KNOWING his secret becomes more important than knowing or understanding him, and again, boundaries are crossed and miscommunication abounds.
Enter Lois Lane. She is a lot of things, but one thing that Lois is for Clark from very early on is *safe*.
We see her repeatedly respect people's boundaries and choices. For all of her curiosity and her drive for truth and answers, she draws a very firm line around the personal lives of others. She waits to be invited rather than demanding vulnerability from Clark. Sure, she offers lots of advice that Clark didn't ask for, but she never tries to pry him open. She takes him as he is, with the belief that people should be allowed to share what they feel safe sharing.
That is mind blowing for Clark. Outside of his family, he's never experienced love like that, platonic or otherwise. There have always been strings, always been eyes looking closer than he wanted, always been people holding his privacy over his head like a weapon. We see Clark, time and again, truly *relax* with Lois in a way he can't with just about anyone else. Lois is safe, truly, in a world where Clark is consistently surrounded with emotional danger.
I saw a post recently that related Clark's secret to someone coming out (even though that's likely not what the writers were going for intentionally). It's so true. Clark always deserved the chance to share all of himself when and how HE wanted to, and over and over again that chance was taken from him or used against him. I think that's why I personally feel so strongly about all of the people in his life being SO insistent that Clark is deceitful, overly guarded, that he HAS to share his secret OR ELSE (or else they will dig it up anyway, or else they will leave him, or else he will tell them and they will use the knowledge against him, or else, or else....)
There's no or else with Lois. She's happy to accept Clark as Clark, and he needed that so much.
As always, Lois Lane is my hero.
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Favorite Otps/Pairings: Geoff Schwartz & Erica Goldberg (The Goldbergs) “For the record, I'd do the whole mattress on the floor thing for you. For the record, I'm never breaking up with you.”
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MBAV Villain Posters XIII: ReVamped / 'Jesse's Girl'
A season finale calls for a special occasion. In this case, three posters with three distinct 'bad endings'— everyone abandons their morality & humanity; Sarah fails to save Ethan; and, finally, both Sarah and Erica are hypnotised whilst Ethan bleeds out, and Benny and Rory violently grieve him.
Which bad ending is your favourite?
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kingsoverjacks · 10 months
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Erica Durance is a sexy farm girl
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justreckin · 8 months
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But why are we singing?
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catharusustulatus · 1 year
With all of the new info on Stranger Things: The First Shadow and young Jopper being the possible key to ending Henry/Vecna, I just want to reiterate something: this whole story is about love. It's about love, it's always been about love. Familial love. Love between a group of nerds. Love lost and found. Found family. Right person wrong kind of relationship. The absence of love, and what it does to a person. Breaking up, coming back together. Discovering who you are to someone, who someone is to you, in the middle of what feels like a million apocalypses. Growing up. Being different and being accepted. Leaving vengeance behind. I can literally hear Argyle quoting Jimi Hendrix, saying "when the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." This group of people, abused, abandoned, bullied, beaten, betrayed, tortured even, and what do they do? Refuse to quit, because their love for each other boils over. Stranger Things is about love!!!!
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kedreeva · 2 years
Whats your thoughts about the Hellfire Club scene with Eddie and Erica? I love it so much, and I love how he celebrates her for dragging his ass even tho she does it in front of all his friends. Would have loved to see more of their dynamic, we were robbed 😆😍
I do love it from his POV but PLEASE also consider hers: Dustin (DUSTIN) comes over to the middle school from the high school to request her presence (and it SURELY had to be a request, they were desperate) and help (again) and she turns up wearing an american flag, DND books held like a shield, head held high, and the boys flank her into the dungeon. She sees the king upon his throne, potentially scary knights to either side of him, and you know what goes through her head when he says no?
What's a king to a bard?
But like, here's the thing. She walks in knowing he needs her for this campaign. They either run the campaign with her, or they fail the campaign, or they don't run the campaign. He's not going to cancel. And his players aren't going to fail. She knows, going in, that he's going to let her play.
And like.... not for nothing but this is the kid that bargained for infinite free ice cream as payment for helping the Scoop's troop infiltrate a top secret underground Russian government facility performing interdimensional science shenanigans.
But HE doesn't know, when she walks in, who she is or what she's been through. He can't.
But... she says her name, and what's his reaction?
"So this is Sinclair's infamous sister."
Like. He might have said no to someone else (though her response to him saying no was points in her favor no matter what), but he's heard of her. There's only two ways that could have occurred: either the boys have talked about her, or other people have, gossip that travels all the way to the high school. I'm betting the former, and... well, the boys know what she's done. Regardless of "little sister" status, they all know she's a badass- Dustin especially. Dustin, with whom Eddie seems to be closest. Dustin, who thinks all of his friends are badasses (because they are).
So of COURSE Eddie has heard the name Erica Sinclair.
And he teases her, pushes to see how she'll push back, and she pushes back hard. Hard enough he can see Dustin was right. Hard enough to hang with the girls.
Even if her character IS named after a my little pony. Maybe because of it.
I think they will get along fantastically when the dust clears and Eddie gets out of the hospital. She'll make a great addition to Hellfire Club nights.
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kstaki · 4 months
Wahhh after watching episode 48, felt like had to watch something light a bit. End up watching King-Chan! The episode where they play Fortnite (2 part) with the show country in it. Long post…😅
Although have to say it like mind-blown by the details especially there were a few things even the cast didn’t know.
Sadly only four of them participated, Aoto, Marie (Erica), Yuzuyan (Yuzuki) & So. (I am used to calling them that 😅) Yuzuyan & So were wearing glasses they look so cute wearing them 😆
First video was about N'Kosopa, where they were given the task to climb to the top.
None of had it easy climbing up 😂 So did comment he was more used to keyboard and mouse compare to controller saying he would do better. In the end they did provide him with it.
They took turn to climb up but they spend a lot of time falling 🤣
Yuzuyan’s turn she was first one to finally reach to the next level , they all celebrated the accomplishment thinking the game end & it seem like Yuzuyan had enough because she tried to end the channel 😂 Byebye Chan
Unfortunately there were still many level left to climb & there isn’t a save point 😰 so if you fall you’re starting from back from the start Zero!
Surprising Aoto was most quite while they other were playing while the rest were very noisy especially Yuzuyan 😂 (Part 1 & Part2)
They took a break & explore the other part of N’Kosopa. The detail was amazing even the epic showdown (E39) the bridge was there!
They return back to climbing & in middle Marie was saying like who best (this part not that sure but I think so) So, Marie, Yuzuyan & then Aoto who was in totally disbelief haha he click his tongue(probably annoyed 😅) then he blame he see it & doesn’t get it. (Probably referring to the different mechanism that enable the jump)
Afterward they got Miki-Sensei who was guiding them from the beginning & to show how it done lol but even he was struggling. Then admit he more comfortable keyboard & mouse. Chaos broke 😂 when they heard it since he was supposed to be the expert! Although they keep cheering Sensei on to reach the top which he did 😁 well only part of it there was still tower climb.
So tease Aoto to do the climb but he respond this isn’t the Teppen he seek. (Almost similar to E44) It sound so cool even So compliment him.
So did try the tower climb while in between Aoto was supposed to give his thought on it. I couldn’t really tell what sort of game he say it was like. Though he did say 楽勝でした (It was easy win) Marie immediately turn to stare at him while Yuzuyan just criticize him 😂 (since he was struggling the most ah poor Aoto) So was busy still playing.
Part 2
Shugoddam, they were only inside the castle the throne room. So was using controller and there was a mini game where you shoot target 🎯 that appear in the place. The ceiling of the throne room even had the King Ohger Mural!
Next was Ishabana and it was a like a quest. Marie had the control. Apparently in beginning you can choose Japanese or English, So & Yuzuyan ask Marie to choose English but she refuse saying let her do it in Japanese.
So spoke English for a moment asking do you speak Japanese (Gahh it sound good)
Marie just reply back in Japanese 😂
YET somehow it turn out the written dialogue was in English. Marie blame that she couldn’t see plus mention that she thought Japanese was on default & press the wrong button thus it end up to be English. Therefore she had no choice but to translate for them what the dialogue 🤣 (Poor Marie) she did translate for them roughly although some part she skip they were like what was written?!?! She did apologize for choosing English but they were fine with it. ☺️
Basically the quest is that you wake up in Ishabana & was save so want return back the favour to Queen Himeno. So the quest is find 5 flower the way was to use Pick-axe to smash the rock to find it. Yet somehow after giving the flower you seem to want to do more since she did save your life. That you end up have to find 300 flower. There was another ‘cheat’ way where this traveller got a machine that allow you make flower but in return the traveller wants a MOFFUN! You have to find it and exchange for the machine that allow you complete the quest and then you can access second floor of castle.
Though like N’Kosopa they just explore outside of the castle and the surrounding.
Next was Gokkan
A bit let down didn’t see the Castle it was mostly outside(I mean it was beautiful but I wanted a small glimpse of the castle) where Yuzuyan & So had the controller (it like two player now onward). Sensei was telling them to power up & gacha for weapon because the game in Gokkan was to fight like wave of zombie figure. Although there was a cool weapon where you shoot out sword & it stab to the ground like Rita’s signature move before exploding! Cool oh yeah it was purple 😎
While they play until they lost, it was really fun they wanted do another round but couldn’t due to lack of time.
Next was Toufu that was still under development while they were playing.
So & Aoto had the controllers this time. They were basically just inside the castle & there was a room that made out like kitchen where all cooking is done they had the sink, box, shelves just anything that like huge kitchen. It was connected to the Throne room.
Also there was this game where you can become a Mini-Kuroko. Basically the game is that you have be last person standing. Not sure if two player game or more can join but for this channel was just two of them.
The base is Tatami mat & underneath is lava so you have to survive by just trying not to fall into the lava. The Tatami mat is fragile so it will break after stepping on it, you can dash & jump. Just have to be last Kuroko standing!
Aoto just kept losing 5 times in a row hahaha & he said it was boring because of it 🤣
So reacted to it saying Aoto just suck at the game.
(There was a statue that say who is wining & how may win)
After his fifth lost, So then suggested whoever lose give next person.
Then Marie took over as she tried to trap So but still lost 3 times 😅 that she like ask Yuzuyan to take over 😆
If I am not mistaken (since they do cut out some part) Yuzuyan lost once but second time finally beat the undefeated Champion So! She even say Toufu now mine & cheer hahaha cute
Then Aoto vs Yuzuyan & 😂 Aoto lost (Aoto I feel so bad for you he is really terrible at game lol)
Then it was Marie Vs Yuzuyan &…Marie won. Then So begin to tease Yuzuyan for losing 😆
Afterward they were told to draw faces for Kuroko that they might use for the game.
Apparently found out they do reuse (or unintentionally put among with other notebook) their drawing notebook that they got sidetrack to find some of previous Masato Yano (Racles) stuff he did in one previous King Chan.
So & Yuzuyan drew a few possible picture to use for Kuroko & I am terrible at explaining how look like so I will just post a picture of one main one they drew
Then they also given the task to give a name for the game which they came up with was this…
黒子からの挑戦畳 (Kuroko's challenge tatami)
~Tatami, Sushi,Samurai~
Though they seem to agree that when the game release the bottom part might be removed 😂
Just roughly what can tell from the two episode (I was laughing at them playing also 😆it so amusing) although I really just want to play the game to see the world…I don’t know if I got time. 🥲
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cozy-phantom · 1 year
someone make tose little valentines cards but like for mbav
you know the ones, the solid conor ones with comic sans and the picture
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lowcountry-gothic · 10 months
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Heron, by Erica Peebus.
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