#Erik Myers
hotpinkboots · 2 years
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Saying “why he kinda…” while watching horror movies with friends whenever the most rancid murderer (my type) is on screen>>>>>>
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thepowerofyes · 2 months
Catified/Cat OC Drawing Ideas (featuring characters I like)
I did this in a collective hour so the drawings are kinda low quality but I hope you enjoy !
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thevondoom62 · 1 year
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Doctor Griffin's research has led him to meet all kinds of interesting people.
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macabremuscle · 2 years
Slashers (& Friends) Taking Care of Sick S/O
Yeah guess who's ill. It's me... I'm a big baby when I get sick and I get really emotional and just wanna be cuddled so this is comfort for me.
Warnings: Mentions of being sick, otherwise none just fluff. Besides slashers who are their own warnings
Jesse Cromeans:
Doctor. Now. He wastes no time in getting his private physician to come examine you. Doesn't matter what time of the day or night it is
If it's something mild like a cold or flu he'll take over caring for you. Sure he could have some gourmet chicken noodle soup brought up to your room but no. He's doing it himself
If he can, he's postponing all work until you're better. He won't let you out of his sight. He's waiting until you wake up from your nap to offer you some water. He's not scared of getting sick either so if you want him to cuddle you in bed, he's doing it. Anything for you
Corey Cunningham:
Poor thing is worried sick (lol). He'll ask you multiple times if you want to see a doctor and if you do he'll take you pronto. If not he'll worry but you just have to remind him it's just a cold and you're not gonna die
He knows he's gonna get in trouble for it but he's calling in sick to work until you're better. His mom is gonna be shrieking about him spending so much time away from home but he doesn't care. He's your bedside nurse. He'll spoon-feed you even if you're perfectly capable of doing it yourself
You don't even have to ask. He's burrowed under the mountain of blankets with you. Here, have the remote. You can watch anything you want. He'll just be here in case you need him. Please need him. Taking Care of you makes him so happy even if he hates to see you feeling miserable
Erik Destler:
Is kind of oblivious at first. Won't really pick up any coughing or sniffling to start with. Once you start visibly looking ill and your symptoms worsen, then he gets nervous. He doesn't get sick too often himself so he doesn't know what to do
Will offer to find a doctor for you if it's serious, otherwise he'll need your guidance on what to do. He's got the basics down of fetching you a glass of water and food but that's kind of it. But just ask, once you ask for something he's more than happy to get it
Sadly he's got things to do throughout the day and frankly, he doesn't want to catch whatever you have. Can't make music if you're busy puking. So he won't be glued to your side. But he's attentive in nursing you back to health and if you plead and hit him with the puppy eyes, hell snuggle you at bedtime
Asa Emory:
Not at all concerned. At least not outwardly if he is at all. Takes you to the doctor if you need it. Otherwise that's about the extent of it. Or so you'd think
Surprisingly shows a bit of a heart during your illness. He's not going to be doting by any means, but he's on point with your care. Meds are offered on the clock. Hearty meals and your glass never gets below half full. He'll ask about your symptoms to gage your improvement
Sadly no, no cuddles for you. He's a professor and he can't really afford to get sick and miss work. You can't be sure- maybe it was just the fever- but you could have sworn you felt soft lips on your forehead before you fell asleep
Brahms Heelshire:
Panic time. He doesn't know what to do. He's baby. People take care of him when he's sick not the other way around
You gotta help him if you want any assistance. He's more than willing to do it, much to your surprise, but he's absolutely clueless if you don't specify what you need
Will absolutely stay in bed and cuddle you the whole time. He'll do what you need him to do like bring food but he's not doing house chores. He ends up sick from being in such close proximity to you for so long so now you both feel like shit
Karl Heisenberg:
Tries to hide his concern. Fails miserably. He'll say things like "oh you're fine. Just take some herbal tea you'll be ok tomorrow." Then when you either get angry at his insensitivity or try to power through it and it's painfully obvious how sick you are, he changes his tune
He won't take the whole day to dote on you but he does what he can. Actually pops by fairly frequently to check up on you. He'll surprise you by bringing you some treats, if you can stomach it. He'll also make a trip to the Duke for medicine
You'll wake up later on in the day to him having already crawled into bed with you, his head laying on your chest or shoulder. He does care about you but he's just weird about showing it. Please get better he misses you hanging out with him during his experiments
Thomas Hewitt:
The whole Hewitt house is in a tizzy because of him. He's frantically trying to explain to his momma what's wrong. And if you're anything beyond some allergy sneezes, your ass is staying in bed. Tommy will absolutely throw down if Hoyt tries to bother you about doing chores
He's doing double duty now because you're sick. And he's more than happy to cover for you! But it does mean he's more busy so he can't take care of you like he'd prefer to. He'll sneak off every 30 minutes to come check on you and see if you need anything
You can be sure however that once the days over he's all but diving headfirst into bed to snuggle up with you. He's not at all worried about germs. He's giving you all the hugs and kisses
Pyramid Head:
Clueless. So clueless. What's a germ? Why do you look like you're about to pass out? He doesn't know how humans work at all. He won't know what's wrong with you until you tell him and even then, he's not going to fully understand
He does understand, however, that you're weak and in need of care and that's going to make him super protective of you. Other monsters would swoop in to grab you in a second if he wasn't careful. He won't let anything get near you and he's more than happy to cradle you to his chest and carry you around if he must
Won't know how to help you much beyond protection. You'll have to ask him for food and water and... Well.. Silent Hill is lacking in the good food department. It's probably what made you sick in the first place. He'll scrounge around trying to find whatever he can for you tho
Michael Myers:
This bitch. He knows you're sick and he doesn't really care too much. Not unless it's serious. Then he's going to carry you to the ER and dump you right outside the doors so you'll get some medical care but otherwise? He's useless
He'll watch you and when he finally sees just how under the weather you are, that small almost hidden human side of him will try to help. Soup from a can that's been microwaved to lukewarm is about all he can manage
He's very observant so he'll see all your symptoms. But he'll just grab literally all the bottles of medicine and dump them on your lap for you to pick out the ones you need. He'll be surprisingly willing to let you cuddle him while you're sick tho. Gross sick things don't faze him in the slightest
Bo Sinclair:
Germaphobe. The instant you have a nasty cough, sneeze one too many times, or tell him you're sick, he's taking a good two paces away from you. You can keep your nasty germs away from him thank you
On the bright side, you actually get some peace and quiet so you're able to rest. He feels a little guilty about being mean so he will check up on you everyone once in a while, ask if you need anything. Don't be surprised if he makes one of his brothers take it to you tho
He'll try to refuse to to start with but if he sees that's upsetting you he eventually gets over himself and holds you tight. Will absolutely bitch and moan if you get him sick
Lester Sinclair:
I think this man's a walking petri dish so you probably got it from him. He'll be pretty level headed about it really. If not slightly upset cuz he's worried about you not feeling well but he won't lose his head unless it's serious
You're getting the finest dishes he can muster up. Are they good for a sour stomach? Probably not. But it's comfort food and he's worked so hard on it. He'll bring you all your favorite snacks
He'll take you into town to see a doctor if he has to. Bo won't like it but he's willing to face Bo's wrath for you. Or he'll go get medicine and bring it back. He's more than happy to pamper you throughout everything. Constantly holding you and pecking your face with kisses and saying "hope you feel better soon darlin"
Vincent Sinclair:
Doctor Vincent is in the house. Instantly asks you to list all your symptoms and gets to work trying to make you well again. Which sounds sweet and it is but he will force you to drink the nasty cough syrup no matter how much you protest
Keeps you in the basement with him so he can keep an eye on you and be within earshot if you call for him. He won't smother you but the instant you groan out his name he's there, ready to help
Will fix up dishes specifically for you and not share with his brothers. Bo's pissed cuz he wanted some of that delicious smelling gumbo. Vincent will happily put down anything he's working on to come sit or lay beside you. Whatever you need, he's got it covered
Jason Voorhees:
Another one who panics. Is it serious? What is he supposed to do? He only has limited supplies and he's not really in a position to get you to a medical professional. Are you going to die?? Please calm him down before he combusts
Every other second he's standing beside you, wanting you to tell him what you need. He'll make anything you want to eat. Might not be the best but... It's edible so there's that. Bless his heart. He'll even find an old teddy bear to tuck under your arm so you don't get too lonely while he's away in the kitchen
Not that it matters because he's instantly right back and not leaving your side. You want to cuddle? Absolutely he's right on it. Take a nap, he'll be right here when you wake up
Harry Warden: 
Surprisingly sane as long as it's mild. He'll get worried if you need to go to the doctor because he can't be there with you so he'd really rather avoid that if possible. But otherwise he's calm about it
He'll have you lay down and get you anything you need. He makes sure you're alright and ready for nap before he leaves again. He doesn't see much need to stick around and hover over you when you're just snoozing so he'll be back later to check up on you
Beauty of the gas mask is he doesn't have to worry about germs. But honestly he'd be unconcerned about it anyway. He asks how you're feeling and when you answer him he's kissing your forehead. He says it's to check your temperature but the soft touch of his hands on your cheek reveal he's caring about you
Totally unbothered. Any illness you have is probably non-transferable to him anyway. And on top of that, his people's medicine is so advanced even a serious illness is nothing to worry about. He'll offer to have you seen by a physician but if you refuse and simply want to fight it off naturally he respects it
He doesn't really know what sick humans need so please tell him. He'll make a special trip all the way back to earth to get your favorite snack if that's what you want
He'll let you sleep when you want it but he's happy to entertain you by your bedside. He loves reading to you in his native tongue. You don't understand it of course but you like the sounds of all the clicks and find it soothing. In fact if you tell him about how earth cat purring has healing properties, he's scooping you up and nesting in the bed with you, purring up a storm. You don't know if it actually helps fight your illness but you both enjoy it regardless
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smashpages · 6 months
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Out this week: Saturday Morning Adventures: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles–April Special (IDW, $6.99): 
Erik Burnham and Sarah Myer venture into the world of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon from the 1990s for a story featuring April, Shredder, Ace Duck and Mona Lisa.
See what else is arriving at your local comic shop this week!
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charleshyde · 1 year
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Not the drawing I talked about in the last post, but still a Phantom of the opera drawing, so whatever.
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dirtyriver · 4 months
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Preview of TMNT: Saturday Morning Adventures Continued #13, written by Erik Burnham, interior art and cover by Sarah Myer
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graphicpolicy · 6 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and IDW celebrate 40 years this July
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and IDW celebrate 40 years this July #comics #comicbooks #tmnt
After the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) made their debut in a black-and-white comic by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird in 1984, the Heroes in a Half Shell went on to become a global phenomenon. Over the next forty years, countless talented people across the entertainment industry worked passionately with the beloved franchise, allowing adventures with new iterations of TMNT to consistently…
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witchesroad · 1 year
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BUTTERFLY KISSES (2018) dir. erik kristopher myers
then we’re going to prove to the world that peeping tom exists. the camera doesn’t lie.
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myesmi · 1 year
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hello! as a new horror slasher blog, i would love to see some requests in my inbox! come check me out!
here is where you can find the characters you’re able to request, and here’s information on how you can request in the first place! <3
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pensfan4lfe2 · 2 years
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Tampa Bay Lightning || 2022-23 NHL Season
(Opening Night Roster vs NYR)
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agrimmind · 2 years
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Saturday Morning Adventures Teenage Muntan Ninja Turtles #4 Story: Erik Burnham Art: Tim Lattie Colors: Sarah Myer Letters: Nathan Widick
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halloweendailynews · 7 months
[Interview] Erik Preston Talks Playing Young Michael Myers in 'Halloween 4' and More
[Interview] Erik Preston Talks Playing Young Michael Myers in 'Halloween 4' and More
One of only a few individuals to ever appear on screen as Michael Myers in a Halloween movie, and one of even fewer to play the clown-costumed six-year-old version of the iconic killer, Erik Preston joined us on our Michael Myers Monday Live show this week for a brand new interview and viewer Q&A, discussing his memories from Haddonfield filming Halloween 4 and much more. During our live…
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thevondoom62 · 1 year
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Count Dracula proves to be as unkillable as they say.
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macabremuscle · 2 years
Pegging the Slashers (and Friends)
Exactly what you think it is. I can't tag you but to my challenger, you know you are. This for you mwah ❤️
Ok now do I REALLY think half these guys would take the strap? No. And that's ok because we care about consent here. But, for the sake of making things fun, let's just say everyone on this list is willing to say yes!
This ended up just being some HCs because with so many characters it's just a super long post. But if you want a separate drabble with a specific character, please drop an ask and I'll happily flesh that out
This is very spicy content below so shoo kids
Jesse Cromeans:
He won't want it frequently but occasionally if he's feeling soft or it's a special day, he'll agree to it
You wouldn't think so the way he'll absolutely love it. Definitely not a pillow princess, he's rocking his hips to meet your thrusts every time
There's no quickies with this guy. If you're gonna fuck him he wants a thorough job of it. Will make you stop moving just so he can edge himself and last longer. Now's the time to tease him since he normally doesn't let you get away with it when the roles are reversed
Erik Destler:
Probably also likes dildos on the larger side too as a big guy himself. We all know he's got a sex dungeon full of toys.
Every day is a sexy adventure for you two. But you doing this is still a little rare because he isn't naturally a sub. He's happy to do this on occasion for you though, and he loves how it feels
Oh good lord he's flustered once you explain it to him. You can't tell me this man ain't a virgin and I guarantee his idea of sex is very soft sweet and vanilla (which is valid!)
He's not opposed per se but he wants to think it over a bit and once you reassure him you'll take care of him, he accepts. It's going to be just as romantic as when he takes you. Candles and rose petals, the works. He wants to feel loved too after all and you always do such a good job making him feel it. This is new territory but he sees it as a chance for him to see what it's like for you
This man is your pillow princess. The sensations are foreign but overwhelming in the best possible way and he's stunned into being unable to do anything but moan. He's so damn sensitive you'll probably be able to pull quite a few orgasms out of him
He'll be very open to doing this again if he's being completely honest
Asa Emory:
Oh geez getting him to say yes is... Not gonna be easy. Not because he's got any issues with it. He just is a control freak and giving you that much power goes against his nature
He'll agree as a reward but it will be something pretty big so you better be on your best behavior
Still tops. Sorry but you're not bending him over anything. He'll take the strap on his terms darling. You lay there and look pretty while he bounces on your silicone cock
It's still a wonderful sight to behokd, seeing his collected exterior slowly crumble as he loses himself to pleasure. He might allow you to grip his hips and thrust into him but if he's not ready for that he'll grip you by the throat and push you down into the bed as a warning
You might get this a handful of times in your life so enjoy it while you can
Pamper him all you want baby. He'll be a little nervous at first because he's a virgin but it's sex with you and you've told him so much about how good he's gonna feel, he's very accepting and excited too
Brahms Heelshire:
Doesn't want any of that bdsm kinky stuff. Very intimate loving and tender sex for him thank you. He still wants all the praises and kisses as you rock his world
Now's the time to encourage his mommy kink to come out. He'll be embarrassed about it but it's not gonna stop him
Anytime he wants to get pegged he'll come find you and shyly ask you to do it. It's a little jarring when he's in those moods because it's such a 180 from his other mood of wanting to toss you on the bed and go to pound town
Karl Heisenberg:
Surprisingly readily agrees. What? You thought Mr Mad Scientist who lives in a factory alone in a secluded village hasn't ever gotten horny and put something up his ass? Please
He loves to tease however so you'll have to earn it. Wants you to be a little rough in a playful way so he'll only fight back a tiny bit before you pin him and he relents you as the victor.
I think he'd want to try some wild stuff like weird positions or wild dildos. Absolutely a bad dragon kinda guy. Hell go the full nine yards and tie him up. He's down for a little pain play. Love hate relationship with overstimulation. Honestly give yourself a treat and bind him up with a vibrator in his ass
You do this kinda thing like once a week he loves it
Thomas Hewitt:
Thomas.exe is officially broken. You've killed his brain. All he can do is turn red and stare at you. To be honest he may not know what pegging was until you explain it and it blows his mind
He's actually ok with it once the shock wears off. He has his moments of dominating you but as a switch he's always enjoyed you taking the reigns. So you domming him is no issue at all
You'll have to make sure the house is empty or go to some secluded part of the farm out of earshot. He's surprisingly loud for a man who doesn't speak. He can't help it. He's never felt this way before and it's so incredibly sexy of you
Not frequently getting pegged though simply because if his family found out he'd never hear the end of it. It's rare but it's always a treat
Pyramid Head:
Curious head tilt
He doesn't know what that is at all. You're gonna have to sit him down and give the full in depth lesson. This information is gonna blow his mind
Similar to Asa he'll be slightly adverse to it solely because he's never been one to give up control. He loves you but it's in his nature to struggle with being gentle and submissive. He'll really have to think it over and control some instincts to do this. But he's willing to try for you dearest.
Takes a little while to get used to it but once he does, he really enjoys the sensation. It's new to him but anything that brings pleasure will win him over. You don't get total control though. He's stroking himself the entire time and if you're moving too slow, he has no issue with grabbing your hips and moving you at the pace he wants. He's strong enough to do it with ease
Won't do it a whole lot but if you tease him for a while and get him worked up, he might be swayed again
Michael Myers:
One of the Slashers I think you'd have the least chance of convincing to do this let's be honest. This is gonna be a long term process. If he knows what it is, he'll refuse the first time you bring it up. He'll refuse it after you explain it if he isn't familiar
You don't beg or try to manipulate him into it but through the process of education and encouragement, he does get curious despite himself. Finally one day you'll come upstairs to find him holding out a strap to you, wordlessly telling you he's agreeing finally
You wouldn't think he'd be a pillow princess but... Yeah. He just kinda lays there. You spent so damn long asking him for this, you get to do all the work now. He always puts 100% effort into fucking you and often pins you in such a way it's hard for you to actually participate in anything besides taking his dick. So he thinks it's only fair. You want to peg him? Better peg him good then.
This might be a one off situation but from now on, you won't get your hand chopped off if you slip a finger in his butt
Bo Sinclair:
Oh yes Mr Alpha Male here is going to give you a hard time. Even if you're already a kinky person he'll be taken aback a bit by the request. But he'll eventually make it a game just to get to admit how bad you wanna do it. He loves hearing how desperate you are him
He comes to terms with the concept fairly early but won't let it on to you. It's a control thing for him too. So he'll make it a birthday surprise or something
Another who is still gonna top. But watching Bo ride is a reward all on its own. Especially if he's had a few beers or whiskey? He's really gonna make a show of it. God if only he'd let you take some pictures its drool worthy.
Thoroughly enjoys himself but wont let you have that much power too often. Offer him something he wants in return however and you have a 50/50 chance of him relenting
Lester Sinclair:
Is a bit shocked at first depending on your personality. If you're usually a sweet and soft person he's gonna have some mental whiplash over it
I HC that Lester is kind of a secret kinky kinda guy so after his shock is gone he's ready. Would probably want to go to a store and pick the toy out with you. He'd be bashful about it but definitely not ashamed
Likes things light hearted and fun so he's not gonna go for the BDSM level stuff. He can't get into it and he's probably laugh at the awkward roleplay you both attempt anyway. He wants it to be something you both enjoy. But you can absolutely pull his hair and maybe just maybe he'd like you to spit in his mouth
He doesn't turn it into a habit but if you can get him into the right mood he'll be happy to do it
Vincent Sinclair:
Blushy boy alert. You'll be worried you turned him off it completely with the way he excuses himself from the conversation so quickly
He's a switch but when he subs he SUBS. So he's excited to try this with you. Dominate him completely. Put his legs on your shoulders and make him beg for your cock. Loves it if you start slow but build up to a fast pace. On the flip side however, lazy sleepy pegging? Sign him the fuck up. Make him ride you though, he's too pretty to not enjoy that view
You both have a safe word in place but he'll be thrown for a loop if you suddenly take him roughly when he's getting close. Shove his head into the pillows and grab his hips for leverage? He's gonna cum in seconds. Bo won't look him in the eyes for a week after hearing those moans echoing out of Vincent's studio
Not interested in doing this all the time but yeah this won't be out of the norm for you guys
Jason Voorhees:
This is gonna be tricky. You know how he is about sex. It took him a long time to be ok with doing anything with you. But even then, most of that's pretty tame stuff. He's never brought up anything kinky on his own. You're sure he knows about it from things he's seen but he just never seemed interested in doing it with you
Explain it as you want to make him feel as good as he makes you feel. He's able to embrace it in that light. He's still a bit nervous though but he trusts you'll take care of him
You'll definitely need to go slow with him. Start with fingering him a couple times. Maybe rimming if you're into that. A few sessions for him to get acclimated to being touched there. You'll need to go slow for the big event as well because as happy as he is to try this, he's gonna be so nervous he'll be tense and stiff as a board. Give him a little bit. He'll let you know when he's ready for you to move
Is surprised by his own orgasm and upon reflection, he did enjoy himself. But I don't think this would be a super frequent thing between you two. But if you suggest it he'll probably oblige
Harry Warden: 
He's kinda offended at first because he takes it as a challenge to his being the dominant one. Hes got an ego. Talk it out and explain it's FOR his benefit mostly anyway. He needs time but once you plant that seed in his brain he's not going to be able to drop it
He'll approach you one day and huff out that he's ready. You can see the slight blush on his cheeks and he won't meet your gaze but he's already tenting his coveralls thinking about it so you know he wants it
He's gonna view it as a task at first. Won't be super receptive to any teasing or pillow talk. He's literally just focusing on not tensing up and breathing deeply. If you ask him if he wants to stop he'll shock you by rather aggressively telling you to keep going
Once you get going at a slow but steady pace he truly relaxes. The way he's feeling overrides the last of his nerves and despite himself he's truly able to melt into the moment. Now you can love on him and tease him a bit (but don't do too much)
He'll act indifferent about it whenever you try to discuss it but once in a blue moon he'll wordlessly approach you holding the strap, silently begging you to indulge him
Is already face down, ass up, cheeks spread for you. I will die on the hill that female yautja are more aggressive and bigger than the males and probably dominant the hell out of them every mating season. And you cannot tell me that doesn't lead to some hardcore pegging. You can try to argue otherwise but I know I'm right
Honestly probably knows more about it than you do which is actually quite helpful because he can tell you what he likes before you even start
He'll be beyond thrilled if you're rough with him. Pull his dreads, sink you teeth into his skin. If the both of you aren't marked up and bleeding by the end of it, was it any good? However, you can throw him a curve ball and give him the strap all slow and sensual. That might set him off more than the normal rough sex to be honest
Yeah this is a fairly regular thing for you both
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