#Vincent Sinclair
blackenedsnow · 3 hours
Hiiiii so if you want to ignore this you can, but I just got a dog, His name is bubba, (yes, TCM ref.), and it got me thinkin, "hey, what would the slasher's reaction be to the reader having a pet that shared the same name as them?" I'd like this maybe with Bubba, Thomas, Jason, Michael, the Sinclairs, and whatever other slasher you wanna add (luv ur work btw :3)
slashers with a reader who has a pet that shares a name with them ; headcanons
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PAIRING: Bubba Sawyer x Reader, Thomas Hewitt x Reader, Jason Voorhees x Reader, Michael Myers x Reader, Lester Sinclair x Reader, Vincent Sinclair x Reader, Bo Sinclair x Reader
NOTE: Thank you for the kind words! :) This is such a cute idea and I loved writing these. Also this was mostly aimed towards cats and dogs because I literally couldn't think of anything for like.. any other variety 😭😭
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When you introduced your pet as "Bubba," you fully expected Bubba himself to tilt his head like a confused puppy.
The second he realized the two of them had the same name was priceless.
He started pointing at himself, then at your pet, as if to confirm he was hearing things right.
After the initial shock, Bubba became incredibly attached to your pet.
He'd follow Bubba Jr. (LOL) around the house, and you'd catch him feeding stuff to your pet that he shouldn't be when he thought you weren’t looking.
It was strangely sweet how proud he seemed to share a name with your pet, even if it did get a little confusing at times when you called for one of them.
If anything, Bubba grew a bit possessive.
He wanted to be your favorite Bubba, after all, and you could swear he would get jealous if you gave the pet too much attention!
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Thomas was initially quiet about the whole name-sharing situation.
He didn’t show any particular reaction when you introduced your pet as "Tommy" (or "Thomas"), but you could tell something was on his mind by the way he kept glancing between you and your pet.
At first, he just gave an amused huff and shrugged it off, figuring it was a funny coincidence.
But deep down, he was secretly touched.
Not that he’d admit it, of course.
Over time, though, you’d notice him sneaking affectionate looks to your pet when no one was around.
Thomas actually liked the idea of having a namesake—even if it was a animal—because it made him feel a little more connected to you.
It was something small, but it gave him a sense of belonging, which was rare for him.
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When you told Jason you had a pet named "Jason," he froze for a solid minute, staring at you with that blank hockey mask of his.
He didn’t really know how to process it at first.
On the one hand, it was strange hearing his name on your lips when you weren’t talking to him.
But on the other hand, there was something oddly endearing about it.
Jason grew protective of your pet in his own silent way.
He’d keep a close eye on them, ensuring they were always safe and sound.
Whenever you called for "Jason," he’d appear too—just to make sure you didn’t need him for anything important.
The fact that he shared a name with your pet didn’t bother him too much, especially since you never mixed up the two of them (though there were a few amusing moments when both Jasons turned their heads at the same time).
Ultimately, he found a sense of kinship with your pet, almost like they were a little duo.
Two Jasons, both devoted to you.
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Michael’s reaction to hearing your pet’s name?
Pure silence.
As usual..
He just stood there, staring at you with that emotionless mask.
You couldn’t tell if he found it funny, annoying, or if he simply didn’t care.
But in classic Michael fashion, he wasn’t about to make a big deal out of it.
Over time, though, you’d start to notice little things—like how Michael would give your pet long, lingering looks whenever you weren’t paying attention, or how he’d mysteriously disappear and reappear at the same time as your pet's walks.
It was as if he was silently competing for your attention.
Not that he’d admit it.
He wasn’t jealous exactly, but Michael didn’t like sharing.
Especially not his name.
That being said, he tolerated your pet because it made you happy..
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“Oh, wow! You’ve got a dog named Lester? Ain’t that somethin’!”
Lester burst out laughing when you introduced your pet, finding it genuinely hilarious that your pet had the same name as him.
He didn’t take it seriously at all—if anything, he was proud.
"Now we’re like a little team, huh?"
he joked, ruffling your pet's fur and making fast friends with them.
Lester thought it was funny whenever you called for "Lester" and both of them turned to look at you, and he’d laugh every time.
He didn’t mind sharing the name at all—in fact, he loved it.
Your pet quickly became his partner in crime during his rounds through Ambrose.
He’d always bring treats for them and refer to the two of them as "the Lesters," thinking the whole situation was a blast.
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Vincent was intrigued, to say the least.
He didn’t talk much, but when you introduced your pet as "Vincent," you could see the curiosity in his eyes behind the mask.
He wasn’t used to hearing his name spoken aloud, so it was a little strange at first, but he didn’t dislike it.
He found it almost poetic that your pet shared his name.
Vincent wasn’t one for words, but the quiet moments when he watched you with your pet made him feel a strange warmth in his chest.
Your pet often sat in his art studio while he worked, and over time, Vincent would even carve small figurines resembling your pet.
While it was a bit odd at first, Vincent enjoyed the quiet companionship.
Your dog’s presence wasn’t invasive, and sharing a name felt more like sharing a piece of himself with you.
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Bo wasn’t exactly thrilled when he found out you had a pet named after him.
he’d ask, raising an eyebrow.
"You named a damn animal after me?"
At first, he acted annoyed, but it didn’t take long for that classic Bo charm to kick in.
"Well, I guess it’s fitting. Both of us handsome devils, huh?"
He’d joke about it, brushing off the initial surprise, but there was always a part of him that felt a little smug about it.
Bo liked the idea of you having a constant reminder of him, even if it was in the form of a pet.
And while he’d never admit it, he found himself getting a little jealous when you called your pet's name, and he didn’t get the attention.
You’d catch him grumbling, muttering under his breath,
"Don’t forget who the real Bo is, sweetheart."
He’d eventually warm up to the pet, though, and you’d see him giving them sneaky pets when he thought you weren’t looking.
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tac-the-unseen · 4 months
Slapping Slasher's Ass and Running away!
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Micheal Myers:
•He likes to believe he has complete control over his surroundings 
•He likes to imagine himself as a Jaguar; opportunistic, stealthy, adaptable, and an Apex predator
•And then there's you, here to snap them back to reality 
•If he's a Jaguar, you're an annoying bird that follows him 
•All this made clear when He's just standing in the kitchen and feels a hard smack on his Ass
•He whips his head around to see you, running at full speed and giggling 
•For a moment he's completely stunned 
•But only for a moment 
•He’s quick on your heels 
•In less than 10 seconds he's holding you in the air by your shirt, like holding a cat by its scruff
•You can immediately tell through the mask how pissed he is
•But for a few seconds he just leaves you suspended in the air, and soon enough he makes his decision. 
•He walks to your shared bedroom and drops you onto the bed
•You think you're in for some sexy-funtime
•That quickly washes away when Michael turns around and walk out the door 
•When you get up to follow you find that he's locks you in by putting a chair under the handle 
•This man is so sick of your shit, but loves you too much to actually harm you
•He just put you in time out while he waits for the stinging on his ass to go away
Billy loomis & Stu macher:
•When the school day ends you're walking towards the front door, you spot both of your boyfriends walking towards the door too
•With the coast clear of teachers and most other students you knew what you had to do
•You rub your hands together diabolically and begins to run towards them
•when you're finally in the perfect position, you wind your hands back and as hard as you can, you slap their ass
•They both tense up and freeze
•When they see you running past them and laughing, they are quick to give chase
•They Chase you down the field and into the parking lot
•Stu was the one to tackle you onto the grass, making sure to protect your head when you fall
•Stu pins you down while Billy catches up 
•When (a winded) Billy reaches you two he drops to his knees and starts tickling you
•Neither boy takes to seriously and think it's a playful invention to rough house and playfully fight
Thomas Hewitt:
•While he was meticulously cutting up some cow legs, you spotted a golden opportunity 
•Thom’s fat ass in perfect position 
•After circling him, carrying the same box of tools, you decide to go for the kill
•”Tommy!” You shout while running past him
•Your hand makes firm contact with the side of his rear 
•You leave a blazing trail up the stairs while Thom processes what happened
•Thom watches you run away while his ass stings 
•At most he's confused 
•He just goes back to work 
Bubba Sawyer:
•You were playing with him outside
•Running around, picking flowers, picking up pebbles, roughhousing
•While play fighting you slap is ass and run away hoping he would chase you
•instead he stands for confused 
•after an awkward couple seconds, you realize he's not going to chase you, So you walk back to him 
•You ask if He's okay and realize his eyes is watering 
•After a frantic apology and check over You managed to figure out that he's not hurt 
•Bubba Just associates spanking with being bad/bad behavior 
•He was upset because he thought you were punishing him for being too rough 
•You made it up to him by making him a flower crown 
Bo Sinclair:
•This could go one of two ways
•He could be really into it OR he could freak out
•It depends on what mood you catch him in
•One day he'll think it's sexy and want you to do it again 
•The next he'll have a PTSD attack remembering his childhood 
•It's honestly best if you keep your hands to yourself
Vincent Sinclair:
•He honestly thought you did it by accident 
•He didn't understand that you were trying to play 
•He didn't react at all 
•You have to tell him what you're trying to do 
•He gets very embarrassed about not understanding that he kind of shut down for the day 
•He remains hunched over on his desk for the rest of the day 
Lester Sinclair:
•It honestly doesn't matter what you do to Lester, He's just happy you're giving him attention 
•The man is the definition of a puppy 
•He's just happy to be here 
•So if you want to play a game of Chase, He’lll Chase
•As soon as you slap and run away he's hot on your heels 
•He chases you through a field and down the roads 
•When he catches you he's out of breath and takes a second to dry heave 
•Then he'll hug and kiss you while walking back to the Truck 
Billy Lenz:
•Billy is one of the characters you Can not hit
•You think he'd be into to quick slap, but he has the opposite reaction 
•He thinks you're planning on hurting him And will either attack you or hide 
•If he chooses to attack, You're likely going to have to hold him down until he calms 
•If he hides, leave him alone
•trying to find him would be like walking into a coyote's den
•eventually he'll come back out because you're the only person that still talks to him 
•He figures it's better to be physically abused than be lonely 
•Good luck explaining that it was just a joke 
Brahms Heelshire:
•He was acting up after you told him the grocery boy was coming today
•He was whining about how you don't need to interact with him and how the help shouldn't be seen or heard
•You remind them that you're technically ‘the help’ and he pouts on the couch 
•When the doorbell rings he immediately jumps up to try to stop you 
•You have a light bulb moment
•You get closer, reach around, and slap his ass
•You almost immediately push past him to run to the door 
•Brahms is quick to follow, but not quick enough
•You swing open the door before Brahms can reach you
•He hides just in time, and proceeds to stew behind the door.
Hannibal Lecter:
•While he was cooking up some breakfast you come up behind him and hug him
•He greets you and continues to cook 
•You two have a lazy conversation while you lean your head against his shoulders 
•Deciding he's not pay enough attention to you come up with a plan
•You steal one of his knives, slap his ass, and bolt out of the kitchen 
•He gives you about a 5-second Head start before he begins his hunt 
•In that time He turns off the stove and allows himself time to find you
•He slowly starts his prowl 
•Checking doors, behind furniture, around the stairs, and behind curtains 
•When he finds you, he pounces and pulls you into a pinning hug
•He forces the knife from your hand and kisses your forehead
•”Let me finish breakfast, then I'll spend time with you.”
Will Graham:
•While on the world's most boring fishing trip (Will Even admitted this trip sucked) You watch as no lines get tugged
•board out of your mind you decide to at least mess around 
•While Will was leaning over to check his lines you slap his ass as hard as to can, which throws him into the calm river
•You howl with laughter as Will get thrown overboard 
•When he resurfaces we comes back up with a scowls on his lips, but a playful look in his eyes
•”You suck” he chuckles while you help him back in
•As soon as he's on board, he throws you into the water and laughs
The Lost Boys:
•All the boys are up for a good chase, But they all have different reactions 
-Slapping David's ass takes balls
-As soon as you try to run he has you by the arm 
-He smirks and pulls you towards him
-”Oh-ho-ho, where do you think you're going?”
-If you play your cards right he'll let you go to properly chase you 
-All’s well and good before he flies at you like a hawk
-He'll let you run away But as soon as you're out of sight the game is on 
-It doesn't matter where you're at 
-The boardwalk, the cave, the forest, the beach 
-He sprints and tackles you to the floor 
-”Did you honestly believe you could outrun a vampire?” He muses
-could turn playful, could turn romantic 
-as soon as your hand collides with his ass, he shrieks 
-He playful pretends he's wounded 
-He writhes on the ground, cries fake tears, hand over forehead
-”Why should you do this to me!” 
-”I thought you loved me!” 
-Walks around all day telling his brothers that you abuse him 
-gives you love bites while telling his tale of woe 
-when you slap his ass he lets out a moan that causes both of you to freeze 
-after a few seconds Marko whips around 
-”Tell no one.” He says in a completely serious voice 
-You know for a fact the others would make fun of him for the rest of his unnatural life 
-Every time you're behind him, he turns around to face you So it never happens again
Thanks for reading <3
Sorry this took so long! I've had a busy week!
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horrorhussy · 2 months
Thinking about that line in the new twisters movie: “you don’t face your fears, you ride them”
And as a horror/slasher fan that is just a sentiment I can really get behind-
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zvonkayatishina · 2 months
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Autumn is coming so do Halloween
Sketchy work with Vincent Sinclair from House of Wax
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black-brained · 3 months
Me: I watch house of wax for the plot!
The plot:
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the-thot-clown · 2 months
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This is an old one from Patre0n but I think I've never shared it here?
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minilev · 4 months
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The hunters are being hunted
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creepydollyyy · 5 months
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𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒖𝒅𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓😏🎬
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alfjorcitos · 1 year
omgg he's soo cute (i want to peg him. i want to make him whimper. i want to edge him till he cries and begs me to cum)
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
"I could fix him"
Ok but- what if he could fix me? What if a single hug from him would make it all feel better?
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das-sena · 1 year
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Outubro Yippeeee!
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seasonofhorror · 8 months
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jaume collet-serra, 2005
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tac-the-unseen · 3 months
how slasher reacts that s/o is rude and hot-tempered with everyone but with him he becomes sweet and kind ?? (pleaseee do Tommy)
Slashers x Rude Reader
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Micheal Myers:
•Honestly whatever
•He thinks it's a little funny when you're sassy or bitchy with people
•He chill with almost whatever you do
•Loves feeling like He's the only person in your world (He's toxic like that)
•giving only him your affection sends every happy chemical to his brain
•No matter what your relationship, He wants to be the only one
Billy loomis & Stu macher:
•You give these boys whiplash
•One second you're yelling at somebody, and the next you're giggling and laughing with them
•However watching you blow up at a guy for flirting with you is enough to make them stay
•If you're also a Ghostface, they're putting you on phone duty. They love your sassy one-liners
•They both back you up all the time, whether you're wrong or right
•these boys are real ride or dies (You did watch the movie right?)
Thomas Hewitt:
•He has no idea how you can switch up so fast
•He loves how kind you are to him, But watching you be mean to everybody else makes his head spin
•On one hand he loves being around you, and you are truly his best friend. On the other, he doesn't know How you even became friends in the first place at times
•Your smile is enough to remind him though
•But he also knows that your mouth is going to get you in trouble, So he's double protective
Bubba Sawyer:
•Another case of whiplash
•But at least you get to stand up and fit in with his brothers
•they're the rudest people he knows, So at least he knows that you're truly part of the family
•And someone has to tell the cashier he ordered no pickles, And it's not going to be him
•Loves seeing your ‘soft’ side (It makes him feel special and trusted)
Bo Sinclair:
•Loves it
•Couldn’t be more proud
•Watching you snap at travelers is enough to put hearts in his eyes
•He cheers you on while you verbally brawl with others
•Sometimes wishes you're that bitchy with him (But then he remembers all the people you made cry, and prefers not to be on that receiving end)
Vincent Sinclair:
•A little unsettled by the deja vu he gets
•You remind him so much of his brother that it bothers him to a degree
•Then you're so sweet to him and he forgets that feeling for a while
•However he will have a mini crisis by how many rude people are in his life….or were
•Asks you to try and be a little nicer to people, while also giving you permission to have screaming matches with Bo (You leave poor Lester out of it!)
Lester Sinclair:
•He kind of needs someone to stand up for him
•someone has to set his brother's straight, and it sure ain't going to be him
•views you like a guard dog
•He's so grateful for it too
•Tries to repay you by taking you the scenic routes if you tag along with him for work
Billy Lenz:
•Whenever he's fed up he hands you the phone line
•Another slasher that cheers you on
•Scream at the sorority girls all you want, no matter what he'll be behind you with imaginary pom-poms
•And when you turn around and look at him with affection, it makes him melt
•Will be snuggled up to your mid section with you curse a bitch out
•If you literally weren't the only person in his life, you'd be a little concerned that you are his comfort person
Brahms Heelshire:
•as long as you're not rude to him, whatever
•kind of loves it, but will not admit it
•It makes him less prone to jump out and grab people
•Will still snatch a hoe if needed, but he loves to watch you take care of ‘pests’
•Sassing the grocery Boy is a sure way to get Brahms to do whatever you want
•It just makes him feel secure, heard, and understood
Hannibal Lecter:
•Be honest with yourself
•You do not have Will Graham privileges
•You're going in the soup
•om nom nom nom 😋
Will Graham:
•another case of: whatever don't care
•(Not) The rudest couple in town
•You've both mastered the “Bitch Please” Look
•Hannibal tries telling Will that you are bad influence, Will doesn't listen and does not care
•you're as sweetest can be to him and feed his puppies, that is enough for him
The Lost Boys:
•You fit right in
•What other possible qualifications would you need to have to join the residential sassy, vampire, biker, club??
•Watching you curse out a clumsy Tourist makes their day
•David Loves to stand back and watch you ruin a sleazy dudes day
•Dwayne tries to reel you in when you go to far, but will mostly let you do your thing
•Paul and Marko Are your personal cheerleaders through and through! Right or wrong!
•But walking around the boardwalk, terrorizing tourists, spending time together in the cave, and overall spending time with them Really solidifies your place in the gang!
Thanks for Reading!
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seraphicwaves · 5 months
Slashers Reaction To Having A Chubby S/O.
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Brahms Heelshire.
Oh my God he loves it. He holds you all the time, especially when his hands dig into your plump ass. He'll definitely call you mommy as he snuggles into your big tits. He wants you all the time, especially at night.. He wants cuddles 24/7, especially when you're sad or having period cramps. He wants to bury himself into your tummy all the time, until you tell him to stop, that is. He whimpers when he doesn't get to be around you, especially when he's in the walls and Malcolm is delivering things.
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Bubba Sawyer.
Oh, this big baby loves it. Especially if you're short and chubby, he loves having someone built almost like him and short. (You're more curvy though..) He always wants to hold you, even gets yelled at by the family sometimes for not doing his duties and clinging to you. He whines when he gets taken away from your presence, and overly kills the victims when he's mad that you're not with him. When you ARE with him though, he wants to hug you and kiss your cheeks, even squeeze you like you squeeze him.
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Michael Myers.
He doesn't mind it. In fact, he prefers it. He's sort of indifferent though, he IS quite clingy when you're cooking for him though. He'll come up behind you, grab you, and hold you. He even lets out some soft grunts in your ear when he squeezes your wide hips. He'll let you do ANYTHING to him in bed, even when he's being the dominant one.
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Billy Lenz.
Billy loves it SOOO much. He calls you his "Pretty Piggy" and he clings to you when the girls are out. Even you'll sometimes make excuses to go into the attic, and he'll be so clingy and not want you to leave. You're HIS and his ONLY. He'll squeeze your belly, kiss your neck, squeeze your breasts, etc. He just wants to hold his chubby piggy and kiss you, especially when you're on your period or just moody. He wants your belly out in crop-tops all the time, especially to squeeze and kiss it. He'll definitely mark your neck up with hickeys and such.
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Thomas Hewitt.
He adores it, like Bubba does. Except he's not AS clingy as Bubba would be. He does love it and will admire you, but he doesn't whine when he's without you. Instead, he gets hard and desperate for you. Whenever he's hunting for victims and you're not there or sick, he'll stay behind in the barn and jerk off, while thinking about you that is. He'll absolutely adore squeezing your belly and kissing your neck, especially when you're not in the mood for sex, since he's quite tender in my opinion. He'll kill for you, he will.
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Jason Voorhees.
Jason adores you. He wants you, constantly. He doesn't even know how to control his boners when cuddling with you. When he's without you, he'll think about you constantly and even maybe overkill some of his victims, but only because he's mad that you're not with him. Jason wants to snuggle with you, even without his mask on. You're the only one who he'll let see his face without it on. He'll love to hold your wide hips, he thinks that they're a symbol of fertility. For him. He loves your belly too, don't forget that.
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Vincent Sinclair.
Oh boy he wants you. He wants to show you off, kiss your short thick legs, etc. He'll sculpt a figure in the shape of you just so he can show you off to the others. It'll be nude too, trust me. He's a horny horny boy, that's something he DEFINITELY is. He'll cradle your chubby belly, squeeze your wide pudgy hips, that is until he leaves fingerprint marks. He definitely whines a bit, but they're more like grunts, and he only does this when he's without his baby.
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Lester Sinclair.
This baby is so giddy about your body when he sees you. He wants to just be all over you, all the time. 24 fucking 7. He giggles when he gets to hold you or cuddle your soft and squishy form, especially your belly. God, he's a belly man FOR SURE. He gets majorly jealous when Bo or Vincent even dare to GLANCE at you. He definitely wants to snuggle every night, clinging to your body like it's his last chance at survival. Which it might be, to him at least. He'll kiss your big chest, kiss your tummy, kiss your inner thick thighs. He'll even bite you occasionally, but not too roughly. He loves your body overall.
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Bo Sinclair.
He's also indifferent about it. He loves you, regardless of your shape. But there ARE bonus points for you being chubby.. You can't really run from him when he's chasing you down to tickle you, you'll get tired after the first 2 minutes or so. He loves your boobs, he thinks they match with your adorable rounded belly. He wants to see you dressed up for him and ONLY for him. He wants to kiss your belly, thick thighs, etc. He's definitely not TOO much of a cuddler, but he DOES want to cuddle occasionally. Especially if he has a bad day, or if a victim didn't work out like he expected them/it to.
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eerie-candid · 4 months
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They both fear what the answer is
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frozrowan · 3 months
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