onenicebugperday · 1 year
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@bibonsaitree submitted: I found this lovely moth friend in my house. ([removed] please remove location) Parts of his wings were shiny and I thought you would like him. :)
Do you know who he is?
A shocking amount of moths have gold on their wings! This one looks like a noctuid, I'm thinking probably a green garden looper (Chrysodeixis eriosoma) or similar.
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choukhmer · 2 years
ឈ្មោះ​ទូទៅ​ជា​ភាសា​ខ្មែរ: ដង្កូវបាក់ខ្នង ឈ្មោះ​ទូទៅ​ជា​ភាសា​អង់គ្លេស: Looper ឈ្មោះ​វិទ្យាសាស្ត្រ: Chrysodeixis acuta, C. chalcites និង C. eriosoma គ្រួសារ: Noctuidae ការ​ពិពណ៌នា ពង: តូច រាង​មូល និង​មាន​ពណ៌​ស្លេក ។ ជា​ធម្មតា ពង​រាយ​មួយៗ ឬ​ជាកញ្ចុំ​តូចៗ នៅ​ខាង​ក្រោម​ស្លឹក ។ មិន​ទាន់​ពេញ​វ័យ: ដង្កូវ​មាន​ពណ៌​បៃតង​ស្លេក និង​លូតលាស់​រហូត​ដល់​ប្រវែង ៤០​ម.ម ។ វា​រលោង និង​រាងស្រាវ…
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Woolly apple aphid a species of Aphids
Also known as: Woolly aphid, American blight,
Apple root aphid
Scientific name: Eriosoma lanigerum
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wr0ngwarp · 2 years
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----- ponysona just dropped..... bug honse in both xenomorph and candy flavor
i dont have any lore for them yet but their name is eriosoma :3
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rattyexplores · 3 years
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Who knew such an ordinary caterpilar would grow up to be such a beautiful moth.
Chrysodeixis eriosoma, “Green Garden Looper”
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a-green-autumn · 6 years
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More revision friends today
EDIT: Just found out the tiny blue fluffy buddy is in fact a Wooly Aphid (Eriosoma lanigerum), how adorable is that!? They largely feed on ornamental apples, but unlike most other species of aphid they target the sap rather than the leaves, what a pretty yet destructive floof
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howtodrawaeyes · 5 years
Aphids: species & different control methods
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Aphids - they come from nowhere and can cause enormous damage to the beloved plants in the garden. Here is an overview of what species exist and how they can be combated.
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The black bean louse - © hakoar - Fotolia.com Aphids are among the most well-known pests in their own garden. They infect ornamental as well as useful plants. They come quite surprisingly and in no time at all, they make mass on the young leaves and shoots of the plants to create. This pest infestation usually begins unnoticed, but then they expand explosively under optimal conditions.
In our climes native aphid species
About 850 species of these greedy insects are known in Central Europe. Some of them are among the most common representatives in our gardens. These include the ... Green peach aphid
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© By Tsaag Valren - via Wikimedia Commons It occurs in two generations. The summer generation is colored green and has no wings. In the airworthy generations, the head and parts of the breast area are colored black-brown to black. The pest populates peach, plum and mirabelle, but also various vegetables and weeds. Black bean louse
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© hakoar - Fotolia.com This insect forms several generations living in colonies. The winged and wingless maidens are broadly oval and dark green to dull black. Affected leaves curl up and the shoot tips twist. The louse spreads on beans , potatoes and turnips, but also on snowball and Pfaffenhütchen. Great rose aphid
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© Eric - Fotolia.com The pest has a long spindle-shaped body with a black head. The body is green or pink. About as long as the body of the animal and usually a little longer, are the black feelers. The terrain of this aphid are roses , apple, pear and strawberry. Eriosoma Lanigerum
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© commons.wikimedia.org The winged adult animals are dark brown to dark violet-stained. In addition, the body is covered by long, white, wool-like wax threads above the specimens living in the ground. The terrestrial blue-throated louse is littered with whitish-blue waxy particles. This lousy insect does damage to apple , pear and quince. Other aphid species that are at home in the garden are: the green apple aphidthe big plum tree aphidthe blackcurrant bubble lousethe oleander aphidthe Sitkalaus
The evil of the lousy plague
Aphids can do a considerable amount of damage to the garden, which can lead to crop losses, loss of quality and even complete crop failure. Because with their proboscis insects sting the plant cells still young, juicy leaves and shoots and suck out the sugary sap. But since they only need a small proportion of protein in their sap to live, they excrete some of the sugary juice again. As a result, the plant is partially covered with a sticky juice called honeydew. Fresh honeydew attracts other insects that feed on it. Especially ants are obsessed with this sugary excretion and milk the aphids. The ant defends the aphid even against attacks by beneficials. Wind and insects often colonize spores of fungal diseases on older honeydew deposits. However, the fungus does not cause much damage. Leave behind only unsightly dark mold spots. The airborne aphids raise but another problem. When colonizing new plants, these can become infected with viral diseases and these then spread, for example, on fruit trees or perennials.
Of course, prevent aphids
"Prevention is better than cure", this popular wisdom can also make use of the hobby gardener, if he wants to spare his plants in the garden an aphid plague. The best prevention against aphids is to cultivate the garden close to nature. In plain language this means: avoid larger accumulations of similar plantsCombine ornamental shrubs with different perennialsGrow vegetables in mixed cultureAvoid over-fertilization with nitrogen. Nitrogen continually stimulates the plant to produce juicy young shoots from which sap aphids benefit.Plant tree slices of fruit trees with nasturtium that keeps aphids away.
Lacewing, ladybird and co decimate aphids
Helpers in the protection against aphids are the beneficial insects. These are natural enemies of lousy malefactors. Of great benefit are: lacewingsladybugparasitic waspshoverfliesPredator bugs and other beneficial insects. Some of these useful helpers settle well in the garden. The fragrance of catnip infatuates the lacewing. The same attractant as this plant has, also exudes the aphid and attracts the fly. Ladybug keeps it in the garden when they find enough food. Thus, a small wildflower meadow with dill, yarrow , poppy and buckwheat may be an additional source of ladybirds aphid. In addition, it is advisable to build enough nesting possibilities in the garden, such as a small deadwood hedge, a lacewing box or an insect hotel . If the beneficials feel comfortable in your garden, then the aphid noticeably decreases after the first infestation in late spring or early summer. At the same time the aphid hunters multiply enormously due to the good food supply. Thus, in the course of the summer, a balance is established with which to live well. Home remedies can do wonders Before they resort to the commercial pesticides, probate home remedies are recommended. With a more manageable aphid infestation you can already achieve good results with Kernseife solution, nettle or tobacco. Beneficial plant protection The so-called Austriebsspritzung has proven successful in fruit trees in the spring, to prevent aphid infestation. When the buds become bulging and the first tips of the leaves are visible, the trees and shrubs are thoroughly treated with a Garden Safe Brand Multi-Purpose Garden Insect Killer such as promanal . Rapeseed oil, the active ingredient, penetrates into the tiniest crevices and covers aphids and wintering pests with a fine oil film, causing them to die. The plant protection against aphids should be beneficial in any case. After all, the hobby gardener does not want to disturb the natural balance of beneficial organisms and their nutritional needs in the garden. And so you can choose from the assortment of beneficial agent products in the garden shop. These preparations are based on rapeseed oil or potash soap. There are, for example, such products as "Ortho Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Insect Killer with Comfort Wand" or "Safer Brand 3 in1 Garden Spray Concentrate 32 Ounces" . These remedies clog the respiratory organs of the aphids, causing the insects to suffocate over time. To capture as many pests as possible, it is important that the plants are thoroughly sprayed from all sides. Read the full article
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"Pulgón Lanígero" "Eriosoma lanuginosum" es un "Pulgón" "Áfidos" que vive en las "Agallas vegetales"
Maravillosa vida que el video puedes ver como si estuvieses en el interior de una agalla. Los pulgones son áfidos que no tienen que ver con las pulgas, pero al igual que ellas son artrópodos, consiguen de las plantas que produzcan una agalla dentro de la cual se desarrollan y multiplican.
En este caso las agallas son de los olmos, En la agalla de este pulgón lanígero, se desarrollan varias formas, aladas y ápteras, el pulgón produce una especie de harina. He podido observar que dentro de la agalla, hay un líquido que al contacto con la harina que produce el pujón, pierde la propiedad de mojar y aumenta su tensión superficial tomando formas esféricas o esferoidales.
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Hi Gonta, thank you for sharing all these great bug facts! Now, I must hear your expert opinion. Which bugs do you think are the cutest?
This is a very tough question, but Gonta will try his best to answer it with a list of cutest insects under the cut!
Periplaneta americanaPolistes chinensisPolistes chinensisStenolemus fraterculusCebysa leucotelusCebysa leucotelusDelena canceridesAnisops wakefieldiArtona martiniAntichloris viridisAntichloris viridisHexathele hochstetteriCimex lectulariusPlatyzosteria novaeseelandiaePorrhothele antipodianaTrite planicepsParisopalpus nigronotatusHypolimnas bolina nerinaLiposcelis divinatoriusEucolaspis brunneaEucolaspis brunneaCantareus aspersusHofmannophila pseudospretellaThysanoplusia orichalceaArhopalus tristisEpiphryne verriculataEpiphryne verriculataEpiphryne verriculataPieris rapaeAnthrenus verbasciArtona martiniTyria jacobaeaeDeclana atroniveaHaemaphysalis longicornisGymnoplectron acanthocerumAmphipsalta zelandicaTyria jacobaeaeConoderus exsulCydia pomonellaLiothula omnivoraLiothula omnivoraZizina otis labradusLycaena salustiusTeleogryllus commodusPholcus phalangioidesSuborder ZygopteraCryptamorpha desjardinsiArgyrodes antipodianaEphestia cautellaStegobium paniceumAnisolabis littoreaPhoracantha semipunctataForficula auriculariaSteatoda capensisOrthoclydon praefactataTmetolophota steropastisExaireta spinigeraBlatella germanicaVespula germanicaUropetala caroveiMegarhyssa nortoni nortoniLasiorhynchus barbicornisDrymaplaneta semivittaCostelytra zealandicaOrocrambus flexuosellusChrysodeixis eriosomaSiphanta acutaCosmodes elegansNezara viridulaNezara viridulaCoscinoptycha improbanaOpodiphthera eucalyptiUraba lugensPediculus capitisAethina concolorDermestes maculatusApis melliferaLeucauge dromedariaAnobium punctatumMusca domesticaPrionoplus reticularisPlodia interpunctellaCaedicia simplexCleora scriptariaUresiphita polygonalis maorialisAgrius convolvuliCryptolaemus montrouzieriPericoptus truncatusPieris brassicaeEpiphyas postvittanaOemona hirtaXanthocryptus novozealandicusFannia canicularisDanaus chrysippus petiliaDanaus chrysippus petiliaEpiphyas postvittanaLocusta migratoriaNyctemera annulataPison spinolaePison spinolaeCryptolaemus montrouzieriMotuweta isolataThyreocephalus orthodoxusTrimescaptor aoteaDanaus plexippusPhaulacridium marginaleOrthodera novaezealandiaeDeclana atroniveaNetelia ephippiataDasypodia cymatodesTeia anartoidesCynthia carduiScolypopa australisConoderus exsulPeripatoides indigoArtona martiniAenetus virescensVanessa gonerilla gonerillaSitophilus oryzaeChrysodeixis eriosomaLepisma saccharinaPorcellio scaberAustrosciapus proximusAncistrocerus gazellaMiomantis caffraThysanoplusia orichalceaParisopalpus nigronotatusClitarchus hookeriThelyphassa lineataArocatus rusticusPolistes humilis humilisHelophilus seelandicusHelicoverpa armigera confertaParopsis charybdisHemideina thoracicaSpodoptera lituraSpodoptera lituraCoptomma variegatumDrosophila melanogasterVespula germanicaSigara arguataPieris rapae rapaeOrgyia thyellinaEchthromorpha intracatoriaSirex noctilioAnthidium manicatumNyctemera annulataVanessa itea
Gonta’s fingers are starting to get very tired and he still has a paper to finish, so he hopes that this very incomplete list is enough to fulfill your request. Sorry…
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Zimsko prskanje voćaka
Veb sajt: www.kalemkonjuh.rs
   Zimsko prskanje voćaka je obavezna mera u velikom broju proizvodnih područja u Srbiji. Hemijskim prskanjem voćaka i vinove loze suzbija se veliki broj prouzrokovača bolesti i štetočina. Od prouzrokovača bolesti, zimskim prskanjem suzbijaju se: Taphrina deformcins, T. pruni, Rolrytinia fiickeliana i dr., uključujući mahovine i lišajeve. Od štetočina, suzbijaju se brojne vrste iz (familija Coccidae, Lecanidae, Aphididae, Torticidae, Ic vrste Eriosoma lanigerum, Antbnnomus pomurum, Hipfmomenta malinellus, H. padellus, Anarsia lineatella, Cacopsilla spp., Lymantria dispar, Malacosoma neunstria i dr. Zimsko prskanje se izvodi u vreme mirovanja vegetacije. Najboiji rezultati se postižu u drugoj polovini februara ill početkom marta. Kod nas se koriste sledeći preparati: Galmin, Belo ulje, Oleodiaizinon, Oleoultravct, Oleomeiion, Dast oil, Galpar i Stopar oil.
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Štetni organizmi gajenih voćaka su vrlo aktivni u toku čitave vegetacije, kada se izvodi najveći broj tretiranja. Međutim, sa zaštitom voćaka od prouzrokovača bolesti i štetočina počinje se znatno ranije, još u toku mirovanja vegetacije, sto je voćarima dobro poznuto. To je, ustvari, zimsko tretiranje voćaka, koje je veoma značajna i obavezna mera u proizvodnji voća u nekim proizvodnim područjima voća u Srbiji (Stamenković, 1999).
U klimatskim uslovima Šumadije, južne, jugoistočne i zapadne Srbije, za zimskim tretiranjem voćaka ukazuje se potreba svake godine, iz razloga što se najveci broj voćnjaka nalazi u blizini šuma, koje su, pored voćaka, domaćini velikog broja insekata, koji tokom jeseni polažu jaja, kako na stablima šumskog drveća, tako i na stablima gajenih voćaka: gubar (Lymantria dispar), lisne vaši (Aphididae), mrazovci (Geometriclae), kukavičja suza (Malacosoma neustria), smotavci (Tortricidae) i drugi.
U periodu 2002-2004. godine, od kada se DNOC ne proizvodi i ne koristi u našoj zemlji za zaštitu voćaka od prouzrokovača bolesti i štetočina, došlo je do prenamnoženosti, u nekim proizvodnim područjima voćaka, staklastih i lisnih vaši, kruškine buve, a naročito gubara, koji ozbiljno ugrožava zasade voćaka u blizini šuma poslednjih nekoliko godina.
Zimski pregledi. Zimski pregledi voćaka su veoma značajni i na osnovu rezultata pregleda utvrđuje se neophodnost izvođenja zimskog tretiranja.
Na granama, grančicama, u naborima kore ili, pak, ispod ispucale kore voćaka, zimu provodi veliki broj štetnih insekatskih vrsta i pregljeva.
Zimski pregledi voćaka izvode se u vremenu mirovanja vegetacije (novemar-mart). Pregledaju se jednogodišnje, dvogodišnje, a vrlo često i trogodišnje grančice i rodni kolači.
Grančice se pregledaju u laboratoriji ispod binokulara. Pre pregleda grančice se skraćuju na prikladnu duzinu (2-6 cm) radi lakšeg pregleda. U toku pregleda beleži se broj utvrđenih štetočina, a po završetku pregleda progoozira se intezitet pojave i štetnost.
Zimskim pregledima utvrđuje se prisustvo velikog broja štetnih organizama na voćkama. U prvom redu, utvrđuje se prisustvo i brojnost jaja lisnih vašiju, gubara, kukavičje suze, crvenog preglja i mrazovaca (Geometddae), a zatim larve šljivine štitaste vaši, kalifornijske vaši, krvave vaši, glogovca, žutotrbe, smotavaca, jabuktnog moljca i dr. štetočina. Tokom februara, a i marta, sa porastom temperature aktiviraju se odrasli insekti kruskine buve i jabukinog cvetojeda i njihovo prisustvo se utvrđuje pregledom većeg broja grančica i pupoljaka.
Imajući u vidu značaj zimskih pregleda, savetujemo proizvođačima da obavezno provere prisustvo jaja napred navedenih štetočina u svojim voćnjacima. Ovi pregledi mogu se obaviti pomoću lupe, koju većiria proizvođača poseduje, a za detaljan i sveobuhvatan pregled uzoraka mogu da se obrate stručnjacima Centra za voćarstvo i vinogradarstvo u Čačku, Poljoprivrednih fakuleta i Zavoda za poljoprivredu.
Vrste štetnih organizama koji se suzbijaju zimskim trctiranjem. Zimskim tretiranjem suzbija se veliki broj štetnih organizama. Od insekata, zimskim tretiranjem suzbijaju se: štitaste vaši (Coccidae, Lecanidae), lisne vaši (Aphididae), krvava vaš (Eriosoma lanigerum Hansen), jabukin cvetojed (Antonomuspomorum 1,.), jabukin moljac (Hyponomenta malinellus Xell.), šljivin moljac (Hiponomenta padellus I..), breskvin moljac (Anarsia linealella Zell.), kruškina buva (Cacopsylla spp.), mrazovci (Geomeiridae), gubar (Lymantria dispar I,.), kukavičija suza (Malcosomci neustria L.) i razni smotavci (Tortricidae). Od prouzrokovača bolesti, zimskim tretiranjem voćaka suzbijaju se Taphrina deformans Tul. (prouzrokovač kovrdžavosti lišća breskve), T. pruni Tul. (prouzrokovač rogača šljive), Botrytinia fitckeliana Whetzcl (prouzrokovač truleži) i dr. Pored napred navedenih štetnih organizama, zimskim tretiranjem voćaka i vinove loze suzbijaju se i mnogi pregljevi (Acarinae), mahovine i lišajevi, kojima su vrlo često obavijena stabla šljiva i drugih voćnih vrsta, gde se sprovodi neredovna zaštita tokom vegetacije ili se uopšte ne sprovodi.
Vreme izvodenja zimskog tretiranja. Zimsko tretiranje voćaka i vinove loze izvodi se u vreme mirovanja vegetacije, odnosno od opadanja lišća u jesen pa do početka vegetacije u proleće. Međutim, najbolji rezultati u suzbijanju štetnih organizama se postižu kada se zimsko tretiranje izvodi u drugoj polovini februara ili početkom marta, upravo pred samo kretanje vegetacije. Međutim, koštičavo voće, malinu i kupinu treba tretirati nešto ranije, jer ove voćne vrste kreću ranije sa vegetacijom.
Sredstva za zimsko tretiranje. Pošto je dozvola za proizvodnju i promet sredstava na bazi DNOC u našoj zemlji istekla 2002. godine i dosada nije obnovljena, proizvodači voća i grožđa najverovatnije i u ovoj sezoni ne mogu računati na preparate na bazi DNOC. Praktično rečeno, proizvodnja i promet DNOC od 2002. godine je zabranjena u našoj zemlji. Međutim, zbog sve izraženijih problema u zaštiti voćaka od štetnih insekata, Udruženje voćara je uputilo zahtev Ministarstvu za poljoprivredu, vodoprivredu i šumarstvo za jednokratni uvoz DNOC za rešavanje problema gubara koji je u kalamitetu, a takođe i štitastih i lisnih vašiju, mrazovaca, kruškine buve i drugih štetočina.
Za zimsko tretiranje vocaka i vinove loze preporucuju se:
Mineralna ulja (Galmin, proizvodi se u obliku koncentrata za emulziju
sa 990 g/1 mineralnog ulja, kortsti se u toku mirovanja vegetacije do faze "mišje
uši", odnosno razvoja lisnih pupoljaka [00-09 BBCH skale]. Koncentracija
primene za jabučasto voće je 4%, a košticavo 3%; Belo ulje, proizvodi se u obliku
koncentrata za emulziju sa 900 g/1 mineralnog ulja. Koristi se kao Galmin).
1. Mineralno ulje + diazinon (Oleodiazinon, proizvodi se u obliku
koncentrata za emulziju sa 850 g/1 mineralnog ulja i 100 g/1 diazinona. Koristi se
do faze "mišje uši", tj. razvoja lisnih pupoljaka [00-09 BBCH skale]. Koncentracija
primene 0,3%. Na tretiranim površinama najmanje 23 dana posle primene ne
dozvoliti pristup domacim zivotinjama).
2. Mineralno ulje + Metidation (Oleoultravet, proizvodi se u obliku
koncentrata za emulziju sa 280 g/1 mineralnog ulja i 100 g/I metidationa. Koristi
se za zimsko ili  rano prolećno treliranje. Koncentracija primene 0,3%;
Oleometion, proizvodi se u obliku koncentrata za emulziju sa 280 g/1 mineralnog
ulja i 100 g/I metidationa. Koristi se kao Oleo ultravet; Dast oil, proizvodi se u
obliku koncentrata za emulziju sa 280 g/1 mineralnog ulja i 100 g/1 metidationa.
Koristi se kao Oleo ultravet).
3. Mineralno ulje + Partition (Galpar, priozvodi se kao koncentrat za
emulziju sa 530 g/1 mineralnog ulja i 100 g/1 parationa. Koristi se u toku
mirovanja vegetacije do faze "mšije uši", odnosno razvoja lisnih pupoljaka [00-09
BBCH skale]. Može se primeniti u kombinaciji sa bakarnim preparatima (Bakarni
oksihlorid, Bakrocid, Bakarni kreč), čime se postiže ušteda u vremenu i novcu
(Stamenkovic, Dakic, 1999). Koristi se u koncentraciji 0,5%. Na tretiranim
površinama 21 dan posle primene ne dozvoliti pristup i ispašu domaćim
životinjama; Stcipar oil, proizvodi se u obliku koncentrata za emulziju sa 530 g/1
mineralnog ulja i 100 g/1 parationa. Koristi se kao Galpar).
Zaključak. Zimsko tretiranje voćaka i vinove loze veoma je značajna i obavezna mera u proizvodnji voća i grožđa u većini područja u Srbiji, a naročito u Šumadiji, južnoj, jugoistočnoj i zapadnoj Srbiji.
Zimsko tretiranje voćaka izvodi se u vreme mirovanja vegetacije.
Na osnovu rezultata zimskih pregleda utvrđuje se neophodnost izvođenja zimskog tretiranja.
Zimskim tretiranjem voćaka i vinove loze suzbijaju se lisne i štitaste vaši, krvava vaš, jabukin cvetojed, jabukin, breskvin i šljivin moljac, kruškina buva, mrazovci, gubar, kukavičja suza i razni smotavci.
Za zimsko tretiranje voćaka i vinove loze preporučuju se: Mineralna ulja (Galmin i Belo ulje), Mineralno ulje + Diazinon (Oleodiazinon), Mineralno ulje + Metidation (Oleometion, Oleoultravet, Dast oil) i Mineralno ulje + Paration (Galpar, Stopar oil).
Svetomir Stamenković Institut za istrazivanja u                                   poljoprivredi Srbija Centar za vocarstvo i vinogradarstvo,                           Čačak
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eurekamag--com · 7 years
Biology of Chrysodeixis eriosoma (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in New Zealand
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wr0ngwarp · 2 years
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OH i almost forgot i drew this early this month... i just wanted to give eriosoma some art that wasn’t just a plain sideview
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rattyexplores · 4 years
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Chrysodeixis eriosoma
These common green loopers were rescued, the other day, from being sprayed or eaten. They've been relocated to a new bush.
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spaincenter · 5 years
Pulgón lanigero del manzano, Eriosoma lanigerum, descripción, daños y control integrado. https://t.co/W7T5oSEEF2 https://t.co/IbWBb5N6PD
Pulgón lanigero del manzano, Eriosoma lanigerum, descripción, daños y control integrado. https://t.co/W7T5oSEEF2 pic.twitter.com/IbWBb5N6PD
— AgroEs.es - Agrícola (@AgroEs_es) November 20, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/AgroEs_es November 20, 2019 at 08:28PM via IFTTT
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Woolly apple aphid a species of Aphids
Also known as: Woolly aphid, American blight,
Apple root aphid
Scientific name: Eriosoma lanigerum
The adults of Eriosoma lanigerum are small to medium-sized aphids, up to 0.08 inch long, and have an elliptical shape, are reddish brown to purple in colour but the colour is normally hidden by the white cotton-like secretion from the specialised glands in the aphid's abdomen which gives it the common name of woolly apple aphid. The wax is produced after each moult so newly moulted individuals lack the wax coating, the main purpose of which is thought to be to prevent the honeydew secreted by the aphids to contaminate them but it may also produce a shelter from the weather and from parasites and predators. It has sooty-brown antennae has six segments and the colour of the tibias varies from dark brown to yellowish. When the adults are crushed they leave a blood red stain. In many populations reproduction is wholly asexual and nymphs are produced by parthenogenesis. The nymphs are salmon pink in colour with dark eyes and circular cornicles which are slightly raised from the surface of the abdomen. The nymphs go through four instar moults before becoming an imago. The earliest stages are known as crawlers and they do not produce the waxy filaments until they settle to feed. The hibernating nymphs are very dark green, almost black, although they may be paler and can be dingy yellowish-brown and lack the secreted white waxy covering.
Northcross Drive, Oteha, Auckland 0632
7PJC+M4M Auckland
-36.7183000, 174.7203110
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spaincenter · 6 years
Pulgón lanigero del manzano, Eriosoma lanigerum, descripción, daños y control integrado. https://t.co/Eimg3zOWN1 https://t.co/mBG1LZogT3
Pulgón lanigero del manzano, Eriosoma lanigerum, descripción, daños y control integrado. https://t.co/Eimg3zOWN1 pic.twitter.com/mBG1LZogT3
— AgroEs.es - Agrícola (@AgroEs_es) December 5, 2018
from Twitter https://twitter.com/AgroEs_es December 05, 2018 at 11:59AM via IFTTT
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