#Ernst Stavro Blofeld x ofc
crewman-penelope · 4 years
The Green-eyed Monster
Fandom: James Bond / Rami Malek
Chapters : 3 of 27
Characters : Lyutsifer Safin, Tatjana Safin ofc, Luc Dupont omc, Marie Dupont ofc, Camille ofc, James Bond, Moneypenny, Q, Mr. Hinx, Frau Dr. Vogel, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, M, Nomi, Mr. Moreau
Relationship : Lyutsifer Safin / OFC Character, Ernst Stavro Blofeld /OFC Character
Warning : Lemon, Hostage, dub-con, non-con, blood, gruel dead scene
Rating : MA
Gene: Crime / Drama /Romance
Summary : SPECTRE is back, but was that really what Safin wanted? Bond gives no shit at first...
Note : The rights for the Bond Books and the movies lays by Eon production!
This fanfic is for entertaining purpose only and to read for free.
English is not the writer's first language!
Still thirsty for some Safin content, so I have to write it myself. :-D
3. Frustration 🖤🍋
Safin took two days to get home, carefully working to leave no clues on the way to his island in Cuba.
When the boat set him on the beach it was nearly one in the morning.
To his satisfaction he found the guards ambushing him, before they realized it was Safin who had come to the island.
"One day you will get a bullet.", Luc warned him, not for the first time, but Safin waved it off.
"You taught the men well, and a bit of emergency training can't hurt.", Safin smirked tiredly.
He nodded to the house. "All calm?"
"Yes, Safin. The night Nanna is with the boys, and Tatjana is in bed.", Luc told him and set a hand on Safin's shoulder. "I will wake Marie up. She can fix you something to eat. You look hungry."
Safin shook his head. "I am tired, that is all. I will go straight to bed."
"Okay, as you wish, boss. Good night then."
Safin walked up to the house, feeling Luc's curious glance between his shoulder blades.
He stepped slowly into the bedroom, careful not to wake Tatjana, and stood by the bed a moment, watching her. She looked younger in her sleep, her long hair braided for the night and drooling on the cushion.
Safin left the room to peek in the nursery. The night Nanny Camille, sitting on a rocking chair in a corner to oversee the beds of Matvei and Maksimilian, was knitting and nodded to Safin. He nodded back and left her in peace.
He decided to take a shower before getting into bed, needing to wash away the long travel. While soaking his hair he couldn't shake the feeling that he was in trouble. The thought of sending Tatjana and the children to Blofeld haunted him. But there was nothing he could do about it. If he denied, it would be a declaration of war. After all, he was the one who had freed Blofeld. He wouldn't be so stupid as to hold that against Safin, would he?
Clean and dried he crawled between the sheets. On his hands and knees he looked over Tatjana then pressed his face into the hollow of her neck, breathing her in.
Sun and saltwater... his Sirena.
He felt his body tense. HIS Sirena!
His fingers hooked in her braid as he started to smooth along the skin of her neck. The scent of her, the bed and the warmth of her body alone aroused him.
She moved and rolled half into him, eventually opening her eyes a bit.
"Hey..", she muttered sleepily.
"Don't talk.", he whispered and whipped her knees open. "Just let me in."
"Sa-" Her pressed his free hand over her lips.
"I said; Don't. Talk."
He pressed his body upon her and was pleased to get no resistance. Rubbing himself against her to let her feel his hard cock as she spread wide open. "That is my good girl.", he whispered and thrust unceremoniously inside her to the hilt. Growling, he found his fitting position and let go of her mouth.
He heard her gasping, halfway to a sob. His mouth finds her ear shell and he grunted: "I need you. I need you to be a good girl. Taking what I give you. Understood?"
"Ye.. Yes, Safin.", he heard her, followed by a little sob.
Pressing his pelvis harshly to hers he asked: "Do I need to hold your mouth closed, or can you be still for me?"
A heartbeat of silence before she sniffed again and confessed: "I fear I can't stay silent when you take me roughly Safin. I'm sorry."
"No need to apologize, my sweet.", he whispered back. He braced himself on the mattress with his right arm and used his left hand to cover her mouth.
He couldn't wait any longer, not with the tensing tightness of her cunt, which held his shaft.
He moved harshly. Faster and faster. Pumping in and out at a brisk pace. His face resting beside her head he pants and grunts in her ear, knowing that this was a turn on for her.
In a short time he felt her flesh blooming for him, and could actually hear the growing wetness. The beautiful sound of clashing skin on wet skin. Her harsh and mumbling pants and groans which slipped through his fingers, was a fitting turn on for him.
She tried to wrap her legs and arms around him, but he grunted: "NO!" into her ear, so she spread her limbs open like a star.
"Good.", was his reaction, his thrusts growing faster, and faltering. He didn't need long. His goal was to abate his frustration and he was truly grateful that she let him.
Two sharp thrusts more and his body shook in a relieving spasm, spilling inside her womb. He groaned, satisfied, in her ear and let go of her mouth.
He felt the warmth and bliss of relaxation washing over his body and sighed long and deep, his mind suddenly dizzy and tired, while half listening to Tatjana catching her breath.
Slipping out of her, he wrapped an arm around her waist to push her against his body. The moisture between their bodies was soothing. Safin kissed her sloppily and mumbled: "Thank you. I needed that. So much."
His Sirena didn't answer at first, instead she cuddled against him, honestly enjoying his cozy mood better. Eventually he heard her: "Will you tell me tomorrow?"
"Yes. Now go back to sleep."
"Yes, Safin."
He caressed along her back and muttered half asleep: "Good girl."
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crewman-penelope · 4 years
The Green-eyed Monster
Fandom: James Bond / Rami Malek
Chapters : 1 of 27
Characters : Lyutsifer Safin, Tatjana Safin ofc, Luc Dupont omc, Marie Dupont ofc, Camille ofc, James Bond, Moneypenny, Q, Mr. Hinx, Frau Dr. Vogel, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, M, Nomi, Mr. Moreau
Relationship : Lyutsifer Safin / OFC Character, Ernst Stavro Blofeld /OFC Character
Warning : Lemon, Hostage, dub-con, non-con, blood, gruel dead scene
Rating : MA
Gene: Crime / Drama /Romance
Summary : SPECTRE is back, but was that really what Safin wanted? Bond gives no shit at first...
Note : The rights for the Bond Books and the movies lays by Eon production!
This fanfic is for entertaining purpose only and to read for free.
English is not the writer's first language!
Still thirsty for some Safin content, so I have to write it myself. :-D
1. Katerkogel
The 'Katerkogel', the highest spot of the Austrian mountain chain named 'Katergebirge', was just perfect for Blofeld.
Safin stood on the balcony of his guest room, his hands on the railing, looking out at the breathtaking view.
The rugged parts of the mountains, covered with new snow, shone brightly, illuminated by the morning sun. It would be an hour walk to the next cable railway station. If one was properly dressed with snowshoes and safety goggles. The icy wind and also the brilliance of the snow cover could freeze a man to death. After he'd gotten snow blind and run in circles.
No sane soul would come up here, not even in tourist season. Except the special guests, well paying customers and new SPECTRE members. Safin was still proud to have found this place, but also a bit annoyed to get an invitation to the meetings every month. Perhaps this was Blofeld's way of thanking him, showing the other members how important he was.
Safin shivered lightly and went inside, closing the balcony door behind him. As beautiful as Austria was, the sun of Cuba was more to his taste.
The meeting yesterday had been nothing more than a chance for Blofeld to show off. A reminder of who was in charge - which was hilarious to Safin - and to get the newly recruited members acquainted with the 10 head members of SPECTRE. It didn't flatter Safin that he belonged to them. The network was beneficial, but he didn't like to have an official CEO. That only meant he couldn't do as he wished.
During the meeting yesterday he had eyed Blofeld's #2 Frau Dr. Vogel. She had ignored him during the meeting, even though he was #4.
The fact that his solo action had partly crashed her market surely had something to do with it. During the national emergency caused by the gas attacks she had lost cargo planes of young women, which caused her - or SPECTRE rather - a loss of millions of dollars.
#8, Abrika, was also very unlucky, losing his U.S. drug purchaser. He was clever enough not to pout for very long about it, but instead expanded his market to the Canadian sector. His assets were cheaper and easier to smuggle than trafficking.
#5, Erick 'The Marshall' Hayden, was the only one who congratulated him. As the one who was now in charge of the Terrorism and Revenge Department, he could revel in a 'classic gas strike', as he called it.
#3, Moreau, the official spokesman of Blofeld, wanted assurance that Safin could 'for emergency reasons' make more of the new gas. And if it was possible to change the colour? Or not have a colour at all?
#7, Valerian and #9, Karakov, were both counter intelligence and IT, two men whom Safin thought most dangerous. The last thing he wanted was for SPECTRE to find out where his private Lair was now.
Safin took a drink with number #5, Mr. Hinx, after the meeting. He was a calm and collected fellow, his mind sharp like a knife. He could talk with this man about his work in the past and pass anekdotes, without feeling silly. Mr. Hinx appreciated a good clean kill and had balls big enough to ask for advice.
Both men leaned on the bar in Blofeld's private living room, a place only the first 10 members of SPECTRE were allow to be in, as Safin explained to Mr. Hinx how he managed to get two of his victims to drink motor oil.
"... and you hold the head in the crock of the elbow. The important point is, to cover the nose when you bend the head back. So they have to open up their mouths to breath..."
"And then you just pour it in?"
"Yes.", Safin nodded to Mr. Hinx. "Make sure that you hold tight or you get a mess on your suit."
Mr. Hinx thought about Safin's description for a moment. "But... You did cover the girl up fully, right?"
Safin smiled and sipped at his bourbon. "I had the time and I take pride in my work. I thought, why not send a message?"
"Yeah... I saw pictures of her.."
"You know what the sad thing is? She was not just a bystander, but a secretary of MI6. Poor whore..."
Mr. Hinx chuckled and emptied his glass. "Well, mhm..", he looked meaningfully at Safin.
"Yes?", Safin asked, already knowing what was on Mr. Hinx's mind.
"The rumors are that not all MI6 paper pusher's get a kill with you?"
Safin coughed at his bourbon and rasped out a laugh. "Well, first of all... she was no paper pusher. She held a good position. Quite a clever woman. Second, I had no kill order, so why not have a bit of fun?"
Mr. Hinx nodded in agreement. "All work and no play.."
Safin chuckled. "She was a sweet reminder of the good side of life."
"And?", Mr. Hinx poked further, clearly intrigued.
"And..", Safin repeated, before he went on, "that is the point I refuse to speak more about my private life. For obvious reason."
"You're right. I apologize, Safin."
"Granted.", Safin answered dignifiedly and raised his glass. "To privacy."
"To privacy.", Mr. Hinx repeated and both men clinked their glasses together.
Safin, acting tipsy, leaned in to Mr. Hinx and whispered: "You realize we have both been watched by Frau Dr. Vogel since we entered the room?"
Mr. Hinx blinked. "I really hope she will fall from grace soon. But..", he pointed to Safin, "I think she is after your throat."
Safin smiled. "I know.", he chuckled and turned to catch Frau Vogel's eyes, giving her a toast with his glass.
Turning back to Mr. Hinx he smiled wide. "Unlike her, I shall not take it personal."
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crewman-penelope · 4 years
The Green-eyed Monster
Fandom: James Bond / Rami Malek
Chapters : 4 of 27
Characters : Lyutsifer Safin, Tatjana Safin ofc, Luc Dupont omc, Marie Dupont ofc, Camille ofc, James Bond, Moneypenny, Q, Mr. Hinx, Frau Dr. Vogel, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, M, Nomi, Mr. Moreau
Relationship : Lyutsifer Safin / OFC Character, Ernst Stavro Blofeld /OFC Character
Warning : Lemon, Hostage, dub-con, non-con, blood, gruel dead scene
Rating : MA
Gene: Crime / Drama /Romance
Summary : SPECTRE is back, but was that really what Safin wanted? Bond gives no shit at first...
Note : The rights for the Bond Books and the movies lays by Eon production!
This fanfic is for entertaining purpose only and to read for free.
English is not the writer's first language!
Still thirsty for some Safin content, so I have to write it myself. :-D
4. Saying goodbye 🍋
Tatjana woke up to Safin's soft touch. He smoothed with his fingertips up and down her spine while holding her in his arms.
"Good morning, sleepy head", he hummed and looked lovingly down at her.
She looked up to see Safin's relaxed but serious face. She rested a hand on his jawline and sat up a bit to kiss him softly.
He didn't say anything, just let his smile grow wider, which was like a sunrise for Tatjana.
Eventually he asked: "Beach?", which meant, due to the early hour, that he needed to talk to her while assuring no employee could eavesdrop.
"Of course.", she smiled encouragingly at him. She herself was curious what had caused his outburst last night.
She watched him get up and merely throw a bathrobe over his body, so she did the same.
Like naughty teenagers they sneaked out of the house and made their way to the beach. The sun was on it's way to rising and, for half an hour, they just strolled along the waterline of the beach, watching the changing colours of nature.
"It's been a while since we watched a sunrise together.", Tatjana started and held herself at Safin's waist. She pecked a kiss on his scars and dared to ask: "What is the reason today?"
She saw Safin's face all serious, nearly angry, and bit her lower lip. She wasn't sure what had made him angry, but she hoped he would tell her.
"I have to leave for a while. For a job.", he started to explain and Tatjana's stomach dropped.
"What is a while?"
"Two weeks. Perhaps three."
Tatjana thought about it. If ever, he left her for a weekend, worshipping Blofeld. Or so she called it in her mind. She wouldn't use these words. Especially because Blofeld was good to them. Blofeld's medical care had been a relief and had made things much easier with the hard pregnancy and the caesarean. She was grateful for that, but she simply didn't like Blofeld. He was.. fake.
"I'm sure Luc will-"
"Luc has to come with me.", Safin told her. "I want you to stay with the children in Blofeld's residence, until I return."
Tatjana watched his face and finally understood what had happened. Why he was so frustrated.
"You and the boys will be safe there. Having a bit of a vacation. You can get some ski legs.", Safin went on, speaking lightly.
"The boys can see real snow.", she went with him and looked up.
Safin smiled encouragingly down at her. "You will be safe there, I made a deal with a colleague of mine."
Tatjana got the impression that Safin was talking himself into it and she let him. "You're right. It will be fine. Just promise me to come back as soon as possible, yes? I need you, my Pirate.", she hummed and kissed his ear.
"Iiieh, don't do that!", he acted annoyed and wrinkled his nose.
"No, I really mean it." Tatjana stopped walking and wrapped her arms around him, facing Safin fully. "I need you to live. More than anything else."
Safin looked tenderly down at her and cupped her head with his hands. "My darling. It is the same for me.", he whispered. "I know I don't tell you that often enough. Can you forgive me?"
Tatjana nipped at her lower lip and purred: "Show me..", and tugged playfully at his bathrobe.
Safin grinned. "Minx."
"No, Safin. Sirena.", she giggled and pressed her lips on his.
Boldly, she opened up his bathrobe and felt his hands freeing her from hers.
Wrapping her arms around his neck she hung on him and tried to pull him down on the sand.
"My greedy girl.", Safin mumbled in her mouth between kisses. "I will miss you so much.. every minute I am not with you."
Slowly they both glided to the ground. Tatjana held him firmly, kissing him greedily. Her heart was heavy at the thought of letting him go away for so long and she wanted to use every minute she had with him.
She tried to touch and caress him everywhere, drunken with her growing passion. Her breath, panting more and more, drew her forward.
She reached out to his erection and started to massage it. "Let me taste you please..", she muttered into his mouth.
As an answer he rolled onto his back. His fingers in her loose braid, he led her down his body, while his own breath stuttered. "Oh, I love a greedy girl..", he panted.
She smirked and licked along his shaft. Teasingly, she twirled the tip of her tongue along his glans, before she took him fully, humming pleased.
"Oh Yessss...", she heard Safin hissing, aware of the growing slickness between her legs. It aroused her immensely to hear his moans and pants, the noises she drew out of him, his tensing body, the hard shaft between her lips and his salty taste. She massaged him smoothly but firmly with her hand and lips and then got up.
"Lift your hands.", she ordered boldly and saw Safin grin. He did as she told him and she crouched upon him, holding onto his hands.
He helped her to brace herself as she wiggled herself upon his shaft, gliding a couple of times along it to mix his pre-cum and her arousal. Eventually she sank down, very slowly, taking him inch by inch, while holding onto his hands for balance.
"OH my God..", Tatjana breathed out and closed her eyes for a moment, rocking on him.
"Eyes on me.", she heard him and smiling she obeyed.
"Did my Sirena want to cum?"
"Yes, please."
Safin settled her hands on his shoulders and came up with his upper body by bracing himself on the sand. With stretched arms on the ground he bucked his hips up. "Then ride me properly. Don't dare to stop moving..."
Tatjana took a deep breath and started to move up and down, until she found a bouncing steady pace. Safin watched her, panting more and more, until he held himself up with just one arm. The other sneaked around her waist, holding on to her as he matched her actions, answering every one of her bouncing moves with a firm thrust up.
Tatjana gasped for air. It was an amazing feeling to ride him, but also a truly sportive act. She started to tremble, her legs shaking at the effort, but the reward was not too long off. "OH Gosh, oh. .. Safin...", she breathed in a stutter as she felt her tensing lower abdomen.
"Yes. Like this... Do. Not. Stop...", he managed to say and suddenly Tatjana felt her climax tear inside her. Shrieking in pleasure she clawed her fingers on his neck and moved limply while bursting out in a fit of giggles. She grew aware of Safin's grunting moans and focused, still chuckling and sloppily rocking on him. His mouth half open, his eyes white for a moment, he growled. His body tensed up a last time and his own orgasm hit him. He pressed his mouth together to a thin line and panted hard through his nose, sinking down on the sand.
Satisfied, Tatjana followed him, burrowing her face in the hollow of his neck.
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crewman-penelope · 4 years
The breath of chaos
Fandom: James Bond
Chapters : 22 of 43
Characters : James Bond, M, Q, R (OFC Character) Safin, OMC Character(s)
Relationship : James Bond / OFC Character, Safin/OFC Character
Warning : Lemon, manipulation, Stockholm syndrome , Dom!Safin, probably non-con, Mary Sue Alert!
Rating : MA
Gene: Crime / Romance
Summary : A simple task and a summer boat ride went terrible wrong. Bond lost Q's favourite assistent and Safin found her...
Note : The rights for the Bond Books and the movies lays by Eon production!
This fanfic is for entertaining purpose only and to read for free.
English is not the writer's first language!
First try to write a bond fanfic, because dang! Finally a sexy bond villain. Or is that just me? Also shameless Mary Sue alert!
22. Brotherly advice
To Bond's satisfaction he was called into the Bureau before his two weeks were over.
It didn't even matter that the reason was a difficult one.
In silence Bond watched the new drone pictures. 'Bitch.', he thought, tired of broken expectations, and looked at the bird's eye perspective of a roof garden. A deck chair was visible, with a red haired woman laying on it, wearing a white bikini.
"She is alive then..", he broke the silence. His blue eyes caught M's.
Q, beside him, sighed loudly. "What will we do to get her out?"
"Oh, I don't know", Bond started. "Looks like she h-"
"Bond", M cut him short. "There is surely a perfectly good reason for her to be so - ehm - well……."
Bond smiled coldly. "Sure there is."
"I don't think that any of us can even imagine what R had to go through to be alive and well..", Q whispered sharply. "There are more horrible ways to torture a woman."
Bond gritted his teeth together and eyed M.
Both men knew, of course, but Bond was old and cynical enough to see the worst in a woman if necessary. Otherwise he couldn't cope with the loss of many...
He felt pity for Q, though. He was young and surely a romantic. When he got R back, which Bond didn't doubt would happen, he would only have a used and broken toy.
Bond browsed over the other pictures and held the slide show on a picture of Mr. Mysterious. His ugly, pox scarred face looked pale and sweaty. 'Poor Bitch.' Bond thought and turned to M.
"I ask for the allowance to visit a prisoner."
M didn't look a bit surprised. "I had hoped you would ask."
Tumblr media
"James!" Blofeld, bound to a metal chair, looked gleeful to see Bond. "I was wondering when you would visit me. You look good for a single man."
Bond fought against the urge to turn around. Blofeld's smirk ground at Bond's nerves already. On his ways up to visit his foster brother he had laid out in his mind a plan to talk to him. The view of Blofeld nearly shattered it. He just got under Bond's skin. Every time.
Bond stared at Blofeld, who sat so comfortably in his chair. "Come now. Sit down. Let us have a little chat. Mh? About old times?"
Bond pursed his lips and took a chair. Tossing it in front of Blofeld he let himself fall heavily onto it.
"You will not believe it, but what I need is brotherly advice."
Blofeld gasped theatrically for air. "Ooh, this better be good!"
"It is above all, personal.", Bond made clear and Blofeld answered by leaning forward.
"I lost a girl...", Bond started and got immediately cut off by Blofeld's fit of laughter.
"Blofeld - Ernst, please.. Will you listen?"
The moment Bond called him Ernst, Blofeld stopped laughing.
"Oh my..", Blofeld leaned conspiratorially forward. "Tell me, James. Tell me everything."
And Bond did. He told him about the boat tour, the girl, and pointed out that she was indeed just a lab rat without any worthy information.
"First I thought she drowned. But then..", Bond took his phone out and opened a picture of the island. He held the Mobile closer so Blofeld could get a good look at the picture. Blofeld stretched out his neck and looked at the picture for a long moment.
"You know the island?", Bond asked lowly.
Blofeld said nothing at first. Eventually he spoke very softly: "Show me her face."
Bond didn't question and simply showed him Tatjana's Profile.
He watched Blofeld nodding and Bond changed the picture, showing him a picture of Mr. Mysterious. "Am I right to think Dugi Otok belongs to this guy? Do you think R is still alive?"
Blofeld nibbled at his lower lip and leaned back. "Safin..", he muttered in thought.
"Safin?", Bond replied, thrilled to hear a name.
"Ah, did I tell you something you didn't know?", Blofeld chuckled.
"What I really want to know is, how to get her out alive."
Blofeld crossed his arms in front of his chest. "I can't answer that, James. I do know this man as a freelancer who sometimes works for SPECTRE. An Anarchist and Assassine if needed, for us." He paused and shook his head. "I had actually thought him Asexual. But if he made, well, a connection with her, I don't see how you could get her out alive. One cannot take something from Safin that he thinks is his." Blofeld shook his head again, a theatrically sad expression on his face. "You should forget her. You will find another girl."
Bond wasn't satisfied with this answer. Rubbing his face he looked back to Blofeld and answered: "That is not an option."
"Well, then, you should make your will and testament. Because he will kill you if you try to get her back."
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crewman-penelope · 3 years
The Accountant
Chapter 23 of 26
Barbara Bonetta is an Accountant. She does love to be in charge of the numbers and accounts of this very special firm. Traveling and other excitements are like a bonus to her. The last thing she would do is to questioning her Boss, Herr Blofeld, neither his both men in the shadows…
James Bond Fandom / Rami Malek Fandom
Warning: violence, lemon🍋, blood💀 , crime, romance, kink⛓️, non-con⚠️, dom!Safin🖤
Characters : Lyutsifer Safin, Barbara Bonetta ofc, James Bond, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, Mr. Hinx, other SPECTRE Member
Relationship : Lyutsifer Safin / OFC Character
The whole story is told from Barbara's (ofc) view.
23. Ménage à trois 🍋⚠️ 🖤
Bond wasn't greedy nor in a hurry. Like his job, like is food, he savoured his woman.
He whispered soothing nonsense as he helped Barbara out of her clothes. He sealed her mouth with kisses, allowed her not to protest. His hands and his hard body leaded her backward to the bedroom.
Barbara felt foggy. The vodka and the endorphins, lured by Bond kisses and caressing, gestures kicked in.
She felt weak and trembling. The back of her knees touched the bed frame, and she felt.
Bond covered her at once with his body and sucked at her under lip.
"James..", she mumbled. "I… I am afraid…"
"Shshshsh… don't be.", he hummed and kissed her softly. His hands wandered along her body. "I am here now… You're safe…"
Barbara sighed. She wished she could believe him. She wanted.. but…
His lips, his cruel full lips, spread kisses along her neck. 'right spot, wrong man'
She did shiver as Bond reached down, pressing her right knee away to sneak his hand between her legs.
'wrong man..' she thought again but pressed her hips up, welcoming his teasing fingers.
"Please James…", she begged. "Let me feel you." She moved her hips fitting to his massaging fingers and moaned as he used the knuckle of his thumb to grind at her pearl.
Her legs and feet tensing in passion she caught his mouth to kiss him deeply. She tasted the mix of vodka, caviar and a hint of sweat, in her nose his spicy aftershave.
Eventually he broke the kiss heavily breathing, to get rid of his bathrobe. He was fully naked under it, his broad shoulder glittering already softly in sweat.
Barbara grabbed his broad shoulder and looked at him. "Please tell me you have condoms?"
Bond smirked down at her and reached out to the night stand to pull out a packet from the drawer. "Yes, Ma'am.", he purred and got on his knees again to unwrap one. Sitting between her legs he rolled it over his cock professional, a hand gesture easy as using the light switch.
Barbara pushed a cushion under her buttock and position her feet properly on the mattress.
Leaning over Bond sunk slowly inside her, companies by a long out moan from Barbara. She held at his shoulders and felt his muscle working. The intrusion was unfamiliar but wanted, his movement stretching and soothing at once.
"Yes.. Yes James…", she mumbled and tried to focus fully on him, the shadow of a better memory in the back of her head.
He moved in a steady pace, peaceful, while kissing and nipping her skin as his mouth could reach it.
It felt good. But nothing more.
"Faster James..", she moaned, trying to spread him up, trying to get more stimulus from his cock.
"My darling… Shhshh.. just enjoy it.. we have all the time…", he mumbled between the kisses, caressing along her body. He wanted to be a caring lover. He looked lovingly up to her, linking his eyes with hers and Barbara couldn't look away.
Her eyes became wider, and she froze as Bond stopped to move by the touch of the estuary of his Walther at his cheekbone.
For a moment time stopped.
The nose of Bond's gun pressed hard in his flesh, leaving a dimple.
Barbara still had her hands on Bond's shoulder as she looked up.
Safin was standing there, all in a dark blue plain suit, looking coldly interested down to Bond.
"You heard the lady.", Safin whispered. "She needs it hard and fast."
Barbara was still shocked, but impressed by Bond's body reaction. Every other men would get soft. He had his cock under control.
Barbara looked to Safin. "I want to come ", she told him and he squeezed his eyes in anger. She smirked at him. "Please…"
Safin's face became calmer and he spoke again.
"It is quite easy, even an DoubleO should manage. You grab properly her hips to hold her in place…and then you fuck her fast and hard, until you see the mix of pain and lust on her face."
He pressed the weapon for a short moment harder on Bond's cheek. Barbara could see his mind rushing, and she told him: "Come, James. You surely can do that? Getting your frustration out?"
Bond started to move again, his jawline clenching. He held Barbara hard, his fingernails digging in her flesh.
"Yes. Yes, James..", she moaned. "Harder. Please harder…"
He finally found a quick, harsh pace and Barbara's eyes rolled up as she threw her head in the mattress. "Yes! Like thissss!", she growled and let him feel her fingernails.
"Don't speed up!", she heard Safin order. "This pace.. But harder. Fuck her like she deserves it."
She heard Bond's grunting, she herself answering with groans and grunts, as the sound of wet, clashing flesh filled the room.
"Very good, Mr. Bond.", she heard Safin cheer up. "Let us not forget the lady comes first. Use your thumb if your cock isn't enough. Remember; SHE deserves it!
Barbara found Safin's face and caught his eyes. His pupils were dark, his face glittering in sweat. He was highly aroused, and she thought in glee what happens when Bond was finished with her.
She shrieked in pleasure as Bond's thumb tip found her pearl, rubbing fierce on it.
"Oh yes! OH, YES!", she cheered in glee, her eyes on Safin. He started to move Bond's weapon, caressing with it over Bond's face, what must have been nerve wracking to the agent.
Or - the possibility was there as she felt it - it does excite him to. Anyway he did get THIS job done at least.
Barbara's legs were shaking uncontrollable while the fire of arousal flamed up inside her lower abdomen. She shrieked up, bending her body up and was on the range of a laugh flash as her climax hit her.
"There you go.", Safin praised him. Him? Her?
Calling out Safin's name she became halfway aware that Bond arrived his climax to.
His body shaking, tensing, he felt over and pressed his face in the hollow of her neck.
For a moment Barbara and Bond were a mass of sweaty limbs, tangled hard breathing together.
Eventually Bond came very slowly up again and looked at Barbara. "You're ok?", he panted out and Barbara nodded.
Bond swallowed hard, still looking at Barbara. Slowly he got on his knees, one hand still firm holding her at the hip bone, one hand under her neck.
Barbara saw him weirdly smirking, his eyes focused. "I believe it is his turn now?", he announced and winked. Before Barbara nor Safin could react he suddenly twirled around, lifted Barbara by that and threw her at Safin.
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crewman-penelope · 3 years
The Accountant
Chapter 16 of 26
Barbara Bonetta is an Accountant. She does love to be in charge of the numbers and accounts of this very special firm. Traveling and other excitements are like a bonus to her. The last thing she would do is to questioning her Boss, Herr Blofeld, neither his both men in the shadows…
James Bond Fandom / Rami Malek Fandom
Warning: violence, lemon🍋, blood💀 , crime, romance, kink⛓️, non-con⚠️, dom!Safin🖤
Characters : Lyutsifer Safin, Barbara Bonetta ofc, James Bond, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, Mr. Hinx, other SPECTRE Member
Relationship : Lyutsifer Safin / OFC Character
The whole story is told from Barbara's (ofc) view.
16. Seduction
Barbara realized her mistake, as she went with Beach in her quarters. She wanted to set the bag on her couch, but the moment Beach went inside with her, she felt his hands on her hips.
"Jim, ", she brought out as he turned her around to him. His lips clashed on hers as he pressed her body hard on his. His arms were like vices as he held her. Eventually he let go of her lips to kiss along her jaw line to her neck.
"Jim..", Barbara rested breathless her hands on his chest, pushing softly. "I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I need to eat first."
Jim smirked and bit his lower lip, a gesture so soft and arousing Barbara swallowed.
"We cannot perhaps have room service?" he asked boldly while his hands travel down her rear. Kneading her cheeks softly he spread butterfly kisses along her neck. "My hunger is actually quite different." He looked up to her. "In all honest, since I Iaid my eyes on you in the ski slopes."
"Jim, I can't call the room service to my private quarters. Dr. Guntram will fire me tomorrow morning, if I do that."
"Dr. Guntram?", Jim asked with blank face.
"My boss. The proprietor of the 'Helena'."
She smiled soothing and rubbed his brought shoulder. "Anyway, one should not have dessert before dinner, but after."
Jim looked at her a moment and nodded eventually. "You're right, Barbara.", he stepped back. "But can we skip the tour and eat? If you don't mind my… Appetite?"
Barbara freed herself from Beach embrace and linked her arm with his. "That is fine. I do feel the same."
Her visitor smirked and cooed: "Has someone told you before, how lovely you look when you are blushing?"
Barbara felt her face now burning as she answered: "I heard that before, yes. But it's nice you have noticed."
Eventually she was able to lead him in the dinning room. Not many tables were filled, and only Austrian and German society. The table aside them were occupied with an elderly couple. The lady was very silent, eating like a mouse. The gentleman aside her cheated at his diet, but Barbara decided to ignore it.
They got three courses, all three barely touched by Jim. Barbara leaned over. "Our kitchen is actually excellent, Jim."
"I try it next time when I visit properly. I have ready booked a long spa weekend next month.", he told her, boyish smirking.
"Oh, is that true? So why the hurry to get here up at all?"
"Is that not clear?", Beach hummed and sipped at his wine, looking with bed eyes over it to Barbara. "I would sleep in a half crashed hay cabin, if I know you are there."
"My Goddess.. You are really a smooth talker with your english tongue.", she giggled amused.
Beach rested his upper arms on the table and remind her: "I promised you I shall tell you everything about my tongue."
Barbara covered her mouth while giggling. She looked at her empty plate and whispered : "Well, shall we skip the pudding?"
Beach grinned. "I heard there waits a very special delicate dessert in your room. I can't wait to dive my tongue in that."
Barbara felt her face heating up again and pressed her knees together. "You're such a tease."
"Believe me, my darling. I am more than that."
Barbara walked the way to her quarters with wobbly legs, holding herself firm at Beach's arm. Eventually she opened the door and Beach closed it firm. Seconds later Barbara got pressed at the wall, Jim's tongue deep in her throat. His hands were all over her body, his lower body grinding at her.
She entangled her tongue from his and told him embarrassed : "Sorry, please let me use the bathroom, OK?" She pointed to the cabinet at her wall. "There is a bar, if you want something."
Beach stepped back with an understanding expression. "All good, my darling. Take your time."
He turned to the bar and Barbara rushed to the bathroom. She actually sat down to pee, but grabbed her phone.
[Beach is in my room now], she wrote to Safin.
Then she took her time to clean herself up at the bidet and freshen up.
Coming back she got greeted by a sweet Martini, something Beach called a 'Vesper'.
"Mhmm. That is good. Well, Jim, if life insurance is not more working for you, we need a Barkeeper here.", she giggled.
He smiled and wrapped an arm around her.
"I have a confession to make.", he hummed and held her close. "I'm not working for life insurances."
Barbara got suddenly a cold feeling in her stomach. "W-what?", she acted shocked.
"All good, my darling. I am incognito at my holiday, because I am an CEO and quite rich. I just hate it, when people make a fuss about it."
"Wow… and.. what is your real name?", she asked breathless.
"It's Bond. James Bond.", he cooed and caught her lips again.
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crewman-penelope · 4 years
The Green-eyed Monster
Fandom: James Bond / Rami Malek
Chapters : 2 of 27
Characters : Lyutsifer Safin, Tatjana Safin ofc, Luc Dupont omc, Marie Dupont ofc, Camille ofc, James Bond, Moneypenny, Q, Mr. Hinx, Frau Dr. Vogel, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, M, Nomi, Mr. Moreau
Relationship : Lyutsifer Safin / OFC Character, Ernst Stavro Blofeld /OFC Character
Warning : Lemon, Hostage, dub-con, non-con, blood, gruel dead scene
Rating : MA
Gene: Crime / Drama /Romance
Summary : SPECTRE is back, but was that really what Safin wanted? Bond gives no shit at first...
Note : The rights for the Bond Books and the movies lays by Eon production!
This fanfic is for entertaining purpose only and to read for free.
English is not the writer's first language!
Still thirsty for some Safin content, so I have to write it myself. :-D
2. Invitation
Waking up at six automatically, Safin found a message already on the intranet cell phone. He was invited to an early breakfast with the Boss. He didn't pause to wonder what Blofeld was up to. He would find out soon enough. Safin showered, short and cold, then dressed casually. Looking in the mirror, he didn't bother to check his appearance, except to see if his arm holster was hidden well enough, then he headed out of his room.
Blofeld greeted him warmly, rose from his chair and shook Safin's hand. Then he pointed to the table.
"First eat, then I have a special task for you."
Safin waited until Blofeld sat down again before he took the chair closest to him with the window at his back and the door to his front.
"We have a great Darjeeling here, first flush. I hope you will enjoy it, Lyutsifer.", Blofeld was in a hosting mood.
Safin noded, gratefully, and poured himself some tea. The scent of it was calming and after a sip he decided to relax and enjoy the breakfast. The realization that Frau Dr. Vogel was not present satisfied him.
"A bit like old times..", Safin muttered while filling his plate.
Blofeld chuckled. "Indeed. The time with your little wife here is still cheerful."
'I can imagine', Safin thought to himself, remembering how fatherly and pampering Blofeld had been to his pregnant Siren.
He ate quickly, but not too hastily, slightly curious now, what Blofeld was up to.
"How is she? And the boys?", Blofeld went on. "Very well. Tatjana is relishing motherhood and the boys are growing like weeds.", Safin brought out. He hesitated to speak further. When Blofeld started to talk about family members of his henchmen it was mostly for dark reasons.
Blofeld leaned back in his chair, holding his cup of coffee and watching Safin carefully.
"I was wondering if she and the twins would like to spend some time in the snow. After all, looking at the colour of your sunny skin, the twins have never seen snow?"
Safin wiped his mouth with a napkin and leaned back in his chair slowly, eyeing Blofeld with a cool look.
"Go on..?"
Blofeld gestured to the table and Safin's empty plate. "Are we finished with breakfast? Because it has something to do with the task I have for you."
"I'm fine. Tell me."
Blofeld smiled his fatherly smile which never made it to his eyes.
"Your private work with your gas was quite a success. I immensely adored the chaos you spread over the Russian government. Sadly, some of my old enemies from the KGB survived. I made you a list and would kindly ask you to work through it."
Safin listened and nodded then picked up his phone when it buzzed. Looking at the message he read over the list and understood.
"I see. That will take some time."
"I think two weeks, if not three. After some planning from your side, as you see fit, of course. I shall be very honored to have Tatjana and the twins stay under my hospitality while you and Luc.."
'No', Safin thought, but knew he could not refuse Blofeld's offer. That would be like a slap with a glove.
Instead he spoke: "That would be very kind of you, considering your hospitality in the past."
Looking at the list again, Safin nodded.
"You are right, of course. I do need all hands on deck for this task. And knowing Tatjana and my boys are in safe hands would help to take some pressure off." He faced Blofeld and allowed himself a smile. "I would be honored, Ernst."
"Good!", Blofeld cheered and rubbed his hands together. "That's settled then. Well, Lyutsifer, I have ordered a snowshuttle for you at three pm. That way you can get home and act quickly. And if I know you, you are already working on it."
Safin smirked. This part of his thinking Blofeld had got right.
"Precisely." Safin got up and offered a handshake. "Thank you for the breakfast. I shall call Moreau for the delivery."
"And, I look forward to seeing your wife again.", Blofeld smiled wide.
Safin strolled casually out of the room, showing no hint of his real emotions. As he opened the door, he nearly ran into Frau Dr. Vogel.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know someone was with Nr. 1.", she said stiffly.
"Now you know.", Safin muttered annoyed, and left, thinking 'cunt.'
He packed while thinking over his next step. There was only one answer for his dilemma. He didn't have anyone besides Luc to call a friend, but at least he had one trusted colleague. One.
He waited in the spa and health department of the centre, knowing that Mr. Hinx had been using the fitness room daily. He sat at the snack bar and read over the list again, already planning his next moves. 'Two weeks, no longer', he promised himself.
In the corner of his eye he saw Mr. Hinx enter and pause when he looked at Safin. Eventually Mr. Hinx walked directly to him. There was no other reason why Safin was here besides looking for him.
"An 'Edelweiss' alcohol free.", Mr. Hinx ordered and sat beside Safin. Resting his massive arms on the bar he waited until the bar keeper set the huge glass of dirty witbier in front of him, before he asked: "What?"
"I need to ask you a favour, Hinx."
Mr. Hinx blinked quickly but held his face empty. He took a long sip from his beer and wiped his mouth. "Without Blofeld's knowledge.", he grumbled. Not a question, but Safin nodded anyway, staring at his phone. "What is it?", Mr. Hinx asked, curiously.
"It's a babysitter's job." Safin looked up from his phone. "I have to be away for a minimum of two weeks and she and the twins will come here during this time."
Mr. Hinx looked at him, his eyes a mix of curiosity, amusement and even a bit of pride that Safin had asked him.
"Not trusting Nr. 1?"
"Not trusting Nr. 2."
"Consider it done."
Safin looked at him thankfully.
"Tell me after the job what you want as payment.", he told him softly.
Mr. Hinx waved at him. "One day I shall ask you a favor, Safin."
"I'm fine with that." Safin glided from the high bar stool. "Good day, Mr. Hinx."
"Safe travels, Safin."
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crewman-penelope · 4 years
The Green-eyed Monster
Fandom: James Bond / Rami Malek
Chapters : 27 of 27
Characters : Lyutsifer Safin, Tatjana Safin ofc, Luc Dupont omc, Marie Dupont ofc, Camille ofc, James Bond, Moneypenny, Q, Mr. Hinx, Frau Dr. Vogel, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, M, Nomi, Mr. Moreau
Relationship : Lyutsifer Safin / OFC Character, Ernst Stavro Blofeld /OFC Character
Warning : Lemon, Hostage, dub-con, non-con, blood, gruel dead scene
Rating : MA
Gene: Crime / Drama /Romance
Summary : SPECTRE is back, but was that really what Safin wanted? Bond gives no shit at first...
Note : The rights for the Bond Books and the movies lays by Eon production!
This fanfic is for entertaining purpose only and to read for free.
English is not the writer's first language!
Still thirsty for some Safin content, so I have to write it myself. :-D
27. Salary
Safin needed some time to settle into his home again. A part of him feared the MI6 might still find something in the SPECTRE files about his abode. He even thought of moving. Tatjana insisted, even if she hadn't erased everything, that Q had promised to cover it up, for old times sake. He was the one who had interacted with the twins. He was the one who understood he would destroy a family and he didn't want that.
The twins were happy to be back to their normal life. Marie and Luc also. Luc had assured him that he and his men would control and guard the island with their full force.
Luc. What would he do without Luc?
He was a man who also looked after his family first, and the fact that Safin was a family man himself brought both men even closer.
He, of course, still had his laboratory and had even finished the capsule of his nerve gas. One never knows. But as long as his family and friends were safe, Safin had no reason to use it. Something told him the MI6 was aware of it.
Safin had racked his brain as to how to pay his debt to Bond. For a while, it looked like the former agent was in serious trouble. He often wondered what Bond had told his former employer. And how he had survived Nomi's rage.
Eventually, after a good three months living on his island again, he finally felt safe.
He tried to show Tatjana his appreciation for her more, not taking one single day with her for granted.
And he had an idea as to how to pay Bond back.
As he traveled from Cuba to Jamaica, he found himself a bit nervous. What if Bond had friends over for a visit? It wasn't a weekend though, so he hoped to find the former agent alone.
After getting most of the way with the submarine, he sailed the rest of the way with his little jolle.
He found Bond relaxing on the Beach and, as he jumped onto the beach, he saw Bond smile.
He got up from his deck chair and strolled forward, greeting his visitor.
"I was wondering when you would visit me.", Bond said as he shook hands with him. Safin checked Bond's face suspiciously and found only honesty in it. Normally, he only got this warm of a greeting from Luc and it felt a bit strange.
"I didn't interrupt a visit from Moneypenny?", he asked, apologizing.
He saw Bond smile widely. "Not this time. She only visits me once a month for a long weekend."
"Mhm?", Safin hummed, waiting for more. Bond shrugged and pointed to the beach chair. "Something to drink? I made iced tea."
"As long as there is no alcohol in it, I'll take a glass."
Bond laughed. "A bit too early for that!"
When the men were settled, and had their drinks, Safin began: "I have a reason for my visit."
"Please don't tell me you have lost R - sorry - Tatjana again?"
"Look who's talking." Safin smirked. "No, I have a little thank you in mind."
"Oha! I'm listening?"
"When you next visit the mainland of Jamaica, you should check the real estate office. The ground you are sitting on will be documented as yours."
Safin took a sip of the iced tea, hoping for a positive reaction from Bond.
"You. Bloody. Bastard! You gave me land? Shit, Safin, that must have cost a fortune!"
"One cannot eat money.", Safin said solemnly, happy to see Bond so gleeful. "And the land is fertile. You can do a lot with it."
He saw Bond staring at the sea for a moment.
"I don't know what to say."
"You earned it.", Safin said and finished his iced tea. "Now, I'm off. If I'm not back by a certain time, Luc will come after me.", he smirked and rose, offering Bond his hand to shake.
"Thank you, Mr. Bond."
"James. It's James. And next time you visit me, I would like to welcome Tatjana and the twins."
"I'll think about it." Safin said, dignified, and turned, walking down the beach.
He felt light and jovial.
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crewman-penelope · 4 years
The Green-eyed Monster
Fandom: James Bond / Rami Malek
Chapters : 24 of 27
Characters : Lyutsifer Safin, Tatjana Safin ofc, Luc Dupont omc, Marie Dupont ofc, Camille ofc, James Bond, Moneypenny, Q, Mr. Hinx, Frau Dr. Vogel, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, M, Nomi, Mr. Moreau
Relationship : Lyutsifer Safin / OFC Character, Ernst Stavro Blofeld /OFC Character
Warning : Lemon, Hostage, dub-con, non-con, blood, gruel dead scene
Rating : MA
Gene: Crime / Drama /Romance
Summary : SPECTRE is back, but was that really what Safin wanted? Bond gives no shit at first...
Note : The rights for the Bond Books and the movies lays by Eon production!
This fanfic is for entertaining purpose only and to read for free.
English is not the writer's first language!
Still thirsty for some Safin content, so I have to write it myself. :-D
24. Too late to rescue
The next large door led into Monsieur Moreau's bureau. Safin strolled in, his machine gun at the ready, just to be greeted by a widely smiling Luc. "You just let me do all the work?", he laughed while holding his gun at Monsieur Moreau's head.
Moreau's skin grew grey in shock. "Mr. Safin..", he started, but Safin held his finger to his lips. "I don't want to hear anything except; Where. Is. My. Wife.?!"
"There is a hay cabin a mile away. The ski slopes lead to it. Mr. Hinx is already on his way.", Moreau told him smoothly, and rested his hands across the desk he sat behind.
Safin was impressed. Moreau played it absolute cool. Just a revolution, nothing to worry about.
"I hope, for your sake, Tatjana is well and safe.", he hissed.
"I hope so too, Mr. Safin. We had all thought she would stay with us, well, once we thought you were dead." He shrugged, apologizing.
"The medical staff is now in the health clinic.", Luc informed Safin and Bond. "The men went through every room and we are clear here."
Safin turned to Bond. "I told you... I shall go after Hinx. Will you stay?"
"And let you have all the fun with Blofeld?", Bond grumbled. "I am coming with you."
Safin turned back to Moreau. "Think about the side you are on, Monsieur. Listen to Luc."
"Qui, Monsieur.", Moreau nodded.
Bond stepped from one foot to the other. "Shall we?"
"Yes.", Safin walked out with Bond. The easy entrance and the immediate success made him feel relieved and more confident.
His phone rang and he picked it up while walking to the main entrance. "There is a shuttle snowmobile..", he told Bond and spoke then into the phone. "Hinx? Where?... She what??.. Yes. Yes. We are on our way."
He listened a moment as Bond opened the door to the shuttle. "Bond is with me. We had no real resistance here. Thankfully the arena was empty."
Bond opened the driver's door, but Safin gave him a sign to change. Sitting down he switched on the snowmobile and gave the phone to Bond.
While Safin drove down the hill, he listened to the awkward conversation between Hinx and Bond.
"Bond here. Do you have contact?"
He nodded, satisfied to hear Hinx confirm it.
"Tatjana is safe.", he told him. "Perhaps you should prepare Safin.. She is pissed that he left her in this situation."
Bond thought about it and looked quickly at Safin, before he answered: "Tell her, that he had no choice, but would have burned down the entire world to get her back. OK?"
Both men, Safin and Bond, heard Hinx laugh loudly. Safin felt as if a ton of stones fell from his shoulders.
Soon the hayloft was in Safin's view. Two people, a small one and a huge one, sat in front of it.
He stopped the snowmobile and didn't switch it off but rushed to Tatjana. She sat crying beside Hinx, who had uncharacteristically rested an arm around her shoulders to soothe her.
Tatjana started to cry harder when she saw Safin. Sobbing, she threw her fists against his chest when he tried to embrace her.
"Never leave me alone again!!", she cried, and hit him again. Safin laughed, relieved, and pulled her hard into his arms. In the corner of his eye he saw Bond, who stepped into the hayloft, only to step out again, backwards, the agent starting to laugh.
Safin looked questioningly at Hinx, who smirked. With his thumb he pointed to the door.
"Go in and see what your wife is capable of.", he dared him.
"I didn't want that.. But he wouldn't stop..", Tatjana whined.
"Shshshsh..it's all good.", Safin soothed her and let go of her gently. "Let me have a look."
Bond beside him, was in a fit of laughter.
Safin entered the cabin carefully to take in the scene.
In the middle of the floor, on a disaster of a picnic blanket, laid Blofeld on his back like a fat, old beetle.
Safin wasn't sure what was more bizarre. The spoon in his eye or the fork in his chest.
He saw Blofeld's half open snow suit and knew what had happened here.
'That could have been me', he thought, with a funny mix of relief and bad coincidence.
But thankfully, it was Blofeld.
Slowly he exited the cabin. Bond looked at him with a curious expression, as did Hinx.
Safin ignored both men and turned back to Tatjana.
"My love.", he hummed. "If we were not married already, I should ask you for the honour now. My brave, brave girl."
Wrapping his arms around her, he leaned into a deep kiss, not caring about Bond or Hinx.
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crewman-penelope · 4 years
The Green-eyed Monster
Fandom: James Bond / Rami Malek
Chapters : 19 of 27
Characters : Lyutsifer Safin, Tatjana Safin ofc, Luc Dupont omc, Marie Dupont ofc, Camille ofc, James Bond, Moneypenny, Q, Mr. Hinx, Frau Dr. Vogel, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, M, Nomi, Mr. Moreau
Relationship : Lyutsifer Safin / OFC Character, Ernst Stavro Blofeld /OFC Character
Warning : Lemon, Hostage, dub-con, non-con, blood, gruel dead scene
Rating : MA
Gene: Crime / Drama /Romance
Summary : SPECTRE is back, but was that really what Safin wanted? Bond gives no shit at first...
Note : The rights for the Bond Books and the movies lays by Eon production!
This fanfic is for entertaining purpose only and to read for free.
English is not the writer's first language!
Still thirsty for some Safin content, so I have to write it myself. :-D
19. From one killer to another
The HAYTNMYC II lay deep, hidden in the harbour, waiting for a message from Hinx or Luc. Bond listened, fascinated, to Safin's stories, while drinking his horrible tea. It seemed the rule that every bad guy had a weird backstory was true even with Safin.
And, like every bad guy, he took it as an apology.
"Safin, don't get me wrong. I am also an orphan, and grew up under weird circumstances - perhaps Blofeld told you about that?"
Safin nodded with a serious face.
"Yes, the whole firm knows about his obsession."
"But, in the end, one can decide. The easy path. Or the right one.", Bond said.
Safin seemed to think about that, while playing with his golden ring.
"Yes. I.. learned that with Tatjana. Taking responsibility." He laughed shortly and not humorously. "Quite late."
Bond saw Safin looking at him strangely.
"Spit it out, Safin.", Bond muttered, alarmed. "What are you not telling me?"
"I killed one of your women."
Bond listened to the echo of his words, his skin crawling. He blinked, surprised, and not sure if he wanted Safin to go on.
"Do I want to know?", he asked himself aloud.
"I feel like you should. Last time we saw each other, I made it sound like it was your fault."
Bond sighed. "If one can speak of fault, I would say it is Blofeld's fault. We are both just professionals, doing our job, aren't we?"
He watched Safin's nod of agreement. "I was Blofeld's creature for too long. My loyalty lies with Tatjana now."
Bond thought about the phone call he had had with Safin the day he had rescued Luc and Blofeld. The day he stole Tatjana back.
"You had promised me to look after her."
"With my life. I keep my promises."
Bond took a sip of the cold tea and decided he didn't want to know. Instead, he changed the conversation.
"Tell me... where did you get married?"
Safin grinned widely. "Her idea. She is soo incredibly old fashioned with some things. Just a church blessing in Bad Ischl. One cannot walk into a registry office with papers."
"Pregnant women can get the funniest ideas.", Bond chuckled.
"Pregnant women get the best ideas.", Safin smirked, but grew serious at once. "I am blessed with her. Any other woman who had gotten into a situation like her.. I don't know.. would have gone crazy.. or would have gotten an abortion."
Safin caught Bond's eyes. "When I came to pick her up she was afraid I would be so egotistic as to not want her back because of her pregnancy. She had already decided. Even if that meant having the baby alone. A remarkable woman."
Bond listened, amazed, to Safin's voice. It was throbbing with sentiment. He realized, eventually, that Safin was a better man than Blofeld for one reason. He was able to love.
His thoughts were interrupted by a young soldier, who rushed inside the living area. "Mr. Hinx was on the line with a message. He said the double parcel is on its way into town. With two post officials."
"Nothing more?", Safin asked.
Bond watched him, growing excited. "What parcel?", he asked.
"The twins are in the village. With Marie and Camille. We have to get to the Heli."
Everything suddenly went swiftly. Both men were quickly in boots and jackets and out of the Nautilus II. Bond's heart beating quickly, he rushed with Safin in the direction of the heli rotor sounds.
"Four hours?", Bond shouted.
Safin nodded as he climbed into the helicopter.
Bond took a seat, fastened the seatbelt and picked up his phone. At Safin's questioning glance, Bond told him: "Q."
Safin's broken face lit up. He waved the phone to him, and he heard Q answering it. "Listen, young man. You have pictures of Marie Dupont and Camille? They are both in Bad Ischl now. With two little boys. Twins, two years old. Make contact. Bring them to your hotel. Hold them.." Bond watched Safin listen a moment and responding. "Say, 'Lyutsifer sent me' to Marie. She will know then that you speak the truth."
Safin listened again and gave the phone back to Bond.
"Q? Do as he says. We need four hours. Just get them from the streets. Good luck!"
Bond put his phone back in his pocket and grinned at Safin.
Safin rolled his eyes.
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crewman-penelope · 4 years
The Green-eyed Monster
Fandom: James Bond / Rami Malek
Chapters : 13 of 27
Characters : Lyutsifer Safin, Tatjana Safin ofc, Luc Dupont omc, Marie Dupont ofc, Camille ofc, James Bond, Moneypenny, Q, Mr. Hinx, Frau Dr. Vogel, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, M, Nomi, Mr. Moreau
Relationship : Lyutsifer Safin / OFC Character, Ernst Stavro Blofeld /OFC Character
Warning : Lemon, Hostage, dub-con, non-con, blood, gruel dead scene
Rating : MA
Gene: Crime / Drama /Romance
Summary : SPECTRE is back, but was that really what Safin wanted? Bond gives no shit at first...
Note : The rights for the Bond Books and the movies lays by Eon production!
This fanfic is for entertaining purpose only and to read for free.
English is not the writer's first language!
Still thirsty for some Safin content, so I have to write it myself. :-D
13. Frenemies
Retirement wasn't bad.
Especially if one had money in the bank for nearly 25 years of working for Queen and country.
There was only one location Bond had always thought of as a retirement place. Luckily for him the terrorist acts two years ago had only touched the big cities of first world countries, and had left the landscapes of Mexico, Cuba and Jamaica in peace.
New, more social governments rose up after the damage was done, supported by people with hope, heart and willingness for a better, new start. Bond would never say it aloud, but this was kind of a win/win situation. If one could forget how it came along.
The Jamaican government was glad to get Bond's money. Knowing him as a regular visitor, he was allowed to settle at the coast in a former fisherman's cottage. Payment was a monthly donation to the Bustamante Children's Hospital of Kingston. High cost, but worth it.
He had his peace in this spot, and he loved to share it with good friends.
Bond laid with an awakened mind and closed eyes in his bed, relishing the warmth of the woman beside him. Finally, he stretched and turned to her. Softly kissing up her back, her umber skin silky and gleaming from the sun of days prior.
"Mmm,.. 'ames.."
"Breakfast in bed or at the beach?", he purred as his lips climbed up to her neck.
The woman giggled beside him and arched her back like a cat while stretching.
As she turned, she wrapped her arms around his waist and drew him close. "You have to wake me properly before we can talk breakfast.", she rasped out, her voice still drunk with sleep.
Bond smiled charmingly. "I had hoped you would say that, my darling."
He made great effort to wake her, his hands and mouth, his lips and tongue, savoring every inch of her. He took pride in his sexual appetite as well as his technique, and paused just once, after she came twice, gushing in his mouth, her legs thrown on his broad shoulders.
As her breath calmed they melted together, twirled limbs and tongues, and did not stop before she came again with his own undoing.
Eventually Bond rested in her arms and enjoyed her fingers combing through his hair.
"Didn't you promise me breakfast, James?", she teased.
Bond kissed her left breast. "I live to serve, m'am."
Satisfied and still full of energy, he got up for a quick cold shower and entered the kitchen, putting the coffee machine on first thing.
He still saw himself as a Bachelor, even with the regular visits of his lady love. He felt better that way and she accepted it, having her own life and her work in England.
He heard her slipping under the shower and, after checking on the scrambled eggs, he put a portion of them, with the bacon, in the oven to keep them hot. He hurried to get to the small beach, where the outdoor furniture was set and decked the table. As he turned, she came out of the house, sporting a white kaftan and the tray with food in her hands.
For a moment his heartbeat stopped. She was for sure one of the most beautiful women he had ever known, especially in this environment.
"I'm starving.", she beamed at him.
Bond smiled warmly and took the tray from her hands. "Sit down then, Eve. Let me feed you."
After breakfast they sat under the shadow of the parasol and departed to go fishing or have a swim. While teasing each other about their bad fishing skills, Bond became aware that a small sailboat, quite the Optimist, was getting close to his beach. He squeezed his eyes to get a better look and caught the white flag on the boat, and also the sailor of it. A deadly, familiar figure.
"The bloody fucking hell...?", he whispered and Eve shadowed her eyes with a hand to get a better look. "Is that..?", she started, her face growing pale.
Bond watched the figure on the boat pointing to the white flag, which made him calmer at once. This man was no danger. Not today.
"Sit down.", he ordered Eve and got up himself to raise his right hand as a peaceful greeting.
The Optimist touched the beach strip , and the man jumped from it. Holding a rope he drew the small boat with him, until it sat on the beach.
Bond watched his visitor in amazement. He was still a lean and small man, his broken face serious and the coolness of his walk as he strolled up to the furnitured area was unsettling.
He stopped three feet in front of Bond and turned to face Eve.
"Miss Moneypenny.", he greeted her with a slight bow. "I apologize for breaking up this lovely occasion." Then he turned to Bond, who watched him more curious than surprised.
"Mr. Bond. We need to talk."
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crewman-penelope · 4 years
The Green-eyed Monster
Fandom: James Bond / Rami Malek
Chapters : 25 of 27
Characters : Lyutsifer Safin, Tatjana Safin ofc, Luc Dupont omc, Marie Dupont ofc, Camille ofc, James Bond, Moneypenny, Q, Mr. Hinx, Frau Dr. Vogel, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, M, Nomi, Mr. Moreau
Relationship : Lyutsifer Safin / OFC Character, Ernst Stavro Blofeld /OFC Character
Warning : Lemon, Hostage, dub-con, non-con, blood, gruel dead scene
Rating : MA
Gene: Crime / Drama /Romance
Summary : SPECTRE is back, but was that really what Safin wanted? Bond gives no shit at first...
Note : The rights for the Bond Books and the movies lays by Eon production!
This fanfic is for entertaining purpose only and to read for free.
English is not the writer's first language!
Still thirsty for some Safin content, so I have to write it myself. :-D
25. Organizing
One phone call led to another. Bond felt like his ear was burning, after having his third chat with M, having a talk with the Austrian Minister of Defence and with the local Mountain Watch, and with Q, and then Moneypenny...
That he had 'stumbled' upon Blofeld's mountain hideaway during his ski vacation was such a blunt lie, M thought it could even be believable.
The fact that they had Blofeld's spokesman and the most confidential data of the whole organization in hand nearly gave M a stroke of pleasure.
So, Bond was forgiven, except by one person.
"Nomi, Nomi, listen.." Bond stopped and held the phone away from his ear a bit.
Nomi shouted at him for most of the time and Bond assumed she would continue for the next three days.
She was furious!
For two months she'd been at a dead end with finding a member of SPECTRE. She had walked through the dessert of Marroko and searched through tons of material in Madrid. And Bond went skiing and accidentally killed Blofeld? She was having none of that.
"You keep your ass there, James! I'm on my way with M, and then you will tell us the fucking truth!", she shouted.
"Yes, Ma'm!", Bond went on, but she shouted back: "Don't you dare Ma'm me, old man! You just played against the fucking book! I can see that very clearly; you get yourself a snitch or a mole and instead of telling MI6, you decide to play Rambo! Is your brain that feeble? Don't you see the situation you have put yourself in? AND the MI6?!?! "
She went on and Bond pressed the phone against his chest while checking on Tatjana.
She was sitting at Moreau's desk, working from his computer.
"How long do you need?", he asked her.
"I don't know. The information about Safin is spread out in so many different files. I have to make sure that I get everything erased and written over, without erasing everything else!"
"Perhaps I can be of help?", a familiar voice came from the door.
"Q.", Tatjana smiled, and blushed, embarrassed.
Bond looked from Tatjana to Q.
"Okay, get that over with please. M will be here in an hour."
He lifted the phone back to his ear to be shouted at again: "You dare to have me on hold?! Listen here, James, if you're not c-"
Bond hung up and switched the phone off.
He looked at Safin, who stood relaxed at the window to admire the sunset. The man was so bloody relaxed. His hands clasped behind his back, he looked like he had all the time in the world.
Bond strolled over to him and followed Safin's eyes. The snowy mountains around them were lighting up like a fire and an old story of a dwarf king and his rose garden came to Bond's mind.
"Did you send Q up?"
"Yes.", Safin hummed. "Luc is with the children. And Tatjana has done enough for one day, hasn't she?"
Bond looked at Safin. His face was calm and peaceful, nearly good looking despite the scars.
"Never thought of.. I don't know.. taking over now that Blofeld is dead?", he asked the anarchist curiously.
Safin looked at him with an amazed expression. "Are you crazy? Haven't you ever read a dossier about SPECTRE? All these schemes and plans only to get more money and luxury? Look, what it brought Blofeld in the end.."
Bond watched Safin turning from the sunset to look longingly at Tatjana. "There are more precious things in life."
Bond, who believed he understood, at least partly, agreed. "If one ignores, how y-"
"I know.", Safin spoke firmly. "I know exactly that I do not deserve her."
Both men watched Tatjana interacting with Q at the computer and their extra laptops, their faces in glee.
"Do we ever?", Bond asked softly and smiled at Safin. "We just pray we do them justice."
Safin turned back to the window. "Mr. Hinx is after Frau Dr. Vogel. She is in charge of the department of sex trafficking. If possible, he will send her alive to the MI6. The rest of the High Numbers should be easily tracked down by your Goddess of Rage."
Bond blinked, not sure what Safin meant.
"Oh, right. Nomi.", he chuckled then and picked up his phone. "I should call M, to check in."
As M answered with a very dry 'yes?' Bond wished he could walk away, instead of waiting for his former boss. He had a lot to explain and he couldn't tell the full truth. It could put him in prison.
"Already in the helicopter?", he asked and looked at Tatjana packing up. He nodded to her and Safin. 'Go now', his mouth formed.
Bond saw Safin walking to Tatjana and Q. He shook the young man's hand and then took the laptop, while wrapping his arm around Tatjana's waist.
As Safin looked back at Bond, to nod a goodbye, Bond mouthed: "You owe me, Safin."
It felt as if that wasn't a bad thing at all.
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crewman-penelope · 4 years
The Green-eyed Monster
Fandom: James Bond / Rami Malek
Chapters : 23 of 27
Characters : Lyutsifer Safin, Tatjana Safin ofc, Luc Dupont omc, Marie Dupont ofc, Camille ofc, James Bond, Moneypenny, Q, Mr. Hinx, Frau Dr. Vogel, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, M, Nomi, Mr. Moreau
Relationship : Lyutsifer Safin / OFC Character, Ernst Stavro Blofeld /OFC Character
Warning : Lemon, Hostage, dub-con, non-con, blood, gruel dead scene
Rating : MA
Gene: Crime / Drama /Romance
Summary : SPECTRE is back, but was that really what Safin wanted? Bond gives no shit at first...
Note : The rights for the Bond Books and the movies lays by Eon production!
This fanfic is for entertaining purpose only and to read for free.
English is not the writer's first language!
Still thirsty for some Safin content, so I have to write it myself. :-D
23. The centre
It was already evening when Bond and Safin arrived at the health centre. Soon, the sun would set and Safin tried not to think about Tatjana outside with Blofeld.
Focusing on the centre, he and Bond walked to it in the shadows of the pines around the building. They had left the snowmobiles half a mile away, not wanting to alarm anyone with the sound. Heavily panting, both men checked their machine guns.
"We will take the backside. There is a delivery entrance.", Safin informed Bond, feeling his heart pumping hard in his throat.
"Lift or stairs?", Bond asked.
"I'll take the stairs."
"We will both take the stairs after blocking the lift.", Safin informed Bond while looking for his agreement, which he got with a nod.
Both men walked carefully, looking for movement, but there was only nerve wracking silence.
At the entrance stood a lone man. Safin and Bond got slowly onto their knees and Safin informed him: "Not one of mine."
Bond checked the surroundings before he made his decision.
"Let me try to sneak up on him. I'll walk around to get him from the bushes, there.", he pointed to the undergrowth. "Your Ludger should be sufficient."
Safin nodded with his lips pressed thin. He grew more and more nervous, an emotion he wasn't quite acquainted with.
"If you don't get him, I'll have to shoot."
"I know. Give me a chance, Safin. I can do this."
Safin had to smirk at Bond's tone. "I know. I would not have come to you otherwise."
Bond moved his machine gun behind his back and checked the Ludger, already prepared with a silencer.
Safin stayed crouched down and waited.
Watching Bond until he lost sight of the agent. He counted to calm himself, pushing the thought of Tatjana away.
Eventually he saw Bond again, crawling slowly through the undergrowth. Safin held his machine gun at the ready, targeting the guard with the telescope. His finger on the trigger, he watched the guard stiffen at a noise and turn, then fall onto his back.
Safin saw movement from the left and focused with his rifle telescope. A guard rushed Bond from the left. Not recognizing this man as his, and afraid Bond would not get him, he pulled the trigger. A short but loud spray of bullets pushed the guard backwards.
Safin set down his gun and cursed. He ran directly toward Bond, who smiled encouragingly. "Great shot!"
"Loud shot.", Safin hissed, and went to the door, pressing the down lift button.
Both men held their breath and readied their weapons. To Safin's relief, the lift was empty but smelled like cabbage.
Safin pulled a screwdriver out of the side pocket of his trousers and tore the inner button case open. He ripped the cable out of it. The lights in the lift went out.
Without a word, both men ran steadily up the stairs, weapons on hold. Safin started sweating and took a deep breath as he tried to calm himself.
The next entry, an exit door, seemed to be unguarded. Safin got on his knees, Bond mirroring his action on the other side of the door frame. While Bond held the Ludger ready, Safin opened the door in his crouched position.
On the other side of the door stood a guard who turned around. "Стоп!", Safin hissed and Bond, as well as the guard, froze at the tone of his voice.
Safin flashed a smile. "Mika!", he laughed, and the soldier grinned back.
He rose and the men shook hands shortly, before Safin waved to Bond. "He is with us. Where is Luc?"
"In the bureau with Monsieur Moreau."
"Do you have a com to him?"
"Yes." The soldier opened his door.
"Just send him 'Lyutsifer', he will know what to do then. And, tell the rest of our men that I am not alone."
Safin started to walk, Bond at his heels. "What now?", Bond asked, confused.
"We will visit Monsieur Moreau."
On the way there, they walked along a glass window next to the fitness department. A nurse rushed out.
"Mr. Safin!", she said, baffled. "They told us you were dead!"
"You shouldn't believe everything Blofeld tells you.", Safin rasped, and pointed to the door of the clinic area.
"Collect your colleagues in the break room and don't come out before you hear an order from Luc. Clear?"
The nurse stepped back, shocked. "Oh, okay. Okay."
Two corridors more and they met two more guards, all Luc's men. "I feel silly." Safin turned to Bond. "I had thought we would get more of a fight."
"Don't say it too loud!", Bond warned, looking suspiciously to the left and the right. "We don't have Blofeld or Tatjana yet."
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crewman-penelope · 4 years
The Green-eyed Monster
Fandom: James Bond / Rami Malek
Chapters : 21 of 27
Characters : Lyutsifer Safin, Tatjana Safin ofc, Luc Dupont omc, Marie Dupont ofc, Camille ofc, James Bond, Moneypenny, Q, Mr. Hinx, Frau Dr. Vogel, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, M, Nomi, Mr. Moreau
Relationship : Lyutsifer Safin / OFC Character, Ernst Stavro Blofeld /OFC Character
Warning : Lemon, Hostage, dub-con, non-con, blood, gruel dead scene
Rating : MA
Gene: Crime / Drama /Romance
Summary : SPECTRE is back, but was that really what Safin wanted? Bond gives no shit at first...
Note : The rights for the Bond Books and the movies lays by Eon production!
This fanfic is for entertaining purpose only and to read for free.
English is not the writer's first language!
Still thirsty for some Safin content, so I have to write it myself. :-D
21. The cavalry
Bad Ischl was a Winterwonderland. Filled with tourists for Easter vacation. Bond could hear bits of unfamiliar languages.
"... Bratzn weg, sonst setzt's wos!.. "
"... Mama, noch eine Runde.."
"... stomach troubles, of you.."
"... pas si vite.."
Like Safin, Bond wore a white snow coat, the hood low over his face. Safin covered half his face with a scarf.
Bond had his phone in his ear, listening to the dial tone.
"Double O7?", Q finally answered. Bond could hear the shrieks of children on Q's end.
"Hey Babysitter! Are you in the hotel?" Bond waved Safin over to let him listen.
"I will put you on speaker. Go on.."
"Yes, the twins and the women are with me. Marie's husband sent a soldier behind them who nearly killed me. Thankfully, I knew the password; 'Lyutsifer'."
"Come to the point, young man. What is waiting for us?", Safin threw in.
"Blofeld with Moreau, Dupont, Hinx, two private guards and 8 soldiers. The rest are servants, two doctors and nurses. Twenty people.", Q went on.
"Wonderful.", Safin purred and smirked at Bond. "Hinx, Dupont and the soldiers are on our side. We have to look out for Moreau and that some of the servants won't try to be 'Heroes'."
"Well, then, good luck to you both.", Q responded. "Babysitter out."
Safin smirked. "I like him. Good humour."
Bond raised an eyebrow. "Don't even think about it. You have stolen enough from our paper pushers."
Safin opened his mouth to answer but this time his phone rang. "Oh, the intranet phone works at such a distance?", he muttered and picked up.
Bond watched him curiously. 'Intranet phone?'
He saw Safin's half hidden face, which grew hard while talking on the phone. Bond didn't ask, but waited patiently until he finished.
Safin's grey piercing eyes looked at Bond, burning. "What?", he asked.
"Blofeld is out of the house. Went skiing with Tatjana. Mr. Hinx said.."
"... he said Blofeld had set up a surprise for her in a cabin.."
Bond understood. "Okay, we're going up now!"
Safin pointed. "This way to the cable railway. They end near the 'Katerkogel', from there we'll have to snow mobile up to the centre.", he explained while walking faster and faster.
"What about guns?", Bond hissed in his ear while looking around.
"Two machine guns in the snowmobile. At the centre we have the help of Luc."
Safin took a deep breath and muttered more to himself than Bond: "I should not be this nervous."
Stepping into one of the cable cars Bond muttered back: "Honestly, better nervous than too sure about oneself."
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crewman-penelope · 4 years
The Green-eyed Monster
Fandom: James Bond / Rami Malek
Chapters : 17 of 27
Characters : Lyutsifer Safin, Tatjana Safin ofc, Luc Dupont omc, Marie Dupont ofc, Camille ofc, James Bond, Moneypenny, Q, Mr. Hinx, Frau Dr. Vogel, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, M, Nomi, Mr. Moreau
Relationship : Lyutsifer Safin / OFC Character, Ernst Stavro Blofeld /OFC Character
Warning : Lemon, Hostage, dub-con, non-con, blood, gruel dead scene
Rating : MA
Gene: Crime / Drama /Romance
Summary : SPECTRE is back, but was that really what Safin wanted? Bond gives no shit at first...
Note : The rights for the Bond Books and the movies lays by Eon production!
This fanfic is for entertaining purpose only and to read for free.
English is not the writer's first language!
Still thirsty for some Safin content, so I have to write it myself. :-D
17. Prison
In the next few days the offshoot of a storm didn't allow Tatjana and her twins to be outside. The ice cold wind and the wild snow fall were dangerous for anyone who would be so stupid as to go outside.
Which, sadly, also meant that no one from the valley side could crawl up the mountain, as Tatjana had hoped and prayed for.
A month as a gallow period seemed long, but Tatjana wanted, of course, to be out of here as soon as possible.
Blofeld has been so cowardly as to drug her, and even though it had not worked in his favour, Tatjana was afraid of his next tactic. What would happen if she did not answer his wooing? Would he threaten the twins?
To her sorrow, she could see him doing exactly that...
She couldn't speak to Mr. Hinx nor to Luc, afraid that they were being tapped. She missed having a word of encouragement from them. Now she had to be brave and wait for better weather. She had to wait for Safin and a plan that would rescue her and the twins. And Luc. And Marie..
Thinking of the people surrounding her, who were dependent on her safety, she felt guilty. Even though the real fault was on Blofeld.
After lunch Tatjana went into the living room. Marie would lay the twins down for a nap and Tatjana had time to herself. She switched on the music system for a bit of Purcell and stretched out on the couch on her belly. While listening, she slipped out of her ballerinas and threw them unceremoniously on the ground.
She heard the door, expecting the coffee, and turned the volume down.
"Please just set it on the table, I will help myself.", she said into the air and turned the volume on again.
Her hands under her chin, bracing herself on her elbows, she listened to the first Rondeau of Purcells 'Fairy Queen'.
Closing her eyes she bobbed up and down with her feet, until she felt a hand resting on her lower calf.
Shrieking, she jumped up to check, bewildered that someone would dare to touch her. Of course, she should have known the answer.
"I am SO sorry, my dear.", Blofeld stepped back, wringing his hands. "I called your name, but.."
".. the music was too loud..", Tatjana shook her head and lowered the volume.
"I'm sorry, Ernst. I should not take everything for granted. That was really noisy of me, wasn't it?"
She gave Blofeld space on the couch and poured him some coffee. "Black?", she asked.
"With a bit of cream.", he answered, with an amused expression.
"I should know that, yes? After all, I lived here for 10 months before."
Blofeld waved the objection away. "With a very different mind set and very busy with your pregnancy." Blofeld took the coffee cup and had a sip before he went on: "I remember it like it was yesterday, how you looked highly pregnant." He smiled softly. "Carrying suited you, Tatjana."
She felt her face burning and poured herself a cup so she didn't have to look at Ernst. When she felt she had her face under control again she leaned back on the sofa, one leg crossed under her.
"You like operetta?", she tried to change the subject.
"Mhmm.. I am a friend of deeper Opera's. But not everyone likes baroque. I can surely live with it, especially when you listen to the Fairy Queen. It is fitting for you, Tatjana.
She gazed bashfully into her coffee cup. "How clever you are, Ernst. Sometimes I think you are in a competition to keep my face as red as possible.", she chuckled.
Blofeld used his free hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "I think I told you before how gorgeous you look when you are blushing."
She smirked and looked up at him. "You know us women. We need to hear such things more often."
"Tatjana, if you allow me, I shall speak of 'such things' to you all the time."
Tatjana could not help but smile at his charming offensiveness. "Ernst.. I feel I really need time to get used to your sweet words. I look at you and see the businessman. The Boss."
"Allow me to be more..", Blofeld whispered and caught her hand to lead it to his mouth. With a serious face he kissed the back of her hand and leaned in then to press his lips shortly but firmly on her mouth.
She sucked in her breath and swallowed, hoping her face did not show disgust. Watching his face, she seemed to not have revealed herself. The coffee cup clicked softly in her hand.
With her free hand she pointed to her forehead. "Here, please.", she whispered. "This is the spot I need your lips on."
He smiled paternally and set his cup on the table, picking her cup from her hand then to set it aside on the coffee table. With his free hands he held her head and pressed his lips on her forehead.
"Like this?"
"Yes", Tatjana sobbed. "Like this.", and cuddled automatically into his arms.
Like she had hoped, he did not try more, just held her while listening to the semi-opera.
Eventually, the door opened and Dr. Vogel entered. She stopped abruptly when she saw Blofeld holding Tatjana. Her face growing hard and pale.
Tatjana, who had startled at the entrance, glanced at Dr. Vogel and jumped out of Blofeld's embrace.
"Tatjana...", Blofeld whispered calmly but she shook her head. Quickly collecting her ballerinas, she walked out of the living room without another word, ignoring Dr. Vogel.
She prayed that Blofeld would be angry with the latter and send her away. One less person to worry about.
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