#Dr. Vogel
vivipokedex · 8 months
Your animal anatomy foundation 100% feels very solid, do you have any books or online sources to recommend to budding artists?
thank youuuu :)))
im gonna be honest... i never really specifically sat down to study drawing animals, or followed any art-oriented books or guides about that or anything. tutorials tend to not be very helpful to me because they rarely deal with gesture and focus more on getting the proportions right, which by itself is only a small part of it. and live drawing classes rarely involve animals...
i think it helps to have an existing, like, sense and confidence when it comes to observation and capturing volume and gesture in general. at the end of the day pretty much everything can be broken down into basic shapes, planes, blobs. actually A Blob is a good starting point to draw pretty much any animal... draw a blob and then put a head and limbs and appendages on it. yknow?
another thing is to just be curious and have an interest in the diversity and minutiae of the animal kingdom. i know it sounds very basic but I Love Animals. there are some real crazy creatures out there. obviously i recommend looking up as many reference pics as you can, not necessarily to copy stuff, but to have a handy guide of where stuff goes. but just looking at pictures honestly isnt quite enough in my opinion... read up on the animal. get a sense of what makes this particular species unique among ones similar to it, how it lives and functions in its habitat... watch a nature docco. watch some footage of weird little shrimp. learn how to tell different species of aeshnidae apart.
also, yeah, youre gonna have to look at and draw some animal skeletons at some point. i dont think you have to like, study the skeleton of every vertebrate you wanna draw, but yknow, its good to have a general knowledge. it really does teach you a lot to draw a horse skeleton and the individual parts in it. ideally of course you would be sitting in front of either the real thing or a 3d model, but sometimes photos and illustrations have to suffice... it's just important that you pay attention to what you're doing.
as for books... well, a relevant point here is that photos arent everything. obviously theyll give you a faithful picture of the living breathing animal, but thats the thing, they wont always let you see the exact shape, all the distinctive details, and so on. so this is where i recommend getting into some old timey illustrated books. yeah youre gonna have to do some treasure hunting... but listen. ive got this awesome book from 1979 for example, which lists pretty much every species of bird that lives in my little corner of the world, along with amazing detailed illustrations. it's so inspiring and informative. it is the kind of stuff i really wanna urge everyone to get into.
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ghostsprobably · 5 months
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I'm obsessed with this webtoon and it was all I could think about, so I made a video for it! Watch me draw fanart and talk about my theories for this amazing story here:
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bethcartoonist · 1 year
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Coloured ver lesgooo~
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Humanitarian. “Humanitarian”.
This is a collaboration piece with @dr-akeda-amuesments !! Go check out their half of the collab!
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the-dist-ortionist · 6 months
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I've given up on art flr now so here's things near my head in my room saying happy trans day of visibility
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pedroam-bang · 2 years
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Botanist and engineer Mark Watney - Ares III Mission Crew (2035)
The Martian (2015)
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madsthehatter410 · 1 year
The Muppets Mayhem is absolutely amazing. In my opinion, speaking as a long time Muppet fan, this is some of the best Muppet content we’ve gotten since 2011 or 2014.
So I wanted to run down my favorite moments in the series episode 1.
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#1- the concert scene right off the bat, the full body shot of the Mayhem! How awesome!
#2- Animal continuously saying Nora, Lilly Singh’s character’s name. As far as I can tell this is a running gag through out the entire series, I’m only on Episode 8.
#3- This moment with Dr. Teeth in the hot tub spontaneously producing Mai Tais out of thin air.
#4- A new rendition of Can You Picture That!! Switching up the lyric delivery, a new rendition of a classic.
#5- the actual cliffhanger the episode! Apparently in the world of the Muppets, the Mayhem get into cliffhangers all the time.🤷‍♀️
#6- these little post credit gags with Zoot taking a picture is kinda funny. I just find it really endearing.
Also side note, shout out to Moog! He’s my favorite of the new characters, he’s the bands #1 groupie/mega fan he’s just awesome.
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monkeyssalad-blog · 4 months
Dr. Morton #34 by Michael Studt Via Flickr: Dr. Morton / Heft-Reihe John Ball / Der Irre von Colchester Grusel-Kriminalroman cover: Theo Thomas Anne Erber Verlag (Sasbachwalden / Deutschland; 1977-1978) ex libris MTP www.romanhefte-info.de/d_weitere_drm.html
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reppyy · 6 months
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kayrockerqog · 10 months
And here weve reached a bit of a roadblock.
I had no clue what to do post Day 4 of Yugioh OC Week because, well, the prompts were kinda lost on me, especially since I haven't watched VRAINS yet. But! I've come up with a solution, and that requires a wee bit of Kayverse History.
I have my ocs (of which there are nearly 100) separated into separate universes based on what main fandom/storyline they follow. Naturally, Musa's by herself in the GX part of that, but it wasn't always that way.
Between her original inception and nowadays, there was a solid two or so years where I considered her a Gen, meaning she was in the primary canon universe where most of my general ocs were-- aka the guys with no specific universe aka were originally all Total Drama ocs.
However, those guys also often ended up in killing games.
And considering Musa's lore already had the typical narrative beats for an Ultimate, for a combo of Days 5 and 6, we'll be doing a universe swap, which is, ideally, Musa's ideal self in my Danganronpa fangan canon.
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Introducing, Miss Musa Vogel, Ultimate Conductress! One of the (un)fortunate contestants in the Trial of Kings reality killing game show!
Babbling about AU stuff under the cut :)c
And literally the third youngest in the cast now but somehow maybe the third most mature. Wild.
As an Ultimate, her avid schooling and perfectionism paid off, where instead of going to Duel Academy, she was accepted into a fast track university program for music. She's successfully cut her family out of her life, and, by the age of 18, is making a name for herself in the music industry as a conductor and composer for large cinematic and theatrical releases.
Only to become big enough for The Producers™️ to look at her and think "yeah, let's throw her into the killing game show!"
She may not have any friends her own age in this iteration, because they are both too hyper for her, but by GOD if she wasn't in good company with some bomb ass people.
Case and point:
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Her adoption via the overeager archeologist and their no-nonsense jeweller fiancé.
And also an entirely separate adoption by the Ultimate Opera Star, which, they both deserve I think.
So, at least she's in good hands!!
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girlactionfigure · 6 months
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 THURSDAY HERO: Rabbi Abraham Joshua Twerski
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Twerski was a Hasidic rabbi and psychiatrist who authored dozens of books, helped tens of thousands recover from addiction, and was a blessing to everyone he met.
Born in Milwaukee in 1930, Rabbi Twerski was the scion of two illustrious Hasidic dynasties: Bobov and Chernobyl. His father Rabbi Jacob Israel Twerski was a Russian immigrant and leading rabbi who was beloved by the Milwaukee Jewish community. Abraham was one of five brothers and the first to be born in America. He was raised in a traditional Orthodox home but attended public school.
After being ordained as a young man, Abraham served as his father’s assistant rabbi, and was in awe of his father’s ability to connect with people and counsel them. He later said, “I didn’t see my life as a performer of rituals, and I felt that if what psychiatry is doing is what my father used to be doing, well, then that’s where I’ll go. So I went to medical school to become a psychiatrist to do what I wanted to do as a rabbi.” He graduated from the medical school of Marquette University  in 1960 and served as clinical director of the psychiatry department at St. Francis Hospital in Pittsburgh for many years.
In 1972, Rabbi Twerski founded Gateway Rehabilitation Center in Pittsburgh, a program so successful that there are now 22 Gateway centers in Pennsylvania and Ohio, serving both Jewish and non-Jewish patients. The current CEO of Gateway, James Troup, said “Dr. Twerski is our founder, inspiration leader and the person we think of every day as we execute our mission and vision.”
His granddaughter Chaya Ruchie Twerski remembered growing up with her beloved zaydie. “My grandfather used to pray on Saturday mornings in Chabad and when we would walk home from synagogue, every single Shabbos was the same thing. Cars would honk, people would roll down their windows and shout, ’Sending our love,’ or ‘Five years clean, Dr. T!’”
At that time it was rare for an Orthodox rabbi to be an expert in secular subjects such as medicine. It was also a common belief in the Jewish community that alcoholism and addiction were gentile problems. Rabbi Twerski challenged both assumptions by becoming a prominent psychiatrist who wrote over 80 books and helped thousands of Jews and non-Jews recover from substance abuse – all while maintaining his identity as a pious and visible Hasidic Jew. He tackled subjects nobody else in the Jewish world was addressing, such as domestic abuse and drug addiction.
Those who knew Rabbi Twerski remembered that his favorite word was “gem” because he believed that every human being is a precious gem. Rabbi Moishe Mayir Vogel, executive director of the Aleph Institute in Pittsburgh, said of his beloved rabbi, “He would never throw anyone away. He would say, ‘We just have to polish them off and wipe away the dust.’”
Rabbi Twerski was the first Jewish leader to embrace the 12-step program created by Alcoholics Anonymous, despite the program’s association with Christian teachings. A renowned expert in spiritual and secular subjects, Rabbi Twerski wrote dozens of best-selling books, all with the same theme – self-esteem. A fan of the Peanuts cartoon, Rabbi Twerski co-wrote two books with Peanuts creator Charles Schultz. Noted psychologist Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb said of his mentor, “He was a great believer that there was no contradiction. A person could be a person of great faith and a rigorous scientist.”
In his long life, Rabbi Twerski made use of every moment. Besides treating patients, authoring books, and traveling the world to lecture and advise, Rabbi Twersky founded multiple organizations including Nefesh, an organization for mental health workers, the Kollel Learning Center, and Transitions, for boys from Orthodox homes battling substance addiction. Pittsburgh resident Mike Pasternak, co-founder of Transitions, described Rabbi Twerski as “an amazing person who cared about everyone. Every day I spent with him was an experience seeing someone be the ultimate mensch, caring for everybody.”
Besides his work as psychiatrist and spiritual leader, he was a gifted singer and composer. Rabbi Yisroel Rosenfeld of the Lubavitch Center of Pittsburgh said that Rabbi Twerski “had a beautiful voice and was a great composer of songs… He was an unusual kind of person. A person that was down to earth, but at the same time very spiritual. He had a foot in and was able to reach out and be effective in the entire world.”
Rabbi Twerski died in Israel on January 31, 2021 at age 90 and was survived by his wife Dr. Gail Bessler-Twerski, four children, and many grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren. His first wife Golda died in 1995. Rabbi Twerski’s will specified that there should be no eulogies at his funeral, instead mourners should sing a melody he composed for the words of Psalms 28:9, “Deliver and bless Your very own people; tend them and sustain them forever.”
For saving lives and blessing the entire world with his saintly presence, we honor Rabbi Abraham Joshua Twerski as this week’s Thursday Hero. May his memory be a blessing.
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alliluyevas · 25 days
book recommendations on mormon history?
oooh worm. very excited. I'm going to focus for now on what I would consider the best introduction books to Mormon history (of the ones I have read).
the number one book I would recommend for people who know little to nothing about Mormon history is American Zion: A New History of Mormonism by Benjamin Park. I think it is an excellent new entry to help fit a much-needed niche of "overview broad-brushstrokes history of Mormonism that is not written from an explicitly faithful perspective." (The author is LDS, but it's definitely written to appeal to secular audiences in a way that the other existing overview books which are mostly church-produced are not.) It goes from Joseph Smith all the way up until Mitt Romney, essentially.
If you want something that goes a little bit deeper and doesn't cover quite as much time, I actually would also recommend Dr. Park's other book, Kingdom of Nauvoo, which covers the period of Mormon settlement in Illinois from 1838-1846, including the advent of polygamy and Joseph Smith's assassination. The Nauvoo era is really interesting and arguably the most crucial period in very early (pre-Utah) Mormonism.
For a narrower focus within the Nauvoo era, American Crucifixion: The Murder of Joseph Smith and the Fate of the Mormon Church is also pretty good and is a very accessible read. Joseph Smith for President: The Prophet, The Assassins, and the Fight for American Religious Freedom covers a lot of the same ground. I would still recommend these books for Mormon history "beginners" because Joseph Smith's life and death is so pivotal.
In terms of reading more about Joseph Smith, I would recommend Fawn Brodie's biography No Man Knows My History, with some caveats. I think this is a beautifully written book and a lot of the scholarship does hold up, but a) it was written in the 1940s b) it was written by someone who was in the process of leaving Mormonism and definitely takes the position pretty stridently that He Made It All Up and it's controversial within Mormon history as a field because of that. There have been other biographies of JS written since Brodie: Dan Vogel's is good but extremely dense, and Richard Bushman's I have not read so I don't feel like I can recommend it. (Side note: I think it is very difficult to write biography about Joseph Smith because the question of whether or not the author believes he was a prophet and the subsequent question of whether or not the author believes he believed he was a prophet is really omnipresent. I don't think you can really evaluate his life and work without also evaluating the truth claims of Mormonism as a religion in a way that is not quite as true for subsequent church leaders.)
Speaking of subsequent church leaders, I would really strongly recommend Brigham Young: Pioneer Prophet by my former professor John Turner, who is really getting gassed up on this blog today, lol. Great bio of the man who shaped Mormonism more than anyone except Joseph Smith (and, arguably, just as much as Joseph Smith.) I actually think this would work fantastically as an overview too because Brigham Young joined the church very early so you basically get a front row seat from origins well into the Utah period.
I wish I had more intro recs about the Utah period or about Mormon women's history/polygamy, but a lot of what I've read on that is either really niche in focus or really dense, so I'm not sure it is a great place to start. That being said, if you want a female perspective on early Mormonism, you should read Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale Smith which is a biography of Joseph Smith's legal wife. It's a great book and was a really ground-breaking classic in Mormon history that imo totally changed the mainstream LDS narrative about Emma.
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tophats-tea · 26 days
drawing fanart everyday for Danganronpa: A New Generation until the First Episode comes out
Day 214: (ft Florian Vogel from @dr-akeda-amuesments)
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Check out the fangan(s)!
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capsarcastica · 1 month
Dexter Final Season Rewrite
I know I'm a little late to the party. I finally finished watching all of Dexter. I really enjoyed the show, but I can understand why the final season disappointed fans. It's not the worst finale I've ever seen (How I Met Your Mother) but neither does it stick the landing leaving fans satisfied (Friends).
Shows about anti-heroes like The Shield, The Sopranos, and Breaking Bad know that the best finale is the walls closing in on them. Unfortunately, Dexter wasted that story in the second season. Other characters had their suspicions about Dex, but they were dealt with. The finale tries to have a personal story that ties things together, that doesn't quite work. There's a good story idea. So I thought I'd rewrite the final season.
So, if I was in the writer's room this is what I would have rewritten the final season to be.
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Since the death of LaGuerta, Debra has embraced being Dexter's partner in crime. She uses him to help clear the filth out of Miami that the law can't get, manipulating the department to help cover for him. Dex worries she might be too eager to help him. She rationalizes that it's dealing with the criminals one way or the other. The other cops notice, but figure she's just forging her own path as lieutenant. Batista secretly notifies Internal Affairs his concerns.
Dex and Deb have started a romantic relationship. They don't tell anyone besides Harrison and Jamie, but it's an open secret at the office. Quinn is bothered by it but Batista and Masuka rationalize that they aren't really related so it's fine. They're a good couple, with Dex being more human and Deb getting control of her life. However, Harrison seems to miss Hannah more than he likes Aunt Deb as his new mother.
The Brain Surgeon begins his rampage in Miami, but all the people he kills are bad. Dex wonders why these people never showed up on his radar. He closes in on the Brain Surgeon only to find him dead by another serial killer. That killer is soon found dead by another killer. It becomes apparent that serial killers are going after each other in the city. Dex becomes worried and grows paranoid that others are following and watching him.
Dr. Evelyn Vogel, the Psychopath Whisperer, is brought in. She throws out hints that she knows about Dex's double life and when confronted says she doesn't fit Harry's Code. She tells Dex that Harry came to her for help with him as a child and she gave Harry the code, essentially becoming Dex's spiritual mother. Dex opens up to her and they bond over talks about Harry.
Deb begins seeing Hannah around town watching her but can't find proof. She thinks she's just seeing things as she's stressed by the job and Hannah still being out there. Eventually, she drugs and kidnaps Deb. Hannah says she's a better match for Dex and mother to Harrison. She's about to kill Deb Bay Harbor Butcher style when the police arrive but Hannah gets away. The police renew interest in the Butcher and whether Hannah is the real Butcher or just copying. The police have officers follow Deb and Dex for their protection.
Dex tries to investigate these psycho killings but struggles with police watching him. Vogel reveals to Dex that all these killers have been her patients. He goes through her files and finds all the killers only kill bad people like him. He finds out that Vogel gave the Code to all these people, essentially creating an army of Killer Killers who all share Dex's MO. He finds Vogel is dying and she's cleaning house by getting her patients to kill each other to cover her own involvement. She never tried to cure anyone, she was molding killers.
Dex soon finds himself fending off other serial killers just as smart as him while trying to find Hannah, who is now following Harrison around. IA investigates Deb finding that she's manipulating investigations about those who would fit Bay Harbor Butcher's MO, who are then disappearing. Hannah is ruled out as the Butcher but earlier suspicions from Doakes, Quinn, and LaGuerta put the spotlight back on Dex. They rerun much of Dex's lab work and find he too has been manipulating the police.
Dex decides Vogel needs his table. However, Hannah drugs Dex and she tells him she wants a family. She says she'll take Harrison to Argentina and expects him to join them. Once Dex recovers, he races to Harrison only to find Jamie drugged and his son gone. At that moment, the Feds bust in and arrest Dex. The police try to argue for Dex, but the line of logic makes too much sense to ignore.
The Feds struggle with hard proof about Dex, as he's covered his tracks well and hidden everything. They confront him about eight seasons of crimes but he plays it cool. He's released but warned he's a person of interest and not go to anywhere. By now, Hannah has taken Harrison far away. Deb tries to use her pull but is suspended pending IA's investigation. More killers turn up dead but now Dex and Deb lack the resources to investigate on their own.
Dex and Deb decide to risk taking his boat to Cuba to find a way to Argentina, using the approaching hurricane as cover. Before he goes, Dex confronts Vogel who reveals she only has two patients left: him and Hannah. They were supposed to take each other out but instead fell in love. He kills Vogel, his newfound mother figure, but a Fed bug captures the whole thing including an admission to being the Bay Harbor Butcher and that Deb is in on it.
Dex and Deb race to the boat and are confronted by Feds. They fire and fatally hit Deb. A distraught Quinn intervenes and Dex uses the moment to get Deb to his boat and take off. They are soon lost in the storm. Deb says a tearful goodbye before dying. Dex realizes true love means sacrifice. Harry sacrificed for him and he must sacrifice for his son. He knows he can't stay with Harrison and that he has one last killer who fits the Code: himself. He puts the boat on cruise control straight into the storm.
After the storm, Dex's boat is found in pieces with no survivors. Everything about the real Bay Harbor Butcher and Psychopath Whisperer are made public. Now lieutenant, Batista has to deal with the fallout of Dex's reveal including reopening all cases Dex worked on and public backlash. In Argentina, Hannah cries seeing the news of Dex's death while Harrison seems happy with his new mommy.
The last scene would mirror the opening titles. Dexter wakes up, makes breakfast, and gets ready. Unlike the happy, sunny version of the titles this scene is dark and gloomy. Dexter looks like a man defeated and the music is more depressing. After the titles recreation, he puts on what looks like his Bay Harbor Butcher outfit and plunges a knife into something. It's revealed to be a deer and he is now a game butcher in the snowy mountains of Alaska.
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beepbeepinthecorner · 1 month
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"Ah, of course you will be invited as well Dr. Beck." "Definitely not what I was worried about."
Beck and Martinez were doing some stupid shit and Lewis told Vogel to take care of it.
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theyenvyhi3 · 1 month
My Ikemen Villain DR (otome game)
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context (bad English)
April 6th 1890 : England, London 9PM
Cat is a young woman who works as a postwoman.
One night, she decided to work overtime.
As her last delivery, she has to go in mansion to deliver the letter, however no one was there and the portal was open so she took the opportunity to enter.
It was silent, dark, but she kept going into the darkness.
She saw a door who was slightly opened, however after she pushed it, she saw a head on the floor along with 9 men.
Silence between both parties, she wanted to back up but was stopped by a white haired man.
9 men explained to her that they were an organization called "Crown" who worked for the Queen Victoria and have "curses" (power) which helped them to solve cases in the city.
Since Cat discovered their secrets she has to die, however, she makes an offer, "Crown" will give her a month to prove herself to them in order to not die.
In the end, she became "the fairytale master" of "Crown", nevertheless, Victor warned her : "Don’t fall in love".
Will she be corrupt by those sinful strangers ?
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about me
name : Cat Heart
age : 20
birthplace : London
language : English
positive traits : quiet, open minded, intelligent, creative, caring, nice, soft, calm/patient, introvert, poetic, observant, curious, brave
negative traits : sleepy, glutton
hobbies : writing, reading, drawing, painting, sleeping
likes : writing, drawing/painting, sleeping, reading, books, hot chocolate milk, rain, art, literature, cats, sugar
dislikes : medicines (because of their bad taste), vegetables, ghosts, clowns
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RESSEMBLANCE CLAIM : haerin (black ver.)
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POSSIBLE S/O (from left to right) : harrison gray, darius vogel, nica schwartz, ring schwartz (not sure about him tbh)
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Thank you for reading !
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