#Eternal Commander Evo?
nekorinnie · 1 year
Commander Evorurt getting irritated enough with bad grammer and spelling and formating and so on that he ends up editing/correcting his people's reports like a highly disappointed teacher and telling them to fix the Report when he gives it back after reading and marking corrections
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising adds Grimnir, costumes, new training features, more
Gematsu Source
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Grimnir will be a playable character in Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising, publisher Cygames and developer Arc System Works announced during the Nier gameplay trailer that debuted at the game’s EVO 2023 panel.
Creative director Tetsuya Fukuhara also introduced additional new elements such as costumes, new training mode features, the new online lobby, minigames, and transferrable data from the original Granblue Fantasy: Versus.
Get the details below.
Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising set out to expand the boundaries of the fighting game genre. And now… we’re taking that experience to new heights!
Aiming for a 2023 release, our teams are working hard to make Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising the definitive fighting game experience for beginners and veterans alike.
New mechanics
Enhanced Visuals
New characters / New story
Rollback netcode
And more!
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Design Concept
The core Granblue Fantasy: Versus gameplay experience will remain the same—the new characters and mechanics will serve to elevate movement options and strategic gameplay to new levels!
Thank you to everyone who participated in the online beta!
Enhanced Visuals
The visuals of Rising feature stunning, anime-like expressions through new post-processing effects. All in-game visual effects have been enhanced, along with some character models being updated for a more refined appearance.
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Rollback and Cross-Play
Rollback and cross-play are coming to Granblue Fantasy: Versus at long last!
We’ve been working on making this happen ever since the launch of Granblue Fantasy: Versus. After extensive research and discussion, we decided to rework everything into Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising as the cost to implement these features would nearly amount to the cost of making a new game.
It wasn’t a cheap solution by any means, but we’re glad we finally made it a reality!
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Previously Announced New Playable Characters
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New Playable Character: Grimnir (voiced by Griffin Burns in English, Megumi Ogata in Japanese)
Grimnir can command the winds to advance across the battlefield in multiple directions and shift the trajectory of his projectiles at will. By utilizing his superior mobility options, he can rush down foes and oppress them with attacks from every angle.
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I can’t stand losing in fighting games! It’s a lonely battle…
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Introducing “Partners”! Here to encourage, praise, and advise you! All partners fully voiced!
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—Guider to the Eternal Edge Gran’s Alternative Costume
More costumes slated for future release! Here’s a sneak peek at Gran’s.
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Versus Ranks
Versus ranks will be determined on a per-character basis!
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New Training Mode Features
Seamless situational training and combo practice.
Trials have been integrated into Training Mode.
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On-screen frame data!
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Engaging New Features
The online lobby is expanding into an entire island! Aside from the standard match stations, other fun attractions will also be available for players to take a break from their matches.
It’s a party! Team up against enemies or go head-to-head with other players in a variety of obstacle courses and survival games! It’s a topsy-turvy battle royale!
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—Rising Royale
Race to the finish while avoiding obstacles and use items to take out other players in this topsy-turvy battle royale!
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—Gold Brick Hoarder
Whangle up Gold Bricks and take them to your team’s stockpile within the time limit, Just like in Rising Royale, you might need to play dirty to win! 
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—Bombshell Barrage
Can you survive Beelzebub’s explosive onslaught? Watch your step as bombs obliterate the ground beneath you and be the last one standing!
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Is that… downtown Shibuya?! There are plenty of games yet to come!
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Transferrable Data from Granblue Fantasy: Versus
For those who enjoyed Granblue Fantasy: Versus, you have our sincerest thanks. The following data can be transferred to Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising:
Story Progress
Tournament Trophies
EX Colors
Battle Pass Rewards (Weapons, Colors)
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Release Date Announcement Coming Soon
“That’s all for today’s panel, but we have more announcements planned for the EVO finals [on August 5], so please stay tuned,” said creative director Tetsuya Fukuhara while the following slide was shown:
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Asked if “more announcements” meant a release date, Fukuhara replied, “No comment. At any rate, please wait until the day after tomorrow!”
Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising is due out for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam in 2023. Read more about the game here, here, here, and here.
Watch the new trailer below.
Nier Gameplay Trailer 
(From 12:44 to 14:30.)
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aurabird · 3 years
For All It’s Worth
Legend tells of a great war between two stags and their champions. Scott is the reincarnation of Aeor's champion, Alinar; but the reincarnation of Exor's champion, Connel, remains unknown to him.
He doesn't think he'll ever get the chance when crystalline corruption consumes the Empires he has come to know for centuries and leave only him and two others the sole survivors of the land.
That is when strangers come from worlds beyond his own, one such individual offering to use demigod-like powers to save them all.
But with this plan comes consequence, and with that consequence comes prophecy.
Inspired by @phoenixfyrebird​‘s crossover AU where 3rd Life is after Empires and is where Scott finally meets Exor’s champion
Ao3 Link
For as long as Scott could remember, the twelve Empires had existed together; their rulers granted longevity of life and immortality from everything but old age due to ancient magic left behind by Gods when they banished a horrible corruption from the land centuries ago.
All elves knew the story, but Scott had only recently learned of the underlying prophecy that came with it. The reincarnations of Connel and Alinar would fight for their respective Gods in a battle for the fate of the world; and that failure to stop the evil of the former would lead to an eternal winter.
Scott knew that he was the reincarnation of Alinar but he had no idea who Connel was reborn as. He had suspicions of course; Fwhip's affinity for the crystalized redstone that corrupted whatever land was around it and Sausage's constant practicing of blood magic being the most likely in his mind, but so far they really didn't seem to give off 'reincarnation of a great evil' vibes, despite their chaotic and unhinged behavior.
Eras of war and peace came and went for them and, just when all twelve empires had found harmony, destruction arrived at their doorstep in a familiar form.
It was all an accident, but it claimed its cultivator first. Count Fwhip of the Grimlands had become infected and twisted by the very magic he studied until his own sister had to cut him down to save him from madness. Her kingdom fell shortly after along with that of the Undergrove and the Lost Empire.
Mezalea and the Ocean Empire were next to fall, the latter ruler sacrificing herself to save her husband. The Cod Empire where the heartbroken king settled was not spared, nor was the neighboring Mythland, whose ruler perished trying to help the Cod and Mezalian Kings. Pixandria's ruler went shortly thereafter, followed by those of Smallhold and House Blossom.
Rivendell was the only kingdom left unaffected, protected by the magic of Aeor. Twelve rulers had been reduced to a mere three in just a few months time, and even now the crystalline corruption had begun to creep closer, bypassing the protection of the elven kingdom.
 Joel didn't want to die, for it was his wife's last wish that he survive.
Jimmy knew he had to live in order to keep the memories of the fallen alive
And Scott knew that as Aeor's champion, he could not surrender until the prophecy came to be
 They would have to flee, leave everything they knew behind with nothing but what they could carry. Even then, though, the corruption would never slow, it would catch up to them eventually, it would consume everything in its path until nothing was left.
Still, they took their chances.
Several days they traveled, several days the corruption just followed them. Sometimes they'd get a few days of reprieve, others they barely had time to rest. While Scott himself could fly with his natural wings, Joel and Jimmy's elytras had long broken by this point and with no time to rest and repair them, they would be forced to walk from this point on.
It was a battle they knew they'd never win and the trio was well aware that they were on borrowed time, why bother running anymore?
But, that is when two purple rifts tore open nearby them, pulsating and hissing with magic unlike they'd ever seen. From these portals came people, eleven to be exact. Ten from one, and a single person from the other. They'd been told the stories and fables of worlds beyond their own, and these strangers couldn't have been from anywhere else with the entrances they made.
As it turned out, these strangers were the sole survivors of worlds that had faced destruction of their own. The first group, from a world they called Hermitcraft, had once housed twenty-six individuals; of them, only ten remained. When asked about the cause of their home's destruction, three of them had guilt flash across their faces.
Vengeful beings called Watchers had destroyed the world, punishment for the guilty trio's insolence. The avian in the red jumper was a Watcher himself once, but fled from them with the only two survivors of his original home, Evo. He used most of the power he had to open a portal and escape with the group behind him now.
As for the other, the man in a sleeveless and torn suit, he came from a world known as Legacy. He had not been there very long before Withers and the decay they brought with them consumed and torn it apart.
That was when the three former-kings shared their tale, lamenting that these individuals had only left behind two destroyed worlds in favor of what would soon be another. There was no escaping the crystalline corruption that inched closer and closer by the hour, it would consume them all in time.
However, there was a small ray of hope. The avian from Hermircraft explained that he had enough power left from his time as a Watcher to teleport them all far away from the corrupted lands and put up a barrier that would protect them should the corruption ever reach that far. It wasn't the most ideal scenario, but it was all they had. In agreement, the fourteen found themselves in an area protected within a 700 x 700 radius. Plenty of room to thrive, plenty of room to live...
...then they realized a fatal flaw.
The magic that brought them back upon death, Respawn Magic, as the world-jumpers had called it, was limited within such boundaries. The avian, Grian, deducted that there was only enough in the area to bring them all back twice. Three lives to live, they had to make them count.
It didn't take long for the universe to alert them to the next flaw. With the dwindling respawn magic came consequence; a slow decent into madness would come with each death. Those on their second life would grow paranoid, flighty, and hostile. Those on their last life became  chaotic, aggressive, and bloodthirsty.
Collectively, they decided to call this curse by a fitting name:
3rd Life
Scott and Jimmy had grown close in the journey prior to the current living accommodations the fourteen of them were faced with, and the two of them took up residence in a flower forest with Joel not too far off. Joel had been invited to live with them, but the former king could not bear to live with the now-lovers, heart still broken by the loss of his wife. Instead, he befriended wolves, living alone with his canine companions.
Hermitcrafts survivors scattered; Cleo, Bdubs, Impulse, and Tango in a castle, Scar and Grian now bound by debt settled in the desert, BigB lived on his own, and lastly Martyn, Ren, Etho and the one Legate survivor, Skizz, ran an enchanting business in the taiga.
Despite the lingering threats of limited respawn magic and the curse of death slowly leading to madness, things went relatively fine...until Scar fell into a ravine, costing him his first life.
After that, he became antagonistic and manipulative, getting whatever he wanted through fear from everyone he swindled...
...until he didn't. Ren didn't surrender to Scar's tyranny and remained defiant; something that cost the hybrid his first life, and the second ones of both Skizz and Jimmy. It also caused Ren to do something drastic, something that struck Scott with fear and realization.
Scott was present when Ren asked to be sacrificed by Martyn, as it was the only way to make him strong enough to bring about the Red Winter. At first, the elf had thought nothing of the words, but when Ren lifted his head and Scott saw the veins of corruption webbing across the hybrid's face, once-blue eyes now glowing red as blood and full of a lust for destruction and chaos, the pieces fell into place.
Despite everything Scott had not forgotten the prophecy he'd learned so long ago, and until that moment, he didn't expect to ever meet Exor's champion before dying to a fraying world. But before him stood the reincarnation of Connel, the harbinger of eternal winter.
That night, he confided the info and the prophecy to Jimmy and Joel, both of them in disbelief. They didn't get to talk about it much, however, before Ren and his Hand showed up and demanded tribute and sacrifice through threat and force.
Jimmy burned their banner in defiance and Scott's gaze met that of Ren, allowing him to see the realization that flashed in the Red King's eyes. He too, had made the connection; why else would he proceed to have Skizz to shoot Jimmy down in the desert when there were plenty of other targets? He wanted a reaction from Scott, he wanted to send a message.
Lives were taken, blood was spilled. Joel and Scott had been the hunters of Ren and Martyn at first, but now they were the hunted, pinned down in the crater of what had once been the desert. If the elf had any doubts about the hybrid's true identity before, they were gone now. Ren openly admitted to being Connel before lunching forwards with the intent to kill.
Scott heard the sound of a body being skewered onto metal, but upon opening his eyes he realized that it wasn't his body impaled on Ren's sword...it was Joel's.
"Run..." was the dying order given to him, and with a heavy heart Scott followed the command, making his way to the Crastle where he took refuge within the building's walls. That night, he told the tale, of the corruption and the eternal winter; of his destiny to stop Ren...no, Connel. He asked them to fight by his side in a final battle. They all agreed, they had vengeance in their hearts as well.
The battle of Dogwarts was brutal, crimson dying the water and staining the grass as it pooled from fallen bodies. Now, Scott faced Ren alone, the two of them the only survivors of their respective armies.
Like prophecy foretold they clashed, the reincarnations of Alinar and Connel fought with unyielding vigor, staining snow with blood as their weapons tore through flesh and arrows pierced through skin.
But only one of them would win, with a final cry full of anguish about those he'd lost, Scott drove his sword through Ren's heart. Exor's champion was dead, he had won.
The victory felt hollow to him; he was surrounded by bodies and had already buried countless more, he was the only one left in a fraying world and Scott could already see the crystalline corruption that'd taken everything from him already at the edges of the magical barrier. He was out of time...and there was still one life left to go.
After burring the bodies of the newly-fallen, ally and enemy alike, Scott made his way to the highest peak near Dogwarts...and let himself fall. His instinct told him to catch himself and fly, but he didn't listen, only welcomed the air blowing past his face.
A sickening crack...agonizing pain as bones shattered...and then blissful darkness.
Scott's eyelids flickered open, light and color filling them as he looked at the sky from between the thick canopy of the jungle...
Wait, jungle?
He jolted up as the gears began to turn. He knew this place, but the last time he'd seen it, it was corrupted by red crystals and the colors of everything were far more vibrant compared to the muted shades they were now.
"There you are! I was wondering when you were going to show up!"
Scott's blood went cold at the voice...the last time he'd heard it was...
The elf dared to turn around, his heart skipping a beat at who he saw before him.
Dressed in his Codfather attire, stood Jimmy with a goofy grin on his face. Behind him, the rest of those that had ruled empires lost to corruption so, so long ago. "J-Jimmy? Guys? Where are...?"
Jimmy extended a hand and spoke "This is it, this is the end."
"Is it...home?"
"It's home, Scott. It's home."
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calvinjohaanson · 3 years
Eddard Stark lifted his head and looked long at the weirwood, frowning, but he did not speak.
Eddard Stark lifted his head and looked long at the weirwood, frowning, but he did not speak. There is a sign on the wall stating the discount according to the color on the tag, and I struggled with the simple math, but eventually concluded the garment was actually in my theoretical price range.. Boltons make bad enemies as well. No, you can’t deceive me! Perhaps you have some other calculations now; perhaps I haven’t said the worst yet; but no matter! You have deceived me — that’s the chief thing. Dre and Jay Z apparently know the label. For the sake of comparison, that's three mpg better than an automatic equipped Mazda5 or 2011 Odyssey and a whopping six notches haibike e mtb 2020 better than the four cylinder Sienna. IT IS ONE OF THE LARGEST WALKS IN OUR REGION AND IT bottines cloutees femme IS SET TO KICK OFF RIGHT HERE WITH A FEW ANNOUNCEMENTS ON THIS STAGE. Others skittered off Drogon’s scales, lodged between papuci de casa din pasla them, or tore through the membrane of his wings. Bigelow, I hope you will not forget me. Of course, I would not wear a faded print house dress that had to be ironed and an apron, made out of a former print house dress, which also had to be ironed. When Ty came home from school, you could find him playing Nintendo, with Boo on his lap, Risa at his side, and Benji at his feet. He had looked around at other faces. In 2011 Toms added sunglasses to its product line, giving sight restoring surgery or treatment for each pair sold, and in 2014 they announced that they had given away more than 10 million shoes, and given clear sight to 200,000 people. Keep the men to your right and left in sight, so the gaps do not widen. I have taken a flat on purpose, where we shall live when we come back. “There are times you make me wonder if you truly are my seed. He takes their money but he wants more. The Broadcast Television Journalists Assn. Sam Abou Ndour est l'un d'entre eux. She rose. Levi. Natasha herself, who was so libelled, knew nothing of all these slanders and accusations till fully a year afterwards. The mate who had assumed command reckoned that they catalog cercei aur turcia were somewhere off the southern end of the Isle of Cedars. To be eligible to receive some of the surplus foods, a man had to earn less than forty five dollars per month or a man and his wife together had to make less than seventy dollars per month.. Asha had spent her life on islands and on ships. This final half was the strongest rugby of the day, with good teamwork, powerful tackling, and more passing among the boys than we have seen in the past.. These simulations identified structural weak points in our design and provided information about its overall strength.. The junior finished second in the 200 22 years after his dad was second in the 200.. It drove the breath from him and sent him lurching backwards. Dark skin and white hair, the broken nose, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. Robinson says his best advice is to buy now when many are thinking about the sun and not the snow and the price is still frozen in place. Lady Walda gave a shriek and clutched at her lord husband’s arm. How could she? He was a knight of the Kingsguard, sworn to Mens JORDAN Hoodie celibacy. papuci de casa din pasla "I feel like it's an incentive to strive for originality," he continued, "something new, and maintain something exciting and different so you can beat them out and maintain a personal edge. In that training scenario, Jacob was leading the first four ship of allied jets, whose task was to defend the area from enemy aircraft. Rizzo, Gregg Landaker and Mark WeingartenUnbroken Jon Taylor, Frank A. Does he know? Griff wondered. Every mother who has a mother’s heart within her, ought to know that this is blasphemy against nature, and, standing between the cradle of her living and the маратонки puma mercedes amg grave of her dead child, should indignantly reject such a slander on all motherhood.. Street performers don't have a ticket price (for their shows). My son has plagiocephaly and is currently in a corrective helmet. They are joined by a young lad who stands a little distance away. As co director of "A Summer Celebration of Jewish Music" and director of the Jewish Jazz Project, Green presents a wide variety of Jewish music throughout the Berkshires. It’s too cold for most of them. “For me, it is all about the olives. To be called swing the puma red bull racing evo cat ii ball would need to bend in the air before it hit the pitch. Text >The appraisal district is responsible for supplying fair market valuations to some 63 taxing entities within the county, including 17 school districts, 27 cities or towns, the Alamo Colleges district and the .. Mr. May, president and CEO of Air Transport Association of America, an industry trade organization, said lengthy tarmac delays were never a benefit for airlines, but that the new rules will not benefit passengers.will comply with the new rule even though we believe it will lead to unintended consequences, more cancelled flights and greater passenger inconvenience, Mr. Given the right izraeli kézműves ékszerek team on the right day, they can be beaten. They have become alarmed at seeing the laws of God trampled under foot with impunity, and that, too, by legislators, sworn officers of the peace, and professors of religion. It is admitted; but no great evil can be averted, no good attained, without some inconvenience. Eight days ago Asha had walked out with Aly Mormont to have a closer look at its slitted red eyes and bloody mouth. You need to look down the road to make sure your income will match your needs for the house but also for other expenses such as college tuition and retirement savings, says Behnam. But anything to keep the bloody bastards sweet.. Now, if ever, was their time to cut this loathsome incumbrance wholly adrift, and stand up, in this age of concession and conformity to the world, a purely protesting church, free from all complicity with this most dreadful national immorality.. Snow caked his legs almost to the knee, and Bran had felt him stagger more than once. “Come, drink with me,” the fat man said. A knight of the Kingsguard was always posted at its far end. But Tywin had been disappointed in that. He holds little hope that his children will grow up to see a single Brooklyn neighborhood free of free range fowl and fair trade coffee.. He was walking beneath the shell of the Lord Commander’s Tower, past the spot where Ygritte had died in his arms, when Ghost appeared beside him, his warm breath steaming in the cold. “There. Is the Dior woman the Raf Simons woman? "No." Short, and emphatic. In the wild, alone with axe and garron, he was as good a ranger as any in the Watch, but he had never gotten on well with the other men. Out in the yard, night was settling over the Dreadfort and a full moon was rising over the castle’s eastern walls. Greene already had a federal disaster declaration because of damage from Tropical Storm Irene which struck on Aug. [I] draw, paint, anything like that. He protested his eternal unchanging love, and hotly justified his devotion to Katya, continually repeating that he only loved Katya as a nike jean jacket sister, a dear, kind sister, whom he could not abandon altogether; that that would be really coarse and cruel on his part, declaring that if Natasha knew Katya they would be friends at once, so much so that they would never part and never quarrel.
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berfometalpha · 4 years
Legacy of Eternity: Chapter 4 - Beyond the Sea and Stars Part 3.1: The Rescue... Awaken SoulZero
With the Strike Fleet going on the offensive to save their friends as chaos begins to rise in Vega prime. With Kent Redridge and his Sergeant Clayton Carmive able to recover the stolen armor and weapons of his comrades. Now time was not on their side as Vega was drawing closer to war that will consume them all.
At the north eastern district of Vega prime’s capital where the command center was held Rex, Marky and Genji were making final preparations for their plan to sneak into the base. 
The three hid at the back of an alley way across the command center where no cameras can see them.
“Okay, Lets go over the plan one more time... Marky will be our spotter since his scope can see through walls... Genji and I will go through the main door disguised as soldiers and get to the central computer room to get the intel we need...” Rex explained while getting into cover.
“Right but how are we going to get disguises?” Genji asked.
“Easy, after a long days work many soldiers will be heavily hammered and hang out or passed out inside a bar or on the street on their way back to their barracks... So... We nab 2 soldiers steal their uniform and that should do with the least of our problems...” Rex said.
“This is risky but I dont really know if this will work?” Marky said with concern.
While the three talked deep inside the command center’s restroom a loud laser cutting sound was heard on the floor. It opened the floor revealing a black suited beauty came out as she sealed the floor back. Their was a female soldier that entered the rest room and was quickly knocked out. 
She stole her clothes and tied her inside the utility closet with a smirk she planted a proton bomb inside the restroom with a timed detonator to disable the base just in case she needs it.
Lily moved with great efficiency as if she was not a spy at all in the eyes of the soldiers. She slipped into their mess hall and poisoned their stew with a powerful drug that causes body pain and rashes to appear in every part of their bodies.
“Okay the food is down now for the guards... But where’s Rex and the other idiots... they should have started infiltrating the base right now?” Lily thought.
Lily moved slowly but surely into the enemy base at the same time making her presence unnoticed and taking out the camera’s using her arm band’s jamming ability.
As soon as she reached the Commander’s room she planted a small microphone device on the door knob and moved away to one of the utility nearby closets.
Commander: Has she talked yet Warden?” Warden: No commander she is a tough bitch to crack. Commander: I wouldn’t expect no less from the Former commander of the Shadow Corp. Warden: Then What do we do now sir? Commander: Keep going until she breaks... WE haven’t begun extracting Micheal’s neural-evo Implants yet... Once we are done then we can dispose of both of them. Warden: Yes sir!”
The Warden saluted as he left the commanders office Lily thought for a moment for Micheal who was their primary target in the first place.
“Alrighty... Commander of Vega... Prepare to be... Tortured...”Lily thought.
As she exited the closet their were over 5 soldiers who were waiting for her as the commander of the base himself was waiting.
“Do you really think we are idiots to get infiltrated twice Black Lotus?” The commander boasted.
“Oh how sweet you came up with a code name for me... I was going to flirt with you for a bit before I get what I need...” Lily stated as she slowly raised her hands.
“You really are a bitch if you think we are letting you walk in and get anywhere near our computers!” The commander said as he pulled his pistol out and aimed it at her head.
“Yeah since the first time we blew up your base and destroyed half of your fleet... But you just made my job easier!” Lily said.
“And what is that suppose to mean?” The Commander asked.
“to think I was going to have to drag you out... But you came to me instead... Ill tell you what... I wont kill your soldiers if you come with me quietly?” Lily said.
“You have no power here you whore!” The commander said as he slowly pulled the trigger.
“I thought as much... Oh well...”Lily replied as she snapped her fingers.
The proton bomb that she planted earlier exploded sending a massive electromagnetic pulse throughout the base knocking out their security and most of their energy based weapons. 
Lily pulled out her high frequency knives and started striking the soldiers one by one in their key nerve points stopping them in them from moving. 
The soldiers tried to kill her but Lily was too fast for them and one by one they fell the commander ran for his life as soon as Lily was done dealing with the soldiers.
She sighed and pulled out her pistol grappling hook as it pierced his left leg and pulled the rope forcing him to the ground. She ran to him and knocked him out before he could call for help as she sat on his back wiping the sweat off her fore head.
“““Sigh”“ Well that was seemingly easy... I should ask Kent to give me lymphatic massage and a facial... or maybe a full body massage... Maybe ill ask him later now onto my next objective... But first... Wow he is heavy you need to lose some weight here pal!” Lily said dragging the commander into his office.
Though heavy Lily was able to drag the commander back into his office with his head jammed between the automatic doors preventing the doors from closing. She Grabbed the collar and threw him into the room closing the doors behind her.
She then got down and hacked the commander’s computer breaking through the security system was easy for her since they still used the same protocols and didn’t make any updates to it since her last Visit.
Lily grabbed the commander by the collar and slammed his face on the retinal scanner and his hand over the monitor allowing her access into his personal computer.
“Okay... Lets see what we got here... A monthly subscription to... Bunny girl suits... Okay not that... Subscription to... Punish me hard daddy.uninet...  Weird he likes those S&M things like Clay... I think they would make good friends but not right now... Okay here we go... Willow where are you?” Lily thought as she kept digging into the computer. 
After many minutes Lily managed to find where Willow and her Brother was located as it says on the computer. Willow was held the maximum security complex called the Pit located at the Far east in the old bone canyon 
While Micheal was being held in the science facility to the north at least 6,710 Km away from the maximum security complex. She also saw several dozens of files called Project Titan and played one of the audio recordings available.
Data entry number 01: - Project Titan, a top secret super soldier program that will help Vega’s military fight insurrectionists and all who oppose President Kormicheal’s rule. We have begun abducting children at the age of 5 below for the program and had begun their screening process this includes one of the Andersmith family members who come from a long line of soldiers.  He will be monitored and be placed under strict surveillance until implantation procedures commence.
“So these bastards already gunned for Micheal since he was a baby... These sick bastards... I’ll go over these data files with Kent later on... for now I need to get out of here along with this idiot!” Lily thought as she hooked up her flash drive.
After the download was complete Lily tied up the commander and dragged him out of the office again the doors suddenly opened to see Rex and Genji already inside.
“REX?” Lily asked.
“Lily is that you and why are you wearing a black mesh skin suit?” Rex asked.
“I’ll explain later... Grab that fat ass and book it to the exit I made in the girls restroom... I got everything we need in my uni-tool and Flash drive!” Lily shouted.
“Rex, hurry up  I can’t hold off the hoard of angry soldiers here... WHY YOU LITTLE!” Genji shouted as he man-slapped a soldier to the ground.
Rex Grabbed the Commander of the base as the three ran for it to the Exit as Lily pulled out her energy knife and carved the man-hole she made earlier and opened it again. 
The three managed to escape but Lily stayed last as she planted another bomb in the restroom to cover their tracks.
The three were in the sewers of Vega and exited through the back alleyway where Marky was waiting.
“Okay I won’t ask why Lily is here and why you all smell like sewage?” Marky said.
“Good man... Our ride should be here at any minute now?” Lily said as she pulled out her watch.
Soon after saying it a red unmarked van drove up in the alleyway as the back doors opened to see Clay and Kent in the drivers seat.
“Get on quick!”Clayton shouted.
“Is everyone in?” Kent asked.
“Okay Everyone hang on!” Kent stated as he put it on gear 4 and pressed his feet on the gas.
While driving through Vega’s streets the young knight was actually a designated driver and obeyed the rules of the road. And even using turn signals and everything which upset the sergeant.
“Boss we are not doing a show case for the bloody car we need to get out of here fast!” Clayton shouted.
“Clay you have your means of driving and I have man and No one likes a back seat driver!” Kent shouted.
“Kent I have the intel with a little extra baggage... Prepare the interrogation room when we get back? I need a shower first and Clayton my dear friend... Do not be alarmed but what I found is very alarming!” Lily said.
“Now I am seriously alarmed thanks Lily!” Clayton replied.
“Oops... Sorry... Kent can we get back to the Night Hawk as soon as possible please?” Lily asked.
“What did you find anyway?” Marky asked.
“I got a bad feeling about this Commander!” Rex added. 
“Me too my friend... Me too.” Kent replied.
After many hours the team managed to reach the Night Hawk without any problems though the riots of the lower city are begging to spread and shows no sign of stopping.
After a shower and a hot meal to eat Lily decoded the rest of the data she managed to get and it was just as she feared. In the War room of the Night Hawk Lily began to explain what she had found.
“Kent, Rex, and everyone else in this war room... I managed to decipher the files we extracted from the commanders computer and it held some pretty juicy information... First of all Willow and Micheal are being held in 2 seperate facilities one being called the pit which is located about 500 miles from here we will be passing through what they call the bone canyon this area is riddled with Anti-air ordinance if we pass through there in the Night Hawk we might get blown out of the sky... Though I have confidence in the ships cloaking but we can’t be too careful... “ Lily explained.
“So what about the little dude?” Clayton asked.
“Yeah... He is in an unknown science facility at least 7000 miles north from the prison... The only problem is... This facility has a security force of over 15,000 soldiers equipped with phase disruption weapons.... And they have sensors that can detect stealth ships... Which brings me to another concern... They are using Vai’len slaves to manufacture their weapons and are experimenting on slaves and Priestesses they managed to... Procure... During their last visit... I managed to get the total number of prisoners and slaves.” Lily stated.
“How many are we counting?” Kent asked.
“About 518,241 slaves and around 583 priestesses and double the number of mages... I have a list here if you...”Lily said when loud explosions suddenly roared out.
“What the hell?” Clayton asked.
“Sir bad news a massive hoard of Leviathans had just came out of warp space their are thousands of them and millions of flying monsters heading to vega as we speak sir!” One of the marines reported.
“This has Kyvash written all over it...”Kent thought.
“Kent we have an incoming transmission from one of the Megalodon Alpha’s... Should I patch it through?” Winter asked.
“Yes please.” Kent replied.
The Monitor in the war room revealed a humanoid like High Glaive with a tyrannodon like features such as fangs, heavily armored scales and an extended tail, Claws as sharp as swords, blood shot eyes and breath hotter than magma.
“Hello Lord Anthony... I am Tyrannox Alpha leader of the 7 War masters of the Great Mother Kyvash the goddess of Retribution... I and 3 of my brothers and sister had been asked to provide Aide to you while rescuing our kin. Let us know what you need and we will bare down our fangs on those who stand in your way.” Tyrannox saluted.
“Very well, my team and I are going to rescue Willow from the pit... Lily please send to Tyrannox the coordinates to the science lab where Micheal and many of the Vai’len are being held... WE will join you as soon as we get Willow.” Kent ordered.
“By your command... For New HOPE WE RIDE ONTO TOMORROW!” Tyrannox saluted as the transmission ended.
“Well we just got our distraction... So boss I think we are done with the stealth right?” Clayton asked.
“““Sigh”“ Yeah looks like it... Okay, lets get going... Lady Winter please jettison the external disguise and get us to the pit as soon as possible Lily please provide the coordinates to said location.” Kent said with disappointment. 
Lily provided the coordinates to the pit as the High Glaives began their invasion on Vega had begun. The Night Hawk detached its external disguise and made it’s way east of the city harbor. 
As the Night Hawk flew off from the Harbor like the other ships trying to escape the battle. Hundreds if not thousands of entry pods came hurdling down from the skies like rain it poured and it poured like a hurricane. 
The Strike team saw first hand the fury of the High glaives as each pod crashed into the city streets many warriors charged through the police and military blockades and tore anyone stupid enough to get in their way. 
“These ain’t mindless rabble boss they are extremely coordinated even those mech aren’t proving too much of a threat to those weird looking dog things!” Clayton stated.
“Those are Fang wraiths... And to be honest Im afraid of the High Glaives to be honest with you... they have the fire power, numbers and resources to maintain a long war... But their queen assured me that they will never aim their fangs or blades towards the Dragon-wolf and to Ren’veil but this sight of how they fight still scares me to the bone...” Kent said with fear in his heart.
Kent and Clayton were getting ready for the fight ahead of them when a very young Adept came into the barracks. He was nervous around the team as he couldn’t make a simple greet or gesture. 
“My Lord, Um... If I... Ugh never mind pardon my intrusion!” The sword Adept said as he hurriedly left the barracks.
“What was that for?” Clayton asked.
“No Clue... By the way... has anyone see my rifle brush?” Marky asked.
“What does it look like?” Kent asked.
“Its has a long brass body with red and blue brush on it I know I left it on my locker earlier...” Marky added.
“Oh you mean... Oh.... Oh... I saw it in medical... “Clayton said as his voice became a bit off.
“Wait why would Lily need my Rifle brush?” Marky asked.
The young knight sighed as he got back to his room and worked on his log entries as he became increasingly worried for his friends. All he could do was pray to Faith that they will be okay no matter what may come and hope that its not too late to save their friends.
About 40 minutes after the first and second wave of High Glaive warriors and beasts made land fall. The entire planet’s government and citizens were thrown into utter chaos not even Bone canyon was spared as the Night Hawk passed over head of what was left of the Anti-air defenses. 
Many Soldiers were torn to shreds by the Fang wraiths, supported by the Prowl hunters and many other creatures from the High Glaives army showed no mercy to those who pose a threat to their Mother’s wish.
The Night Hawk landed at the edge of the Bone yard where the Fang Wraiths and Torasque’s had recently rampaged. The area was heavily guarded by Vega’‘s best as bodies upon bodies of the High Glaives had been put down making a frontal assault impossible not even the torasques were forced to fall back.
The team were over a large cliff and spotted from a far and things seemed a bit dire.
“Okay It seems our work is cut out for us...” Lily said.
“I can tell heavily armed guards, rotary grenade cannons on every wall, laser turrets, anti-infantry and tank land mines... tanks, air drones, even an artillery facility... are you sure that Willow is here Lily?”Marky asked.
“Yes I am very sure I checked the data files and all the communications coming to and from the Vega base commander is right here.”Lily said.
“Okay I get that Lily if we do a direct assault the scorgon tank will not last against that much defenses and Anti-tank capabilities.. Is this really a prison it feels more like a fortress to be honest?” Marky added stated.
“Then what the fuck do we do huh? WIllow is fucking trapped in their and god knows what they are doing to her right now?” Clayton cussed.
“Calm down Clayton we will get her out of their we just need a big distraction.” Rex said.
“Then It’s time to bring out the big guns... Rex lead the rescue team...” Kent ordered.
“What about you?” Rex asked.
“I guess you can Rex... It’s time to suit up!” Kent said with a smile.
Kent only looked back with a smirk on his face as he walked to the Night Hawk’s armory their laid a massive black door the Hidden foundry. 
The young knight walked into the Hidden Foundry their seven massive armor lockers each with varying names written as follows. The SoulZero, Night Raider, Chamillione, Pyrozerker, Freyja Zero, Flash Gale, and God-Zero.
Though Varying in size each suit locker was sealed as if nothing and no one should ever be allowed to access them.
He thoroughly looked at each one of the lockers he saw the locker for Soulzero slowly opened revealing a 7 foot and 3 inch armor clad in Blue, White, black and Red with a hint of green.
By comparison it is bigger than any standard Knight Elite armor it was not bulky yet not slim in form.
The Helmet had a forehead guard with 4 horns protruding backwards, with a green visor white face mask with white fang’s on the side of the sides of the face as each side of the helmet was equipped with a green sensory lenses for full 360 degree coverage.
The chest was similar to a fully built man but in between the chest below the breast plates and above the abdominal plating was a green power core that produces an unknown energy source powering the entire suit. It also had blue shoulder blades with a white armor set for both arms each arm was colored and designed differently from each other except for the hands.
The left arm was clad in black and the power core on the left was similar to the Howling arm the young knight possess except for the elbows that hand a pair of extendable transformation High frequency blades. 
Along with the claws on each finger and the reinforced knuckles allowing the plasma core of the palm and elbow to recharge and use the plasma wave as much as he needs to during the battle. The right arm was white with a green power core with white overlapping scale type armor acting as a shield with the same blades for the elbows and claws.
Both legs had a set of hydraulic pistons increasing the jumping and running strength of the wearer. The Knee guards had pile bunker spikes with a revolver cylinder feeder for the spike. Both sides  side skirt armor can produce a number of High frequency blades for close combat called Schneider killers.
Each side of the lower leg armor had a hidden holster system that can deploy two sets of energy blades at any given time and the feet had two steel tipped claws that can latch onto any object and surface and deploy a micro energy blade from the claws for increased close quarter combat.
The suit itself possessed a Class 7 Adamantine plating infused with Zenomite and Crystorium plating allowing it to regenerate any damage taken, absorb energy and disperse it if needed and remain light and durable enough to sustain a 72 hour long salvo barrage from a dozen planet cracking rail guns.
“My son this thing is a monster... Who ever built this is a god...”The black queen said as she scanned the armor.
“How so?” Kent asked.
“If I were to say this... It is you but in a suit form... The Muscle fiber on this suit is 500 million microfiber per micro muscle strand. a self regeneration protocol, 500 micro quantum processors... Kent I recommend you do not use this suit!” The black queen said when the young knight touched it.
The suit suddenly burst open revealing 33 razor sharp interface needles lined up like a spinal cord. The Black queen tried her best to stop the young knight as the suit itself will kill him if he should wear it as she does not have enough viable data to go by. 
“Mother I know you don’’t want to do this but if we waste more time then Willow and many other Vai’len held inside that place might die... I won’t risk that happening... If this suit will give me a chance to save them then I’m willing to take the risk!” Kent said as he looked for a way to activate the suit.
As soon as he touched the interface needles the suit suddenly came to life as the interface needles interlocked with Kent’s spinal cord and secondary spine drilling themselves into his back.
The pain was unbearable as he started to cry out blood trying to withstand the intense heat he felt on his back and the drilling of the needles intensified his pain. 
After a brief moment the pain suddenly stopped as he heard a voice in his head saying Genetic code verification complete Identity confirmed Kent Redridge 777th descendant of creator initiating genetic repair protocols, injecting bio-uni chem.
He felt a warm slime like fluid flow into his back he could feel the pain going away the black queen was deeply surprised to see the status of the young knight’s lower back was being repaired down to the cellular level.
“Self repairs complete... Awaiting directive?” The AI asked.
“OUCH!!! My back felt a lot more than a tingle their... But Pleasantries and complaints later for now time for action... AI what is your name?” Kent asked.
“I am the Artificial, Linear, Interrogative, Calibrator, Entity... Or code Alice for human terms.” Code Alice said.
“Okay Alice, can I use this suit?” Kent asked.
“Yes, The suit has calibrated to your specifications and combat experience alone... All you need to do is step inside and we will follow your will.” Alice said.
Kent nodded as he boarded the suit as it locked in the young knight and the suit were one as the helmet close the eyes flashed a bright green light. As he walked forward the SoulZero was weightless it was as if the suit was his own flesh and blood. 
The young knight flexed his hands and shadow boxed for a brief moment and performed a spin kick to see if the suit was capable of keeping up and it did and more. The suit also improved his eyesight, increased thought processing, strength, agility, reaction time to the point that his previous limit was broken more times than his time in Hell’s gate could provide him.
“I could get used to this...” Kent said.
“Master, Reporting data on Citadel pit... Threat level 7.1, Operation Rescue Lieutenant Willow: Plausible, Location confirmed: Lieutenant Willow is located at level 210 Maximum security facility, Providing tactical data now.” Alice reported.
“Thank you please send it to Captain Rex and Clayton... They will be rescuing my friend while we have the pleasure of battling the soldiers... What do you say?” Kent asked.
“Directive confirmed, Sending data to Captain Razor Sigfield Crosswolf and Sergeant Clayton Carmive... Data Transfer complete, Equipment option variable 1... Initiating Weapon Fabrication.”Alice reported.
 The foundry began to move as it made a pair of small carbine rifles with a shield interlinked alongside the rifles. Below said rifles have interchangeable equipment from another burst rifle attachment, grenade launcher, switch blades and a grappling hook.
“Weapon fabrication complete... Weapon designation Switch Blaster shields.”Alice reported.
Kent nodded as he walked out the night hawk with his new set of equipment the young knight took a deep breath and stood still as the boosters of the suit slowly ignited. 
Rex and the others saw a suit of armor flew across the sky with a blue trail tailing it. 
“That must be the boss?” Clayton asked.
“Indeed he said here that he will distract the enemy and open the main gates but how is the question.” Rex stated.
Soon after gunfire and explosions ignited at the main gate of the Pit they all saw laser fire flew in all direction. Marky watched from his scope as the suit that their commander wore withstood over 6 miniguns firing at him and over a dozen m32 rotary grenade launchers and 3 tank rounds head on without even flinching.
The young knight turned and aimed both his rifles at the main gate and fired two high explosive plasma grenade rounds to the reinforced gate creating a massive gap in the prison’s defenses.
He slowly moved to another section of the base to draw the guards away from the gate creating a massive opening for the team to exploit.
“Okay that’s the signal!” Rex shouted.
“Right EVERYONE BOOK IT TO THE VAN!” Clayton shouted.
“Wait you actually Kept that van?” Marky asked.
“Hey it’s compact and environmentally friendly and I made some improvements to it... So shut up and get on we are moving!” Clayton swore as he grabbed Marky by the collar and belt and threw him into the van.
“Well... I won’t complain that is a fast way to get on a van.” Lily said as she go on the front seat.
As they got on the Van Clayton pressed his foot on the gas and floored it through the gate. While the guards are distracted Clayton and the others were able to pass through the breach the young knight made unnoticed. 
Clayton parked the van near the south gate’s prison block building number 3 and made their way into the central elevator leading to the lower levels.
With so few guards to fight it seemed like the young knight was the biggest threat to them than the prisoners escaping.
“Guys we have a small issue.” Lily said.
“You really like to say small issue huh Lily is that an incest thing?” Clayton asked.
“What no I’ll talk with you later you butt! The issue I was going to say is this elevator is operated in one location only to prevent prisoners from escaping... So someone needs to stay here to operate the elevators when we escape.” Lily explained.
“Why not hacking it?” Re xasked.
“Tried it but it wont respond this is a manual type of elevator controls its analog.” Lily explained.
“Okay then, Big bro, Boss cap, Sniper man and Lily... I’ll volunteer and operate the crane controls.” Genji stated.
“You sure lil bro?” Clayton asked.
Genji nodded as he entered the elevator control room as they boarded the elevator down to the lower levels. Marky switched from his rifle to a pistol and a knife since his sniper rifle will be rendered useless in the narrow corners and tight corridors.
As they went down everyone changed their optics on their helmet to night vision as light seemed to be a bigger problem at levels 51 and below. 
“So Lily where do we go next?” Rex asked.
“Good question...” Lily replied as she opened the holo-map.
The pit is more like a maze for vega’s hardened psychopaths and killers it is divided into 5 sections and we just passed the mild convicts and from level 101 we will need to go left from the main elevator hall. Then head straight and make a right where another elevator will take us to the lower levels once we pass through another checkpoint we should be able to find the maximum security section where Willow is being kept.
“Well shit I hate dark places!” Clayton stated.
“We don’t exactly have the luxury of making choices at the moment Clay so deal with it!” Marky stated.
“Okay get off my fucking case Marky!” Clayton swore as he equiped his flashlight.
“Okay you two cut the chatter with the general counting on us to find Willow we can’t waste any more time!” Rex ordered.
“Yes Captain!” The two saluted at the same time.
As the elevator stopped at Level 51 the strike team made their way into darkness as they saw the living conditions of each cell was inhumane with only serving minimum amount of food to survive and the space was only enough to stretch one’s arms and legs and the bathroom was only one small hole.
The criminals held in each cell was begging to get out and some even committed suicide to escape their situation. he soldiers who acted as the prison guards left them to rot or worse. 
The deeper they went the worse the conditions were and the darker the pit go even though their is sufficient lighting. After many hours of traversing traps, security turrets and elevators they were able to reach level 210 the deepest part of the pit.
It was a long corridor with less than a dozen rooms only used for interrogation and torturing people. The guards here seemed to be non-existent making their job a lot easier.
“Alright, everyone fan out pick a door we are running low on time!” Rex ordered.
Lily started hacking the door controls while Clayton kicked the reinforce titanium steel door. Two of the doors only showed lockers and miscellaneous torture devices and others.
After many hours of hacking and breaking down the doors the last door at the end of the corridor was the only place they had never checked. Clayton tried to bash the doors open but the last door seemed too strong for him.
“Okay I think we are on to something... I’ll need time to unlock the doors!” Lily stated.
While Lily started working on the doors when the facility started to light up and the doors suddenly opened. Genji got on the radio as the elevators were destroyed on his end 300 soldiers are heading their way to kill Willow.
“Okay, Clayton take the left side, Marky on the right Lily how much time do you need?” Rex asked.
“15 minutes... I’m already at the 3rd binary lock who ever made this is a really butt hole!” Lily reported.
“Lily we got your back get that door open!” Clayton said as he mounted his chain gun.
The three grabbed the lockers they saw earlier and jammed it to the elevator doors and made some cover between them and the soldiers.
After setting the barricade in the nick of time soldiers poured through the elevator shaft and started to fire at the three. Rex and Clayton returned fire without the use of explosives as it could cause the ceiling to collapse on top of them.
Marky used his sniper rifle’s tactical infra-xray scope and sniped the soldiers that were trying to sneak past the gunfire using cloak. Rex pulled out a flash flare grenade and threw it at the soldiers much like a Molotov cocktail. 
The fire melted the floor creating a massive gap between the soldiers and them as Lily was working on the door with Bullets flying past her head. A bullet somehow ricochet off the wall and destroyed the only terminal to the sealed room. 
“DAMN IT!” Lily shouted as the terminal exploded.
“What happened?” Rex asked.
“A bullet destroyed the door controls... I can manually open the door terminal but it will take me hours to complete!” lily stated.
“Okay that’s it!” Clayton shouted.
He drooped his chain gun and pulled out a small grenade launcher from his side belt and fire a Hell razer  round into the door. Lily immediately jumped away from the doors as the Hell Razer round hit the doors. After a brief second the doors began to melt as it left a trail of hot titanium.
The Hell Razer round is a combination of Liquid plasma mixed in with ryghdonium powder and mixed with liquid Jormite when combined it can generate heat up to 9,129 °C though experimental and strictly not advised to be used for conventional breach weapons no sane Promethian heavy gunner will ever use a Hell Razor round unless it is absolutely needed.
“Well that makes things a little better...” Marky said.
“How is this any better we can’t get through until the molten titanium cools off!” Lily added.
“Don’t worry I got this!” Clayton said as he loaded another grenade round and fired it at the river of molten titanium.
As he fired a winter fell round into the molten titanium it suddenly froze the magma like trail of titanium in a matter of seconds.
“Nice job Clay!” Rex praised.
“Yeah, one thing I learned in the home... Never leave home without a hell razer round and a winter fell round at the same time.” Clayton stated.
“Well good said... Clayton we can hold here you and Lily go!” Rex ordered.
“Thanks boss Cap.” Clayton saluted.
The two entered the last torture chamber to find Willow or what is left of her Clayton fell to his knees to the sight of the Archer maiden being strung up the wall like a trophy. Her arms and legs dismembered in the most brutal fashion organs being placed into jars with one of her eyes being placed in a weighing scale.
“She is still alive... But barely...” Lily said as she scanned the dismembered body of her friend. 
“I’ll ready the Iso-med-bed!” Clayton said as he gathered his courage.
As he took out the stretcher Lily tapped him on the shoulder assuring him that everything will be okay and she vowed to work round the clock to save their friend.
“Right... Thank you Lily...” Clay said as he got the stretcher ready.
Lily worked on stabilizing Willow when they heard a step in the far corner of the room her spine tingled as they heard the sound of a blade grinding in the distance.
The two looked at the dark corner of the room to see a massive hulking soldier wielding an over sized knife like saw with blood shot eyes. The soldier proclaimed his handiwork on Willow was the best he could ever do as it was art in his eyes. He then aimed his blade at the medic as he slowly walked towards her Clayton grabbed his chain gun and without a moment’s notice started firing at the soldier. 
Each round either bounced off his body barely scratching him as he tried to distract him away from Lily. He then pulled out the micro grenade launcher and fired a crack shot round towards the soldier causing to stagger as the explosion melted some of his skin. 
“Oh shit!” Clayton said.
He braced himself as the soldier rushed him damaging the rotary motor of his gun and with powerful downward swing he managed to slice off the barrel clamp. The promethain stepped back for a moment and threw what remained of his chain gun at the soldier causing him to stagger. 
Clayton tackled him and delivered a three punch combination followed with a powerful uppercut. He then grabbed the soldiers sword hand and crushed his left arm forcing him to release his butcher blade.
The Soldier kicked him in the chest and rushed him with his knife in hand to stab him right in the chest. At the last possible second Clayton dodge to the right and kicked him at the side of his chest breaking over 4 ribs at once.
The soldier was desperate to win as he threw his Knife at the medic even before he could threw it. Clayton jumped in and caught the blade and threw it back towards the soldier hitting him right in the left thigh slicing off the femur. 
Clayton stepped in as he stated to the soldier about making people suffer because they only wanted to protect their family. The soldier just laughed at him stating that they were not even human and are just living organs for them to extract for the glory of their own species.
The Promethian had heard enough as he grabbed his face and bashed the soldier’s head into the reinforced titanium column. The soldier was not done as he grabbed Clayton’s arm in a desperate attempt to break free but the Promethian stomped the soldier’s back breaking his spine in half. 
Clayton then threw him to the wall and grabbed the butcher’s knife and threw it at the soldier’s chest killing him in an instant. 
“Well that wasn’t fucking easy... But good riddance to bad rubbish!” Clayton said as he clapped his hands.
He walked back to what remained of his partner and grabbed her weapon heart as the body was already battered and broken. 
“Thank you Trenchy for helping me out since our first day with the Boss man I’ll fix you right up when we get back home.”Clayton said as he placed the Weapon heart in his back pack.
He walked back to the Iso-stretcher and prepared Willow for transport when explosions were heard just outside of the room. Clayton rushed out to see the battle was getting one sided as more and more soldiers poured through the Elevator hall. 
The Promethian took cover beside Rex and grabbed a nearby assault rifle and opened fire at the incoming wave of enemies.
“What happened to your chain gun?” Rex asked.
“I dealt with an ass in the torture room... Trenchy got hit hard boss Cap!”Clayton reported.
“Damn it we could have used some support right now!” Rex said. 
“Captain we have more incoming!” Marky reported.
“We make our stand here until the general can get to us!” Rex ordered.
“Yes sir!’ The two saluted.
As the battle in the torture level raged on meanwhile at the surface of the pit the young knight was hard pressed as more and more soldiers were pouring in from outside the base.
The young knight took cover at some fallen debries as he alone defended the main entrance to the lower levels. 
“It would seem that the Vega- soldiers really don’t want us to get Willow out of here don’t they?” Kent said as he reloaded his carbines.
“Master Reporting in, over 500 more soldiers are heading this way as we speak with anti-material sub machine rifles!” Code Alice reported.
“How about reinforcements from the High Glaives?”Kent asked.
“They are 12 minutes out!” Alice reported.
Kent held his ground and fired openly at the soldiers as his armor did provide a large amount of protection his ammunition was running low. Though his carbine energy rounds could destroy tanks but it trains over 12% of the energy clip. 
He used the rapid fire mode of his carbines though it conserved his ammunition usage it also ran the risk of over heating the barrels and malfunction was too fight of a risk. As the battle was turning in the Favor of Vega the High Glaives  were too far out and had been busy dealing with the Mega fleet. 
A loud high pitched scream could be heard in the distance the Night Hawk fired its Rail gun and its lower turrets opened fired clearing a path for the scorgon to deploy on the ground.
“Wait, Lady Winter I thought I asked you to wait at the rendezvous point?” Kent asked.
“You did but you guys were having a lot of trouble so we came to help!” Winter replied.
The scorgon tank immediately took out the heavy batteries that were aimed at the Night Hawk as it landed. 
Kent could not fight against Winter’s decision making as she is the crown princess of the Frost Wolves which outranks him in every right and she is also the oldest member of the Strike team making her experience and wisdom invaluable.
“Okay Lady winter you can help... But if the situation gets dicey then get out of here!” Kent ordered.
“I won’t leave you guys... Regardless if that is a request or an order!” Winter replied.
Over 2 dozen marines and 3 knights set up defenses around the main entrance the young knight brought with him 4 marines into the main elevator shaft to see Genji was already finished cleaning up the guards that passed through earlier.
Genji reported about large number of guards pouring into the interrogation level and Without the elevator controls on his side it was going to be difficult to get a direct line from the lower level back to the surface.
“Alright, do what you can from here Genji... The rest of you with me!” Kent ordered.
“You got it boss man!” Genji saluted.
With a smile on his face the young knight walked to the edge where the elevator was and pried open the doors with his bare hands. 
“So this is going to be one big fall... Damn it... I hate heights and holes... Forget this!” Kent said out loud.
He took a deep breath and took a leap of faith into the dark pit below the three marines followed him in with their jump packs in tow.
Alice reported in as the High Glaive fleet was able to break through the second line of defense and will send reinforcements soon the Vega high fleet had recalled their forces from their reserves to defend the capital.
It would only be a matter of time before the High Glaives would be overwhelmed but knowing the High Glaives they will not easily back down. As they fell into darkness the Marines turned on the built in flash lights in their helmet to help them see and the motion sensors in their helmets helped them track where they are now.
“General we just passed through Level 41 and motion sensors are picking up a lot of activity in each floor!” Tim reported.
“Then we need to hurry Line up behind I have an idea!” Kent ordered.
SoulZero Deployed over 6 blade panels called Zone familiars automated defense drones that serve as the SoulZero’s extra arms and guns. Though independent in thought and motion they are capable of providing support to the main suit when needed. 
The familiars lined alongside the marines and acted as their primary boosters as the angel ignited it’s jet boosters the 4 of them made their way down with all speed. At the same time Rex and the others were slowly being overwhelmed by the number of soldiers as it seemed like they were not running low on bodies to throw at them.
“Shit I’m out!” Clayton shouted.
“Here my last mag make it count!” Marky shouted as he threw a plasma clip.
“Thanks... But if this is it I just want to say... I have not always not hated you!” Clayton stated.
Just before they got overwhelmed a massive explosion was heard in the elevator hall as a volley of energy clips that tore through the rows of soldiers. 
“What the hell just happened?” Clayton asked.
“Didn’t I tell you Clayton to cut down on the cursing?” Kent asked.
“Boss man? Thank the maker am I glad to see your tall skinny ass!” Clayton said as he jumped out the cover.
“I am seemingly skinny Clay I just want to point it out! and I am glad you guys are in one piece but what about Willow where is she?” Kent asked.
Clayton took the liberty of explaining what happened as Lily had a difficult time to move her as most of her organs are removed and most if not all of her blood was drained out. 
The team didn’t have much time left as the soldiers were massing for another counter attack as they worked together and moved the dismembered parts of Willow into the Iso-med-bed. 
It took a while for the entire team to get back to the surface after taking the stair hidden stairwell after the elevator shaft broke down at level 51.
“Finally...”“Wheezing”“” Clayton said as he was short out of breath.
“If we only didn’t run out of fuel half way through!” The marine reported.
“Right... At least we are through Now everyone get back to the Night Hawk we are leaving!” Kent ordered.
As the team boarded the Night Hawk just before they left the Planet they received word from their High Glaive allies regarding the science facility. It was able to escape into deep space with a large number of transport ships into the unknown region of deep space.
Despite their best efforts to save both of them Willow was the only one they could save. Everyone was upset as the Leaders of Vega abandoned their own kin as the planet was slowly falling into discord and most of their naval fleet was either destroyed, torn apart even after surrendering and fled the system. 
They regrouped aboard the Storm Raider to gather their thoughts and see about their next plan of action as to what to do with Vega and her people. Willow was brought into the Medical bay of the Storm Raider if their was any hope of giving her a second life the Medical Facility of the Storm Raider was the best shot to give her said chance. 
Clayton was slowly losing hope for Willow as she was taken away by the Knight Healers deep into the many hospitals of the Massive Arc-like ship. The young knight tapped his shoulder and told him to go with them the best thing to do was pray to the Faith for a miracle this day.
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entergamingxp · 4 years
PlayStation Store Spring Sale — 7 Great Games You Should Pick Up
April 1, 2020 5:00 PM EST
The PlayStation Store Spring Sale has some of the best PS4 games available at a steep discount. Here are 7 games you should grab before the sale ends.
It’s Wednesday, April 1. Do you know what that means? A new sales event on the PlayStation Store, duh. Dubbed the “Spring Sale,” you can save up to 50% on some incredible games spanning all genres. Here are 7 great games you should pick up during the PlayStation Store Spring Sale.
DOOM (2016) — $7.99
2016’s DOOM is one of the best first-person shooters this generation. Heck, I would argue it’s one of the all-time greats in the popular genre. While it may not have the most complex narrative, the campaign is an absolute blast that touts some fantastic shooting mechanics, hellish visuals, and a ripping (and tearing) soundtrack. For $7.99, this is a steal and will help you get caught up with Doom Slayer’s story if you plan on playing its recently-released sequel, DOOM Eternal.
Kingdom Hearts All-In-One Package — $29.99
Normally, I would steer clear from anything Kingdom Hearts related, but this is an incredible deal for anyone looking to get into the beloved series. Kingdom Hearts All-In-One Package includes Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX, Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue, and Kingdom Hearts 3. In short, this package gives you everything you need to experience Sora, Goofy, and Donald’s ridiculous adventure.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience — $5.99
Speaking of ridiculous adventures, Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience is also on sale. Say what you will about the actual story, but the gameplay in Metal Gear Solid V is incredibly crafted and tons of fun. I mean, you can command a horse to poop. Not many games can top that feature. Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience does pack both Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain, so you can play through the story in its entirety.
Tekken 7 — $9.99
There are a slew of great fighting games available at a discount with the PlayStation Store Spring Sale. Games like Mortal Kombat 11 and Dragon Ball FighterZ are exceptional in their own right. However, Tekken 7 is the fighting game I would recommend from this list. It is arguably the biggest fighting game right now. Even years after its release, it is still a headliner at major fighting game tournaments like Evo and Combo Breaker. It was also my personal game of the year back in 2017.
The Last of Us Remastered — $14.99
Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us is one of the best PlayStation titles of all time, and this remastered version only improves what was already a fantastic game. Telling the dramatic tale of Ellie and Joel’s emotional journey across the United States during a pandemic that has completely changed civilization as we know it…sounds a little like now, to be honest. If you really have not played it, you absolutely should pick this up, especially with The Last of Us Part II releasing next month.
Until Dawn — $9.99
Supermassive Games’ narrative-driven horror romp Until Dawn is such a joy to play, especially with other people. While it only features a single-player mode, the choice-based gameplay makes it a great interactive experience for friends and family. If you love B-horror movies, Until Dawn is right up your alley.
Yakuza 6: The Song of Life — $14.99
I’m going to be honest, I haven’t played Yakuza 6: The Song of Life. However, I did just beat Yakuza 0 last night and started Yakuza Kiwami this morning. I can confirm that the Yakuza games are amazing and should be played. Putting a cap on Kazuma Kiryu’s long-running journey as the Dragon of Dojima, this is a game any Yakuza fan will probably want to play. I know I do.
You can check out the full list of games discounted during the PlayStation Store Spring Sale here. These offers last until April 28, but more games will be added to the lineup on April 15. Are there any games you think we missed? Let us know in the comments below what you will be grabbing while you stay in.
April 1, 2020 5:00 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/04/playstation-store-spring-sale-7-great-games-you-should-pick-up/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=playstation-store-spring-sale-7-great-games-you-should-pick-up
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